Primetimer December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 This unfortunate wedding couture is but one of the extremely important images in the 'Wedding Bell Blues' Visual Aids! Read the story Link to comment
Primetimer December 11, 2015 Author Share December 11, 2015 Everyone's still mad at everyone else about the unsanctioned trip to Mexico, but will that ruin Jackie's wedding?! Read the story Link to comment
Lisin December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 *whispers* I remember really liking Kelly's Maid of Honour dress at the time. I still kind of like the cut? I don't even know anymore. This show is ruining my ability to determine taste or something. Link to comment
Tooch December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 I still love those bridesmaid dresses. They were adorable and age appropriate and I could totally see like, Arianna Grande or someone the kids love wearing them to a Teen Choice awards or something even today. I'll see myself out. 4 Link to comment
Tooch December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 Oh god, you guys are right. Season 2 was the end of Cool Kelly. She is literally fucking insufferable from here on out. First there's the Summer of Deception, which was such horrific form I can't even begin (still outraged at 36, imagine my impotent rage watching it at age 12 when 90210 was my everything). Then there's the tortured moping that goes on for like 8 - 12 episodes before her and Dylan FINALLY get together. And then once they do there's the goddamn eating disorder. And then they get to college and it's St. Kelly of Gigantic Hypocrisy for the next SEVEN years. Bye, Cool Kelly. RIP. (I was so outraged by the Summer of Deception that years later when Dawson's Creek put Joey and Pacey together I was completely and totally against it just on principle even though Pacey was obviously ten times more interesting a boyfriend choice for Joey.) 7 Link to comment
Carmen MacCodykins December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 the link above for the visual aids just brings me back to this page :( Link to comment
txhorns79 December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 I forgot how old Andrea ends up looking when they let her take off her glasses. Obviously, her outfit doesn't do her any favors either. I absolutely love the gif that comes with Tara asking if maybe Dylan should have been coupled with Cindy. I feel like that is a storyline the show may have gone for in its later, soapier seasons (i.e. with cults, fires, Single White Femaling, etc.). Link to comment
Pdxblonde December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 At least those dresses were age appropriate. I can't believe the dresses the girls are wearing to prom, homecoming these days. Now, get off my lawn! 2 Link to comment
Hollysdower December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 I have not been keeping track, but it seems like Kelly got the most overall episode MVPs, and Brandon got the most LVPs. It really seems like Brandon became truly insufferable this season. He was always a jackass who'd bray at anyone over...anything, really...but this season, even when it wasn't about him, he was just so douchey, insinuating himself into things that had nothing to do with him, taking credit for things he didn't do, and just having a smarmy, ever-present "I am SO involved" -ness look on his face. I dunno, is it just me, or did Brandon get worse in season 2? 2 Link to comment
queenbee9b December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 Totally agree about Kelly -- plus I have gotten too far ahead!! I couldn't stop watch the last few weekends and now I'm up to the college episodes :( Even though Kelly starts to suck, I did decide that all together there was something I just loved about season 3. I can't tell you what it is (maybe the incredibly soapy-ness of it all. But I powered through those episodes. Link to comment
FozzyBear December 11, 2015 Share December 11, 2015 Andrea Zukerman! You do not wear white to a wedding! I cannot believe I have to tell you this. 6 Link to comment
Tara Ariano December 12, 2015 Share December 12, 2015 the link above for the visual aids just brings me back to this page :( Fixed. Link to comment
kite-wombat December 12, 2015 Share December 12, 2015 I'm kind of simultaneously horrified by the bridesmaid dresses and also think they're totally cute. Yeah, confusing. And I'm glad that Dave noted that, indeed, the next wedding is Andrea's. "Much like The Wire...." Foreshadowing! I guess you could read Dylan's pissy treatment of Jake (Jake: "Kelly! It's not going to be so easy to drop out of your life! At least... not until you come hang at Melrose Place. For ONE episode. But I'm heartbroken, really! I gotta stop painting houses with cute girls in them and become a bartender! Because I won't meet dangerous women in a bar!") as foreshadowing his attraction to Kelly?? The first time around I didn't really get to hate Kelly until Val arrived on the scene and she was just so superior about it all. Probably because that was also when Kelly really got paired with Brandon. KISS OF DEATH. 3 Link to comment
MissEwa December 12, 2015 Share December 12, 2015 The end of Cool Kelly and Happy Dylan is really all about setting them up as a couple, isn't it? Two lost souls finding each other is so much more sympathetic than two kids fooling around because they're bored. I know thirteen-year-old me was sucked in. 2 Link to comment
adam807 December 12, 2015 Share December 12, 2015 Andrea looks like the GHOST of an old lady in that GIF. 2 Link to comment
SoupThrower December 12, 2015 Share December 12, 2015 I have not been keeping track, but it seems like Kelly got the most overall episode MVPs, and Brandon got the most LVPs. It really seems like Brandon became truly insufferable this season. He was always a jackass who'd bray at anyone over...anything, really...but this season, even when it wasn't about him, he was just so douchey, insinuating himself into things that had nothing to do with him, taking credit for things he didn't do, and just having a smarmy, ever-present "I am SO involved" -ness look on his face. I dunno, is it just me, or did Brandon get worse in season 2? He got worse then somehow isn't bad from then on maybe cause Dylan, Andrea, Kelly and Donna became worse. I'm kind of simultaneously horrified by the bridesmaid dresses and also think they're totally cute. Yeah, confusing. And I'm glad that Dave noted that, indeed, the next wedding is Andrea's. "Much like The Wire...." Foreshadowing! I guess you could read Dylan's pissy treatment of Jake (Jake: "Kelly! It's not going to be so easy to drop out of your life! At least... not until you come hang at Melrose Place. For ONE episode. But I'm heartbroken, really! I gotta stop painting houses with cute girls in them and become a bartender! Because I won't meet dangerous women in a bar!") as foreshadowing his attraction to Kelly?? The first time around I didn't really get to hate Kelly until Val arrived on the scene and she was just so superior about it all. Probably because that was also when Kelly really got paired with Brandon. KISS OF DEATH. I think Kelly becomes unbearable not because of Brandon but because of Val or the lack of Brenda. There was a scene where Steve and Brandon are trying to do the champagne pyramid thingy. Not going to lie but would have loved to try that. Also what does "Not up there with David and Donna" mean exactly. 1 Link to comment
Lisin December 12, 2015 Share December 12, 2015 WRT the request for a tally of Best/Worst of episode/seasons... if no one else has it I'm going to make one but I wanted to let y'all know so people aren't duplicating efforts! Link to comment
lottiedottie December 12, 2015 Share December 12, 2015 There goes Nat, giving away pies again. He will never learn. 3 Link to comment
MyAimIsTrue December 13, 2015 Share December 13, 2015 I absolutely love the gif that comes with Tara asking if maybe Dylan should have been coupled with Cindy. I did too, and the idea reminded me of an old "Happy Days" outtake where Henry Winkler and Marion Ross started making out hot and heavy just for kicks after a scene ended. 1 Link to comment
SimplyLo December 13, 2015 Share December 13, 2015 (edited) I made the mistake of listening while getting ready for work and nearly jabbed myself in the eye after hearing, "Butt stuff." This podcast makes my week. Also, shut up, Dylan. And Andrea - "I can understand not being a bridesmaid..." Well good, because you've never talked to Jackie and typically a person doesn't have total strangers in the bridal party. Edited December 13, 2015 by SimplyLo 2 Link to comment
jenh526 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 I always thought Kelly kissed weirdly. Glad someone else noticed. 1 Link to comment
Maherjunkie December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 I think this was the only time I saw Brenda as bitchy with line to Kelly. Maybe I have built up and immunity to the antics of Shannon Doherty. I think this was the only time I saw Brenda as bitchy with line to Kelly. Maybe I have built up and immunity to the antics of Shannon Doherty. Link to comment
Bob Lassiter December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 Dave, do you keep a catalogue of old commercials? Link to comment
JocelynCavanaugh December 15, 2015 Share December 15, 2015 ....Ihadpieatmyweddingandnocake.... <runs away> 1 Link to comment
Pogojoco December 17, 2015 Share December 17, 2015 Pie is awesome. Shut up, Dave. Dylan whipping the booze at the Walsh house's wall is so random and hilarious. Link to comment
Shangrilala December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 I love those bridesmaids dresses. They are just California 90s fashion perfection. Sidenote: my one fashion moment of glory came when I had the same coat dress as Kelly in the Christmas dance episode where Steve leaves to find his mother, except mine was black with a rhinestone buckle. Why was it so glorious? I wore it to a sweet 16 party a month before Kelly wore it to the Christmas dance. I felt so cool. 3 Link to comment
heshy December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 My moment of fashion glory came when I had this same sweater as Betty White. No, I did not question why me, a 10 yo Asian girl, had the same fashion sense as a 60 yo Miami retiree. Don't care, my clothes were famous. 4 Link to comment
STOPSHOUTING January 25, 2016 Share January 25, 2016 (edited) I still love those bridesmaid dresses. They were adorable and age appropriate and I could totally see like, Arianna Grande or someone the kids love wearing them to a Teen Choice awards or something even today. I'll see myself out. I'll join you. They're cute. I mean, yeah, it's a LOT of look when you put them side-by-side, but they fit well, unlike 90% of 90210’s oh-so-'90s wardrobe, and do look like something a 17-year-old bridesmaid would/should wear. Though it does, inevitably, give me the Steel Magnolias flashback: "The sanctuary looks like it was hosed down with Pepto-Bismal" ... Cause, you know, pink is their signature color. Edited January 25, 2016 by STOPSHOUTING Link to comment
STOPSHOUTING January 25, 2016 Share January 25, 2016 First off, love your observation about not only the classic TV trope of, 'But what did they talk about during the drive?' but the fact that Dylan had to come over to the Walsh's in order to be yelled at. Classic. Yeah, picking your idiot daughter up in Mexico where she's gone for the weekend with her Stick Insect would be pretty brutal but Jim's reaction is so OTT. I mean, they were totally going to let her go before she missed curfew. Which, by the way, is in and of itself crazy pants, but certainly means they have no room to talk. They already know they're boning. I mean, the show doesn't let us see it anymore, but, the history, and logic, is there. She goes over to his (parentless) house every night, apparently, there is plenty of opportunity for them to get busy, and her parents must have caught on to that fact. I mean, heck, they let Brandon do his girlfriend in his childhood bedroom on what I presume are Snoopy sheets, so it's not like they're real sticklers for that sort of thing. Also, what kind of morons would they be to not have seen through that Wile E Coyote-level charade of spending the night with Kelly, starting at 4 AM? Really, this is on them for being terrible parents. Finally, what Dad doesn't know that saying "I forbid you to see him!" practically guarantees your daughter will be knocked up by said "bad boy" in the next 15 minutes? Also, isn't Dylan the one who told her to lie? I admit I haven't rematched any of these, but I was very confuzzled about your assertion that she'd lied to him, too. Dylan was all, 'They can't stop you.' I mean, I totally agree it's 100 percent on Brenda for the lie -- she's their kid, not Dylan -- but I also find it hard to believe Dylan wasn't in on getting her to go. Though, as you said, all of my above pondering is about 200% more thought than the writers of this episode put into the entire scenario. 2 Link to comment
Tara Ariano January 25, 2016 Share January 25, 2016 Also, isn't Dylan the one who told her to lie? I admit I haven't rematched any of these, but I was very confuzzled about your assertion that she'd lied to him, too. Dylan was all, 'They can't stop you.' I mean, I totally agree it's 100 percent on Brenda for the lie -- she's their kid, not Dylan -- but I also find it hard to believe Dylan wasn't in on getting her to go. No, Dylan wanted Brenda to inform her parents that she was going, not ask their permission, because he's an idiot and he thinks that's how it works for a minor child. 1 Link to comment
udodoodle2 March 5, 2016 Share March 5, 2016 I'm just catching up on EHG BH90210 podcasts. Tara's comparison of Jake's kissing as a baby who's learning to give kisses and just mushes his mouth onto the face is spot on. I may or may not have peed a little when I saw the screen shot. I definitely could not breathe from laughing so hard. Link to comment
Ions Earring August 19, 2016 Share August 19, 2016 Drunkinly watching this episode got me wondering- Is this episode the episode the introduces the trust fund/trustee relash with Jim/Dylan? Link to comment
TriggyLA August 11, 2017 Share August 11, 2017 I honestly cried at the end of this episode... heartbroken about B&D. I'm older and wiser and dang I was so ridiculous :-] Link to comment
thesupremediva1 November 10, 2018 Share November 10, 2018 (edited) On 12/11/2015 at 5:13 PM, kite-wombat said: I'm kind of simultaneously horrified by the bridesmaid dresses and also think they're totally cute. Yeah, confusing. And I'm glad that Dave noted that, indeed, the next wedding is Andrea's. "Much like The Wire...." Foreshadowing! I guess you could read Dylan's pissy treatment of Jake (Jake: "Kelly! It's not going to be so easy to drop out of your life! At least... not until you come hang at Melrose Place. For ONE episode. But I'm heartbroken, really! I gotta stop painting houses with cute girls in them and become a bartender! Because I won't meet dangerous women in a bar!") as foreshadowing his attraction to Kelly?? The first time around I didn't really get to hate Kelly until Val arrived on the scene and she was just so superior about it all. Probably because that was also when Kelly really got paired with Brandon. KISS OF DEATH. Yes! Yes to all of this. First of all, Kelly during the Val years? Unstandable Kelly. Ugh. Nothing was worse than her and Brandon as a couple. She took on all his sanctimoniousness and acted like an untouchable angel. I loved her wth Dylan because he'd known her too long to allow that crap. He saw her, in a real way. He knew her at her worst. It's hard to be around someone who sees you that clearly, but it explained their deep connection. Brandon saw her as a Stepford Wife and actually made her into one, for a time. And I remember seeing the Jake and Dylan scene during the original run and, even as a kid, noting that his aggression toward Jake probably meant he'd had a thing for Kelly in the past and felt protective of her. Even though it was Luke Perry who set the whole love triangle in motion, the show did an excellent job, from the very beginning, of setting up Kelly and Dylan's long history. Kelly and Dylan were basically inevitable, and the scene with Jake was just one more pit stop in a trail of breadcrumbs before they start dropping anvils on us. Edited November 10, 2018 by thesupremediva1 2 Link to comment
CeeBeeGee August 11, 2020 Share August 11, 2020 On 12/11/2015 at 6:17 PM, FozzyBear said: Andrea Zukerman! You do not wear white to a wedding! I cannot believe I have to tell you this. Gurl, that is a no-no. It is read as though you're trying to upstage the bride. (Unless it's a themed all-white wedding, that's different.) On 12/12/2015 at 3:40 PM, lottiedottie said: There goes Nat, giving away pies again. He will never learn. Not just one but a bunch! Dude, slow your roll. The CBS streaming platform didn't include a fair few episodes from the second season, including the two immediately preceding this one. So I can't remember what happened in the Brenda lies to go to Baja episode, or the Colr Me Badd one. I searched everywhere and can't find where those episodes are streaming. Luckily I still have a Netflix non-streaming membership as well so I queued up the DVDs for season 2 that feature those episodes. Link to comment
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