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S10.E02: Child's Play

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A lot of misses. But the Clockman will probably be one of the standouts of this season. It was a really great makeup and the model sold it. I don't know if he's a new one or someone who's been on before; but he brought that guy to life.  Hell, Paul even said as much; the rest of the models didn't seem to get their characters as strongly. (Race Car Woman came really close and Key Girl seemed to try somewhat as well)


Lollipop boy was very nice, but depressing; it fits the backstory but sad to look at. 


The remaining four could have been bottom looks; or at least the Keygirl could have gone to the bottom too. Racecar was close enouhg to maybe be Top 3. 


Crayon or Dice could have sent someone home. I think ultimately the Crayon was just too one dimensional to really work as a character. 


They mentioned the immunity save, so it will probably be used this season. I'm hoping they use it to save the German if/when it comes up. I'm thinking that last season they ultimately decided NOT to use it, so that's why it was never mentioned at all (that I can recall). 

The one thing that stands out for me in this episode is MacKenzie's dress at the judging. That was absolutely stunning! But probably very heavy since it appeared to be all beads and sequins. Normally you'd only see that kind of work in a top. Although when she was sitting down the dress looked short enough to just be a top.


As to the actual competition, once again, whimsy does in a lot of otherwise competent designers. I guess they felt they needed Ve there in the beginning to specifically tell them "don't go dark".


The clockman was the only choice for winner IMO, and was very memorable, up there with bell hop from season 2 (or 3?).


The lollipop guy was colorful, but as Paul Rubens said, not happy enough.


Crayola-man, I'm not sure why they decided on just yellow (I always wanted the box with 64 or even 128 colors when I was a kid) and I still can't figure out the purpose of the pad on his chest.


I don't know what I would have done with board games as an inspiration, but that was a big mis-step by Robert. That head was just dreadful, and I wish Mr Westmore had steered them in a different direction when he saw it.


The whole time the key team was working on their dancer I kept thinking "Why don't they just make it a wind-up toy with the key in the back?" I realize that's not bringing the object itself to life, but I don't think there was much connection between the dancer and the key in the first place.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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Chess and checkers are board games. A chess or checkers piece, along with the black and white game board.

If the original inspiration was dice, I don't think chess/checkers would work.  


I'm glad we've gotten through a couple episodes without mold-won't-unlock drama.  


Paul Reubens was great.  I've never been a Pee-Wee fan, but he was probably my favorite part of the episode here.  


I thought the crayon could have used contrast somehow, even just the dark bands that are on the top/bottom of the wrapper.  Or a label or something to break it up.  On the positive I at least remember it.  I've already forgotten some of the others.


Winning look was great but reminded me of seasons past, which just makes me want to get through the fodder to the good part of the season.  I wonder how a high-stakes season with fewer contestants could be, to maybe skip this part where nothing really stands out (or you get strong people who dominate anyway).

Edited by phoenix780
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For the Crayon, if they had stuck with the single colour, then his costume needed the standard black bands at the top and bottom (and probably wrists).


More likely, if I were to get Crayon, I probably would have done what they seemed to start down the road towards. Keep the same general look, but make him multicoloured. Swirl the colours together like you get when you melt a bunch of colours together. That would have given him a more distinctive look and given them a chance to show off the look better while keeping the general outline.


A windup doll would have worked great for the key and was the first thing I thought of when they said something akin to a porcelain doll. Or a windup toy soldier could have worked too. As it was, that would have been my 3rd Bottom look.


Dice was a challenging one; I'm not sure how I would have done it. Pulling it into the boardgame world helped but I'm not sure it worked. Maybe instead of the Boardgames, they should have made a Dice-Bot. A cubical robot with a screen on his chest that can 'randomly' roll a D6.

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I think if even the clothes of crayon guy hadn't been yellow, it would have been better.  The wrappers are not exactly the same color as the crayon, the crayon usually looks darker than the wrapping.  They had the clothing darker but almost the same color as the crayon.  Then, as others have already said, the black bands at top and bottom.  That said, I, too, think multi-color would have been better.


The watch was probably the best, since the lollipop guy was sad, but I did like all the colors of the lollipop better and watch guard did remind me of makeups from seasons past.

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My first reaction to this challenge was damn it, another team challenge? My second reaction was YAY, a challenge where they were specifically told not to do something scary!


Can Paul Reubens please come back as a guest judge? His comments (like the sad lollipop) were both astute and funny.


How in the hell was that racecar safe? For all of Ant's talk about how great he is at beauty makeup, all the did was cover her face in silver and then add red lipstick. As Neville said, the overall look was mostly costume work (and to me it looked like a Transformers Halloween costume). It did look like a car but it was bit too literal for me.


The yellow crayon was also too literal. I liked the curled crayon wrapper hair, but having all the paint plus the costume the same flat shade of bright yellow was a mistake. The crayon fingers were interesting in theory.


The key idea was good in theory but it ended up looking like a girl wearing a masquerade mask. Neville was right when he said there were so many colors muddied together that she ended up looking like a corpse.


The dice (ha, I wanted to call him the dice man until I realized that would conjure up an entirely different image!) looked too much like a clown. No wonder the judges said it was a little scary. I liked the dice shoes though.


For me, the watch man was the only one that was whimsical enough for the challenge requirement. Their model sold it really well. I liked the watch band coming up the neck, and the way they scattered the numbers on the costume was very effective.


The lollipop concept was good and I think it might have won if only they had sculpted the face to look happier. I liked the colors, especially the ones in the face. The vest was nice and the headpiece was fun. This one was also whimsical except for the facial expression. I think maybe it was the eyebrows?


Interestingly, the two best makeups this week (the lollipop and the watch) were the ones with the best back stories.

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The backstory for the LollipopMan was depressing too, which was probably why he looked depressing. Now I'm not sure if they adjusted the story based on the makeup looks or that's what the intention was to be different maybe; but their story did explain why the candy lad was sad looking. (He was created as an imaginary creature of a boy who didn't want his father's business to fail but didn't want to take it over either)

The one thing that stands out for me in this episode is MacKenzie's dress at the judging. That was absolutely stunning! But probably very heavy since it appeared to be all beads and sequins. Normally you'd only see that kind of work in a top. Although when she was sitting down the dress looked short enough to just be a top.



OK, let's get on the MacKenzie dress critique train, which, weirdly enough, has become a thing in my household (weird since I am the only woman and nearly all the rest play football)..  My youngest son is convinced that MecKenzie's knees have an allergy to fabric. This dress was beautiful, but it could have been six inches longer with a slit - that would have worked with the chinoiserie pattern and the overall design.... but hey, this is not Project Runway.......


I thought it was unfair that Mel took the win, when it was her partner (name?) who really had the concept and spent most of her time trying to talk Mel into it, but the work on the face was spectacular.


We also all like how Paul Reubens recognized the model's work in "selling it."


I thought that the Face-offed contestant (name?) did not deserve it - the best part of the whole makeup IMHO was the paper curl hair, and that was all her.  

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I thought that the Face-offed contestant (name?) did not deserve it - the best part of the whole makeup IMHO was the paper curl hair, and that was all her.  


Yeah, but she was also the one that insisted on all yellow, and did the weird cowl that didn't close in the front (which Glen wondered about, as there was no reason to have that be an open cowl).  She might be more talented than the other guy in her team, we just haven't seen enough from either to say for certain, but the failures of that make-up were all on her.

Edited by WearyTraveler
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Wow, I was so afraid for our German/Texan, but that yellow crayon was BAAAAD. The conceptual drawring was even bad. So I figured he was safe.


My favourite WAS the watchman. I guess Mel deserved the win because she DID do the face sculpt and the face painting and that's what they loved so much, but if it hadn't been for her partner (Anne??) she never would have made it through. I'm in agreement with whomever said, last week, that they don't understand why they have to single one of them out in a team effort, especially since the winner does not get immunity.


There are a few people on here whose personalities I do not care for at all, and that is unusual for me on this show. I don't care for the female who was partnered with Robert last night, because even though she kept NOT liking his ideas, I didn't see her coming up with anything better. And I still don't care much for tall guy who was on the lollipop team, although he was more affable on this ep than on last week's.


It's still too early for me to have a favourite, other than Robert. I hope he gets to stay so we can see an INDIVIDUAL effort from him, though. I've yet to be able to tell what some of them can actually accomplish.


Oh, and Paul Reubens was a delight. Very thoughtful and insightful comments.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Not a fan of the winning look, concept-wise. Too basic, too derivative... but it was sold well by the model, and the paintjob was pretty good.

Pretty disappointed in the race car team, where the only whimsy was brought by the model, and the beauty make-up failed.

Crayon-man just plainly sucked.

Boardgame-man wasn't much better,

Candyman was gorgeous but depressed. Also, the 3-contestant team wasn't gonna win, anyway.

As for the Key, all I could see was "fancy zombie", so...

  • Love 3

The bright yellow on the Crayon only served to highlight how bad it was. Yeeesh! They failed in so many different areas. The paper curl hair and the functional rayon fingers were rather clever. But the solid shade of yellow was just glaringly bad. I agree a melted/blended crayon man would have been much better. I felt the same about race car babe's make-up. If that's that dude's specialty, he really needs to reevaluate his skills and specialty.


That blocky dice man wasn't much better though. The cone on the head, nose, and nipples got way too repetitive. How about a wheel spinner for at least half of those? I would have been fine with any of the bottom four going home. I know German guy has lots of fans, but this is the second time he's deferred to his teammate. He's got to start asserting himself and his ideas if he wants to remain in the competition.


Other than not to go dark, the other thing that Ve said about the challenge was to think outside the box. I suspect if the key character had been a wind-up toy come to life, that would have been a bit too trite. Not sure what they could have done more though to incorporate a key into their design. Arms than end in a key maybe, so she was the one to wind up the other toys? Or maybe lots of little toy compartment doors than opened with keys dangling off her?


I also found it interesting that Mel was again at odds with her teammate. I don't think she plays well with others. I'm glad to see she stuck to her guns though about not putting numbers on the clock face. The four simple dots worked beautifully in their place, and functioned much better as freckles than dice man's dots. However, I think the clock hands would have worked much better as a mustache than simply tacked onto the end of the nose. I don't even think they needed to enlarge the clock face to center the hands.


I was somewhat upset that Reubens was going on so much about the clock model bringing so much to the character. He did, and that really sold the character, but they're suppose to be judging the make-up work. The only time the models acting ability should come into play is if the make-up and prosthetics somehow hamper their ability to do so, like with a stiff, baked-in expression. With that said, if the model for lollipop man had smiled and emoted a bit more, I think it might have won. The colors really popped, and was visual delight to look at, except for the sad face with beautiful make-up.


Guess we got the killer whimsy challenge out of the way early, so the contestants won't have to dread facing it all season long. I also found it interesting that the two ladies who were in the winning team last episode were also in top looks teams again. It's way to early to tell if they're winners, but it seems they'll go far at least. While Melissa reminds people of Glenn Close, Anna reminds me of a truck-stop waitress version of Madonna during her earlier punk rock look.

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The contestants seem to not know about whimsy and charm - just horror and sci-fi.
This pretty much describes every contestant on this show, ever.


I loved it that Ve specifically told them not to go to the "dark place."  Otherwise we would have ended up with a bunch of zombie Dr. Seuss or evil-demon Avatar knock-offs. 


I'm not sure whimsy lends itself to a team challenge, since it means different things to different people, so a lot of the concepts we saw just felt like incomplete compromises rather than fully actualized visions.  Conversely, though, the lollipop team with one more member had the most cohesive concept, so that kind of blows my theory out of the water.  But the winning clock team, they took a really, really long time to hash out their total concept to each other's satisfaction and understanding, and I think that plus the model, brought them the win.


I liked the conceptual drawing of board-game man.  That drawing was whimsical.  The execution was a poor copy.  Ditto for the car woman.  The concept was really cool, but holy cow, that was some bad face makeup.  Bad.  Really, really bad.


You know, with as much as the judges have gone over and over and over about stippling colors onto face makeups to provide depth and interest, you'd think some of these artists would pick up on that, but last night we got two of the flattest facial paint jobs ever seen on the show--crayon man and car woman.


I think crayon man would have been a winner (problematic cowl notwithstanding) had different choices been made regarding the color and costuming.  That curled crayon wrapper hair was a start in the right direction, and wasn't properly appreciated by the judges.

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Other than not to go dark, the other thing that Ve said about the challenge was to think outside the box. I suspect if the key character had been a wind-up toy come to life, that would have been a bit too trite. Not sure what they could have done more though to incorporate a key into their design. Arms than end in a key maybe, so she was the one to wind up the other toys? Or maybe lots of little toy compartment doors than opened with keys dangling off her?


What do keys have to do with children's playtime, anyhow?  Other than a lock for a journal and those big plastic keys they give toddlers to play/teeth with...that seems like a tough one.

Agree that watchman was the best of the lot, though I found the gal who won just as annoying her as I did last week. I would definitely say she doesn't play so well with others. Her partner seemed likable enough, wish she could've gotten more credit.

Overall lots of meh looks tonight, which I guess isn't so out of the ordinary for so early in the season. Still, we've had years with some strong contenders right out of the gate, so.... I'm ready to be impressed, Show. Impress me, dammit! Too many uninspired concepts out there tonight. A key person with no keys to be found anywhere. A crayon that was just a yellow guy in a yellow suit with a crooked yellow traffic cone for a hat. A dice guy with dice coming out of his head, WTF? Seriously. How about doing something with D&D dice - at least it would've made for some more interesting shapes. And why not have the key lady with a big ring of keys and keys in her hair and on her dress, or something other than some (admittedly cool looking) filigree designs on her face? When I was a kid I had a giant ring of keys I collected solely because they were pretty looking (I've always been a bit of a magpie, but I digress). Where was the creativity, the imagination? Why was I spending most of the episode thinking about how much I would've loved to have a giant crayon when I was a kid instead of being wowed by the makeups?

And why did none of them put any shading into their face paints? Highlights and shadows are your friends. Flat, muddy "beauty" makeups are not.

OK, let's get on the MacKenzie dress critique train, which, weirdly enough, has become a thing in my household

Are you as glad as I am that she's over that asymmetrical thing? There were a couple of seasons where she never had more than one strap or one shoulder covered the entire time.


I am too old to have watched Paul Reubens and I'm not a fan, so I was really surprised that he got more applause from the contestants than any guest judge that's ever been on the show as far as I can remember.  It appears that he really has bounced back from the public indecency and pornography charges.

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FROZENDIVA, ON 20 JAN 2016 - 10:22 PM, SAID:

The contestants seem to not know about whimsy and charm - just horror and sci-fi.



GaT: his pretty much describes every contestant on this show, ever.

This was pretty underwhelming.   None of these makeups were really cheerful.  If they wanted to do weird they could just as easily have gone Sid and Marty Kroft, meaning super weird and super happy - hell, Ve came out and told them to just do that, to go Full Pee-Wee - and jesus, wouldn't SHE know what that meant? . And yet they're all fearful about having their Key character looking "too much like a literal key" and their Watch character looking "too on the nose" as a literal timepiece.  #%%???!!!   And what happened to all the models from the previous seasons?  The watch people got lucky with a model who actually worked to sell the makeup, as one of the judges pointed out.

See, I actually liked this episode. Not necessarily the end results, but overall I thought the episode was good. I liked having just the Spotlight challenge, which meant we got to see a lot more of the process as well as more the team interaction. I liked the idea, and I liked all the drawings. I wasn't mad at all the end results, either, at least everyone had good ideas and went in trying. It was the execution that failed. That crayon, while such a good start with the hair, nose sharpener, and fingers, was just so damn yellow it was jarring. I don't know if I different color would have helped, or depth in make up. Whoever was pointing out the clothes was spot on too. The right person went home. When the makeup basically falls off onstage, well........ Lollipop guy was really well done, just the shape of that head bothered me. In the pic here it looks like a seam showing, maybe it was supposed to be that way? The Watch Guard was my least fav concept, but the best in reality. I hope they bought that model dinner or at least a beer, because he SOLD that look. The race car was neat, but somewhat sloppy. The boat was missed on the key. The chest and face looked crooked, and what the hell was in her hair? Did they clean under the bed with her or something? Didn't get that. BoardGameGuy looked like he had a joystick on his nose, majorly distracting. I'm having a hard time with all the new models, I'm hoping for a return of some of the old favs. Whoever said Anna looked like an early Madonna, THANK YOU. It was bugging me all night and I just couldn't place it. There's an awful lot of 80s and 90s styling going on with this group and it makes me feel so OLD. I was around for the first time, and I was ok with some of it then. And I still have a vague feeling that we're being punked with GermanTexan. He just seems to put on to be real, but we shall see! Next week looks cool, so looking forward to that and trying to stay positive about this season.

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Did the prosthetic on the lollipop guy's face prevent him from smiling? In the up close, when Paul mentioned how sad he looked, I expected him to suddenly smile.


I think it was partly the angle of the eyebrows that gave him a sorta quizzical/sad expression. Smiling might not have been able to counteract that.


I also thought Anna should have gotten more credit for the Watchman. It was more her concept, and she really kept Mel (?) from going to pieces. I think that's going to be a theme this season -- Mel going to pieces.

Unlike prior season where it seemed that the artists didn't even know what whimsy meant, this group seems to understand the definition but most were not able to translate it into an actual make-up.   

When Meg and her partner were having a disagreement about whether to put numbers on the clock face, I thought they should have the numbers but make them not too obvious - the 1 and the 11 could be wisps of hair on either side of the forehead, the 4 and the 8 could be earrings, some numbers could be tattoos, etc... But, they won and deservedly so, which means they didn't need my input.
The first time he said "Board Game Man" I heard "Bored gay man" and thought it was an odd concept and wondered what that had to do with dice.

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Were the nipples on dice guy supposed to be Parchesi pieces?


Someone else referenced Parchesi, but since I've never played that game, they were the pieces in the Sorry! game. Regardless, they shouldn't have been used on the guy's nipples, especially once they realized the way they looked. Adding a third one in the center just made him a mutant with three nipples instead of two. I honestly thought I could have designed and done something better, and I have poor costuming skills.


Whoever said Anna looked like an early Madonna, THANK YOU. It was bugging me all night and I just couldn't place it.


You're welcome. I keep expecting her talking heads to be accompanied with "Like a Virgin", but redubbed with "sculpting for the very first time". ;)


Unlike prior season where it seemed that the artists didn't even know what whimsy meant, this group seems to understand the definition but most were not able to translate it into an actual make-up.   


The first time he said "Board Game Man" I heard "Bored gay man" and thought it was an odd concept and wondered what that had to do with dice.



The first part of your quote is so true. And the second part of your quote cracked me up.


I also forgot to mention in my first go around that Walter and Ant made for a very sexy and studly Team Testosterone. So of course they made a hot car babe.

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OK, let's get on the MacKenzie dress critique train, which, weirdly enough, has become a thing in my household (weird since I am the only woman and nearly all the rest play football)..  My youngest son is convinced that MecKenzie's knees have an allergy to fabric. This dress was beautiful, but it could have been six inches longer with a slit - that would have worked with the chinoiserie pattern and the overall design.... but hey, this is not Project Runway.......


I thought it was unfair that Mel took the win, when it was her partner (name?) who really had the concept and spent most of her time trying to talk Mel into it, but the work on the face was spectacular.


We also all like how Paul Reubens recognized the model's work in "selling it."


I thought that the Face-offed contestant (name?) did not deserve it - the best part of the whole makeup IMHO was the paper curl hair, and that was all her.  

Can not stop laughing at Mckenzies "allergic" knees. LOVE IT!


All those colors in the Crayola box and you pick...yellow? So he can be a yield sign? Worst makeup....

Glenn was so charmed by Paul Reubens. I'm not sure I've ever seen him laugh so much. It was really cute to see Glenn that happy (not that he's not happy, just that he usually acts pretty intense when judging). IMO he's clearly watched his fair share of Peewee's Playhouse.


I am slightly irritated by Yvonne (the woman who was Robert's (the German) partner this episode). She shot down ideas more than she contributed. She scaled back the nose that Robert had originally planned, and then when Michael Westmore came around, he suggested making it big like Robert had it in the first place. Maybe they just didn't show it, but it sure seemed like she did not acknowledge to Robert that he'd been right about the scale, at least according to Westmore. Of course, in the end they were both wrong because the nose was stupid either way, but still.


The top team should have won as a team. I agree with others who've said Mel would never have made it through without Anna. Anna's contribution was not as large in terms of what actually got on the model, but that was because she was spending all her time talking her partner down from the ledge. I thought it was odd that they kept calling their character a watchguard because he guards the toys and watches out for the owner. I mean, there's already a word for that and it's been used multiple times in this thread - watchman. Why not just call him what he is?

Edited by micat

I thought it was odd that they kept calling their character a watchguard because he guards the toys and watches out for the owner. I mean, there's already a word for that and it's been used multiple times in this thread - watchman. Why not just call him what he is?


It was a play on the theme. A watchguard is also a security chain or cord for a watch.

This is way late to be commenting, but it bugged me since the show. I have no idea why, but the word watchguard brought to mind Swatch Watch plastic pieces from the 80s. Those jelly things that went over the face. I swear they we called watch guards or some such and I've been giggling all along at just the word. But that is just me. Now I have a new definition, thank you Face Off!

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