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S27.E11: Tear Down This Wall


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It would have been nice to get some backstory on Rianna and Aneesa's beef before this episode because it seemed to come out of nowhere. Didn't get the whole thing with Cara Maria and Aneesa either. When I'm around certain people my Brooklyn accent really comes out. So maybe CM's just come out when she's around her cousin. Aneesa coming into Jamie and CM's room talking about integrity was just so much bullshit.


Bring on next week's finale!

  • Love 7

I had a feeling CM and Jamie would end up in the last pit. Good for CM - it's clear she really wanted this final. Aneesa is much larger than her. She worked for that win. Which brings me to my next thought...

Oh Aneesa. It's time for you to bow out. You're too old for this shit, and tonight was NOT a good look. Yes, CM is annoying. Yes, she compromised her integrity by cheating on Abe. Yes, I agree she comes across as fake at times. BUT GIRL. Really? Aneesa sounded like such a fool in that argument. Accents can be stronger/weaker depending on the person's surroundings. My family has a cottage in Quebec Canada, and I find myself saying "eh" while I'm there, and even for a few weeks after I'm back in the States. It happens, and it doesn't mean I'm fake. It could have been editing; but Aneesa came across as a huge bully, and quite frankly, it was appalling. Especially after the tiff with Kelly Anne. I'm just over Aneesa at this point, and she should be embarrassed she's in her mid 30s, has done double digit challenges, and has won 0.

I predict CM and Jamie win the final. I hope CM saves what little dignity she has left after this challenge and "retires". Fat chance I suppose, I suspect she'll be a lifer.

  • Love 6

Anybody else feel like this is Cara Maria's season? More so than Sarah and Jordan last season, IMO. The dalliance with Thomas, dealing with Abram, the Pit wins against Johnny and Aneesa. . . . I can't recall anybody else being so central to the show.


Nice mission. And yeah, Aneesa should retire. She's been hacking it since Battle Of The Sexes, and she hasn't won a Challenge. It's sad.


I'm going against the odds and say that Cory & Mitch get the upset win.

  • Love 4

Yeah, Lantern, I do. This is Cara's season. I hope she wins.


On the other hand, I really don't want to see Aneesa retire only because it would leave room

for more "are you the one" people and others from MTV shows I don't watch. Aneesa was a

mess this season. I was surprised to see her get as far as she did. But I still like seeing her

on the show.

Edited by kat165
  • Love 3

I mean, where the hell did Anessa annoyance with Cara come from?  Anyways, I think my favorite person on this entire challenge was probably Jenna's cousin Brianna. The only time she went kind of nuts was when she and Jenna had that crazy fight but I think Jenna was more out of line than Brianna. I just think Brianna wasn't having a good time and didn't like being out at clubs and all that but damn it if I haven't grown to love her, mostly tonight when she was like, "I mean, if she  (Cara Maria) wants to have an accent, then Anessa should let her have an accent". 

  • Love 12

Aneesa sure is mean when she drinks.  Seems like when she really gets into it with someone, alcohol has been consumed, and later when she tries to get all philosophical and wise, there is always a glass of wine in her hand.  I thought Cara Maria showed a lot of grace in what she said to Aneesa after she beat her in the pit. No one would have blamed her for rubbing it in her face.  Also, during another more normal time, when CM wasn't worried about going into the pit, and angry because she had to go into the pit, I think she would have let Aneesa's comments about her accent roll off her back, because that really was some stupid shit.  It's interesting how much timing can affect how far arguments go.


I would like to see CM win, but for some reason I don't have a good feeing about it.  I just can't get excited about the new guys making final 3.  The blonde guy is certainly nice enough and a good competitor, but I don't know him, and I loathe his cousin.


I hope Rhianna loses Aneesa's number after this.  She's really not worth trying so hard to win her attention.  I wish she would have stopped saying she was going to try hard to win for Aneesa and started saying, "Since Aneesa's being a hag, I'm going to try hard for myself, because I want the money!"  Sorry your cousin wasn't one of the Cool Kids that you deem worthy of your time, Aneesa, but she seems to have been very well liked, a very kind person, and from what they showed on the flight with her and Cara Maria, a lot of fun.  Getting an extra meal for the snack-passenger was hilarious.

  • Love 7

Irritable, you're right. Aneesa has always gotten mean when she's
drinking. And then the emotions/crying. I liked what Cara said to
here after the pit challenge. It was a nice thing to do especially
when she could have gloated. And yes, a lot of it was timing.


I'd like to see Cara win but I don't have a good feeling about it
either. Towards the end of the aftershow Zuri send something
about the winners and both Cory and Jenna were all smiley and I
think Cara was looking down at her feet. I hope it was a fakeout,
but I'm thinking she didn't win.


I felt sorry for Rhianna too. Aneesa was very shitty to her.

  • Love 3

Aneesa is getting on my LAST NERVE.  


While I understand Aneesa being annoyed with KellyAnne inappropriately talking about her skin color earlier in the season...but then she thinks it's totally okay to mock and make fun of Cara and her accent???  Why?  Because she thinks it is fake, so it's okay to be a mean bully?  Also, Aneesa went on crying about how she would never do anything to lose her integrity in these challenges???  Umm, what was throwing a drink on KellyAnne?  I don't think her integrity was shining in that incident.  Aneesa is a pretty big fake bitch to be calling anyone else fake IMO.  


When I saw the Pit....I thought it would be hard for Cara to take one against Aneesa, just giving the weight differences.  I was shocked that Aneesa couldn't win even one of those rounds.  Oh well.  I agree with the others, it might be time for Aneesa to retire.  If she can't have an alliance to take her through, she's never gonna do well in a challenge.  


I would like Cara and Cuz to win...because I just think they have worked really hard for it and I like them.  I also like Jenna and Brianna.  Those two are scrappy and have also worked damn hard for it.  Cory and Mitch...I'm all meh about them.  

  • Love 7

Why was Cara being such a bitch to Mitch at the club? Saying, don't talk to me and giving him bitchface. I get it, she didn't want to have to go in to the pit, but Mitch had to choose someone and it was only between two teams. It's kind of shades of Johnny Bananas to be a strong team and expect all other teams to just step aside and let you win the challenge. It makes total strategic sense to throw in CM and Jamie. I normally find CM to be pretty inoffensive, but I have not liked her this challenge, and that is excluding anything related to the Abe debacle.


I don't even know what Aneesa and CM's argument was about. Given Aneesa's comments about CM the last few episodes, I am going to guess CM just rubs Aneesa the wrong way and Aneesa got drunk and stupid. Agree with those that think Aneesa should throw in the towel on these challenges. She's an average physical competitor at best, (and I'd say most challenges she's actually been below average) and her politicking is worse. This is never going to be a successful endeavor for her.

  • Love 4

I like Aneesa, I've always liked her. I think she's hilarious. And I think about all the bias things she probably has to deal with in real life: being female, being a person of color, being Jewish, being bi, not being stick thin, and now she's having to deal with starting to get a little older too. As a New Yorker I love her pushy loudmouth ways but I can see it being a problem for her in other groups. But I always root hard for her and I want her to come back and win this thing so I'm bummed because I did not like the sendoff she got after the pit. When TJ says "take care" instead of "hopefully we will see you again soon" that's probably not a good sign.

  • Love 2

Jenna and Brianna are my new two favorites. They were freaking adorable holding hands as they jumped across cars. I like their talking heads and their weird accents. I hope they come back. They seem to be nice people and are strong competitors.


Aneesa is a huge asshole bully who sucks at this game and apparently wasn't even nice to her own cousin who dropped everything to be there with her. Over it. You need to retire.


Im rooting for Cara and Jaime to be 1st and then Jenna and Briana to be second. 


I am glad Cara stuck up for herself and really I think everyone needs to get over whatever happened with her and Thomas. Her and Abe will work it out on their own. She is not a terrible person. And Aneesa ( and John and everyone else) can STFU about it. This is hardly the worst thing someone has done on a challenge. 


For example here is a list of atrocities that seemed to have been forgiven/forgotten by some of these assholes:


1. Tanya being raped by Evan and Kenny with a toothbrush while unconscious

2. CT trying to kill Adam

3. CT banging Sauvon while Diem was in the house

4. Wes dumping an enitre bottle of soda on Cara's head for no reason ( not that there is ever a reason-and  everyone was such giant assholes to her that season I am surprised she came back)

5. Tony ( ?) actually hooking up with Drunk Christina this season ( and he has a kid on the way~ and somehow what Cara did was worse?)

6.  Frank and Zac being giant raging assholes to Sam . physically pushing her during a final

7. Nany leading Cohutta on then sleeping with Reily

8. John berating Sarah for hours (what a big cry baby loser he was!)

9. Nia being a disgusting human being ( remember she drank Zacs sweat!!!!!)

10. When everyone fucked over Paula  


I could go on and on and on....

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 12

I've actually had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with Aneesa for an afternoon. She was out with some friends and my gf and I saw her and went over to say hello and what big fans we were of The Challenge.

I have to say she was totally nice and unassuming, she talked candidly about some Challenge stuff, and generally seemed to just be a pretty down to Earth person. It seems to me that she's been a bit off kilter all season- hooking up with Cory, semi-ditching her cousin, and lashing out at CM.

That all being said, I'll still take the person I met over most of these contestants.

  • Love 4

I've actually had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with Aneesa for an afternoon. She was out with some friends and my gf and I saw her and went over to say hello and what big fans we were of The Challenge.

I have to say she was totally nice and unassuming, she talked candidly about some Challenge stuff, and generally seemed to just be a pretty down to Earth person.


Mutant Twin S:  Do tell more!  Did she divulge any juicy Challenge secrets?!

  • Love 2

I've actually had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with Aneesa for an afternoon. She was out with some friends and my gf and I saw her and went over to say hello and what big fans we were of The Challenge.

I have to say she was totally nice and unassuming, she talked candidly about some Challenge stuff, and generally seemed to just be a pretty down to Earth person. It seems to me that she's been a bit off kilter all season- hooking up with Cory, semi-ditching her cousin, and lashing out at CM.

That all being said, I'll still take the person I met over most of these contestants.

Oh!  Details please! 


Did she say where they go when they get eliminated?

I agree that Aneesa can be pretty nasty and that her criticizing CM over her accent was pretty juvenile (especially for someone in her 30s), but I was a little sad how it ended for her. There's no guarantee she'll be back for another season and she was so close to the finals. She seemed hungrier than ever and stronger than ever. She performed well. CM just wanted it more than she did and beat Aneesa at her own game. CM reminds me a lot of Sarah from last season. She's so determined and it doesn't seem like anyone or anything is going to stand in her way of a victory.


Cara Maria and Jamie: They definitely have the momentum going in after winning 3 pits in a row, but it's not like they've been dominating the competition. Jamie was fortunate that CT didn't defeat him quicker than Zach defeated Mike. And they're fortunate that Bananas screwed up the puzzle. Cara Maria looked tough against Aneesa though and I gotta believe she'll will a victory here. Jamie is the X factor. If she can get Cuz up that hill, I don't see how they can be beat.


Jenna and Brianna: They've proven to be a strong team ever since they aired out their grievances in one of the stupidest arguments I've ever seen. I mean, Brianna wanted to go home earlier in the season, but Jenna won 3 eliminations and seems determined to compete harder in this final now that she doesn't have Jay as deadweight. I think Jenna and Brianna will be fine endurance wise, but they don't appear to have strong aquatic skills and could struggle with an eating challenge. I'm not sure they're strong at puzzles either, but puzzles seem to be such a crap shoot on this show.


Cory and Mitch: These guys beasted that car hopping elimination, but I don't think they're a particularly strong team. The final challenge is mostly endurance and Cory really struggled with that in the mini challenge they had a couple of weeks ago even though they ended up winning. It's not just the fact that he has no ACL. He also seems to get gassed and the previews showed him throwing up again. That's not a good sign. Mitch doesn't seem that strong either, but he seems good at puzzles and that could catch them up on the race. Cory and Mitch are just fortunate to be in the finals considering Raphy came inches and a celebratory bump away from defeating Mitch in the tug of war pit early in the season. Because these guys are rookies who haven't experienced a final, I don't see them winning despite being the male team.

  • Love 1

That top 10 list of challenge 'atrocities' was a great summary of some of the more memorable malicious and ridiculous challenge moments.

I am rooting for Jenna and Brianna- they are self-deprecating but they are good competitors and team-mates. I like the narrative arc of Brianna not wanting to be there and then turning that around and trying hard in the challenges. They don't insert themselves in other people's drama, have funny comments that aren't hurtful about other people and in general have an endearing sweetness to them.

I think Cory is pretty adept at sussing out group dynamics and figuring out the politics of the game. And Mitch, like other folks have said, provides a good counterbalance.

  • Love 3

Aneesa is clearly trying to set herself up for future seasons with all these bullshit conflicts (KellyAnne, Cara) and relationships (Cory) she instigates. And I thought she was actually a stripper? That doesn't matter to me, but why deny it when you can Google and see pictures of her topless in the club? <br /><br />Cara is tiresome to me, and I find the accent to be a bit much and attention-seeking. The others always seem sick of her at this point in the competition, so I think her head case demeanor grates. <br /><br />Mitch and Cory are just gross to me and seem to have little going for themselves. Guess we'll be seeing them the next 5 years on these things. <br /><br />I'm rooting for Jenna/Bri. The ladies need better taste in boyfriends, but they're happy and I like the counterpoint to the misery that radiates from the others.<br /><br />Aside: do we know why Jenna's dad is in jail?

  • Love 3

I'm glad Cara won the Pit. If Cousin dares to gas out on the final I think Cara might just carry him herself. I don't know if it's the editing, or lack of veterans who would overshadow her, but she seems more confident, outgoing and aggressive on this challenge.  When Abe was there I think she felt she needed to be more subdued and let him take charge. When he left she could play the game her way again and be more a part of things. Other players have said on previous challenges that Cara was fake but, meh. She's not the only one to present a TV persona that may not be 100% what she's like.


It's nice to see a challenge where all the teams have been in for elimination. I'd be fine with Jenna/Brianna or Cara/Cousin winning. Jenna and Brianna were so cute in the challenge holding onto each other, and then on the bus looking at each other uncomfortably while Aneesa and Cara were yelling. I can't believe Mitch and Rianna could sleep through that. Anyone else notice when Aneesa, Rianna and Brianna were walking in to the hotel after the night out that it looked like Rianna peed herself?

  • Love 7

I like all of the three teams that are going to the final, but I'm rooting for Cara and Jamie. She's definitely become, in my opinion, one of the strongest female competitors in the Challenge and I'd really like to see her win.

Aneesa and Cara's fight on the bus over Cara's Boston accent is probably the second dumbest fight this season after Brianna and Jenna's. I like Aneesa, but she did not come out looking good after this fight or her other fight with Kelly Anne.

  • Love 4

I like all of the three teams that are going to the final, but I'm rooting for Cara and Jamie. She's definitely become, in my opinion, one of the strongest female competitors in the Challenge and I'd really like to see her win.

Aneesa and Cara's fight on the bus over Cara's Boston accent is probably the second dumbest fight this season after Brianna and Jenna's. I like Aneesa, but she did not come out looking good after this fight or her other fight with Kelly Anne.

Aneesa didn't look good after that fight, but neither did Cara. She should have listened to Cousin and just ignored it instead of yelling back at Aneesa. I would have just laughed, agreed with her and laid on the accent even thicker. It's a waste of time and breath to defend yourself against something so ridiculous. I loved what Brianna said in her TH about why can't she have an accent if she wants one.

  • Love 2

I saw the dress stain too, I was trying to figure out if it was part of a pattern along the bottom of the dress.  If not, ew.


I'm rooting for Cara and Cuz, but I would also love to see Jenna and Brianna pull out a win.  I can't hate on two girls who spend their free time coloring pictures.


When Jaime was screaming "CAHRAHHH!!"  in his tortured Boston accent during the Pit, I had a weird feeling of deja vu.  It took me a few moments to figure out who he reminded me of:  David, Real World Seattle, screaming "KIRAHHHHHHHH!!"  Ah, those Boston boys and their emotional turmoil.  I love it so.


Aneesa, love you, but it's time to retire.  Unless the Challenge does what I've always longed for - a veteran's challenge, and bring back all the old-school faves.  No rookies, no newbies!  Give us old-school viewers something to get excited about.  Are you listening, Teej??

  • Love 6

You don't even know!

If Donnie Wahlburg stood outside my bedroom window and screamed my name in that accent, I'd tiptoe around my sleeping hubby, pack a suitcase and shimmy out the window with a rope made of tied-together bras.  


Which would also explain why I want CT in every single challenge from now until he needs a walker.

  • Love 8

I'm glad Cara won the Pit. If Cousin dares to gas out on the final I think Cara might just carry him herself. I don't know if it's the editing, or lack of veterans who would overshadow her, but she seems more confident, outgoing and aggressive on this challenge.  When Abe was there I think she felt she needed to be more subdued and let him take charge. When he left she could play the game her way again and be more a part of things. Other players have said on previous challenges that Cara was fake but, meh. She's not the only one to present a TV persona that may not be 100% what she's like.


It's nice to see a challenge where all the teams have been in for elimination. I'd be fine with Jenna/Brianna or Cara/Cousin winning. Jenna and Brianna were so cute in the challenge holding onto each other, and then on the bus looking at each other uncomfortably while Aneesa and Cara were yelling. I can't believe Mitch and Rianna could sleep through that. Anyone else notice when Aneesa, Rianna and Brianna were walking in to the hotel after the night out that it looked like Rianna peed herself?

I think Cara has just gotten older and more confident. I am wayyyy more confident now at 27 vs when I was like 22. I would have  no problem standing up for myself if someone came at me like Aneesa whereas 5 years ago I probably would have cried lol


Cara takes no shit! ! You go Cara!!!!

  • Love 3

I'd be fine with Jenna/Brianna or Cara/Cousin winning. Jenna and Brianna were so cute in the challenge holding onto each other, and then on the bus looking at each other uncomfortably while Aneesa and Cara were yelling. I can't believe Mitch and Rianna could sleep through that.

On the After Show, Rianna confessed she was faking sleep to avoid involvement in the drama. I would do the same.

On the After Show, Rianna confessed she was faking sleep to avoid involvement in the drama. I would do the same.

I heard her say that, but I also saw the dress stain, and wondered if it was a little of both (faking and being passed out).  And then I didn't want to think about it any more.  But aside from that, I thought Aneesa was awful to her.  To have her just pouring her heart out, crying, and Aneesa just sit there totally affectless like Rianna was just a worm she happened to see wiggling in the gutter or something...I always had a little soft spot for Aneesa before but it's gone, with all her weird conflicts and the "reasons" behind them (yes, I'm sure CM is annoying and Kellyanne was just wrong in the skin color reference, but all of Aneesa's blather about and around it, including the drama as she tried to explain to Jamie in the bunk room....ugh).

I went to Berlin in 2014, and was deciding between that hotel and another one (picked the other one).  Guess I'm just not MTV-cool enough to pick the right one.


  • Love 1

Aneesa is clearly trying to set herself up for future seasons with all these bullshit conflicts (KellyAnne, Cara) and relationships (Cory) she instigates. And I thought she was actually a stripper? That doesn't matter to me, but why deny it when you can Google and see pictures of her topless in the club? 

I thought we found out Aneesa was a stripper waaaaaay back during her Real World season.  Or am I making that up?

I don't think she was a stripper back then. She said during the reunion show (in 2002) that she was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. I remember this prompted the TWoP recapper to recount the Human League lyrics. But she did teach Tonya how to pole dance while filming Inferno 3. And that was 2006-2007. So maybe she's been a stripper for awhile.

  • Love 1

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