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20 years ago. THOH5 was the last time.

OMG, Really? Man, I am old. Thanks for making me feel old. You're the worst.

I guess they all ran together in my head.


It's so weird that the majority of the episodes didn't have the Marge Intro, but I associate THOH + Marge intro as a thing. I'm living in a very specific past I guess!

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It's not the traditional Standing In Front Of The Curtain bit, but Treehouse XVIII sort of has a Marge intro... "Remember Halloween?  It was last week, but here at the Simpson house, we're still celebrating!"  Then her attempt to introduce the episode keeps being interrupted by on-screen promos for other Fox shows.  Which she then violently destroys... I particularly enjoy Marge microwaving House.

Edited by JyDanzig
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Two, four, six, eight,

Homer's crime was really great!

"Great" meaning "large" or "immense"!

We use it in the pejorative sense!


Honer: They were the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever sucked...gotta go, my damn weiner kids are listening.


And when I say something incorrectly, I do try and say "Me fail English? That's unpossible!"

I use that too.


Marge: Fox became a hard core porn channel so gradually.

Edited by SmithW6079
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That Feast parody was great. Of course SLH would eat so much food from the Simpsons that he’d die of fatness.


Hey, I still think Crowdfunding: The New Panhandling is still ripe for satire. Of course Homer would use it to buy something stupid. I’d wonder what Homer would do with a Patreon, but a friend of mine pointed out it would be a modern version of the Happy Dude scam and he has a point.


Of course Lisa would be into their version of One Direction. And of course Doe Eyed Boys didn’t actually play their instruments. I loved the Yvan Eht Nioj callback in the background, too.


Harper was at least kind of interesting, but she wasn't really developed enough. She wanted friends, she used her money to get her way, but it seemed like she never put two and two together.

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Especially since we've seen Rich Kid schools on multiple occasions!


ETA: Yes, Hank Scorpio would've been AMAZING. Albert Brooks probably wouldn't have gone for it (he turned down reprising him for the movie), but man that would've made a whole lot of sense. Harper's dad was just terribly bland.

Edited by Galileo908
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I've been thinking about Harper's dad. He should've been developed more, but it seemed like he was just so out of it due to not having any idea what to due with all of his money. With Hank Scorpio or Arthur Fortune, you clearly know what they're doing with their money (taking over the world and doing crazy stunts/giving back, respectively). But with Harper's Dad he just has way too much money than he knows what to do it and just became a nervous mess over it. Come on, if you start making $80 million a day and don't know how to handle it, it could get overwhelming. Have to raise a spoiled daughter by himself and only copes by bashing his head against walls and buying hockey teams.

When Aunt Patty gives Otto his written part of the drivers test. She tells him she'll use a green pen for the right answers and the red for wrong answers.


Patty: Any questions?

Otto: Just one. Did you used to be a guy? I'm not judging or anything, I just want to know.

Patty drops the green pen: Well, I won't need this one.

Edited by BatmanBeatles
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Star Trek Simpsons is back! Albeit in couch gag form.


So...Marge inflates her hair? Odd.

Loved that brief Inside Out parody. Each emotion was so fitting: Moleman - Sadness, Flanders - Joy, Willie - Anger, Milhouse - Fear, Comic Book Guy - Disgust


I liked how the Broadway star that gets Lisa wasn't played by a guest voice. Tress MacNeille played her pretty well. I also enjoyed that little scene where Marge and Bart are setting up skype. But what I didn't like about this episode was how Marge was written as a colossal bitch. Laney wanted to take Lisa on tour and Marge instantly doesn't trust her and just goes to New York just to get Lisa back for whatever reason. And then change her mind when seeing Lisa in action. So really, she learned nothing by not trusting Laney or Lisa and never explained this to anyone.


"Pack your bags, we're heading to New York."

"We should get a place there, we go there so often."


I enjoyed what little we saw of Manhattan this time, particularly the Spider-Pig musical and the giant lights for "CONSERVE ENERGY."


That bit with the Amish was pointless until we got to the Inessential Tag. Of course Amish Flanders considers Ned ultra-liberal but fortunately he was just as helpful.

Edited by Galileo908

I loved the opening song and was hoping this would be a musical episode. But, it wasn't for the most part. Still, I enjoyed it overall.


Well the Laney character resembled Elaine Stritch, I wonder if they had her in mind but she passed away before filming.

I thought this too and was wondering since that role screamed for a guest actor. Still, TM did a good job and I liked her relationship with Moe.

I enjoyed the Alternative Energy Derby. And I liked how all the cars were tossed in the dumpster in the end.


So due to a dumb misunderstanding, Homer & Marge think Bart's a sociopath and Bart takes advantage of it. I kind of liked it, even if I knew that the "asylum" was a front for the military. I like any episode that shows that Bart is not a bad person, just a kid that makes bad decisions.

Lisa's mystery subplot was pretty good. This wasn't the first time a loom was used on this show, but of a loom being the first computer (especially being used for porn) is definitely something this show would come up with.

Edited by Galileo908

It was pretty good compared to recent episodes.


I did like Martin's rather scientifically pointed yet no real basis in reality jibe at Lisa: "You skimped on the cadmium in your batteries -- just like a girl."


Amelia Vanderbuckle: "P.S. Nicola Tesla may have told you that he broke up with me, but I broke up with him."
Geeks in love -- even a 100 years ago.


Chief Wiggum: "Ralphie, what is going on here ?"
Ralph: "Bart made us read pages from his scary diary -- I was so escared that sour juice came out my front tail."


Lisa: "Hey Milhouse"
Milhouse: "This is a surprise. I'm usually sweating when we talk but not this time."
Lisa: "It's amazing how you can charm and disgust me at the same time."
Milhouse: "That's just what happens when I'm with the prettiest girl in town."
Lisa: "Awwwwwe"
Milhouse: "Ha, ha, ha" as he snorts a booger
Lisa: "Ewwwww"


Of course the old home of the Suffragette society is a breastaurant called Knockers -- oh, the irony.

Signs at the Alternative Energy Derby:

  • Putt-Putt Power -- Mini-Golf Windmill Farms
  • National Petroleum -- Greening the Arctic
  • Try Krusty Burger's New Sunchoke Burger -- we don't know what sunchokes are either
  • Mushroom Water -- Cap Your Thirst


Rod and Todd's Powered by Prayer mobile -- of course it didn't go anywhere, accompanied by Helen Lovejoy's "that never works".


Duffman: "Duff Beer -- the only way to get fathers through a kid's event"

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I was excited about Lisa's mystery quest and wish it had gotten more screen time. It kind of reminded me of the episode Homer was trying to be an inventor and they found that new invention at Thomas Edison's house.  Bart's story was interesting too. I almost wish these had been split up and given the A-plot in separate episodes because I felt both got the short shrift. 

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That Rotoscoped couch gag was freaky. And should've been longer.


Weird that while Bart was young, Chief Wiggum and Lou were the same age as they are in the present.


I liked that for once, Bart was portrayed as a little boy! I actually felt...emotions for him! And they showed the kids age. Again. But more realistic this time.


Bart: "Do you know what it's like to be second best at everything?!"

Lisa: "Yes, I'm going to Yale!"


God, I love whenever this show bashes the ivy leagues.


This was a REALLY good episode. And I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this was the best flash forward episode since Lisa's Wedding. Everything just felt so right.

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I never saw what it was based off of (liked the nod at the end to that) but man, this was a Feels episode.  Really good episode; loved the age and progression in general. 


And yes, Wiggum and Lou wouldn't have aged all that much since it was only 2-3 years before present day (if that); once I realized that I had no problem with it. (I didn't realize the time skips until Bart's 12th birthday cake). 


In any case, I loved this; very good job all around with the little details. 

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And yes, Wiggum and Lou wouldn't have aged all that much since it was only 2-3 years before present day (if that); once I realized that I had no problem with it. (I didn't realize the time skips until Bart's 12th birthday cake). 

The thing I had a problem with was that everyone else was drawn younger. Abe, Homer, Frink. But not Wiggum and Lou.

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