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S15.E01: Auditions #1

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I thought pink guitar lady is probably hot poop in the worship leader circuit and that that song was a big hit when she performed it in church, especially with the teens. She mentioned something about never being good enough.  Not sure what that was about, but she's probably overshadowed by the hubs a lot.  And maybe it's just me, but when he was gushing over Celine Dion ... I don't know.  Maybe wife has bigger issues on the horizon than not making American Idol. 

I didn't dislike her husband (or baby) but I thought she had "obnoxious, spoiled, self-centered and entitled" written all over her. I thought her lack of support or enthusiasm for her husband was because she's used to--and thrives on--being the center of attention. Blaming him for "dancing with the baby" (when #1 he wasn't and #2 the judges were obviously just being nice praising the family including those two off to the side. If she was a really good singer, they could have been playing with the baby themselves and still known it. She bugged.)


I disagree completely with Clay Aitken about the judges. I find these three so much more interesting and enjoyable than the originals--nasty Cowell who has great business/money-making abilities but no musical knowledge, Randy, who may know something but it never showed, and Paula, who specialized in "nice but often vapid" comments.  Keith, J-Lo and Harry each bring some musical understanding to it, all are kind (Harry, unfortunately, has dialed down the bluntness from his first season, but he still probably won't advance someone just because s/he is cute), and sometimes--unlike the original trio--they're actually quite funny.


I guess I have to compliment Shelbie Z because it usually takes me many weeks to remember contestants and I remembered her quite well, immediately. Wasn't she a former child pageant participant? I remember her seeming like she was still channeling that on The Voice--with the curled blonde hair, makeup and dress. So that was kind of a surprise--how she'd changed to almost "21st century hippie" with the headband, pants and hair.


And yet, she was presenting herself differently here, but still sang the same song (and I thought she performed "I Don't Even Know His Last Name" a lot better in her "Voice" persona (lots of sass and spunk) than here.  I was sorry she went home so early on the Voice, but so far I won't miss her if she's out in Hollywood.


I didn't see everyone, but it was a pretty decent first night. At least I either missed (or they had significantly fewer) of the "joke" performances.  I thought the tall guy who claimed to be a bass baritone was kind of a tool--and deluded about the extent of his talent--but I liked how he came out (obviously shocked by their comments) and kept saying, "I appreciated their honest criticism." That's the way to do it!

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I hate runs with the heat of a thousand nuns.



Prime TWoP Amazing Race reference there, but given the past 14 seasons of AI your only hope for stopping the runs by AI contestants is the off button on your remote.

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I'm with Ari333. I have to say, though, that the overuse of runs is a lot less prevalent than it used to be, probably because musical styles have changed. There were some seasons where I swear the auditioners thought they had to throw in as many runs as possible to get voted through. I liked Sonika a lot, and I appreciated Keith mentioning that she didn't have to "stack her voice with a bunch of runs."

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You know, it was real fortunate that Dunkleman isn't the one who got to announce the winner on Season 1... or years of montages including Kelly's winning moment (this episodes' is hardly the first one) would have been ruined.


That said, they had the guts to show Dunkleman a minute or two later (during that fairly silly "holding up monitors" segment).

Also, how annoyingly convenient is it for their branding that the title card they had pop out after the montage had Daughtry's name on it (fairly front and center actually)?  I mean the montage was specifically about the show winning moments. So... Daughtry? 

Edited by Kromm
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I thought the guy who sang Celine Dion was terrible. His voice did nothing at all for me and we seriously thought he was going to get solid no's.

I agree. I'm thinking maybe the judges put him through for show dramatics, knowing in advance how competitive the two were (as shown in their intro clip). And it worked, as her post-rejection pouting was the one memorable moment from the show (sorry, Kanye). I also have to say, though, that he sure looked pretty happy for a guy who's wife didn't get through. They're not the first couple who tried this audition-gimmick before, and the lucky or successful one's happiness is usually subdued due to the other's no vote. But not with this guy. If a baby wasn't in the picture, I'd suspect they're not a real couple. And apologies, but I gotta ask - do straight guys love Celine Dion?!

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The worship leader couple scenario was hilarious!  She wasn't rejected because her cute baby was distracting!  She was flattering herself!  And when her husband broke out in Celine Dion I almost lost it!  I could not take my husband seriously if he sang like that (lovely though it might have been!)


The other worship leader/creative director whose wife had the baby- seems like a super sweet guy, but I cannot stand that writhing, overly expressive type of singing.  The way they "bend" the words around, is the only way I can think to describe it.  And every time someone sings like that, the judges say it's such a unique, interesting, unusual sound- yet there has been one person like that in the top 20 the past 5 seasons at least of AI, and several in every audition round.  


Loved the 16 yr old baritone, that was hilarious!  


Sonika made no impression on me whatsoever- I can appreciate the feedback of the judges and those here who enjoyed the simplicity of it, but I though it was one of those typical ballads that don't do anything for me.  I thought they'd all say it was boring and send her home!  


I have a feeling that "billy bob" will be back on the finale or at some other point on the show!

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The first 15 year old girl could've been a stand-in for any of a thousand 15 year old auditioners this season. The opening backstory would've been exactly the same (minus the weird crying Scott McIntyre video). Not sure why she got to be that special snowflake.


She said she'd based her "entire life" on American Idol. That's one of the scariest things I've ever heard. Especially because it's probably true.


I guess it was predictable they would kick off the 15th season with a 15 year old. Get it? She's been alive the same amount of time as the show.

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And apologies, but I gotta ask - do straight guys love Celine Dion?!


It's possible; I don't mind her, and I genuinely like some of her songs, but I wouldn't say I'm devoted to her like this guy seemed to be.


At the same time, I feel I have to point out (because I love it) that there's already a male version of that song, by Meat Loaf; the song was actually written by Jim Steinman.  I kept trying to hear his version when this guy was singing and he definitely didn't measure up to either Celine or Meat Loaf.


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So Adam Lambert is the only non winning contestant whose name and face is on one of those stand up board things in the audition rooms, yes? (Which made me sad for Kris Allen until he showed up and they had his face on one of them in - I think - Denver.)

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As for the "off the grid" girl and her supposedly expensive clothes, I will point out that one can live "off the grid" and still have money. There are plenty of weird, eccentric back to the landers that have plenty of cash. Didn't she also have braces on her teeth? Just wanted to put that out there for the sake of argument.

I didn't mind Kanye auditioning, though it would've been better if it hadn't been spoiled (when I originally heard there was an audition, I thought they had somehow unearthed one from the first season when he actually was mostly a producer and looking to move forward.) Kim just ruined everything. Just in general.

Some lovely voices.

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I thought pink guitar lady is probably hot poop in the worship leader circuit and that that song was a big hit when she performed it in church, especially with the teens. She mentioned something about never being good enough.  Not sure what that was about, but she's probably overshadowed by the hubs a lot.  And maybe it's just me, but when he was gushing over Celine Dion ... I don't know.  Maybe wife has bigger issues on the horizon than not making American Idol.


It's not just you.

She was obviously blind to the reality that the judges didn't like her weak singing. The cute baby was not a distraction. Whichever judge said this, was not serious. She didn't hear all the comments about her musicianship.  So, she may be missing some other realities about her life.



Agree and agree. That was some seriously passive aggressive vibes wifey was putting out when they got to the hall. I was thinking "free yourself dude. That craps only going to get worse". But then I thought she won't have to live in his shadow for long... He's probably one song away from leaving her for the first decent looking Celine Dion female impersonator that crosses his path anyway. But, the baby was super cute! That giggle. 

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It's possible; I don't mind her, and I genuinely like some of her songs, but I wouldn't say I'm devoted to her like this guy seemed to be.


At the same time, I feel I have to point out (because I love it) that there's already a male version of that song, by Meat Loaf; the song was actually written by Jim Steinman.  I kept trying to hear his version when this guy was singing and he definitely didn't measure up to either Celine or Meat Loaf.

I think it's one thing for a guy to cover a song by a female artist, and quite another to say you're her biggest fan on the planet (that's how he put it). IDK, it was also his vibe... (Cool version by Meatloaf, btw. Interesting it was a duet...!)

I just watched their audition again before I deleted the show, and his winner-take-all attitude was more evident. In their pre-interview, he actually said he wanted her to do well, he just wanted to be better! What man says that about his wife? And in the audition after the judges said no to the wife, he didn't show an ounce of sadness....it was just him getting ready for his close-up. In the past, with couples auditioning together (or siblings, or best friends, etc...), they let both audition, and then say yes or no to the two together. It was weird the way they said no to her first, and then asked him to sing. And he didn't seem affected at all. Maybe the whole thing was a set-up?

So Adam Lambert is the only non winning contestant whose name and face is on one of those stand up board things in the audition rooms, yes? (Which made me sad for Kris Allen until he showed up and they had his face on one of them in - I think - Denver.)

I saw Jennifer Hudson's picture on one of the boards. I think it's kind of valid to use names and faces besides the winners - the success of top contestants - winners and finalists - is one of the things that sets AI apart from the other singing competition shows.

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Jeneve Rose may be living "off the grid", but on the show and in the back story she was dressed and styled like a Sundance catalog model. Extremely expensive clothing and accessories meant to have a cool Western/ Rocky Mountain state vibe. Those were some pricey boots she was wearing.


It makes it easier to live "off the grid" if you have your pwn private plane. Don't know if they have one, but that was sure an expensive, state-of-the-art TV to just watch American Idol with. The story would've played better if it was an old 13 inch Philco black and white.


I liked the Johnny Cash guy better than I ever liked Scotty McCreey. Both musically and in terms of his personality.


I felt bad for the heavy set Florida dude who sang Waylon Jennings. I thought it was unfair that Keith immediately starting singing with him. That may have thrown him off and been responsible for some of his pitch problems. Judges should never sing along unless they're absolutely sure they're going to put the contestant through. And if he were thinner and better looking, I bet they'd have taken him. Looks count tons on this show.


What was the faith leader count for this show? Given all the evangelical churches in rural America, I suspect that in many communities being a faith leader may be the only employment alternative to working at Walmart or McDonalds.

Edited by bluepiano
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I didn't mind Kanye auditioning, though it would've been better if it hadn't been spoiled (when I originally heard there was an audition, I thought they had somehow unearthed one from the first season when he actually was mostly a producer and looking to move forward.) Kim just ruined everything. Just in general.

It was hilarious watching Keith and Harry pretend to like what he was doing though. 

As for Kim? Well she had her old buddy Ryan there to kiss her huge ass, so she was probably happy.

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Given all the evangelical churches in rural America, I suspect that in many communities being a faith leader may be the only employment alternative to working at Walmart or McDonalds.


My nephew is a worship leader in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Does anyone think Kanye would have gotten that ticket as a regular auditioner (younger of course)? I think rappers have gone through before, but his performance seemed flat and, without the underlying knowledge of his stardom and body of work, nothing special. Or maybe it's just me?

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1. My boss is a straight male and really likes Celine Dion (fun fact: My boss is a priest and married Nick Fradiani's parents). He is in charge of the radio station I work at and will often incorporate Celine in our programming.

2. I also doubt off the grid girl really only watches AI with that expensive looking TV they have. Undoubtedly said just for the show. I bet you she also watches The Voice but obviously wasn't allowed to say that. I'm assuming they make a lot of money from their farming, they probably sell a lot of their goods, etc.

3. When the worship couple was doing their pre-audition interview, I didn't think they were actually serious with the trash talk. I think they were just poking fun at each other, "I want you to do good... But I want to do better!" "I think I'm the better singer," etc. I didn't think they were actually serious when they said any of that.

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Yeah of course the trash talk SEEMED like a joke.  Then they auditioned and then considering their attitudes towards each other it seems like they were actually deadly serious.  The husband seemed to not care one tiny little bit that his wife was rejected and the wife was crying hot tears of rage when her husband wasn't (and was not happy for him).  It's an odd dynamic for a couple and I enjoy the point upthread that maybe it was a setup.

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IIRC, the off-the-grid girl said her family was off the grid because they lived too far out for the power lines to run, not because they were strapped for cash.


My reaction to Kanye (always and forever) is SIT DOWN NOW.

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Wow. It looks like they really styled this show for their fan base of teens and Southerners.


That said, I liked the first 15 year old Michelle Marie. I don't think she was that great but she wasn't terrible and I liked her enthusiasm. It was nice to see she had a lot of supporters after the crappy way her family treated her with that video.


I thought the talent was higher but I haven't watched this show for years. I like these judges, if nothing else, they are each incredibly good looking.


I liked a few of these singers mostly the guy with the deep voice, but I don't know how far they will make it. None of them seemed that experienced or polished and I can see them being eaten alive in Hollywood.


I'm hoping the show has a good final season and a solid winner. It was a great show for a while.

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IIRC, the off-the-grid girl said her family was off the grid because they lived too far out for the power lines to run, not because they were strapped for cash.

True, but it also had a "we're out of the modern, technological mainstream--and proud of it!!!" vibe that seemed phony. Especially with the big flat screen tv and claim of only using it to watch American Idol. (If that was supposed to be a joke, it didn't come across that way. Just made the whole "we're not modern like y'all" schtick seem very phony.

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I watched the episodes back to back on DVR, and I think this was in the first one, but I could be wrong. 


There was a montage of "inspirational" people including Lazaro, and at the end Ryan's voice said that what we were about to see was not that at all, and then some current applicant acted dumb.  


In the montage, they showed a lot of a blond girl who sounded as if from the country. I think she was just saying something about being nervous, or it was a big day, or something. It was driving me crazy trying to place her. 


Was that "Tennessee Vanessa" from the Crystal/Lee season, who liked jumping off bridges?



If so, weird that they'd so prominently feature someone who wilted in Hollywood. 

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In the montage, they showed a lot of a blond girl who sounded as if from the country. I think she was just saying something about being nervous, or it was a big day, or something. It was driving me crazy trying to place her. 


Was that "Tennessee Vanessa" from the Crystal/Lee season, who liked jumping off bridges?



Yes! I thought similarly.

Also, about the only thing I remember from her audition was her saying (in her thick accent) she was going to get to go "on an aero-plaaaane" for the very first time. It was kind of endearing.

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Yes it was. It was nice to see her again.


I was always sorry she got eliminated so quickly. I thought she had a lot of raw talent that could've been developed. Wonder where she is now. I hope that her appearance on the show helped her to raise her expectations for herself, and that she's not (forgive me for stereotyping) living in a trailer with 4 kids and an alcoholic husband.

Edited by bluepiano
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I thought the guy who sang Celine Dion was terrible. His voice did nothing at all for me and we seriously thought he was going to get solid no's.

Yeah, I thought he was just as terrible as his wife.  The wife picked a song that did nothing to showcase any talent she might have, and I thought the "distraction"  the judges were talking about was more about the punk Barbie guitar/ukele and how loud it was.  It was impossible to tell if she had any singing talent at all. 

I was surprised that her husband got through, and that they praised the heck out of his boring performance.  But I was already going to hate him when he started with that "hashtag real life;  hashtag babies"  UGH!  who DOES that?  


And then,  when he was trying to say the baby was saying "daddy's going to win"  and the kid started spitting up on him.   I know how she feels. 

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