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The Storybrooke Daily Mirror: OUaT in the Media, Cons and Other Real Life Encounters

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Here's your spot to post information on Once Upon A Time in the media!

Media includes print, television, DVD releases, and internet coverage. So it could be an article on Previously.TV or other site about the show; it could be a write up of an interview with a producer; it could be an article about two characters, it could be talking about one of the actor's appearance at a live event.

As always, spoiler tag or note if there are spoilers in any links. If it's ALL spoilery, please take it to the Spoiler topic.

If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to PM us; , @aquarian1 , @yeswedo, or @MostlyC. Please allow 24 hours for a response - we get to them as fast as we can, but we do have jobs and families away from here. And I promise, we are lovely people!

Edited by stacey

I am ashamed to admit that I've searched Google News a couple of times to see if there is anything about Ginny and her baby. I really try to ignore celebrity news 99.9% of the time especially baby related news. She doesn't seem the type to avoid posting about it so I'm sure OUaT fan sites will explode with the news. *hangs head*


The S3 finale won a bunch of awards voted by readers of EW:



So we get an interview with Horowitz and Kitsis patting themselves on the back.




On the Robin-Regina-Marian triangle (Best Romantic Cliffhanger):
On surprising fan love for Regina: “What’s amazing for us is that this is a woman who started the show trying to kill all the lead characters, and now everyone’s mad at us for ripping away her boyfriend.”


Good grief.  Positive reinforcement.

Edited by Camera One

I didn't see this linked anywhere, the Spooky Empire OUAT Panel, Sean Maguire, Lana Parrilla, Rebecca Mader, Freya Tingley (Wendy), Lee Arenburg and Jason Burkhart (Little John) 



as much as I hate so many of the storylines and how they turned out, I still love most of the cast. I enjoy hearing them talk about the show, their characters, what they knew when, where and how.

Edited by Aliasscape
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A thread to post upcoming appearances by the Once cast and crew, or discuss past ones and link to video of panels etc. Please clearly mark when coverage contains spoilers for upcoming episodes.


Lana Parilla (Regina), Rebecca Mader (Zelena), Lee Arrenberg (Grumpy)  Sean Maguire (Robin), Freya Tingley (Wendy), and Jason Burkart (Little John) were at "Spooky Empire's May-hem". I attended and everyone was really gracious and happy to interact with their fans. Full video of the Once Q&A panel here. Nothing spoilery for next year.

I want to say Colin was there last year representing the show. I wonder if they'll also send him again since he's in Europe anyway right now. Wouldn't it be cool to have both of them there?

Yes, he was there last year. I believe because Jennifer had to cancel (she was the one originally invited, and she was invited again this year). I don't know if they would send two OUAT actors there, but last year there were several Scandal actors, so it's possible! Although the Scandal publicity team seems way more competent than Once's.

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Well, at least Regina and Zelena didn't try to steal him.

I wonder if Ginny and Josh had a sense of déjà vu when Ginny gave birth.

I actually wondered if they would go back and watch that scene and go, "hmmm, not quite how it actually happened"

I thought her breathing and groaning was so OTT. It was obvious she hadn't gone thru a birth.... It really distracted me from the scene.... I kept thinking if your contractions are that far apart - you'd be having that baby in the wheelchair!!! But alas, real life doesn't make good TV

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I read on tumblr that TMZ illegally obtained the name from the baby's birth certificate.


That's just disgusting.  I know celebrities understand that creepy stuff like that comes with the territory, but I would like to think that they're still entitled to some respect for their privacy.  Thankfully, I'm sure that most of their fans understand that.

Are birth certificates public record? 


The answer is yes and no. Yes, birth certificates are public records. They are used by demographers, researchers, and others. However, you are not likely to obtain a copy of a birth certificate without a need.

For example, in the State of California, unless you are the individual, an immediate family member or a select class of other authorized persons, you cannot obtain a copy of a birth certificate. Birth certificates are technically pieces of identification. As a result, they are somewhat protected.

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DVD/Blu-ray will be released August 19th.


Bonus Features Include:


Wicked Villains – What makes the villains of ‘Once Upon A Time’ tick? These complicated characters are not only wicked, evil and dastardly but sometimes heroic, charming and brave. The actors who embody these bad guys and the writers who create them take an in depth look at the show’s interpretation of everyone’s favorite foes.


The Tale of Ariel – Follow the tale of everyone’s favorite mermaid, Ariel, played by Joanna Garcia, as we track the character’s development and story throughout the season. We will see the development of her look, track her story and watch her introduction to the other characters of Storybrooke/Fairytale Land.


The Fairest Bloopers of Them All


Deleted Scenes

Audio Commentaries


Blu-ray Exclusive Bonus Content Includes:


Inside the Writer’s Room: The Next Big Character – Get an inside look into the secret chambers of the writers of ‘Once Upon a Time.’


Deleted Scenes

Audio Commentaries

Edited by Emma

Well, if that's the cover art, at least they're being honest about who the real main character of this story is these days.


Also, ugh to the specials being all about the villains. I don't effing care about the villains. Tell me something about the actual heroes of this story!

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A translation of what the DVD promotional info *really* means:




Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment has announced that ‘‘Once Upon a Time: The Complete Third Season’‘ will be available to own on Blu-ray and DVD on August 19, 2014.


Can five heroic characters including two psycho murderers set aside their personal grudges and private demons to rescue Henry – and themselves – from the ultimate evil who spends seven episodes doing practically nothing? Experience the heart-pounding action of characters running around on one wild goose-chase after another  and tantalizing suspense of how characters can be systematically ruined in ‘‘Once Upon a Time: The Complete Third Season’.


The stakes are higher than ever for nobody in a Neverland that’s the stuff of nightmares, but only for those who care about character development. At the dark heart of its mystery is Peter Pan, an ageless entity with a diabolical agenda and a chilling secret which as usual will require DNA testing. For Emma, Henry, Hook, Rumple, Regina, Charming, and Snow, Pan’s actions have far-reaching consequences that will change their lives forever (by forever, we mean one episode), create new alliances and introduce both Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest to a powerful new villain of legendary wickedness – the Wicked Witch, who chillingly also spends seven episodes doing nothing.


Bonus Features Include:

Wicked Villains – What makes the villains of ‘Once Upon A Time’ tick-like and completely dominate the entire show? These complicated characters are not only wicked, evil and dastardly but "sometimes" aka always, more heroic, charming and brave than the actual good guys. The actors who embody these bad guys and the writers who create them take an in depth look at the show’s interpretation of everyone’s (aka the headwriters') favorite foes.


The Tale of Ariel – Follow the tale of everyone’s favorite mermaid, Ariel, played by Joanna Garcia, as we track the character’s development and story, or lackthereof, throughout the season, including the stunning 40 second payoff. We will see the development of her look, track her story  and watch her introduction to the other characters of Storybrooke/Fairytale Land.  This is a great glimpse at how epic characters can be sidelined and used as props for other characters.


Inside the Writer’s Room: aka The Next Big Character Is All We Care About: How To Use Snow, Charming and Emma as Props – Get an inside look into the secret chambers of the writers of ‘Once Upon a Time.’ where delusion and villain worship is always victorious.  

Edited by Camera One
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iirc, the cover art was actually voted on by fans out of a few choices. I don't remember if they were all Regina, though. In my personal opinion, the winning art doesn't fit the season at all. Zelena and/or Pan on the cover would have worked better.


By the way, thanks for the translation, Camera One ;)

Edited by KingOfHearts


The Tale of Ariel – Follow the tale of everyone’s favorite mermaid, Ariel, played by Joanna Garcia, as we track the character’s development and story, or lackthereof, throughout the season, including the stunning 40 second payoff. We will see the development of her look, track her story  and watch her introduction to the other characters of Storybrooke/Fairytale Land.  This is a great glimpse at how epic characters can be sidelined and used as props for other characters.


These were pretty much my exact thoughts. *waves sad little "Ariel and Eric 4evah!" flag circa 1989*


Camera One, I giggled through all of your "honest" promotion. Great job!

Edited by SilverShadow

My goodness, are they serious...of course they are...the Regina DVD/Blu-ray collection for the Regina Show.


Honestly they also know there was nothing cohesive about this season. Random Neverland trip, random Wizard of Oz villain, random time travel finale! Yeah, we can't put all THAT on the cover. Let's just put a picture of Regina because that's who the show is all about.

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