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S32: Joseph Del Campo

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Why has this man become the invisible contestant?  At the challenges he looks sick and as though he has lost a lot of muscle mass.  Joe is always the first to drop out.  What is up with this man?

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Why has this man become the invisible contestant?  At the challenges he looks sick and as though he has lost a lot of muscle mass.  Joe is always the first to drop out.  What is up with this man?

He hasn't eaten and he is 72 years old. LOL!!! People in their 30's, 40's & 50's have a rough time out there. i can't imagine how Joe is doing it. The dude is built like a brick house but in the end he is 72 years old.

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I think Joe's playing a pretty good under the radar game. He seems like a good judge of who he can trust and who not to, like seeing Julia's shady streak. What some people see as stubbornness may just be a determination to stick with the numbers whenever possible. Considering that Neal and Faux-bama were talking about voting him out in the first episode, he's managed to go quite far. I'm interested in seeing what happens as he gets close to the end.

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Finally some love for Old Uncle Joe, lol.  I was calling him Baretta when the season started after Robert Blake.  Now he's like Rudy without the humor.  Aside from his quick departures from the challenges, his only screen time is to get briefed on who he is voting for, lol.  I think his interest level at this point is just really low and he keeps on going because Aubry needs him and he'd make a great third wheel at the final tribal council.

Edited by Dobian
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Hahaha!  I just logged onto the site, and the first thread was titled "Joseph Del Campo" and I seriously thought I was in the wrong forum!


"Who the hell is Joseph Del Campo?" sez bewildered me.  :)

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Hahaha!  I just logged onto the site, and the first thread was titled "Joseph Del Campo" and I seriously thought I was in the wrong forum!


"Who the hell is Joseph Del Campo?" sez bewildered me.  :)

OMG, I thought the same thing and just clicked on the title out of curiosity!

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Me too.  Plus when I see "Joe" mentioned in the episode threads, usually my mind first flashes to Joe Anglim.  

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I think Joe's playing a pretty good under the radar game. He seems like a good judge of who he can trust and who not to, like seeing Julia's shady streak. What some people see as stubbornness may just be a determination to stick with the numbers whenever possible. Considering that Neal and Faux-bama were talking about voting him out in the first episode, he's managed to go quite far. I'm interested in seeing what happens as he gets close to the end.


He's made no moves of his own, he doesn't do well in challenges (and wasn't a strong contributor in the team challenges), he's lasted mainly because his tribe didn't go to tribal before the merges and now he's not a threat.  He'll get close to the end (could even make a final three) but that's it.

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I just wrote this on the ep thread, and may as well repeat it here. The thread needs a bit more Jo love!:


I love Joe, and the fact that he is still there. In so many seasons the 'old guy' or the ancient old breeder who they call 'mum' like she'll be thrilled at 43, etc, is written off in the first eps by the other contestants and/or voted out at the first tribal as they are going to be useless at challenges, it is assumed, c/- their extreme old age. Hahaha.

Every time I see Joe gruffing around in the background I get pumped. He's a nice contrast to some of the other men - decent, loyal, fiercely committed to his own values and work ethic, as opposed to fiercely committed to his own overwheening ego, delusions, and narcissistic demands.

I like that he's a straight shooter and he can talk with Aubry, which must be partially keeping her from going out of her mind while having to live and converse with all these other dingbats.

Whatsisname who won last year also lay really low, didn't shine in challenges, and kept out of making obvious moves for the most part. I don't think Joe is most probably going to win but apart from the fact that - at 72 ffs - he is still there in those conditions,  he is holding his own, by his own values, is making himself useful around camp, and is not a creep. So he has a lot going for him, in my view.

He is more than three times Julia's age and surviving in the same awful conditions and managing to look a lot less grubby I might note, and the fact he's not been batting his lashes at those awful men or plotting to murder Mark and is playing a less obvious and clumsy game of 'moves' does not mean he is not playing his own game of steadfastness and endurance. Just because he doesn't get a ton of confessionals doesn't necessarily mean he is not using his wits and noticing things, and he has certainly outlasted a chunk of people already. Go Joe!

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I am in awe of someone Joe's age hanging on with the heat and lack of food and miserable company but why doesn't he get more air time?  I'd be really interested to hear his take on the unholy alliance of Scot, Jason and Tai.

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I just found out that Joe has a second home here in my hometown in the mountains of N.C. He spends half the year here, in the warmer months. I guess I will have to start paying more attention to people when I go to Walmart.

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Gotta to admit that I always like grouchy old men so Joe's okay in my book. I especially find it funny that he's found himself in the middle of a female alliance, I wish we could see that dynamic on screen a little more.  

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Hahaha!  I just logged onto the site, and the first thread was titled "Joseph Del Campo" and I seriously thought I was in the wrong forum!


"Who the hell is Joseph Del Campo?" sez bewildered me.  :)



OMG, I thought the same thing and just clicked on the title out of curiosity!



Me too.  Plus when I see "Joe" mentioned in the episode threads, usually my mind first flashes to Joe Anglim.  

Good to see that I am not the only one who took a second to figure out who this was...


I am impressed that Joe is surviving out there in the crap conditions. He is obviously in great shape given that he is out there at 72. But I don't think he has the ability to win this game. His original tribe has been destroyed. He has not been active in determining who should be voted out for a while. He is not really able to participate in the physical challenges. I don't think he has angered anyone but he has not been shown as developing good relations with folks.


So I think he is an interesting story because he is there, older then many of the contestants by 40 years and hanging in. But I don't think he has a chance of winning and he clearly is not Rudy with his one liners or he is and they are not showing them because many of Rudy's one liners would cause a rukus today.

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Hahaha!  I just logged onto the site, and the first thread was titled "Joseph Del Campo" and I seriously thought I was in the wrong forum!


"Who the hell is Joseph Del Campo?" sez bewildered me.  :)

Yup, same here! I thought someone screwed up and made a thread for a contestant for next season. 


Gotta to admit that I always like grouchy old men so Joe's okay in my book. I especially find it funny that he's found himself in the middle of a female alliance, I wish we could see that dynamic on screen a little more.


OMG, Debbie has a hilarious (funny in its sheer Debbieness) bonus clip about Joe being in the middle of all the women who are "quite lovely" (in her words) and how he's just thrilled. 


Honestly, I don't see Joe being all that turned on by the idea of being the rooster in the henhouse, but leave it to Debbie to assume that he is. It seems like they gave him a tribe, he's sticking to that tribe and wherever he ends up is going to be where Aubry leads him. 


I am in awe of someone Joe's age hanging on with the heat and lack of food and miserable company but why doesn't he get more air time?  I'd be really interested to hear his take on the unholy alliance of Scot, Jason and Tai.


I think he's not getting much air time because he's a bit boring. He reminds me very much of Terry, who I also found quite boring in personality. There's an earnestness there that while not a bad quality at all, doesn't make for dynamic TV. Having watched a few of Joe's interviews in the bonus clips, I think they're just having a hard time getting any interesting soundbites. 


He's a little more interesting in clips like the chicken one linked above when he's playing off the others, but just him and a camera/interviewer?? Very dull answers. 

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Joe must really be hurting out there.  He didn't continue with the immunity competition and he looked beat by the heat.  I suspect that it really bothers him not to be able to compete at a higher level.

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23 minutes ago, neh said:

Joe must really be hurting out there.  He didn't continue with the immunity competition and he looked beat by the heat.  I suspect that it really bothers him not to be able to compete at a higher level.

I think he knew he was safe and that made dropping out easier.  He has to realize he cannot compete physically with most of the people left.

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He almost won the ring toss, too. That would have been a great feather in his cap had he won it. Alas, it was not meant to be. I'm still impressed that he's still in the game. It's a shame he hasn't got air time or a confessional but if you don't have anything they can't show it.

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

It's a shame he hasn't got air time or a confessional but if you don't have anything they can't show it.

There's some Joe confessionals in the bonus vids and honestly I find him fun to watch. He's a very sweet, loyal man. I guess the editors just find someone who isn't talking shit or who talks with little arrogance boring. 

But also I mean as much as I like him he is a complete non-entity game-wise and has absolutely no chance of winning so it's not surprising that he's not shown much.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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His bonus clip videos are fine but I don't think that the rest of his game is good enough to give him more air time. He cannot compete in challenges because he does not have the endurance. He does not do much around camp that we can see. He was involved in strategizing with Debbie but that stopped when she left. 

He seems like a nice enough guy just not an exciting Survivor player.

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Geez, I hate the new layout and operating features. And the pale grey print. But in the interests of positivity, here is some support and appreciation for Joe, from Jiff on EW:

Joe was an instant “yes” when we met him in casting. Very few people in their 70s can get out there and play Survivor. We’ve had two: Rudy Bosch in season 1 and Joe in season 32. I have been absolutely blown away by Joe. He’s a really amazing example of what is possible when you really want something. He has lived his life with adventure as a theme. He goes after what he wants. He wanted Survivor, he went for it, and he got it. To survive these conditions at any age is hard – just ask Aubry – and Joe is thriving. He may not be as malleable as some, he may not be as physical as some, but he’s in this game, and he’s got a vote – and that’s more than the majority of the players who started this game can say.

I do want to be clear: I don’t appreciate Joe only because he’s older. He has a great spirit. I think he is a good person who looks out for others. Yes, his age plays a part in his performance, but that’s expected. It would be a shame if people just saw him as the “older, gray-haired gentlemen in great shape.” What I think Joe offers is a reminder that you MUST go for what inspires you. You MUST seek the adventures that are calling you. Joe did, and we are all so grateful.

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Nice words from Jeff but we don't see that on the screen. We see Joe surviving and doing ok but we don't hear much about what he has done in his past, other then being an FBI Agent. we saw him helping with the fire but for the most part he is a non-entity in the game. And I don't expect him to keep up with the younger folks in challenges but that means he has to shine in some other way to make him an interesting character and we are not seeing that.

His disappearing into the background is a productions problem. I am sure he did more then what we are seeing but he is pretty invisible around camp and totally out of it in challenges.

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Old Uncle Joe's still movin' kinda slow at the junction to me.  He just up and quit that immunity challenge.  The guy mentally checked out of this game weeks ago and has become Mr. Invisible.  Jeff doesn't even bother to ask him anything at tribal.  I know he's older and is probably dragging physically, but he doesn't seem to do anything except get his instructions on who to vote for.  He doesn't involve himself in any aspect of the game.  I'm sure he'll make the final three, and I bet no one on the jury will even bother to ask him anything, because what's there to ask?  Sorry, he's a nice guy, I like him, but he's a big zero in this game.

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In one of the bonus clips, Joe catches Mark the chicken and the others say "good catch, Joe!" and he says something like "yeah, the hands still work fine, it's my legs that aren't so great." Or something like that.  So he may be suffering from knee problems or arthritis or something like that which would make it really difficult to do any running, climbing, crouching, etc.  I don't think it's necessarily endurance or lack of fitness.

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Am I the only one who had flash backs to the first season when Rudy was doing that challenge where they had to memorize a story that Probst told and every time Rudy looked into the camera and said "I dunno" to Joe tonight and his spelling issues at the immunity challenge.

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Some poor editor somewhere: "oh geez we have to put some Joe in, since he's in the Final 3...ugh what can we use, I guess this bit of him bossing around Aubry at the fire is slightly less boring than the rest.  I'm going to kill casting for this one."

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I felt for Joe.  Spelling "immunity" wasn't as easy as it sounds.  The contestants had to spell the word starting from the end of it, while balancing a platform a ways away with a rope, keeping up a pace faster than five other people and with Jeff going on and on and on.   I appreciated Joe's joke about his spelling and it even made Jeff laugh until he caught himself  and turned it into a barb about tribal council.

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Joe briefly freaked me out after the maze challenge - he sat down and looked like he was shaking, and I thought OMG NO MORE EVACS.  But then he said "stupid ball" and I laughed.  He looks pretty darn good for his age, and for the conditions they've been living in for a month.  I'd love to see what he looked like in his FBI days.

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25 minutes ago, Special K said:

The others had it spelled out so they could just pick up the blocks in reverse order.  Even those who wiped out seemed to set it up that way again.

I wonder if the blocks were set up in order for them and then once Joe dropped he didn't put them back in order while the others did. He had no trouble spelling it on the first try when he was actually in the lead. He seemed to just get flustered after dropping everything.

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wonder if the blocks were set up in order for them and then once Joe dropped he didn't put them back in order while the others did. He had no trouble spelling it on the first try when he was actually in the lead. He seemed to just get flustered after dropping everything.

They were initially set up in order, the producers aren't that sadistic.  But when the others dropped theirs they took the few extra seconds to set them up in the right order, Joe didn't do that.  You just want to take the next block in line, not have to search for the right one.

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Joe is such a gentleman.  While I got too much info about the male prostrate during the show, his Ponderosa vid was sweet.  Maybe Joe will be the next centerfold in my AARP magazine!

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Nice to see even Joe realized he had no shot to win.


 I’d say, “I’m the elder statesman. I won a tremendous reward. If you think that’s enough to be named Sole Survivor, then vote for me.” (Laughs) I wouldn’t be able to sugar coat it. “Well, I was last in that challenge, but I gave it my best.” There wasn’t going to be any sympathy old-guy votes. That was a strong group. I was happy to be with a cast that was tough. It made for a great season.

Edited by LanceM
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I just listened to him with Dalton & Rob and he's a great interview. He speaks well, gets to the point and doesn't surgar coat anything. He realized his role and was able to laugh himself being a slower. He also said eveyrthing in the game is different and he doesn't have a problem with anyone now outside of the game. The dude really needs to keep the beard. The guy is a stud at 71!

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Cydney and Joe together in Ponderosa!  How nice to see two such gorgeous people laughing and appreciating each other outside the game without a speck of hard feelings.  Their maturity next to the childishness at the other table was a nice contrast.

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Anybody listen to Joe's The Jury Speaks video? Interesting words about Aubry that lend a little bit of credence to what others have been saying about her. Much as they were close, he said it would bother him sometimes that she was clearly thinking about other things and not fully present while speaking to people. I can see where that might be off-putting and affect the social aspect of things.

He also waxes poetic about Michele's ass in a semi-awkward segment detailing her sexual appeal. He made it sound like she was a flirtatious person using that as a tool but I honestly never saw any of that from her. 

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Yeah, Joe discussing Michele is not one of his highlights. He sounds a bit desperate and kind of creepy. I would say it is full out awkward and not semi. If any of the younger men had said what Joe said we would be all over them but Joe gets a pass because he is 71.

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Yea Joe's comments on Michele were not a good look. He also said some gross stuff when he won that RC and went to the spa with Cydney/Aubry. But two comments aren't really enough for me to decide he's a horrible, sexist pig. It doesn't seem to be a pattern like Scot, Jason, and Neal's douchebaggery is.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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