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Well The Following got off to a 1.6/4.86 start - so that isn't helpin SH renewal chances


I saw that today and thought the same thing too. At this point Fox is looking at their pilots and just picking something supernatural to replace SH with. 

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Well The Following got off to a 1.6/4.86 start - so that isn't helpin SH renewal chances

That doesn't necessarily mean anything.  Series often get higher ratings when they return after an absence as viewers want to remind themselves of where the show left off, and then the show settles into lower numbers as it continues through their season.  Not saying that's a given, but it often happens.

Edited by Sparkling Beth
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Orlando posted about this in his usual fashion on Tumblr. The relevant tags, in case you can't read them:


DVD-Gate 2k15, Uncovering the fuckery, behind why Fox, won't release Idiocracy, on Blu-Ray, Um...Trollando, Quit Playin', We Need To Know, Why The Sleepy Hollow S2 Box Set, Is Apparently Sponsored, By Best Foods And Hellmann's, Because A Certain Lack Of (Color) Commentary, Sure Is Offering Up Some (Social) Commentary, Of A Different Sort, In This Mutha Fucka, Amirite?.
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At his point if these idiots were smart they would just release vanilla dvds for season 2 and leave it at that.


Or...have Beharie and Greenwood do a talk over for the episode Mama. Mison and Beharie a talk over for Tempus Fugit. Winter and Noble do a talk over for Awakening. Orlando and Neil Jackson do a talk over for The Akeda, Mison and Jackson do one for Magnum Opus (or whatever episode had the flashback with them fencing). Also, by talk over, I mean the way they did on the season 1 DVD - just the episode running in the background and the actors rambling on about stuff.  And maybe have the lot of them do a Q&A special features, along with *cough - Goffman*, Metzner and some of the others.) I obviously tried to pick the episodes where the actors were more featured or "died"/died.


See how easy that was, FOX?? And if your little messed up pseudo-suits don't have that time, then hire Orlando Jones to run this - he's apparently very skilled at AV production and editing. Let him take care of business in his awesome way. All FOX has to do is view and sign off on it. DONE.


ETA: DVD-gate 2k15. Ha! But those tags...those bloody tags...to quote Orlando, the "fuckery" behind the scenes must be epic...and just tiresome.

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Well The Following got off to a 1.6/4.86 start - so that isn't helpin SH renewal chances

That's actually not very good for The Following - especially given SH premiered at like 2.4 or something like that... Unless The Following manages to increase like Empire, it will likely drop - it doesn't have to drop far to be where SH was...

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I guess it would look bad if he got written out for daring to bitch at the show. 


My kingdom for some decent commentaries!

I get what you're saying but I thought actors probably signed contracts preventing them from talking smack about the shows. That said, more power to him, because at this point Fox can fuck all the way off.

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It is so amazing to me that every time fandom has settled into a state of relative calm, they (either the production team or Fox) manage to do something crass and tone deaf and stir the pot again.

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I have actually always wondered about that. I mean, can an actor still under contract say negative things about their show, while their still on it? I always thought it was more of an unspoken rule thing, kind of a "don`t bite the hand that feeds you thing". But are there actual contracts signed that keep actors quiet? 

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Fox needs to stop fucking around and just announce a renewal/cancellation. The actors are already missing pilot season so if the show's cancelled we won't get to see Mison/Beharie headlining new shows this year.


I get the feeling Nicole has no advocate on the writer's team. Katia Winter has the showrunner in her pocket and Lyndie Greenwood had that one writer raving over how hot she is but I don't know that there's any writer who's Team Nicole. Nicole seems introverted while Katia and Lyndie hang out off set and seem to be more outgoing. Being introverted could affect Nicole's relationship with the writers --and her character's development-- especially since it seemsthe SH crew is an egotistical bunch who needs validation and can't handle criticism.

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I have actually always wondered about that. I mean, can an actor still under contract say negative things about their show, while their still on it? I always thought it was more of an unspoken rule thing, kind of a "don`t bite the hand that feeds you thing". But are there actual contracts signed that keep actors quiet? 


I don't think they put that in a contract either.  Maybe Disney has some provision on their contracts about acting in ways that would negatively affect the brand, but I don't think FOX is the kind of network that would do that.  After all, it was Married with Children that put them on the map.


As far as I know, acting contracts have the type of billing the actor will get (regular, guest star, etc.), salary, and length of the job.  It probably also has clauses that protect the actor in case of injury (or death) on set, stipulations about how much stunt work the actor will do, royalty payments for syndication and merchandise, and whether the actor is willing to do nudity.  As for the show itself, they probably put in confidentiality clauses and copyright clauses to ensure the actors don't spoil the show in interviews or profit off of the material unduly.


I think most actors are very careful when criticizing their shows; not only because it's the hand that currently feeds them, but also because other potential employers might not hire them in the future if they think that the actors are going to go off badmouthing their show.  They will put up with some actors, if they are insanely popular and bring in the money, but that also has a limit (see Charlie Sheen).  Orlando walks a fine line and he does it smartly.


I think one of the problems is that the TV business hasn't still grasped the full implications of the internet and Social Media and it has been very slow to adapt to these changes.  They still want to do business the old-fashioned way and they forget how much of what they do is scrutinized in real time.

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The behind-the-scenes Sleepy drama is better than anything happening on Empire.


Right? I have clocked way more hours in this thread and the bitterness thread than actually watching the show. 

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So Sleepy Hollow was nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Show on Network Television...as was the Following (LOLOLWUT). 


So of all the nutty things NOW they nominate SH but not for s1?

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Abbie and Ichabod survived to Round 2 - which is now open for voting. They are now up against Fitz and Olivia (Scandal). I voted in all the games to support the shows I liked, not necessarily because I ship all the couples.


I find it a little weird that out of 32 couples, the four with black females are paired against each other. Oh well, I'll vote for Ichabod/Abbie and Barry/Iris over Fitz/Olivia and Jake/Olivia.

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I find it a little weird that out of 32 couples, the four with black females are paired against each other. Oh well, I'll vote for Ichabod/Abbie and Barry/Iris over Fitz/Olivia and Jake/Olivia.


Yeah, I noticed that too.  Can you say "structural racism"? I knew you could.


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Found this tweet from Nichole Beharie from February 22:

"Lots of mistakes made in the last few days, I need to slow it down. #consciouness"

I hope that whatever drama that is happening with the show will cool down by season 3. Well, that's if we get a season 3. I still want it, and I want everyone happy to be there!

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I find all of this bullshit disgusting.  Nicole deserves so much better.  I wonder if she even cares if SH comes back at all.  She's being shit on for reasons I can't fathom.  She's been professional and courteous at all times.  What an unhappy clusterfuck of a mess.


I'll bet Tom's pissed over her being snubbed because he's been over the moon about her talents from the jump. 


Maybe the show shouldn't return.  Not if it means NB and her character gets thrown under the bus.  Maybe Shonda should get her on a show that will showcase her talents at ABC or something.  Because this just stinks and feels wrong on a hundred levels in this day and age.

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Found this tweet from Nichole Beharie from February 22:

"Lots of mistakes made in the last few days, I need to slow it down. #consciouness"


EDITED: I read that as at least somewhat contradicting her "not invited" Instagram.  I think either [a] she was invited and they hadn't told her, they hadn't invited anyone yet or [c] they saw the outrage and specifically invited her yesterday or today. This obviously has nothing to do with the Instagram post, seeing as it was posted over a week before.


ETA:  Nicole retweeted an Instagram from Alexandria Johnson;

https://instagram.com/p/zSWIR2xOeT/ -- Afre Woodward, Kerry Washington, Jurnee Smollett Bell, director and screenwriter Ava DuVernay, Rosario Dawson and others including Nicole.

Edited by jhlipton
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Fox may be in charge of scheduling the commentary stuff but I'm pretty sure the people who run the show give them a list of who they want for specific episode commentary. I find it interesting that they're relaying this through DM on twitter rather than just tweeting it out for everyone.


I'd also like to know how she found out she wasn't invited. Did they record them already and someone asked her why she didn't go? Best case scenario, they only had the producers/directors. Worst case scenario, they had everyone but Nicole and Orlando.


I  noticed Albert Kim tweeted a pic from the LA finale screening party and the only actors who went were Katia and Lyndie. I'm pretty sure Nicole was in town. Whether she chose not to go or not I'm thinking there's some tension behind the scenes for sure. 


Also, I swear Clarke Wolfe who does the Sleepy Hollow podcast was supposed to be interviewing Nicole. What happened with that? In fact, we never got any post-mortem interviews from her at all. She was doing promo right up until the episodes aired but nothing afterwards.



I read that as at least somewhat contradicting her "not invited" Instagram.  I think either [a] she was invited and they hadn't told her, they hadn't invited anyone yet or [c] they saw the outrage and specifically invited her yesterday or today.



I don't think it's really contradicting her statement because that tweet was from a week and a half ago. That tweet could've meant anything. From what I've read, she lives a pretty healthy lifestyle maybe she slipped a little in that regard.



I just find everything surrounding this show so shady. I just really want to know who's doing the commentary because from where I'm sitting, this looks like another piece added to that shady pile.

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Well The Following got off to a 1.6/4.86 start - so that isn't helpin SH renewal chances


That actually is a really good sign for SH. The Following was down 20% from its season 2 premiere and just barely did better than SH's finale. I highly doubt The Following is going to be able to sustain those ratings. 


Fox needs to stop fucking around and just announce a renewal/cancellation. The actors are already missing pilot season so if the show's cancelled we won't get to see Mison/Beharie headlining new shows this year.


There really isn't a good business reason to announce a renewal or cancellation yet. Most shows won't get announced one way or the other until the press tour in May. ABC has only renewed one show. CBS renewed three of their new dramas to continue to build buzz around them. I truly don't understand Fox's announcement strategy. NBC is just renewing stuff to prove that they actually have shows people watch. And then there's The CW, which just renewed basically everything. At this point, I would be very surprised if we heard about SH before the upfronts in May. And I could be wrong about this, but the actors should still be able to do pilot season. Those projects would just be in second position and the role would be recast if SH gets renewed. 

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At this point, I would be very surprised if we heard about SH before the upfronts in May.


The latest date we will have to wait will be May 11th. That's when FOX is scheduled to announce their renewals/cancellations. So the maximum we will have to suffer is 2 more months of BTS drama. I'll be interested to see what other drama comes out during that time.

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There really isn't a good business reason to announce a renewal or cancellation yet. Most shows won't get announced one And I could be wrong about this, but the actors should still be able to do pilot season. Those projects would just be in second position and the role would be recast if SH gets renewed.

Actors can go for pilots but can end up getting screwed due to the uncertainty surrounding renewal of their current show. Does anyone remember that show "My Boys" on TBS? Actors Jordan Spiro and Kyle Howard both lost roles in new series for which they had shot pilots due uncertainty about whether My Boys would be renewed. Of course after the fact, TBS announced the cancelation of "My Boys". I hope Nicole and Tom don't end up getting similarly screwed if they happen to land new projects.

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The BTS stuff with Sleepy Hollow this season at first was kinda titillating but by now it has become  frankly exhausting.  It feels like the parents (Orci, Kurtzmann, Wiseman) have been away and the bratty kids (Goffmann, Metzner) have been left in charge and have really trashed the house.


I don't know what to think about the DVD S2 commentary thing, since honestly this was such a travesty of a season i wouldn't be inclined to buy it even if she was the first one they asked.  I could barely stand to re-watch episodes on Hulu.

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I don't think it's really contradicting her statement because that tweet was from a week and a half ago. That tweet could've meant anything. From what I've read, she lives a pretty healthy lifestyle maybe she slipped a little in that regard.

Yeah, I noticed that after I posted. I went and edited my comment but probably after this comment here!

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There's a transcript -- YAY!!!!

Huh. So Fox.com has this little bit. 




On their own website they wrote "Ding Dong...the Witch is Dead".   O_O




Yeah, but they also say "Love them or hate them, Ichabod’s dysfunctional family will be missed"


Not by me!

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Here's a link to the interview with Tavis Smiley:




Nicole is so lovely and thoughtful. Listening to her on a DVD commentary would have been a pleasure.

I would love to hang out with her and shoot the breeze one day. Apparently we have mutual friends on Facebook, but sending a request is a level of stalker that I don't even want to attempt.

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They clearly are acknowledging that Katrina was a problem.  So much shade.


In typical tone-deaf FOX fashion, I don't think they have any CLUE as to the memes that this fandom comes up with. "Celebrate Henry and Katrina?" Oh FOX, you have no idea of the snark and hilarious things these people can come up with. It will not be pretty.

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In typical tone-deaf FOX fashion, I don't think they have any CLUE as to the memes that this fandom comes up with. "Celebrate Henry and Katrina?" Oh FOX, you have no idea of the snark and hilarious things these people can come up with. It will not be pretty.

If anyone on this forum does one, please post it here also for everyone's entertainment.


On another note. E! Online's 2015 TV's Top Couple Tournament has Abbie/Ichabod in the Sweet 16s.

Edited by DJG1122
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I find all of this bullshit disgusting.  Nicole deserves so much better.  I wonder if she even cares if SH comes back at all.  She's being shit on for reasons I can't fathom.  She's been professional and courteous at all times.  What an unhappy clusterfuck of a mess.


I'll bet Tom's pissed over her being snubbed because he's been over the moon about her talents from the jump. 


Maybe the show shouldn't return.  Not if it means NB and her character gets thrown under the bus.  Maybe Shonda should get her on a show that will showcase her talents at ABC or something.  Because this just stinks and feels wrong on a hundred levels in this day and age.


Maybe they could find room for her on Empire and she and Taraji and do a F U duet to their former shows.

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Maybe they could find room for her on Empire and she and Taraji and do a F U duet to their former shows.

Ooh, she would be so good there! Maybe as an old round the way girl from Andre & the boys' past. Maybe the tomboy smart girl who also got out but then used her degree to help their old community, and their paths cross again somehow. Cookie would like her, and her expressions around the madness that is the Lyon family would be EPIC.

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Ooh, she would be so good there! Maybe as an old round the way girl from Andre & the boys' past. Maybe the tomboy smart girl who also got out but then used her degree to help their old community, and their paths cross again somehow. Cookie would like her, and her expressions around the madness that is the Lyon family would be EPIC.

And she can SING!

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This is an amazing idea, and I am 100% for it! I want Sleepy Hallow to come back, of course, but if they keep all this shadiness up, I would love to see (most) of its actors on other, better shows in the near future. 

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Perhaps Goffman is trying to tank the show because he's been effectively removed? Or he's just pissy because he's been removed?

NB actually mentioning this online though is worrisome - she usually never dips a toe into this kind of stuff - it makes me think something is up behind the scenes...

If the show was already canceled, I can't see NB caring about it much... she'd just move on. But if this is a final act of Goffman trying to throw a final hissy fit before he finally fades to black while the show continues without him, then I could see it.

What shade has Tom been throwing? I've been out of pocket on vacation so I've missed a bit.

this is so bizarre. what is going on w/ this show???


goffman would not be in control of who does the commentary for the dvd. that's more of a Fox corporate issue - the home entertainment department team. why would they not use one of their leads since she clearly wants to do it? craziness.

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Someone asked Orlando is he's doing commentary:



The usually sarcastic, almost always enthusiastic and at times loquacious Jones with a one word response. Hmmm....

oh good grief. craziness behind the scenes.

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How does Orlando Jones get away with those comments? Surely Goffman must hate his guts for it.

I remember hearing Orlando say in an interview that TPTB don't really get Tumblr, no way to monetize it, blah blah, he feels free on Tumblr. He's more political on Twitter.

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Aaron Baier's latest tweet says Lyndie Greenwood is in the pilot for "Tales From The Darkside" on CW. There's only one recurring character played by Kris Lemche. The writer for this is Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) so this ought to be good. Can we get Joe Hill for Sleepy? Pretty Please?????

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On another note. E! Online's 2015 TV's Top Couple Tournament has Abbie/Ichabod in the Sweet 16s.

Both Abbie/Ichabod and Iris/Barry are in the there. Sadly, they're currently losing to Kurt/ Blaine and Castle/Beckett. I've been voting for Ichabbie to show my continued interest in the show and hope for a season three, though I really don't ship them much. I actually wouldn't have minded Abbie being with Hawley eventually if they hadn't messed up his character by his history with Jenny and pushing him on us. I liked him and hope to see him again. I also wouldn't have minded Crane taking a liking to the reenactment lady, if they hadn't killed her off.

I do ship WestAllen and hope the writers keep them as endgame. It would be nice to have one show with a AA female lead in an OTP.

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Both Abbie/Ichabod and Iris/Barry are in the there. Sadly, they're currently losing to Kurt/ Blaine and Castle/Beckett. I've been voting for Ichabbie to show my continued interest in the show and hope for a season three, though I really don't ship them much. I actually wouldn't have minded Abbie being with Hawley eventually if they hadn't messed up his character by his history with Jenny and pushing him on us. I liked him and hope to see him again. I also wouldn't have minded Crane taking a liking to the reenactment lady, if they hadn't killed her off.

I do ship WestAllen and hope the writers keep them as endgame. It would be nice to have one show with a AA female lead in an OTP.

Right now they're only down by .9%   That's not bad at all against the married couple.

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Both Abbie/Ichabod and Iris/Barry are in the there. Sadly, they're currently losing to Kurt/ Blaine and Castle/Beckett. I've been voting for Ichabbie to show my continued interest in the show and hope for a season three, though I really don't ship them much. I actually wouldn't have minded Abbie being with Hawley eventually if they hadn't messed up his character by his history with Jenny and pushing him on us. I liked him and hope to see him again. I also wouldn't have minded Crane taking a liking to the reenactment lady, if they hadn't killed her off.

I do ship WestAllen and hope the writers keep them as endgame. It would be nice to have one show with a AA female lead in an OTP.

Response about WestAllen in the chit chat thread.

Edited by phoenics
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