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I stand corrected about antibiotics.  The episode in which Alex mentions them was still recorded in our DVR, but we hadn't watched it yet.  We finally got to it last night, and there was Alex mentioning antibiotics loud and clear!  Up until then, I hadn't heard them use the word.


If you're into Mexican food, the WOW Investment Club episode wasn't bad.  At least Ree enjoyed it since it was all her favorite food.  I've been tempted to make a Tres Leches cake in the past.  Has anyone here made it?  It seems like it would be a rich cake.


She doesn't need to make a movie now that she can mention Osage County in every dang show, LOL.


What a touching and romantic story... NOT. Ladd on this show makes so much more sense now knowing the back story.


The first show this morning was the first episode with Mike and the enchiladas and it occurred to me as I was watching it how much more real Mike is than any of the family we see every week. Every interaction with him where you could see any of the family faces made me cringe because he was so genuine and happy and they all had this "oh the cameras are on us" creepy grin.

Edited by SanLynn
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Ree Witherspoon is such an odd choice to portray Ree. It would be such dull movie. IIRC, it starts out with Ree has moved back home to live with her parents. She spends her days in her room pouring through catalogs and ordering expensive winter-weather gear to take with her when she moves to Chicago to attend law school. She even puts a deposit on an apartment.


She goes out one night at the last moment to have drinks with her girlfriends and meets Ladd in a bar. They talk. MONTHS go by before he calls her. In the meantime she more or less throws away her legal future to sit around and wait it out. They start dating and pass time by Ree driving to hell and back (what a gentleman Ladd was to not pick her up and take her home) frequently getting lost to the ranch. Ree loses her vegetarianiasm to grilled steaks. (OK, that might be funny.) They watch a lot of movies.


When things get serious, Ladd introduces Ree to how a cattle ranch operates. They kind of hazed her by giving her jobs where the cows would get scared and douse her with diarrhea. (Ha! Ha!) Wedding planning is slightly amusing as Ree tries to create a hybrid theme of upscale country club with down-home country. The wedding is held during a major playoff game for Ladd's alma mater, so at the reception venue, there is a room set up with TVs and the groom and his party sneak off to catch the game during the reception.


On the European honeymoon, Ree and Ladd get terrible food poisoning and spend most of their time in bed and not in a good way.


Ree and Ladd move into a considerably smaller and older house on the ranch and Ree learns how to cook. Alex is born. End of story.


There's your movie in a nutshell. I suppose if it were written well, it could pass off as a romantic comedy... Not holding my breath.


P.S.: I am beyond embarrassed for remembering so much from her book. Mortified that I even bought it!

Wait ... what? What you say is TRUE? I thought you were making it up! ODG.

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No. This was the gist of Ree's fauxmoir "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels." I don't remember when it was published. My story, which I've recanted here umpteen times, is that I was on a business trip to Florida in January 2012. I was down with a bum left hip (which was eventually replaced) and a bad right ankle (due to bad left hip.) Since Sarasota is a walking everywhere town, I was laid up in my hotel rooms. I was bored and scoured Amazon.com for a cheap quick read to download to my Kindle. Thus, my knowledge of Ree Drummond's backstory. I bought it late Saturday afternoon and was finished with it well before my plane touched down the next day in the early evening in Kansas City.


With all due respect, Reese Witherspoon seems a bit long in the tooth to play a young Ree and there is no reason why an Oscar winner would even touch that. I could see the screenplay in the hands of somebody like Nora Nephron (RIP) who could perhaps spin it into one of her romcoms. Whomever wrote it would also have to write in some sex scenes (gag to even think about it) to jazz up the story. Either Ree wanted to keep her book rated "G" or she and Ladd had a completely celibate courtship.


Gah! I'm putting WAY TOO MUCH thought into this. Now I'm spinning my wheels think about who I'd cast as Ree ... and ... Ladd.


That's what FN gets for not showing us a new episode today!!  LOL!

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Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling would work for me as Ree and Ladd, provided Ryan Gosling walked around shirtless the entire time.  I'd watch that.


But even then the story would be dull, as gris gris has indicated: 


Emma Stone (in a monotone, nasally voice):  Here Ladd.  I made you a quesadilla.  Don't worry, it's made with cube steak.  And I didn't use wine in it.


Shirtless Ryan Gosling (taking a bite with dirty hands):  It's good.  <twitches his pecs for visual interest>

Edited by anneofcleves
  • Love 3


I've been tempted to make a Tres Leches cake in the past.  Has anyone here made it?  It seems like it would be a rich cake.

I've made a tres leches cake with dulce de leche frosting before. Not Ree's recipe (I wanted to eat it)--I think I used a Saveur recipe. Delicious (albeit a sometimes food)! </OT>

Edited by jcbrown


Either Ree wanted to keep her book rated "G" or she and Ladd had a completely celibate courtship.

Well, if you read between the lines, she did mention in the book that she never stayed over night at Ladd's because she didn't want people talking about it. Then when she described the honey moon she talked about what a big revelation it was, so maybe they did abstain beforehand.

Who cares about a movie of her life? I would not pay one cent to see it no matter who starred in it. What is so important about her life that she deserves a movie ?   I honestly prefer watching Ina or Gida, their recipes are much more healthy and appealing to me.  I have rarely ever heard of someone going from being a veg. to eating meat.  Most of her recipes are some kind of steak and ground beef. Deserets are filled with tons of sugar. Her Italian recipes are gross. Having two Italian brothers-in-laws nothing beats their(and my sister's)  Italian food.  Her pasta sauce was just so wrong and so gross.

Edited by NEGirl
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They're showing the epi where she's making meal kits for Ladd and the boys while she and the girls go college hunting.

The girls were slicing veggies for snacks, and it just seems incredible that they are so awkward in the kitchen. Obviously they prefer to be out with their dad working the cattle. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but you would think they'd have more kitchen skills by now.

They're showing the epi where she's making meal kits for Ladd and the boys while she and the girls go college hunting.

The girls were slicing veggies for snacks, and it just seems incredible that they are so awkward in the kitchen. Obviously they prefer to be out with their dad working the cattle. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but you would think they'd have more kitchen skills by now.


I just watched this, too. She has to leave them food because cooking is for the women-folk! Real men don't cook!


Yeah, the girls were super awkward in the kitchen.


I cringed at the end when she said, "I have a feeling the boys will be just fine. Let's go find Alex a college!" OMG, stop!

  • Love 2

LOL!  You guys are so snarky!   *still laughing*


The food looked good, especially the enchiladas or whatever those roll-ups were called, as I mentioned once before, I think.  The thing that got me was the guys.  They came in from the range, all dusty and filthy, sweaty and smelly, and did they head for the bathroom or touch a bar of soap?  Nope!  They headed straight to the fridge, pawed through the food, and started stuffing dessert down their throats as fast as they could!  AAACK!!!   I KNOW, I KNOW -- they're MEN, and men aren't supposed to care about clean hands, but those guys gave a whole new meaning to the word "starvation."


Does anybody else yearn to take that little boy home with them?  He is so cute, and he comes out with some great lines!

Paula Deen was another one who would dive into food with, as time went by, more and more diamond rings. I won't even shower or wash dishes with my gem stone rings on - I want to keep them clean and sparkly. I get nitrile gloves at the grocery store, about $2 for a pack of 30. I use them at home when I'm handling hot peppers, and any time I am assembling food at a group event out of caution/respect for others eating the food. I recently saw someone comment that they were removing their rings before mixing something with their hands, can't remember who it was now. Sometimes I hear "using my very clean hands". However, it seems to me that so often gloves just make sense.

  • Love 2

Paula Deen was another one who would dive into food with, as time went by, more and more diamond rings. I won't even shower or wash dishes with my gem stone rings on - I want to keep them clean and sparkly. I get nitrile gloves at the grocery store, about $2 for a pack of 30. I use them at home when I'm handling hot peppers, and any time I am assembling food at a group event out of caution/respect for others eating the food. I recently saw someone comment that they were removing their rings before mixing something with their hands, can't remember who it was now. Sometimes I hear "using my very clean hands". However, it seems to me that so often gloves just make sense.

Ina Garten was one who emphasized "clean hands" before diving in. Rachel Ray was often seen taking her rings off prior.

Edited because I can't spell

Edited by Tielsmomma

Ok so she made bacon, sausage and apple fritters and yarded them all out to the range to feed them breakfast.  It didn't look filling enough to feed men and kids working outside all morning.  I would have added buns and maybe a pan of sliced tomatoes for sandwiches which would fill them up instead of just eating meat and donuts.  And I wish she would do something with her hair!  Style it and it should be up and away from food.    

  • Love 4

I agree with those who think it's gross she does not take those big honking rings off before mixing things. All she has to do is take them off at the begining of the day before filming. And yeah, I noticed the more popular Paula Dean became the bigger the diamond rings. Ina and Gida both are always washing their hands. I have also seen Rachel Ray take her rings off before mixing things. Well, at least she is keeping the germs within her family for the most part.

Edited by NEGirl

I never understood that practice. I would hate to mess up nice rings by sticking them in food. That doesn't even address the hygiene factor.


That's so funny because I use my hands a lot (I make a lot of bread) and I always take my rings off, but my first thought is always for the rings sake, not the hygiene factor! Which is terrible I admit, but it is the way my brain works! 

  • Love 4

I've noticed she's doing less actual "continuous" demonstration of cooking and doing more narration of spliced together shots of cooking.  It's not necessarily bad, but it's different - more high end production availability I suppose.


She actually gave me a craving for Beef Stroganoff today.  I was only half paying attention, but is this her mother's recipe?  The use of cornstarch confused me (but makes sense from a retro-recipe perspective).  I would think a beurre manié as a thickener for the sauce would have been more appropriate, especially with her penchant for butter.


She must have had a lot more money than I did in college, because I could not have afforded to make her 4-cheese pasta.  I lived on pasta, too, but it was made with super cheap ingredients - lots of canned tuna back when you could buy three cans for a dollar or something like that.  And probably cheese from a green canister.

  • Love 1

Do people (other than Ree) really use sirloin for stroganoff? My mother always used a much less expensive cut of beef.


I do.  I'll even spring for tenderloin if I can afford it.  I just like it better if I don't have to cook the beef as much as it would take to make a cheaper cut tender.  I'm really a medium rare gal all the way and stroganoff is a treat meal that I don't mind splurging on.


Edited because medium rate is definitely not medium rare.  Oops.

Edited by latetotheparty
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Ha, latetotheparty!  All of you who watch Barefoot Contessa knows that Ina has a killer recipe for a Beef Bourguignon made with filet mignon.  I about died when I first saw her use that cut in a classic peasant food, but then this is Ina who wants it fabulous and fast.  Sirloin is downright frugal by comparison.  


By the way, I'd eat beef stroganoff prepared any way, even with top round which was what my family used.  

Edited by anneofcleves

I've noticed she's doing less actual "continuous" demonstration of cooking and doing more narration of spliced together shots of cooking.  It's not necessarily bad, but it's different - more high end production availability I suppose.



Maybe it's also a way around her inability to connect with the camera during long takes (or at all, really).

  • Love 2

Maybe it's also a way around her inability to connect with the camera during long takes (or at all, really).


So why are they filming her while she is driving?  I can't believe she is paying attention to driving and able to talk us through a recipe at the same time.  That is illegal here and the violation is "distracted driving."    She is proud to say as she gets into the truck "I'll tell you how it's done on the way!"

Isn't Ree's show produced by the same people who produce Barefoot Contessa?  Ina has been driving around the Hamptons for years in her shiny, black BMW blathering to the camera about artisan cheese shops.  The only difference is that Ree drives her dusty SUV to the local warehouse club to buy 5 pound blocks of store-brand cheddar.  It's almost a parallel universe! 

Edited by anneofcleves
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So why are they filming her while she is driving? 


Couple of reasons, imo;  it gives the illusion of pacing in a show that's pretty static -- and since Ree can't relate to the camera like Ina or Rachel (Ray bugs me no end, but she can hold her own on camera) it removes that difficulty. The editing chops it up, so Ree doesn't have to stand there and look into the camera for a long cooking demo, where her inability to naturally relate to a camera is really clear. And I bet they tape most of the driving on the ranch, where there are no legal issues/ traffic to contend with.

Edited by film noire
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Breakfast shows usually bore me to death, but I got through it because I was intrigued by the wild rice pancakes.  I've had them in a more savory form with less flour and lots of scallions and herbs.  Hers weren't that.  Again, her inspiration for a food that seems unusual for her for is from hotel room service.  That's like the third or fourth time she's mentioned it as being her inspiration.  Even in the finest hotels, room service isn't usually where you find the most memorable food.  


Strata, snore.


And another freaking quesadilla.  She's so repetitive and boring and I wonder if she has to poke her camera crew to keep them awake?

Edited by anneofcleves
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I happen to browse through the show where Josh was giving Alex a lesson...I mean really...2 pounds of beef for 3 burgers? holy moly.


That is one episode that sticks out in my mind. 2 pounds of beef is 32 ounces. So that means 3 burgers that are almost 11 ounces each. That is a huge burger. My husband, who is 6'5" and built like a linebacker, could eat one of those, but he's a big dude with a big appetite. I could maybe eat half that.

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