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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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 Did anyone say that Trump supporters WANT to be "at the table" with Clinton? 

One of these Trump surrogates was on and said that her deplorable comment signals to conservatives that should she become president, they won't be welcomed at her table because she doesn't value them as Americans.

Mike Pence with his bullshit about how she must be referring to all the law enforcement supporters of the Trump/Pence ticket. My personal response to that is that if you put on that badge and practice racial profiling, then go home at night to your Klan meeting, then yeah, she should mean you too. They're always trying to hide behind badges of honor with their bullshit, when it's the person who makes the badge. The badge in only as honorable as the person who wears it and those who don't wear it with with honor, dishonor the badge.  

Edited by represent
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I understand how Trump says the ridiculous things he says, because he has no filters and has always been surrounded by family and employees who treat every word he utters as tremendous. 

But Hillary has had to be careful for 25 years, since the remark about "I guess I could have stayed home and baked cookies", and in so many situations in her varied official roles since then.  It baffles me that she could slip and say something so inflammatory (although true, which is part of what makes it so inflammatory) when the stakes are so high, and when she is standing in the biggest megaphone she has ever had.  I hope that having "regret" so quickly will allow everyone to move on, instead of harping on the need for an apology every hour. 

So, how much time does "deplorable" get on MTP this week?  Compared to real issues? 

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7 hours ago, jjj said:

It baffles me that she could slip and say something so inflammatory (although true, which is part of what makes it so inflammatory) when the stakes are so high, and when she is standing in the biggest megaphone she has ever had.  I hope that having "regret" so quickly will allow everyone to move on, instead of harping on the need for an apology every hour. 

So, how much time does "deplorable" get on MTP this week?  Compared to real issues? 

I don't find the truth to be inflammatory.  I don't think she should have expressed regret, but it was pretty passive aggressive, she said she shouldn't have said 50% which her regret could mean that it was actually higher... ;)  These haters need to be called out, all day every day.  They post a danger to certain Americans and have for a very long time.  She was speaking at a LGBTQIAA fundraiser, a group of people that have born the brunt of that hate, so I thought it was perfectly appropriate.

Now the press is losing their collective minds about Hillary getting over-heated at the 9/11 memorial this morning.  I guess this will be a double blow. :(

As to MTP, I haven't watched it, but I'm guessing most of it was 9/11 remembrance.  I don't know why I torture myself, but every year I'm drawn to the Today Show 9/11 replay - but I can't remember how long they usually air it - I tend to have to move off it after an hour of two.  They interrupted it with the news of Hillary.  Does anybody else remember how long they usually air the replay?

Edited by NextIteration
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Oh, how many times can MSNBC use the word "alarm" in the space of five minutes, after HRC had to leave the 9/11 event because she was overheated? Much "alarm" over Hillary Clinton, alarm now, alarm in the past about her health.  She was just shown leaving her daughter's apartment and waving at the crowds.  By herself, without anyone holding her up.

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27 minutes ago, NextIteration said:

I don't know why I torture myself, but every year I'm drawn to the Today Show 9/11 replay - but I can't remember how long they usually air it - I tend to have to move off it after an hour of two.  They interrupted it with the news of Hillary.  Does anybody else remember how long they usually air the replay?

I've watched that many times, just as horrifying each time.  But a year or two ago, NBC added tendrils of smoke as an overlay to the images, and added ominous music, all of which was unnecessary.  Hopefully they went back just to showing the Today Show without embellishment.  

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7 hours ago, jjj said:

I understand how Trump says the ridiculous things he says, because he has no filters and has always been surrounded by family and employees who treat every word he utters as tremendous. 

But Hillary has had to be careful for 25 years, since the remark about "I guess I could have stayed home and baked cookies", and in so many situations in her varied official roles since then.  It baffles me that she could slip and say something so inflammatory (although true, which is part of what makes it so inflammatory) when the stakes are so high, and when she is standing in the biggest megaphone she has ever had.  I hope that having "regret" so quickly will allow everyone to move on, instead of harping on the need for an apology every hour. 

So, how much time does "deplorable" get on MTP this week?  Compared to real issues? 

But this is the same problem with the media and different standards. They expect Trump to say ridiculous things, so they don't make a big deal out of it and if he says only 1 bad thing a week, he did a good job. Hillary works hard to be careful, but she is human and says 1 thing that might not have been the best idea, and she's torn apart. She was criticized when she was too scripted and careful as well. Since they are both running for the same office, in my opinion, they should be held to the same standards. I don't care where they have come from or what they are used to. Or I guess I do since I think Trump is unqualified to even be a candidate.

And yes, Hillary is going to get slammed for this for quite awhile. While undeserved (in my opinion), this piece shows how Hillary gets more negative press and less positive press from the ridiculous media: http://www.pajiba.com/politics/americas-political-press-is-a-far-greater-embarrassment-to-this-country-than-donald-trump.php#.V9IHRjFnvlA.facebook

What a mess they have made. 

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11 minutes ago, jjj said:

I've watched that many times, just as horrifying each time.  But a year or two ago, NBC added tendrils of smoke as an overlay to the images, and added ominous music, all of which was unnecessary.  Hopefully they went back just to showing the Today Show without embellishment.  

The dramatic music is gone - as is the overlay.  

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I don't think we will be hearing as much about the deplorables as about the health incident today.  She looked just great leaving Chelsea's apartment, but the video of her knees buckling as she left the 9/11 event is news worthy.  I see MSNBC just started to show it, and it will surely be on a loop until something else happens.  

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Well, one or the other, both are a negative for Hillary since people are looking to say she is too unhealthy for the job. And "until something else happens" that they want to show, since they don't bother with a lot of things that should be huge news out of the Trump camp. 

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Yeah, so her doctor is saying she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. You know what I think is funny about this? Well, first of all people aren't talking about emails anymore. Second of all, this has probably successfully lowered her own debate expectations, hasn't it? Lol. 

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The Chuckie Toad is giving Paul Wolfowitz, war criminal extraordinaire, a national platform (MTP) to spew his lies about the WMDs and the Iraq war.  And today no less.  Wolfie belongs in a cell in The Hague, along with the rest of that [expletives deleted] crew, not having his opinions publicized on a national political affairs program.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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On 9/8/2016 at 7:32 PM, car54 said:

Rudy is never going to get over that Hillary got "his" Senate seat.

I was watching the CNN Documentary about Hillary. Giuliani was running against her in NY in 2000. Giuliani pulled out due to prostate cancer .If he had beat her, would Hillary still have run for President in 2008? The Giuiliani on MSNBC doesn't resemble how he behaved as Mayor of NY.

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1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

Yeah, so her doctor is saying she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. You know what I think is funny about this? Well, first of all people aren't talking about emails anymore. Second of all, this has probably successfully lowered her own debate expectations, hasn't it? Lol. 

Well, you know The Donald and his minions will still try to make hay out of it.  After all, he has the best, most beautiful lungs.  Many, many people have said so.

Call me not horrified at someone finally being honest enough to tag the 'deplorables' for who they are.  I didn't think she had it in her, and she scores points with me for it.  And call me shocked that Chris Matthews did two nights of stellar birther outrage.  I didn't think he had it in him, and props to him, too. 

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6 hours ago, NextIteration said:

The biggest question is, where the hell was Brian Williams - Lester Holt announced the "Breaking News".  MSNBC did take quite a long time to break into the rebroadcast, other networks were on it long before.

Stuck in the Hamptons?

Still no BriWi at fiveish but Brokaw was there. Seemed like overkill but he was probably there for 9/11 coverage. 

Can't believe the huge deal they're making about the 90 (ninety!!!) minutes the campaign staff waited before informing the press about the pneumonia. Maybe staff was preparing a proper statement?

MSNBC was practically going all Zapruder about it.

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Well, it was more like 48 hours since the pneumonia diagnosis, but yes, they are focused on the original "she was overheated" report earlier today, before the Friday diagnosis was revealed.   

I feel like everything might be all right -- MSNBC is talking about "the deplorables" again.  Fox (which I only view to see is they are concentrating on the same headline) is focusing on the disconnect between the diagnosis and the claims that "everything is fine" coming from the campaign.  But they also are saying Trump should leave this alone, and release his health records; and that the debates is really the big deal going forward, not campaign appearances. 

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I find it laughable the way the media, including this network, is reacting to Hillary's pneumonia diagnosis when FDR had polio and JFK had Addison's Disease the entire time they were president. That's why there was a rocking chair in the Oval Office during JFK's presidency because it helped him when he had to sit for long periods of time. This is so stupid.

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Perhaps the media might remember that in 1960, one of the reasons Nixon appeared so bad on TV in his debate with JFK was not just the five o'clock shadow and Lazy Shave, but his health.  RMN had made a pledge to show up in all 50 states, and after having an accident that injured his knee resulting in infection and hospitalization, he insisted on making up lost campaign time.  By the time he got to the debate, he was exhausted and thin and looked like shit.  He was only 4 years older than JFK but you couldn't tell by looking.  So really, in 1960, both candidates had health issues.  We just didn't know that JFK had Addison's, and oddly, the bronzing caused by the adrenal insufficiency made him look healthier.  Eisenhower had major cardiac issues.  Reagan had Alzheimer's.  Jerry Ford became an SNL meme for his pratfalls.  Wilson, of course, had a stroke.  FDR, polio and paraplegia.  Health really is bipartisan. 

Unless Drumpf can prove he's never, ever going to die, he and his surrogates really need to shut up.  Yes, I'm sure he has the best genetics and the best immune system, too.  But for the bogus health issues thrown about prior to today, what happened today would be considered a minor blip on the campaign.  Today doesn't validate the whispers--more along the lines of a stopped clock being right twice a day.  I am curious, however, why HRC's campaign first said overheating rather than PNA, but not that curious.  There is nothing and no one and no situation on the face of the earth that would ever make Drumpf an acceptable candidate for POTUS.

But really, think of all the burning issues a month ago that nobody's talking about any more.  A month from now we'll have plenty of new trash to talk.

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49 minutes ago, maraleia said:

I find it laughable the way the media, including this network, is reacting to Hillary's pneumonia diagnosis when FDR had polio and JFK had Addison's Disease the entire time they were president. That's why there was a rocking chair in the Oval Office during JFK's presidency because it helped him when he had to sit for long periods of time. This is so stupid.

FDR was literally dying in his last year running for office in 1944. His photos look awful from that time period. And he did die only three months after being inaugurated in 1945. Reagan looked lost in his debates in 1984. Early Alzheimers, no doubt.

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1 minute ago, slensam said:

FDR was literally dying in his last year running for office in 1944. His photos look awful from that time period. And he did die only three months after being inaugurated in 1945. Reagan looked lost in his debates in 1984. Early Alzheimers, no doubt.

But FDR still served 12 years prior to that final year in office and a reminder that Hillary has to wear a bulletproof vest under her clothes when she leaves the house so that and a blouse and jacket on a hot muggy day while standing for 90 minutes could do anyone in who has pneumonia.

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It makes me sad how MSNBC - and CNN too - are enabling Trump and his minions with all this hysterical coverage of Clinton's "health issues" and now Woe, Woe, Woe! PNEUMONIA.  It would be laughable if I wasn't so scared that this may help to get Trump elected.

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I have been getting all my news from this thread because since reading about the "deplorables" I didn't think I could handle the media (and Trump & Co.)  I thought 9/11 would occupy the day's coverage until (again reading here) Clinton's health issue at the memorial this morning. So I've missed 2 days of any news at all, except here.  I feel like I'm on a drop drill, waiting for when it's safe to come out again. Not sure if it is, but "doubling down" on deplorables + pneumonia being treated sounds promising.                                                                         

I hope this will be an excuse for HRC to make a statement and bring her dr. to a press conference to take questions. It would thrill the press and put pressure back on DT to put out some REAL medical records.  I really  hope they'll do that. ((Nothing, of course, will stop the Trump-  supporting websiteds from  using the new footage to support "Hillary suffering from (fill in illness of the day)."

In addition to FDR and JFK, Eisenhower had a heart attack in September while campaigning for his second term. And didn't Reagan go through his whole presidency with a bullet still lodged an inch from his heart?   Anyway, I hope Hillary's doctor comes out to answer questions. Especially since Trump is going on "Dr. Oz" on Thursday to "talk about his health routines"   (Which I thought were "fast food, tweeting and an occasional game of golf". But I forget he's going to be "the healthiest individual ever elected president", even healthier than 20 year younger, very fit Barack Obama. Should be interesting). .

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Was Hillary's campaign under any obligation to disclose the pneumonia on Friday? It would have been a reasonable explanation for her bad cough.

Her appearance at the 9/11 ceremony would be inspirational & then she could take a few days off to recover.

The video coverage of her on MSNBC being dragged into the van was not good.

She needs some rest.

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Good grief, if any candidate looks unhealthy it's The Donald.  Fat, bloated face, eats fast food.  There's plenty to worry about health-wise with this guy (aside from his frightening mental health).  I hope Hillary rests for a few days and allows the antibiotics to do their magic.  I know I would've been having problems standing in a crowd in the sun for 90 minutes, wearing a suit, and I'm not recuperating from pneumonia.  I'm glad her physician made a statement.

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Not letting the public know was a mistake--she's already criticized for not being honest and whether or not this was a big deal, not announcing it and having this happen has made it a big deal.

They should have sent her home for the weekend and let her rest 2 solid days instead of doing the 9/11 event.  If they'd announced it Friday, everyone would have understood.  Instead the press feels lied to.

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13 minutes ago, car54 said:

Not letting the public know was a mistake--she's already criticized for not being honest and whether or not this was a big deal, not announcing it and having this happen has made it a big deal.

They should have sent her home for the weekend and let her rest 2 solid days instead of doing the 9/11 event.  If they'd announced it Friday, everyone would have understood.  Instead the press feels lied to.

Yes, it really looks like the campaign was not intending to release the pneumonia pnews (this is not a bit funny, but I couldn't help it, like Dr. Strangelove).  Taking her to multiple strenuous events "after* the diagnosis and still planning the California trip (until about an hour ago) shows they were determined to keep charging forward and "in antibiotics we trust".  For a candidate whose two issues in the news have been trustworthiness and health, the diagnosis and not releasing the news is a double bonanza for the other side, even if Trump's surrogates continue to restrain themselves for another day or two. 

I had noticed a few days ago that she was noticeably thinner, but chalked it up to the travel and physical activity of the events.  She really needs a few days of rest and TLC in addition to medications.

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18 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

On the other hand, I think charging ahead despite having pneumonia does show how tough she is.

This is exactly how I see it, but this campaign will never learn, DO NOT MAKE THE PRESS HAVE TO CHASE YOU.  They could have worked this to the advantage of her tough, tenacious persona had they played it right. I mean after all, our enemies don't give a shit, they don't stop just because our president is under the weather, said president has to keep on keeping on and that's what she was doing.  But no, Mook and Co. who are suppose to be running the show, leave a vacuum for the press to make insinuations.  I mean, who's running this show?  If Clinton hired you folks to run the campaign and she's not listening to advice then quit, otherwise I'm blaming you for every bad decision. "The press is your friend." "The press is your friend." The press is your friend." They need to be hypnotized to this because they aren't going away. I've watched enough presidential campaigns in my lifetime to know that the press practically lives up in the candidate's colon, that's the way it is. There's no cutting them off.

Edited by represent
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Did anyone watch the program on PBS tonight about Churchill having a stroke in 1953 and it was kept hidden from the public?  How eerie is that (being on TV the same day as HRC's incident)?  Back in those days you could keep an awful lot of secrets.  They even had a meeting with the top newspaper "barons" who agreed to keep a lid on this news.

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19 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Did anyone watch the program on PBS tonight about Churchill having a stroke in 1953 and it was kept hidden from the public?  How eerie is that (being on TV the same day as HRC's incident)?  Back in those days you could keep an awful lot of secrets.  They even had a meeting with the top newspaper "barons" who agreed to keep a lid on this news.

I watched it - it was good, well worth watching. Nowadays of course you couldn't keep something like this secret.

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I actually wonder if this might end up working in her favor in a strange way. People do sympathize with people who get sick, and in the past people tend to like Hillary more when she's seemed vulnerable, like during the Monica Lewinsky affair, and when she cried right before the New Hampshire primary in '08 (remember that?).

I think it's possible this could be humanizing, especially if her supporters rally around her trying to work through her illness and everything. Then if she shows up at the debate and mops the floor with Trump, even after being sick, it'll all be over, imo.

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It -could- work to her advantage if they spun it right. Maybe let the press talk to the doctor, showed how tough she was (after all she carried on very well at the Commander in Chief forum, including not remaining seated and not seeming tired at all).

If they emphasized her determination and strength (through surrogates of some sort) it could actually play pretty well. But I'm always disappointed when Democrats have to spin things. (If it were Trump, somehow everyone would already be marveling at how he'd had walking pneumonia for a week and was so committed...so strong...what a guy...yaddayadda...).

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All of that come out and just tell the truth is the best policy but it won't make a difference to the republicans.  They'll just spin it in their we told you so way.  "All you have to do is google Hillary and illness and you won't believe what you get".

It's astounding that this is something that could make or break this race.  Hillary was on CNN yesterday and in an interview with Jake Tapper she rattled off ISIS names and places, North Korea facts and none of this will matter to the basket of deplorables.

On the MSNBC  crawl this morning, there is a statement from CIA Chief John Brennen refuting everything that Trump said about the intelligence officers telling him through secret body language (!) they disapproved of President Obama.  But no one will pay attention to that.

Edited by stormy
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I think she had her big terrorism expert meeting the end of the week and that big fund raiser, and if I had to bet, I'd bet she made the call herself to go and to go to the 9/11 memorial--she is very invested in those 9/11 families.  I thought she looked exhausted at the big meeting and press conference after, and I bet she just thinks she can get better and keep going--she's tough as hell but someone --Bill, her campaign management , Chelsea...should have really put it to her that if she's seen looking bad (as what happened with getting into the limo) it gives the other side more fodder.

I actually think the basket of deplorables is a much worse step than looking sick and not telling about the pneumonia.

I don't care if she's right--in the end, she needs to be everyone's president if elected--and to put that name on a lot of his people is not a good start to bring people together.    I suspect if she was 100% well that night, she might not have said it the way it came out.  Trump is not harping on the medical stuff--he's going after this hard.

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It would have looked extremely bad politically for her to skip out on that 9/11 ceremony - a holy day of obligation for any NY-based public figure - especially after having appeared at a very expensive fundraiser less than 48 hours earlier, at which she said a very polarizing comment. 

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7 hours ago, stormy said:

It's astounding that this is something that could make or break this race.  Hillary was on CNN yesterday and in an interview with Jake Tapper she rattled off ISIS names and places, North Korea facts and none of this will matter to the basket of deplorables.

On the MSNBC  crawl this morning, there is a statement from John Brennen refuting everything that Trump said about the intelligence officers telling him through secret body language (!) they disapproved of President Obama.  But no one will pay attention to that.

Good thing she didn't add "stupid" to the basket like I would have. Trump drives everything in this race to be judged on personality and emotion--and so far gets away with it. I hope the debates will change that, but I'm prepared for the worst.

I've been to a Trump rally and heard in person people saying sexist things about Hillary and also spouting racism. I didn't talk to everyone obviously, but of course those views are there. It's why he gets the KKK's support.  HE speaks to the "deplorable" things Hillary spoke about--as does the man he made CEO of his campaign. Rachel's piece about second in command, alt-right David Bossie, was also very important. They are all the "deplorable" things Hillary listed. Trump not only has spoken that language he has made their spokespeople leaders of his campaign.

I heard someone this morning point out the criticism of his supporters is a follow-up to her alt-right speech. What's the big deal?  If you think a candidate is spewing all those things--and has even appointed top advisors who are KNOWN for it (not to mention paling around with Alex Jones and Roger Stone)--SHOULDN'T his supporters take responsibility for their candidate's views as well?  What's wrong with that?

Maybe the alt-right speech went over their heads, but she kind of said this in a nice way two weeks ago.

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Some of the hosts get it, but most of them don't want to say it.

Trump supporters who don't consider themselves to be racist, sexist, xenophobic or islamophobic need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask why they are supporting a man who is ALL of these things to be the president of the country. And why they want to be associated with this hatred.

If they hate Hillary so much, they need to stay home rather than vote for such a vile, unacceptable monster. It's not a tough call. I would never, EVER vote for the Democratic equivalent of this man, no question about it.

Trump saying on CNBC that there should be no debate moderators is a hint that he's nervous about that debate. I think he's going to flounder, but I wish I had faith in Lester Holt to be a fact-checker. Trump is scared he's going to be fact-checked.

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Robbie Mook was on this afternoon and he would not directly answer the question of whether the campaign knew before Sunday that she had pneumonia.
The host asked him directly and he acted kind of awkward--makes me wonder if Hillary didn't tell them until she almost fainted.

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4 minutes ago, car54 said:

Robbie Mook was on this afternoon and he would not directly answer the question of whether the campaign knew before Sunday that she had pneumonia.
The host asked him directly and he acted kind of awkward--makes me wonder if Hillary didn't tell them until she almost fainted.

Glad I didn't see this as it would have made me mad.  Why go on television if you don't have an answer planned for this basic question?  Is there anyone who wouldn't know they'd be asked this? When you're unprepared it makes a bad soundbite and adds to the "deceiving us" narrative. Why not be prepared? That's why he gets the big bucks.

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Mook basically kept his info to what happened on Sunday--and when directly asked about the Friday info he said he was not prepared to comment--I took that to mean that it was private between Hillary and her doctor.  And I wonder if she knew but decided to stick to the schedule and didn't let them know until she was forced to because she almost fainted.   He didn't say that but it's the only thing I can think of why they would not be able to answer and they don't want to throw her under the bus.

Edited to add--they also asked if there was anyone in the campaign who could step up and tell Hillary NO when she wanted to work sick. and I don't feel like he gave a solid yes or no there either.


Dang, Martin O'Malley was just on speaking about the deplorable comment and he did a very fierce job of defending Hillary--they need to send him out more.

Edited by car54
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Trump supporters who don't consider themselves to be racist, sexist, xenophobic or islamophobic need to take a good hard look in the mirror and ask why they are supporting a man who is ALL of these things to be the president of the country. And why they want to be associated with this hatred.

All I know is, NOT one of those decent supporters stepped in to block that neo-nazi from physically pushing that black girl around during one of the rallies. They all just stood there watching one young woman get pushed around by a man and not one of those hard working, upstanding men or law enforcement supporters  Trump is referring to, went out of their way to at least step in front of a man physical pushing a woman around.  Well maybe there weren't any law enforcement supporters at that particular rally, yeah right.

Edited by represent
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Andrea Bitchell reported about Hillary Clinton on NBC News tonight & her voice was literally dripping with disdain ... so much for the journalistic fair & balanced reporting!!

I saw that incident represent & wondered why no one stepped up to extricate her from the situation.  Yeah, Trumpers are veritable Saints!!!

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5 hours ago, Padma said:

Good thing she didn't add "stupid" to the basket like I would have. Trump drives everything in this race to be judged on personality and emotion--and so far gets away with it. I hope the debates will change that, but I'm prepared for the worst.

I've been to a Trump rally and heard in person people saying sexist things about Hillary and also spouting racism. I didn't talk to everyone obviously, but of course those views are there. It's why he gets the KKK's support.  HE speaks to the "deplorable" things Hillary spoke about--as does the man he made CEO of his campaign. Rachel's piece about second in command, alt-right David Bossie, was also very important. They are all the "deplorable" things Hillary listed. Trump not only has spoken that language he has made their spokespeople leaders of his campaign.

I heard someone this morning point out the criticism of his supporters is a follow-up to her alt-right speech. What's the big deal?  If you think a candidate is spewing all those things--and has even appointed top advisors who are KNOWN for it (not to mention paling around with Alex Jones and Roger Stone)--SHOULDN'T his supporters take responsibility for their candidate's views as well?  What's wrong with that?

Maybe the alt-right speech went over their heads, but she kind of said this in a nice way two weeks ago.

I said weeks ago that when this horrible election cycle is finally over, the mainstream media will have a lot to answer for.  

Hillary's commentary was similar to then-candidate Obama's commentary years ago about a certain segment of the population clinging to their guns and religion.  Then, as now, Obama's comments were taken out of context in favor of the quick news soundbite, and it wasn't until the entire quote was shown that people finally understood what he was attempting to convey.  

Secretary Clinton was attempting to address the frustrations of Trump's supporters, and the mainstream media can only focus on the inflammatory statement she made.  Meanwhile, Trump spouts a lot of insane rhetoric FOR MONTHS and he isn't held to the same standard.  He is able to call into the cable news shows and gets billions in free advertising.  His fuckery is treated like "gaffes."   I've often wondered if the suits at CNN, MSNBC and others are afraid of Trump because he has something on them. They have also normalized Trump's behavior and we get false equivalence akin to comparing an ice cream headache to a brain tumor.  Trump encourages a foreign enemy to hack Secretary Clinton's servers and obliquely encourages 2nd Amendment supporters to take her and her Supreme Court out.  He encourages his brown shirt thugs to beat up protesters.  And, guess what?  His supporters are thrilled!  After all, he "tells it like it is."  Yet, when Secretary Clinton dares to do it....

I wish the media were more concerned about Trump's failure and refusal to release his tax returns--especially in light of his one-sided bromance with Putin, who undoubtedly sees him as a useful idiot.  And, when it comes to "deplorables," I can't also help but think of some of our other enemies abroad who have openly expressed that they would love nothing more than to see a Trump presidency.  It should also be noted that in one poll, 20% of Trump's supporters think it was a mistake to abolish slavery and wish the South had one the Civil War.  Think about that one for a moment.  Some of them believe that President Obama is a Muslim and an enemy to America.  That David Duke feels emboldened to run for the Senate speaks volumes.  At the GOP Convention, there were chants of "lock her up!" and I imagine her Secret Service detail is working overtime.  Deplorable is probably the most gentle descriptor for people who proudly support a candidate who is so unqualified and unsuited for the presidency. 

Edited by MulletorHater
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 I've often wondered if the suits at CNN, MSNBC and others are afraid of Trump because he has something on them.

No, I don't think he has anything on them, he's been good for their ratings and/or they are "Deplorables."

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I've been watching MSNBC and CNN for the past 2 days and they bring up the taxes every single time they have some Trump apologist on.

 I think Chris Hayes and Michael Steele just nailed it on All In---Trump in talking about his recent physical said "Well I'm hopefull the test results are all good--if they weren't good I would not be talking about releasing them".    And what does that say about his tax records?  "if they weren't good, I wouldn't be talking about releasing them.   BINGO!

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