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S03.E14: Reunion Part 1


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"Bitch" has entered the American vernacular in an almost casual way, especially when people say it jokingly to each other and not in anger.


"Whore" has not. When used in anger it usually is in situations where someone is lashing out to attack a woman's morals. We didn't see Connie sleeping around, so it's interesting that Emile still used this term in smarting off to her. While she was very wrong to call him a bitch, his language was more offensive. I think it showed a lot about his low opinion of women and insecurity.


For what it's worth, I try to avoid gender-based insults. It just bugs me as a long-time feminist. Years ago when I worked with young soldiers in the field, I noticed them referring to their malfunctioning M-16s and other equipment as "bitch" and "whore." That was the first time I thought about the issue.


Random comment about Connie: I admire her skill and avoidance of drama (mostly), but I do think there's some stuff lurking below the surface. Also, the food-smeared boobs were just odd. I think production encouraged it, but it came from left field and made her look weird.

Or.... and I just now thought of this. Maybe, since we all know he was really pissy cause he just got the awesome piece of information from Rocky, whore flew out of his mouth cause he was itching to shout that particular insult out just not to Connie and then the opportunity presented itself so he let himself unload what he was probably holding back and what was probably on his mind at the time.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 1
Pay attention, Lee.  When your bosun says "I don't remember" instead of denying emphatically that something happened, that should make a bell go off in your brain.



It did – you could tell in the way that when Andy asked him what would have happened if he learned there was drinking going on and he pointedly said he’d deal with it.  He didn’t say it casually, in the “well, obviously, I’d deal with it, duh” way – he implied very strongly that it would be dealt with, and if I were Kate or Eddie, I would have taken it as being served notice that he had his suspicions. 


Regardless of Rocky’s motives (and maybe it was just a nasty shot in the dark based on a lie Leon told her), if you have never had a drink on the job and you’re accused of drinking on the job, the response is NOT going to be “I don’t remember” – it’s going to be “the hell I did.”   Seriously – your boss comes into your office and says “[coworker] just told me you were drinking wine at your desk” – are you going to say “I don’t remember”?  Or if he comes to you and says “coworker A just told me that coworker B was drinking on the job and you covered it up” and that simply never happened... are you going to say “I don’t remember”?


Doesn't matter what your relationship is with the lying coworker -- the immediate reaction to a false, shocking, slanderous accusation might be denial, tears of disbelief, a sputtering inability to defend oneself at all... all sorts of things.  "I don't remember" is not one of them.  

  • Love 5

It did – you could tell in the way that when Andy asked him what would have happened if he learned there was drinking going on and he pointedly said he’d deal with it. He didn’t say it casually, in the “well, obviously, I’d deal with it, duh” way – he implied very strongly that it would be dealt with, and if I were Kate or Eddie, I would have taken it as being served notice that he had his suspicions.

Regardless of Rocky’s motives (and maybe it was just a nasty shot in the dark based on a lie Leon told her), if you have never had a drink on the job and you’re accused of drinking on the job, the response is NOT going to be “I don’t remember” – it’s going to be “the hell I did.” Seriously – your boss comes into your office and says “[coworker] just told me you were drinking wine at your desk” – are you going to say “I don’t remember”? Or if he comes to you and says “coworker A just told me that coworker B was drinking on the job and you covered it up” and that simply never happened... are you going to say “I don’t remember”?

Doesn't matter what your relationship is with the lying coworker -- the immediate reaction to a false, shocking, slanderous accusation might be denial, tears of disbelief, a sputtering inability to defend oneself at all... all sorts of things. "I don't remember" is not one of them.

Yeah, the thing that I keep coming back to is that nobody denied it! Even Amy just said it was petty and not the point (true). Not a single person on that stage actually said "That's not true". What the means? I can't say exactly, but I think it's odd.
  • Love 3

I've been wondering if maybe "I don't remember " was kind of calculated to be the most crazy-making thing Eddie could have possibly said.

   -And I cannot imagine Rocky not holding the mug over her head, yelling "Kate's drinking!" if the mug existed at all.




Doing the math during the tip distribution scenes, the announced share given to each of the crew members is usually less than the total announced tip divided by the number of visible crew members.


I have heard the Captain say that the tip was being split ten ways. I can't remember in which episode, at the moment....

Edited by JacksonOrange
  • Love 2

I can't place the "10 ways" comment, though it sound like it was after Dane left. Isn't it usually 11 ways?

Kate, Amy, Rocky, Eddie, Connie, Emile, the 3rd deckhand (Don/Dane/Dave), the chef (Leon/Ben). Which leaves 3 "unclaimed" portions - I assumed those were Lee, Dan, and the unseen chief engineer. (Or is that Dan? I can't remember if he is the chief engineer or the first mate.)

  • Love 2

I can't place the "10 ways" comment, though it sound like it was after Dane left. Isn't it usually 11 ways?

Kate, Amy, Rocky, Eddie, Connie, Emile, the 3rd deckhand (Don/Dane/Dave), the chef (Leon/Ben). Which leaves 3 "unclaimed" portions - I assumed those were Lee, Dan, and the unseen chief engineer. (Or is that Dan? I can't remember if he is the chief engineer or the first mate.)

It's been like this since S1. The math on the tip never makes sense unless you add in people who aren't on camera.

  • Love 2

But to only way to deny it is to say it isn't true which means that there's no way around saying that Rocky lied. I just get it. In that moment I get it and I don't think it was all that serious quite honestly. She did what she did in order to cause problems because Eddie decided he didn't feel like fucking her anymore. She decided she was going to do something fucked up to him and went overboard. Does he deserve to answer for hooking up with Rocky to his girlfriend? Absolutely. Does he have to answer for it to the rest of the crew. Ummmmmm, fuck outta here and that's where I find it completely ridiculous. The nature of the conversation itself was completely inappropriate so it's hard for me to section off the part where Eddie was "wrong" cause the whole conversation was wrong, the whole sharing of information was wrong so no I didn't expect his part in what transpired to be perfect and exactly by the gentleman's handbook especially when you have Rocky pulling out pages from the THOT library. I just can't look at Eddie's reaction in a vacuum. He reacted badly in a situation that was wrong to begin with embarked by BOTH of them. He should have never been put in that conversation by Rocky in the first place. Whether or not she's pissed that he was trying to ghost her doesn't mean that their particular PERSONAL problem all of a sudden became group therapy for everyone to be involved in and weigh in on. I feel like his behavior was a result of being blindsided and when he was able to process it a bit more he realized how fucked up he reacted and took a better approach afterwards. I personally feel that he recovered pretty well, not perfect but well enough that he offered up what looked like a genuine apology and he seemed to accept that his reaction was fucked up. I really don't need a pound of flesh from the guy.

He didn't try to make her look crazy. He was giving out alternatives to why she would lie. He was using things that might make sense using the stuff that's happened during the season like well maybe to get Emile jealous or maybe cause I pissed her off about something.. All he was doing was making up a reason that she would do something mean to him. I mean yeah he was lying but I don't think he was trying to suggest she was ready for the rubber room. He was grasping at straws and using things that actually happened to piece together a plausible nonsexual reasons why she would try to get back at him.

I agree that he was grasping at straws, but that wasn't necessarily what I was referring to, it's just my opinion that he was trying to undermine Rocky and make her seem crazy, it's definitely not fact. In my opinion when he was talking directly to her and saying nothing happened, he was talking to Ben about how crazy she was (although this was before the hook up confrontation) he was trying to make her seem crazy, but ymmv.

Here is a little something for your Monday :)


  • Love 2

It's been like this since S1. The math on the tip never makes sense unless you add in people who aren't on camera.


Yep. But as far as I remember there are only two unseen cast members: a chief engineer and a first mate. We've seen Dan a bit this season, though I don't know if he's the first mate or the chief engineer. (Based on his appearances in the wheelhouse with Captain Lee, I assume he's the first mate?) So unless there's an unseen 3rd crew member we're not aware of that's why I always assumed Lee got a cut of the tip, because I think he usually says it's split 11 ways.

Yep. But as far as I remember there are only two unseen cast members: a chief engineer and a first mate. We've seen Dan a bit this season, though I don't know if he's the first mate or the chief engineer. (Based on his appearances in the wheelhouse with Captain Lee, I assume he's the first mate?) So unless there's an unseen 3rd crew member we're not aware of that's why I always assumed Lee got a cut of the tip, because I think he usually says it's split 11 ways.


He says it's split 10 ways, not 11.

Kate said, "no" when Andy directly asked her if she had been drinking.  And she then said that Leon admitted he made it up.  Captain Lee also said that Leon admitted he made it up.  Now what could have happened is that Leon told Rocky that Kate had wine in a mug.  Rocky says something to Eddie and he just dumps it.  But we never see a mug.  And that's the problem I have with this scenario since there was a film crew there at that time.  I've said this before.  I don't think Eddie wanted to engage Rocky at all after her comments about his girlfriend being at the filming.  Bottom line for me is that I don't have any proof Kate was drinking except for Rocky's word.  And that doesn't mean much of anything to me.  Rocky hates Kate.  Kate didn't do anything to Rocky except to expect that she do her job.  And rightfully so. 


It's interesting that Rocky throws this out after she stated as fact that the drippings from the pizza caused the fire and that there were pans in the oven that Kate should have taken out.  Anyone who viewed the episode could clearly see that the fire was not on one of the pans but was on the bottom of the oven.  Dirty oven.  Period.  I loved that Capt. Lee immediately called her out on this.  And we see Rocky looking up at whatever fascinates her on the ceiling when he is calling her out on it.  Rocky was freaking desperate at that point because she got 'read' so she throws out the wine in the mug.  This is why Amy responds with the 'you're being petty' remark. 


I'm interested to see what the actual conversation is about 'twice after' statement Rocky makes to Eddie.  Many of us are long time Bravo viewers and know what they put in a clip isn't always what actually is fact.  We'll see.

  • Love 6

When did Kate lie? I don't remember but we have several examples of Rocky lying or stretching reality.


Kate flat out lied to Lee's face about the penis blanket.  AFAIK, Rocky hasn't been caught lying.  Yet.  Another thing Kate definitely has that we're not sure Rocky does is an arrest and a mug shot.


Speaking of mugs...


And I cannot imagine Rocky not holding the mug over her head, yelling "Kate's drinking!" if the mug existed at all.


Because when Eddie told her to keep it quiet - "they protect their own" - she was still bumping uglies with him in the laundry room.  She didn't want that to end by narc'ing on a crewmember. 


I'm hoping Lee is paying attention.  But since I've been reminded that he let Kate get away with lying to him, he either, A.) has no control of who he can fire, B.) he has a high tolerance for bullshit or C.) he's one of them   

  • Love 1

Kate flat out lied to Lee's face about the penis blanket. AFAIK, Rocky hasn't been caught lying. Yet. Another thing Kate definitely has that we're not sure Rocky does is an arrest and a mug shot.

Rocky is the one who removed the pizza on a pan from the oven to me her talking about dripping cheese is a lie and she also told Emile that she and Eddie had a thing the whole tome which even be her own later admission was a lie.

  • Love 4

You might also remember how Rocky acted like Leon was her "best friend" but they showed a clip of unseen footage of her trash talking his cooking and saying how she could do it better. Maybe that's not a direct lie, but it is deceitful, to make it appear like you're supportive of somebody and then come to find out you're trash talking them behind their back. Rocky may not necessarily be a liar, per se, but she is a deceptive person IMO, she has the tendency to exaggerate everything to make it play out in her favor (Leon is her best friend, she and Eddie had a thing the WHOLE time, Kate was too drunk to teach her anything, after her first hookup with Eddie she wanted to marry him, etc.)

  • Love 4

You might also remember how Rocky acted like Leon was her "best friend" but they showed a clip of unseen footage of her trash talking his cooking and saying how she could do it better. Maybe that's not a direct lie, but it is deceitful, to make it appear like you're supportive of somebody and then come to find out you're trash talking them behind their back. Rocky may not necessarily be a liar, per se, but she is a deceptive person IMO, she has the tendency to exaggerate everything to make it play out in her favor (Leon is her best friend, she and Eddie had a thing the WHOLE time, Kate was too drunk to teach her anything, after her first hookup with Eddie she wanted to marry him, etc.)

Absolutely, The girls answer about her visiting captain lee and how Emile went to see her after the season ended is enough to show how she likes to put ridiculous things out there and later claim in was a joke. The way I see it Rocky's that person that likes to feel out a situation throw a bunch of shit out there to see what sticks or to see what hot topics come out of her ramblings that she can sink her teeth into. Oh, that has some sort of reaction, let me see if imma just throw out that it was a joke or can I milk this misconception I've created and keep it going for however long it lasts? That's the impression I get from Rocky. Not saying she not basing some of her stuff from "actual events" but if using the term Liar is too much of a stretch for some then I'll firmly state that I believe she loves misrepresenting things. It's like when I watch a movie that starts of with "inspired by true events" vs "based on a true story". Inspired by true events can mean that the story was based in the same state, same neighborhood and is similar to a court case, family occurrence, company scandal etc. etc. and not actually based from a specific happening or personal story. Rocky to me is the inspired by "true" events type of person.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

Not saying she not basing some of her stuff from "actual events" but if using the term Liar is too much of a stretch for some then I'll firmly state that I believe she loves misrepresenting things.


I'm not saying she doesn't exaggerate for drama.  Or that things she says in sarcasm are taken at face value. She may be a liar. But some are making so many excuses for the bad behavior and PROVEN lying of others that I have to wonder why Rocky is held to such a different standard.


I do know for sure that Eddie and Kate are.  Who told the captain that the pizza was frozen?  Those liars Eddie and Kate?  Rocky was ridiculous and possibly lying about the melting cheese (mmm, melty cheese) but the scrutiny of her every word is crazy making.


Since excuses are made for all the others, here's one for another of Rocky's "lies":  she said she and Eddie were doing it "the whole time". 

The whole time they were sailing around Bermuda and ending once they started sailing back to Fort Lauderdale? 

The whole time Eddie told her he was broken up with his girlfriend? 

The whole time between the time she was hot for Emile but before Eddie dumped her? 

What whole time is she talking about?  Because if you're going to give the other liars the benefit of the doubt, isn't it plausible that Rocky's "the whole time" has been edited so it is interpreted that she's sayign they were doing it the whole season??  Maybe this will be cleared up tonight because it was never made clear during the season.

  • Love 1

I'm not saying she doesn't exaggerate for drama.  Or that things she says in sarcasm are taken at face value. She may be a liar. But some are making so many excuses for the bad behavior and PROVEN lying of others that I have to wonder why Rocky is held to such a different standard.


I do know for sure that Eddie and Kate are.  Who told the captain that the pizza was frozen?  Those liars Eddie and Kate?  Rocky was ridiculous and possibly lying about the melting cheese (mmm, melty cheese) but the scrutiny of her every word is crazy making.


Since excuses are made for all the others, here's one for another of Rocky's "lies":  she said she and Eddie were doing it "the whole time". 

The whole time they were sailing around Bermuda and ending once they started sailing back to Fort Lauderdale? 

The whole time Eddie told her he was broken up with his girlfriend? 

The whole time between the time she was hot for Emile but before Eddie dumped her? 

What whole time is she talking about?  Because if you're going to give the other liars the benefit of the doubt, isn't it plausible that Rocky's "the whole time" has been edited so it is interpreted that she's sayign they were doing it the whole season??  Maybe this will be cleared up tonight because it was never made clear during the season.

I guess what it boils down for me is that Rocky demonstrated continuous behavior that was very repulsive during the whole season. There was mean spiritedness dripping from almost all of her issues on board. The chaos that she created all for selfish reasons. I guess I'm not inclined to view her circumstances in such a generic way because she deliberately behaved very rudely and inappropriately many many times and for no real reasons other than she was uncomfortable, unhappy blah blah blah. Always thinking of herself. To me that's not defendable. I can cut slack on a situation by situation basis. I think Kate's bad behavior, when taken IN context has some sort of logical progression. I think Kate can be abrupt, can make mistakes, can be dismissive but at the same time her actions aren't in some vacuum where it's completely delusion behavior where she sees herself as the only one on board who should be accommodated at every moment. Same with Eddie. He has his flaws, he had some bad behavior but situation by situation there is at least some sort of context that doesn't make his bad behavior so freaking unnerving and out of the blue mean. Whether or not they were wrong or right there were reasons that led up to the bad behavior not just some random need to throw on a mermaid tail or have meltdowns in their rooms. We actually saw them have positive interactions along with their flawed behavior like ya know like real people. Rocky was just all about her all the time and to hell with anything else.  People making mistakes, behaving badly and making bad decisions is a totally different ball game compared to the complete destructive and selfish behavior Rocky displayed throughout the course of the show and for me no amount of semantics excuses what she's exposed as her overall character and who she ultimately is as a person. Her disregard for everything around her ALL THE TIME and mean spirited pettiness is why I can't view her bad behavior in the same sense as the mistakes of Kate and Eddie or any other part of the cast.  She's just pretty despicable to me.

  • Love 7

Just to put it out there one last time...The captain of a boat normally DOES NOT take a share of the tip. He is paid many times more than the rest of the crew and traditionally leave the cash tip for his crew to give incentive to do the best possible job

ETA - Someone could tweet Captain Lee or one of the crew to ask them. I don't have twitter so I cannot do it myself

Edited by bblancobrnx

Her disregard for everything around her ALL THE TIME and mean spirited pettiness is why I can't view her bad behavior in the same sense as the mistakes of Kate and Eddie or any other part of the cast.  She's just pretty despicable to me.


There was a lot of disregard on Rocky's part but I'll have to disagree that it was all the time.  Kate is the epitome of mean spirited pettiness - she wears it on her face when it's not coming out of her mouth.  The despicable tag I'll also save for Kate because I have a feeling her mugshot was the result of her driving drunkety drunk.. Now THAT is despicable.  Diving off a boat, wearing a mermaid's tail, attention whoring just like all the rest of 'em - not so much.


Are you looking forward to tonight as much as I am?  I may come away from it agreeing with every word you've written, but I'm a bleeding heart and tend to root for the underdog.  The dog that is under all the other dogs.  :-)

Just an observation about the "dripping" cheese causing the fire. The frozen pizza was placed on and fit well within the confines of a lipped sheet pan with right angle sides and not a sloped sided pizza pan. There was nowhere for any "melted" cheese to go except flow within the pan containing it.

Ding a Ling is making excuses and making stuff up only to throw it out there and see what will stick. She is the boy who called wolf she has done it with her accusations, her constant passing of blame, her erratic behavior; now nobody believes her and even if she was telling the truth nobody really cares, nor would make the effort to investigate. The reasoning is "It's Rocky and you can't trust what she says.


Edited by Giselle
  • Love 9

There was a lot of disregard on Rocky's part but I'll have to disagree that it was all the time.  Kate is the epitome of mean spirited pettiness - she wears it on her face when it's not coming out of her mouth.  The despicable tag I'll also save for Kate because I have a feeling her mugshot was the result of her driving drunkety drunk.. Now THAT is despicable.  Diving off a boat, wearing a mermaid's tail, attention whoring just like all the rest of 'em - not so much.


Are you looking forward to tonight as much as I am?  I may come away from it agreeing with every word you've written, but I'm a bleeding heart and tend to root for the underdog.  The dog that is under all the other dogs.  :-)

See I root for the underdog too but Rocky not so much and I guess with Kate I can shrug it off cause it's not that serious (I'm talking about the show) AND at the end of the day she does her job. I am one to definitely speak up to assholes on behalf of the one being piled on but with Rocky no can do because she made all her issues everyone else's problem to solve or to handle. She took whatever conflict there was and made it into some poor Rocky narrative each and every time meanwhile everyone else was just trying to get through service, charter and the season. She wasn't targeted at all. The mess that fell at her feet was invited by her uncouth, petty, unprofessional, attentionwhoring and selfish behavior so I mean what can ya do? Got to give me SOMETHING to work with if imma be in your corner and Rocky gave me zilch.

  • Love 4

I'm not saying she doesn't exaggerate for drama.  Or that things she says in sarcasm are taken at face value. She may be a liar. But some are making so many excuses for the bad behavior and PROVEN lying of others that I have to wonder why Rocky is held to such a different standard.


I agree with what Yours Truly said, but to add to that and boil it down a little...


I don't think it's complicated. People (myself included) just don't like Rocky. She "pushes all the buttons" for an apparent majority of viewers, while Eddie and Kate (and whoever else) just don't. Pretty simple, really.


Viewers are under no obligation to be "fair" or "objective" when it comes to judging tee vee shows and the people who are in them. And people who are generally liked, and/or display redeeming qualities, are naturally going to be judged less harshly than those who aren't and don't. Evidently, Kate and Eddie (again, for an apparent majority) are the former while Rocky is the latter. I don't think it's anything more than the standard, everpresent variance in mileage.

  • Love 6

Just an observation about the "dripping" cheese causing the fire. The frozen pizza was placed on and fit well within the confines of a lipped pan. There was nowhere for any "melted" cheese to go except flow within the pan containing it.

Ding a Ling is making excuses and making stuff up only to throw it out there and see what will stick. She is the boy who called wolf she has done it with her accusations, her constant passing of blame, her erratic behavior; now nobody believes her and even if she was telling the truth nobody really cares, nor would make the effort to investigate. The reasoning is "It's Rocky and you can't trust what she says.


Plain and simple. She's basically not worth the effort cause at the end of the day her motives come from a very mean and petty place so to me that cancels out any sort of outrage I can have on her behalf on issues that aren't all that heinous in the first place. Oooooo, she felt slighted.... so what, eat a pint of ice cream and get on with it already. Geez!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 3

Let's also take into account that everyone, save maybe Dane and Leon, owned up to shit they did this season. Hell, even Leon if anything at least came clean about lying about Kate drinking. Eddie admitted he behaved poorly and unprofessionally concerning Laundry Gate and admitted it was a huge mistake that he regretted. Don apologized for his behavior earlier in the season and apologized personally to the captain. Emile admitted he was too caught up in the Rocky drama and apologized several times to Connie for the whore comment. Everyone who did something shitty this season owned up to at least one thing. Rocky hasn't given a genuine apology for anything she's done (on the last charter she said something like "sorry you got me for a stew", which I think she was just saying for lip service), especially not owning up to diving off the boat and disappearing for 7 hours while the rest of the crew had a huge dinner to plan without a chef. She just hopped back on like nothing had happened. At least the others can admit they made a mistake, handled a situation poorly, or admit they have faults or were responsible for something they did, which I think shows they are capable of self reflection and some semblance of self awareness, therefore they have more credibility. Rocky has shown to be incapable of anything except talking about how awesome she is all the time, it's not a small wonder nobody takes this chick seriously. Who would after seeing the way she deflects from everything?

  • Love 9

She "pushes all the buttons" for an apparent majority of viewers, while Eddie and Kate (and whoever else) just don't.


Well, this season anyway.  Kate was the hated, button-pusher last season.  On Twitter, here, on the internet by and large.  Viewers are a fickle bunch.  For that reason, I hope that our resident Boy Scout, Eddie, is back next season so we can see what he's really made of.  Rocky Road and Caustic Kate can go. They've been figured out, nothing more to see, imo.

Who told the captain that the pizza was frozen?  Those liars Eddie and Kate? 


The Captain was in the galley after the fire, and could have easily seen for himself that the pizza was still frozen.


I'm getting tired of so many commenters (not necessarily you, ryebread) making authoritative statements as if they know what the cast members actual thoughts or intentions were/are in any given scenario. We are not in their heads, so let's try not to make claims about what makes them tick.


Also -- somebody made a claim that Kate's mug shot looked like she was arrested for drunk driving, and then went on to say that she's despicable for driving drunk! How about finding out why someone was arrested before you condemn them. For all you know, she could have been at a damn protest march! (not likely, but still).

  • Love 7

Let's also take into account that everyone, save maybe Dane and Leon, owned up to shit they did this season. Hell, even Leon if anything at least came clean about lying about Kate drinking. Eddie admitted he behaved poorly and unprofessionally concerning Laundry Gate and admitted it was a huge mistake that he regretted. Don apologized for his behavior earlier in the season and apologized personally to the captain. Emile admitted he was too caught up in the Rocky drama and apologized several times to Connie for the whore comment. Everyone who did something shitty this season owned up to at least one thing. Rocky hasn't given a genuine apology for anything she's done (on the last charter she said something like "sorry you got me for a stew", which I think she was just saying for lip service), especially not owning up to diving off the boat and disappearing for 7 hours while the rest of the crew had a huge dinner to plan without a chef. She just hopped back on like nothing had happened. At least the others can admit they made a mistake, handled a situation poorly, or admit they have faults or were responsible for something they did, which I think shows they are capable of self reflection and some semblance of self awareness, therefore they have more credibility. Rocky has shown to be incapable of anything except talking about how awesome she is all the time, it's not a small wonder nobody takes this chick seriously. Who would after seeing the way she deflects from everything?

one thousand likes!!!!!!

  • Love 2

The Captain was in the galley after the fire, and could have easily seen for himself that the pizza was still frozen.

I'm getting tired of so many commenters (not necessarily you, ryebread) making authoritative statements as if they know what the cast members actual thoughts or intentions were/are in any given scenario. We are not in their heads, so let's try not to make claims about what makes them tick.

Also -- somebody made a claim that Kate's mug shot looked like she was arrested for drunk driving, and then went on to say that she's despicable for driving drunk! How about finding out why someone was arrested before you condemn them. For all you know, she could have been at a damn protest march! (not likely, but still).

Agreed! We only know what we are shown so when it comes to intentions or what people were thinking, none of us know. I'm ok with speculating when it's stated as such, but it bothers me when things are stated difinitively.

For me as far as the Rocky drama it's telling that she is talking so much at the reunion, because she is somehow involved in every situation involving drama. I'll give her that it would have been a boring season without her. Even when she wasn't truly involved she inserted herself (i.e. Kate/Leon). I may have said that before so I apologize if I repeated it, I know I thought it but I don't remember if I actually said it.

  • Love 2

I'm getting tired of so many commenters (not necessarily you, ryebread) making authoritative statements as if they know what the cast members actual thoughts or intentions were/are in any given scenario. We are not in their heads, so let's try not to make claims about what makes them tick.


Don't be tired! Maybe Leon can whip up a protein drink to help you out with that. :-)


So speculating is bad and being authoritative is bad. Rule book, por favor!


Every last one of us is guilty of making authoritative statements. Because at the end of the day, this is ALL speculation. For instance: even though Eddie admitted he's a liar, there were people who guessed that the sexy times were scripted and made up just for the drama! And that Connie's penchant for smearing food on her breasts was producer driven! What do we really know for sure? LOL.

Of course everyone should speculate about what makes the cast tick. What's the problem? Isn't that what we do here? What's the difference if I speculate that Kate's got a rap sheet for DUI or if you speculate it's for protesting. Or prostitution? (Oh! Good one!) Or whatever. If it were Rocky with an arrest, would it be so tiresome if I speculated that it was for a DUI? My guess would be no. There'd be pages of posts about how her ceiling gazing was really brain damage from alcohol and not being bi-polar which many were speculating and/or being authoritative about.

  • Love 2

Of course everyone should speculate about what makes the cast tick. What's the problem? Isn't that what we do here? What's the difference if I speculate that Kate's got a rap sheet for DUI or if you speculate it's for protesting. Or prostitution? (Oh! Good one!) Or whatever. If it were Rocky with an arrest, would it be so tiresome if I speculated that it was for a DUI? My guess would be no. There'd be pages of posts about how her ceiling gazing was really brain damage from alcohol and not being bi-polar which many were speculating and/or being authoritative about.

Hey, if you -- and anyone else -- want to speculate about what makes these people tick, have at it! I can roll my eyes as a form of exercise. My issue was never with speculation anyway, it was more with saying "the Captain thinks..." or "Kate loves having someone to hate," blah, blah, blah, etc. We don't know what any of them are REALLY thinking, but if someone wants to guess, it's probably best not the best policy to state their guess as if it were fact. Just my opinion, but there are certainly no rules about that here. Either way, it's not a problem for me. Fantasize away! Maybe Kate was arrested for treason.

Edited to add: Sorry if I was treading on hallowed forum ground with my comment; I only meant to express an opinion, not to police anyone's posts. I'm not a forum regular, so please pardon my poor etiquette. I'll bite my tongue when it comes to that stuff from now on. Or at least try! :)

Edited by saltskin
I can't figure Emile out.  He's like a child in his naivete, loyalty and honesty.  When he said that about how all guys masturbate, at first I was like, 'I really don't want to hear that' especially the way Classy Connie blurted it out with no context.  But damn if he wasn't just truth telling. But he has wise eyes.  And a kind soul. Good looks, hot bod.  But he's so damn childlike that as a full grown woman, I'd have a hard time taking him seriously as a man.



Definitely, refreshingly (too) honest for a typical Bravo reunion. He was probably the one who impressed me the much on the reunion, compared to how he acted on the show. Wearing his grandfather's suit was an adorable touch and a nod of respect toward his family, and I also liked that he dressed up for a "special occasion."


I also thought his comments were fair and even-minded, and that he kept a good sense of humor about the whole thing. He gets major points for saying his comment to Connie was "totally unjustified" (even though I think it partially was.). I *hate* those "I'm sorry IF you were offended" non-apologies. Kudos, Emile.


Don also completely redeemed himself. It's amazing what a sincere "I'm sorry" can do.


I liked that Capt. Lee defended Kate and called Rocky and Leon in absentia on some of their horribleness. When Andy tried to play devil's advocate, asking why it was a problem if Leon made beef cheeks over and over as long as the guests were happy, *and* why the repeated dishes make them think he didn't care about the job. I was yelling, "Because Leon SAID he didn't care!" So I'm glad that the Captain reminded the audience about that.


Capt. Lee got really heated, because at one point it looked like he was going to do a Teresa Giudice out of his chair. I imagine that feelings change a lot after the season airs and you're privy to all the new information.

Edited by missy jo
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Definitely, refreshingly (too) honest for a typical Bravo reunion. He was probably the one who impressed me the much on the reunion, compared to how he acted on the show. Wearing his grandfather's suit was an adorable touch and a nod of respect toward his family, and I also liked that he dressed up for a "special occasion."

I also thought his comments were fair and even-minded, and that he kept a good sense of humor about the whole thing. He gets major points for saying his comment to Connie was "totally unjustified" (even though I think it partially was.). I *hate* those "I'm sorry IF you were offended" non-apologies. Kudos, Emile.

I was impressed with Emile too! He was much more thoughtful and dignified than I expected, but I don't know what I really expected. He can say some truly foolish things ("wine and dine 69, etc.), but then he comes out with these gems, like telling Rocky that Kate and Amy were trying to help, not hurt her. I came away thinking that he seems like a good kid.
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I was impressed with Emile too! He was much more thoughtful and dignified than I expected, but I don't know what I really expected. He can say some truly foolish things ("wine and dine 69, etc.), but then he comes out with these gems, like telling Rocky that Kate and Amy were trying to help, not hurt her. I came away thinking that he seems like a good kid.

I always felt about Emile that it was just like a poster said way back in the early part of the season, "He's young and not finished yet." Spot on.


"Wine, dine, and 69" came out when he'd had a few drinks and I saw it more as a bit of bravado. Rocky's a few years older and maybe Emile, for all his good looks, is not that experienced and was nervous, since she was making it kinda clear she wanted him. It was his fault he got drunk and yet I blamed her a bit for suggesting a cocktail after they'd already ordered a bottle of wine. And then Jagermeister shots! Yuck! Rocky thought that was so cool although she already saw he was getting drunk, so why pile it on?


Also, I gave Emile a lot of leeway because he appeared to have a good heart. He's also from a different culture and I thought he was trying to be a good worker, good crewmate, etc. I thought it was tit for tat calling Connie "whore" after she called him "little bitch", but also yes, maybe he was subconsciously saying to Connie what he wanted to say to Rocky but couldn't. The only thing I really would blame him for would be not distancing himself more from Rocky when she proved she didn't actually care about him at all. At least he was firm in not giving her the high five she wanted after she told him about her and Eddie. 

Edited by RedHawk
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