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S03.E19: 240Sweet


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Sam was a real piece of work, wasn't she?  She loves to think of herself as this nice person who secretly has this huge inner rage that no one else can possibly understand, and only she can control it and keep it at bay.  I think her self image is an entrprenuerial Bruce Banner/Incredible Hulk.  In reality, she's just a mean, obnoxious bully who gets what she wants because people are too intimidated to deal with her.


I'll bet she practiced some of the lines she used during her showdown with Marcus about 100 times in front of her bathroom mirror beforehand.  She was SO self-satisfied when she was confronting him.  I really wish Marcus had laughed in her face, because her whole schtick was pitiful. 


Marcus was perfectly safe with Sam.  Bullies like her don't want to actually fight; they just want to intimidate;  laughing at her would have really let the air out of her tires.  (She's different from the Fuel Foods guy; that guy scared me, and I was just watching him on TV!)

Edited by Gregg247
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Whoa!  What did I just watch?


Normally not a big fan of the dysfunctional owner type episodes, but watching Sam show her true personality after getting caught in lies and omissions was worth every minute.


Part of me thinks Marcus was about to get thrown into the marshmallow mixer (like that scene with the meat grinder in the recent episode of Fargo).  Maybe inhaling mustard fumes all day has unwanted consequences.


Anyway, I wonder if development of flavored marshmallows on a stick is going on back at the Sweet Pete laboratory :)



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Egad! Marcus did say this episode would be wild but I was NOT expecting that. Clearly Marcus has more control over his temper than I do because had that been me, fists would've flown. Also, did anyone notice how Alexa and Sam were open to female criticism but when Pete and Marcus tried to change something, they'd suddenly get bitchy and ungrateful. Sexist much?

Next week looks to be yet another delusional ditz. How many episodes left in this season again?

Edited by septicptx0104
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There's a part of me that thinks they need to do a better job of screening the applicants. These two women clearly didn't want Marcus' help, just his checkbook and his ability to muscle out Max. This doesn't make a good partnership or a good show. 


Funny thing, Marcus was right, they could have taken this company and done great things. And these two screwed this up. Wonder if they'll survive this?

  • Love 4

There's a part of me that thinks they need to do a better job of screening the applicants. These two women clearly didn't want Marcus' help, just his checkbook and his ability to muscle out Max. This doesn't make a good partnership or a good show.

Funny thing, Marcus was right, they could have taken this company and done great things. And these two screwed this up. Wonder if they'll survive this?

You should see their Facebook and Yelp pages. They're getting crucified by the minute. They'll be damn lucky to survive past Easter.

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I had to go to work twenty minutes in, but since I happen to be from Columbus and used to work for both Alexa and Max approximately thirteen years ago I cannot wait to see the rest of the episode! I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop at some point, because Alexa was a garbage person who constantly talked down to people and Max was accustomed to people kissing his ass. I also remember that it was like pulling teeth to receive a paycheck on time, and the whole operation was disorganized and half-assed. It was a catering operation then, and we ALWAYS looked bad on some level because there was no organization and the Lemleys gave zero f***s about its employees and the quality of food that was served. It's so delicious to see them look nasty on national television. Thanks so much for recapping this show, as you are the reason I started watching.

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Hmm, Marcus told Sweet Pete he thought 240Sweet's basic marshmallow recipe was better than Pete's. And we saw Pete asking Alexa how she made her marshmallows at the beginning of the critique. And we saw Marcus on the line learning how to make the marshmallows. Does Marcus sign a non-disclosure agreement before the show? Or is there nothing (aside from Marcus' integrity as a businessman, which I am not overlooking) that would prevent Sweet Pete from tweaking 240Sweet's formula and then using it for his business?

I hope Marcus repossessed the marshmallow cutting machine!

Pete could probably put it to use, in any event.
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You should see their Facebook and Yelp pages. They're getting crucified by the minute. They'll be damn lucky to survive past Easter.


LOL, actually I did go look at their facebook page, and the outrage is over the moon!


Having a good product is one thing, treating people with respect is entirely something else. A lesson they are learning the hard way.

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God, where to start????

Firstly, I don't agree with Sarah Bunting on one thing in her recap: Marcus goes in as a partner. That is the premise of the show.  It's been clearly stated from the first episode.  The business owners that don't want a partnership will kill whatever opportunity Marcus is offering.

I found it fascinating how Sam started moving in on Marcus and got in his face.  It was kind of amazing to watch. The photo Miss Bunting posted of the employee's face is what this episode was for me.

Lastly, I wonder if Marcus' people helped Max find his space.  That is what I think happened. And for Marcus' help, he got a case of mustard.

Edited by caligirl50
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I'm curious as well to the terms of the agreement when Marcus decides to walk.  He acts like a handshake is all it takes to get his check.  Are there additional conditions the viewers are not aware of?  At what point does he legally become an owner?


I remember the show with the T-shirt printers in New York where Marcus did a follow-up after he walked.  He handed them a 1099 tax form which requires the owners to pay income tax on the debt cancellation resulting from Marcus's loss.

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I was confused by that, too, camom, because on past episodes, we have seen him take back his money, which they weren't allowed to spend unless the deal stayed intact and/or take back the equipment and re-sell it. Maybe they DID just get the machine/s out of it plus the publicity. Of course, the "publicity" is not doing them much good since it was so negative unless Sam is one of those people who just thinks any publicity, even bad, is better than none. Which would not surprise me at all: she is heinous.


Alexa is every bit as bad. I think it was a conscious decision for her to stay above the fray, if you will; they previously decided together that Sam would be the bad cop so it wouldn't look as if they were both horrible people. And not knowing much about the father, I'm glad he is happier away from those harpies as well (sorry, harpies, you're not as bad as they were, but it's a thing, so I used it).


Also, I will say this about the Yelp pages: Yelp is supposed to be for reviews of people who have actually been to the business, yes? If so, then it's being used unfairly to castigate them for the awful people they are. Their facebook page? Absolutely, fair game, they deserve it, etc. But I always hate when people jump to Yelp and review the business based on what they've seen on teevee when it really should be for honest reviews about the food they ate or the service they were given as an actual customer in the place.


And if you went to their web site, they've started doing marshmallow making classes, ffs. Hmmmmm, wonder where they got that idea (ahem, Sweet Pete, ahem)...

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If you go on the Facebook page of the company there is no post that their company is going to be on national television show, bad as their appearance was.  God, the comments.  But they certainly deserve it.    

Well, they probably need to charge for classes since their marshmallow business didn't seem to be doing all that great. I wonder what will happen to the company now that they have been exposed.

Edited by caligirl50
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Now posted by Yelp on the 240Sweet Yelp page after numerous postings by angry viewers:


Active Cleanup Alert:

This business recently made waves in the news, which often means that people come to this page to post their views on the news.

While we don’t take a stand one way or the other when it comes to these news events, we do work to remove both positive and negative posts that appear to be motivated more by the news coverage itself than the reviewer’s personal consumer experience with the business.

As a result, your posts to this page may be removed as part of our cleanup process beginning Wednesday, January 27, 2016, but you should feel free to post your thoughts about the recent media coverage for this business on Yelp Talk at any time.

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I believe that Marcus gives his check in a similar fashion to the Lottery or other prize winning. The presented check is for show. Somewhere it is posted that Marcus puts the funds in an escrow account most likely so he can do some kind of due diligence to see what he just purchased. The business has to reach certain milestones before the entire amount is spent. Marcus admits to spending well beyond his initial offer.


240Sweet may have initially contacted Marcus to deal with Max but it is very telling about how the business is run in general. These two women do not communicate well. Agreements are not necessarily in place or followed and these owners don't know how to deal with things in a professional manner. Most business owners would tell Max that he is violating certain terms in the lease by using more space or in not paying his rent. It seems straightforward discussion to me. I wonder what the tax authorities would think of 240Sweet paying expenses incurred by Max. They are not business expenses of 240Sweet.


This episode is a Public Service Announcement to avoid working at 240Sweet.

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They've put this up on the fb page:

We appreciate the opportunity given to 240sweet to be featured on television. We understand that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, however, we would like to remind everyone that television is meant to entertain first and foremost. In order to gratify viewers and increase ratings, portrayals of those featured can be misleading. We truly value our co-workers and are grateful for the work they do. Our customers are our livelihood and we appreciate those that have shown loyalty since the show aired. We look forward to the opportunities that we currently have and coming up.
-240sweet Owners

Wow. This episode may have been the wildest episode since Swanson's. Sam and Alexa managed to go from a company with great promise to a shitshow in less than an hour. Also, what I find the most hilarious is that Marcus said in one of his Facebook videos that he owns a website called marshmallows.com and was planning to give it to them but will now give it to Sweet Pete's. Wasted opportunity.


Next week looks to be even wilder. Hold on to your asses. Shit's bout to get real up in here.

  • Love 5

I'm in Indianapolis and I believe they also sell (sold?) these marshmallows at the State museum. I got some a few Christmases ago as they were on sale. I'm not really into buying $6 marshmallows on a regular basis. Anyway, they were good enough, no mustard smell or the like. While watching this episode I thought it'd be fun to try them again and see if the Marcus influence had an effect. Clearly by the end of the show I was totally turned off by the owners and there's no way I'd ever throw any more money their way.

I found it hilarious when Sam fessed up to her devious plan, like some sort of super villain at the end of a movie. She must've really thought she was so smart to lure Marcus in. What a dreadful woman.

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Meet Us: Samantha Aulick

Full Name: Samantha Aulick. Most people just call me Sam.

Where are you from(can be extensive if need be): Originally from Madison, Indiana. Lived in Baltimore for 13 years before returning home to Indiana. As a teenager, I spent a lot of time in Columbus at my brother's home. That's how I started working for Lemley's Catering when I was 16 (and how I first met my wife, Alexa)



According to a blog on their other business (Artisan Foodworks), the lovely Sam met Alexa when she worked for Alexa's family business (Lemley's Catering). 




This part was particularly amusing:



Special Interest(s): Every morning before I get out of bed, I read at least 3 business success articles, and I try to think of how I can make the world a better place. That goes along with our 240sweet Artisan Foodworks mission statement of making people happy through gourmet food and drink. Trying new things and celebrating are important.

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There's a part of me that thinks they need to do a better job of screening the applicants. These two women clearly didn't want Marcus' help, just his checkbook and his ability to muscle out Max. This doesn't make a good partnership or a good show. 


Funny thing, Marcus was right, they could have taken this company and done great things. And these two screwed this up. Wonder if they'll survive this?

I think they need shows like this every now and they cast these women for that purpose.  This kind of drama creates buzz that might reach those who don't normally watch.  It also helps reinforce the seriousness of the premise, in that Marcus wants partners and he's not giving people a cash infusion and a bit of PR.  And in the context of some of the other episodes this season, I think it created a needed opportunity for him to say in at least one interview that he's not in it for the family drama.


Which is to say, I think their screening works, and they were using these business owners as much as the owners were trying to use them.


Speaking of- I don't have a problem with what they were trying to do, really.  Where I got pissed off was in their use of a woman who had cancer as a pawn in some scheme to curry favor.  Whatever spanking they get on social media was well-earned for that alone, imho.  Also, they were sloppy and uncommitted to their "devious" plot, which I find annoying- if you're gonna play the game, play it.  They'd have been better off sending the chef to one of the competitions on Food Network to get a bit of cash and some publicity.

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They've put this up on the fb page:

We appreciate the opportunity given to 240sweet to be featured on television. We understand that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, however, we would like to remind everyone that television is meant to entertain first and foremost. In order to gratify viewers and increase ratings, portrayals of those featured can be misleading. We truly value our co-workers and are grateful for the work they do. Our customers are our livelihood and we appreciate those that have shown loyalty since the show aired. We look forward to the opportunities that we currently have and coming up.

-240sweet Owners


Sure, I can totally see how that was just editing. HAHAHAHAHA.

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Seriously, they're blaming the editing?  Ladies, the year 2000 called; it wants its excuse back.

Oh no, we gotta go back further to, like, the very first Real World Reunion n the mid-90s and Tami Roman, I believe.  I mostly remember Heather B's reply, which should probably be part of the contracts signed by reality show participants: They use what you gave 'em.  Not that complicated.  Hell, one of the contestants on America's Next Top Model a bunch of years ago figured that shit out and worked around it.  An entrepreneur probably should have, too.

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This was re-posted on Facebook in the comments section:



It's just getting worse. I was reading some of the comments on 240Sweet's Facebook page.  One guy told them they should kill themselves. Damn.

That was a satire Twitter account that's already been disabled.  The 'real' Twitter account is @240sweet (no "s") on the end.  Someone created the satire one as a joke to fan the flames.

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No doubt Sam is a passive aggressive, grown-up mean girl, control freak.


HOWEVER, how is it that Marcus, who owns 46% of the company and is 100% in charge, is completely clueless of the fact that Sam and Alexis wanted to 1) take out a business loan;  2) force Dede to sign the loan;  and 3) stop paying Dede a salary because with 10% of the company she's now also an entrepreneur?


He's as bad as the hidden large equity owners that pop out of the woodwork at so many of the other companies the Profit visits.

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
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Seriously, they're blaming the editing? Ladies, the year 2000 called; it wants its excuse back.

To be fair, I do think this show often uses editing to spin a story. Sweet Pete's partner was a freeloader draining them dry. The Kensington Gardens partner was a helpful guy who got steamrolled and didn't negotiate well under pressure. But they both got the villain edit.

But I agree it's an excuse that doesn't apply here. Marcus gave Sam and Alexa plenty of rope to hang themselves with.

Edited by Amarsir
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