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Season 9 Discussion

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Admittedly, I am a proponent of the legalization of marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes. I think it's harmless and I know many people, including myself, whom are marijuana smokers (or they ingest or vaporize), unbeknownst to some because we behave atypically of the silly "lazy, laughing stoner" stereotypes tossed around. There's a reason why most tech startups in Silicon Valley don't drug test. They'd lose half their engineering and executive talent!

I don't think Kris Jenner's idiocy is going to get in the way of marijuana legalization or more states permitting medicinal use. It's important for people to do their own research on the pros/cons of legalization and not rely on the Kardashians to inform them on proper use of anything. Scott's over-the-top drunken antics certainly aren't making alcohol look good. We saw him being an out-of-control asshole, seemingly unaware of the discomfort of those around him. Meanwhile, all we saw Kris and granny do is recline on a sofa, laughing every once in a while. If I knew nothing about either drug and watched this show, I'd conclude that alcohol makes people act like jerks (which Scott's done on multiple occassions), but that's a legal drug that we've seemed to embrace as a culture despite the fact that it has caused many, many problems for people.

Edited by tvallthetime
  • Love 5

OF course Kris could have gotten weed illegally and gotten stoned and acted even more like the ass she is. But she doesn't want to set a bad example for her fans or her kids SO she got some MM so she could get stoned and act like an asshole on camera.


I'm not in favor of marijuana being legalized for recreational use. I think MM can be a benefit to many people, but it can be just as easily abused as Kris was so happy to show us all.


I have seen the negative effects of pot smoking within my own family. It may manifest itself in different ways, but it's misuse can be as destructive as alcohol abuse. I watched my brother get stoned everyday for years, he was a depressed person and the marijuana only made it worse. Thankfully, he pulled out of it. But those years of dealing with him were as difficult  for us as it was for friends who had alcoholic family members.

  • Love 2

What always cracks me the hell up is that the people who are most against marijuana usually have a well stocked liquor cabinet in their homes.

Alcohol is so much worse, physically, psychologically and every other way.

I would much rather be around a smoker than a drinker any damn day. I'm a smoker, nothing wrong with that. Here in Calif, its nothing but a citation. Hopefully it'll be completely legal soon.

Just because people may know somebody who abuses marijuana and has a fucked up life, it doesn't mean everybody who smokes will be that way.

Just because somebody is a loser who happens to smoke weed doesn't mean they wouldn't have been a loser without it.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 10

Whether it's legal or not, my problem with this episode is that there was too much of the "fun" side of using the drug and that this show attracts impressionable tweens and MJ, whether used for medicine or not, should NOT have been a story line.  It's still illegal without a prescription (if you live in a State that does offer it).  In my State, it is ILLEGAL. PERIOD.  What was the point of Kris going to the head shop and browsing the pipes, holding them and asking about them, glorifying it with a matching bag.  That clip did NOT have to make it into the episode!

Edited by JerseyGirl

Whether it's legal or not, my problem with this episode is that there was too much of the "fun" side of using the drug and that this show attracts impressionable tweens and MJ, whether used for medicine or not, should NOT have been a story line.  It's still illegal without a prescription (if you live in a State that does offer it).  In my State, it is ILLEGAL. PERIOD.  What was the point of Kris going to the head shop and browsing the pipes, holding them and asking about them, glorifying it with a matching bag.  That clip did NOT have to make it into the episode!

Really, the matching bag and cute accessories for getting high were ridiculous. And just like other pain medications can be and are abused so can MM.

The whole idea of her going there was "for her mother" then suddenly she has chronic neck pain (probably from having her head lodged up Kim's huge ass) .So far she seems to manage whatever pain she was feeling with copious amounts of wine, so there was no need for MM.

  • LOL 1

The previews for next week where Khloe goes to a club and Lamar shows up, wasn't there a story awhile back that claimed that they set Lamar up to go to the club or something? I am probably misremembering though.


Yup, another fake setup:


Lamar Odom endured one of the most humiliating club denials ever ... he was turned away from a West Hollywood club Tuesday night as his estranged wife and her new boyfriend partied inside.


It's unclear if Khloe or French had anything to do with Lamar getting denied -- but there was a giant clue in the form of an E! camera crew ... that just happened to be outside to shoot Lamar getting turned away.


Remember, the guy's under contract to appear on the family reality show -- and since he and Khloe are NOT divorced ... all signs point to Lamar being in on this.


Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/05/14/lamar-odom-denied-video-khloe-kardashian-french-montana/#ixzz3AHPIbEii


quotes from "sources":  https://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/khloe-kardashian-invited-lamar-odom-club-set-him-003500442-us-weekly.html

Edited by JerseyGirl

Every episode of this  is like watching Three's Company (for those old enough to remember that). Three's Company was always a misunderstanding that was always figured out at the end & all was ok. Same here. Every episode, they are mad at one person then in the end in their stupid baby voices they apologize with a cheesy smile & it's ok. Seriously, every week, after week.


They constantly set Kim up to make her look sweet & sincere. As soon as she wanted to adopt Pink while on vacation I said to myself "gee I wonder if they will make it where she can't" & of course that happened. She couldn't take care of the kitten Kanye gave her & has nannies/assistants take care of North. Why would she want to adopt a near teenage girl? Just to make herself look better. Then on WWHL a caller asked her if she had been in touch with Pink & she hasn't. She said they bought them a pool (which we saw on the show) so that that means nothing since they left there. She's full of it.

Every episode of this is like watching Three's Company (for those old enough to remember that). Three's Company was always a misunderstanding that was always figured out at the end & all was ok. Same here. Every episode, they are mad at one person then in the end in their stupid baby voices they apologize with a cheesy smile & it's ok. Seriously, every week, after week.

They constantly set Kim up to make her look sweet & sincere. As soon as she wanted to adopt Pink while on vacation I said to myself "gee I wonder if they will make it where she can't" & of course that happened. She couldn't take care of the kitten Kanye gave her & has nannies/assistants take care of North. Why would she want to adopt a near teenage girl? Just to make herself look better. Then on WWHL a caller asked her if she had been in touch with Pink & she hasn't. She said they bought them a pool (which we saw on the show) so that that means nothing since they left there. She's full of it.

Did she say "Pink who?" Why would she give her another thought? She can't change anything.. Oh well, at least she has a pool and some Kardashian Klothing! Oh and her memories! Yeah, those memories will really make Pinks life better.

I saw the clip of her discussing Rob leaving prior to the wedding and damn that bitch is ice cold. Nice way to treat your best friend that you are soooo close to. At my wedding, I want family there. I don't care how much they weigh or if they resemble the elephant man. Fuck my trainer or my stylist or some random somebody, I don't care about any pictures that need four days of photoshopping to pass someone's scrutiny. If they are self conscious about something, then there'll be no pictures at all, but I'll have my " memory" and it will include all my family. I hope North never has issues that she agonizes over for more time than mommy allots. I can hear her now "it's been 2 hours, get over it"

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 3

Did she say "Pink who?" Why would she give her another thought? She can't change anything.. Oh well, at least she has a pool and some Kardashian Klothing! Oh and her memories! Yeah, those memories will really make Pinks life better.

I saw the clip of her discussing Rob leaving prior to the wedding and damn that bitch is ice cold. Nice way to treat your best friend that you are soooo close to. At my wedding, I want family there. I don't care how much they weigh or if they resemble the elephant man. Fuck my trainer or my stylist or some random somebody, I don't care about any pictures that need four days of photoshopping to pass someone's scrutiny. If they are self conscious about something, then there'll be no pictures at all, but I'll have my " memory" and it will include all my family. I hope North never has issues that she agonizes over for more time than mommy allots. I can hear her now "it's been 2 hours, get over it"

No she didn't say Pink who? She should be giving her thoughts as she said she would keep in touch. She was wanting to adopt her & even sought info on it only to not doing anything else for the girl. Why not set up a trust for her or pay for her health care & needs? It's not just some girls she met, she pretended she wanted to be her mother for life. The pool was bought while they were there along with the clothing. So since she left she hasn't done anything for them or the girl she wanted as her daughter.


I saw the clip of her discussing Rob leaving prior to the wedding and damn that bitch is ice cold. Nice way to treat your best friend that you are soooo close to. At my wedding, I want family there. I don't care how much they weigh or if they resemble the elephant man. Fuck my trainer or my stylist or some random somebody, I don't care about any pictures that need four days of photoshopping to pass someone's scrutiny. If they are self conscious about something, then there'll be no pictures at all, but I'll have my " memory" and it will include all my family. I hope North never has issues that she agonizes over for more time than mommy allots. I can hear her now "it's been 2 hours, get over it"

She said that about Rob? That is cold. Of course you want your family to be healthy, but sometimes they are not, and you just have to suck it up and get over it. If they are going to spend four days photoshopping then they could do with Rob what Kim does and make him thinner. 

"Just because somebody is a loser who happens to smoke weed doesn't mean they wouldn't have been a loser without it."

I don't have a problem with people smoking it recreationally since I have had friends who have and sometimes do smoke from time to time, but weed can be as destructive as alcohol when it is abused, just like alcohol abuse. I've seen it personally, too, with someone close to me. I'm not trying to start anything because I just don't do that online. I usually visit the Kardashian threads for sheer entertainment and snark, but I do have to say I think this statement was very rude in response to iwasish speaking about a family member and personal story. I get what the point was, but I just think it came across pretty insensitive. JMO.

Anyway, the whole Marijuana story on the show just reeked of Kris' desperation to attempt to be cool to the younger crowd, which is so pathetic. It's obvious she wants to be the age of her daughters and live through them or at least attract the same attention/men. I hated the whole Khloe inviting her out to the club bit because it just fed Kris' overblown ego.

No she didn't say Pink who? She should be giving her thoughts as she said she would keep in touch. She was wanting to adopt her & even sought info on it only to not doing anything else for the girl. Why not set up a trust for her or pay for her health care & needs? It's not just some girls she met, she pretended she wanted to be her mother for life. The pool was bought while they were there along with the clothing. So since she left she hasn't done anything for them or the girl she wanted as her daughter.

Even Pink knew Kim wasn't going to keep in touch. Kim had no intention of adopting her, it was all a story line. At least Kim never told the kid she was going to adopt her, that would have been cruel. Kim and Kris knew Pink will never even see the TV show so she'll never know that they used her. Setting up a trust fund or paying for her health care or schooling? Please. They don't spend a nickel on anyone else. The whole vacation was a comp for the advertising.


Kim doesn't even have the sense to realize how shallow she looks admitting that she hasn't  had contact with this girl that made such an impact on her. 

She said that about Rob? That is cold. Of course you want your family to be healthy, but sometimes they are not, and you just have to suck it up and get over it. If they are going to spend four days photoshopping then they could do with Rob what Kim does and make him thinner.

She has no issues spending FOUR days photo shopping on her honeymoon, but would never give Rob even one day of her precious time. Hell, I imagine she spends at least 4 hours a day with her glam squad, primping, and taking pictures of herself. Probably more than four hours Edited by DangerousMinds

Sooo much to say about this episode, so sorry if my thoughts are kind of random.


Kris “I like things that are oversized & dramatic” Now we know why Kim is her favorite.


Kris trying to force herself into the wedding planning would have made me want to slap her, it's Kim's third wedding, stop acting like this is an event that has never happened before, & even if it was her first wedding, it's her wedding, not yours, back off. It doesn't sound like she's doing her job as a manager either. Khloe was right about the questions for the interview, & if Kris as her manager was supposed to be at the show she was taping, then she should have been there. That's what managers do, they have to be able to separate the manager from the mom.


Why is everyone so insistent that Khloe tells them every detail of her life & who her friends are? She's a grown woman, she can hang out with whoever she wants without Kim & Kourtney calling her "shady".


I forgot the exact quote but I really laughed when something was said about Scott's ass hanging out & he said now I really am a Kardashian LOL, maybe Kourtney will pee on him & really make him a family member.


I am calling bullshit on the whole "Lamar is here!" crap & for a really stupid reason. First, Kim & Jonathan stalking Khloe was just ridiculous. Was she going to demand that Khloe introduce her to French & her "crew"? (And I if I had to hear Kim refer to them as Khloe's "crew" one more time, I was going to lose it)  Was that the plan? Because if that was it, it was really a dumb plan. Second, (and this is the stupid reason) & I'm no expert on this, but it's been my experience that guys want to do the driving. I have never known any guy who goes out on a date & has the woman drive. Khloe was driving. I think the only reason she was in the driver seat was so they could pretend that she saw Kim & Jonathan, & stopped the car. After all, French doesn't know Kim (or why else is she there?) so if he was driving, how would they explain why he stopped for her? Thirdly, if Lamar knew it was a French Montana party, & he knew he was dating Khloe, why would he show up? What possible benefit would it be to him to show up at that party? None that I can think of. Well, except for giving Khloe some reason to forgive Kim for stalking her. 


I had no idea that French Montana wasn't black. Kim seemed upset that Khloe was dating a guy who wasn't black which I thought was kind of strange.

  • Love 1


And Kim, we all know it's Princess Kanye's style, not yours.

This. Kim just kind of molds herself to whatever guy she is attached to. Like Kanye even gives her a choice or even listens to her opinion. I kept thinking that Kim was  telling her mom she did not want a shower, but secretly hoping to have one.


I did think Khloe and Malika (is that who it was? I wasn't paying full attention) going on and on about Lamar was overkill. Probably not the best move to do that in front of her new boyfriend. Though aren't they still together? So I guess French Onion knows it is all scripted.


Penelope and Mason were cute.

  • Love 1

The new mansions are so over the top extravagant.  Why does Khloe need such a large place for just herself. Kourt's old home was huge, this new one is massive, but at least she lives there with her boyfriend, two children, assistant, nanny and maid.  Kris lives in an excessive and overdone home as well, with only a few hired people and one daughter living there.


I don't know how their fans can possibly relate to them.

  • Love 2

Kim's laughable. Doing research on French to see what kind of guy he is. I guess she missed the part about him having a wife and a kid. Khloe too, coming from a broken family with adultery on her mothers part and she dives in with a married man?

Kim packing her shit to live at Kourtney's house, with one suitcase? Yeah right.

Kris does do PR?

Why is she doing PR for Kendall and her eat and run?

Looks interesting with Kim complaining to Bruce about Brody.

That blood red lipstick has got to go. It is hideous.

Did I hear right. that Rob wants Khloe out of his house?  

That blood red lipstick has got to go. It is hideous.


Yea, Kim in the car "sleeping" in full makeup and blood red lipstick, saying how she never goes out at night.  Next minute you see her walking into the club ready to party the night away.  Bullshit to that fake scene, girl.

Why does everyone in this stupid family apologize for things they were right about to begin with? Last time Kourtney and Khloe apologized to vapid Kim about the Vogue cover. Now both Khloe and Kim apologize to Kris - wtf? Khloe had a perfectly valid point, and while Kim is annoying and obviously being manipulated by Yeezus regarding the wedding, anyone who is told to back off from helping with the wedding, then feigns the bride's approval to go behind her back and make alterations deserves to be uninvited. Why Kim was the one apologizing for that shit is beyond me. No wonder none of these people ever grow or mature. And the look on Kris' face when Kim said 'I want to apologize' made me want to reach right into the TV and slap her. Man, that woman is one manipulative vulture. She's like a real-life Disney villain. Cruel de Famewhore.

Edited by Stella MD
  • Love 1

Seeing Kris shut out of the wedding plans, knowing nothing and commenting on grooms normally aren't involved in invitations made me think Kanye is awesome. He's totally put Kris on a leash regarding Kim. 


There's no way that Lamar situation at the club wasn't staged and props to French Montana for his first though being Kim staged it.There's a KUWTK camera crew in the parking lot and Khloe pulls in at the exact same time Lamar is walking in? The timing was too perfect.


I love Penelope's room and Kourt&Scott's new house. I think 13,000 sq ft  with a 5 member family that includes 3 small children and pets is fine, it's their family home. Plus who knows when her and Scott will stop having kids.


Khloe having 10,000 sq ft for her alone is more weird. Justin Bieber had that house because of all his "crew" too. Maybe Khloe bought it for the same reason, for all the hangers on she has. Plus Rob will probably move in.  

  • Love 1

Kim and Kanye didn't plan the wedding themselves. Someone mentioned something about "Sharon" and the favors or whatever and Sharon Sacks is the party planner that Kris works with all the time. She did Khloe's wedding and I think Kim/KrisH wedding along with the party she tried to plan for Kylie. And she was there at Kim/Kanye's wedding. She may not have planned it all but she was involved. So Kris knew plenty. The whole bit with Kim asking her if she had booked flights for Kendall and Kylie? Why would she book flights just for them? What about Kris herself? Kourtney and Scott? They always travel together. That was  just a way to get the conversation on target. 

Why is everyone so insistent that Khloe tells them every detail of her life & who her friends are? She's a grown woman, she can hang out with whoever she wants without Kim & Kourtney calling her "shady".




Was she going to demand that Khloe introduce her to French & her "crew"? (And I if I had to hear Kim refer to them as Khloe's "crew" one more time, I was going to lose it)  Was that the plan? Because if that was it, it was really a dumb plan.

My take on the whole Khloe not wanting to introduce Kim et al to her "crew" was because they're so lame :P. Kim was acting like she had never hung out with people before. "Is this your 'crew'" reminded me of the "Does anyone want snacks?" type thing that moms do that drives their teens crazy. 

Khloe not telling them anything about her friends or even her location on the weekend, shows how little off camera they actually are in each others lives and interact. If it wasn't for the cameras they'd probably barely see each other or have constant communication. 


Khloe's BFF has met French and the friends, knows what's going on in her lift. But her sisters know nothing and have no communication as to what is going on until the camera's are rolling.

  • Love 2

Interesting episode. Even though this is mostly staged I actually understand everyone's "Where is Khloe?" thing. From what I've gathered from years of watching this mess and various interviews is that when Khloe is unhappy and upset, she withdraws from the family. Prior to the show, after their father's death, apparently there was a stretch of years where Khloe was MIA from the whole family. This thing with Lamar (famewhore or not) is truly traumatic. The pain and humiliation of having your husband publicly do the things that he's done is alot for anybody. I know that she wanted so badly for it to work, if only to have one-upped her beautiful sisters who seem to get everything. Now that it has imploded, she seems lost. I think what has kept me watching this show all these years is that I am fascinated by the dynamics between people - particularly in large and blended families. I know people love to hate them, but I find myself feeling so sorry for this family - they've been through so much but the constant attention and money has warped the whole lot of them. As staged as this show is, these are not Oscar winning actors and I am engrossed by the REAL aspects of the show.

At the heart of the matter is that Kris is one of the worst parent's that I've witnessed, on or off of television, and Bruce isn't any better. Kris needs to stop trying to live through Kim and tend to her children. What's interesting is the dynamic between the Kardashian children themselves. Here's what I've noticed - when the younger three are distressed, they will go to Kourtney both literally and figuratively. Kourtney's style is to nurture and listen but not to interfere. When Kourtney is distressed, she will seek outside help. I know everybody here hates Kim, but I do not. I think Kim has a lot of positive qualities. Her negative ones are well documented here and everywhere but Kim is the sibling who is both the fighter and the survivor - even her father said as much. Whereas Kourtney will nurture and listen, Kim will call bull when she feels that it is needed. Alot of people read that as another example of her very real narcissism, but I've noticed that she DOES truly care for them all and seems to have a read on each of their personalities. Khole plays like she is strong, but she really isn't. Only Kim seems to get that. Kim will fight with Khloe and Khloe often regards her with much disdain, which Kim accurately labeled "jealousy", but I've noticed that time and again it is Kim who recognizes real pain in her little sister and addresses it directly. I've also noticed that when Khole and Kris spar, Kim is often supportive of Khloe - though she will check her for being disrespectful to her mother. I know this is unpopular, but I agree with Kim about Rob. Rob is spoiled and lazy and wants to come up off of the people around him - his sisters, Scott, Lamar - but when given real opportunity, he never follows through. Rob is a loser because Rob is a loser and he is a depressed loser because his life is now reaping what he has sown so far - NOTHING. Kim is right to tell him that only HE can pull himself up - which is why he is always SOOOOO angry with her. But when he is homeless, Kim is as likely as any of the other sisters to have him come live with her. Kim is most real, however, with Kourtney. There seems to be a deep unspoken bond between these two because they went through it all together. They are different people and do not seem to be running buddies, like Kourtney and Khloe are, but I respect the depth there.

Re Kanye - while I think that man is certifiable, I do believe that Kris has met her match. Kanye will not allow her to run roughshod over his life with his wife and child OR his career. I also get Kim's hesitance to talk about him in public. The entity that is the Superstar Rapper Kanye West needs, for business credibility, to maintain a distance from the entity that is The Kardashian Reality TV Empire. Kanye does not need or want to be caught up in their PR machine. I think he wants it to begin and end with that he acquired a very pretty wife who happens to be famous in her own right. That doesn't make HIM a Kardashian, it makes HER a West. I get it and I agree with it.

  • Love 1

Kim to Kourtney:  "Like, have you even met this French guy?"

Kourtney: "nope, have you?"  Kim: "no"

Kim: "He's just so not like her type, I thought she literally only liked black guys. This is like the first non-black guy she's ever been with.(insert giggle here)"

Kourtney: "he's from Morocco"


I had to back up the DVR in order to hear this conversation again. Just to clarify this, Moroccans are an Arab Berber mix. Berbers were a white Caucasian people who originate from North Africa until they mixed with blacks from Sub Saharan Africa, which lead to a browning of the society. These people later mixed with Arab Muslim invaders that came centuries later. Most Moroccans are Arabic which means they are not white nor black.

Black or white, neither Kim nor Khloe seem to have dated anyone really good looking. Kanye gives me the heebie jeebies, with those disgusting pleather pants, I find myself holding my breath just looking at pictures of him,  Reggie Bush had a nice smile.. Kris H looked a bit like Herman Munster, the baseball player and the bodyguard were the best looking and they got out of Dodge pretty quick. Lamar's absurdly small ears grossed me out, along with his weird baby talk. This new guy is out of shape  and creepy looking, never mind the constant presence of hangers on.   And while Scott isn't the most impressive physical specimen, I do think he is nice

looking in a pretty boy way. And it's always been clear that despite his wild ways he loves Kourtney and his kids.

<<Black or white, neither Kim nor Khloe seem to have dated anyone really good looking.>>

On this we disagree. I thought, and still think Reggie Bush is a fine physical specimen of a man. When they did that photoshoot together I was gawking thinking that he is her physical equal - the both of them gorgeous!



Edited by Timetoread
  • Love 3


Black or white, neither Kim nor Khloe seem to have dated anyone really good looking.

Sorry, but I will have to disagree. I would have dumped my family, changed my name, stayed barefoot and pregnant in a single wide to keep Reggie's fine self around.


Kanye and Kim. I can't decide if she really thinks he's some kind of genius or not. Or if she thought she was moving up by marrying him.  I keep thinking the old Kim would have had her daughter in ruffles and bows. Very girly. Not super expensive designer stuff that looks like it was made from remnants on the 99 cent a yard table. 

  • Love 2

Khloe having 10,000 sq ft for her alone is more weird. Justin Bieber had that house because of all his "crew" too. Maybe Khloe bought it for the same reason, for all the hangers on she has. Plus Rob will probably move in.  

Yeah, and Rob can do Khloe a service as he will be able to sniff out (and "eliminate") the remaining stashes of sizzurp in no time.

Edited by Starscream

<<Sorry, but I will have to disagree. I would have dumped my family, changed my name, stayed barefoot and pregnant in a single wide to keep Reggie's fine self around.


Kanye and Kim. I can't decide if she really thinks he's some kind of genius or not. Or if she thought she was moving up by marrying him.  I keep thinking the old Kim would have had her daughter in ruffles and bows. Very girly. Not super expensive designer stuff that looks like it was made from remnants on the 99 cent a yard table.>>


First of all:  word to your mother, father and whole damn family on Reggie Bush *high five*, and the beauty of Reggie is that he can afford to keep you barefoot and pregnant in a bona fide house!  As to Kim's regard of Kanye.  I think Kim honestly considers herself the ultimate trophy wife.  She's a serial monagmist and seems very content being the gorgeous woman at the side of the powerful/successful man.  Regardless of whether or not Kanye's music is your taste, he is VERY well credentialed in the industry and so yeah, I think she fully intends to go along with what the head of the household suggests.  That said, I wish Kanye would leave being a girl up to the girls.  Kim, for all her faults, was always very well dressed.  She didn't need help in that department and I am so sad that we can't see how North would look if her mother were dressing her, instead of her father.

  • Love 2

<<Black or white, neither Kim nor Khloe seem to have dated anyone really good looking.>>

On this we disagree. I thought, and still think Reggie Bush is a fine physical specimen of a man. When they did that photoshoot together I was gawking thinking that he is her physical equal - the both of them gorgeous!



Oh, hell yes, Reggie Bush is hot, hot, hot! I've never been with a black man, but I sure as hell would be with him! He and Kim would have had gorgeous kids. Why did he and Kim break up anyway?

Kim looked so much thinner in the picture from the airport. It was posted earlier. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. North was in denim.  Kim looked slimmer and her butt even looked better.  I'm built a lot like Kim. Faced it years ago that designer duds just aren't made for my body. No matter how hard I try to stuff myself into them. Kanye be Kanye and leave Kim alone in the clothing department.

<<Black or white, neither Kim nor Khloe seem to have dated anyone really good looking.>>

On this we disagree. I thought, and still think Reggie Bush is a fine physical specimen of a man. When they did that photoshoot together I was gawking thinking that he is her physical equal - the both of them gorgeous!



Is it just me, or does Kim's ass look a whole lot smaller in these pictures?

Uh Kim as the face of an energy drink campaign? She's so languid in her demeanor she's practically sloth like. Not my idea of vital, nor does Audrey Hepburn conjure up visions of the athletic or energetic type . Must have been that OC energy drink nonsense I thought was defunct. That was totally faked for the show, right? It's like Sarah Jessica Parker modeling for Lane Bryant.

Kim probably showed up to name drop her man to French Bandana and his crew. God what a bunch of simpletons. Poor Lamar, skulking in the street like Nosferatu. I doubt he really wanted to go to French Manicures party anyway.

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 4

Sorry, but I will have to disagree. I would have dumped my family, changed my name, stayed barefoot and pregnant in a single wide to keep Reggie's fine self around.


Kanye and Kim. I can't decide if she really thinks he's some kind of genius or not. Or if she thought she was moving up by marrying him.  I keep thinking the old Kim would have had her daughter in ruffles and bows. Very girly. Not super expensive designer stuff that looks like it was made from remnants on the 99 cent a yard table.

Kimmy has admitted that she often doesn't truly understand Kanye's rants. Of course she "agrees" with him when put on the spot, but she doesn't have any clue. In her defense, many of us feel the same way about his rants. WTF?

Kimmy may have once been considered beautiful by some, but IMHO she has lost that.

Oh, hell yes, Reggie Bush is hot, hot, hot! I've never been with a black man, but I sure as hell would be with him! He and Kim would have had gorgeous kids. Why did he and Kim break up anyway?

IIRC, Reggie didn't want to live his life in public and on social media, Twittering and Instagramming every moment of their lives. I think Kimmy's constant self absorption made him sick.

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