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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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8 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

The only joy I got out of it was yelling "kiss" "kiss" when Tony Goldwyn was *this* close to Sam during his speech.

There was some serious chemistry there. *fans self*

That was a fairly depressing half-hour of TV. I was especially dismayed by the truck mechanic who said she didn't want a woman president but oh no, she wasn't being sexist. Oy vey.

  • Love 5

Yes, this was very depressing. I had so looked forward to it and it left me with a sick feeling. Forget about photo ID's, can't we have an IQ test before someone can vote? Honestly - I understand the sentiment from both the left and the right about government malfeasance. But these people need a civics lesson because none of them seem to understand what a president can actually do. The Sanders supporters think he's going to give them all free healthcare and free college and a $15 an hour minimum wage, and none of that was ever going to happen. The Trump supporters think he's going to build a wall and get rid of all the Mexicans and then they'll all be magically rich or something, like the reason they think they're poor is because of Mexicans. None of that is going to happen either. 

I know the whole thing is just supposed to be played for laughs but I wish Sam would point out to these voters what a president can actually do, like appoint a Supreme Court nominee. Or ask the Sanders supporter who cares so much about the environment - point blank - who does she think will be better for environmental issues? Clinton or Trump? What is the mental disconnect here? If she's that passionate about the environment why wouldn't she do everything in her power to insure the candidate who'd be worse on environmental regulations doesn't win? Or is she really so jaded and misinformed she thinks there'd be no difference?

I don't know if I can stomach another one of these, honestly.

  • Love 9

I agree that this special wasn't as fun as anticipated.


14 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

As someone who lives in PA, I sincerely apologize, but please know we are not all like this!

Whew! Thanks for the info.


10 hours ago, Pollock said:

Never thought I would say that but I felt so sad for the Republican in the Beaver district. 

Yeah, he seemed human.



I also had a "WTF good god woman" moment with the Bernie supporter. All that posturing must take a toll on her back. Between the glass earth or whatever, the white large scarf she was sporting and the commiseration for the world while living in what seems to be a beautiful country mansion... I just can't. She seemed so self-serving and unaware, it was ridiculous. I burst out laughing when the interviewer asked her why she didn't bring food instead of a ball.

I liked her reaction when she realized they were going to make it look like she had a light saber.



3 hours ago, purist said:

I was especially dismayed by the truck mechanic who said she didn't want a woman president but oh no, she wasn't being sexist. Oy vey.

There are so many times when I'm just dumbfounded that people don't hear themselves speak. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Yes, this was very depressing. I had so looked forward to it and it left me with a sick feeling.

Me too. I think the only thing that kept me from utter misery and despair is knowing that my sister-in-law lives in Pennsylvania and she's an incredibly smart, Hillary-supporting young woman who votes in every election. But the people they interviewed... wow.

I hope Monday's show will be slightly less horrifying.

That was simultaneously boring and depressing.  I realize it was all pre-recorded pieces, but they missed a big chance to follow up on the RNC stuff.  I kept telling myself that those people were actually actors to keep myself from becoming enraged at the thought that their votes count the same as mine.  I really would have appreciated some actual humor (sorry, Samatha) to lighten things up.  

The two parts I did like - that handsome republican from Beaver County (I'd vote for him anywhere, anytime, early and often) and that sweet huggly girl.  How can anyone be undecided at this point between Trump and Hilary?  They are so different, and everything about them has been out in the open, so what is left?  I liked that she wouldn't let go.  Sometimes (especially after watching this, actually), I could use an extended, infinite hug myself. 

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I thought it was amusing enough. We have to remember that it's selectively edited-- I know lots of sane reasonable Sanders supporters, who are going to vote for Hillary and who actually don't live in fantasyland, but that's not fodder for a humor show. I'm sure there are lucid people of all kinds in Altoona, as well as everywhere else. So don't completely despair. If they interviewed sane people in the street, it wouldn't make the show. There are going to be lunatics in every barrel, and they are waaaay more likely to show up on a show like this than the people who serve the crazy narrative.

I have found the degree of general crazy to be highly educational this year, though, I do admit. I get super-irritated with people I run into as I go about my life, but I have yet to personally be steeped in the kind of sustained, widespread, recalcitrant batshit wackadoodledom this election season has exposed. And while it's terrifying, I also think it's important to know what's out there if we're ever going to develop a constructive response. So much as it pains me, I have to admit I'm learning a lot about my fellow citizens. Sam makes the rest of the news seem less terrifying, because she's somehow able to look it in the eyes, hug it, and not burst into flames, even if setting the bus on fire might have been a surrogate for that particular reaction.

ETA: the sane Republican was affable but don't vote for him til you find out what his actual policy ideas are, OK? Please? He didn't seem to be full of maniacal hatred, and he had a sense of humor. But we don't know what he'd actually DO, and mere sanity is too low a bar without more info.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, possibilities said:

. . . sustained, widespread, recalcitrant batshit wackadoodledom this election season has exposed.

ETA: the sane Republican was affable but don't vote for him til you find out what his actual policy ideas are, OK? Please? He didn't seem to be full of maniacal hatred, and he had a sense of humor. But we don't know what he'd actually DO, and mere sanity is too low a bar without more info.

Ha ha, that phrase is great.  Wackadoodledom? 

Of course, I wouldn't vote for that representative just because he sounded rational and is handsome and charming, although sometimes I am grateful for "mere sanity"  in our elected representatives.   Yes, the bar is low, but from my own limited legislative liaison work at the state (Pa) level, I've come to believe that any public benefit from lawmaking is almost an unintended consequence.

I haven't been following Sam as much lately because the news and the RNC are just too depressing. There really is no funny spin on any of this. We are going to end up with a terrorist for president and he is going to undo every good thing that has come to fruition in the past 8yrs. As a bi-woman and a friend of many in the LGBTQ community I am scared. The future vice president is one who believes in conversion therapy and wants to allow people to use religion as a reason to refuse service. Also this being a year where we lost a SCJ I can't even bring myself to imagine who the fuck will be nominated and put into that seat. The future is bleak and no amount of Sam Bee is going to make it better. 

  • Love 4

I found it to be an odd episode.  Trying a couple of different levels/approaches to humor that just didn't quite fit together.  I think just getting the Herman Cain bus and finding it full of left over pizza could have been a rich one and done joke.  The running and trite gag of the weary and disgruntled crew was just off putting as a whole.

The actual segments though I enjoyed.  I loved the bits about how disconnected the people were to hating Clinton but not really understanding or having a true rationale.  Let alone what and why they think Drumpf is going to make things so much better.  I wish all of them had been asked if they had a job.  What the wage they were making was and if they had health care.  Because eight years ago I'm betting a lot of them would have had different answers.  It infuriates me that the media is not pushing back the stupid childish Drumpf hyperbole at how awful and terrible things are.  They could be better.  But they are also a lot better eight years now gone.  And even the few nebulous ideas that Drumpf actually puts out there are so ridiculous and costly in the short term alone with absolutely nothing long term but greater loss it baffles me why so many simply think things are terrible.


I actually know lots of Sanders supporters that will vote for Clinton.   But most of those are also the people that leaned more toward him out of antipathy for the Clintons and still be progressive.  I also know a couple of trust fund babies that fit that delegate to a t.  One is even a cellist and she prates about the purity of her convictions and I keep pointing out that if she stopped getting those dividend checks in the mail, most likely from companies who are not green, organic or Sander's friendly had he gotten the nomination, she wouldn't last a year on her cellist salary let alone how a second tier orchestra would continue in a Drumpf economy.

I enjoyed the bit with the PA Representative because he really did epitomize that segment of Republican in PA that always ends up getting caught on the tiger they so willingly ride.  Santorum tapped into that.  Corben tapped into that.  Toomey practically snuck into office on that.  PA voters I think are the poster children for anger and apathy followed by the horror of what they let get voted in as a result.  Which is worrisome here.  There are such huge enclaves with progressive majorities or close minorities that coupled with Philadelphia and Pittsburgh should make PA Blue than the angry face of a Joe Paterno denier.   Scranton, Williamsport, State College, Erie even Reading and Harriburg.  Plenty of progressives clumped together compared to the virulent red of the rural counties.  But somehow they shoot themselves in the foot.  Even the Casey that was governor, turned on his own supporters and went all anti-women's rights claiming he owed it to his Catholic conscience and ended up handing the state to Republicans with a fractured party along reproductive rights, education and capital punishment.


So I found that part of the show really interesting because ti showed how a state that should laugh at Drumpf as President befuddled and confused. 


It was interesting that the Cruz delegate seemed to actually not have her head up her own ass like the Sanders delegate did.  I think it is a good reminder that 2010 did happen.  And a lot of the whingers today about the state we are in, in terms of Conservative locks on states comes from their own inactions and neglect and special snowflake sense of entitlement of government "letting them down' and so there.  Take that.  I'm not voting....wait, who is my governor? 


I've decided that I dislike Hilary even more than I thought.  I realize I loath Bill Clinton and absolutely hate the idea of that ego getting stroked even second with her getting into the Oval office.  But I will crawl through glass and spend the night before election day in a box full of live snakes if I have to to cast a vote for her.  And that is what in my view it will take.  A full on commitment to swallow any animus towards her and make it imperative that she win.  Because I heard a lot of disbelief about a lot of the people who won in 2010 being even the remotest possible winner. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, possibilities said:

ETA: the sane Republican was affable but don't vote for him til you find out what his actual policy ideas are, OK? Please? He didn't seem to be full of maniacal hatred, and he had a sense of humor. But we don't know what he'd actually DO, and mere sanity is too low a bar without more info.

LOVE this phrasing! And agree. Of course it is tempting sometimes to just go with sanity (didn't someone have a rally dedicated just to restoring sanity
 a few years ago?) given the lack of it out there as was shown tonight.

8 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

I found it to be an odd episode.  Trying a couple of different levels/approaches to humor that just didn't quite fit together.  I think just getting the Herman Cain bus and finding it full of left over pizza could have been a rich one and done joke.  The running and trite gag of the weary and disgruntled crew was just off putting as a whole.

Totally agree about not quite fitting together. I just rewatched it since I loved Monday's show and parts of this show, but couldn't figure out why it didn't work for me. And I came to the same conclusion - the whole was less than the sum of it's parts and a lot of the bus stuff wasn't particularly inspired.

1 hour ago, atomationage said:

I'm hoping Hillary will nominate Obama.  He's staying in Washington.  There may already be a deal in the works. 

I brought that idea up to my wife a few months ago and we decided that although that would make the haters turn orange and rise 300 feet in the air, which would be fun to watch, that Barack deserves a break after what he's been through the past few years.  So nominate Michelle Obama instead.

  • Love 7

Yeah either President Obama or the First Lady would be great.  But I also want him to take a year off.  Maybe two.  Rest.  I want him to be able to be a husband and a dad at a time when he can enjoy his daughters shifting into young adulthood.

Because I want him back in some way.  And perhaps in a particular way.  I think he could be the one lynchpin to driving true gun control legislation once he is out of office.  Unfettered in an odd way by the burdens of office, I think he could bring together a post-Orlando, post-Dallas coalition that actually could see a change.   One of the problems is that the NRA has ignored the still (I hope I'm not overly idealistic on this) mostly responsible police forces and their disapproval of an unregulated militia approach we keep expanding instead of contracting.  The NRA conveniently ignores the fact that most officers of the law do not think the only response to a bad man with a gun is as many good men with their guns.  We have for the first time a shoved in our faces experience that gun violence is often aimed at what alienates us or is made to be felt alienated for no other reason than being "different".  Before the racist attack in the church on Charleston, followed by the terror crimes in Europe and then Orlando, marginalization through violence was normal but it wasn't so dramatic.  It wasn't so abrupt and so 'that could be me" to so many that might otherwise feel safe in a bubble of ignorance.  So that is my hope.  That President Obama serves to bring together the many groups looking to end violence and easy-at-hand murderous mayhem.


On topic, I realized that we had three young women on this show that either touted Drumpf or the one who was the first time voter and either was embarrassed to admit she was going to vote Drumpf or didn't want to admit on camera she wasn't to her Drumpf voting family or boyfriend.  And yet the topic of women's health rights never came up.  That should have been a push by the show.  Because that is where, for me, the huge disconnect is in regards to the number of women that will vote Republican.   Because the odd thing is, is that I know a lot of young women my age who still don't wrap their heads around the equal pay issue because I think on an individual level it either does not apply to them or they think it doesn't.  Pay is tricky in many work places.  But start talking about Drumpf thinking a woman should be punished for having an abortion.  Start talking all the health issues that women are told is not a health issue unless some old man who doesn't even know what a vagina really is (psst its on the inside Mike Pence -- you can't see it if a underwear-less woman's skirt blows up in the wind okay?) tells her it is. 

Ask that woman truck driver if she practices unmarried sex and what kind of birth control she uses and whether she thinks it is okay that the pill is not covered by her health plan but her grandfather's viagra is.  Ask that undecided first time voter if she wants to go to college and some Republican lawmakers have tried to pass state laws that make campus rape even harder to prosecute.  Let alone if she then gets pregnant from said rape.  As that chirpy dumbass in the gas station if Drumpf should have more say about how and what she does with her own genitals or her whole body for that matter than she herself does. 

With a re-watch, I think what they should have done was have two one-hour specials.  Built this into the show last Monday as a build up to the Convention  and just drop the weird sketch comedy aspects and then do an hour-long show that mostly devotes to a breakdown of the Republican Convention events/occurences with maybe a segment or two on the pending Democrat convention.

  • Love 4

I think a significant number of young women (and the majority of males of any age) have no real cellular understanding of the back alley pre-"Roe v Wade" era. It's totally abstract and not real in their minds. If Sam was willing to venture into that reality and make it real for them, it could make a difference. But somehow, even though the majority of people in this country support safe, legal reproductive choice, it's one of the most taboo things to advocate for in an effective, unapologetic way.

  • Love 8

It was an odd show and I'm not sure what the point was. Presumably, Sam and her staff needed the week to edit together a good half-hour on the convention itself and TBS asked for something this week, hence the special edition. But since the convention took place in Ohio I'm not sure what the point is of interviewing people in Pennsylvania. The whole thing felt like filler intended to satisfy some sort of contractual obligation to produce another episode.

  • Love 2

 I was especially dismayed by the truck mechanic who said she didn't want a woman president but oh no, she wasn't being sexist. Oy vey.

The cognitive dissonance is truly mind blowing. So, if a customer told her she shouldn't be fixing trucks because that's a man's job, that customer is a sexist asshole, but if she says Clinton shouldn't be president because that's a man's job, she's just keepin' it real? Ooookay. With logic like that, no wonder she thinks the crap that tumbles out of Trump's mouth is perfectly fine.

It was a depressing show. Except for Tony Goldwyn. He brightens anything.

  • Love 5

That was a good piece on the parallels with Trump's speech and Nixon. So, his wife cribs Mrs. Obama, and Trump lifts from Nixon. Nice that they took the time to be original and formulate their own point of views.

For those people that the staffers talked to: There's no such thing as political correctness. Stop excusing your ignorance. 

Seriously, do people not know by now what the concept behind Black Lives Matter is? It's been on the news all over the place in the last year or so. Is it willful ignorance or deliberately just being racist or what?

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 2

I loved the show tonight. I think "Sam's Team" is awesome. I wish she'd tell us what their names are. They don't seem to get chyrons with their names when they're on camera, or if they do, I didn't notice.

I do think a lot of people are tuning out and not paying attention to information or facts, and are just going off their emotions. The lack of curiosity is what stuns me, more than the lack of awareness. I'm starting to think that a lot of people don't feel empowered about learning anything. They just shut down when challenged, and go into resistance mode. As upsetting as that is, I'm starting to actually feel a little more hopeful about it being able to be changed, if that really is what's going on. It just seems like a problem that could be handled, once it's understood. Throwing more info at people, and being exasperated with their apparent idoicy when they reject it, and then just wishing they'd go away, is not a working strategy. I dunno. Some people are harder to dialogue with than others, but triaging them rather than writing off the entire lot as hopeless is probably a better approach. Watching some of the interviews tonight, I felt like OK: some mockage was going on, some recalcitrant obnoxiousness, but also some signs of at least a little glimmer hope, which I really needed.

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It's sad and frustrating that many people just don't want to learn about others who are different from themselves. I think that's the reason the people in that segment didn't know anything about Black Lives Matter. They're not curious and/or they're dismissive of the lives of "others." I agree there's also tuning out going on. 

Learning about others not only makes you more empathetic, but you'll do better on Jeopardy!

And really, it's interesting to find out how people of different races, cultures, religions, and sexes live in this country and around the world.

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Believe it or not, I actually watch shows like this (and LWT) to help me sort through my decision-making process.  I loathe Drumpf and everything about him with every fiber of my being, and I'd cut my wrists before I'd vote for him, but I trust Hillary Clinton as far as I can throw a piano.  I want a woman president but not this woman president.  But damn, those are our two choices and they suck.  Out of 300,000,000 people, this is the best we could do.  I'm trying to find something in Sam's pieces or John Oliver's pieces to give me an "Aha!" moment and while I enjoy them, I haven't had the Aha! moment.  Being !NotDrumpf! isn't good enough.

Watched Jon Stewart last week on the Stephen Colbert show...couldn't he have waited a few months to retire??????????

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It's sad and frustrating that many people just don't want to learn about others who are different from themselves.

I've noticed an overall trend on the comedy shows that not only are these people not informed but don't care to learn more. Not just people but policies too. 

I can at least argue that I didn't think it was a good idea for BLM to do a sit in on the highway. That might not be a way to garner more allies. But these people are saying they're a violent group and they just aren't. 

Ok, that's a far away thing for some people. Presumably they've been following Trump all this time, and don't even know the man they support. 

I'm alarmed by the group think response to "all lives matter" in the piece. The only thing I would criticize is that I wanted one of the reporters to ask why they have the urge to say that as a response and what it means to them. 

Just ridiculing these people for being ignorant isn't really constructive. They're still voting. Getting them to a shred of self realization is much better. When the black reporter just said "hey you could ask." The woman actually never thought of that before. 

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Sam Bee, John Oliver and Bill Maher are starting to depress me. Usually an election year is ripe with comic opportunities for these late-night pundits, but this year it's all so horrifying and it's starting to terrify me rather than amuse me. When Sam's correspondents start going around talking to these convention attendees, it just makes me sad. What exactly do those women think "political correctness" is? Not being able to say the N-word? Not being able to openly discriminate? 

Seriously, it's scaring me.

  • Love 11

What makes Sam think that Melania did anything more than read what some speechwriter gave her? Any plagiarism wasn't hers, although from what I've seen of coverage of the issue, what was stolen was such cliched boilerplate, it's likely that the First Lady's speechwriter was just as guilty as Melania's.

On 7/22/2016 at 0:17 PM, tenativelyyours said:

But start talking about Drumpf thinking a woman should be punished for having an abortion.

Actually he doesn't. He's calling for a switch from legal unless the govt says otherwise to the reverse, so Congress would pass judgement on any new methods. And punishment for the woman was something pushed at him by the interviewer in his MSNBC Town Hall; he acknowledged the merits of the argument without really agreeing, and strongly objected to anything serious (he'd probably be up for a modest fine for the sake of support).

1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

What makes Sam think that Melania did anything more than read what some speechwriter gave her?

She was quoted as saying "I wrote the speech myself with little help." So one would be lead to believe that's actually what she did. Realistically, I don't think she wrote it all by herself, but given the nature of the speech; i.e., potential first lady, I would expect she'd want to be highly involved in the content. 

1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

I've seen of coverage of the issue, what was stolen was such cliched boilerplate, it's likely that the First Lady's speechwriter was just as guilty as Melania's.

Cliched boilerplate is a matter of interpretation and also irrelevant. While there are indeed common themes in any speech like this, "work hard", something about faith, parents taught them something, dreams of this or that, when you are repeating someone else's work for some portion literally word for word, then this is wrong. It is a fireable offense in some places, and even criminal in others. It is unethical and unprofessional in all places. This was so egregious that it was picked up almost immediately. Not "oh this is similar to Mrs. Obama's speech" way, in a "Mrs. Obama literally said the exact same sentences word for word way."

For this to happen to someone who is potentially going to be First Lady, isn't Watergate level scandal, but to not grasp its implications thereof and how it speaks to the character of all parties involved, is patently ignorant. 

If Michelle Obama plagiarized her speech, she would have been dragged through the streets in effigy. So, I'm inclined to think she didn't. 

  • Love 19

The New York Times has published a couple of deep dives into Melania's speech. Here's one, in case anybody is still interested.

Much as I love Sam, I feel like if Trump wins, I'll have to stop watching her show and all other political "comedy" shows and, quite possibly, try to move to one of those cloistered communities where people completely shun news of the outside world. Because that will mean the sorts of people interviewed by Sam's team over the past couple of episodes will be the ones running things, and I can't handle that.

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6 hours ago, LoneHaranguer said:

What makes Sam think that Melania did anything more than read what some speechwriter gave her? Any plagiarism wasn't hers, although from what I've seen of coverage of the issue, what was stolen was such cliched boilerplate, it's likely that the First Lady's speechwriter was just as guilty as Melania's.

Actually he doesn't. He's calling for a switch from legal unless the govt says otherwise to the reverse, so Congress would pass judgement on any new methods. And punishment for the woman was something pushed at him by the interviewer in his MSNBC Town Hall; he acknowledged the merits of the argument without really agreeing, and strongly objected to anything serious (he'd probably be up for a modest fine for the sake of support).


He said it at the Town Hall.   You can argue that he was pushed.  I heard him say in the context.  the fact he has walked it back to public opinion does not mean he never said and therefore my premise that he thinks it is just as plausible no matter how much this walking sphincter that passes nothing but shit tries to wiggle out of his own statements.  Wombs beware. 


Good solid recap of the convention and I really loved how much these people simply don't seem to actually think about it what they claim to so fervently believe.  Not sure which is scarier how many clearly seemed to actually be stunned at their own attempts at critical thinking when encouraged or the ones that simply stomp their foot refusing to think and start to squirm at the very idea of being made to. 


I loved the little gap in thought that seems to occur when the guy is faced with "you just described me twice".

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

He said it at the Town Hall.   You can argue that he was pushed.  I heard him say in the context.  the fact he has walked it back to public opinion does not mean he never said and therefore my premise that he thinks it is just as plausible no matter how much this walking sphincter that passes nothing but shit tries to wiggle out of his own statements.  Wombs beware. 

Exactly. He very clearly said "possible jail time." The point isn't even that he said it. The point is that he had no position on this major issue that splits the country in half. He didn't have a policy or position until a reporter asked him about it. This is ImprovPolitics and since he isn't running for the mayor of Ice Town, it's unacceptable. Similar to when someone at his rally said, "no TPP" and Drumpf replied "no PPP, exactly." Sounds like a slip of the tongue until you realize PPP is a polling group that came out with a poll that week that said he wouldn't win if the election was held that day. 

@cattykit I hope you find your aha moment soon. Best of luck.

EDIT: I misquoted the second sentence, but left in for the context below. Apologies. 

Edited by BoogieBurns
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

He very clearly said "possible jail time."

No, he didn't. As close as he came was asking Chris Matthews "Are you going to say, put them in jail?  Are you -- is that the (inaudible) you're talking about?" (quoting the MSNBC transcript), because CM was the one suggesting punishment. Trump repeatedly refused to say what penalty he thought may be appropriate, at one point saying "I'm not going to play that game."

On 7/26/2016 at 5:27 PM, ganesh said:

She was quoted as saying "I wrote the speech myself with little help."

Melania said "...with a' little help as possible". That's a big difference in the context of a speech being given at a national convention by a featured speaker for whom English is not her first language. Realistically, she was just responsible for what she wanted to say - not how, and Sam should have known that.

Yes, "with little help". That's the key point. Therefore, she was responsible for the speech, which is what she said. This was covered well enough on the show that I don't see where the debate is. There is video footage of her speaking the same exact words. You have several posts to parse words that largely lack meaning and indicate you either are ignorant of the fundamental problem and the larger context of this issue or have some need to be contrary to logic. 

  • Love 7
On July 26, 2016 at 0:29 PM, ganesh said:

Oh, and saying 'merry christmas' too. Basically having to acknowledge that not everyone is white and christian and straight. 

Sean Hannity, Billy Graham, Donald Trump, ANYONE can say Merry Christmas to whomever they want. No one is stopping them. It's just that some businesses and agencies feel that saying "Happy Holidays" does not exclude anyone. And that's bad how...?

  • Love 4

Ok, as someone who's seriously going to have to hold her nose and vote for HRC (even though I know it won't matter since I live in a red state), I have to ask what was more depressing:  FF's previous interviews with the die-hard Trumpette Hillary haters or FF's current interviews with the die-hard Bernista Hillary haters.  Sometimes you just have to say, what do I get for my principles--if the orange Puffalump is elected and the feces hit the oscillator, will I really feel better about passively having let it happen because I stuck to my "principles"?  Sometimes life is full of sucky choices, and guess what--you still have to make them.

I wish someone would make the case for splitting the electoral votes, as they do in only a couple of states, over winner-takes-all.  I think that would vastly influence voter turnout.

I liked this week's ep reasonably well but don't think Sam hit the orange Puffalump nearly hard enough.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, cattykit said:

I wish someone would make the case for splitting the electoral votes, as they do in only a couple of states, over winner-takes-all. 

States that are allowed to split their votes don't actually do it. Otherwise, Ross Perot wouldn't have chalked up a zero. I think the theory is that if a state splits its vote, you're going to have a solid voter base on each side, leaving fewer electoral votes in contention and less important politically.

I'm really happy the interviewer asked the Bernie or Buster if his race allows him to not be as concerned about a Trump presidency. I also like that he answered honestly. For the most part, the remaining Bernie supporters who don't support Hillary are almost exclusively white, and majority male. I get it. But, that was the first time I heard one of them own up to it. Props.

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