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Brooklynista, on 07 Jul 2014 - 7:11 PM, said:


I for one believe this happened to Kim and I for one am glad. Kim Kardashian is finally gonna lift my people to freedom! I have faith that behind those dead eyes and gaped mouth is the champion of racial equality! Get ready people. Kimmy is about to get her Angela Davis on.

Bull and Shit.

You had me scared for a second!!

Me too - Had to read it a couple of times to make sure I was reading correctly!


I actually 'Laughed Out Loud' at the music that played when Kim was reading "her" blog.  So dramatic!


The only way I will ever believe the airplane incident happened is if the airlines releases a statement confirming the situation and that the pilot had to intervene. At this point, I would not believe any passenger that comes forward claiming to witness what happened.  It would not surprise me at all to find the Klan paying someone a good amount of money to claim they saw the whole thing.

  • Love 1


Me too - Had to read it a couple of times to make sure I was reading correctly!


I actually 'Laughed Out Loud' at the music that played when Kim was reading "her" blog.  So dramatic!


The only way I will ever believe the airplane incident happened is if the airlines releases a statement confirming the situation and that the pilot had to intervene. At this point, I would not believe any passenger that comes forward claiming to witness what happened.  It would not surprise me at all to find the Klan paying someone a good amount of money to claim they saw the whole thing.

I won't even believe it then. Kim sat there stuffing a banana in her mouth totally nonplussed while Kris was telling the story. She only got into it when she recounted she talked about the woman saying "and she made a sex video with a BLACK guy"   and how the woman's husband had to "sit on her' and tell her to "shut her mouth"  and the pilot had to come out and the captain had to come and say they were going to call LAPD. Just so much Bullshit. You'd think she'd rustle up a tear or two for her daughter's future.. but it was all about her and "black guys". I think she and her mother may well have overheard someone in  First class talking to another passenger or to her husband and giving them some background on Kim, but I don't believe anyone was screaming and yelling.. uh huh never happened.

  • Love 2

Just seeing the beginning of this episode; how ironic that while Kim & Kortney are sitting around a kitchen table talking, they are talking about racism. Then all this shit happens in Vienna. 


Why does Kim say, while talking to Kortney & Kloe about the Vienna Ball, that they invite one person to host the ball each year, as if she is being invited to be the host? 

I won't even believe it then. Kim sat there stuffing a banana in her mouth totally nonplussed while Kris was telling the story. 

Don't blame Kim, she can't help it. Every time she sees something in that shape, she can't stop herself from stuffing it in her mouth. It's a disease, I believe the correct medical name is "whoreitis". I'm sure Kris is working with the Whoreitis Association of America to make Kim their spokeswoman. She can visit high schools & talk all about it, as long as her mouth isn't full.

  • Love 4

Was there an actual mud run?  I'm not sure because I literally couldn't take my eyes off the asses on those two.  WTF? 


When Kim said she weighed 125 was she talking about just her ass?  I know she's short but she's seriously packing back there.  Between her ass and her jugs, I would think those suckers would clock in at 125 alone.


The helicopter/helipad thing was so fake but I just can't hate on Scott.  Damn it.  He's entertaining. 

  • Love 2

Kimmy was such a pathetic "competitor" at that mud run. She seemed to be jogging at a super slow pace, and with a bodyguard FFS? I wanted Khloe to throw her fat ass on the ground.

Saw a selfie Kimmy posted yesterday Ina public restroom. Yep, the jokes just write themselves.

Was she on the sink?

Was there an actual mud run?  I'm not sure because I literally couldn't take my eyes off the asses on those two.  WTF? 


When Kim said she weighed 125 was she talking about just her ass?  I know she's short but she's seriously packing back there.  Between her ass and her jugs, I would think those suckers would clock in at 125 alone.


The helicopter/helipad thing was so fake but I just can't hate on Scott.  Damn it.  He's entertaining. 

Loved him testing Bruce's reflexes and getting under Kris's skin. For that alone I'll love him eternally. I also think Kourtney loves Scott precisely because he isn't what her mother wants for her.


Just seeing the beginning of this episode; how ironic that while Kim & Kortney are sitting around a kitchen table talking, they are talking about racism. Then all this shit happens in Vienna. 


Why does Kim say, while talking to Kortney & Kloe about the Vienna Ball, that they invite one person to host the ball each year, as if she is being invited to be the host? 

She received an invite, it said "pay to the order of Pimp Momager" followed by 6 figures.  And wouldn't the host of the ball actually be at the ball and maybe greeting the President instead of on the equivalent  of  E! News, being  the butt (pun intended) of some snarky humor?


And the sitting around the table discussing racism prior to attending the ball?  Obviously a poor attempt at foreshadowing. All it needed was some ominous music, probably something by Kanye would have been fitting. Or a fleeting glimpse of North's hand or foot.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 2

^The mud run event might have been real but Kim and Khloe's behavior was definitely fake (and for the cameras) for storyline purposes.

It looked the other competitors were done and just hung around to watch them. I doubt the two of the ran the whole course.

Kris stated she and Bruce owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes. How did they get that deep in debt with a couple years of marrying? She said she was expecting Kendall so it was very early in the marriage.

Edited by iwasish

I think Kris said in her book that when they met Bruce's career was on a downward spiral and he was in debt due to divorce settlements, child support, taxes, etc. She also said he did not know how to manage his own money. On top of that they had to financially take care of her 4 kids and one on the way. So they were not living large at that time. That is when Kris took over as his manager and started running things full time. She got him on the lecture circuit full time with better pay and started booking him television gigs, informercials, etc. Kris really started honing her hustle game.

Edited by Nioclas

I think Kris said in her book that when they met Bruce's career was on a downward spiral and he was in debt due to divorce settlements, child support, taxes, etc. She also said he did not know how to manage his own money. On top of that they had to financially take care of her 4 kids and one on the way. So they were not living large at that time. That is when Kris took over as his manager and started running things full time. She got him on the lecture circuit full time with better pay and started booking him television gigs, informercials, etc. Kris really started honing her hustle game.

Well that's Kris's spin on things. She's not known for honesty. Not smart of her to give up the battle for a settlement with Rob Sr, to marry a guy with 4 kids and huge debts. It still doesn't explain why now that they are rolling in dough, Bruce has to beg for a TOY helicopter or anything he'd enjoy! when she's got a closet full of shit that has to be equal to a mortgage payment? Hustler or not, Kris is a controlling overbearing witch. I did hear Bruce say at the end of their beach talk that he would forgive her, but not live with her.

Hustler or not, Kris is a controlling overbearing witch.

We all know that Kris is ultra controlling and smothering with her entire family. I only answered the question that was posed with what we know about the subject from Kris' own mouth(and from her book). We have not really gotten to hear all of Bruce's side although he has readily admitted to being almost broke when he married Kris(and credits her with reviving his career ). Kris is obnoxious as hell. But I don't feel sorry for Bruce. He is a grown man that let Kris take control of him and their entire family for years. He has to take responsibility for letting himself be continually steamrolled through out their marriage. He was not some babe in the woods. He also left a trail of broken hearts(2 ex wives and 4 children) in his time with nary a thought about what his actions would do to them.

I think Kris said in her book that when they met Bruce's career was on a downward spiral and he was in debt due to divorce settlements, child support, taxes, etc. She also said he did not know how to manage his own money. On top of that they had to financially take care of her 4 kids and one on the way. So they were not living large at that time. That is when Kris took over as his manager and started running things full time. She got him on the lecture circuit full time with better pay and started booking him television gigs, informercials, etc. Kris really started honing her hustle game.

Yes, she got started right away with plans to whore Kimmy out in her porno!

I may need to go into the witness protection program after saying this, but I really admire what Kris did for Bruce's career after they married and she became his manager. It sounds like she made a lot of smart decisions financially and he's still doing pretty well on the speaking circuit. However, now that they are both VERY well off she needs to stop using his past as an excuse to restrict his access to things he enjoys. While they both worked together to get out of debt, it seems like she's the only one reaping the benefits now.

  • Love 2

I may need to go into the witness protection program after saying this, but I really admire what Kris did for Bruce's career after they married and she became his manager. It sounds like she made a lot of smart decisions financially and he's still doing pretty well on the speaking circuit. However, now that they are both VERY well off she needs to stop using his past as an excuse to restrict his access to things he enjoys. While they both worked together to get out of debt, it seems like she's the only one reaping the benefits now.

I'll give Kris her due, IF everything she's said is true. I'm just skeptical about how just how dire Bruce's money woes were in relation to what Kris felt they should be. I think they lived a very nice lifestyle, not über wealthy, but very comfortable. It just wasn't enough for Kris. I remember them hawking all kinds of exercise videos all over every talk show when they first got together. They also made some money buying and selling real estate. But like you say, once she took control, she just kept Bruce on a stringent budget, yet treats herself and the girls to whatever luxury they want. How many pair of black uggs did she have? How many pair of sunglasses? Her clothing, the massages, the day spas at the fancy hotels, rotating new vehicles in the driveway. The extravagant Christmas gifts (Vespas for everyone?) The neverending supply of booze. And she begrudges Bruce a putting green? Or a new toy helicopter?

To me that's not just control, there's an element of domination, almost a cruelty in her treatment of him.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 1

It is true that the show is scripted and the family are essentially "actors" working from a script on their "reality" show. Bruce is no victim. The man is an adult ( he was 42 with 2 marriages and 4 kids under his belt when he married Kris) who let himself be totally controlled by his wife. He willingly let this happen. So he has to take responsibility for his own actions in all of it. No one held a gun to his head and made him continue to LET Kris steam roll over him for over 20 years. I don't care for Kris. But Bruce gets zero sympathy from me.

  • Love 2

Don't blame Kim, she can't help it. Every time she sees something in that shape, she can't stop herself from stuffing it in her mouth. It's a disease, I believe the correct medical name is "whoreitis". I'm sure Kris is working with the Whoreitis Association of America to make Kim their spokeswoman. She can visit high schools & talk all about it, as long as her mouth isn't full.

The feminist in me feels like this should offend me, after all, if a woman wants to stuff her mouth full of dicks, that's her prerogative. I don't think that makes her a whore. On the other hand, this is Kim Kardashian we are talking about and aside from providing ample spank bank material, what value does she add to society? I don't exactly think the world is aching for more sex tape > fame role models. 

Edited by tvallthetime
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Anyone have any idea what Brody is doing, with his "10,000 things going on" or whatever crap he spewed last night? He bugs me.


I'm sure he keeps busy. Brandon says he is the same way with him so I don't know if Bruce should take it personally. But I do understand if it is some kind of subliminal behavior in retaliation to Bruce's abandonment of him as a child. Brandon seems less affected by it, or more willing to overlook it. Maybe he wants a relationship badly enough that he is willing to put aside whatever bad feelings/resentments towards Bruce he has in order to do so. Brody still seems to feel that old hurt and when Bruce pressures him or seems to criticize him, he pushes back by cutting Bruce off. I know they are trying to rebuild their relationship, but Bruce seems to think that all those childhood hurts are easily forgotten. I don't think they can be and I think it stings Brody when he sees how much time and effort Bruce put into the girls and his devotion to Kris's kids and he sees it not as a grown man but as that kid who was waiting for a Happy Birthday phone call that never came. It would bug me to hear Oh well, that's water under the bridge, lets just move on.

  • Love 2

I feel like Bruce has apologized to him though. At this point, he needs to either accept the apology and proceed like an adult, or not accept it, and make it clear to Bruce that the relationship is too broken to be repaired.


What Brody does is childish--making plans then not showing up, passive aggressively saying everything is fine, making excuse after excuse, then mumbling about hurt feelings. It's annoying.

  • Love 2

I agree, Bruce has apologized for it, taken responsibility and is trying to work on a better relationship moving forward.  That's all he can do.  The past can't be changed. 


Sorry, a lot of people had a it lot worse off than rich kid Brody growing up.   He is 30 now.  Quit your whining.  Time to move on.  There's still time for a relationship.

  • Love 2


I agree, Bruce has apologized for it, taken responsibility and is trying to work on a better relationship moving forward.  That's all he can do.  The past can't be changed.


Sorry, a lot of people had a it lot worse off than rich kid Brody growing up.   He is 30 now.  Quit your whining.  Time to move on.  There's still time for a relationship.


I soooooo agree with this. Brody is coming across as a very whiney and priveleged BRAT. It's time to accept the way your parent is and either have a relationship with him or not. Brandon is so much more mature and level-headed than Brody.

I feel like Bruce has apologized to him though. At this point, he needs to either accept the apology and proceed like an adult, or not accept it, and make it clear to Bruce that the relationship is too broken to be repaired.


What Brody does is childish--making plans then not showing up, passive aggressively saying everything is fine, making excuse after excuse, then mumbling about hurt feelings. It's annoying.

I agree that it's childish.. But speaking as someone who has had a similar situation in their life, complete with sibs who sometimes seem all too willing to forgive and forget, it isn't always that easy, even if you want to put things aside. Bruce seems to have that well I said I was sorry and now I'm trying to do better so what's the problem? But I can see Brody wondering.. does he only want me now because he's unhappy with Kris and feels like odd man out there? Would he be so anxious to hang with Brody if he and Kris were still tight? If he hooked up with another woman with kids and got involved in their lives, would he lose contact again with B&B because it's "too complicated"? Perhaps it gives Brody some satisfaction to make Bruce work a bit at the relationship, something he should have done many years ago. I'll bet Bruce knew early on that if Kris had to choose between her kids and him... So long Bruce. She's made that clear many times.

I just feel for Brody, I don't see him as a grown man around Bruce, I see him as a little kid who feels shoved aside, not good enough, not worth the effort. I'm sure part of him wants to move ahead, but those scars run deep. I think Brandon wants to tell Bruce, but in someway he's so grateful to have Bruce back that he is afraid to push back and I also think the bond between brothers is very strong and he tries to play peacemaker and not take either side.

  • Love 4

I don't blame Brody at all, this reminds me of that very old Harry Chapin song, Cat's in the Cradle. The father spends all his time doing business & never has time for his son while he's growing up, then when he wants to spend time with his son, his son has grown up to be just like him & doesn't have the time for the father. Sons learn how to be a man from their fathers, Bruce didn't spend the time his kids when they were growing up, & it sounds like Brody learned the lesson. Bruce needs to stop whining & learn to deal with the consequences of his actions, because it may be too late for them to be really close at this point.

  • Love 4

Bruce's version of "I'm sorry" seems hollow at best. He can say the words as many times as he wants, but until Brody actually sees or feels that he really is sorry, it's going to be very hard to forgive, let alone forget. And I don't blame Brody at all if when he is around Bruce, he feels like he's being criticized all the time. I'd be hard pressed to keep my mouth shut if I were him, especially given what we've seen with the kids that Bruce did have a very large hand in raising do. 

Brody may have had his day as a famewhore and child of privilege, but over the last several years I haven't heard anything negative about him. No DUIs no domestic assaults, no sex tapes, no baby mommy's. He seems clean cut and relatively sober, as opposed to many others his generation. He works as a DJ, seems to have a modest house, treats his dog well.

He may well be using this show as a stepping stone, but I find him way less shallow than any of the Kardashians.

And Bruce, well, in the end, the step kids he raised and tossed his bio kids aside for will stay loyal to Kris and should she remarry or take a lover, Bruce will slowly be phased out, I think he already knows that. It probably is a big reason he sought out his sons again.

If I heard the discussion correctly, when the girls were discussing the wedding, Kim was asked who was walking her down the aisle. I didn't hear Bruce's name mentioned. I'm sure by wedding 4, he'll be a distant after thought .

  • Love 2

I do agree that Brody has an abrasive sort of personality and one can see that he is still very resentful towards his father as well as the Kardashians. I do find him really annoying at times.


However Bruce needs to understand that he was never a real father to any of his 4 older children. So he will never have a totally fatherly relationship with them because it is almost impossible to create those type of strong bonds after the children have become adults (especially adults in their 30's). Bruce can create bonds of friendship and a new type of "fatherly" relationship with his 4 older children. But he needs to give up his fantasy of being father's know best with his older children because he was simply never there for them.


The problem I have with Bruce is that he always tries to play the victim. Bruce always tries to blame his exes for how bad of a father he was to his older children. However no one made him not be there for his 4 older children when he was off playing father to the Kardashian siblings. Bruce made a choice to not be involved in his older children's lives and it is no ones fault but his own. I get sick of seeing him whine about how his children don't want him around or how he is feeling lonely, etc.  He needs to let his all of his children have space and let them come to him to create a relationship. The guilt tripping and whining will only continue to push them away.

  • Love 3

I do agree that Brody has an abrasive sort of personality and one can see that he is still very resentful towards his father as well as the Kardashians. I do find him really annoying at times.

However Bruce needs to understand that he was never a real father to any of his 4 older children. So he will never have a totally fatherly relationship with them because it is almost impossible to create those type of strong bonds after the children have become adults (especially adults in their 30's). Bruce can create bonds of friendship and a new type of "fatherly" relationship with his 4 older children. But he needs to give up his fantasy of being father's know best with his older children because he was simply never there for them.

The problem I have with Bruce is that he always tries to play the victim. Bruce always tries to blame his exes for how bad of a father he was to his older children. However no one made him not be there for his 4 older children when he was off playing father to the Kardashian siblings. Bruce made a choice to not be involved in his older children's lives and it is no ones fault but his own. I get sick of seeing him whine about how his children don't want him around or how he is feeling lonely, etc. He needs to let his all of his children have space and let them come to him to create a relationship. The guilt tripping and whining will only continue to push them away.

You are spot on. I get Brody's prickly personality though, and it bugs the hell out of me when Kim continues to play the one big happy family crap like she did with the announcement of Kris and Bruce separating. Suddenly she wants them all on the same page publicly, but when Brody asked her what page were they supposed to be on, she didn't answer. Why should Brody and Brandon have to toe the party line if they feel otherwise? Kim even said they were never part of the original meeting. And her insistence that they automatically fall in line with whatever she wants, which seems to be the crux of her upcoming discussion with Bruce about him "talking to Brody". Clearly there are many issues down deep with them. Bruce has to accept whatever the consequences of his actions are. Being sorry and regretful doesn't mean you get a pass, it means you work harder to show that the sorrow and regret are genuine.

Edited by iwasish

Anyone have any idea what Brody is doing, with his "10,000 things going on" or whatever crap he spewed last night? He bugs me.

I agree with the assessment that Brody may have residual resentment toward his dad. Bruce decided to finally be a dad to the rest of his bio kids? Now that they're adults and some of the hardest parts are over? Well, great for you, but if I were one of those neglected children, I would have a hard time forgetting the past. You can forgive and make a concerted effort to overcome your resentment, but there may be triggers that resurface some of the pain. Especially when that very person's behavior directly impacted how you shaped your views of the world! Bruce can let Brody know he'd like to hear from him more often and Brody can decide how to proceed. But, Brody owes Bruce nothing. 


Is Brandon for real? He seems so zen and down to earth. He's often the voice of reason or a mediator. I want to like him (there are few people to like on this show!), but I'm afraid I'll find out he's secretly a misogynistic kitten-killer. 

Edited by tvallthetime
  • Love 1

I agree with the assessment that Brody may have residual resentment toward his dad. Bruce decided to finally be a dad to the rest of his bio kids? Now that they're adults and some of the hardest parts are over? Well, great for you, but if I were one of those neglected children, I would have a hard time forgetting the past. You can forgive and make a concerted effort to overcome your resentment, but there may be triggers that resurface some of the pain. Especially when that very person's behavior directly impacted how you shaped your views of the world! Bruce can let Brody know he'd like to hear from him more often and Brody can decide how to proceed. But, Brody owes Bruce nothing. 


Is Brandon for real? He seems so zen and down to earth. He's often the voice of reason or a mediator. I want to like him (there are few people to like on this show!), but I'm afraid I'll find out he's secretly a misogynistic kitten-killer.

He's all zen and stuff, but I sense he has lots of the same resentments towards Bruce that Brody does. I think he just tries to put it behind him, he's also older and had more of a bond with Bruce prior to being cast aside. Brody never had that bond. Brandon now is trying to be intermediary which is wrong of Bruce to ask of him. It could cause a rift between the brothers. Bruce should deal directly with Brody on matters that involve his relationship with Brody and leave Brandon out of it.. And Kylie.

  • Love 1

And Bruce, well, in the end, the step kids he raised and tossed his bio kids aside for will stay loyal to Kris and should she remarry or take a lover, Bruce will slowly be phased out, I think he already knows that. It probably is a big reason he sought out his sons again.


I disagree. They are all adults now.  I can't see Kourtney or Khole doing that or Scott or Rob.  In addition, he will always have his relationship with Kendall and Kylie.  As well as his 2 older children from his first marriage.  And whatever relationship Bruce did not have with Brody and Brandon, it was on him, not Kris.  Just like it wasn't her responsibility to look after Bruce's mother.  Bruce has been portrayed as this helpless victim of the horrible wicked Kris Jenner.  Sorry, he is a grown man who has been known to have his own demons.

Edited by twilightzone
  • Love 2

I disagree. They are all adults now.  I can't see Kourtney or Khole doing that or Scott or Rob.  In addition, he will always have his relationship with Kendall and Kylie.  As well as his 2 older children from his first marriage.  And whatever relationship Bruce did not have with Brody and Brandon, it was on him, not Kris.  Just like it wasn't her responsibility to look after Bruce's mother.  Bruce has been portrayed as this helpless victim of the horrible wicked Kris Jenner.  Sorry, he is a grown man who has been known to have his own demons.

I don't see that. Kylie and Kendall are his kids, so yes there's a bond, for the others that bond is thru Kris, her four kids will stay attached to her. Not to say they will ignore Bruce, but he'll be an after thought. And I don't feel sorry for him, he made his bed, he sleeps in it. I did think Kris made things difficult with his bio kids, BUT he allowed it, so it's on him.

Bruce does play the victim. He acts like he doesn't care, doesn't need a fuss made over him, but when it isn't, he pouts and sulks. Bruce has reaped what he sowed with his kids. And Kris well she has to live with her daughters calling her a whore and a pig and other such endearments.

I don't see Kourtney cutting Bruce out, her kids love him too much. Especially with Scott's parents both being gone. If Khloe has kids, I can see him being grandpa to them too. North? Yeah, not so much, but hell, Kris is barely a grandma to any of them. Kim already can't be bothered. I do think that Rob has completely become lost and it's possible he will someday drift more towards Bruce and the Jenner side of this family, and it would honestly be the best thing for him. 

I don't think Bruce will be phased out or be an after thought.  The Kardashian sibilings seem to have a good relationship with him.  In fact, they've been more apt to defend Bruce against Kris. 


It's the show that is the attachment.  Beyond that, they are all grown up with their own lives.  I honestly don't think off camera, the family would be spending this much time together, going on vacations, hanging out, etc.

agree with the assessment that Brody may have residual resentment toward his dad. Bruce decided to finally be a dad to the rest of his bio kids? Now that they're adults and some of the hardest parts are over? Well, great for you, but if I were one of those neglected children, I would have a hard time forgetting the past. You can forgive and make a concerted effort to overcome your resentment, but there may be triggers that resurface some of the pain. Especially when that very person's behavior directly impacted how you shaped your views of the world! Bruce can let Brody know he'd like to hear from him more often and Brody can decide how to proceed. But, Brody owes Bruce nothing.

I think this is the only real part of the entire show - Brandon and Brody's tentative relationship with Bruce. When Bruce made that comment about raising 10 kids, there seemed to be a shift in Brody - not as cordial as he was before. As much as Brody and Brandon may want to have their father in their lives now, there are probably a lot of random little things that remind them of all those other times they wanted him around. Offhand comments about raising kids probably doesn't help. It seems like there's so much more that Brandon and Brody want to say and either don't because they want Bruce around or because the cameras are around. When Bruce was complaining to Brandon, it was like Brandon was itching to say more but wouldn't.


I hope they figure it out. It's good that Bruce has realized some of his mistakes, but I can't fault either son for how they treat him now - whether dropping everything to spend time with Bruce or only spending time with Bruce when nothing else is going on. As much as I'd like to say that they're grown men and should get over it, it must be really difficult (no matter what other benefits you've had in life) to know that your parent basically abandoned you and wants to pick up a relationship decades later when it's more convenient for them.

  • Love 2

Reading this discussion makes me think, of all things, of the Inside the Actors Studio that Gene Hackman did back when it was still good.  James Lipton started off as he always does by asking questions about Hackman's parents and childhood.  Hackman was doing great recounting his memories until he got to the part where his father left them.  He was 71 at the time, a successful and well regarded actor, with so many things to teach the film students and viewers.  Yet, as soon as he started describing being 10 or so and watching his father drive away, the taillights growing smaller, never to return, he choked up.  More than sixty years had passed and he was still so hurt by this man's actions that he struggled to maintain his composure.  


Now, Hackman's father full out abandoned him but Bruce's four other children feel that same hurt even though they still saw him from time to time.  I admittedly don't know much about Burt or Casey but they both seem to still reel from the pain Bruce's absence caused.  Burt seems to be like Brandon, hurt and angry but unwilling to say anything for fear that it could wreck what little relationship exists.  Casey and Brody, on the other hand, are more confrontational and unwilling to just let his negligence slide even if it results in him becoming distant all over again.  I agree with others that the hurt and anger that all of Bruce's older children feel about his absence (generally and in favor of his stepkids) is the only truly real parts of the show and it's genuinely interesting.  I do like that none of the older four seem to take their anger and hurt out on Kendall and Kylie, they all understand that BRUCE is the one who fucked up as a father and their sisters could easily have grown up without him too.

  • Love 4

Reading this discussion makes me think, of all things, of the Inside the Actors Studio that Gene Hackman did back when it was still good.  James Lipton started off as he always does by asking questions about Hackman's parents and childhood.  Hackman was doing great recounting his memories until he got to the part where his father left them.  He was 71 at the time, a successful and well regarded actor, with so many things to teach the film students and viewers.  Yet, as soon as he started describing being 10 or so and watching his father drive away, the taillights growing smaller, never to return, he choked up.  More than sixty years had passed and he was still so hurt by this man's actions that he struggled to maintain his composure.  


Now, Hackman's father full out abandoned him but Bruce's four other children feel that same hurt even though they still saw him from time to time.  I admittedly don't know much about Burt or Casey but they both seem to still reel from the pain Bruce's absence caused.  Burt seems to be like Brandon, hurt and angry but unwilling to say anything for fear that it could wreck what little relationship exists.  Casey and Brody, on the other hand, are more confrontational and unwilling to just let his negligence slide even if it results in him becoming distant all over again.  I agree with others that the hurt and anger that all of Bruce's older children feel about his absence (generally and in favor of his stepkids) is the only truly real parts of the show and it's genuinely interesting.  I do like that none of the older four seem to take their anger and hurt out on Kendall and Kylie, they all understand that BRUCE is the one who fucked up as a father and their sisters could easily have grown up without him too.

Wow, this is so on point with how I see Bruce and his relationship with the older kids.

And it has to sting even more with Bruce's kids in the last several years, seeing him being a dad to someone else's kids and patting himself on the back for being such a great father figure, getting all choked up over a death bed promise to Rob Sr. to look after his kids and pontificating on how important it is to be involved with your children and teach them values.

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Kris' lecture on blackface was almost as ridiculous as her little tirade about how "offended" she was. As a woman, she's never been more offended! Never mind that her gender has nothing to do with anything. I'm betting that the vast majority of her pissiness about the trip was related to the stuff that was stolen from her suitcase. Speaking of which, I wonder how many takes they had to do of Kim saying "it doesn't matter, those were just material things" before it came across as even slightly believable?


Was the actual episode title misspelled, or just this thread? The former would be all kinds of hilarious.

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