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All Stars Season 5 Anticipation

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Oh my god. Poor Emily. As if she didn't have enough bullshit drama to deal with in her own season, now she's stuck with Asha and Layana and Ken and that godawful creature Sam (although I'm looking forward to watching him explain to Isaac and Georgina that he has a mind above couture). What a trashpit of a lineup.

Edited by Julia
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Project Runway: Rehash is more like it.  I'm not feeling a particular need to see any of these people again.

Project Runway: Anyone Who Has Ever Been on Project Runway. 


Given that this series has become a way to validate past judging decisions and she's the only winner in the bunch, this is totally Dom's to lose. Never liked her. 

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Aw, I love Sam from UTG (mostly because I know him IRL and he's a lovely person).


It's unfortunate the way he comes across on TV and in social media, then.


I thought Dom didn't acquit herself particularly well in the reunion, but by and large I found her inoffensive, and her clothes were wearable. I agree that it's hers to lose.

Edited by Julia
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It's unfortunate the way he comes across on TV and in social media, then.


I thought Dom didn't acquit herself particularly well in the reunion, but by and large I found her inoffensive, and her clothes were wearable. I agree that it's hers to lose.

Dom kind of faded into the background next to the aggressively nasty personalities that dominated S12, but I remember her coming across as rather tactless and cliquish. Even after she won, she insisted the runner-up didn't deserve to be in the finals over her BFF Helen. I hope she's matured since then.


Stella is my favorite because she smiles at me whenever I see her on the street. As a designer from the Bravo era, she'll be lucky to make it to week 3.  

Edited by ThatsDarling
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It's just kind of sad that this show has fallen so far that they really don't see a difference between casting the nasty little bullies from previous seasons / UTG to increase the chances of drama and casting the guy who they pretty clearly established has long-term violent impulse control problems. According to his _mother_, ffs. Hell, why not just bring back Sandro?

Edited by Julia
  • Love 4

None of my favourites except Kini.  How strange.  It's almost like they don't want us to watch.


Even trying to be diplomatic, besides Dom, who would attract eyes to this?  I think I kind of liked Alexander?  Though not really his designs.  And I remember Fade being a huge hit here.


It will premiere February 11.


Asha from UTG was a complete and terrible asshole.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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So, um. I don't think I understand what they mean by "All-Stars." I have to Google most of them, even ones that I have a vague memory of enjoying once I figure out who they are.

I'll watch, though. I found that having this show on in the background makes me productive in real life. Not sure why, it's great to clean to and then watch some of the runway.

Anyone else remember one year back on Bravo where they did a follow-up with Christian as he tried to sell a line? I'd rather see that than another All-Stars season of this. Assuming there are former contestants working, why not just show them in their element?

Also, did they cut the prize package from last time?

  • Love 1


My advance apologies to the poster who knows Sam IRL and says he's nice, but some of his social media pronouncements are anything but.

I was so happy to see both Daniel AND Stella, then realized, that yes, yes indeed, they will be the first two out in challenges one and two. Lifetime's continued "campaign" to discredit anything relating to the Bravo years, which really confuses me when it comes to Christian because he's a judge on one of their current shows. Also, don't mind Alexander and even Dom, as a former winner, although I think we all know Dom will likely be the winner, if the trend of the past couple seasons continues.

But Sam and Asha... I say again, just, ugh. I hope neither one of them wins, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Wow! No mention of Mary Kay in the prizes??? Who in the hell will be sponsoring PR regular? It IS coming back for another season, yes??

Depending on how this season turns out, it may be my last one watching PRAS.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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I think UTG was hard on people, particularly if they were in denial about Tim's metastasizing mean streak. Pretty much everyone involved in blatant bullying doubled down hard in social media, and then Tim made what appeared to be a sincere effort to award the win to Mondo and his profoundly unimpressive two finalist designers (neither of whom came within miles of having earned it).

As someone whose experience of PR was very much shaped by the idea of Tim as a fair broker, it kind of retroactively tainted the whole franchise for me.

  • Love 6

I think UTG was hard on people, particularly if they were in denial about Tim's metastasizing mean streak. Pretty much everyone involved in blatant bullying doubled down hard in social media, and then Tim made what appeared to be a sincere effort to award the win to Mondo and his profoundly unimpressive two finalist designers (neither of whom came within miles of having earned it).

As someone whose experience of PR was very much shaped by the idea of Tim as a fair broker, it kind of retroactively tainted the whole franchise for me.


So well stated Julia. UTG ruined the show for me, even if they're supposedly separate shows. I can't stand Tim anymore and that kind of ruins all of it.

  • Love 2

I'll give an incredibly biased and poor-memory based account of what I remember:


Layana Aguilar, season 11 -->  She's a young, good-looking Latina woman with an annoying voice who kind of thinks she's the bee's knees.  She was on the same season as Michelle, Patricia, Kate I believe.  I don't really remember any groundbreaking designs.  


Asha Daniels, Under the Gunn, a.k.a. season 12.5 -->  I remember her shunning and being rude towards Natalia and hating her for it.  From what I remember, a rumour started to gather support that Natalia sucked.  I remember Asha not even wanting to stand next to her for fear of catching her cooties.  Not sure how accurate that memory is.


Sam Donovan, Under the Gunn, a.k.a. season 12.5 -->  I have zero recollection but I assume he was blonde.


Daniel Franco, seasons 1 and 2 -->  A sweet , smiling, polite well-meaning man that the other designers sort of teased.  Is that right?


Ken Laurence, season 12 -->  Tiny, Volatile man who threw divo fits.  Was he the person who drove Santino insane and to leave, or was that a female contestant?  I remember Alexander had to move in with Ken and Ken would not let him in the apartment.  Why do I picture Ken wearing a headscarf and pimple medication during this tantrum?


Valerie Mayen, season 8 -->  A nice inoffensive woman.


Emily Payne, season 13 -->  I think she had blue hair and interesting ideas.  Quiet and mild-mannered.  


Mitchell Perry, season 13  -->  I'm having really little recollection here.


Alexander Pope, season 12 -->  Kind of sassy.  I remember kind of liking his personality, but his designs left much to be desired.  Not horrible, not great.


Dom Streater (winner), season 12  -->  The Master of Prints.  Cute , young, good-looking woman who unfortunately fell in with Helen's insanity and crowd.


Kini Zamora, season 13 -->  An adorable Hawaiian man.  Cuddly and smiley.  A wizard at fast designing and sewing.  He uses denim way too often.  With higher quality fabrics, his designs could look so much more expensive, because from what I remember he does complicated designs.  I adore him.


Stella Zotis, season 5 -->  The leather queen.  She had a heavy accent and could get on people's nerves walking around and declaring she just wanted to use leather.


Fade Zu Grau, season 13 --->  German, so Heidi had an affinity towards him.  He had a unique personality.  His designs were very different from the pack.  I don't know, I remember one resembling a highway.  Hahaha.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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The ones I remember are the trainwrecks, mostly.


Layana was one of the "mean girls" Kate was all upset about on her first season (not that she didn't leap at the opportunity to become one on her second). Got other people to do a bunch of her work for her, whined a lot. Michelle's BFF, if that tells you anything.


Sam and Asha - Mondo's team on UTG. Both convinced they were more talented than they displayed, both under the impression the show was meant to be a coronation for one of them. Asha forced another contestant into paying for and designing with the ghastly fabrics she chose in a team challenge (three words: pink eyelet dashiki) and then pretended she had nothing to do with it, Mondo screamed her partner down when she tried to tell Tim about it, Tim didn't care anyway. Neil Patrick Harris read her down to dirt for her finale collection. Sam (who appears to no longer be blonde) for some reason is fixated on designing simplistic RTW sportswear and likes to randomly tell people he's not interested in couture. Has appointed himself a social media celebrity.


Alexander is an interesting designer who looks a little like Tin Tin, only taller and with with red hair. Ken was a small, insanely combative person who Helen (that season's whiny bully) liked to poke at because he reliably blew up and gave her something to run to Tim about. The two of them were assigned to move into the same room, where the producers were clearly expecting/hoping for a confrontation since there was a camera filming inside the room when Ken (who was wearing a clay face mask) refused to pause ironing his cutoff denim hot pants to let Alexander in. Alexander pushed his way in, Ken attacked him physically, and everyone pretended to be shocked except Ken's mother, who apparently predicted that he was going to abreact at some point.


Emily, bless her, was a lovely woman who somehow got stuck playing Switzerland with all the loons on her season, of whom there were many. Has a nice line of children's clothes.


Dom was the winner in her season, and has a real flair for patterned fabrics. She was mostly Switzerland too, in her season, although she got pulled in to Helen's crazy at the end in an unflattering way. Actually had her line produced by Belks, but judging from how fast it went on clearance it may not have done all that well.


Kini is good enough at sewing that the judges sometimes dismissed his stuff because it was easy for him. Likes to use his native Hawai'i as an influence.


Fade has a cool, urban style the judges didn't seem to entirely grasp. His decoy collection had a lot of tshirts with edgy stuff written on them, which he now sells, clever man.

  • Love 6


I think we all know Dom will likely be the winner, if the trend of the past couple seasons continues.


Nah, based on the other trend that's been happening on every AS season, Dom lacks that necessary something to be the winner.  And by "something", I mean "penis". 


Seriously, EVERY winner, including that one-episode special to kick off the Lifetime era, has been a male who was a favorite of the fans in their season.

I don't follow Sam on his public social media accounts b/c I'm not much of a social media person, so I have no idea how he comes across on those fora. I'm obviously quite biased in his favor but fear not ... I won't waste too much valuable internet space defending him or attempting to reassure people that he is indeed a lovely person IRL. :)

Ken Laurence, season 12 -->  Tiny, Volatile man who threw divo fits.  Was he the person who drove Santino insane and to leave, or was that a female contestant?  I remember Alexander had to move in with Ken and Ken would not let him in the apartment.  Why do I picture Ken wearing a headscarf and pimple medication during this tantrum?



If I recall correctly, that storied incident included not only a facial mask and a do-rag, but an ironing board and a pair of denim cut-offs (being pressed).  Only thing missing was The Young and the Restless on! *


* and the double wide trailer

Edited by Special K
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Well, I'm relieved about one thing, which is that presumably all the designers will not be contractually obligated to gasp in awe and adoration at Alyssa Milano's pregnant outline on the silhouette screen.  That got very old very quickly (and I have nothing against Milano or pregnancy!).


Honestly.  You'd think she had magically become 7 months pregnant since the last time they saw her!  Every week!!


I'm happy and somewhat surprised that Daniel Franco is back. He earned some of the teasing he got on season 2 with his spacey pronouncements, his somewhat oversized ego, and all the "follow your bliss" stuff. But the collections he designed independent of Project Runway, years ago, were gorgeous. I always thought he was more talented than he was given credit for. And he was very sweet, really. I hope he does well.

Also super happy that Kini is back. But I can't for the life of me remember who Mitchell is, even after reading about him.

I know that this will sound bitchy--honestly not my intent.


It seems to me that PR is running out of top notch candidates for the All Stars show; it's like the seriously top contestants either have better things to do or simply don't want to subject themselves to this madness again. Dimitry aside (okay, maybe one or two others), these people impress me as also rans for a reason. They may well be perfectly nice people but the ridiculous constraints of the challenges coupled with sleep deprivation and separation from home/hearth/loved ones may stir the drama but it does nothing for good design or well honed construction.


My take on DImitry? A smart man and  very good designer with class to spare who likely thought that he could likely win again and pocket the PR, $ and prizes so why not have another go. And he was right. So he now has two prize packages in his back pocket to launch himself with as well as the high profile of a  guest editor at a leading fashion mag--along with all those contacts. Smart guy.

Edited by Beden

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