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The Little Couple Season 8 Begins Tuesday January 5, 2016!

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Has anyone noticed the change in furniture and decor in the living space? I noticed maybe last season or the one before, all of the pillows were changed from what the interior designer originally put in and replaced with Jens favorite blues and the coffee table had been changed to a round one. Now I see in the clips they have gotten a different couch. I wonder what is done with the previous furniture? Have anyone of you done this? I am a new homeowner but I surely don't have an urge to change my furniture once or twice a year. Also, Jen had stated that she always wanted a 4 poster bed and she didn't get it with the designer but when she and Bill were preparing to get Will I noticed a new bed in their master.


I haven't but my aunt and uncle I swear were getting a new couch/living room set every year for a few years. And they don't make a ton of money. 

So it's probably not as uncommon as you think.  My cousin got some really nice hand me downs as the result.  

People's styles change.  They have the money so who cares?


I also know someone that trashed a super expensive temperpedic mattress after only having it a year because they didn't like it.  Pretty sure they didn't gift that to anyone! I hope they did though... I'm sure they spent at least $10k on it.

Edited by gunderda
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Has anyone noticed the change in furniture and decor in the living space? I noticed maybe last season or the one before, all of the pillows were changed from what the interior designer originally put in and replaced with Jens favorite blues and the coffee table had been changed to a round one. Now I see in the clips they have gotten a different couch. I wonder what is done with the previous furniture? Have anyone of you done this? I am a new homeowner but I surely don't have an urge to change my furniture once or twice a year. Also, Jen had stated that she always wanted a 4 poster bed and she didn't get it with the designer but when she and Bill were preparing to get Will I noticed a new bed in their master.


Yes, I'm a bit of an interior design nut, so I'm constantly looking at furnishings, design, art etc inside a home. And I agree - it seems as though a great deal of the original "designer design" has been changed.  For whatever reason. I first noticed living room changes when they brought Will home. Maybe they really didn't like what Michael Who-sis did overall. He certainly came off to me as one of those designers who thinks his ideas should trump whatever the homeowners want - I mean, what do THEY know? LOL. Maybe they wanted more practical stuff [easier-to-clean etc] now that they have normal, messy little kids. Maybe online shopping was enough of a diversion to really help Jen during her period of being locked down at home for chemo. I could certainly understand that.  

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Has anyone noticed the change in furniture and decor in the living space? I noticed maybe last season or the one before, all of the pillows were changed from what the interior designer originally put in and replaced with Jens favorite blues and the coffee table had been changed to a round one. Now I see in the clips they have gotten a different couch. I wonder what is done with the previous furniture? Have anyone of you done this? I am a new homeowner but I surely don't have an urge to change my furniture once or twice a year. Also, Jen had stated that she always wanted a 4 poster bed and she didn't get it with the designer but when she and Bill were preparing to get Will I noticed a new bed in their master.

When my best friend had her second baby we had a ritual where I took a picture of her holding the baby (then toddler) on her lap on the couch every year. I looked back and there were actually three different couches. The first one was probably their old, worn-out one; I don't know why there were two more but it wasn't my business - I just thought it was funny. They also were not super-rich but they gave their daughters a good life. I never thought to criticize their choices. (Both girls granddaughters of an engineeer and daughters of a math-phobic mother, grew up to be engineers. One never knows what the influence of a parent will produce.) 

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Could Bill and Jen have used slipcovers on their couch to protect it?  I know my sister put them over her chairs, etc. when her girls were small.  The original coffee table was square or rectangular and I am sure Jen changed it to a round one because of the sharp edges, and the possibility of running into it.

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Zoey's farm birthday had over 75 guests, live animals, and required a 14 page instruction list to prepare for it. We see in the previews that this year's party is at a 5 star hotel. Zoey's picture is displayed, as big as life, outside on the marquis of the hotel. I don't think that either Will's zoo party or science party are in the same league with these two major events.

I am pretty sure that Bill plans Will's parties and Jen does Zoey's, so I can see Bill only doing what he figures Will will like, rather than over the top. Then again, I may be totally wrong. When it comes to this show I watch the full episode (and sometimes repeats), I praise, and I snark, and the whole time, I still love the show. Unlike other shows, I have never had to turn it off because I was feeling nauseous.

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 Bill and Jen read to them and spend time with them, but it would be a boring show if we just saw the everyday routine. .  They may well be overindulged, but I don't think we have enough info to make that judgement. 

I think the show is edited enough to show us some form of parenting that we may not agree with, or we snark about (which I am grateful for and enjoy). At the end of tonight's show, I realized that I really do enjoy this show and it would affect me if this couple went the way of the Duggars, or Jon and Kate, etc. I feel like I know them, so that would shock and devastate me if Bill turned out to be someone he's not. I really hope this show is an honest reflection of their lives.

I just want to see the kids get a haircut to see how they behave. I also get a kick out of some kids' reactions - they're terrified of something, but not sure what. I wish I knew what's going on in their heads to respond with such fear.

They showed Will's first American haircut a few seasons ago (when they got Will in China, his hair was almost "buzzed" short; they started letting it grow & eventually it needed cutting--1 ep showed the family out doing errands, including Jen going for a hair appointment during which her [male] stylist also cut Will's hair). Will didn't seem to like it much; as I remember he at least squirmed a lot. But I don't think he cried over it.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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I just want to see the kids get a haircut to see how they behave. I also get a kick out of some kids' reactions - they're terrified of something, but not sure what. I wish I knew what's going on in their heads to respond with such fear.

I'm not getting what you mean about they're terrified of something, not being snarky just don't understand. 

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Jen and Bill never do, it is as if they want to seem as if they can handle any situation like anyone else.


The presence of camera staff, directors, and body guards probably makes a stroll down the street quite different than you and me.


Zoey may have requested a haircut like her mom's.  I know I asked for short hair as a little kid. I hated it long, it took too long to dry and had to be braided every day.

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Zoey may have requested a haircut like her mom's.  I know I asked for short hair as a little kid. I hated it long, it took too long to dry and had to be braided every day.


Zoey's hair at the 4th birthday extravaganza was reasonably short but was not the pixie at that point.  It will be interesting to see how that came about in a future episode.  I am more apt to think someone played with scissors!  Or Jen simply wanted a mini me since Mrs. Beasley was busy on reruns of Family Affair with Buffy! 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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 But why has Zoey's hair been cut several times since the first cut?   The Christmas photos show that it was cut so short - shorter than Will's - that it looked horrible IMO - making her head look bigger and just out of proportion to her petite stature -  not a cute or pretty look for a little girl.  I think Jen should stop going to that guy who does her hair and take Zoey to a children's hairstylist. 

 But why has Zoey's hair been cut several times since the first cut?   The Christmas photos show that it was cut so short - shorter than Will's - that it looked horrible IMO - making her head look bigger and just out of proportion to her petite stature -  not a cute or pretty look for a little girl.  I think Jen should stop going to that guy who does her hair and take Zoey to a children's hairstylist. 

Perhaps Zoey had a surgery we are not aware of, perhaps she cut her own hair and this was the fix, perhaps she got lice and this was their way of dealing with it, perhaps they just wanted her hair shorter, lol

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Maybe, Emma. And Jen is the parent and makes the decisions. My own mother often told me that I could have the hairstyle I wanted when I was old enough to pay for it and until then it was ringlets and braids for me. Because that was what my mom liked and wanted and I was not the decision maker on my hair until I was 12.


And then I cut it short enough to be mistaken for a boy but since it came out of my paper route money, mom couldn't say boo.


The Kleins are Zoey's parents. It's not child abuse or morally wrong or damaging to give your child a "look like Mommy" cut. Personally, I don't care for it, but frankly, I don't care for Jen's hair either. Zoey will soon start sharing her own opinion of her hair... and I kinda get the impression she might be a little more forceful than I was in getting her way ;)

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I'm not getting what you mean about they're terrified of something, not being snarky just don't understand. 

I meant children in general (not Will and Zoey, necessarily). I have watched many shows with children, and getting a haircut can traumatize some of them as much as a dentist would. I would love to know what the fearful children are "afraid of?" What are they seeing?

Edited by Chalby
On 12/26/2015 at 9:18 PM, EmmeRose said:

It may be their decision but people do not have to like it.  I prefer it longer because I liked to see Zoey wearing the pretty headbands and bows.  And I think the child looked better with a little longer length! Just my personal opinion.

Hello All! New to these boards. Jumping in on an old conversation here but this bugs me. I agree with EmmeRose about Zoe' s hair. She and Will - and Jen too - all have the same basic haircut now! While it didn't occur to me that her hair was looking Dora-ish (lol), it sorta did, but at least she looked so cute with headbands and bows. Kind of thought longer hair was a cultural thing for Indian females? A pixie haircut really only works if you are Halle Bery. That's a serious hair decision.

At least Will doesn't have the bowl cut anymore.

My mom cut my hair super short like Zoe back when in was little because it was easier, but I hated it then and still do now. Made me feel like a boy. 

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Seasons, I agree!  I think that Jen's hairstylist, Grayson, does not cut children's hair well - especially little girls.  Jen should take Zoey to a children's hairstylist.  I think, my personal opinion only, that Jen is obsessed with her kids' hair - especially Zoey's.  The cut is not even in style anymore.  I wish she would let her hair grow longer and make her look more girlie.  I really loved the hair bows and headbands and the little side ponytail.  Because of this constant hair cutting, I am really starting to dislike Jen and her compulsive ways. All four - Bill, Jen, Will, and Zoey have the same haircut.  It looks like they belong to some kind of a cult.  I find it very weird.

8 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Zoe has a mind too.  Maybe she wants it short like Mom.  And... it is blazing hot in Texas.  I grew up there. Hair grows.  

It is cute on her. 

Agree 100%. I'm guessing Zoey likes her hair shorter. It was quite short at the time she was adopted and I'm sure kept short by the orphanage staff - easier to care for overall. Maybe the shorter length just feels familiar to Zoey.

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17 minutes ago, auntl said:

I think that it's Jen who wants Zoey's hair short. Does anyone who watches the show regularly honestly think that Zoey's hair would be short if Jen didn't want it that way? Please...

Bill, Zoey, Will, and the entire United States of America could be saying how they like Zoey's hair and Jen couldn't care less.

Zoey's hair will be exactly the way Jen wants it to be no matter what anyone, including Zoey, says, thinks, or wants.

Zoey seems like a bright, feisty child who could make her wishes known if it came down to it. But I do think most people in the United States have more to be concerned about these days than how someone else’s child is wearing their hair.

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It's hair, it grows back, gets cut and still grows back.  Not exactly life altering or anything.  My hair looked exactly like my moms (think 1970's long straight hair) until I fell asleep 2 nights in a row with gum/candy.  Then I had short hair for a few years.  

I think Zoey looks cute with the short hair and at that age, in a very hot humid climate, it makes sense to have it short IMO.

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There are cuter short cuts for little girls than the severe cut Zoey is sporting.  As I mentioned before, Grayson the stylist, should not be cutting Zoey's hair.  Her hair would look much better if it covered her ears and the length in the back was a little longer.  But no, Jen has to have her way!  I do not think Zoey's birth mother would be pleased with this look.  It goes against Indian cultural tradition.  This is my opinion and you can agree or disagree!

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17 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I think people who abandon their children in squalid orphanages don't have opinions that matter. Zoey's birth mom gave up any right to be pleased with her child's hair when she gave the child up.

Right. In addition, I'd be completely stunned if Zoey or any other 4-year old, male or female, has any concept of her hair and what it looks like. Whatsoever. Unless they're unfortunate enough to be involved in those appalling pre-school "beauty pageant" activities, children this young just don't consider how they appear, what they're wearing, how their hair is fixed etc. As long as she's comfortable, how her hair looks is not something Zoey thinks about. Of course this won't last too much longer. Little girls often develop preferences in primary school, especially if on the receiving end of any teasing or hurtful comments from classmates. But four-year olds? No.

Edited by Wellfleet
Corrected grammar.
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Wellfleet said:

Agree 100%. I'm guessing Zoey likes her hair shorter. 


7 hours ago, Wellfleet said:

Right. In addition, I'd be completely stunned if Zoey or any other 4-year old, male or female, has any concept of her hair and what it looks like. Whatsoever. children this young just don't consider how they appear, what they're wearing, how their hair is fixed etc. As long as she's comfortable, how her hair looks is not something Zoey thinks about. Of course this won't last too much longer. Little girls often develop preferences in primary school, especially if on the receiving end of any teasing or hurtful comments from classmates. But four-year olds? No.

So does Zoey like her hair or is too young to think about it?  Confused?

From a personal comfort status, Zoey probably likes her short cut.

In the second paragraph, I thought Wellfleet meant that Zoey is probably too young to internalize how ugly some people find her hairstyle, From a comfort status, the kid is fine and it's unlikely any adult in her life is telling her the hairstyle is too old, the pixie cut is too severe or that she looks much prettier with different hair. That will change when she's a little older and more likely to hear such critical comments from classmates and to know what fans say about her online.

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6 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:


So does Zoey like her hair or is too young to think about it?  Confused?

Could be one, both or neither. The current shortness may feel familiar and comfortable to her, especially on hot Texas days. Or she may not care one whit either way. Who knows?

5 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

From a personal comfort status, Zoey probably likes her short cut.

In the second paragraph, I thought Wellfleet meant that Zoey is probably too young to internalize how ugly some people find her hairstyle, From a comfort status, the kid is fine and it's unlikely any adult in her life is telling her the hairstyle is too old, the pixie cut is too severe or that she looks much prettier with different hair. That will change when she's a little older and more likely to hear such critical comments from classmates and to know what fans say about her online.

IMO, you nailed it, zoloft. Spot-on.

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I remember Zoey saying she wanted her ears pierced just like mommy so I wouldn't be surprised if the request for the haircut came next. I also seem to remember Bill saying he wanted the pixie cut on Zoey, I'm sure that along with the fact that I remember a scene from the first day of school and Jen was brushing her hair as they walked down the stairs from back to front,,which made no sense to me and indicated she had no idea what she was doing. Zoey may have easily knotted hair and may even be tender headed which makes styling hair a nightmare.

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10 hours ago, eributterfly said:

I remember Zoey saying she wanted her ears pierced just like mommy so I wouldn't be surprised if the request for the haircut came next. I also seem to remember Bill saying he wanted the pixie cut on Zoey, I'm sure that along with the fact that I remember a scene from the first day of school and Jen was brushing her hair as they walked down the stairs from back to front,,which made no sense to me and indicated she had no idea what she was doing. Zoey may have easily knotted hair and may even be tender headed which makes styling hair a nightmare.

My two cents on the topic.The fact that Zoey's hair has been made more carefree is not at all surprising. For several generations now, it seems children's hairstyles have been becoming shorter and increasingly "fuss-free." Unless they really LIKE fussing and fixing it, most moms nowadays keep things simpler. Possibly because more Dads are now coping with kids' hair, and it's hard to imagine that many men are into that. Mothers have always been busy, but now that the vast majority like Jen also work outside the home, "easy-to-fix" hair is just [duh] - easier. For boys, those no-care-other-than-a-shampoo styles like the "brush" or "buzz" look. For girls, often chin-length or shorter with barrettes, ribbons, hairbands, scrunchies keeping it out of their faces and looking tidy. My own hair was grown from infancy to shoulder-length, which I think was pretty common for the time, but I almost always had braids, pigtails or a ponytail because my parents couldn't stand seeing little kids with wild unkempt "feral" hair in their faces. Then in the 3rd grade or so, my SAHM had had enough of being hairdresser to 3 little girls. My hair was cut to just below chin-length, requiring only a barrette, and my pre-school sisters got pixie cuts [which were adorable and didn't even need the barrette]. Took a lot less time to shampoo us too. But my Mom told me she had ringlets for much of her childhood, which required my grandmother to tie up Mom's hair with rags daily, a process that she made sound fairly labor-intensive.

7 hours ago, LegalParrot81 said:

Looks like production on the show has been shut down for now.


Good grief - what an odyssey! Plus - who wants to bet, that when the dust finally settles, some other production company will come along and make a movie out of this mess? Kind of a boring accounting movie, to be sure, but still...

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