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Law & Order: SVU in the Media


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35 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

I will be sad to see Stone go, I like him and his by the book style and how he doesn’t bow to Benson most of the time. I wonder if that’s why he’s exiting, he stands in the way of the almighty St Benson and her agenda, I wonder if Mariska wants him gone or if the Stone bashing SJW Benson fans are influencing the writers. 

I wonder who the new ADA will be? Let’s hope it’s a good character, not a Benson bot.

Sounds like Phillip was let go.

I think Part 33 really was the knockout punch for Stone.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Sounds like Phillip was let go.

I think Part 33 really was the knockout punch for Stone.

I think that the SJW crazies got the writers to let him go, they hated Stone from the start, never gave him a chance and bashed him constantly. I just wonder if Mariska wanted him gone? He was frequently the only one who would criticize Benson or overrule her, and he stood in the way of the show being 100% Benson’s agenda, so I wonder if MH pushed him out the door? 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

I think that the SJW crazies got the writers to let him go, they hated Stone from the start, never gave him a chance and bashed him constantly. I just wonder if Mariska wanted him gone? He was frequently the only one who would criticize Benson or overrule her, and he stood in the way of the show being 100% Benson’s agenda, so I wonder if MH pushed him out the door? 

Wouldn't surprise me if Mariska  got Phillip fired.

Once SVU ends, I think a lot of bts fuckery will be exposed.

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Wouldn't surprise me if Mariska  got Phillip fired.

Once SVU ends, I think a lot of bts fuckery will be exposed.

Agreed, I think once the show ends a lot will be exposed about Mariska and her ego. I think she may have been involved in getting rid of Winchester because Stone isn’t a Benson bot and stands in the way of Benson/Mariska pushing her agenda

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

Agreed, I think once the show ends a lot will be exposed about Mariska and her ego. I think she may have been involved in getting rid of Winchester because Stone isn’t a Benson bot and stands in the way of Benson/Mariska pushing her agenda

37 minutes ago, MrsRafaelBarba said:

Michael Cheruchin created the character.

Can't see him dumping Stone, unless he was overruled.

Mariska and Prick Wolf?

While it's tempting to see this as collateral damage in the struggle between Mariska and Chernuchin over the direction of the show, and it's certainly a possibility, I think we shouldn't forget the old adage about hearing hoofbeats and thinking horses, not zebras (and especially not "Zebras"!) - this is most likely about money and/or not toeing the Dick Wolf company line. It's likely that they're trimming costs even more and ADAs are obviously considered even more disposable than the rest of the cast even when they're your showrunner's Gary Stu.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 3

Not gonna lie: Happy for the die-hard fans, but if any franchise show deserved to break the record, it was the Mothership. Oh, well.

In any case, in terms of losing the latest ADA in Stone, I think this show may go the way of L&O: CI and just have rotating day-player ADAs, depending on how much the budget was slashed for next season. I guess we'll find out. But it wouldn't surprise me.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, illdoc said:
2 hours ago, Fellaway said:

I know we rag on it, but I'm glad it was renewed, as long as it means more Carisi on my screen.

I've got mixed feelings. Things have definitely improved and I like the idea of more Fin and Carisi. And it may be nice to see them continue to bring back characters from the history of the franchise. I am disappointed that NBC didn't go the CI Season 10 route and have a planned final season to reward the fans that have stuck with the show. They really need to go out as gracefully as possible while they still can.

  • Love 4

I honestly don’t think Wolf gives a fuck about SVU anymore, his focus is on Chicago and FBI. 

I think Winchester was forced out, and it wouldn’t shock me if Mariska is behind it. There have been a group of fans that have been hell bent on running Stone out since before he even arrived, and they’ve gotten their way, and I think Mariska agrees with them.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, wknt3 said:

I've got mixed feelings. Things have definitely improved and I like the idea of more Fin and Carisi. And it may be nice to see them continue to bring back characters from the history of the franchise. I am disappointed that NBC didn't go the CI Season 10 route and have a planned final season to reward the fans that have stuck with the show. They really need to go out as gracefully as possible while they still can.

Yeah, I had forgotten to mention that I was rather surprised that this was not announced as a final season as Criminal Intent did upon its S10 renewal and its announcement of VDO/KE returning for the final hurrah.

I suppose it can go on for as long as MH and Wolf want, but even with the "okayish" ratings, each season seems to have diminishing returns. It's now fractional in the almighty 18-49 demo, so I do wonder how much juice is left in this thing.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

Yeah, I had forgotten to mention that I was rather surprised that this was not announced as a final season as Criminal Intent did upon its S10 renewal and its announcement of VDO/KE returning for the final hurrah.

I suppose it can go on for as long as MH and Wolf want, but even with the "okayish" ratings, each season seems to have diminishing returns. It's now fractional in the almighty 18-49 demo, so I do wonder juice how much juice is left in this thing.

I don't think it can go on as long as Wolf wants it to - he wants all his shows to keep going forever! But yeah it's reaching a point where NBC simply won't pay enough to keep it going. Even more important than the gradually declining ratings is that NBC finally has some successful dramas outside of the Dick Wolf franchises. "Among NBC’s 11 current dramas, it ranks No. 8."   Now that they've made up for what they did to the mothership the numbers  and network "logic" will start to argue against bringing it back when they find the next reality competition to run into the ground. I honestly think at this point the only thing that keeps it on is if they manage to successfully launch Hate Crimes and the crossovers help both shows, if NBC has some sort of major schedule holes to fill and is willing to accept OK ratings and a certain amount of guaranteed value because they have no other palatable options (probably with even more cuts  - Giddish maybe?) or if something unexpected happens like a massive resurgence in the ratings or Mariska taking a big pay cut. Sadly I think it's most likely that it ends not with a bang, but a whimper - a half assed season finale and Tweets announcing that NBC is not renewing the show, but Wolf is "actively exploring options"  and the fans are great (but not great enough to give a proper ending) etc.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, wknt3 said:

I don't think it can go on as long as Wolf wants it to - he wants all his shows to keep going forever! But yeah it's reaching a point where NBC simply won't pay enough to keep it going. Even more important than the gradually declining ratings is that NBC finally has some successful dramas outside of the Dick Wolf franchises. "Among NBC’s 11 current dramas, it ranks No. 8."   Now that they've made up for what they did to the mothership the numbers  and network "logic" will start to argue against bringing it back when they find the next reality competition to run into the ground. I honestly think at this point the only thing that keeps it on is if they manage to successfully launch Hate Crimes and the crossovers help both shows, if NBC has some sort of major schedule holes to fill and is willing to accept OK ratings and a certain amount of guaranteed value because they have no other palatable options (probably with even more cuts  - Giddish maybe?) or if something unexpected happens like a massive resurgence in the ratings or Mariska taking a big pay cut. Sadly I think it's most likely that it ends not with a bang, but a whimper - a half assed season finale and Tweets announcing that NBC is not renewing the show, but Wolf is "actively exploring options"  and the fans are great (but not great enough to give a proper ending) etc.

Yeah, I don't see any unexpected ratings surge on the horizon (not saying you do, just using an example you stated!). Many of the stories used are already rehashes from earlier seasons and, at some point, it just becomes staler than stale. Another point you make is NBC finally has other dramatic success stories (hi, This Is Us!) and I cannot help but wonder - now that Wolf will get his long wished-for Gunsmoke record breaker - if the show will even get a full season in S21 or shortened or, worst-case scenario, is pulled or ended abruptly.

As it is, the Mothership was treated abominably in its final years, being dumped on Friday nights and then, after 20 seasons, not even allowed a real swan song and having to re-edit the last episode of the season to attempt some closure. As of right now, in terms of the successful franchise shows with long runs, it seems like L&O: CI ended things right and on an up note. But then, it was on NBC-owned USA and not on NBC (at least for first run; NBC repeated episodes after USA aired them), so maybe that helped.

In that case, let's hope NBC remembers its mistakes with Original Recipe and gives L&O: SVU a true ending. Still, the pessimist in me thinks, even as the show is about to break the record of seasons of a TV show, that very achievement now puts it on borrowed time.

  • Love 3

Considering that SVU will now break the series record, I have to think that this will be its last season. I get that it does decently enough in the ratings, but I would honestly be surprised if it is renewed beyond season 21. There is no reason to keep it around after NBC gets the bragging rights. 

Along those same lines, I also am in the camp that it wasn't Phillip's choice to leave. Why leave when you can be part of a record breaking season run? Even if he wanted off the show, sucking it up for one more season (again, a season that is likely to be its last) wouldn't be that hard. 

  • Love 4

Yeah, between the comparative lack of him in the back half of the season, when we had Stone overload in the front half, plus his "not so big of fans" remark in his tweet...  I'm in the camp that thinks he was let go, though I doubt it had to do with MH disliking the blowback Stone sometimes directed at Benson.  That seems more like an issue, if she has one, that'd be directed at the writers and the showrunner, than at PW, who just reads his lines.  Stone was hardly an entrenched enough character that they couldn't change the direction they were taking him in, if they wanted to.  

My own perception of the fandom's overall reaction to Stone was that it was lukewarm at best, for reasons both fair and unfair, something I'm sure they're aware of.  Me, I think the actor and character are dull - Fair. - and I resented the amount of screentime he got, when Carisi went without, in the front half of the season. - Maybe unfair.

The article said there were no further cast changes planned for 21.  I take that to mean no further cuts, but does that also mean they won't be bringing on another ADA, I wonder.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 4
22 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

It is pretty remarkable, the longest running drama in US tv history (far exceeding its' British rivals in terms of eps) and what's more a spinoff, exceeding its' progenitor. The only other series that I can think can compare is Xena?

If we're going to limit it to dramas (since sticom spinoffs matching or exceeding the original shows run is considerably more common) the other series that comes to mind is NCIS which has been on so long that nobody remembers it's a spinoff of JAG. It's also the only show I can think of that has a chance to match the mothership and maybe even break SVU's record depending on how long Mark Harmon can keep going.

  • Love 1

Here is an article on NBCUniversal's site about SVU, mostly about the renewal but it has some info on the show's current ratings.


Thus far in its 20th season, “Law & Order: SVU” has delivered a 1.9 rating in adults 18-49 and 7.6 million viewers overall in “live plus seven day” averages from Nielsen Media Research to win its Thursday 10 p.m. timeslot among the hour’s regular dramas in the key 18-49 demo. “SVU” also leads the time period in adults 25-54 and all key adult-female demos.

“SVU” is a highly time-shifted series, more than doubling this season in 18-49 rating when going from “live plus same day” to L+7 Nielsens, and adding more than 3.2 million viewers.


  • Useful 1
12 hours ago, Fellaway said:

Thus far in its 20th season, “Law & Order: SVU” has delivered a 1.9 rating in adults 18-49 and 7.6 million viewers overall in “live plus seven day” averages from Nielsen Media Research to win its Thursday 10 p.m. timeslot among the hour’s regular dramas in the key 18-49 demo. “SVU” also leads the time period in adults 25-54 and all key adult-female demos.

“SVU” is a highly time-shifted series, more than doubling this season in 18-49 rating when going from “live plus same day” to L+7 Nielsens, and adding more than 3.2 million viewers.

And also from that article

"The “Law & Order” brand has tremendous global appeal and to date “SVU” has been sold to more than 250 territories around the world."

This raises a couple of questions with me. What is more important, winning your regular time slot or showing a large number for a 7 day total and winning a couple of demographic numbers? It doesn't tell us if their competition gets great numbers also for the 7 day total.

One could interpret, since SVU has been sold to over 250 countries, it is relying on it's name to sell the series. It's like instead of producing and selling diamond jewels as episodes (like it once had), it is now producing and selling cubic zirconia as episodes, but at a slightly discount price. They want that definite money flow, for the least amount work and expense. If that certain cash flow was ever affected, I wonder if that record would even be thought about.

12 hours ago, dttruman said:

"The “Law & Order” brand has tremendous global appeal and to date “SVU” has been sold to more than 250 territories around the world."

That right there would create a huge revenue stream from SVU.

12 hours ago, dttruman said:

This raises a couple of questions with me. What is more important, winning your regular time slot or showing a large number for a 7 day total and winning a couple of demographic numbers? It doesn't tell us if their competition gets great numbers also for the 7 day total.

Interpreting ratings has become a lot more complicated since the days of only the broadcast nets, what with all the delayed viewing and cable and streaming, and I think the nets have to look at the +7 figures to get a better picture.  It's just such a different TV landscape now that I don't believe winning the live ratings is the be-all to end-all it used to be.

I looked at a couple weeks' worth of Live +7 rankings for the broadcast nets, and SVU was in the top 10 or the top 20 in all rankings, but I don't know how that compared with its timeslot rivals.  I'm not even sure what's on against it these days.  Eep.

12 hours ago, dttruman said:

One could interpret, since SVU has been sold to over 250 countries, it is relying on it's name to sell the series.

Over on one of the forums for another show I watch, they were discussing the ratings, and someone mentioned how, for the broadcast nets, it's so hard for a new show to break out as a success, never mind a hit, that franchises are increasingly valued these days because of their brand recognition.  It's hard to get eyes on new shows, and brand recognition makes it easier.  (Of course, it doesn't always work - See:  Chicago Justice.) SVU obviously has brand recognition and, while it doesn't have the oomph it used to have in Live viewing, it seems like enough people consider it an old favorite to watch later.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Fellaway said:

it's so hard for a new show to break out as a success, never mind a hit, that franchises are increasingly valued these days because of their brand recognition.  It's hard to get eyes on new shows, and brand recognition makes it easier.  (Of course, it doesn't always work - See:  Chicago Justice.) SVU obviously has brand recognition and, while it doesn't have the oomph it used to have in Live viewing, it seems like enough people consider it an old favorite to watch later.

Thank you for that bit of info. That raises the next question. If recognition is at a paramount right now, when does the quality of the show take precedence over recognition? This remind me of the old adage "It's not what you know, but who you know". This is true for a time, but the new adage is "It's who you know that gets you the job, but it's what you know that allows you to keep the job". If SVU continues on its pace of substandard quality, IMO it may not even make it through it's 21st season

12 hours ago, Fellaway said:

That right there would create a huge revenue stream from SVU.

Yep. As I've mentioned before one of the things that has kept the show going is that it is one of the closest things to predictable in entertainment. They can basically do a traditional earnings projection knowing that they can sell each episode for x dollars and figure out what they can pay per episode and still make money if ratings decline at the same rate they have in recent years. That along with the value of their relationship with Dick Wolf and the lack of good alternatives has played a huge part in keeping the show going. And is one of the reasons why the expiration date is coming up - they have higher rated alternatives now and Dick Wolf has his record and they've made up for screwing him with the mothership.



Interpreting ratings has become a lot more complicated since the days of only the broadcast nets, what with all the delayed viewing and cable and streaming, and I think the nets have to look at the +7 figures to get a better picture.  It's just such a different TV landscape now that I don't believe winning the live ratings is the be-all to end-all it used to be.

True. And it gets even more complicated. Remember this article is PR not analysis. Different advertisers value different numbers. Live, +24 hours, +3, +7, etc. Unfortunately this isn't really a show with a lot of room for product placement so the timeshifted audience doesn't help it as much as say Superstore where it doesn't matter so much when the viewers see your logo in a big display during the content portion of the show they won't FF through. I suspect that they tout those numbers in the PR, trash them when they negotiate renewal, and the truth is somewhere in between.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, dttruman said:

If recognition is at a paramount right now, when does the quality of the show take precedence over recognition?

Well, honestly, I don't think quality has ever been first and foremost in the TV industry's thought process, as long as eyeballs are watching the show.  I mean, there have been many successful shows that were utter crapfests, and, likewise, really good shows that couldn't even get a full season.  It's all about money, and if eyeballs are watching...

11 hours ago, dttruman said:

If SVU continues on its pace of substandard quality, IMO it may not even make it through it's 21st season

I think it will make a full season 21, at least.  If it doesn't, it really can't claim the record, IMO.  I don't think they want to leave that open to ambiguity or debate.  Beyond that, we'll see.  It's all about money, and... MH's desire to continue, apparently.

10 hours ago, wknt3 said:

As I've mentioned before one of the things that has kept the show going is that it is one of the closest things to predictable in entertainment. They can basically do a traditional earnings projection knowing that they can sell each episode for x dollars and figure out what they can pay per episode and still make money if ratings decline at the same rate they have in recent years.

The show's gotta be a gold mine in US syndication, too.  In my market, it's on three channels.  You can catch an ep pretty much any day, any time.  I've read that the syndication market prefers episodic TV over serialized, because they don't have to buy the whole series, can run the eps in any order they want, etc.

Edited by Fellaway
Spelling counts and I want to pass the quiz.
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

I think it will make a full season 21, at least.  If it doesn't, it really can't claim the record, IMO.  I don't think they want to leave that open to ambiguity or debate.  Beyond that, we'll see.  It's all about money, and... MH's desire to continue, apparently. 

So True! I think MH's desire to continue, doesn't include quality or a touch of realism.

Edited by dttruman
My reasons has been the same as FELLAWAY, spelling or adding or taking out a word so it makes sense. I have been leaving it blank because those are my usual reasons.
1 hour ago, Fellaway said:

Well, honestly, I don't think quality has ever been first and foremost in the TV industry's thought process, as long as eyeballs are watching the show.

I actually meant when it comes to dramas and it was aimed more at the viewers. Producers will make anything as long as it is popular with the viewers. But sooner or later a show will lose it's luster.

10 hours ago, Fellaway said:

I think it will make a full season 21, at least.  If it doesn't, it really can't claim the record, IMO.  I don't think they want to leave that open to ambiguity or debate.  Beyond that, we'll see.  It's all about money, and... MH's desire to continue, apparently.

They've already ordered the full season. The only way it ends prematurely is if Mariska dies. When the plane she's in crashes into Ice-T's beach house while Dick Wolf is visiting. Or if society completely collapses before next May which is slightly more likely.


The show's gotta be a gold mine in US syndication, too.  In my market, it's on three channels.  You can catch an ep pretty much any day, any time.  I've read that the syndication market prefers episodic TV over serialized, because they don't have to buy the whole series, can run the eps in any order they want, etc.

Which reminds me of the biggest factor in NBCUniversal's profitability calculations that we haven't really talked about - USA.  It's like 40% of the schedule and they keep all the revenue and can cook the books however they like as far as what the different divisions pay each other. However at this point they don't really need any more episodes and I wouldn't be surprised if during the time slots anybody is watching that they don't get better ratings airing Season 6 for the 300th time than Season 18 for the 3rd time. Which is another reason that the people at the very top are less likely to push to keep it even if the programmers would prefer to devote 6 hours of primetime per week to Ed Helms hosting "America's Next Great A Capella Star"...

  • LOL 3
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On 4/10/2019 at 9:01 AM, dttruman said:

So True! I think MH's desire to continue, doesn't include quality or a touch of realism.

I have just read an article where MH said she'll be there if it goes to Season 25, so...  Honestly, I don't blame her.  Declining quality aside, Olivia Benson is an iconic role, probably the only one she'll ever have, and she makes a boatload of money.  From her perspective, what's not to love?

On 4/10/2019 at 9:13 AM, dttruman said:

I actually meant when it comes to dramas and it was aimed more at the viewers. Producers will make anything as long as it is popular with the viewers. But sooner or later a show will lose it's luster.

It's funny, but I read about the show in a few places and, depending on where I'm reading, the quality varies greatly.  There are still plenty of folks who think the show's great.  

On 4/10/2019 at 6:51 PM, wknt3 said:

They've already ordered the full season.

Oh, yes, I know.  I was just responding to @dttruman's speculation that the show wouldn't make it through the 21st season because of declining quality.

On 4/10/2019 at 6:51 PM, wknt3 said:

The only way it ends prematurely is if Mariska dies. When the plane she's in crashes into Ice-T's beach house while Dick Wolf is visiting. Or if society completely collapses before next May which is slightly more likely.

::snerk::  Ain't that the truth.

  • Love 2
On ‎4‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 9:30 PM, wknt3 said:

If we're going to limit it to dramas (since sticom spinoffs matching or exceeding the original shows run is considerably more common) the other series that comes to mind is NCIS which has been on so long that nobody remembers it's a spinoff of JAG. It's also the only show I can think of that has a chance to match the mothership and maybe even break SVU's record depending on how long Mark Harmon can keep going.

I see NCIS has just been renewed for s17?

11 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

I see NCIS has just been renewed for s17? 

They put out a quality drama. I think they will stop (unlike SVU) when they figure they can't put out a quality product. Mark Harmon, I think is an executive producer of NCIS New Orleans, not sure about LA Undercover. I would like to see them pass SVU.

Here's a fun one.


I can only hope Warren brings back the storytelling quality for Season 21, since I generally like the stories under his watch (I've given up hope on reining in Olivia, but maybe the rest of the characters will get better characterization). 

  • Love 2

I am sad to see Peter Stone go. Hope behind the scenes shenaningans or crazy SJW fans didn't play a part on his leaving. I liked that Peter wasn't a Benson bot (though he sure was on his way to turning into one). I hope Philip Winchester finds a new gig soon, I think he is super  sexy and charismatic, with an old school masculinity (think Clark Gable) that I find incredibly appealing.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

Here's a fun one.


I can only hope Warren brings back the storytelling quality for Season 21, since I generally like the stories under his watch (I've given up hope on reining in Olivia, but maybe the rest of the characters will get better characterization). 

Interesting. This tells me two things. One is that there may be something to the idea that there is a creative struggle going on BTS that played a role in PW getting ousted. The other is that Dick Wolf and NBC are really far apart on Hate Crimes.

  • Love 1
On 4/23/2019 at 3:10 AM, ForeverAlone said:

Here's a fun one.


I can only hope Warren brings back the storytelling quality for Season 21, since I generally like the stories under his watch (I've given up hope on reining in Olivia, but maybe the rest of the characters will get better characterization). 

Leight did bring us some really good things, such as the introductions of Barba (before Eid destroyed the character) and Carisi, more standout episodes (i.e. “heartfelt passages”- 1 of the best written, directed, & acted episodes in SVU history),& fascinating guest/recurring characters, such as William Lewis & Declan Murphy. But he also brought us more storylines built around personal lives, such as Benoah & the trainwreck known as Rollins and her family.  It will be interesting to see what he brings for season 21; I do think we will see better writing and storylines. I’m wondering if he is being brought in to tie the series up and give the fans/viewers some satisfaction as it ends. 

Edited by ChristiKRN
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I wonder if Leight will restart the ridiculous tradition he had of having episode titles corresponding with the season, i.e. S15, the title had 15 letters, etc. I hope not.

Hah!  I have watched the Leight seasons repeatedly and absolutely never noticed that!  I shall have to pay more attention.  ☺️

18 minutes ago, wknt3 said:

Me too! Actually the whole article reads like one of our forum discusses including the analysis of where things  went wrong. Not saying the writer is copying us, just that they are an astute and perceptive analyst of SVU.

The comments, though, make it sound like the author advocating killing puppies or something!  😛

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

The comments, though, make it sound like the author advocating killing puppies or something!  😛

I had similar thoughts....

Attempting to read the responses to that article is like like progressively hitting ones head harder and harder against a brick wall. After reading them one would think the writer of the article was advocating the cancellation of a show written by Shakespeare. 

  • LOL 1
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I agree that season 21 of SVU should be the end. Let the show and the franchise go out with an ounce of dignity, SVU is no longer a high quality show for the most part, and I don’t want it to destroy the legacy of the once great L&O franchise. It will forever enrage me that this show got to season 21 while the Mothership, which was 100000 times superior, did not. 

I couldn’t agree more about the endless Benson in danger plots.

The part I disagree with is the part about Stabler leaving hurting the show, actually the show got a new burst of life when he left and seasons 13-14 were far superior to the final Stabler years. The show went downhill in season 15 when Munch and Cragen left and Benson became the boss and Noah was introduced, that’s when SVU became what it is today. And I don’t care to ever see Stabler again, he was nothing more than a rageaholic fascist thug with a badge most of the time.

The comments on that article must be from the devout Benson/MH worshippers who love the endless Benson stories. 

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Culture Check: How do we recognize and address victim blaming as a community? If you are unsure what victim-blaming is, please read more about it in this article

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