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The Partridge Family - General Discussion

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Very sad. She was only a year and a half older than me. I always wanted to be Season 2 Chris and play the drums. It's too bad that Suzanne & Brian didn't have more to on the show. Although, my favorite episode is when they run away. By that time they were a lot older and could actually act but the producers never capitalized on it. Both Susan Olsen & Mike Lookinland on Brady Bunch were of similar ages and were given equal parts as their cast members. I guess they thought people were more interested in Keith, Laurie & Danny (and, Ruben). RIP!

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I'm the same age as Jeremy Gelbwaks and I had a huge crush on Chris Partridge.    I was devastated when Brian Forster took over.   

To this day I still think Jeremy is so cute; then and now.

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Watching him on Dr. Phil and having had someone in the family EOD made me think his behavior is due more to substance abuse. Mom was able to hold normal conversations up until a month or so before she died, albeit about things that happened in the past, or ones with a lot of repetition, but none with the exagerrated pauses and responses. Watching DC broke my heart.

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I also watched David on Dr. Phil and it was heart-breaking. Especially when he said he had no one close to him to confide in, except for a band member.  I always assumed he was on somewhat close terms with his half-brothers, but guess not anymore. 

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On 3/10/2017 at 10:53 AM, buffynut said:

I also watched David on Dr. Phil and it was heart-breaking. Especially when he said he had no one close to him to confide in, except for a band member.  I always assumed he was on somewhat close terms with his half-brothers, but guess not anymore. 

I missed him on Dr. Phil.  I have read about what's going on though.  It's such a shame.  I think that with substance abuse, you chase away a lot of friends and family, simply because the behavior becomes intolerable.  In the end, a lot of bridges have been burned.  

I recall how absolutely crazy I was over this guy.  Hey, later, his brother Shaun too!  What great memories.  I hope David can find some peace and somewhere that will take care of him as his condition  progresses.  I recall the tragic death of his father and wish that things could have gone differently.  

In this link, Shirley Jones seems to indicate that it was David's decision to not be a part of their lives.  Hmmm......I know that with dementia, the patient often gets things mixed up and may not tell things exactly the way they are.  


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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So sad.  I knew his life after the Partridge Family had a lot more downs than ups but I hadn't realized how bad things were.  I've recently had a chance to see The Partridge Family again thanks to it be rerun on a station I get and it's been so much fun to watch.  It will be a little less fun now....

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I was so shocked and saddened when I read the latest, even though I saw him on Dr. Phil. I too was “in love” with him at a young age. He had everything going for him on the surface, but demons lurked Below. He turned out to be more like his dad than he wanted.

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I knew I'd be sad when he died but I didn't expect to feel as sad as I do.  It's like I've lost an old friend who I'd been out of touch with for years, but someone who meant a lot to me at the time.  RIP. David.

Edited by BlossomCulp
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The 70’s & David Cassidy were it. There was nothing better then a Friday night watching The Partridge Family & The Brady Bunch. Life was so pure and innocent. Hopefully, he knows how many people he made happy & enjoyed his talents. RIP.

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All six kids in my family loved Friday nights with the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family. Even though we had no idea (growing up in Massachusetts) what the "taco stand" was, that David was always going to. Monday mornings, everyone in school would talk about what happened on Friday night. He gave me a lot of good times as a kid. At last he's found peace. 

Edited by Mystery
"no idea," not "know idea"
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OMG.  I just read the news that David was gone here.  I was expecting it, but, still it hurts.  So much of my childhood vanishing.  David, his show and his music brought me so much fun, happiness and laughter.  I will always smile when I hear those words: "Come on now and meet everybody and hear us singing......."  They were such happy days.  RIP David.  I wish you had had more peace in your life.

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6 hours ago, Mystery said:

All six kids in my family loved Friday nights with the Brady Bunch and Partridge Family. Even though we had no idea (growing up in Massachusetts) what the "taco stand" was, that David was always going to. Monday mornings, everyone in school would talk about what happened on Friday night. He gave me a lot of good times as a kid. At last he's found peace. 

I could have written this, except in Connecticut. I remember the entire bus singing "I Think I Love You" on the way to school. It feels as though a part of my childhood has died.

I watched Celebrity Apprentice, albeit 1 episode, when he was on it, and Dr. Phil's interview. Both times I felt sad, and embarrassed for him. He had gone from teen heartthrop to a caricature of an aging celebrity. He still wanted to be relevant, but was afraid of getting older. It made me sad, because he was never happy with himself, and that's an awful way for someone to have to live. I hope he knows now how much happiness he brought to us aging "teenyboppers", and that he is finally happy. 

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I loved The Partridge Family and David.  I used to sit in front of the tv with a tape recorder and microphone and record the songs.  David's posters from 16 Magazine were on my bedroom walls. However, once the show ended and I stopped buying teen magazines, decades passed when I had no idea what David was doing with his career or personal life.  But you never forget your "first crush".

And in 1993 when I got the internet I searched David's name, found other fans, and eventually learned David would be in the play Blood Brothers in Toronto. I got tickets, flew to Toronto and waited at the backstage door after the show, where my teen dream of meeting David finally came true.  There were probably 20 fans waiting and he was so patient and humble as he signed autographs. Before he left I got a picture with him. 

After that I followed the news about him and was saddened to learn of his many life struggles.  I hope he has finally found peace. 

RIP David. 

Edited by buffynut
changed "first love" to "first crush"
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There are a lot of fans mourning David's loss today.  At least I think he knew how much his fans adored him over the years.  I took those good memories with me to this day.  It means a lot to read the stories of all you who were fans as well.   

I recall reading that David had met and bonded with a daughter that he didn't realize he had until she was an adult.  I wonder if they stayed int touch and if she was included when he was hospitalized. 

I have a cousin, who also has dementia (end stage now), who is the same age as David.  It's really sad what it can do to a person, even when they so young. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I'm happy to read the posts of other fans who loved the Partridge Family and who appreciated David Cassidy's talent. 

I, too, hope that he knew how much he meant to young people who were growing up with him. I know that many people are sad that their careers are focused on one character that they played. I know it must be hard for them. But at the same time, they made an impression on the fans who cared about that character. 

Young people nowadays probably don't have any idea that there was a time when households had ONE tv set, and that Friday nights was kids' nights to watch it. I've been playing Partridge Family songs for the last few days. it probably it doesn't help David, but it helps me. Most people go through their whole lives not affecting other people. I hope, at last, David finds peace. I hope that somehow, the good wishes of all of his fans speed him on his way. 

Thank you, David. 


eta: one of my favorite clips: 

Edited by Mystery
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I wish they would put The Partridge Family back on syndication.  It doesn't run in my area. 

That would be great.  I haven't seen a televised episode in ages (it doesn't air in my area either to the best of my knowledge) and visually I think the show holds up a lot better than, say, 'The Brady Bunch' and it runs all the time.

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On 11/23/2017 at 2:04 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I wish they would put The Partridge Family back on syndication.  It doesn't run in my area. 

The Antenna TV channel (1 of those cable networks that gets put on a local digital subchannel--the .2, .3, etc., channels on a cable channel lineup--for a bigger network) runs 2 eps back-to-back, from 1-2PM Eastern on weekdays.

And after having that channel for a long time, our CBS station (who aired it here) switched from Antenna TV to ION--which is already on TWO other cable channels here (not counting the HD version of the channel)--the same week David died.

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On 11/22/2017 at 8:06 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

There are a lot of fans mourning David's loss today.  At least I think he knew how much his fans adored him over the years.  I took those good memories with me to this day.  It means a lot to read the stories of all you who were fans as well.   

I recall reading that David had met and bonded with a daughter that he didn't realize he had until she was an adult.  I wonder if they stayed in touch and if she was included when he was hospitalized.

I have a cousin, who also has dementia (end stage now), who is the same age as David.  It's really sad what it can do to a person, even when they so young. 

David's estranged daughter is Katie Cassidy. She's in her early 30s & is on the CW TV show Arrow. She was raised by her mother & her stepfather.

I'm not sure they ever bonded in the positive sense of the word, but apparently they at least learned how to be (though separately) at the same events; there are pics of them together online. The way I always heard it was their relationship was a series of ups & downs; sometimes good, sometimes not.

Yes, she was at the hospital with David. She apparently left an appearance scheduled at DragonCon in Atlanta, it's 1 of those sci-fi/fantasy/TV fan conventions like San Diego Comic-Con, to go to the hospital. She also told the press (or at least People magazine) David's last words were "So much wasted time."--that was apparently referring, in part or whole, to his screwed up relationship with Katie.

People also posted who got what in David's will yesterday, at least among his children & half-brothers. His adult son, Beau (from his last marriage, which ended in divorce in the last couple of years), got David's $150,000 in assets; his half-brothers Shaun, Patrick, & Ryan were granted (unspecified) music memorabilia; & Katie was left out. As if to make it right, and/or explain it, People pointed out that the will was written in 2004 (personally I think he could've used a few more revisions, even if he still excluded Katie, between 2004 & the last year or 2), & that Katie & David's relationship was up & down.

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I'll have to believe that David's dementia prevented him from remaking the Will and including Katie to get something, so as to not be excluded. I think that's hurtful, since, it's not really the money, but, sentiments. 

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I loved most everything the Partridge Family and David did.  This is an incredible performance and interview of David and Shaun.  I wasn't sure where to put it.


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Usually celebrity deaths don't really get to me.  David's was an exception.  Weeks later, I still get sad thinking of him.  

Friday nights used to be an event with the PF and BB.  We always got special treats (Thanks, Mom!) and got to watch the shows.  

It's always saddened me that David had such sadness in his life when he gave such joy to a generation of kids.  

Finally FETV is showing PF episodes in my area, so I have just sat and watched for a few hours, the shows are still enjoyable, and David was still as gorgeous as remembered.

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A & E is airing a documentary about David tonight. (June 11, 2018.)  It's not without controversy. I intend to check it out, because, I adored David, since I was a child. 

I do hope that the show addresses the fact that people with dementia, don't always tell the truth.  Their brain does not work properly and they may forget or get things mixed up.  So, that if David says he lied, when he said that he had dementia, that may not be accurate.  If he indeed had dementia, much of what he claimed could have been false, due to the brain damage. People with dementia often have delusions and false memories.  I hope they make that clear in their reporting. 


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I have a question that I am hoping someone here can answer. Since actors playing children or teenagers often play younger than thier actual age I wondered if anyone knew how old each of the children/teenagers was supposed to be during the first season. To clarify, I am asking for the character's age, not the actor or actress's age. Thanks to anyone who can help. 

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On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 1:08 PM, Sarah 103 said:

I have a question that I am hoping someone here can answer. Since actors playing children or teenagers often play younger than thier actual age I wondered if anyone knew how old each of the children/teenagers was supposed to be during the first season. To clarify, I am asking for the character's age, not the actor or actress's age. Thanks to anyone who can help. 

Keith was 15; Laura was 14; Danny was 10; Chris was 7; Tracy was 5.

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On 12/15/2014 at 11:50 PM, vb68 said:



I'm (really) late on this, but I swear this was a pilot for another series with Bobby Sherman that did air for at least a season.  If memory serves, it was called Getting Together.  


I'm not sure how I know that because I have no memory of actually watching it. 


ETA: Winner winner, chicken dinner.  Wiki  has it right here.  

The episode was a soft spinoff for "Getting Together" which paired talented composer Bobby Conway with lyricist Lionel Poindexter played by Wes Farrell, whose name you always see in the credits.  He was part of the team responsible for the Partridge Family hits.

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A Thanksgiving Marathon of the Partridge Family was presented by Antenna TV.  Amongst the episodes I completely forgot was the one featuring Rueben's latest discovery.....singing twins David and Andy....the real life nephews of crooner Andy Williams.   I guess this was an attempt to launch them as artist as well as to boost ratings, that by 1974 were sagging as ABC moved them into a Saturday night time slot......it didn't really pan out.   The twins had a minor hit in 1974, peaking at #92.  It wasn't "Say It Again" though....the song they performed on the episode.

Edited by Swenson
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You might've recognized actor Chris Beaumont....who played "Jerry Bishop" ...the male entry in Laurie's homecoming queen episode in which he was crowned after Laurie won and declined the title for the way that such contest stereotyped women as objects.  Chris had also played "Jerry Rodgers" on an episode of the Brady Bunch...where he only dated Marcia so he could steal Greg's football playbook before the big game.

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4 hours ago, Maverick said:

 I caught a few minutes while flipping through channels.  OMG that Ricky kid.  I knew he was annoying but I forgot just how bad he was.  Is it any wonder the show was cancelled that season. 

Ha, Ricky was the Cousin Oliver of the Partridge Family--a sure sign a series has jumped the shark.  He's really cute as a button, but I remember being annoyed as a teen while watching him because, of course, his musical numbers took away from David Cassidy's camera time.  I would have much preferred having David sing another song on the show than Ricky.  

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I hated Ricky too (the character, not the child actor). He was worse than Cousin Oliver. At least Oliver interacted with the Bradys and acted as a sidekick to Bobby and Cindy. Ricky just pops up out of nowhere and sings an out-of-tune song because "you need cheering up" while the family sit there with forced smiles. He suddenly disappeared midway through the season and I no longer have to change the channel.

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A local station started replaying The Partridge Family yesterday and I caught the pilot episode.  It was surprisingly watchable - and when did Shirley Jones get so young looking?  (don't tell me I know the answer!).  I really enjoyed it and may keep watching at least until the last season anyway which from the perspective of this once upon a time fan really really sucked!

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