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All Episodes Talk: Walk With Me

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I take it that is the same as when it gets a little dusty in the room when I am watching!

Yes, TWW can have that affect on me as well.

Indeed. I stole the term from someone on TVWoP or Buzzfeed.


I forgot how early Danny and CJ started their dance and I forgot how much I enjoy watching adults navigate dating in a complicated situation, without constant angst.

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I forgot how early Danny and CJ started their dance and I forgot how much I enjoy watching adults navigate dating in a complicated situation, without constant angst.


I can not tell you how often I have said "I am not entirely sure I was supposed to know that", quoting Danny on the issue of Gail the Goldfish vs Goldfish crackers.

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Danny and CJ didn't date though.


I think they did more than date, at least per "Institutional Knowledge"-those secret service agents sure seemed to know their way around Danny's apartment!

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Danny and CJ didn't date though. They flirted a few times, got called out by the president, Danny disappears for a few years. Appears in as Santa to steal a few kisses and jets off again. 


Aww damn, I remembered wrong. Regardless, I don't recall unnecessary drama and angst in their relationship. I'll see if I'm right by the end of the re-watch.

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Can we just agree that Season 5 never happened and move on?


But The Supremes, Shut Down, No Exit etc  all happened in season 5. I liked those episodes more than some in the first 4 years.


The kidnapping of Zoey at the end of S4 threw S5 into chaos. It wasn't till after Constituency of One that it corrected course IMO.


Netflix has it :)


I'll be forced to fork over the cash for DVD sets if they remove it from the queue.

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I wore out the original DVDs and bought that weird box set, but Netflix has made things so much easier!


The Supremes is not worth the rest of Season 5, though I do enjoy it. Shut Down has its gimmicky moments but otherwise meh. No Exit I actually don't enjoy.  I just read the plot points of the entire season, and I think all the worst episodes & people of the show are in there. Access is by far my least favorite, but also An Khe, Slow News Day, Han, Ryan, Angela, Rina, bleeeeeh.

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Oh it's still on Netflix. I fall asleep to TWW every night, much to my husband's dismay. I will cancel Netflix in a hot minute if they ever remove it. TWW is my favorite show barnone and the happiest day of my life, besides marriage, kids, blah blah blah (all that stuff I'm SUPPOSED to say), was finding it on Netflix. And getting Chromecast so I can beam it to my bedroom TV is awesoooooome. I finished a rewatch on New Years Day and I'm on Season 2, Episode 12 (The Drop In) already. If we are planning a rewatch, I don't know if I can go as slow as the rest of you. I've got it bad. 


Last night I watched The Portland Trip and I always love the ribbing CJ gets for mocking Notre Dame on the eve of a Michigan game and how everyone knew it was wrong but her. I also wish, despite being a flaming conservative, that we had the teacher corps that Charlie thought of and Sam & Toby expanded on. We really need something like that. Some programs warm even my cold Tea Party heart. **ducking for cover now** Don't hate me because I'm a Tea Party member, love me because I'm addicted to TWW like you. See, we all have commonalities.

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I also wish, despite being a flaming conservative, that we had the teacher corps that Charlie thought of and Sam & Toby expanded on. We really need something like that.


We sorta do with Teach for America. If you have never heard about it, see the website that you can reach through the link below.


It has a combination of public and private donors so not a purely governmental corps.


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If they do, I may cut someone.


It may be cheaper (when compared to legal fees for cutting someone) to buy the boxed set. Amazon often has it on "gold box" special.

Oh it's still on Netflix. I fall asleep to TWW every night, much to my husband's dismay. I will cancel Netflix in a hot minute if they ever remove it. 

I understand that sentiment. I cancelled Netflix when they didn't renew the contract with MGM to keep Stargate: SG1. I'm only watching now since they gave me a month free trial. But I am very disappointed to learn it's no on Amazon Prime.

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It may be cheaper (when compared to legal fees for cutting someone) to buy the boxed set. Amazon often has it on "gold box" special.

I understand that sentiment. I cancelled Netflix when they didn't renew the contract with MGM to keep Stargate: SG1. I'm only watching now since they gave me a month free trial. But I am very disappointed to learn it's no on Amazon Prime.

I actually own all of the DVDs but the beauty of netflix is that I can watch it on any tv without having to load DVDs.  I'm a special kind of lazy sometimes. :)

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I actually own all of the DVDs but the beauty of netflix is that I can watch it on any tv without having to load DVDs.  I'm a special kind of lazy sometimes. :)

I hear that. I own a boxed set of a TV show, was watching it on Netflix (then Prime) and had it set to record every time it was on. Because sometimes reaching for the Roku remote was hard.

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Watching Season 5, Gaza (for the first time- I'd stopped sometime after season 1 when it originally aired, and I've now been plowing my way through them since Christmas) .  


Boo on Fitz :-(  He was one of my favourite characters in the entire show. 


And while I am not a Donna fan, this is the first episode where I've understood why other people like her so much. 

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Watching Season 5, Gaza (for the first time- I'd stopped sometime after season 1 when it originally aired, and I've now been plowing my way through them since Christmas) .  


Boo on Fitz :-(  He was one of my favourite characters in the entire show. 


And while I am not a Donna fan, this is the first episode where I've understood why other people like her so much. 


FIVE WHOLE SEASONS it took you. WHAT???! lol


She had me with her steadfast loyalty to Josh. 


Oh and Josh yelled her name A LOT during the show but she started the trend in the pilot.  

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FIVE WHOLE SEASONS it took you. WHAT???! lol


She had me with her steadfast loyalty to Josh.

When the show first started airing, the character of Donna was a bit younger than I was.  She seems to have skipped many years without aging as much as I did, but she seems to be younger than I am, and older than my daughters.  


I know that she was there to ask the "stupid" questions, and clarify issues for viewers.  But her attachment to Josh always seemed a bit sad to me- there was a lot of room for her to grow in the earlier seasons, and ways for her to have a real life apart from her job, but she was always just fixated on Josh, who really isn't a good candidate for a life partner.  


Banter and barely sexual desire might seem fun in your early/mids 20s, but it can get old very quickly.  I know that at some point she and Josh have sex- I know the general outline of how their relationship goes over the course of the series, but it doesn't seem to end up in anything resembling happily ever after. I don't think that marriage should be the end goal of every relationship, but , but, it seems like she's regularly missing the opportunities for a 'real' relationship. Kudos to her for for at least picking something to be loyal to, but Josh isn't really a prize as a partner (at least as far as I've gotten in season 5).  Maybe both of them make big changes in their lives later on so that they would be good partners for each other, but as she's been written as far as I've watched, she just seems a bit sad.  She usually focuses on individual stories rather than a 'big picture', which, while it may be admirable, might not be a plus for someone who's portrayed as a competent secretary.


Loyalty is great, if the person you're loyal to is worth it, and if being a subordinate to someone else is your life goal.  I liked the Gaza episode as it seemed like Donna was out on her own for a bit, and making choices that weren't dependent on Josh.   She was doing something on her own- there were the requisite emails to Josh, but she was having experiences and making contacts that didn't depend on him.  And I think that the episode highlighted that- her makeup and lighting was completely different than anything we'd seen before.  You see her freckles, her exhaustion, and also see her reacting sexually and intellectually to someone that's not Josh, in a way that speaks to her strengths as a character, and not just another cheap will they/won't they TV trope.  Josh doesn't really seem to be that much of a prize to me, re-watching the series when I'm 50, and not 30.   It's like the Sam and Diane thing from Cheers, or the Carol/Doug thing from ER- the characters are incredibly mismatched and wouldn't last 2 minutes in the real world, but there's no way not to get them together when a series has run for a long time. 


I liked this episode because it showed Donna out on her own, making reasonable choices, that didn't depend on Josh.  She was an afterthought on this mission, and while she didn't really know what she was doing, she added some complexity to the discussion.  I'm still on my first go-round of the later episodes so I know vaguely what's going to happen with her and Josh, but I wish that the series might have given her a bigger role that wasn't dependent on her relationship with Josh.

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Wow- things have certainly gotten odd in the series, at least for me.  I'm up to season 6, and finished "La Palabra" (ep 19) last night.  I do still like CJ, Leo, Toby (mostly), Debbie, Vinick, Santos, and the occasional glimpse of the old Charlie, but it's just become a very different show for me.  


I'd been willing to suspend my disbelief about American politics and think that the gang (Barlet, Josh, Toby, CJ etc) were 'different', but now that Matt Santos has come along it's really pointing up the flaws in that assumption.  Josh is such a creepy, miserable manipulator now, and while in earlier seasons he seemed to have a moral compass of some sort, Matt standing up to him about various strategies (debates, focusing on issues rather than polling stats or 'appearance' etc) makes me question whether Bartlet won because he was an underdog hero, or whether Josh was just more at the top of his game then.  It's only been 7 years since the Bartlet campaign- from what (I think) we've been led to believe about Jed and how he won the presidency, Josh shouldn't be this gobsmacked about a candidate who wants to concentrate on issues and changing the country for the better. 


And just weird things going on with various characters.  Kate Harper is very odd now.  She used to be on top of foreign affairs, and all of a sudden she doesn't know what a map of Canada looks like?  With the longest undefended border, and with Canada and the U.S. having the largest trading partnership in the world,  she can't find Manitoba on a map?  She can't find a way to deal with John Marbury?  Maybe she's just been distracted with her new 'I want to have sex' hair and makeup, but she seems to have lost a magnitude of competence somewhere along the way.   


Jed and Abby have just become a bit silly and sad, compared to how they were presented in the first seasons.  Jed's always been presented as a fairly intelligent man, who at one point cared enough about the Presidency to step down when he wasn't able to fulfill his duties.  Now he's acting like a brat about taking care of his health and in reacting to situations (the Iranians shooting down the BA jet, his Nobel Prize co-winner showing up).  We've seen him lose his shit about a few Americans at risk overseas, but he thinks that the Brit prime minister should reign it in after hundreds of her citizens were killed, because it's not convenient for him.  I don't know what's going on with Abby- she used to be a fairly sympathetic character, but now she seems to spend a lot of her time being a harridan (maybe the new blonde hair helps with that).  She and Jed have obviously had ruptures in their marriage at least since Zoey, but right now they seem to be so unhappy together that getting a divorce would seem to be a reasonable option. 


I do still like Toby, although the whole concentration on the tiny scratch on his face seemed a bit silly.  If he'd still been involved with his kids it would be reasonable to assume that he got an owie from interacting with them, but since that's not the case it's a huge deal when he shows up with a booboo.  I know what's going on with him, what happens with him, and how it plays out, but it's just not playing out in any way that makes sense, in the context of the earlier years of the series. 


I still really do like a lot of things that have been going on.  CJ is still charming, and she's growing into her position in a big way.  I like that Leo's advising her, but also that she's taking responsibility for her decisions and her actions.  I like Cliff Calley coming back. I loved the stem cell vote, and Matt Santos and company sticking it to the Speaker.  I like the relationship between Santos and his wife- given 5 more seasons their relationship probably would have tanked as much as Jed's/Abby's has, but it's very real, and believable right now.  I don't even dislike Donna or Will or Bingo Bob any more, because they're just so silly.  No surprise that Donna becomes nationally visible for calling out a guy in a chicken suit, because that seems to be about the level that she's being written at. 

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Josh' character suffered to make Matt Santos presidential IMO. He had to be the bad guy to Santo's idealist.


Jed became all about his legacy than being the best president he could be.


I disliked Kate Howard from day one. Like, stop trying to make her happen Wells.


CJ became more and more disillusioned and seemingly harsh in the process. It resolves itself in the finale season so it was  a character arc I didn't mind in hindsight.


Donna's transformation remains my favorite things about the last two seasons. 

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I have a deep and abiding love for season six and seven, I love them as much as I love season one and two and four.  For some reason, I am not as big a fan of season three as most are, in fact, I like season five more than season three because I love the entire Gaza storyline, and I love The Supremes and Shut Down. 


*ducking rotten tomatoes* :)


It is true though. 


One thing I love about season three is The Butterball Hotline, so there is that!  :)


Season six gives us King Corn and 2162 votes, which are two of my favorite episodes of the entire series, and season seven is my favorite season of the entire series, except for Toby's storyline.  I love Santos and Vinick, I love every scene that Leo and Annabeth have together, I love how Danny comes back into CJ's life and his whole spill about loving to listen to CJ talk, and that he just wants to hear her talk is about the most romantic thing ever.  And then there is Josh and Donna, *sigh*....I love them so.  The last four or five episodes of The West Wing is just simply perfection.  :)


I just get sad to see no love for five, six, and seven. 

Edited by muffinsandbagels
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Josh' character suffered to make Matt Santos presidential IMO. He had to be the bad guy to Santo's idealist.

Jed became all about his legacy than being the best president he could be.

I disliked Kate Howard from day one. Like, stop trying to make her happen Wells.

CJ became more and more disillusioned and seemingly harsh in the process. It resolves itself in the finale season so it was a character arc I didn't mind in hindsight.

Donna's transformation remains my favorite things about the last two seasons.

Kate's last name was Harper, not Howard.

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So good to see Bram all over my TV this season. Cyrus's gigolo (Scandal), Denna's firefighter (Marry Me), and interim chief next week on Chicago Fire.

Kate's last name was Harper, not Howard.

I just always called her Kate of the Bangs.

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I'm doing the rewatch, but a bout with a sinus infection had me on the couch for several days so I'm waaaayyyyyyy ahead.


I really liked Abbey early in the series but must admit that I feel like she turned into a real bitch - some of it justified, but a bitch nonetheless.


During Zoey's kidnapping drama, she pissed me off when she got all high and mighty about the assassination of Shareef.  I totally get that she saw it as a cause/effect and I can get behind that.  But every time I see it and she yells at the President "It was YOUR decision, not OURS!" I yell at the TV "No one elected you!!!"  I may need therapy.


But towards the end when the MS became more of a factor I really started to dislike her.  She wasn't a newbie to the White House.  She knew what the schedule was like and, even more importantly, she new what Jed was like.  I found it annoying and unnecessary that she put CJ in the middle and bitched at her over bothering her husband over global emergencies when he needed his rest.  Had he stopped being both a big boy who can make his own decisions and the President at that point?

Edited by DebbieW
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I went to a talk with Martin Sheen at the Smithsonian last month, which was all about the West Wing - can't believe I forgot to mention it before now.  He was terrific, told a lot of stories we've all heard before, had trouble with names, it was great.  Melissa Fitzgerald (Carol) was in the audience, and he had her stand up and explain her work with her veterans group.  


His favorite scene, apparently, is when Bartlet calls the Butterball hotline.  They played a few clips, including that one.  Since then, I've been struggling not to submit the Butterball hotline, and a few other WW items, to the KODTTM, because I already submitted the Jackal, and I feel like I should branch out a little, heh.  So hard to think of anything besides West Wing moments to submit though.  So good.

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I just finished my now annual full series re-watch. Yes, the whole thing! Maybe it's because I didn't watch the entire series until it was over but I enjoy watching seasons six and seven, even though there is a definite difference in tone at times. I love Jimmy Smits and Alan Alda's performances and they're probably a little underrated because they joined the show after the "glory years." I also love Patricia Richardson! Does she even get noted for her time as Sheila now? It's always a fun rewatch and I shed a few tears during the final episode as if it isn't nine years old and I haven't seen it many times before. It's hard to believe that there was a time in my life that this show wasn't a part of it. Now I look forward to re-watching every year! 

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I just finished my now annual full series re-watch. Yes, the whole thing! Maybe it's because I didn't watch the entire series until it was over but I enjoy watching seasons six and seven, even though there is a definite difference in tone at times. I love Jimmy Smits and Alan Alda's performances and they're probably a little underrated because they joined the show after the "glory years." I also love Patricia Richardson! Does she even get noted for her time as Sheila now? It's always a fun rewatch and I shed a few tears during the final episode as if it isn't nine years old and I haven't seen it many times before. It's hard to believe that there was a time in my life that this show wasn't a part of it. Now I look forward to re-watching every year! 


I also just finished a full series re-watch (not quite annual, more like periodic, started this year in honor of Presidents Day). 


My admittedly 100% totally shallow comment elsewhere online was:

Just watched the final ep of The West Wing. A scene towards the end has in it Jimmy Smits, Rob Lowe, Bradley Whitford and Matthew DelNegro. The pretty factor was off the charts in that one.

But you're right about the performances that Smits & Alda put in, and Richarsdon.  Also, this last time 'round, I found myself enjoying both groups of campaigners.

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I just finished my now annual full series re-watch. Yes, the whole thing! Maybe it's because I didn't watch the entire series until it was over but I enjoy watching seasons six and seven, even though there is a definite difference in tone at times. I love Jimmy Smits and Alan Alda's performances and they're probably a little underrated because they joined the show after the "glory years." I also love Patricia Richardson! Does she even get noted for her time as Sheila now? It's always a fun rewatch and I shed a few tears during the final episode as if it isn't nine years old and I haven't seen it many times before. It's hard to believe that there was a time in my life that this show wasn't a part of it. Now I look forward to re-watching every year!

I don't know how much--except maybe by us Wingnuts--Patricia Richardson gets noticed for her role as Sheila, Senator Vinick's Campaign Manager (who eventually falls on her sword), but I will tell you something interesting that just popped back in my head.

Before joining TWW, Patricia was the lead in a hospital/medical drama that ran on Lifetime cable called Strong Medicine. When she was written out of that show, it was already announced she was joining the cast of TWW.

They wrote her Strong Medicine character out of that show (which continued at least another season or so without her, as I remember) by saying she had been nominated for, then confirmed for & appointed to, the post of Surgeon General of the United States. I don't know if that was a purposeful nod to Patricia's new role, or just coincidental, but I liked the irony of her medical character being sent off to Washington, DC when the actress was actually taking a new role as a political staffer in a politically-oriented show set in Washington, DC.

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I tried to do a rewatch and this show didn't stand the test of time for me. They come across as elitist, snobs to me. Josh arguing about reparations never sat right with me and still doesn't. Toby (face palm) where to begin..you chastise a visiting dignitary through POTUS speech then you ask his gov't for a favor..fuck you dude. The Mendoza confirmation was poorly managed IMO. I found the assistants inappropriate and mouthy--can you just stfu and bring the faxes or get so and so on the phone yeesh.


I'm a bleeding heart but this in no way represents my values anymore. 




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I was never a Donna fan and was a Josh/Donna anti-shipper so the later seasons drove me up a wall. I don't know if it's the character or the actress, but I wasn't impressed with her character on "Sports Night" so it might be the latter.

I will see myself out now, serpentining to avoid the tomatoes coming at me!

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I was never a Donna fan, either. It was a combination of the character and the actress. I haven't liked Janel in anything. I never understood why everyone thought Donna was so incredible amazing and capable. She did her job well, that's all. Margaret was the one who should have had the praise. She was awesome. Mrs. Landingham and Debbie, too, of course.

I was never a Donna fan, either. It was a combination of the character and the actress. I haven't liked Janel in anything. I never understood why everyone thought Donna was so incredible amazing and capable. She did her job well, that's all. Margaret was the one who should have had the praise. She was awesome. Mrs. Landingham and Debbie, too, of course.

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I've never seen Janel Moloney in anything else other than that SN appearance (as a character I found somewhat annoying), so I don't know if she just came off as a weak link in this because she was surrounded by such talent or if she'd always feel that way to me.  Donna was fine to me in the beginning, when she was an assistant on par with the others, but it didn't take all that long for me to feel she was being shoehorned in to scenes in which she didn't belong and being presented as something more than she was.


The idea of Josh and Donna together romantically turns my stomach a bit – as I’ve said before, it was an odd scenario in which I thought each one wasn’t good enough for the other, and each one deserved better than the other – so I’ve always been glad I stopped watching before that happened.

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Donna was fine to me in the beginning, when she was an assistant on par with the others, but it didn't take all that long for me to feel she was being shoehorned in to scenes in which she didn't belong and being presented as something more than she was.

I didn't really like or dislike Donna.  I just sort of accepted that she was necessary at some points so that other characters could explain what was going on or to provide background.  The fact that she was always where she didn’t seem to belong bothered me, though.  I always wondered why she would have access to situations when no one else’s assistants were present

Edited by DebbieW
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I like Donna but I never really understood why Josh's assistant was present so often when Leo, Sam and Toby's were not.


Or Carol! Can't forget Carol......So obviously on the CJ/Danny ship - I would have loved a minor subplot where her and Danny were scheming against CJ over something (nothing unprofessional, because CJ wouldn't be having that).


And she looked so sad when CJ got made CoS and left behind... (Although Margaret and CJ were also awesome together, so I can't be too upset).

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Part of President Obama's speech at the White House Correspondent's dinner.  At the 4 minute mark, Key cuts him off in the middle of saying "bull----".  A classic West Wing gag there.  


Good writers borrow from other writers.  Great writers steal from them outright.  



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There's something that's always bugged me about the episodes in the lead up to the MS reveal. There's absolutely no way Mrs Landingham wouldn't know about the MS. She would have made every medical appointment he had, she would have seen at least some of those symptoms. Had they not made Abby Bartlet a doctor and given the Bartlet's a strong marriage I would buy her not knowing before Mrs Landingham. 

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