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S10.E05: Big Family Changes

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If Bill acknowledges that Jen is going to be the one to take her to get her ears pierced I have an idea of what to expect. Its going to be a long night or two or three or four or whatever with Zoey screaming bloody murder because her ears hurt and trying to get screwed on earrings out of her ears and oh yeah wear her CPAP to bed. Can't wait for that episode.

  • Love 2

Had mine done when I was five. I know this will shock many but... I have actually slept on my side since!!! :O


Even despite the horrible feeling of earrings on my pillow!


More seriously, ignore the earings and consider this - Zoey sleeps with *a sleep apnea mask* - I assure you from actually using one myself that Zoey a) never sleeps on her stomach and b) rarely sleeps on her side because jostling the mask on the pillow and disrupt the seal of the mask.


But really, unless this was done in someone's garage with a sharp paperclip ( I missed the episode but I assume this was filmed in a legal shop) then we're talking about something that millions of parents have done to their kids. Including mine, and it had nothing to do with my having a short haircut, because my hair was quite long at the time. My mom wanted it done, so it got done. My earlobes didn't rot off and Zoey has never been presented as a child with a compromised immune system so this wasn't some risky torture like limb lengthening or even a bizarre cosmetic practice. Children routinely get their ears pierced.


Children are routinely-vaccinated too. But vaccinations for the most part shouldn't or can't wait for years. IMO ear-piercing is something that doesn't HAVE to be done, and therefore can wait until the child herself is old enough to make a reasonably-measured decision about it. If I have kids, I wouldn't allow it before the age of 10. My own preference is for kids to be kids, until it's time for them to be adults. In the last half-century, kids have been "growing up" too soon in lots of regrettable ways. One of the biggest is all the adult fashion that's now available in miniature for children. But that's me. For cultures that have pierced the ears of babies and toddlers for centuries, this is something else entirely, although I'm guessing the Kleins don't consider themselves in that group. One thing for sure, Jen will check things out thoroughly and if earrings would be a problem with Zoey's CPAP equipment, she won't go ahead with it until CPAP treatment ends. 

  • Love 4

I find it very strange that Bill would like the "pixie" cut especially on a 4 year-old girl.  I just don't think it's normal.  Every man I have ever known has liked long hair on girls and even women, with a few exceptions when the hair is very fine and the woman looks better with it a little shorter.  The whole thing seems very odd to me.  I think the haircut is just too severe for Zoey.  At least if she has a shorter cut, let the hair grow a little over her ears in a feathered wispy way, and let her bangs grow longer!  She would look more feminine.  As far as the earrings go, I have seen younger girls with the gold studs in their ears - many infants have this done by their parents in other cultures.  I think Jen is obsessed with her children's hair.  She is constantly taking them for haircuts and even during the episodes, she is running her fingers through their hair.  It is just a little strange to me.  Of course it is my opinion.

Zoey is an adorable child with a very expressive face who laughs easily at anything her daddy - her hero - says. She bats those long eyelashes at her doctor like a girl in love. She looks just about as "feminine" as she can be. 


Perhaps she'll like having short hair for the rest of her life. Would that be such a bad thing? 

  • Love 8

It was great listening to Zoey chatter away, the words just roll out of her.  Will is improved and gets his message across but not in sentences like Zoey.  He usually leaves out verbs which complete a sentence.  I notice he slurs a little bit and I think that his mouth is crowded with large teeth including those fangs or eye teeth!  I think this negatively affects his ability to form letters and words. That turtle shell sure saved his butt!  He did look stunned and I really thought he was going to cry, good boy!  


Judy and Dave have done their duty as second parents and they seem over the moon to get their lives back in a place they loved.  Judy talking about that beach house made me wonder if Jen wanted to buy the beach house in Galveston for her parents so they wouldn't move out of state.  

Maybe their next book will tell us more!  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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My own preference is for kids to be kids, until it's time for them to be adults.


And that's a perfectly valid opinion and one I share, as it happens, and personally I wouldn't bother with ear piercing a young child because it would be my responsibility to tend to the child because you can't expect someone under ten to really get the care involved.


That said - its not such an unusual parenting choice and its not so high risk physically that I think wringing our hands in horror over Zoey's MANY painfilled nights and crying over how she'll NEVER sleep on her side due to the constant pain is really necessary. Bill and Jen make many parenting choices I don't agree with - personally I would have waited on earrings because its just not my thing. It's just not such an unusual procedure that I think CPS needs to be called.

  • Love 2

My daughter didn't want pierced ears, so it wasn't an issue, but I wouldn't have let her until probably middle school any way.  Basically, I would have waited until she could take care of her ears herself.  The most reasonable reason I ever heard for piercing a baby's ears (which happens fairly frequently) was when Richard Thomas and his wife had identical triplet girls.  They color coded them with earrings.  Smart!

  • Love 1

My mom said I could get my ears pierced when I was 13.   I talked her into it when I was seven or 8 and let them grow over then dd them again when I was about 13 and while I almost never wear earrings.  Years at a time have passed when I haven't worn them, but the holes remain whenever I want them.  Which is just a preface to say that after the first few weeks/months they don't really take any work, do they?   And I've never left my earring in to sleep except during the don't take them out period.   


And the reason  I talked my mom into it when I was 8?  Only girl in the class without them.   But I'm not sure if that was just the 80s or just my neighborhood, or just Houston.  No idea.  

  • Love 5

I recall Jen saying early on she can't style the back of her hair, she can't reach around to do it. Her hairdresser was featured a couple of times. I think the cut is adorable on Zoey and she looks every bit the little girl she is. Bill probably does her hair in the mornings. That being said I'm tired of the same long style on females from 5 to 70 for years now.

Parents project on their kids all the time by putting little the two year olds out on a sports field hoping they will be the stars they want. Both parents are pretty smart and self aware and thrilled with their family so they will be fine. I'm glad I watched this show I've been taping a nit watching because off the field trips.

  • Love 6

If Bill acknowledges that Jen is going to be the one to take her to get her ears pierced I have an idea of what to expect. Its going to be a long night or two or three or four or whatever with Zoey screaming bloody murder because her ears hurt and trying to get screwed on earrings out of her ears and oh yeah wear her CPAP to bed. Can't wait for that episode.


That's not how ear piercing works. The earrings won't be taken out nightly, they have to be cleaned and spun nightly, but left in for a couple of weeks. It's not exactly the scream filled panic situation you are describing.


And for all the scarring her for life earring debate, it doesn't seem like her ears are even pierced. I've yet to see a picture of her with pierced ears. I'm loving the irony of the "she needs her ears pierced so people can tell she's a girl" when she got her hair cut and now that Bill mentions Jen would like to pierce them, it's all "she's in for a life time of pain!!!!" OMG, let's just put a bag over the poor child's head so no one has to be subjected to her stranger scarring hair cut and potential pierced ears. And let's not forget there must be something wrong with her parents for thinking she looks adorable no matter what. 

  • Love 13

Did anyone notice when Jen was talking about her parents moving and stating that it was something they had talked about since she's known them. I thought that was odd to make that statement about your parents. Maybe since I was a child or as far back as I can remember they have wanted to retire on the water in Florida. Also she stated that Bill called or texted her to get Zoey's hair cut in the pixie and she said she had never thought of that, but previously on the episode getting haircuts Bill clearly stated he wanted her to get the pixie. So it had been thought of already. I don't know if it's filmed not in order or she just says things to say them not really realizing they may contradict what she said previously. I think Jens parents were planning on staying forever, Jens dad had said that he didn't feel as though Florida was home anymore since Jen and their son weren't living there. I truly think Judy doesn't like it and thinking that a baby would be coming by surrogacy, they were prepared to stay for many years to help. They have a nanny and I'm sure friends that can step in to help when needed. It was also clear they didn't show her getting shots on camera since her pants had to be pulled down. But I noticed she wasn't sweaty as she usually gets, so maybe it wasn't that bad for her. I missed the projects that have been mentioned as fails by other comments. The whole ear piercing debate is basically up to the parents but I got my ears pierced at 2 and I believe it was the worst thing my mom could have done to me. Either do it to a baby or wait and let your preteen decide. And in 1976 they didn't do them at the same time. The hair is cute on this episode but it continues to get shorter and it looks more edgy and I just don't like it at all. I believe at some point Wills hair is longer than Zoey's, which is weird to me. I loved this episode as well and I must say I am just enjoying all of the shows thus far and I'm sure because it's focusing more on how the kids are growing and learning and are so darn smart.

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Just when I thought Zoey couldn't possibly be any more precious, I see her interacting with her daddy over lunch and, well, thump goes my heart!


 I remember when my granddaughter was 2 or 3 and went through that licking stage--she licked everyone and everything.....to the point I walked into the room one day and saw her licking the dog!!!  Blech.  Then it was the biting-her-own-toenails stage.  Face it, little kids can be gross.  It's all part of the process, though.  


Short hair, long hair.  Doesn't matter, that little girl is beautiful no matter what.  If her parents like it and she doesn't seem to mind, then it is really no one else's choice or business.  She lives in a hot, sticky climate where just walking to your mailbox will require a shower afterward.  I don't blame them one bit, and if I had a little girl who didn't care one way or another, I would likely do the same.  Why is it so hard for some people to accept that it may very well be Bill's idea to cut Zoey's hair?  He appears to be a confident and intelligent man, who are we to say it wasn't his idea if he clearly stated it was?  


That was truly a sweet episode.  I hope we see  more like it in the future.

  • Love 9

My gosh what a great episode. I come away with such a warm feeling after every episode.


Zoey's haircut is so pretty! She looks great. I love it better than her previous style. Having spent time in Florida and dealing with 90 percent humidity, I was hating my long hair on my neck. I was envying everyone with short hair. I imagine it is better for Zoey who lives in a state where it can be hot and humid.


Loved the burger and milkshake scene. So adorable.


I just want to pull myself into the tv screen and spend a day with the family. When I am having a bad day, I check out an episode that is on my DVR or I pop in a DVD of the show. Best medicine ever for a bad day.



It is not just the quick discomfort of getting her ears pierced but she won't like sleeping on her side any more because she will feel the earring on her pillow which may bother her and now another area needs to be cleaned to avoid infection.

Nah. Millions of women have had their ears pierced as babies, toddlers, young girls, teen years or as adults. Even men have their ears pierced. One becomes accustomed to it quickly. In my family, it is tradition for all the girls to have their ears pierced by the time they hit three years of age.Some had them done when they were infants. Not once did any of us have issues with sleeping on our sides. As for infection, if done right and with clean materials, infections can be avoided altogether.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6


I find it very strange that Bill would like the "pixie" cut especially on a 4 year-old girl.  I just don't think it's normal.  Every man I have ever known has liked long hair on girls and even women

 It's not normal?


I saw more than a handful of little girls in the school I worked at many years ago with short, pixie-style haircuts, bowl cuts, similar style cuts what have you. My brother has a daughter with short hair. I can count at least ten men that I personally know who have wives with short hair. They have stated how they love their wives hairstyle and think it is better than long hair.  I know that you emphasized it is men you have known who felt that way, but that doesn't equate to all men sharing those same feelings.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 11

 IMO ear-piercing is something that doesn't HAVE to be done, and therefore can wait until the child herself is old enough to make a reasonably-measured decision about it.

I don't now... I've seen a few reality shows where teenage daughters were finally able to get their ears pierced and they were absolutely TERRIFIED, more so than any 4 year old would be.  I think we're more aware of pain and other things when we're older so I don't see why it shouldn't be done when they're young and won't remember it. 


 I remember when my granddaughter was 2 or 3 and went through that licking stage--she licked everyone and everything.....to the point I walked into the room one day and saw her licking the dog!!!  Blech.  Then it was the biting-her-own-toenails stage.  Face it, little kids can be gross.  It's all part of the process, though.  


Every kid I've known as gone through a licking phase.... I sure hope I didn't when I was younger, it's so bizarre! lol

A lot also go through biting phases.....  where do they learn this stuff??

I honestly was not thrilled with Zoey's pixie cut when the photos first came out.  However I think on video she looks soooooooo stinky adorable.  Especially in her Minnie Mouse costume, I'm not sure she could have looked at cuter in that thing with long hair.   With her personality the pixie cut just fits her perfectly.


When I was about that age my mom apparently had me get the same exact haircut that she had, it was sort of mullet style. I didn't realize it until a few years ago when I was looking at old photos and it cracks me up.   

  • Love 1

At least Zoey's licking them and not random objects in public. I've seen way too many kids to that one. Just licking random things in stores, tables in restaurants, a particularly interesting surface. My youngest nephew went thru a phase were he would pull the batteries out of stuff, toys, TV remotes, anything he could, and chew on them. He was 4 and a half when my sister narced on him on Christmas and I looked at him and told him to stop, batteries could kill him and I would be very, very sad if he died. He looked at me and said "Thanks, Aunt!" Little did I know that lesson actually stuck with him until almost a year later when we were in the car driving past the cemetery and my sister was asking him what he shouldn't eat if he ever found any (trying to get him to say medicine since her husband was battling very, very bad cancer and had a ton of meds) and he shouted out BATTERIES! Yeah, that one kinda stabbed me a little bit. 

  • Love 5

It's a right of passage for all the girls in my family to get their ears pierced ... these days it is so stinking fast and they have the ability to do both ears at the same time so bam, it's done in one shot.  


I think she would look adorable.

Count me on out on not liking Zoey's hair.  I think it is too harsh for a 4 year old.  Loved the sweet bob.  I guess I am old fashioned but I cant stand pierced ears on little girls.  I think it looks trashy.  Wait till they are 12 or 13, when they can take care of their years.  They have their whole life to wear ear rings.

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I was confused at part of the conversation Jen and her mom had during the garage sale. I was under the impression the move was imminent and then Jen said that her mom was having the house built so she would not be going anywhere soon. So I guess I am wondering if they are moving back while their house is being built or staying a while longer in Texas. I wonder if this is perhaps the beginning of the end of The LIttle Couple on TV. Everyone's lives seem to be settling down and that is a good thing.

  • Love 1

I was confused at part of the conversation Jen and her mom had during the garage sale. I was under the impression the move was imminent and then Jen said that her mom was having the house built so she would not be going anywhere soon. So I guess I am wondering if they are moving back while their house is being built or staying a while longer in Texas. I wonder if this is perhaps the beginning of the end of The LIttle Couple on TV. Everyone's lives seem to be settling down and that is a good thing.

My guess is they're renting a condo or apartment in Florida while their house is being built. It's hard to get a good picture of the timeline since scenes are often shown out of chronological order. I agree that the move is a good thing. Dave and Judy are far enough away that it gives everyone a breather, but not so far that it would be an ordeal for Bill, Jen and the kids to fly in for a visit.

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The most reasonable reason I ever heard for piercing a baby's ears (which happens fairly frequently) was when Richard Thomas and his wife had identical triplet girls.  They color coded them with earrings.  Smart!

They could have just painted the triplets' heads with nail polish like my sister did with her dog's puppies, LOL.

  • Love 2

I wish the activities were tailored to the comprehension level of Will and Zoey.  The lemonade stand was a cute photo op and nothing more.  Give those kids candies/sugar and they will smile and do whatever the producers want.  Grating crayons and ironing?  I guess this is Jen's idea of "family time."  How about letting the kids play in their playroom with the thousands of dollars of toys they have.  Has anyone ever seen Zoey or Will cook off that stove.  How about the kids make dinner for themselves on the play stove or bake a cake/cookies, make pasta.  I would enjoy watching them interact with each other not Jen and Bill.  Jen and pinterest are too old for them and boring.  Bill's eye rolling was evident and him ironing was an added bonus.  Jen just tries too hard and doesn't know how to be a kid.  Everything appears forced whether it be helping them add ingredients into the mixer for smoothies or water fights.  Bill is a kid himself and unfortunately has no clue how to discipline the kids.  


I did like the educational portion of the show about the importance of vaccines.    

  • Love 2

Agree. Zoe isn't exactly a "mature" four year-old, nor does she have the best pain tolerance. She may like the idea of earrings, but doesn't understand that the procedure will hurt and her earlobes will be sore until they heal. Some kids can handle stuff like that at an early age, but IMO, Zoe isn't one of them. If I were Jen I'd wait at least a few more years.

Zoey cracked her head open by falling on the fireplace, and she barely even cried.  I'm sure she can handle the little pinprick that ear piercing entails.

  • Love 2

Bill said that Jen wanted to have Zoey's ears pierced.

No.  He said Zoey wanted her ears pierced.

If Bill acknowledges that Jen is going to be the one to take her to get her ears pierced I have an idea of what to expect. Its going to be a long night or two or three or four or whatever with Zoey screaming bloody murder because her ears hurt and trying to get screwed on earrings out of her ears and oh yeah wear her CPAP to bed. Can't wait for that episode.

I don't remember my ears ever hurting once they were done.  I would put alcohol on them and turn them once a day.  These days they recommend you leave them alone and not turn them.

  • Love 1

No.  He said Zoey wanted her ears pierced.


I just rewatched that segment and Bill did ask Zoey if she wanted her ears pierced and Zoey said yes like Mom.  Then Bill goes on to say Jennifer brought up the fact she wanted to get Zoey's ears pierced.  Bill said he is open to the idea but doesn't want to be there for it as he is unsure about the pain factor and it freaked him out.  Bill was the one who introduced pain into it while he is treating her to gigantic milk shakes because of pin pricks!  

Oh, I think Zoey was ready to lure that Princess back to "not a castle/my home" and keep her chained in the basement!  :-D

I took notice that she wasn't complimenting the ice princess, she was telling her she "wanted" everything. Bill said, oh she liked this and she liked that. Uhhhh no she wanted this and that and probably expected to get it. She's getting a little spoiled and with her "moodiness" she knows exactly how to get what she wants. She is going to be a terror.
  • Love 3

This was another good episode but all we see are activities. It's like can you not show off how privileged you are and financially blessed you are. It also seems as though they want to constantly have things for the kids to do to be occupied. I am not a parent but as a child my parents let us venture off in our rooms or the playroom to explore and not have every moment with mommy and daddy, that is how my sister and I became independent and didn't need them for direction to have fun. Also, as Jen and her mom were counting the $ from the garage sale it looked like they made more than Bill's fashion show if he only made a few thousand dollars.

  • Love 2
This was another good episode but all we see are activities. It's like can you not show off how privileged you are and financially blessed you are. It also seems as though they want to constantly have things for the kids to do to be occupied.


Well in all fairness, as adorable as those kids are, I'm not sure we'd see much in the way of ratings if all we saw were the daily dull routines of the lives we all lead. I would probably tire of watching them get dressed, have a meal, head to and from school, color, fight over toys, read a book, etc. week after week.

  • Love 5

Most of the little girls I see in preschool already have earrings. There's even a 4-year-old boy with diamond studs. I'm sure Zoey has seen classmates with jewelry and has made up her own mind about what she wants. I doubt Jen would force Zoey to get her ear pierced against her will.

Speaking of Will, I love to see how comfortable each child is with the Same-sex parent as well as the opposite -sex parent. I definitely spent more time with my mother; and I was fascinated by all her glamorous lipstick, jewelry and and clothes. In those days before I went to kindergarten, we played endlessly with my dolls while my brother was at school and my father at work. I didn't spend much alone time with him.

Edited by CousinAmy
  • Love 3

I enjoyed this episode!

Bill and Zoey spending time together - Zoey's language has grown so much! (I have a student who's language isn't as good as hers and he is a first grader!)  Their interaction and conversation was so cute!

Regarding earpiercing: The girls in my family (maybe it's cultural) have had ears pierced as babies.  Just a matter of keeping little fingers away from ears (baby mittens solved this problem!).  It was not considered wrong or as "bad" - it just was done. (someone mentioned it seemed .... I'm not sure of the word they used  but kind of "slutty"?)  I slept with earrings on every single night since I can remember - never bothered me (nor was I traumatized by the pain, since I couldn't remember) until I was about 25, that's when I began to take them out to sleep. 

Trick or treating was so sweet!  Will stopping and telling Zoey to hurry - adorable!  Especially when "we" know how anxious he was to get his loot!  Both of them looked cute in their costumes.
ETA: I never saw anyone without pierced ears until I was in middle school.  I thought everyone had pierced ears - I was shocked when I met girls (around 12/13 years old) who told me they weren't allowed to have pierced ears!  I thought it was weird :)

  • Love 5

I really like Dave and Judy and will miss them, although their move is understandable.

I get a kick out of Judy's deep, raspy voice--I wonder if she was a smoker at some point. You see the depth of her feelings for Jen when she tears up here and there. I can only imagine how many difficulties they faced raising Jen, and to have her turn out to be such a success story with a a wonderful family--no wonder Judy gets emotional. She should be very proud, she and Dave did a great job.

  • Love 11

I really like Dave and Judy and will miss them, although their move is understandable.

I get a kick out of Judy's deep, raspy voice--I wonder if she was a smoker at some point. You see the depth of her feelings for Jen when she tears up here and there. I can only imagine how many difficulties they faced raising Jen, and to have her turn out to be such a success story with a a wonderful family--no wonder Judy gets emotional. She should be very proud, she and Dave did a great job.

I agree.  They should be bursting with pride at all of Jen's accomplishments.  Also, Jen seems like a sweet, loving person, she chose a wonderful husband, and has 2 awesome kids.  For 2 people thrown into the role of parents to 2 toddlers, they did a great job adjusting.  They weren't able to ease into being parents with a newborn, like most people.

  • Love 6

I took notice that she wasn't complimenting the ice princess, she was telling her she "wanted" everything. Bill said, oh she liked this and she liked that. Uhhhh no she wanted this and that and probably expected to get it. She's getting a little spoiled and with her "moodiness" she knows exactly how to get what she wants. She is going to be a terror.


Agree. If I had to state, right now, who is going to be a bigger handful in the future, it would be Zoey - no contest. Will is stubborn and "willful" [wink] but also has a huge need to please people and is very social. He LOVES being in groups and will want to be cooperative in most situations. Zoey will be the somewhat-immature but charming-maybe-a-little-lazy-and/or stubborn entertainer who's not at all fond of rules and have-to's of any kind. Which of these profiles would you prefer to parent? Or hire? Or just be friends with?

  • Love 3

I agree.  They should be bursting with pride at all of Jen's accomplishments.  Also, Jen seems like a sweet, loving person, she chose a wonderful husband, and has 2 awesome kids.  For 2 people thrown into the role of parents to 2 toddlers, they did a great job adjusting.  They weren't able to ease into being parents with a newborn, like most people.


How is it easier for parents of newborns to adjust to being parents, versus parents of toddlers or pre-schoolers? If anything, IMO it seems like all the physical care a newborn requires, coupled with the sleep deprivation the parents experience, makes adjustment more difficult for people with newborns. Not to mention the fact that parents have to wait a long time before their infants can tell you just what the problem is - LOL  I think Bill and Jen were smarter to adopt pre-schoolers. Or maybe luckier than no little-person infants were available, since I bet they might have taken on a baby if they had that option.

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