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S08.E04: Rocky Boat Horror Show

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Yeah I can't stand it when people litter. I forgot Kenya just chucked Kim's dishes into the river. She is trash. Couple that with her commitment to shade Shamea all day and the goodwill she built with me for having fun at Sheree's is gone.

Speaking of shade, that shit is played out. Throwing it will never die but talking about it and saying the word incessantly is old and tired.


Kenya was acting like a spoiled child the whole time.  Starting with the throwing of Kim's food and containers in the river (you could see the containers floating on the river) to telling Shamea she had to get off HER boat...going to the Captain saying "Captain - I want you to remove a guest from MY boat".  Seriously!!  She sounded like a spoiled, petulant child who went running to Mommy or Daddy because her "friends" aren't playing nicely with her.  (I kept hearing Veruca Salt from the Willy Wonka movie in my head...).  The poor captain was looking at her like she was crazy - it's not HER BOAT!!!  She was basically demanding that they turn the boat around, go back to the dock and escort Shamea to her car.  WTF??  


No wonder they didn't have her on the cross-over cruise on Below Deck with Cynthia - could you imagine??  


Shamea came across kind of nasty, but it wasn't until after Kenya commented in front of her that she wasn't invited, and then brought up the comments Shamea made at the launch party.  If Kenya was so "classy", and Shamea doesn't matter in her world, she would have just let those comments go.  That's what classy does.  Classy women don't bring up past, inconsequential comments from someone that they could care less about.  Classy women slap a smile on their face and accept an uninvited guest.  They do have a private discussion, after the event, with the person who brought the uninvited guest, but a classy woman is always a gracious host - something NONE of these women seem to realize.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

If anything, Porsha got physical because she walked over to someone, blocking their space, waving and pointing when she was asked to leave, many times  At the point Cynthia grabbed Porsha's hands, she had pointed her finger in her face much, much, much more closer than that sceptre or bullhorn that she claimed provoked her to fight Kenya at the reunion.

When Porsha went over to talk to/explain herself to Cynthia, she kept her hands close to herself. She waved her 1 hand back and forth, it was Cynthia that pointed her finger inches from Porsha's face first, several times BEFORE Porsha started to point her finger at Cynthia in the same exact manner as Cynthia was doing. LOL Porsha was calm, even contrite, talking to Cynthia at first and did not get upset/angry/defensive until Cynthia called her stupid/dumb a SECOND time. IMO, Cynthia was hell bent on fighting no matter what, even if Porsha had delivered a sincere apology using the word "Sorry", I do NOT believe that Cynthia would have accepted it because she needed to take her maritial fustrations out on someone other than Peter and she chose Porsha to get it out on. Cynthia started the verbal fight AND she started the physical fight, NOT Porsha. I am not saying that Porsha doesn't have some responsibility in the verbal fight getting out of hand, she does, but the bulk of it goes on Cynthia and the whole physical fight responsability is on Cynthia and Cynthia alone IMO.


I have to ask myself, WHY is Cynthia so upset that anyone called her Kenya's BFF? Is she that afraid of being accused of crawling up Kenya's butt like she was accused of doing with Nene? LOL

  • Love 15

I'll do you one better...what's that I heard about Porsha having fake chin? LOL

Was Cynthia just lashing out or is this really a thing?


Damn you maverick! I have work to do today.  


ok, let's zapruder together. 

@ 1:20 "you are fake as f*%!"

@ 1:24 "your faux a** chin is m*&%n fake"


Chin implants are a thing but ya'll study your housewives real up close and personal like, I would be shocked if one of us hadn't noticed something amiss before now. 

  • Love 6

Well that was a boatload of crazy!!


Wire, I am in total agreement of all your posts, yet again (First with Vicki & now this... we may have been separated at birth LOL) Cynthia was itching for a fight.  I miss the "up Nene's ass" Cynthia, at least she was harmless.  This "up Kenya's ass" Cynthia is getting some kind of ass to nose transference of Kenya's crazy instigating ways trickling in her system & it's messy as hell.


I don't find it the least bit coincidental that Cynthia's friend just happens to be BFFs with Sheree's ex.  (on a side note: every time I hear Bob Whitfield's name, I only see that scene of him running from the courtroom like a nutjob LOL)  Speaking of Tami, WTF was up with her hitting up Kandi for her kid & (big AND) the Nazi white comment was so unbelievably wrong.  I would be so offended if anyone, especially my spouse (who is supposed to know my heart) described me as such on a public platform to boot. 

  • Love 2

Why not? An apology shouldn't be about whether or not you THINK you were wrong. If that's the criteria, people usually think they're in the right. Or at least they don't think they're wrong. It's about the other person, and she's just too selfish to go there. I still haven't forgotten the tiny petty victory pedestal she occupied by "allowing" Kenya to apologize for any part she had in their altercation, while she couldn't be arsed to do the same. What a bitch Porsha is.


Why should someone be required to apologize if they don't think they did anything wrong?  Usually an apology happens because you know you were wrong and are trying to make amends.  It is possible to have offended someone and not think you did anything wrong.  People get offended for stupid, ridiculous reasons all the time.  I'm not about to apologize every time someone takes something I said with offense.  I can control one person, me.  If you were offended, that's on you.  It was clear Porsha didn't mean "bitch" the way Cynthia took it.  Why should she apologize for the way Cynthia took it?  If Cynthia was the classy, together, worldly woman she loves to claim she is then why didn't she just rise above it, understand that Porsha didn't mean it that way (when EVERYONE ELSE on the boat was telling her they didn't think Porsha meant it that way as well) and move on from the situation?  It wasn't that serious.  Cynthia escalated it.  If Porsha is so beneath her why does she give a fuck if Porsha called her a bitch?


If you ask me, hearing an apology just to make yourself feel better because you were offended when there was no reason to be, makes you a bit selfish.  Could Porsha have just been the bigger person and apologized to be done with it?  Sure.  Is that her usual M.O.?  Nope.

Could Cynthia have just been the bigger person and let it go because it wasn't that serious to begin with?  Sure.  Is that her usual M.O.?  Well she sure likes to tell everyone she's too classy to get down with the pigs so...decide how you will on that.


Apologies just to hear them are bullshit.  I'd much rather like to hear someone apologize when they know they were wrong, not just so I can hear it.  It is possible to just be offended, discuss it like adults, decide to agree to disagree and move along.  I surmise that if Cynthia had handled it that way rather than hovering over Porsha like she wanted to intimidate her into an apology, she would have received her apology later after Porsha had a minute to think about how she might have offended Cynthia with what she said rather than defending herself from the oncoming attack.

  • Love 7

I disagree.  People who are hell bent on fighting do not beg the other person to leave, repeatedly.

Cynthia only told Porsha to walk away/leave AFTER Prosha refused to say the word "Sorry" to her. She, Cynthia, was fine when Porsha first sat down and started to explain what/why she said "Who bitch". AND Cynthia was already pointing her finger at Porsha and Cynthia called Porsha stupid/dumb a second time BEFORE she told her to walk away. Both have responsability in the verbal fight but the physical fighting is on Cynthia and her alone IMO.

  • Love 6
Why should someone be required to apologize if they don't think they did anything wrong?


Cynthia did not require Porsha to apologize.  She explained that she took offense to their earlier exchange and would like to get an apology.  Once she realized Porsha did not think she said anythiing wrong, she asked her to leave, many times.  WHY did Porsha stay there and continue to argue is what is beyond me.  Once someone who was previously lying down minding their own business makes it clear you are not welcome all up in their face, you should buy a clue if you don't already have one.

Edited by SpringTulips
  • Love 6

Well that was a boatload of crazy!!


Wire, I am in total agreement of all your posts, yet again (First with Vicki & now this... we may have been separated at birth LOL) Cynthia was itching for a fight.  I miss the "up Nene's ass" Cynthia, at least she was harmless.  This "up Kenya's ass" Cynthia is getting some kind of ass to nose transference of Kenya's crazy instigating ways trickling in her system & it's messy as hell.


I don't find it the least bit coincidental that Cynthia's friend just happens to be BFFs with Sheree's ex.  (on a side note: every time I hear Bob Whitfield's name, I only see that scene of him running from the courtroom like a nutjob LOL)  Speaking of Tami, WTF was up with her hitting up Kandi for her kid & (big AND) the Nazi white comment was so unbelievably wrong.  I would be so offended if anyone, especially my spouse (who is supposed to know my heart) described me as such on a public platform to boot. 

The "up Nene's butt" Cynthia was more of a peace maker than this "up Kenya's butt" Cynthia is. For some reason, Kenya's influence on Cynthia, coupled with Peter/marriage troubles, has brought out the worst in Cynthia and made her more agressive/angry than how she was when she was under Nene's influence.


Cynthia said she had "just met" Tammi, through a NY friend (aka/Andy) and that they were NOT friends but was only getting to know her. Both Tammi and Porsha's friend were production intro's, not real life friends. Which makes Kenya's umbridge at Porsha for bringing her "friend" on the boat trip laughable IMO. BUT, I guess she, Kenya, could't/wouldn't break the 4th wall and call out the producers for inviting either of the "friends" on the boat party that THEY, production, planned/payed for/filmed. LOL

  • Love 3

Cynthia did not require Porsha to apologize.  She explained that she took offense to their earlier exchange and would like to get an apology.  Once she realized Porsha did not think she said anythiing wrong, she asked her to leave.  WHY did Porsha stay there and continue to argue is what is beyond me.  Once someone who was previously lying down minding their own business makes it clear you are not welcome all up in their face, you should buy a clue if you don't already have one.

Actually, she did tell Porsha she wanted to hear the word "Sorry" from Porsha. Porsha tried to explain why she felt she didn't owe Cynthia that word but Cynthia cut her off calling her stupid/dumb yet again. Porsha DID say that she did NOT mean "Who bitch" the way that Cynthia took it, which IS an apology in itself but she didn't use the specific word "Sorry" which IS what Cynthia wanted to hear. IMO, even had Porsha said something like "I am Sorry YOU misunderstood what I meant" it would NOT have been enough for Cynthia. Again, IMO, Cynthia wanted/needed to fight with someone and Porsha was THE easiest target there and that is why she, Cynthia, didn't go after Kandi despite the fact that it was Kandi that called her "Kenya's BFF", NOT Porsha. For some reason, saying that Cynthia is someone's "BFF" makes her angry/defensive now. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

Cynthia did not require Porsha to apologize.  She explained that she took offense to their earlier exchange and would like to get an apology.  Once she realized Porsha did not think she said anythiing wrong, she asked her to leave.  WHY did Porsha stay there and continue to argue is what is beyond me.  Once someone who was previously lying down minding their own business makes it clear you are not welcome all up in their face, you should buy a clue if you don't already have one.


I wasn't talking about Cynthia.  I was talking about the poster who said you should apologize no matter what, whether you think you did anything wrong or not.

  • Love 2
Also, am I alone in NOT thinking Shamea threw shade by asking about the water in the bottles at Kenya’s event. The way she asked and the tone was very innocent. She legitimately wanted to know if there were testers.



Unless I'm mixing people up, she was hooting about it all night long, seemingly -- at least they showed multiple scenes of her kind of elbowing people and guffawing about it.  


The new chicks in any franchise are always really vulnerable, and sometimes they just get eaten alive by the current wives to the point that even though they participated as cast members, they end up "friend of" with a negative edit because there doesn't appear to be any random reason why this person we don't know is suddenly horning in on situations they don't appear to reasonably have a right to comment on.   It happened to Faye Resnick in WH, Margo in Atlanta, Kim G from Jersey and a few others I'm forgetting.


This group decided ahead of time not to play with Shamea and braid lady.  Even their "sponsors" (cast members charged with introducing them as personal friends) aren't pretending to be the least bit invested in their success. Obviously the foundation cast decided to bring their own drama to prevent its import.  

  • Love 4

Cynthia did not require Porsha to apologize.  She explained that she took offense to their earlier exchange and would like to get an apology.  Once she realized Porsha did not think she said anythiing wrong, she asked her to leave.  WHY did Porsha stay there and continue to argue is what is beyond me.  Once someone who was previously lying down minding their own business makes it clear you are not welcome all up in their face, you should buy a clue if you don't already have one.

Because she  was drunk.

  • Love 5

Why not? An apology shouldn't be about whether or not you THINK you were wrong. If that's the criteria, people usually think they're in the right. Or at least they don't think they're wrong. It's about the other person, and she's just too selfish to go there. I still haven't forgotten the tiny petty victory pedestal she occupied by "allowing" Kenya to apologize for any part she had in their altercation, while she couldn't be arsed to do the same. What a bitch Porsha is.


Sure it should. I don't believe in "your drunk ass feelings are hurt so let me say I'm sorry even though IDK what the fuck you're so mad about".  Especially if I REALLY wasn't trying to insult you AND I've already said (as Porsha said) I didn't mean it like that, I was just playing.  


You don't get to yell over me wagging your hand and then think you'll get an "I'm sorry". No ma'am, Pam.

  • Love 7

This group decided ahead of time not to play with Shamea and braid lady.  Even their "sponsors" (cast members charged with introducing them as personal friends) aren't pretending to be the least bit invested in their success. Obviously the foundation cast decided to bring their own drama to prevent its import.


So far I don't mind what I've seen of Shamea and Tami. And it's clear to me the others are going to try to freeze them out.

Except Kim of course…..for reason I guess we all know. These women are so trifling.


I WISH Shamea had defended herself better -- gone after Kenya and said: "If your launch party had had actual product in the bottles there wouldn't have been anything to say about it. You had a launch party and no product -- you fake as pretender BITCH! AND people were fanning and leaving because it was hot as hell…which is where you can go….."


Kim you can do so much better. Kim is the only woman on the show I'd want t have any thing to do with.

They just have no class. And that's not the kind of circle I associate with.

Cynthia is too too needy. Sheree and Kenya are not trustworthy. Phaedra is a hypocrite. Kandi and I have different thoughts about many issues. Porsha is just too stupid. And I just have to have more intelligent people around me than that.

Kim is the only one I feel I could really get to know, with no drama or questions about motives.  Compared to these nut cases…she's a delight.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 2

I'm not sure what the definition of nazi white is, but, as a fair skinned, blue eyed white woman with Jewish friends that are as fair skinned and light eyed as I am, I find "nazi white" to be incredibly offensive. I was glad to see the other women scatter and no one give the bitch the uproarious laughter she seemed to expect.

  • Love 6

I needed to comment on that as well with Leon telling Cynthia to work on her marriage with Peter. Uh no, don't think Leon has the full story on Peter's behavior. All Leon knows is the video he seen of Peter. Don't know if Leon watches RHOA or not who knows but don't think he knows everything about Peter and what he's putting Cynthia through and who his daughter has to be around. If anything he should be encouraging her to divorce Peter's ass before all her money is used up.


When it comes to apologies I hate the word "if". I'm sorry IF I offended/hurt you. If you didn't offend/hurt me I wouldn't be upset. Don't say if, because it doesn't seem sincere to me at all when that word is used to say sorry.

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 2

^^ that's what I would've thought before he started talking.  But when he sat down in the kitchen and asked her what was new with her these days, just as she was about to open her mouth, he goes - remember there's very little that concerns you that I haven't already heard or don't already know about.    I'd give him crazy props if he didn't watch but if my ex and child's father was on tv I'm not sure how I'd not look at it lol.  I think he knows as much about Peter as we do.  In which case, his advice makes me heart him for the sincerity of wanting to see her happy, even if his only motive is not to appear the bitter/ex/hater.  Whichever is fine, but in my head and off camera he's putting the Five Heartbeats moves on her, whispering to leave that dude and get with J.T.  

  • Love 10

^^ that's what I would've thought before he started talking.  But when he sat down in the kitchen and asked her what was new with her these days, just as she was about to open her mouth, he goes - remember there's very little that concerns you that I haven't already heard or don't already know about.    I'd give him crazy props if he didn't watch but if my ex and child's father was on tv I'm not sure how I'd not look at it lol.  I think he knows as much about Peter as we do.  In which case, his advice makes me heart him for the sincerity of wanting to see her happy, even if his only motive is not to appear the bitter/ex/hater.  Whichever is fine, but in my head and off camera he's putting the Five Heartbeats moves on her, whispering to leave that dude and get with J.T.  


Ha-ha...I couldn't sleep last night, and that movie was on TV...I fell asleep watching Leon as J.T. - OMG!!!  (One of my favorite movies!!!)   ;-)


I sometimes wonder what went on between Cynthia and Leon, and how she could go from Leon (and even Russell Simmons) to Peter?  What kind of special magic does Peter have??   

  • Love 5

Ha-ha...I couldn't sleep last night, and that movie was on TV...I fell asleep watching Leon as J.T. - OMG!!!  (One of my favorite movies!!!)   ;-)


I sometimes wonder what went on between Cynthia and Leon, and how she could go from Leon (and even Russell Simmons) to Peter?  What kind of special magic does Peter have??   


Nothin But Love is my jam.  That movie is awesome.

"Can't nobody sannng like Eddie Kang Juniah!"


Maybe it wasn't Peter's special magic but more that Cynthia's stock plummeted and her choices in men were no longer as stellar.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 2

^^ that's what I would've thought before he started talking.  But when he sat down in the kitchen and asked her what was new with her these days, just as she was about to open her mouth, he goes - remember there's very little that concerns you that I haven't already heard or don't already know about.    I'd give him crazy props if he didn't watch but if my ex and child's father was on tv I'm not sure how I'd not look at it lol.  I think he knows as much about Peter as we do.  In which case, his advice makes me heart him for the sincerity of wanting to see her happy, even if his only motive is not to appear the bitter/ex/hater.  Whichever is fine, but in my head and off camera he's putting the Five Heartbeats moves on her, whispering to leave that dude and get with J.T.  

I suspect that Leon knows MORE about Peter than we do. LOL I also think he knows that Cynthia's normal reaction is to cut and run and then beat herself up/regret doing it later down the line because she knows she reacted in haste most times. I'm just not sure that she would regret leaving/divorcing Peter in the long run, so I'm not sure that Leon's advice is sound this time.

  • Love 5

(on a side note: every time I hear Bob Whitfield's name, I only see that scene of him running from the courtroom like a nutjob LOL)



And don't forget him licking his tongue out at Sheree like a 5 year old child.  What a big goofy doofus!  LOL!


For some reason, saying that Cynthia is someone's "BFF" makes her angry/defensive now. LOL



I think it brings back flashbacks of Cynthia's "Friend Contract" fiasco.  She's never been able to live that down. 

In regards to the link:


I'm confused.  If Tammy has a "Nazi white" husband, why is she showing up to the RHOA party with a black basketball player?  Hmmmmm...


The basketball player is her nephew.



Oh!  Okay!  Well, it looks like asshole runs in Tammy's family then.  According to that article, he even causes her to fall on her ass in his drunken rampage.  Now I see why she isn't a peach carrying housewife.  She flunked the initial audition by bringing her moron nephew who the housewives refused to film with.  Sweet!  LOL!


I sometimes wonder what went on between Cynthia and Leon, and how she could go from Leon (and even Russell Simmons) to Peter?



I remember Leon saying that Cynthia fretted too much over EVERYTHING and he was too laid back.  They were just too opposite.  I took it to mean they probably had too many disagreements to live together peacefully, but decided to stay civil with each other for their daughter's sake.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 4
I remember Leon saying that Cynthia fretted too much over EVERYTHING and he was too laid back.  They were just too opposite.  I took it to mean they probably had too many disagreements to live together peacefully, but decided to stay civil with each other for their daughter's sake.


Dang.  At times I can see it in her, too.  It's annoying to be involved with a nag/worrywart but it seems like the kind of thing you can get somebody up offa you about if you really want to work it out.   Then again if he ever said you finna run me up outta here with all your carrying on and she still didn't knock it off, she should buy a long sleeved ya big dummy shirt.     #Leonthia2.0

  • Love 1
I suspect that Leon knows MORE about Peter than we do. LOL I also think he knows that Cynthia's normal reaction is to cut and run and then beat herself up/regret doing it later down the line because she knows she reacted in haste most times. I'm just not sure that she would regret leaving/divorcing Peter in the long run, so I'm not sure that Leon's advice is sound this time.



I just figured Leon was acting -- Cynthia came in with a two year storyline -- this year is the breakdown of her marriage (which she already knew was kaput), and how she deals with that, and next year will be how she bounces back.  It's a good move in terms of show longevity, but it means playing out dumping Peter over a longer period than she normally would have.


Leon was there to establish that she's really, truly trying to make things work this time so she will later be free to be Miss Cynthia Bailey.  What he said forestalls the "runaway bride" history being thrown in her face -- it's addressed, she's on record that she will put the work in, so Peter (or anybody) can't throw that in her face.  She will have tried her damndest right in front of all of us, and we'll all agree that she did her best, wipe a tear away, and wish her well.


Meanwhile, I bet that decision was made and the joint bank accounts closed before the Peter Weeps kitchen scene was shot. The rest is just playing out the story.

  • Love 6

I assume he's in Charlotte and she's in Atlanta, and when he's in Atlanta, he's on the couch.


This is all supposition, of course.  But the Cynthia that was laying down the law to Peter was FINISHED.  Cynthia's a dishrag a lot of the time -- but when she's resolute, I suspect her mind is made up and she walks away and doesn't look back.  


Only question is, to piggy back on ZaldamoWilder... will she ask him to "drop them keys" or just let him drive away in the car she bought him?

  • Love 5
I remember Leon saying that Cynthia fretted too much over EVERYTHING and he was too laid back.  They were just too opposite.  I took it to mean they probably had too many disagreements to live together peacefully, but decided to stay civil with each other for their daughter's sake.

This is interesting to me because my boyfriend (of what, 5 years now?) and I are polar opposites like this, too. I'm very anxious, fretful and naggy, and he is calm as a rock. His usual method of dealing with me flipping out about something is to basically ignore me and act as a calming influence. It works surprisingly well. That said, we don't have a kid and we're not married, and it's not for everyone...


Where are Peter and Cynthia in real time? I feel like if they'd split we'd have heard something, no?

Wondering this, too. I don't really keep up with celebrity news but this was filmed a while back, right? If there were divorce proceedings under-way I feel like someone would've found out about it. If no one's said anything then it makes me kind of worried/disappointed because I'd really like to see Cynthia dump Peter like a hot potato already.

Edited by syzygy
  • Love 1

They're still together. She posted pictures of them from Thanksgiving and they were all hugged up. As my grandmother used to day, Cynthia ain't gonna bust a grape.

Damn you maverick! I have work to do today.

ok, let's zapruder together.

@ 1:20 "you are fake as f*%!"

@ 1:24 "your faux a** chin is m*&%n fake"

Chin implants are a thing but ya'll study your housewives real up close and personal like, I would be shocked if one of us hadn't noticed something amiss before now.

ROFL! I'm definitely gonna be on the lookout now to see what that chin do.

  • Love 2

For some reason my quote button isn't working, but I just wanted to throw this out there: Phaedra in Anguilla in a mesh body suit and thong.


Phaedra has no room to talk about hanging out boobs to anyone. She's notorious for pushing them as far up and out as they will go on this very board! She's the only housewife on this show that has pages of discussion surrounding how much cleavage she shows. People have even named them struggle titties or something of that nature. What other HW has a name for their boobs AND their booty (donkey booty)?


That being said I don't care at all, I just found it hilarious and ironic that she acted like she finally had a partner in her crusade to class up the dress-code. I don't care how much boobage these ladies choose to show personally. Not my body, not my concern- IMO.


What I AM offended by is the Nazi- white comment. I was disgusted and shocked, and I want to know exactly why those words were chosen. I assume Miley meant that her husband was very "white" acting, but she's being racist at best.


Would anyone be surprised to see Porsha get physical again? Once I saw what she was capable of, I didn't need to see anymore. Maybe if her victim is more well liked then she will get more flack for it. Now if Cynthia gets physical, my whole opinion of her changes.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 3

I remember Leon saying that Cynthia fretted too much over EVERYTHING and he was too laid back.  They were just too opposite.  I took it to mean they probably had too many disagreements to live together peacefully, but decided to stay civil with each other for their daughter's sake.


This is interesting to me because my boyfriend (of what, 5 years now?) and I are polar opposites like this, too. I'm very anxious, fretful and naggy, and he is calm as a rock. His usual method of dealing with me flipping out about something is to basically ignore me and act as a calming influence. It works surprisingly well. That said, we don't have a kid and we're not married, and it's not for everyone...



Leon posted this on his facebook page.  The caption he typed on it says, "RP - I choose #Happy over miserable every time!  Life is good!!"  Maybe Cynthia was just always bringing him down. 



  • Love 1

I think it is. She's gained weight all over and her thighs match her ass. The kardashians and minajes of the world never have matching thighs. That's usually the dead giveaway.

There are natural women with bodies like Porsha all over Atlanta. I do think she's had lipo on her stomach though because the stomach also usually matches and hers is completely flat.

Edited by ridethemaverick
  • Love 3

This is interesting to me because my boyfriend (of what, 5 years now?) and I are polar opposites like this, too. I'm very anxious, fretful and naggy, and he is calm as a rock. His usual method of dealing with me flipping out about something is to basically ignore me and act as a calming influence. It works surprisingly well. That said, we don't have a kid and we're not married, and it's not for

I totally agree, spouses can't complement each other. My husband knows I am a total hypochondriac for not just myself, but for the whole family. One day our son was sitting on the living room rug and casually said "my neck hurts". I started watching my son, and my husband just looks up and says "he does NOT have meningitis." I laughed because he knew me so well and it did make me calm down.

However, my husband also productively contributes to household income and there aren't any YouTube videos of him stroking another woman.

  • Love 2

The Nazi thing didn't bother me.  I mean, sure, it was weird -- any time somebody brings up Nazis it's weird -- but I simply assumed she meant he was, to use an even more offensive term, one of those "Aryan poster child" guys -- tall, athletic, blond, Nordic looking white guy  (basically everything the short, dark haired Hitler was not).


Would have been less weird/offensive to just say "Dude looks Swedish."  I can see being bothered by the racist humblebrag implications that somehow she landed this amazing white guy, but I don't think the Nazi mention in and of itself was all that meaningful.

  • Love 3

I think it is. She's gained weight all over and her thighs match her ass. The kardashians and minajes of the world never have matching thighs. That's usually the dead giveaway.

There are natural women with bodies like Porsha all over Atlanta. I do think she's had lipo on her stomach though because the stomach also usually matched and hers is completely fl



I know...when you see skinny little chicken legs and a bowling ball sized rear, it does not seem natural.  I mean there probably is someone out there built this way, but it is not common


Porsha is thick in a mostly good way.  I am amazed that she has no stretch marks despite the weight gain.  She obviously loves her curves, so that is always nice to see.  However, I wish she would just put it away once in awhile. There is more to a woman then her body.

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I see Kenya is still doing her patented throw rocks and hide her hands. She's always low-key shady, yet, clutches her pearls when someone comes for her.

I couldn't believe Kenya had the nerve to be mad at Shamea for shading her. Isn't that what Kenya does to everyone 24/7?

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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Watched the episode a second time, and this thing is on Cynthia. Her mood was off from the get go and she was itching for a fight. The fight centered about the best friend comment. Kenya claimed to the group she was Cynthia's best friend, Kandi snarked on that comment but Cynthia sat there with pursed lips. Even before Porsha did her Jamaica gyration, she was lovingly arrannging Cynthia's hair and she seemed annoyed. When it was decided that someone should speak to Queen Kenya to stop her from throwing Shamea off the boat, Kandi suggested with shade that best friend Cynthia go over there. Cynthia told Kandi to shut up then started grumbling about fake best friends in the group. Porsha asked who? bitch and Cynthia went ballistic about being called bitch. She also started throwing insults at Porsha at this time.


The word bitch was thrown around the entire time. We see Porsha being supportive to Cynthia the entire time so I don't blame her for feeling she didn't need to apologize. However even after Cynthia blew up at her and called her stupid, she calmly went over to explain herself to Cynthia. Cynthia wasn't having it though. I don't know if y'all watched the First Looks for tonight's show, but it just gets better.


We saw this with Cynthia last season. She saves all her Peter rage for the ladies. Sure, it looked like she grew a little spine when she told Peter the love was gone, but when Peter fondles women on camera, she's embarrassed. When her friend asks "who bitch" she's enraged and demanding respect.

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