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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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24 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

But CNN had the shakey camera while Hillary spoke. Made me dizzy and nauseous.

I think I switched back to MSNBC. I can't keep track.

How are you feeling?

I have a feeling that dizzy and nauseous are the new normal.

Edited by NewDigs
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3 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I think I switched back to MSNBC. I can't keep track.

How are you feeling?

I have a feeling that dizzy and nauseous are the new normal.

Still feeling lousy. But I got sick just yesterday, and it's a full blown out flu. Mitchell's sneering and glee didn't help.

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9 hours ago, Jaded said:

I don't think I'll be watching any of these news networks for quite awhile. 

ITA.  I will NOT be watching any "news" networks or infotainment shows.  I can't even bring myself to watch MSNBC's evening lineup anytime soon even though I love Rachel and Chris Hayes.  I definitely don't want to see any of Drumpf's gloating and preening surrogates, who are just as vile as he is--if not more.  Nor, will I be following any pollsters, including Nate Silver or the Princeton Election Consortium.

I don't want to hear any postmortem reports and don't need to.  I already know what happened and why.  I'm just done.

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19 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

ITA.  I will NOT be watching any "news" networks or infotainment shows.  I can't even bring myself to watch MSNBC's evening lineup anytime soon even though I love Rachel and Chris Hayes.  I definitely don't want to see any of Drumpf's gloating and preening surrogates, who are just as vile as he is--if not more.  Nor, will I be following any pollsters, including Nate Silver or the Princeton Election Consortium.

I don't want to hear any postmortem reports and don't need to.  I already know what happened and why.  I'm just done.

That's the conclusion I came to earlier today while out and about (traffic seemed to be mighty sparse around the DC 'burbs--all the depressed Dems must be home under the covers; all the Republicans home w/ hangovers from celebrating).  I won't be watching the news tonight and not sure when I'll turn on MSNBC or CNN, the folks who provided so much free air time to DJT early in the primary campaign.

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40 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

That's the conclusion I came to earlier today while out and about (traffic seemed to be mighty sparse around the DC 'burbs--all the depressed Dems must be home under the covers; all the Republicans home w/ hangovers from celebrating).  I won't be watching the news tonight and not sure when I'll turn on MSNBC or CNN, the folks who provided so much free air time to DJT early in the primary campaign.

You're right about the D.C. area traffic.  I got the Metro to work this morning, and my car was full, but you would have never known it.  There was this deathly silence and this sense of doom over nearly everyone.  People were either looking at their phones or staring blankly into space.  The few smiles I did get seemed forced.  It was worse than Monday mornings after our football team suffers a humiliating loss the day before.  Some people just looked tired and were clearly going through the motions as they processed what happened last night.

If everyone had a thought bubble over their heads, it would have read, "We..are...so...FUCKED!"

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45 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

That's the conclusion I came to earlier today while out and about (traffic seemed to be mighty sparse around the DC 'burbs--all the depressed Dems must be home under the covers; all the Republicans home w/ hangovers from celebrating).  I won't be watching the news tonight and not sure when I'll turn on MSNBC or CNN, the folks who provided so much free air time to DJT early in the primary campaign.

I'm in Northern VA and when I woke up this morning I didn't hear much traffic at all, which was strange.  I looked out the window and didn't even see people on the sidewalks like I normally do.  I thought maybe a virus had taken over and I'd start seeing zombies.  Then I turned on the tv and that was the first I knew that Trump had won.  

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2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

ITA.  I will NOT be watching any "news" networks or infotainment shows.  I can't even bring myself to watch MSNBC's evening lineup anytime soon even though I love Rachel and Chris Hayes.  I definitely don't want to see any of Drumpf's gloating and preening surrogates, who are just as vile as he is--if not more.  Nor, will I be following any pollsters, including Nate Silver or the Princeton Election Consortium.

I don't want to hear any postmortem reports and don't need to.  I already know what happened and why.  I'm just done.

Thats how I feel....I cant bear to see his orange face on TV, and even worse to have to see Kellyanne & all the other 'blondes" chirping away about how great everything is in "Trumplandia", ugh

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I do wonder if MSNBC will remake any changes to the lineup after Trump takes power. Rachel maddow was practically in tears last night. Chris Matthews needs to retire but I wonder if he will stay to explain the Trump phenomenon. I suspect he will resurrect his Blue Collar Philly Boy to explain whatever policies Trump supports.

Kornacki was good last night but CNN has a bigger magic wall. John King loves the wall, so I preferred watching that.

I wonder what will happen to Cackles Wallace & Steve Schmidt. It's better having them on as a moderate GOP panelists to complain about Hillary's administration .

I was also wondering if Chuck Todd took any responsibility for being so smug about the election predictions on Meet the Press last Sunday. He basically stated that Hillary was a slam dunk to win & the Senate would turn Democrat. It didn't happen.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

I was also wondering if Chuck Todd took any responsibility for being so smug about the election predictions on Meet the Press last Sunday. He basically stated that Hillary was a slam dunk to win & the Senate would turn Democrat. It didn't happen.

I didn't know that about Toad. Hopefully his smugness gets him going somewhere other then up.

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

I was also wondering if Chuck Todd took any responsibility for being so smug about the election predictions on Meet the Press last Sunday. He basically stated that Hillary was a slam dunk to win & the Senate would turn Democrat. It didn't happen.

Chuck had a LOT of company in those predictions -- I heard the same thing, directly or indirectly, on many MSNBC shows.  And where was Jennifer Granholm today?  Last saw her being totally giddy about the first woman president on Morning Joe the day of the election.  Boy, was that being over-confident. 

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14 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

ITA.  I will NOT be watching any "news" networks or infotainment shows.  I can't even bring myself to watch MSNBC's evening lineup anytime soon even though I love Rachel and Chris Hayes.  I definitely don't want to see any of Drumpf's gloating and preening surrogates, who are just as vile as he is--if not more.  Nor, will I be following any pollsters, including Nate Silver or the Princeton Election Consortium.

I don't want to hear any postmortem reports and don't need to.  I already know what happened and why.  I'm just done.

I felt the same way Tuesday night but after spending most of Wednesday in bed with the covers over my head (not joking), I watched Chris and Rachel. Chris was dead serious throughout his show; no laughter from him or any of his guests.  Rachel was clearly fighting back tears through much of her show.  But seeing all the spontaneous protests all over the country was kind of uplifting--thousands of people taking to the streets.  Rachel showed the view from her office window and said that the protest seemed to grow organically, i.e., people on the street who saw what was happening just joined in the march.

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11 hours ago, Jaded said:

I didn't know that about Toad. Hopefully his smugness gets him going somewhere other then up.

I watch Todd & he made the same mistake in 2014 when he said the Senate would stay Democrat. I think he should be more cautious about making predictions. Todd told Brokaw that they have to pay attention to "fly over America" & not just focus on the west & east coast.

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7 hours ago, jjj said:

Chuck had a LOT of company in those predictions -- I heard the same thing, directly or indirectly, on many MSNBC shows.  And where was Jennifer Granholm today?  Last saw her being totally giddy about the first woman president on Morning Joe the day of the election.  Boy, was that being over-confident. 

It's true that others made the same predictions but I remember Chuck Todd in 2008 being a lot more sophisticated in his analysis. I bought his book, How Obama won in 2008. It was very stats driven. I expect more from Chuck Todd. He is supposed to be a politics geek. Granholm really goofed on her Michigan prediction but so did the Detroit free Press.

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13 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Personally, I'm going to BOYCOTT all things Trump.  I won't watch him (or his slimy family) on TV & won't listen to any commentary about him.  I don't care what he says or does, he's dead to me!!!

That's where I am.  This will be the first time I will not be watching inaugural events on television.  I typically watch them on CSPAN.  I refuse to watch a raping racist and sociopath get sworn in.  I refuse to watch corporate media gush about what his wife and daughters are wearing.  I refuse to listen to him attempt to give a cleaned up "conciliatory" version of an inaugural address.  I refuse to watch any festivities or him and Melania dance the night away.  It sickens me that he will be included in Disney World's Hall of Presidents and that whatever garment she wears will be headed to the Smithsonian.

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I'm with all of you. This is one of the worst, most tragic mistakes in the history of our country. It does not deserve to be celebrated in any way. I think the media should take a stand on behalf of all of the people this man has threatened. They never will, but this whole thing is sickening at every turn. The office of the presidency has been disgraced. Total disaster has befallen us.

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I thought I was safe to watch The National (a Canadian news show) last night, but wait, not so fast, they had the most caustic of Repubs ... Ann Coulter, spewing her misinformation & such.  I sent an email to The National expressing my disdain.

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

I watch Todd & he made the same mistake in 2014 when he said the Senate would stay Democrat. I think he should be more cautious about making predictions. Todd told Brokaw that they have to pay attention to "fly over America" & not just focus on the west & east coast.

Gee. Thanks, Captain Obvious! No one ever said that before.

I actually heard someone (surrogate? gov't guy?) say that Trump doesn't hold a grudge!! The female journalist 'bout choked! Wish I knew who both are. I get too much from Sirius while driving and flipping.

And I was recently defending Todd!

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Steve Kornacki has WaPo's Chris Cizilla on and treating him like some kind of new seer for the divination of pre-election polls. Spare me. 

Wasn't it pretty much always 48-48 pct.? Isn't that within the margin of error? For both? 

Yet the Hillary drumbeat continued.

These assholes confuse me with their, imho, cya moves.

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4 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Gee. Thanks, Captain Obvious! No one ever said that before.

I actually heard someone (surrogate? gov't guy?) say that Trump doesn't hold a grudge!! The female journalist 'bout choked! Wish I knew who both are. I get too much from Sirius while driving and flipping.

And I was recently defending Todd!

I think it was a big mistake  of Todd to not pay attention to the Midwest. Why didn't they have more local experts from those states on his show earlier ?  . He was supposed to be a political junkie.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

I think it was a big mistake  of Todd to not pay attention to the Midwest. Why didn't they have more local experts from those states on his show earlier ?  . He was supposed to be a political junkie.

And it's not like it's a big surprise.

Gee, it's another electiom? Already? Gosh golly gee, time to go to NYC!

Tom Brokaw made some sense, to me, when he questioned the use of labelled poll reporting. Too much emphasis on what he called "tribes".  Too quick to label.

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I have done same but this morning on Bloomberg they report that MSNBC, CNN and FOX admit trump has been a boom for them and they will keep it up.

Oh well I'm sure there are more people out there who watch then people like me that won't.

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9 hours ago, NewDigs said:

And it's not like it's a big surprise.

Gee, it's another electiom? Already? Gosh golly gee, time to go to NYC!

Tom Brokaw made some sense, to me, when he questioned the use of labelled poll reporting. Too much emphasis on what he called "tribes".  Too quick to label.

Hopefully, Todd will do a better job next time & do more analysis of other states. I am shocked by the constant splitting up of voter groups by gender, race, education levels etc.

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23 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

That's where I am.  This will be the first time I will not be watching inaugural events on television.  I typically watch them on CSPAN.  I refuse to watch a raping racist and sociopath get sworn in.  I refuse to watch corporate media gush about what his wife and daughters are wearing.  I refuse to listen to him attempt to give a cleaned up "conciliatory" version of an inaugural address.  I refuse to watch any festivities or him and Melania dance the night away.  It sickens me that he will be included in Disney World's Hall of Presidents and that whatever garment she wears will be headed to the Smithsonian.

Ohhh....I forgot about things like that(Disney Hall of Presidents, etc)...now I feel even worse!  Will they make sure the fake yellow hair & orange tan are correct?  Ugh, I'm getting sick just thinking of it.  And I'm a History Geek(History major in college), and I always watch the Inauguration ceremony, etc...I cant watch, it would make me ill.  And everyone swooning over Melania's style(yes, 1st Lady, previous Nude Model), while I think Michelle has been the most beautiful, classy , stylish 1st Lady we've ever had!

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Can someone who knows how to find/interpret ratings please give us a post election viewing report? I can't bear to watch ant cable news, and I bet I'm not the only one. (I'm crossposting this in CNN as well, not in Faux.) Thanks very much in advance.

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9 hours ago, SierraMist said:

Mail Order Bride becomes First Lady!  I'm already disgusted about the way Chris Matthews has been gushing over her. 

He used to have a crush on Erin Burnett when she was on CNBC.

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I was watching Chris Hayes tonight . Rachel was on the show & brought up the point about conflict of interest rules for the Trump organization. President Trump said he would divest his holdings to his kids. However, the kids will still talk to their dad, so its possible that Trump could allow legislation favourable to developers etc.. No recent President has had these conflict of interests. Usually the assets are put in a blind trust managed by outsiders. The difference between the Trump Organization( private company) & the Clinton Foundation, ( public disclosure) is striking. Maddow said that since Trump got away with not releasing his tax returns, no one knows how much he makes from various companies etc...

Maddow said there is no official rule that  that you can't run for President without disclosing your tax returns.

Very interesting.

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14 hours ago, pamster said:

Can someone who knows how to find/interpret ratings please give us a post election viewing report? I can't bear to watch ant cable news, and I bet I'm not the only one. (I'm crossposting this in CNN as well, not in Faux.) Thanks very much in advance.

Here you can find cable news daily & weekly ratings. http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/category/ratings

Another reliable source is http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/category/daily-ratings/ 
Check those titled 'cable ratings'. It includes all sorts of programs though. 

Tuesday, http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/daily-ratings/tuesday-cable-ratings-november-8-2016/ 
CNN and Fox News dominated the night, even topping those networks

Edited by sum
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19 hours ago, oakville said:

I was watching Chris Hayes tonight . Rachel was on the show & brought up the point about conflict of interest rules for the Trump organization. President Trump said he would divest his holdings to his kids. However, the kids will still talk to their dad, so its possible that Trump could allow legislation favourable to developers etc.. No recent President has had these conflict of interests. Usually the assets are put in a blind trust managed by outsiders. The difference between the Trump Organization( private company) & the Clinton Foundation, ( public disclosure) is striking. Maddow said that since Trump got away with not releasing his tax returns, no one knows how much he makes from various companies etc...

Maddow said there is no official rule that  that you can't run for President without disclosing your tax returns.

Very interesting.

Rachel pointed out on her own show that there is the additional complication.conflict of interest that the Trump children IN CHARGE OF THE BLIND TRUST are on the transition team that is making appointments that will affect those businesses.  It is disgusting.

And I do not think there is any official rule that a SITTING president has to release his tax returns.  Past and current presidents have done that in the interest of transparency.  Plus released the results of their annual physicals.  I'm betting Trump does not do either.  "My physical examination results are currently undergoing audit and a second opinion, so my attorney advises me not to release this information."

I think DJT and Melania are in for many huge shocks when they realize how much of their everyday lives are under daily scrutiny.

Edited by jjj
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1 hour ago, jjj said:

I think DJT and Melania are in for many huge shocks when they realize how much of their everyday lives are under daily scrutiny.

Good!  Maybe they'll quit the presidency & DC early and head back to Manhattan to a quieter life.

Surely someone has to do something about this lack of a blind trust.

And back to MSNBC:  Chris Matthews has got to go.  He's turning into a Sean Hannity of the left (overly emotional).  

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As a Canadian, it's never taken me more than a half hour to vote, EVAH.  I've lived in Ottawa, Toronto & now Calgary.  I'm wondering if others in Canada have had the same experience as me & I'm thinking that the long line-ups discouraged many people from voting in the U.S. election.

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14 hours ago, jjj said:

Rachel pointed out on her own show that there is the additional complication.conflict of interest that the Trump children IN CHARGE OF THE BLIND TRUST are on the transition team that is making appointments that will affect those businesses.  It is disgusting.

And I do not think there is any official rule that a SITTING president has to release his tax returns.  Past and current presidents have done that in the interest of transparency.  Plus released the results of their annual physicals.  I'm betting Trump does not do either.  "My physical examination results are currently undergoing audit and a second opinion, so my attorney advises me not to release this information."

I think DJT and Melania are in for many huge shocks when they realize how much of their everyday lives are under daily scrutiny.

Are other shows on  MSNBC show other than Rachel Madow discussing the blind trust issue ?. There seems to be a lot of coverage on MSNBC of Trump protests & Celebrities being upset about the election.  I look forward to serious issues being discussed on other MSNBC shows.

Edited by oakville
awkward wording
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Wow, I knew things were bad, but four-days-with-no-posts-on-this-thread bad?  Two bright spots in the past day: 

I thought is was so enterprising of Hallie Jackson to make a reservation at the 21 Club Tuesday night, once she know Trump was in there.  I would have assumed it was fully booked or that the Secret Service had shut it down.  And she got video, which must be online somewhere -- it was on Brian WIlliams' show last night, where he noted that she got a "free meal on the company", and she wrinkled her nose at him.  (Maybe she's a vegetarian rather than a steak eater?)

Also, Katy Tur was complaining on Twitter about the problems of taking your boyfriend's laptop to the office by mistake.  (1) Yay, Katy has a new boyfriend, Tony Dokoupil at CBS News (who confirmed his status with #imwithtur on his own account in response).  So, good riddance, Benoit!  and (2) Katy endured more teasing about "that's how Huma Abedin's problems started" than teasing about the new boyfriend.

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It's a week after the election ( :) ) and I still love Steve Schmidt!!!! Every time he says something it warms my cold, bitter heart.

Tonight, on 11th Hour, Brian was asking Nicole and Steve about all the ways Trump is breaking with protocol, from ditching the press yesterday to calling the president of Egypt before the British PM (and also before getting any of the important briefing books from the SD).

Nicole rebuked his premise gently but at length, patiently explaining that "Americans told us last week that they don't care if the president doesn't follow protocol. They WANT a president who thinks and acts out of the box, and don't care what we in the media think he should be doing, just because its customary." 

Yuck. So I was so happy when Schmidt, with that deadpan delivery, totally shot her down. First, he reminded her that Trump "didn't win the popular vote". So it's "not a mandate for him to do anything. He didn't even get a majority." Then he went on to take the view that these protocol are important and that everything the president says--and the way he says it--isn't just an impulsive, who-cares-whatever?, kind of thing but has great importance to leaders around the world and misunderstandings can be dangerous.

I'm not doing justice to his points, but I was happy to hear them. The media's responsible enough for this loser as president. Let's not add to this disaster by now saying its fine to hold him to no standards at all--ethical breeches? no problem. Nepotism? No problem. Corrupt advisors, with compromising financial and political ties abroad? No problem.

He also made the point that we should "stop calling them the 'alt-right' and call them what they are, 'white nationalists'."

Love him!

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Yeah, good for him. Also, I would really like for someone to point out this popular vote thing every single time anyone says "the people chose" or "Americans said" or any phrasing close to that, because it's the truth. The people chose and they chose the other candidate, by the biggest popular vote/electoral college split in history, which is a malfunction of democracy. The system chose him, so he doesn't have the "people" behind him at all, and it's good for Steve to point that out.

And it's not like this happens all the time either. I think the only reason we've kept the electoral college ridiculousness for so long is because it almost always has lined up with the popular vote, so the whole thing's moot anyway. 

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I think MSNBC should give Steve Schmidt his own show...I can't stand Nicole Wallace, but maybe they could take over Morning Joe..when Joe finally ignites.  On air, I hope.  Or get rid of Mark Halperin (please, God) and give a show to Donnie Deutsch and John Heileman.  I can dream.  The only person I would hate to watch even more than Joe S is Kelly Ann Conway.  

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7 hours ago, Kemper said:

I think MSNBC should give Steve Schmidt his own show...I can't stand Nicole Wallace, but maybe they could take over Morning Joe..when Joe finally ignites.  On air, I hope.  Or get rid of Mark Halperin (please, God) and give a show to Donnie Deutsch and John Heileman.  I can dream.  The only person I would hate to watch even more than Joe S is Kelly Ann Conway.  

You & me BOTH!!!

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Donnie Deutsch is on With All Due Respect again today, haven't seen him in ages and I hate his hair!! He is a really good looking guy but he has what looks like a permed (?) mullet going on now? Not good.

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I know, I love Donnie but I wish he'd get his hair cut in the back. Love the front, though, and I don't think it's permed, just a natural wave.

Beyond being in love with his looks, I love listening to him.  Mark Halperin is so boring.  I wish Donnie would be on everyday (in place of Mark Halperin).  Every time they show Comey testifying in Congress, there's stupid Mark Halperin sitting behind him showing all the Hillary hate on his face.  Did I mention I can't stand him?

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Maybe now that Bloomberg has cancelled WADR, MSNBC could bring another show with Schmidt and Heilmann and Deutsch and -- I wish there was a woman I liked who doesn't already have a show, but can't think of one. (Kate Snow is doing well but has a show). I also wish Ali Velshi could be on at a time when people would be watching.

One of the saddest things about the extremely sad election results is that I was hoping to never see KAC, Corey Lewandowski and all the horrible Trump campaign surrogates ever again.

Oh, and MSNBC. Please never call the Trump family business a "blind trust" ever again. Those two words have no reason to exist in any sentence about the Trumps (unless it's "Corruption opportunities abound since Donald Trump refuses to set up a blind trust and instead insists his children--the company VPs--continue to manage it, undoubtedly regularly reporting to him and asking for his advice as well." )

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On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:20 AM, stormy said:

It was an interesting night  [...]

I kept thinking, who's Hillary going to invite to host her first White House Correspondence dinner?  I'm hoping it's Ellen DeGeneres.

OH NO, I went back too far, trying to catch up on the thread pages, and hit the Al Smith dinner.   Wow, those seem like "the good ol' days" now, don't they?  We were all so innocent in those years . . . I mean, three weeks ago.


On ‎11‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 9:10 AM, car54 said:

Nice of Trump to announce his cabinet before tomorrow so we have even more reasons not to vote for him.

I've been following The Cabinet Clusterfuck Show for so long, I didn't even realize DT had made an early Cabinet announcement.  (Someone responded to this post by calling DT, Giuliani, Gingrich and Flynn "the four horseman of the apocalypse."  Turns out we have to make room for Steve Bannon, over there driving the 40 Mule Team Apocalypse Wagon.)


So apparently I only needed the last page of the thread to cover everything for the last several days.  I'm still psychically connected to Rachel because she seems to be just barely concealing how frantic she is, just as I am.


My trust in the political shows has dropped to zero, except for MSNBC--where it hovers gloriously at the <10% mark.  I think it's too bad the Al Jazeera channel folded when it did.  I always thought they did a good job with a decent, comparatively objective, "European" perspective.

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Just saw on Twitter that Bloomberg has cancelled With All Due Respect.    I wonder if that means we'll see more or less of Halperin and Heileman on MSNBC, and who they'll give the 6 pm slot to.

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6 minutes ago, car54 said:

Just saw on Twitter that Bloomberg has cancelled With All Due Respect.    I wonder if that means we'll see more or less of Halperin and Heileman on MSNBC, and who they'll give the 6 pm slot to.

I tried watching With All Due Respect once last month and it came across like a fancypants public access show. If that makes sense.

Edited by Jaded
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