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OG or Why Did You Start Watching?

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I'm a total newb as well. I started watching because a facebook friend (and former neighbor) commented on fb about the Walker Stalker convention that was coming to Atlanta in October of this year. Huh? I knew nothing about TWD, but decided to dvr the show during the Dead White and Blue July 4 marathon. Watched the four seasons within a couple of weeks and....WHEW.....simply amazing, imo. I was hooked.


Then I decided I didn't need to go to Dragoncon in Atlanta this year (I live in the Atlanta area) because there will be too many people (last year there were over 50,000) and the prices seemed to be much more reasonable for Walker Stalker. Plus,  there won't be as many people or as crowded...at least this year...and I HATE crowds.


I'm really looking forward to Season 5!

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It is probably a good thing that I binge watched it, because there are points in the show when it got real slow or stuff and thangs were drawn out for to long that my ADHD would have kicked in and I would have stopped watching.



I wondered if binge-watching would have made a difference in regards to the pacing issue I sometimes have with this show. Especially the front half of season 2. While I thought it was still better than 90% of current television, my god did it seem to drag at points.

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Another NEWB .. The project I was working on was put on hold for almost one year but I was asked to stay on and wait it out. I have to report to work everyday and basically do nothing. My manager recommended the show to help me pass the time. My daughter and her husband have a Netflix account and I was so excited that I could finally use something she paid for I didn't know how to contain my joy. Anyway, it's been almost one year and I'm still sitting here waiting for something to happen so I have watched TWD, New Girl, Orange is the New Black and Breaking Bad in order, every single show. Surprisingly the only show I did not enjoy or stick with was Breaking Bad. Almost got to season 4 and decided I didn't care. In my heart, Walter White will always be Dr. Tim Whatley - Dentist to the stars, regifter, a converted Jew (strickly for the jokes) and a fierce hater of anti-dentites!

Another NEWB .. The project I was working on was put on hold for almost one year but I was asked to stay on and wait it out. I have to report to work everyday and basically do nothing. My manager recommended the show to help me pass the time. My daughter and her husband have a Netflix account and I was so excited that I could finally use something she paid for I didn't know how to contain my joy. Anyway, it's been almost one year and I'm still sitting here waiting for something to happen so I have watched TWD, New Girl, Orange is the New Black and Breaking Bad in order, every single show. Surprisingly the only show I did not enjoy or stick with was Breaking Bad. Almost got to season 4 and decided I didn't care. In my heart, Walter White will always be Dr. Tim Whatley - Dentist to the stars, regifter, a converted Jew (strickly for the jokes) and a fierce hater of anti-dentites!

I think I love you Boofish.  I thought I was the only one that was just "eh" on Breaking Bad.  I got to Season 3 just because everyone kept telling me how magical it all was.  I just didn't see it.  At. All.

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I think I love you Boofish.  I thought I was the only one that was just "eh" on Breaking Bad.  I got to Season 3 just because everyone kept telling me how magical it all was.  I just didn't see it.  At. All.

I used to be ashamed to admit it in person because everyone looked at me like I was a walker :). I really enjoy the Walking Dead and I love watching how people's prespective and morals have changed over the course of the seasons. I would love for them to flashback to how they all met and ended up on that hill. I know they briefly introduced "when Lori met Carol" but I would love to know how the rest of them hooked up. 


I enjoy the slow non-zombie killing episodes and would like to see more of them just trying to build a life in those conditions. I liked when they had some peace for a short time in the prison.

I was doing a master's in the UK when the show debuted. I didn't start watching it then, only hearing about it when the hype started washing up on UK shores. I watched the pilot online when I should've been studying. To date, the pilot is the absolute best episode of TWD -- in my opinion anyway. I found that parts of seasons 2 and 3 dragged and I'm pretty sure that I've missed a few episodes here and there across those two seasons. I get frustrated with it, but not so disgusted that I stop watching. This past season (season 5?) was pretty good TV in my opinion -- and I love The Talking Dead as well. I'm definitely looking forward to October.

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I love 'The Stand', so much that I've burned through two special edition hardbacks and had to replace them (Thank God for Amazon.) I also love post apocalyptic films and novels, and, of course,  zombies.


I started watching The Walking Dead because I was burning out my George Romero DVD collection, along with all the other zombie films, foreign and domestic, I own.


I wont lie, I find TWD a bit tedious, at times. It pisses me off others...but, lets face it, the guys are, mostly, hot, especially Daryl (I hope they get a shower next season though.)

Edited by LexiconDevilOne
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I love 'The Stand', so much that I've burned through two special edition hardbacks and had to replace them (Thank God for Amazon.) I also love post apocalyptic films and novels, and, of course,  zombies.


I started watching The Walking Dead because I was burning out my George Romero DVD collection, along with all the other zombie films, foreign and domestic, I own.


I wont lie, I find TWD a bit tedious, at times. It pisses me off others...but, lets face it, the guys are, mostly, hot, especially Daryl (I hope they get a shower next season though.)

Amen to that. They are looking way rough. Rick's beard probably will want it's own credit next year.

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What bothers me the most is how high up Shane wore his pants. Like he had snacks in his belt but didn't want to use his dirty hands. Weird


LOL! Shane's pants were awful! The funny thing is, I never really noticed upon first watch. Then I saw some funny meme about them and have been continually distracted by them every time I rewatch seasons 1 and 2. 


but, lets face it, the guys are, mostly, hot, especially Daryl (I hope they get a shower next season though.)



Amen to that. They are looking way rough. Rick's beard probably will want it's own credit next year.


When I originally watched season 1, I thought they looked dirty. Little did I suspect they would get way worse as the seasons went on. Rick was a handsome man with just a bit of scruff. Now he's gone full mountain man. And he wears the same clothes for an entire season. And Daryl... he's always been covered in dirt and sweat but now he's added the long greasy hair. And I think he's worn the same pair of pants since season 1. Even with the showers in the prison, they still looked filthy. I hope in the upcoming season they literally stumble into a clean, clear lake because I fear that's the only way they'll ever clean up.

I think they both looked best season 2. At the end of the farm days, when Rick had a little scruff going and that brown jacket, he was starting to get me a bit lusty - and Andrew Lincoln is generally too skinny to be my type. But now, with that long curly hair - no thanks. And Daryl. Again, season 2 - hair getting longer, but too long. Now he's like the love child of Carol Brady and Luann's Buckley from King of the Hill. Can't they find some darn scissors in the ZA?

I started watching it simply because I kept hearing people say how great it was.  So I binge watched the first three seasons last year right before season 4 started, then started watching the new shows along with everyone else.  I haven't been disappointed, it's my favorite currently running show.


A lot of shows I watch are based on what I've read and heard.  I kept hearing about how great Breaking Bad was too, so at the beginning of this year I watched the whole series over about two months, and I think it's the best series I've ever seen.  Six Feet Under, started watching that one in April and finished a week or so ago.  Dexter I started watching before season 7 because I heard it was great.  Got all caught up and then watched 7 and 8 when they aired.  The next show on my list is probably The Wire.

Edited by Dobian
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Count me in as one who loved The Stand and have read it countless times.  I'm a huge fan of post apocalyptic fiction and I was hooked on TWD when I saw the first ad for it.  Couldn't wait for that first episode! I've never read the graphic novels and have no plans to do so.  Also, the zombies, for me at least, are secondary to my main interest which is seeing how people would react/respond/survive in a near human extinction situation.  I've stuck with it through the slow soap opera that was season 2, hung in there through the Gov and the disintegration of the Andrea character during season 3 but almost quit when they brought back the Gov in season 4.  But the last few episodes of that season gave me hope that Scott Gimple could turn things around.  The premise of the show has so much promise that I'm just crossing my fingers that he can deliver.


A bit off topic but I liked The Passage and The Island, too.

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I started watching because it was a series based on the zombie apocalypse. That, and the previews made it look incredible. I was aware beforehand that it was based off a comic series, but I never read it. I had only listened to ex boyfriends rave about how great it was while I tuned them out. Comics aren't really my thing.

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Jeffrey DeMunn. I fell madly in love with him years ago  - ironically in a movie called WARNING SIGN. It is a great little proto-zombie movie. It's very logical and isn't Romero gory (Not that there is anything wrong with his) but it's one of my favorite movies.  I quit TWD after Jeff left but I've gotten back into it. Once in a while you get that "Why am I smarter than the heroes?" moment, but....


Anyway, if you like TWD rent look for WARNING SIGN. I holds up pretty well.

Jeffrey DeMunn. I fell madly in love with him years ago  - ironically in a movie called WARNING SIGN. It is a great little proto-zombie movie. It's very logical and isn't Romero gory (Not that there is anything wrong with his) but it's one of my favorite movies.  I quit TWD after Jeff left but I've gotten back into it. Once in a while you get that "Why am I smarter than the heroes?" moment, but....


Anyway, if you like TWD rent look for WARNING SIGN. I holds up pretty well.



Yes it does...


I hunted it down a couple of years ago (and watched it online. Amazon wanted something like $40 for the DVD), after hearing/reading so much good things about it. It was weird seeing a young Sam Waterston, especially after seeing him for so long on Law & Order. Funny you should mention this film, it was on one of my movie cable channels a few nights ago.


edited for clarity.

Edited by LexiconDevilOne

I was pestered into watching. I hadn't seen the first season and several people just hammered me night and day to watch. I resisted. I liked 28 Days Later but Shaun of the Dead is my favorite Zombie movie because it pokes holes in all zombie lore, like they don't run fast, how can they ever catch you? I figured if you've seen any zombie movie, and that's roughly two hours, what else can they possibly do with zombies??? So I sat down to watch a marathon of season 1 because it's only 6 episodes. One and two were all right, then season 2 started so I was kinda yo-yo-ing between the rest of season 1 and the beginning of season 2. Aside from getting completely lost because I missed the episode where Ed died, I was hooked. Watched so many marathons since so I could get them all in the right order and I notice something new every time. I talk to invisible people, well I scream..."HE BIT OFF HIS FINGER, DID YOU SEE THAT?" and there's no one there. Clearly, there's a lot they can do with zombies. 


I talk to invisible people, well I scream..."HE BIT OFF HIS FINGER, DID YOU SEE THAT?" and there's no one there. Clearly, there's a lot they can do with zombies.



ROFLMAO  nachomama, I did/do the same thing.  My boyfriend (who hooked me on this show) is currently living 9 hours from me so I am watching alone most of the time....but it doesn't stop me from screaming to the empty room (and scaring the hell out of my dogs and cats) when something amazing happens.  :)

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LOL, I don't know. Even when I watch it with my husband I still get totally freaked out. He always falls asleep before I do, and I'm left laying there in bed alone analyzing every little noise. These days it's not the walkers who freak me out so much, but the idea of cannibal hipsters and roving bands of homicidal maniacs. 

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The next show on my list is probably The Wire.

Good choice! I'm rewatching season 1 now. I plan on catching Breaking Bad eventually.


A friend told me about this show and I watched seasons 1-3 on Netflix. I procured the first 1/2 of season 4 then watched the last 1/2 live. Over the holidays last year, I got my sister hooked on the show with Netflix binge watching.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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I watched season 1 during my lunch break at work because I knew I'd be too freaked out to watch alone (my current house mates aren't into zombies) and then go to bed.  Now I guess I'm just used to it because I watch by myself on Sunday nights and then go sleep like a baby.  I do make sure the windows are locked first though!

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Before it aired, the trailers really caught my eye. I originally watched the first season and part of the second and gave up in disgust, as it seemed to have deteriorated into a bad soap opera - Lori's endless angst about her pregnancy, Dale whining and being an annoying busybody, Andrea acting like a jerk and no one knowing where Carl was  -  that happened to have zombies.


Just a couple months ago I thought I'd check YT for scenes and see if anything had improved. As soon as I saw the Se03 opener  with all  of them charging into the house, the owl, Carl's dog food, their look of utter desperation,  and the whole scene without a word as though they were too depleted to talk, I was hooked.  I binge watched all of 3 and 4 and even went back to watch the Se02 eps I had given up on.

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I wasn't a big fan of that section of Season 2 either, I didn't care about Lorrie's pregnancy ( I still don't think Judith is worth it and they should have left her name kickass, I have a coworker named Judith that I looooooooooooathe) and if Carl kept wandering off during a zombie apocalypse I would lock him up or get him those baby leashes. I blame him for Dale's death, letting that walker survive, even if Dale was getting annoying and preachy. When Dale died was one of the saddest moments. 


I do not fear going to bed, I just can't sleep after Walking Dead because I'm usually very hyped up. Either so sad about Herschel or really ticked off at Carl. I won't have that problem this season because I can't watch live. I'm planning my premiere dinner, ribs (duh), bloody Mary's (duh), mac n cheese (elbow macaroni, duh) and ummm...lady fingers? 

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See, when you're in this kind of online community, even the sucky moments are great!

I loved how I hated certain characters and plot arcs; knowing when I got on the post-episode threads the snark would be amazing. Being on Previously TV (and formerly on TWoP) just makes even the irritating characters a gold mine.

(And you know that it's universal--the memes prove that).

(In fact if you go over to Utopia forum, there are people not even watching, just reading the recaps and posts-which are higher quality than the actual program.)


This does not hold true for all sites: I've checked out some others, but am giving up even bothering...everyone is either apathetic or even worse: very oooey-goooey.

Not in a snark way...they are deadly serious. I think pretty much all of us here LOVE TWD, but we don't pretend that a lot of it isn't open for provocative needling.


So glad you gave it another chance :-)

btw, yes that season 3 opener was one of the best openers ever and I mean not just for TWD but any episodic tv. I enjoy your posts and hope you'll stay.

Roll on Season 5.

Before it aired, the trailers really caught my eye. I originally watched the first season and part of the second and gave up in disgust, as it seemed to have deteriorated into a bad soap opera - Lori's endless angst about her pregnancy, Dale whining and being an annoying busybody, Andrea acting like a jerk and no one knowing where Carl was  -  that happened to have zombies.


Just a couple months ago I thought I'd check YT for scenes and see if anything had improved. As soon as I saw the Se03 opener  with all  of them charging into the house, the owl, Carl's dog food, their look of utter desperation,  and the whole scene without a word as though they were too depleted to talk, I was hooked.  I binge watched all of 3 and 4 and even went back to watch the Se02 eps I had given up on.

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I wasn't a big fan of that section of Season 2 either, I didn't care about Lorrie's pregnancy ( I still don't think Judith is worth it and they should have left her name kickass, I have a coworker named Judith that I looooooooooooathe) and if Carl kept wandering off during a zombie apocalypse I would lock him up or get him those baby leashes. I blame him for Dale's death, letting that walker survive, even if Dale was getting annoying and preachy. When Dale died was one of the saddest moments. 


I do not fear going to bed, I just can't sleep after Walking Dead because I'm usually very hyped up. Either so sad about Herschel or really ticked off at Carl. I won't have that problem this season because I can't watch live. I'm planning my premiere dinner, ribs (duh), bloody Mary's (duh), mac n cheese (elbow macaroni, duh) and ummm...lady fingers? 

A lot of times I was mad at Dale. But he wasn't evil, and I also though his death was so sad. I'm still waiting for Carl to acknowledge his "contribution" to that. Yes, the whole thing is over, but if this group can re-connect and have any chance, it wouldn't be a bad idea (or would it?) for the peeps to make a slate-clearing apology for the past wrongs and then be able to leave it in the past.  That goes for Tyreese, Rick, Glenn, everybody---hey newbie Eugene: perfect time to own up to your BS story.

Love your premiere dinner plans! Some of us are going to have a little party for the opener but the only idea we had was going the other direction: serving pulled pork in (cleaned) dog food cans, fake "fire-grilled squirrel on a stick", we can get rattlesnake here so that would be included, I want to try making some kind of fake amuse-bouche that looks like a dissected rat dressed out on a plate.

I might copy the Bloody Mary idea; I must be slow because it wasn't a duh for me I never even thought of it (double duh!) So far we considered berry juice for teetotal-ers, and Dirty Martinis could be creek water although they never discussed that on the show. Bloody Marys are better.

I confess that I live not only where rattlesnake is available as a dinner selection, but pickled pigs feet are thick on the ground if you'll excuse the expression.

A nice cake would be fun. Maybe Herschel's leg, or Herschel's head. With a raspberry filling. Yum!

A lot of times I was mad at Dale. But he wasn't evil, and I also though his death was so sad. I'm still waiting for Carl to acknowledge his "contribution" to that. Yes, the whole thing is over, but if this group can re-connect and have any chance, it wouldn't be a bad idea (or would it?) for the peeps to make a slate-clearing apology for the past wrongs and then be able to leave it in the past.  That goes for Tyreese, Rick, Glenn, everybody---hey newbie Eugene: perfect time to own up to your BS story.


Carl did tell both Shane and Rick that the walker was the one he saw in the woods (IIRC), so I kind of feel that is him at least feeling bad about it. I think both men assured him it wasn't his fault, so I'm not sure if that helps Carl's growth or hinders it. 


A big "get everything out in the open" session might be good, but it sure looks like they aren't going to have any downtime in the near future. As soon as the Termites are handled, group therapy for all!

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So glad you gave it another chance :-)

btw, yes that season 3 opener was one of the best openers ever and I mean not just for TWD but any episodic tv. I enjoy your posts and hope you'll stay.


Thank you. I'm glad I did as well.


See, what bugged me most in 2 is that, in an apolcalypse where everyone's world has collapsed, they've all lost everything and most have seen family members ripped apart by flesh eating monsters, they know not how they'll even survive day to day yet all anyone seems to be wrapped up in is that fact that Lori is pregnant. Seriously? As though anyone but Rick, Lori and Shane (heh!) would give a rat's fluffy patootie, even if she were pregnant with quintuplets.


The fact that I went from feeling nothing but scorn to actually shedding a tear as Merle, defiant til the end, shouted how he "ain't gonna beg"  as his brutal life came to its brutal conclusion, surprised even me.


btw, yes that season 3 opener was one of the best openers ever and I mean not just for TWD but any episodic tv.


So true. Even someone who had never heard of this show or seen one second of it would have been hooked at that, I'm sure. I watch no episodic TV at all so don't know if any can compare,  but it had me literally open-mouthed in amazement .


Carl being very happy to chow down on dog food, and Rick snatching it away from him - all in silence - summed up perfectly, for me anyway, what an apolcalypse means. For kids who are so adaptable, it just becomes their normal world. For people who were adults when it happened, it never can. Rick grabbing the can and throwing it said what 10,000 words could not.

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I was trying to think of something that "looked" like dog food but even a cleaned can I wouldn't do, maybe peel a label off tuna can and pretend from there. I can make fake labels at work. And they have jello molds shaped like brains and you muddy up the jello ( mix opposing colors like red and green to get a grey/brown color then mix in some yogurt or cottage cheese so it's not see through) but I hate jello. but something "brainy" would work for dessert. :D

I started Watching pretty close to day one - was a bit behind but caught up on a marathon.  I'm a horror/sci fi/supernatural geek so I get in as much of this stuff as I can. I particularly love post-apocalypse survival as a subgenre. WD was good enough - it had its tedious moments for sure.  I found I didn't much care for many of the characters except for Jon Bernthal, who I felt/feel was the best actor on cast and portrayed Shane as a very complex person.  I think I began to truly LIKE the show in S3.  The actors stepped up their game and so did the writers.  I, after seasons of answering the age old question: "Where's Carl?" with: "Eaten by Walkers I hope!", found I really started to feel for the poor kid and now I absolutely adore him and would simply burst into tears if something should happen to him.  Speaking of.   Andrew Lincoln's memorable and award-worthy breakdown at Lori's death caught and held my attention - I became curious to see who he'd become now that the apocalypse had truly come to him - I like who he's become (bad guy machetier/chomper, rapist gutter).  I sort of care about most of them now.  Not Carol - sorry.  So yeah, it is must see and I'm in pain waiting for the new season to start.

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I was a huge fan of The Night of the Living Dead.  I saw the original in a theater, first-run.  (So, yes, that sort of gives my age away.)  Plus, I liked, as someone else mentioned, The Stand (the book).  I like the end of the world kind of topics.  And, like someone else said, I liked 28 Days Later and, like that person, I thought this was going to be some horrible train-wreck of a show.  How could they show dead people eating living people?  I thought there'd be massive cut-aways, with only the implicaiton as to what was happening left.  Then I thought, "well maybe the first show will be a little more daring, but then they'll cut back on the gore."  Well, I was wrong.


But in retrospect, as is true with most T V shows, this show played with the viewers.  The writers (usually) know where they want to go, but they don't want to get there too fast.  Which, I think, leaves us with a lot of filler.  PLus, having such a large cast kinds of slows things done (assuming each character gets roughly the same amount of screen time.  Like T-Dog did.  Or . . . not.)


I never have looked at the comic.

Edited by JackONeill
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A lot of times I was mad at Dale. But he wasn't evil, and I also though his death was so sad.


What was so bad about it was that he had "won". They decided not to kill Randall. But he didn't even know it. 


I'm still waiting for Carl to acknowledge his "contribution" to that.


I could have sworn he did. At least once. I have been plagued with a horrible memory these last few years, so even though I've seen this show a million times I still space on things. But....I thought that after he killed that young man at the end of season 3 and was explaining it to his dad, he was talking about how him not killing the walker got Dale killed and Rick not killing Andrew got Lori killed. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I know Carl owned up to that at least once. 


The fact that I went from feeling nothing but scorn to actually shedding a tear as Merle, defiant til the end, shouted how he "ain't gonna beg"  as his brutal life came to its brutal conclusion, surprised even me.




Biggest character turn around in this series, by far. 

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Oh Carl acknowledged not killing the walker; he didn't tell how he provoked it and almost got killed, even with a gun he had stolen from Daryl, (not to be confused with his mother's gun he stole from the Winnebago).

.He said he'd seen that walker down there but he didn't kill it or tell the camp it was there so the guys could kill it. Slipped his mind that the walker was stuck, and would probably have stayed stuck, if Carl hadn't gone right close to it and thrown rocks and basically incited the walker to get aggressive enough to break free, and grab for him.

I love Carl now, but season 2 Carl was a nasty little brat.

/whispers* You don't now how many times I've wanted to trade Carl for Sophia. I do think as the next (first?) generation of kids who live with the apocalypse as the "norm" meaning the adults had normal lives before the zombies, I think Carl, like John Connor, will be some kind of hero/leader but great googly moogly I've wished him dead so many times. When Rick was all beat up and they were hiding in the house and Carl went off to find his pudding, I was gonna be mighty mighty pissed off if they killed Rick and kept Carl. 


Here's a question I ask myself, were Shane and Lorrie on the DL before the zombies? or did Shane at least lust after her? Or was this merely the situation they found themselves in once they presumed Rick dead? I spend  way too much time thinking of this crap.

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Here's a question I ask myself, were Shane and Lorrie on the DL before the zombies?


I think they were definitely engaged in a little sneaky slap 'n tickle pre-AZ. Otherwise, it would be pretty cold of Lori to just jump into bed with Shane immediately, with no prior relationship, after being told Rick was toast.

I don't think they were. And I don't think it was odd that they would get so close so quickly. When the world is coming to an end, you want to feel alive somehow. Plus, I think Lori was probably wanting to solidify a protector for her and Carl. I don't think she was ever as into it as he was. I think Shane might have had feelings for her pre ZA, but I don't think they ever fooled around. 

I think Shane had a few thoughts about his best friend's wife pre-ZA but didn't jump till Rick was at the hospital.



. Plus, I think Lori was probably wanting to solidify a protector for her and Carl. I don't think she was ever as into it as he was.

From the talk about their marriage, I don't think she was still into Rick either, and vice versa. There were several mentions about how they got married too young; that makes me think they both wished they could experience some strange.

I didn't mean into the sex part of it, more the relationship in general. I too think Shane probably had thoughts about Lori pre-ZA, and not just in a carnal way. He liked to act like this swaggering sex god, but I think he was probably always a little jealous of Rick, not having that family life. I think more than just boning Lori, he liked being her protector and the one Carl looked up to, etc. etc. I think he really fell in love with Lori, while she probably had tender feelings for him, but wasn't THAT into him. 


I think Rick and Lori were going through a rough patch in their marriage, which is bound to happen after that many years together. You can get bored, you can find yourself having a real hard time communicating, getting stuck in your rut and not knowing how to get out. But I do think they still deeply loved each other. 

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i discovered this show after the end of LOST. a co worker and i were both complaining that we wanted a new show that we could get attached to, and get excited to watch every week, like with LOST (even at its worst, but thats another debate for another section of the forum) and next thing i know, my co worker sends me a link and tells me that "#3 looks promising." it was a link to an article about the most anticipated shows debuting the coming fall, and #3 was the walking dead. i've always loved zombies, ever since i was a young child and watched michael jackson dance with zombies in thriller. i think that's the reason i was never afraid of them, as i had seen night of the living dead, return of the living dead, dawn of the dead etc, as a child. i just told myself "they're just the zombies dancing with michael jackson in the 'thriller' video!" but anyways, i was ecstatic to see a zombie show on tv, so i made sure to tune in for the pilot and have not looked back since :)

Edited by kaydub123
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I came upon the show randomly. I have never cared about zombies, but around the time of Halloween I always get into the scary movie mood. The first episode of the show premiered on Halloween and I've been hooked since day one. The scene that sealed the deal was Morgan's wife trying to open the door to the house. Now the show is not that kind of scary anymore, but I got hooked to the characters. The show is incredibly better on rewatch. I remember raging at season 2 being so slow but rewatching it, it's probably my favourite season. The back half of s2 and the fist half of s3 are my favourite episodes by far.


My brother and I are close, but not talk on the phone/text a ton close, but the one day we always manage to text each other is Sunday. 

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I vaguely remember reading a little entertainment news snippet about TWD way back before it started and at the time I thought, "wow, on AMC no less'. This was when I seldom watched AMC and thought it actually was American Movie Classics, lol.


Anyhoo, then I started noticing the promotions which were so well done, especially the music - Skeeter Davis' "End of the World" and the Walker (lol) Brothers' "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine"  and I just had to check it out. The rest is history, I never miss it and I agree with another poster that sometimes a rewatch is vital to getting you over the humps.

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