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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

"Changing negatively, everyday" defines my existence since November 9, 2016, so I too feel validated by the panel's anger.   My business has fallen off dramatically.  Customers have been telling me for months they are afraid to part with disposable income anymore due to fears of losing health insurance, the impact of the new tax bill, anxiety over the general uncertainty of the country right now, and worries about North Korea.   Meanwhile for the first time in 20 years I am struggling to pay my bills due to the dropoff.   All the bullshit about the great economy is just that -- bullshit.   It may be great for those wealthy enough to reap rewards from Wall Street, but that's not me.

Being self-employed, I am 100% reliant on the Affordable Care Act to buy insurance.   In 2017, my anxiety levels over the future of the ACA have rollercoasted between "worried" and "lay awake at night worried."

Now I'm worried how the tax bill is going to hurt my bottom line.

And all of it is due to the egomaniac in the White House.   I am beyond exhausted by the stress he and the Republicans have introduced into my life.   

We snark on Scarborough a lot, and rightly so, but at the same time it bears saying that if not for his strident, vocal opposition to the daily travesties foisted upon the people of this country, we would have no one standing up for what's right. No one else in media is courageous enough to take a hard, angry line against Trump and the Republicans.    Yes, it's paying off for him in terms of higher ratings and probably more money,  but I don't have a problem with that, nor do I think it dilutes his message.  IMO, he deserves to be rewarded for refusing to bow.

What would be the point?   All they do is obfuscate and spread information that is demonstrably false.  Why should Scarborough sacrifice any air time to these people?  CNN should have cut them off right at the start; instead, CNN created this new tradition of false equivalency, hiring the cretins and giving them equal weight and equal air time to misinform the public.  It gave them a foothold, and before you knew it we had crazies like Sebastian Gorka trying to fuck with our perception of reality.

It's time to stop playing nice.   

Millennium, I am sorry to hear that your business has fallen since the election. I can just imagine how frustrating it is to deal with the uncertainty of health insurance premiums.

My issue with Joe & the panel is that they are no longer able to provide detailed analysis of Trump's policies since they have a personal vendetta against him.

One year ago at this time, Joe was recommending Harold Ford Jr & Richard Haas for cabinet positions with the Trump administration. Mika was bragging about introducing Dinah Powell to Ivanka Trump.

Mika & Joe didn't care about people having concerns about Trump's policies. They arranged to stay in Jupiter Florida so they could snag an invite to Mar A Largo during the holidays.

I do think the show would benefit from having the more serious members of the administration come on the show to debate the policies of the administration.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:


I do think the show would benefit from having the more serious members of the administration come on the show to debate the policies of the administration.

Thanks, oakville.

My big complaint about Scarborough and the show is that he whiffs when he gets up to bat against someone important.  Suddenly all the piss and vinegar turns to cocoa.   The Bob Corker interview is a great example -- Scarborough railed against him this past week, repeatedly running that clip where Corker said he wouldn't vote for the tax reform bill if it added "even one penny" to the deficit.   I didn't see the interview myself (I had switched off by that time) but from what I read here, Scarborough didn't confront Corker on that point.   It's almost like Scarborough treats them gently so that they will not be afraid to come back again.   That's not good.   It's only a step removed from having Trump surrogates on the set to freely spread "alternative facts." 

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On 12/18/2015 at 8:09 AM, oakville said:

Joe is back to wearing his navy blue sweater. Mika hates Star Wars & called it crap. Mika hates Shakespeare. The panel discussed Bernie Sanders. He may win New Hampshire. The panel complained about the GOP self destructing & the establishment may not have a candidate in the end. Friedman came on to say that it will be tough to rebuild Syria. The US would have to send in ground troops to stabilize the situation. Joe said Obama created the mess in Syria & Libya. Joe mocked the NY Times for writing positive articles on Rubio. Joe said Rubio doesn't show up in NH or Iowa or the Senate. Joe said ABC will make a lot of money on Star Wars. Mika said she has hated Star Wars since1977. She doesn't like ET either.

It's funny that I wrote this recap over 2 years ago. Mika still hates Star Wars & the panel is still worried about the GOP self destructing.

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9 minutes ago, arejay said:

Does Mika not have her flipper in this morning? Something is off with her teeth and smile.  

I think tax reform is stuck in her craw.    It's an uphill battle to rouse opposition when boot-licking corporations like ATT and Comcast (who desperately want Trump's favor) are handing out thousand-dollar bonuses and making the bill look like manna from heaven.  

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30 minutes ago, arejay said:

Does Mika not have her flipper in this morning? Something is off with her teeth and smile.  

You're right she does look a bit different and Donnie needs to fire whoever gave him that haircut.

eta:  She seems to be having a problem with the word "truth".  She lisped it twice now.

12 minutes ago, millennium said:

I think tax reform is stuck in her craw.    It's an uphill battle to rouse opposition when boot-licking corporations like ATT and Comcast (who desperately want Trump's favor) are handing out thousand-dollar bonuses and making the bill look like manna from heaven.  

Nothing like spending the first 10 minutes of the show screwing around with the EP and the rest of the control room just to set up a plug for Joe's column in the WP.

Edited by Chloesmom
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Friday Recap from Snowy Oakville.

Joe is in the bunker. Mika is wearing a blue bathrobe in the studio. I thought they would do a Pajama Christmas episode like last year. They interviewed Trump about North Korea in pajamas. Good times!.

First topic is Companies giving 1,000 bonuses to employees because of the Tax reform bill. Ratner said they want to curry favour with Trump. Donnie said it's a small amount of money.

Joe said Democrats are too cynical. This will make workers happy. They don't care about Billionaires getting $100K tax cut.

Joe went around the control room trying to get their opinions. Most didn't care.

Mika was mad that Trump got rid of the individual mandate which is unpopular.

Joe said it ws the wrong tax bill at the wrong time. People don't need a tax cut.

Donnie said income distribution is a big problem & the wealthy are getting more money than poor people.

Joe wrote an important article in the Washington Post.

Joe is happy that Trump could get charged with obstruction of justice.

Donnie is mad at Nikki Haley for threatening to take away foreign aid from countries that won't support moving the embassy to Jerusalem

Joe said the UN is a transactional body & the USA needs other countries support.

Donnie doesn't like Nikki or smug Paul Ryan. They are supporting evil Trump. It's not part of their core.

Joe said Trump should have a short term memory & try and do more deals.

Joe doesn't like day trading Trump

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Mika & Joe are upset about Franken's resignation. They think it's a conspiracy by Roger Stone to bring down Franken.

Mika attacked democratic Senators for supporting the Clintons but going after Franken.

Willie,Mika & Joe want due process  for Franken.

Joe said no one believed Kathleen Willey was raped by Clinton.

Joe said there is a difference between groping and rape.

Mika is mad at people who criticized her for victim shaming Franken's accusers.

Mika said the Democrats are hypocrites for hugging Franken.

The big news is that Mika has tried to broker meetings between Halperin and his accusers so he could apologize.

The women refused to meet with Halperin.

Mika wants Halperin to be rehabilitated and allowed back to work. America misses his excellent punditry skills:)

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Ratner has charts.! Reagan's tax cut was 2.9% of GDP. Obama had 2 tax cuts. 2013 was 1.8% of GDP & 2010 was 1.3% of GDP. Trump's tax cut is 1.1% of GDP.

Obama extended Bush's tax cuts.

31% of Trump's tax cuts go to Business. 16% to people making less than 75K & 54% to people making more than 75K

Unemployment is rising in the mid west. Wisconsin is up to 3.4% from 3% . Michigan is up from 3.7 to 4.5%. Trump is doomed!

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Donnie is mad at Nikki Haley for threatening to take away foreign aid from countries that won't support moving the embassy to Jerusalem

At 8:55 either Joe or Donny said that Haley was acting like Pauly Walnuts threatening to shake down someone. I feel bad about saying this because I am also a woman, but NH has no gravitas whatsoever and seems like someone who accidentally landed this very prestigious job.  It's also like, but for different reasons, imagining Sara Palin having the chops to be a governor. I just hate who the world is surely seeing the US now.  Oakville--how is Canada thinkin' up there?

Also, when they did the whole schtick about  Mike Pence's obsequious slimy hand-job of a speech to Trump, I kept yelling in the car "Use the word TOADY USE THE WORD TOADY" Then visions of A Christmas Story flew into my head of Scott Farkuss and his TOADY Grover.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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I have no clue why Mika would be announcing this irrelevant information.

Now they are playing  lyrics from Joe's hit Christmas Album. "It's been a lousy year, now wipe away those tears!"

LOL!. Time to go get some egg nog with rum to complete this recap.

Edited by oakville
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4 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

 I just hate who the world is surely seeing the US now.  Oakville--how is Canada thinkin' up there?


I think most Canadians are upset with Trump's antics & worried about him ripping up free trade agreements etc. Some of my  friends are afraid to visit the USA. Trudeau has been very diplomatic with Trump . He is very polite. No need to antagonize anyone but he sticks to his principles.

Donnie wants more menorahs at Rockefeller Center

Joe is bragging about the popularity of his Christmas album. It was mentioned in the NY Times.

Joe called Nikki Haley a mob boss!

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24 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

At 8:55 either Joe or Donny said that Haley was acting like Pauly Walnuts threatening to shake down someone. I feel bad about saying this because I am also a woman, but NH has no gravitas whatsoever and seems like someone who accidentally landed this very prestigious job.  It's also like, but for different reasons, imagining Sara Palin having the chops to be a governor. I just hate who the world is surely seeing the US now.  Oakville--how is Canada thinkin' up there?

Also, when they did the whole schtick about  Mike Pence's obsequious slimy hand-job of a speech to Trump, I kept yelling in the car "Use the word TOADY USE THE WORD TOADY" Then visions of A Christmas Story flew into my head of Scott Farkuss and his TOADY Grover.

LOL at Pauly Walnuts!   I switched off Morning Joe this morning and turned on a Sopranos rerun!  

I thought toady too, but I suspect they had a more coarse term in mind.

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I almost threw up when they cited Ben Sasse, Jeff Flake, and Bob Corker as profiles in course against Trump. Just look at their voting records and see how courageous they are. 

I am gratified that they cited the Women's March as setting the tone for the rest of the year. I wish they had mentioned the mass demonstrations against the Muslim shortly thereafter.

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46 minutes ago, oakville said:

he big news is that Mika has tried to broker meetings between Halperin and his accusers so he could apologize.

The women refused to meet with Halperin.

Mika wants Halperin to be rehabilitated and allowed back to work. America misses his excellent punditry skills:)

I swear to God, every time I think it's not possible for me to have less respect for Mika she pulls something like this and proves me wrong.

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The panel wanted to discuss the John Miller Tapes. Trump posing as A PR guy.

Is Obamacare dead? The panel said no. 9 million people signed up for Obamacare but 13 million will not pay the mandate?

I am confused. Do you have to sign up every year for Obamacare?

Mitch wants to work on less controversial issues in 2018 because of a divided Senate.

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MIKE Allen came on to say "Happy Friday". He said that Warner thinks there is Fire with the Russia Probe. Trump is doomed!

Joe said that Mike Pence is going overboard with his compliments of Trump. Joe said he doesn't let co workers compliment him that much after Donnie said that Joe was a star quarterback growing up in Pensacola!

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika returned from the commercial break to say that  the analytics from her Facebook Live chat with Baby Bumba.

She got 50,000 views!.

Joe mocked Mika for using fancy terms like Analytics.

Hangs head in shame . . . I was one of them . . . :(

PS, love the description of Mika's outfit .  Blue bathrobe, ha!

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47 minutes ago, oakville said:

The panel wanted to discuss the John Miller Tapes. Trump posing as A PR guy.

Is Obamacare dead? The panel said no. 9 million people signed up for Obamacare but 13 million will not pay the mandate?

I am confused. Do you have to sign up every year for Obamacare?

Mitch wants to work on less controversial issues in 2018 because of a divided Senate.

Yes Oakville, you have to re-up every year as you need to verify your projected income in order to determine whether you are eligible for assistance.  If you end up making more money you take a hit at income tax time but if you know your income is going to increase during the year you can make the necessary adjustments and avoid any penalties.

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Mika is still mad about Trump's sexist tweet about Kirsten Gillibrand.

Mika is mad at Trump tweeting about companies giving employees bonuses.

Jeff Sachs came on to complain about Trump's tax cuts.. Jeffrey Sachs looks ill. Amtrack is off the rails. The opiod crisis is killing people and reducing life expectancy.

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4 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

OAKVILLE, you obviously don't need to go to work today!!  I'll bet Canada has a law where everyone gets off with pay the 3 days before Xmas.  And free hot cookie delivery to boot!  Please adopt us all here on this MJ thread??????

Ha!. It's my day off. I work a flex time schedule so I get a day off every 3 weeks. I have to outside soon and shovel the snow before my wife gets home.

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Anand with wild hair is back. His hair looks tamer than usual. He will be a father soon . Mika squealed.

Anand & Joe got into a discussion about constitutional norms. Anand was worried & Joe said he underestimated how bad things would be with Trump.

Joe then said his kids votes won't be taken for granted & their votes in future elections will save America from Trumpism.

Joe is shouting about Vigilance at all times!

Anand said a thug can't destroy the constitution. The USA is a decent country.

Joe went on to thank heroes on the Honor Roll like Jeff Flake who gave a a tough speech & wrote a book ! ( He voted for the Trump Tax cut :)

God Bless John McCain! ( He voted for tax cuts to proceed)

God Bless the NY Times journalists & Washington Post for writing articles against Trump

Women in Norther Virginia who stood in the rain to vote !!!!!

Black voters who voted in Alabama in record numbers!. More would have come out if it was raining, but is was suny & cool.

Jeff Sessions recusing himself! Ben Sasse! (voted for tax cuts & repealing Obamacare) LOL!.

Bob Corker stepping up.! (voted for tax cuts & Obamacare repeal)

 I need more rum!

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Good grief it wasn't until you mentioned Anand that I realized I walked out on the last half hour of the show but based on your recap Oakville I am taking this as a sign of divine intervention as that rant would have made my noggin explode.

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Anand said don't let America become the Twilight Zone.

Mika mocked McConnel's press conference.

Stengel likes the UN. Obama urged countries to promote free speech & democracy. Stengel is wired up!.

3 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

Good grief it wasn't until you mentioned Anand that I realized I walked out on the last half hour of the show but based on your recap Oakville I am taking this as a sign of divine intervention as that rant would have made my noggin explode.

It was a mind boggling rant by Willie & Joe & Anand . There were no Democrats mentioned. Only principled ! GOP members who gave speeches against Trump but basically voted with him anyways.

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Joe said the UN is anti semitic & they always attack Israel. Joe said it was a non binding resolution.

Everyone likes the new world order with the USA in charge.

No daytrading with Joe!!!

Mika's voice stated crackling. No Christmas send off? Will it be a Live Show on Monday??? I doubt it. They will probably pre tape segments.

That's all for today.

Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, & Happy New Year to every one on the forum !.

I will be spending the Holidays in Sarasota, Florida & will resume daily recaps on Monday January 8. I might pop back in if Mika or Joe doing anything controversial:))

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I'm never forgiving the Democrats for screwing Al Franken. That's all.

And p.s. Oakville. I'm returning from Sanibel Island tomorrow, where the weather is delightful! Have fun on your vacation!

Merry Christmas fellow MJ friends!

Edited by stormy
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I will be spending the Holidays in Sarasota, Florida 

WARM FLORIDA---YOU BITCH!  Now wait--isn't that near Mar a Lago?  Hmmmm. Don't be getting any bloody facelifts over the holiday.  Happy holidays to all The Faithful Posters on this thread!  You all sure lighten and brighten my work days.

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6 hours ago, millennium said:

I think tax reform is stuck in her craw.    It's an uphill battle to rouse opposition when boot-licking corporations like ATT and Comcast (who desperately want Trump's favor) are handing out thousand-dollar bonuses and making the bill look like manna from heaven.  

One-time bonuses don't mean anything.

They touted wage increases, not publicity-stunt actions.

That means increased compensation every year, not just a one-time PR thing.

Does anyone on MJ make that distinction or just announce the press release without any critical thinking?

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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:

WARM FLORIDA---YOU BITCH!  Now wait--isn't that near Mar a Lago?  Hmmmm. Don't be getting any bloody facelifts over the holiday.  Happy holidays to all The Faithful Posters on this thread!  You all sure lighten and brighten my work days.

Mar a Largo is on the other side of Florida.:) We try to stay away from the crowded parts of Florida.

However, in 2012, we ended up staying at a hotel in Sarasota where Trump was giving a speech. It was chaos!

2 hours ago, stormy said:

I'm never forgiving the Democrats for screwing Al Franken. That's all.

And p.s. Oakville. I'm returning from Sanibel Island tomorrow, where the weather is delightful! Have fun on your vacation!

Merry Christmas fellow MJ friends!

I love Sanibel Island. We have relatives that have a home in Bonita Springs which is nearby. I am looking forward to the warm weather after shoveling the driveway!. I finished 5 minutes before my wife came home:)

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I am beginning to think that the two Gold Dust Twins are posers.  Of the worst kind.  They know that their rants bring in ratings; but when they have a chance to actually DO something...meaning, hold a politician's feet to the fire.  They do nothing but praise and show reverence.  I had to go out yesterday morning, right before the "interview" with Corker (read: toadying).  I asked Mr. Kemper to watch and tell me about it.  He was very discouraged and said it was a big nothing (read:burger).  They should take a page from Jake Tapper.

I needed a break this morning, so didn't watch; came here to see the comments.  I cannot cannot cannot believe Meek-a would think about bringing that horrible, smug, upside-down-smiling douchebag Halperin back.  And...

Have they forgotten the reason Obama extended the Bush tax cuts is because he didn't have the votes to end it.  He caved.  A I mis-remembering?

God, I need a vacation from these two.  Will they both be off for Christmas?  Will we get guest-hosts...or a best-of.  Shudder.

As I have stated before, the only reason they do this show is to rant against Trump - that gives them gravitas with the usual MSNBC viewer.  Also, to sell their records, books, etc.  Let us not forget that Joe is and always has been a Republican.  His voter-registration change is just for show.  I have no doubt that he would have voted for this horrible tax cut if he was still IN CONGRESS.  Back When.

I am still pissed about the Corker toady-view.  We are doomed.  And since when were they EVER advocates for Al Franken?  And if I lived in New York, I would get out the vote to primary Kristen Hillebrand.  Just saying.

I really, really need to get into the Christmas Spirit.  Eggnog with bourbon is in my future.

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You go ladies!

I will be leaving the comfort of my liberal bastion, Minneapolis, for ruby red Lee County, FL, March 1st, when we move to Sanibel Island permanently. Fortunately it's a tourist destination so I won't be totally in the minority and will get my daily therapy from you guys.

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2 minutes ago, stormy said:

Well ok, Mika. Really just let go of Halperin.

Yes please for the love of God let go of Halperin who is now a documented predator for many, many years including trolling college campuses.  There are many shades of gray in all of the allegations flying around in different professions but Halperin is a definite no thank you and you go figure out how to rehabilitate your reputation you scuzzbag.

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"I can't retraumatize myself to be in the same room with him to please Mika Brzezinski and her rich and famous friends," Miller told CNN. "If Halperin genuinely wanted to apologize, he could send a letter or put it in public domain. Instead he has on the record denied my accusations which is extremely painful as a victim to be denied the truth. It is disgusting and unethical of Mika to use the power of her show to shame me, a sexual assault victim, into meeting with the man who did that to me."

"She did invite me to go on the show with him so she could mediate and it had to be an exclusive," Miller told CNN. "Basically she wants the ratings and Jerry Springer. And seemingly she now wants to help her rich powerful friend get back into power. He's not going to change. Sexual predators like Mark Halperin cannot be rehabilitated. He should not be allowed to be alone around any women -- much less his victims."


Know your value, Mika -- and your limitations.

It appears getting up on the soapbox every morning has quickly gone to her head.  

Somewhere the Clintons are laughing.

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Hell, I'm laughing at her.   Pride goeth before a fall.   Mika's ego has swelled considerably in the past couple months as she has tried to make both a reputation and a buck off the abuses suffered by other women.  Labeling herself a victim without offering a single detail to back it up.   Ranting about the Clintons like it happened yesterday instead of twenty years ago.   Her credentials in this area are so flimsy.   Take away the teleprompter rants and the yes-men on the panel and she doesn't have a leg to stand on.   She comes off like an opportunist, and not even a very good one.    Worse, she's trying to work both sides of the street -- allegedly advocating for women while at the same time not-so-subtly attempting to rehabilitate the image of one of the worst of the reported offenders who just happened to be on her show.    If she were smart, she'd realize her ass is hanging out in the wind and quietly retreat.   But she likes the attention this topic buys her.   She gets to be righteous.   And if this all goes away, what does she have left?   

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What does she have left?  Why, She Knows Her Value!  She has books and tours left.  Why anyone on God's green earth would sign-on with her and her schtick is beyond me.  I don't know why I cannot stand her but can tolerate Joe...have no idea.  Yes, Millennium, her ego has swelled considerably; being "engaged" to the Kennedy-esque-wanna-be has given her a voice and she is damned sure she is going to use it.

I, personally, think there should be a rule on MSNBC (or any network) that forbids their on-air talent from constantly shilling their books and outside interests.  Looking at YOU, Chris Matthews, the main transgressor.  Mention it maybe a couple of times when said book/music/tour comes out and that should be it.  These people have no shame.  At least Chris's book is about someone other than him.

I hate to say this, but I actually enjoy the blow-back regarding Meeka's comments re Halperin.  She/they are probably off this week, so they can lay low until the Halperin fall-out is over.  Watch, I will be proven wrong and they both will be on Tuesday morning.  Maybe, instead, we will get Nicole Wallace (cannot believe I typed that..but I actually enjoy her show)..Joy Reid..Ali Velshi (please!)..or any other talent.

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

What does she have left?  Why, She Knows Her Value!  She has books and tours left.  Why anyone on God's green earth would sign-on with her and her schtick is beyond me.  I don't know why I cannot stand her but can tolerate Joe...have no idea.  Yes, Millennium, her ego has swelled considerably; being "engaged" to the Kennedy-esque-wanna-be has given her a voice and she is damned sure she is going to use it.

I, personally, think there should be a rule on MSNBC (or any network) that forbids their on-air talent from constantly shilling their books and outside interests.  Looking at YOU, Chris Matthews, the main transgressor.  Mention it maybe a couple of times when said book/music/tour comes out and that should be it.  These people have no shame.  At least Chris's book is about someone other than him.

I hate to say this, but I actually enjoy the blow-back regarding Meeka's comments re Halperin.  She/they are probably off this week, so they can lay low until the Halperin fall-out is over.  Watch, I will be proven wrong and they both will be on Tuesday morning.  Maybe, instead, we will get Nicole Wallace (cannot believe I typed that..but I actually enjoy her show)..Joy Reid..Ali Velshi (please!)..or any other talent.

You are right about the cross-promotion.   It's out of control.   The other morning they were playing some purported Christmas song I had never heard before and it turned out to be Scarborough's.   Not to mention all the chat about Facebook and Twitter, etc.   I would like to think that if I were lucky enough to have a job as high profile as theirs, and that paid as handsomely, I would be content.   Or at the very least not feel compelled to turn my show into the Home Shopping Network.

As to why you can stand Scarborough and not her ... I think the difference is, he's a pro and she isn't.  I watched a bad movie the other night called The Circle.   I suspect the only reason I watched to the conclusion is because Tom Hanks was in it.   Hanks is a pro and he knows how to serve up even the worst scripts in a way that makes them tolerable.   Scarborough brings that same quality to what he does.  Mika doesn't have that gift.   She tries to fake it but falls flat every time.  

Edited by millennium
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On 12/22/2017 at 5:28 PM, stormy said:

You go ladies!

I will be leaving the comfort of my liberal bastion, Minneapolis, for ruby red Lee County, FL, March 1st, when we move to Sanibel Island permanently. Fortunately it's a tourist destination so I won't be totally in the minority and will get my daily therapy from you guys.

Can you get the WJM six o'clock news in Sanibel Island?

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