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S32: Caleb Reynolds

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I'm actually rooting for Caleb, but cautiously - as long as he doesn't bring the crazy like he did on BB.  For reasons that I don't understand myself, I feel like this guy is good at heart (minus all stalking, which I have NOT forgotten about).  Time will tell.   I may be regretting this post by this time next week.

Edited by laurakaye
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I still see an asshole. Surely I'm not the only one who noticed how he described Tai (BEFORE Tai did anything to make people suspicious of him, I mean). It wasn't enough for Caleb to talk about what an odd fit Tai was for the Beauty tribe (which even Tai himself noted), he had to compile and elaborate on the whole list of reasons of what was wrong with Tai as part of that.

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I still see an asshole. Surely I'm not the only one who noticed how he described Tai (BEFORE Tai did anything to make people suspicious of him, I mean). It wasn't enough for Caleb to talk about what an odd fit Tai was for the Beauty tribe (which even Tai himself noted), he had to compile and elaborate on the whole list of reasons of what was wrong with Tai as part of that.


Seriously.  It was cute when Tai was speculating on why he was on the Beauty tribe.  But then when Caleb did it  -- just petty and mean.  If they ask you something leading like "do you think anyone doesn't belong on the "beauty" tribe?" just say something like, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  Or  even "what do you mean?"  Or, heaven forbid, "I'm surprised I'M on the beauty tribe, what were you guys thinking?!"


God forbid, this kind of thing makes me miss Rob Mariano, who, say what you will, was so deft with pretty much any leading or inflammatory question.

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Someone needs to inform Caleb that Mr. Miyagi did in fact not wear glasses. Just sayin'

This goes to another racist cliche. There's a kind of mental/societal compilation of racist images people have in their back of their heads, and the little old asian guy with round glasses is tucked up there somewhere.
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If I hadn't seen Caleb on BB I'd probably like him, or at least not get where the hate is coming from.  But, I just can't.  Frankly, I could probably ask what he's doing on the beauty tribe, but he doesn't qualify for brains and the brawns were full.

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This goes to another racist cliche. There's a kind of mental/societal compilation of racist images people have in their back of their heads, and the little old asian guy with round glasses is tucked up there somewhere.

I suspect at least part of Beefsmoke's sensitivity training was based on old Gilligan's Island reruns.

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I suspect at least part of Beefsmoke's sensitivity training was based on old Gilligan's Island reruns.

I had to dig to find images or video it on the web, but... the real joke of it is that what Nashville was remembering from Gilligan's Island wasn't even an actual Asian actor. It was an Italian one named Vito Scotti. Here's a clip. For those others reading this who don't know what Nashville was referring to... get ready to be massively pissed off and offended (not by me or Nashville, I hope, but the clip and the times it was from...)



Even if he somehow translated this to "Mr. Miyagi", I do agree that this could indeed be what was actually in the back of Caleb's little mind when he saw, and commented on, Tai.

Edited by Kromm
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Caleb is too young to have watched Gilligan's Island (I'm surprised if he actually saw the Karate Kid). I didn't see anything wrong with his description of Tai who isn't a classic beauty....even Tai himself seemed and sounded surprised he was on the beauty tribe.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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Caleb is too young to have watched Gilligan's Island (I'm surprised if he actually saw the Karate Kid). I didn't see anything wrong with his description of Tai who isn't a classic beauty....even Tai himself seemed and sounded surprised he was on the beauty tribe.

Nobody is too young to have watched Gilligan's Island. It plays on channels like TVLand constantly (and never at any point since the 70s hasn't been widely syndicated or played on a widely watched basic cable channel).  

Edited by Kromm
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Nobody is too young to have watched Gilligan's Island. It plays on channels like TVLand constantly (and never at any point since the 70s hasn't been widely syndicated or played on a widely watched basic cable channel).  


Fair enough but he doesn't strike me as a couch potato watching old shows but I could see him watching kung fu and/or movies like The Karate Kid (still kind of old for him but he seems to like martial arts). If you want to see him as a racist then that's your right. I just don't see it...at least not overtly. I think he hold to his culture's definition of beauty....even now the modeling world is just starting to get more varied but it is still mainly just young slender people primarily non-asian in the american and european market and he is coming from that perspective. There are some exceptions. I personally can find beauty in a variety of ages and shapes and etc.... I don't get bent out of shape for him saying "asian" and suddenly think he is racist for saying it...mileage may vary or whatever that phrase is

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Fair enough but he doesn't strike me as a couch potato watching old shows but I could see him watching kung fu and/or movies like The Karate Kid (still kind of old for him but he seems to like martial arts). If you want to see him as a racist then that's your right. I just don't see it...at least not overtly. I think he hold to his culture's definition of beauty....even now the modeling world is just starting to get more varied but it is still mainly just young slender people primarily non-asian in the american and european market and he is coming from that perspective. There are some exceptions. I personally can find beauty in a variety of ages and shapes and etc.... I don't get bent out of shape for him saying "asian" and suddenly think he is racist for saying it...mileage may vary or whatever that phrase is

Well I also brought outside data into this situation. Caleb had a pre-Big-Brother history of homophobic and racist social media interactions, and it was definitely discussed at the time he appeared on that show. He then got obsessively fixated on a multi-racial girl on Big Brother, and many took that to mean he couldn't be racist, but I personally saw it as a sign that he just goes to extremes in both directions (obsession/fascination can be a flip side of disdain/misunderstanding). 

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I have a very begrudging affection for Caleb.  He's best described as a lunkhead.  He entertained me to no end on BB, and I tried to dislike him.  He has the mind of a child.  It seemed he did little but sit around and brag on himself.  He told tall tales that I'm not sure he realized weren't true.  I enjoy watching him on youtube, showing off with a fancy karate move which ends with him landing on his ass.  I liked that he laughed it off.


The stalker part was weird and uncomfortable, but unfortunately his fellow cast mates fed into his illusions, and even egged him on.  I liked that he was very tolerant of Frankie Grande.  Frankie Grande is openly gay, Caleb is straight, yet Frankie frequently inappropriately pawed Caleb.  I expected the lunkhead to demonstrate homophobic outrage, but he just laughed it off.  And later, when everyone had turned on Frankie and Caleb was charged with throwing a challenge, Frankie figured it out.  Like a little boy, Caleb couldn't look Frankie in the eye.


And then of course there was Donnie.  Donnie was a nice simple man who was a groundskeeper.  Caleb was convinced that Donnie was a super-spy, or at least in the military, because of the way Donnie wore his socks.  It was hilarious.


Then how about when Derek and Frankie had to pretend they had seen a rat.  The rest of the cast was screaming and reacting, but Caleb went in, all serious, and attempted to catch it.  He actually reported that he saw it, described how big it was and what it's tail looked like.


He's superficial, vain, dim-witted, and deluded, but he was a loyal alliance member. 

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Well I also brought outside data into this situation. Caleb had a pre-Big-Brother history of homophobic and racist social media interactions, and it was definitely discussed at the time he appeared on that show. He then got obsessively fixated on a multi-racial girl on Big Brother, and many took that to mean he couldn't be racist, but I personally saw it as a sign that he just goes to extremes in both directions (obsession/fascination can be a flip side of disdain/misunderstanding). 


I don't/didn't know his pre-BB h/o homophobia/racism. Hopefully he changed. He seemed really close to Frankie (ugh but not ugh for being homosexual but ugh for being a horrible human) so I didn't think he was homophobic. Maybe his racism, if he was racist (IDK), was ignorance and that went away with exposure/experience (I want to say education but that doesn't fit). IDK, he's a white male so I get suspicious then feel like I am racist/sexist for saying white male. All I can say is he isn't annoying me on survivor YET whereas on BB he annoyed me by being OTT on his first challenge (hugging the spinning barrel or something like that). I did like his loyalty on BB but was creeped out by his obsession over Amber (some of it seemed like editing but most just seemed creepy)

Edited by Vicky8675309
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I did like his loyalty on BB but was creeped out by his obsession over Amber (some of it seemed like editing but most just seemed creepy)


Actually, Caleb was getting a 1000% positive spin on the BB broadcast edit; he was portrayed as a humorous goofball given to high school-type crushes. 

Anyone who caught his extended (literally HOURS-long) obsessive discourses on BBAD or the feeds, however, saw a different side of him. Granted it could conceivably be possible he was just playing it up for the cameras - but if it was, the boy deserves a frikkin' Oscar.


All of which to say (a) I sincerely hope Caleb's current IRL relationship fulfills his every emotional need, and (b) I pray there's no repeat on Survivor of the obsessive behavior we saw on BB.  Really and truly I do.

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Perhaps he is thinking of Mr. Magoo glasses.

That's what I thought, too.


At the end of his description of Tai, he did say something along the lines of perhaps Tai's beauty isn't something we can necessarily see, which I thought was sincere insight.  I can see self-described Adonis Nick wondering what the heck Tai is doing on his team of gorgeousness, but I feel like Caleb was just thinking out loud and not trying to be mean-spirited.


Caleb - you're already a divisive player.  Don't make those of us wanting to give you a second chance on reality television eat our words.

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I had to dig to find images or video it on the web, but... the real joke of it is that what Nashville was remembering from Gilligan's Island wasn't even an actual Asian actor. It was an Italian one named Vito Scotti.

Kromm - Hit the nail on the head, you did. That was kinda my point - Beefsmoke's views on Asians being based on an old sitcom's comic caricature by a non-Asian actor. Right up there with people's views on Southerners being based on old Beverly Hillbillies reruns, or American Indians being represented by Iron Eyes Cody (his parents immigrated from Sicily).

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I don't/didn't know his pre-BB h/o homophobia/racism. Hopefully he changed. He seemed really close to Frankie (ugh but not ugh for being homosexual but ugh for being a horrible human) so I didn't think he was homophobic.


He's made homophobic statements several times on his younows and twitter in the past year.  He was friends with Frankie at first but I'm not sure about since these statements. 

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If Caleb didn't have the ugly tattoos he'd be pretty good looking. I can't really tell if he likes Tai or not. One minute he seems to appreciate him and the other times he looks like he doesn't want to be near him. I guess they are both trying to figure each other out. I thought Tai was going to,tell Caleb about the idol and ask for his help in retrieving it.

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Tai goes in for a kiss (or wanting to share the food that is already in Caleb's mouth, LOL), Caleb jumps back in surprise.  Tai says something like, "Oh, sorry!" and Caleb replies, "Hey, next time just ask me first!"


Two episodes in and I'm still digging Beast Mode Cowboy.  He could've taken that little scene in a completely different direction but so far, he seems somewhat perplexed, yet okay with the fact that Tai has a pretty obvious crush on him.

Edited by laurakaye
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 Maybe his racism, if he was racist (IDK), was ignorance and that went away with exposure/experience (I want to say education but that doesn't fit). IDK, he's a white male so I get suspicious then feel like I am racist/sexist for saying white male. 


Including the descriptor of "Asian" as being one of several reasons for why Caleb thinks that Tai was misplaced on the Beauty tribe is what strikes me as casually racist.  Not saying that someone is a white male, which is exactly what Caleb is.


I also don't know much about Mr. Miyagi but the name is clearly Japanese and Tai has made many mentions of the fact that he is Vietnamese.  Yes I would say that Caleb is ignorant and almost proud of it, saying such things on international television without a thought.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Including the descriptor of "Asian" as being one of several reasons for why Caleb thinks that Tai was misplaced on the Beauty tribe is what strikes me as casually racist.  Not saying that someone is a white male, which is exactly what Caleb is.


I also don't know much about Mr. Miyagi but the name is clearly Japanese and Tai has made many mentions of the fact that he is Vietnamese.  Yes I would say that Caleb is ignorant and almost proud of it, saying such things on international television without a thought.

If someone were a dim bulb though and not necessarily hateful, I can see not knowing "Miyagi" is Japanese though.

Then again it's more likely he simply didn't care there was a difference. People tend to be really defensive about their own categorizations and very cavalier about others and their categories. It seems to be an unfortunate universal aspect of the modern human condition.

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Or Caleb could just be referring to the tree/plant thing. Wasn't Mr. Miyagi all about his bonsai trees? Am I remembering that wrong, it's probably been 20 years since I saw the movie, and Tai is all about the trees… when he's not ripping trees out by their roots.

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Poor Caleb.  That was one of the most uncomfortable moments to watch (I think Mike Skupin getting burned in the fire is the only thing that tops this).  I do hope he gets another chance, and considering how he went out, I can't believe he won't.  I was enjoying him on here, way more than BB, and I was loving his bromance with Tai.  Plus, he was willing to be the 4th in the beauty girls alliance.  


I wonder what the aftermath will be tomorrow and if Jeff will be doing damage control.  Though considering I only ever see Jeff being interviewed by people that are so far up his ass, I'm not counting on anyone going hard on him.  They should have stopped that challenge, but they were probably too pre-occupied about what a dramatic moment this was going to be.

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If Caleb indeed recieved a sweetheart edit, we now know the reason.  Poor guy.


I'm baffled by their decision not to show him alive and healthy, though.  You know, waving and saying "Hi guys, I'm fine" there during the credits, something like that.  I wonder why not?

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I have no doubt Caleb will be back. In fact I imagine he'll be back the very first chance they get.


I wish they would have given us more info on what exactly happened with him. Although maybe he said something in that voice-over he had at the end; I skipped it so I don't know.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I liked one of Fishbach's tweets last night, about the best way for a pre-merge boot to come back is to pass out in dramatic fashion (hey, worked for Skupin and Russell Swan).  


I think Caleb's more or less confirmed he'll be back.  And with medevacs, whether I liked them or not, I do like to see them get another chance.  Hopefully he has the ability to make it further in another season, as sometimes getting a second chance screws your game from what it could have been the first time.


Glad he is okay!  That was scary last night.

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Glad he is okay!  That was scary last night.


Scary and reckless on the part of Probst, production and the show overall.  It made me wonder if Survivor could survive much more of this.  I'm probably overreacting, but it sure was a low point for me in watching for many years. 

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I really hope he doesn't get invited back. He brought nothing to the table, strategy-wise. He also referred to the reward challenge as an immunity challenge, so he's not the brightest bulb. 

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Scary and reckless on the part of Probst, production and the show overall.  It made me wonder if Survivor could survive much more of this.  I'm probably overreacting, but it sure was a low point for me in watching for many years. 

It was insane.


If they wanted to maintain equanimity they could have halted the challenge for EVERYONE, putting them all on the same footing. REAL sporting events have rest periods built in--think about that.


I suppose there was some lame justification that giving breaks meant penalizing people who have endurance (who might win if people with other attributes but less endurance got to rest). But what good does that do if you're putting people into heat exhaustion?  And it's certainly not simulating any real "Surviving on an Island" situation. Real castaways don't sit in the sun digging in the sand for hours without a break.

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i heard an interesting theory about Caleb on RHAP. They were discussing that Caleb in all of his exit interviews kept saying he won immunity for his tribe and he was going full throttle for the challenge. They said he's even saying this a year after it's happened. Their thought was that maybe Caleb didn't then and now know the difference between a Reward or Immunity Challenge.

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It was definitely a reward challenge. There is a secret scene from Julia that was posted on EW where she talks about the challenge and how tough it was to lose Caleb  and she explained the reason why her and Anna sat out that challenge was because they thought there might be a puzzle in the immunity challenge and they wanted to make sure that they could compete in it (as they ended up doing). I think Caleb is just misremembering it.

Edited by LanceM
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Which, what else can they do, without treating them like 7-year-olds and forcing water breaks like we did when I coached AYSO and it was over 100 degrees?  People already complain it's too cushy.
People are jerks whose opinions shouldn't be given greater weight than the contestants' medical health. And also yes, why not have mandatory rehydration/shade breaks in challenges in extreme weather conditions? They don't have to include it in the aired version. They already play fast and footloose with a lot of details.
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People are jerks whose opinions shouldn't be given greater weight than the contestants' medical health. And also yes, why not have mandatory rehydration/shade breaks in challenges in extreme weather conditions? They don't have to include it in the aired version. They already play fast and footloose with a lot of details.

I doubt I'd ever really really given it much focused thought - but in reading this, I realized in the back of my brain I'd always kinda assumed:

  • There was probably a water jug off to the side during challenges, available for access at the contestants' discretion.
  • Very few of the contestants would be likely to access it during challenges - because if your team loses, who wants to be singled out as the person hanging out by the local equivalent of the office water cooler while their team goes down in flames...?
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