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S03.E14: Reunion Part 1

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I thought at the time that Leon had heard the Kate drinking story secondhand from Rocky. But maybe he was dismissive enough of Captain Lee's intelligence that he made it up himself despite the fact he had also just said he slept through the fire and was never anywhere near the galley when it was all going on?

That was sort of the impression I got too. It seemed like something Leon claimed he saw that he just picked up from Rocky's "Kate is so unprofessional" rant that he passed off as something he saw. I swear I thought Rocky said it to Lee too, but I guess I just assumed it was edited out of her rant or something.

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i doubt a glass of wine will cause kate to start a fire....regardless of whether she as drinking or not.  kate was serving guests, in the middle of the night.....do you really think someone like kate would risk being caught with a breath of alcohol?  and before or after the fire, i didn't really see the "so called" mug of wine.....maybe it was a jesus miracle.


frankly, captain lee called BS on rocky's lie.  as amy put it, "it was a petty thing".......


let's say she did drink the imaginary "mug of wine".......can a person who drank a "mug of wine" cook a pizza properly?  will a greasy oven not cleaned for days catch on fire if she wasn't drinking the "mug of wine"?  there was another "sober" person there...rocky.  the fire started while she was in teh kitchen and kate was taking care of the DVR that rocky cannot operate......gosh.  blame it all on the imaginary "mug of wine" rocky.


rocky has not taken responsibility for anything she did....not once.  captain called her out for her lies.  and regarding her "leon is the big chef on the big boat now", gosh, who cares......per leon's own tweets, he was looking for "opportunites" just a few months ago.  so again, her credibility here is questionable.

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i doubt a glass of wine will cause kate to start a fire....regardless of whether she as drinking or not. kate was serving guests, in the middle of the night.....do you really think someone like kate would risk being caught with a breath of alcohol? and before or after the fire, i didn't really see the "so called" mug of wine.....maybe it was a jesus miracle.

frankly, captain lee called BS on rocky's lie. as amy put it, "it was a petty thing".......

let's say she did drink the imaginary "mug of wine".......can a person who drank a "mug of wine" cook a pizza properly? will a greasy oven not cleaned for days catch on fire if she wasn't drinking the "mug of wine"? there was another "sober" person there...rocky. the fire started while she was in teh kitchen and kate was taking care of the DVR that rocky cannot operate......gosh. blame it all on the imaginary "mug of wine" rocky.

rocky has not taken responsibility for anything she did....not once. captain called her out for her lies. and regarding her "leon is the big chef on the big boat now", gosh, who cares......per leon's own tweets, he was looking for "opportunites" just a few months ago. so again, her credibility here is questionable.

I have a feeling that if Leon had been cooking when the fire started he would have blamed someone else and Rockhound would have backed him up.

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i doubt a glass of wine will cause kate to start a fire....regardless of whether she as drinking or not. kate was serving guests, in the middle of the night.....do you really think someone like kate would risk being caught with a breath of alcohol? and before or after the fire, i didn't really see the "so called" mug of wine.....maybe it was a jesus miracle.

frankly, captain lee called BS on rocky's lie. as amy put it, "it was a petty thing".......

let's say she did drink the imaginary "mug of wine".......can a person who drank a "mug of wine" cook a pizza properly? will a greasy oven not cleaned for days catch on fire if she wasn't drinking the "mug of wine"? there was another "sober" person there...rocky. the fire started while she was in teh kitchen and kate was taking care of the DVR that rocky cannot operate......gosh. blame it all on the imaginary "mug of wine" rocky.

rocky has not taken responsibility for anything she did....not once. captain called her out for her lies. and regarding her "leon is the big chef on the big boat now", gosh, who cares......per leon's own tweets, he was looking for "opportunites" just a few months ago. so again, her credibility here is questionable.

Agreed I think Kate could drink 2 whole bottles of wine and STILL be less erratic than Rocky. I won't be shocked if it comes out that there was a mug... But regardless Rocky is claiming she was shitfaced much of the time which is a downright lie, the only time I would say she *might* have been tipsy is the bath tub bubble scene, but like someone else pointed out, that wasn't during a charter *if* she was tipsy, she just seemed more giggly which could happen either way. Rocky is claiming Kate drank frequently even outside of the fire, going as far as to say she couldn't properly train her.

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Dane and Emile are the only people they've definitely shown video of being hammered. (Connie might have been drunk the night of the whipped cream bikini, but that might also have just been her blowing off steam without alcohol). I think if a camera had ever caught any footage of Kate in a drunken stupor we'd have seen it before now.

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"...couldn't properly train" Rocky? That's rich. I doubt if anyone could properly train Rocky to do much of anything. She's that "special" kind of gal that will end up middle aged with nothing to show for 20 years of just being herself...whatever that is.

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Rocky is just good at shit stirring. If she said "I saw Kate doing lines in the bathroom" convincingly enough, some people would believe that. It's not about the reasonableness of the lie, it's about committing to it. I think Eddie could have gotten away with the hookup if he committed to the denial.

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Rocky is just good at shit stirring. If she said "I saw Kate doing lines in the bathroom" convincingly enough, some people would believe that. It's not about the reasonableness of the lie, it's about committing to it. I think Eddie could have gotten away with the hookup if he committed to the denial.

Agree!  And for fuck's sake you asshats out there (Eddie), don't text someone about anything you want to keep a secret!  Dayum!

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Now that I give it way more thought that warranted, maybe the stews aren't really supposed to use the galley? Maybe they're supposed to wake the chef up and Kate just didn't feel like dealing with Leon's shit attitude at 2AM? Maybe Leon was the one who was drinking on charter and everyone looked a little squirrelly because they never said anything? Could be anything...I just sort of think there was something there.

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Leon probably would have taken the dirty trays out. Rocky thinks she's such a genius she should have looked, but when you use someone else's oven, you may not realize they keep all their greasy fire traps stored in the oven. If Kate were really drunk, she would have told Leon to F off and made him make the quesadillas.


This is part of the paradox Captain Lee has. At his level, he has the ability to check references and get people with experience in smaller yachts. He probably hasn't fired many crew because IRL he would hire better crew in the first place. Leon was a bad Bravo hire. 

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Did I completely imagine this or was there a clip in the commercial about the entire season (not the week-to-week episode commercials) where Rocky was talking to one of the male guests, and then there you hear a voice-over of Amy saying something like "he's married!"

Did I totally imagine this, or maybe misheard something? I know Bravo likes to do this with their commercials -- show a clip that isn't in the main episodes.

I believe that may have been when Connie said Dane had a girlfriend, and Rocky said something like "he has a GIRLFRIEND? He did not say that to me," and Leon called her "homewrecker Rocky." But it could have been something else, given that she was in heat the entire season, and wagging her ass in front of every semi-attractive man who hit the deck.

Back to the wine mug: Someone already referenced the website I also saw, that took screenshots from all angles of the galley during the fire incident, proving there was no mug of wine. Captain Lee also said on Twitter that he rewatched the scene a couple times, carefully, and didn't see it either. Still, the most telling thing to me is that Rocky waited so many months to drop the most powerful "intel" she had on Kate, if it were actually real, given the nature of her feelings towards Kate.

It bugs me that we're even debating this wine bomb of Rocky's! This is what she was hoping to do: cast doubt on Kate, and divert attention from herself, and her BEST FRIEND of a few weeks, Leon. And it's working! That, to me, is annoying.

Remember during the reunion when Rocky said to Emile that she never considered him someone she would date? How could she look him in the eyes and say that, after her carrying on about him for several episodes and gleefully prancing around when he finally asked her out? Did she think we all forgot that? And this was in response to his turning to her, after admitting he was hurt, asking why she didn't think of him as a "real man." Emile turned out to actually display a lot of heart and thoughtfulness, under his bravado and cheesy lines. And Rocky, once again shirked responsibility for his feelings, saying she had no other option but to smack him down with that humiliating, public rejection. As Capt. Lee said, she's the one who put her tit in that wringer.

Hey, has anyone else noticed that Leon has 2 Twitter accounts (@starchefleon and @leon160371), but he claims one of them (@starchefleon) was started by and is run by Bravo, and not him? And that Rocky tweets to BOTH? #besties

Edited by saltskin
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Now that I give it way more thought that warranted, maybe the stews aren't really supposed to use the galley? Maybe they're supposed to wake the chef up and Kate just didn't feel like dealing with Leon's shit attitude at 2AM? Maybe Leon was the one who was drinking on charter and everyone looked a little squirrelly because they never said anything? Could be anything...I just sort of think there was something there.

FozzyBear, remember last season how the stews would have to knock on Ben's door in the middle of the night because the guests wanted snacks made? And he did it. He was grumpy, but he knew it was his job, so he sprung up and did it. Leon couldn't even cook again right after turning the oven off. No wonder Kate gave up on him. Every time things didn't go as planned, he lost it. I guess that's the difference between a restaurant chef (who calls the shots), and a yacht chef (who answers to the guests). Ben knew the difference.
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The only thing that has me tripped up on not blowing it off as Rocky exaggerating is Eddie saying he didn't remember, that seems like an odd answer, it seems like the natural reaction would be him saying "it didn't happen" and the fact that Eddie so easily lied about the Rocky thing I just don't trust him now, that's what I said in an earlier post that I hated that I now believe Rocky over Eddie.

My take on that is that Eddie was just afraid to tick Rocky off by challenging her on that. I mentioned this in an earlier post, but Rocky made it clear from the start that she would ruin him (at all costs) if he took her on in the reunion, when she threateningly asked about meeting and talking to his girlfriend. We've already seen how damaging her insinuations and lies can be (see: Kate's "mug of wine"), and I'm sure Eddie has already had to do enough damage control personally and professionally, post-season. He doesn't need a whole new batch of crazy to go up against. And it's too bad, because she got him where she wants him right out of the gate, and apparently, he's going to be timid for the rest of the reunion. I believe that's totally why he's biting his tongue, sitting back, and saying "I don't remember." Eddie's been reduced to smirking and shrugging as reactions, for the most part, because it's clear he doesn't want to tangle with Rocky again. My dad used to say "never get in a pissing match with a skunk." Eddie's already been sprayed several times. Edited by saltskin
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FozzyBear, remember last season how the stews would have to knock on Ben's door in the middle of the night because the guests wanted snacks made? And he did it. He was grumpy, but he knew it was his job, so he sprung up and did it. Leon couldn't even cook again right after turning the oven off. No wonder Kate gave up on him. Every time things didn't go as planned, he lost it. I guess that's the difference between a restaurant chef (who calls the shots), and a yacht chef (who answers to the guests). Ben knew the difference.

Yeah. I didn't put it together until the discussion here and then I remember Kate saying at the reunion that if the guests want snacks at 2AM that's his job. So maybe for insurance purposes and whatnot the rest of the crew isn't actually supposed to cook in the galley or for the guest, but it had been a long day and no one felt like dealing with ass-hat Leon so Kate just put a pizza in the oven. that would kind of account for why everyone went to weird non-denial places about what happened that night. They feel bad they broke a rule, but not super bad because they felt like Leon backed them into it by sucking. I also wouldn't be terribly surprised if Leon was the one drinking on charter, but told Rocky it was Kate. Rocky's sort of dumb enough to believe that someone was drunk all the time without any actual evidence just because she doesn't like them.

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My take on that is that Eddie was just afraid to tick Rocky off by challenging her on that. I mentioned this in an earlier post, but Rocky made it clear from the start that she would ruin him (at all costs) if he took her on in the reunion, when she threateningly asked about meeting and talking to his girlfriend. We've already seen how damaging her insinuations and lies can be (see: Kate's "mug of wine"), and I'm sure Eddie has already had to do enough damage control personally and professionally, post-season. He doesn't need a whole new batch of crazy to go up against. And it's too bad, because she got him where she wants him right out of the gate, and apparently, he's going to be timid for the rest of the reunion. I believe that's totally why he's biting his tongue, sitting back, and saying "I don't remember." Eddie's been reduced to smirking and shrugging as reactions, for the most part, because it's clear he doesn't want to tangle with Rocky again. My dad used to say "never get in a pissing match with a skunk." Eddie's already been sprayed several times.

Bingo. You only feed trolls by arguing with them.

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I guess my thing is I don't actually think Rocky is a liar, per say. Which doesn't mean I believe anything that comes out of her mouth. I basically think she's a delusional, self-absorbed, oblivious, immature, dolt. Her take on reality is not to be trusted, but I believe that she believes the crap that comes out of her mouth. In this case I am willing to buy that Rocky sincerely believes that Kate was drinking on charter. That in no way means that I believe Kate was drinking on charter.

On the other hand, I do think Leon is a liar. So yeah, I can completely believe a scenario where Rocky saw some alcohol in the kitchen and Leon (to cover his own ass) said it was Kate's and Rocky, being pretty dumb, has managed to convince herself that Kate was drunk every time she criticized Rocky because that's the only logical reason someone wouldn't understand just how awesome Rocky is! And started a fire and is probably responsible for global warming because if you're not in Rocky's fan-club you are an enemy of all the is good and pure and sparkly.

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Eddie's been reduced to smirking and shrugging as reactions, for the most part, because it's clear he doesn't want to tangle with Rocky again. My dad used to say "never get in a pissing match with a skunk." Eddie's already been sprayed several times.

I think you have the right of it here. Part of me would like to see a "fuck it, if I'm going down I'm taking you with me!" reaction out of Eddie if she pushes it too far, but the reality is Captain Lee is in a much better position to tear down every fantasy scenario she tries to spin and she has ZERO ammunition to fire back at him. So mainly I'd like to see Here Are All the Ways Rocky Sucks and No Employer in His Right Mind Should Ever Hire Her Again, Round 2 (with footnotes and video proof).

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Part of me would like to see a "fuck it, if I'm going down I'm taking you with me!" reaction out of Eddie if she pushes it too far, but the reality is Captain Lee is in a much better position to tear down every fantasy scenario she tries to spin and she has ZERO ammunition to fire back at him. So mainly I'd like to see Here Are All the Ways Rocky Sucks and No Employer in His Right Mind Should Ever Hire Her Again, Round 2 (with footnotes and video proof).

Amen to that! And I'd love it if Eddie would go "scorched earth" on her ass, but sadly, he's not in the best position to do that. You're right in saying Captain Lee is in a better position to go toe to toe with her, because his integrity is not in question. Hopefully she won't pull out any of her smoke bombs on him, and try to undermine that.

It's been said before by lots of other folks, but I wish there were a Captain Lee at all of these reality show reunions! Actually, I kind of wish Andy Cohen would step aside, and give his chair to Captain Lee. We'd definitely have to suffer through a lot less of the Rocky Horror Show if that were the case.

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Amen to that! And I'd love it if Eddie would go "scorched earth" on her ass, but sadly, he's not in the best position to do that. You're right in saying Captain Lee is in a better position to go toe to toe with her, because his integrity is not in question. Hopefully she won't pull out any of her smoke bombs on him, and try to undermine that.

Eddie could have avoided this by staying away from Rocky's ass altogether.

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I just saw the first part of the Reunion today and have not yet had the opp to read all the comments, but I have to say, that even though I am not a big Kate fan....to me she comes off a LOT more believable than Rocky...especially since Rocky tried to use a wine-in-the-mug reveal to change the subject...that smacks of guilt on Rocky's part....couldn't stand her during the season, can't stand her now....and I don't think Captain Lee cares as much about the petty he-said-she-said, or in this case she-said-she-said/did, as he does about getting to the bottom of what really happened and WHO actually put a multi-million$ yacht at risk with stupid behavior...certainly did not put Rocky, queen of stupid tail exposing, in any sort of a good light...going to go back and read stuff now, and see if I can get a bit more insight about all the goings on...

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What kind of self loathing must it take for someone to keep publicly talking about sexual encounters for the sole purpose of embarrassing their partner? "I'm soooo into Eddie...I want to marry him...I really fell for that guy. So instead of honoring our promise to be discreet, I'll trot it all out for everyone to enjoy." How pathetic.

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I'm starting to think Amy went to Eddie after Rocky's revelation hoping that he didn't hook up with her. Eddie probably knew that too and maybe he went into denial immediately in part so that Amy wouldn't think less of him.

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I'm starting to think Amy went to Eddie after Rocky's revelation hoping that he didn't hook up with her. Eddie probably knew that too and maybe he went into denial immediately in part so that Amy wouldn't think less of him.

Also, at the start of the season Amy mentioned how she and Eddie hung out after the season and she became friends with his girlfriend.

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Since it was Connie, that threw the first unnecessary punch with the nasty, "you're a little bitch". I don't understand why it's shocking that Emil would throw out a knee jerk insult right back. I think both "bitch" and "whore" are an insult directed generally at women. There are many other much more demeaning words he could've used and Connie clearly isn't a "whore". So if I were Connie, I would've taken all of that all into consideration. And I'd have realized that had I called someone a little bitch, something possibly nastier could be hurled right back..

Thank you. I don't understand how Emile is getting so much shit when Connie threw the first blow, so to speak. You call a man a little bitch, you better expect something in return. If Emile had just randomly called her a whore, I could understand the shit he's getting but Connie started the name calling.

Equal rights and all, call a man a bitch, you'll get that shit right back.

Eddie lying to his crewmates about his relationship status is not a fireable offense in any work environment. Having the relationship might be a fireable offense if this is a workplace that prohibits intimate relationships between supervisors and subordinates, but that depends on the employer's policy. Simply lying about his personal life is not enough for him to lose his job.

A woman calling a man a "bitch" does not have nearly the same charge as a man calling a woman a "whore."

And the fact that Connie might have expected a retort doesn't make the retort acceptable.

Personally, I don't see the difference.

I don't think people realize that that, to be honest. I think people believe this was a real charter-yacht situation where the chain of command was what we saw on television. It wasn't. Even if the charter guests were Bravo plants - there are rules involved in seagoing vessels sailing out of ports and that's what Captain Lee had an actual crew apart from Eddie. (Remember when there was always the First Mate in the wheelhouse meetings?)

None of us here are stupid, we all know and understand that it's a TV show above all else.

Edited by Maharincess
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I don't know, I think "whore" has a very strong and very negative connotation to it. Of course she should expect Emile to dish it back. But he didn't need to go there. He could have just called her a bitch right back, since she was acting like one just like he was. She wasn't, however, acting like a whore and didn't deserve to be called that IMO. Using sexist terms like bitch, whore, or C U Next Tuesday towards a woman IMO is never ok no matter the circumstances. The fact that word just flew from his mouth and was his first go to insult without a second thought speaks volumes about his attitude towards women IMO.

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One thing I'd like to know regarding this issue is exactly what the connotations of being called a "little bitch" are to someone from South Africa. Basically everyone in America who's had a college-aged circle of friends has been on the receiving end of that one in a semi-affectionate but exasperated way (which I believe is how Connie was using it), but it might be a much more serious matter in Emile's culture. Sort of the same as how calling someone a cunt in British Commonwealth nations is usually a friendly insult, but in the US it's shockingly offensive and might destroy friendships. Or get someone stabbed.

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Feminist here! I don't see a huge difference between "little bitch" and "whore". I was a bit at a loss as to why Connie was so upset since she pretty much started the name calling(which she failed to mention to Lee). I also couldn't figure out why she was insulting Emille in the first place. He seemed to be doing his job in a slightly pouty manner. Which has to be something someone on that boat does every day. That hardly seemed reason to go to name calling to me. Of course, I don't love Connie so... The whole thing seemed like a really weird exchange to me. If you want people to treat you in a professional manner you have to do the same. Just do your job and ignore Emille's slightly pissy attitude. You can't start the name calling and then draw imaginary lines in the sand.

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Feminist here! I don't see a huge difference between "little bitch" and "whore". I was a bit at a loss as to why Connie was so upset since she pretty much started the name calling(which she failed to mention to Lee). I also couldn't figure out why she was insulting Emille in the first place. He seemed to be doing his job in a slightly pouty manner. Which has to be something someone on that boat does every day. That hardly seemed reason to go to name calling to me. Of course, I don't love Connie so... The whole thing seemed like a really weird exchange to me. If you want people to treat you in a professional manner you have to do the same. Just do your job and ignore Emille's slightly pissy attitude. You can't start the name calling and then draw imaginary lines in the sand.

I'm a feminist at heart, maybe it's having 4 strong sisters.

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Catching up....I like Emile a lot...and I am in the camp of "she called him little bitch" first. He was also really hurting and upset and he exploded when Connie said that, JMO


I live in Ft Lauderdale and actually know/knew people who worked on yachts - my bf did engine repair years ago, and would go to Freeport to do repairs, he was on a couple charters (did not like it) but went on one long one to deliver a yacht to the med, however he hates Bravo LOL> but I pick his brain and got - people hook up...people get very drunk in port...many yachties blow their money when on shore and ship out again ...and captain is IN charge - totally. People can and do get put off for breaking rules (mostly drugs LOL)


A lot of English speaking NON americans - aussies, brits, scots, some Scandinavians who are fluent in English....etc

He said most of the chef were NOT american - I think most us culinary grads would not put up with it.Imagine the Top Chefs or Hell's Kitchen gang on a yacht? Oh no


A friend of mine who is from Germany - married an american, got green card did the stewardess thing on yachts for a few years. She had been an airline stewardess when she met him. They are divorced many years now - the yacht deal is a young woman's world - I do think Kate is about at the end.

What  I got from her- lot of work, people had to know cpr, first aid , lot of ship safety. Captain is IN charge. - she felt that she and eastern european girls worked harder at the housekeeping than US haha. I try to pick her brain.


I can't get anyone to watch this - they think it kind of fake but I do think the crew works harder than most reality "workers" simply cause they can't fit other people on the ship. When my friend did watch it she pointed out they do not really go anywhere - real charters go to different islands often ones that larger ships can't go to...she also said the "head stewardess" would know the islands, help the guests plan their day there - 


I think some of the "cast" do have yacht background and it shows  - the chefs have to be chefs obviously. I was not surprised to read how short the "charters" for the attention seeking "guests" are- it looks to me like they floated around the Abacos in the Bahamas. I bet they just went back to the dock at night and dropped off the camera and sound crew every night. 


JMO - Rocky is just an attention seeker, she would have gone on any reality show, I don't really take her seriously, she causes drama and got her air time. I don't like her and I don't like Eddie. I like the rest of them, I like Ben and Amy and Emile  a lot 

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"Bitch" has entered the American vernacular in an almost casual way, especially when people say it jokingly to each other and not in anger.


"Whore" has not. When used in anger it usually is in situations where someone is lashing out to attack a woman's morals. We didn't see Connie sleeping around, so it's interesting that Emile still used this term in smarting off to her. While she was very wrong to call him a bitch, his language was more offensive. I think it showed a lot about his low opinion of women and insecurity.


For what it's worth, I try to avoid gender-based insults. It just bugs me as a long-time feminist. Years ago when I worked with young soldiers in the field, I noticed them referring to their malfunctioning M-16s and other equipment as "bitch" and "whore." That was the first time I thought about the issue.


Random comment about Connie: I admire her skill and avoidance of drama (mostly), but I do think there's some stuff lurking below the surface. Also, the food-smeared boobs were just odd. I think production encouraged it, but it came from left field and made her look weird.

Edited by pasdetrois
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I also wondered if the food boobs was producer driven or not. But that's such an odd thing for them to request. I could see them encouraging her to create or insert herself into drama, but I can't picture them specifically saying "Smear this peanut butter on your boobs and then dive into the ocean." I think Connie generally likes to go naked/topless but with the cameras around decided to cover up with something and maybe she thought using food would be wacky/funny/crazy enough. Maybe we'll find out at the reunion why she did it.

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I don't see a huge difference between "little bitch" and "whore". I was a bit at a loss as to why Connie was so upset since she pretty much started the name calling(which she failed to mention to Lee).


If Lee is all he's cracked up to be, he should be reading between the lines very, very carefully.  He clearly dislikes Rocky.  But Eddie and Kate are the only proven liars.  Rocky is a lot of things but I can't call her a liar yet. You might think she's lying about the mug but it's not fact.  Eddie and Kate have absolutely lied and been caught.


Pay attention, Lee.  When your bosun says "I don't remember" instead of denying emphatically that something happened, that should make a bell go off in your brain. 


I think Connie generally likes to go naked/topless but with the cameras around decided to cover up with something and maybe she thought using food would be wacky/funny/crazy enough. Maybe we'll find out at the reunion why she did it.


Because she's attention starved like all the rest of them. Don't get me wrong, I think she's a diligent, hard worker.  But she's also a little weird.

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Catching up....I like Emile a lot...and I am in the camp of "she called him little bitch" first. He was also really hurting and upset and he exploded when Connie said that, JMO

I live in Ft Lauderdale and actually know/knew people who worked on yachts - my bf did engine repair years ago, and would go to Freeport to do repairs, he was on a couple charters (did not like it) but went on one long one to deliver a yacht to the med, however he hates Bravo LOL> but I pick his brain and got - people hook up...people get very drunk in port...many yachties blow their money when on shore and ship out again ...and captain is IN charge - totally. People can and do get put off for breaking rules (mostly drugs LOL)

A lot of English speaking NON americans - aussies, brits, scots, some Scandinavians who are fluent in English....etc

He said most of the chef were NOT american - I think most us culinary grads would not put up with it.Imagine the Top Chefs or Hell's Kitchen gang on a yacht? Oh no

A friend of mine who is from Germany - married an american, got green card did the stewardess thing on yachts for a few years. She had been an airline stewardess when she met him. They are divorced many years now - the yacht deal is a young woman's world - I do think Kate is about at the end.

What I got from her- lot of work, people had to know cpr, first aid , lot of ship safety. Captain is IN charge. - she felt that she and eastern european girls worked harder at the housekeeping than US haha. I try to pick her brain.

I can't get anyone to watch this - they think it kind of fake but I do think the crew works harder than most reality "workers" simply cause they can't fit other people on the ship. When my friend did watch it she pointed out they do not really go anywhere - real charters go to different islands often ones that larger ships can't go to...she also said the "head stewardess" would know the islands, help the guests plan their day there -

I think some of the "cast" do have yacht background and it shows - the chefs have to be chefs obviously. I was not surprised to read how short the "charters" for the attention seeking "guests" are- it looks to me like they floated around the Abacos in the Bahamas. I bet they just went back to the dock at night and dropped off the camera and sound crew every night.

JMO - Rocky is just an attention seeker, she would have gone on any reality show, I don't really take her seriously, she causes drama and got her air time. I don't like her and I don't like Eddie. I like the rest of them, I like Ben and Amy and Emile a lot

We're neighbors! I live near Ft lauderdale (sunrise)...I keep hoping to run into Amy out and about.

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"Bitch" has entered the American vernacular in an almost casual way, especially when people say it jokingly to each other and not in anger.

"Whore" has not. When used in anger it usually is in situations where someone is lashing out to attack a woman's morals. We didn't see Connie sleeping around, so it's interesting that Emile still used this term in smarting off to her. While she was very wrong to call him a bitch, his language was more offensive. I think it showed a lot about his low opinion of women and insecurity.

For what it's worth, I try to avoid gender-based insults. It just bugs me as a long-time feminist. Years ago when I worked with young soldiers in the field, I noticed them referring to their malfunctioning M-16s and other equipment as "bitch" and "whore." That was the first time I thought about the issue.

Random comment about Connie: I admire her skill and avoidance of drama (mostly), but I do think there's some stuff lurking below the surface. Also, the food-smeared boobs were just odd. I think production encouraged it, but it came from left field and made her look weird.

I know lots of women who use whore very causally, much like bitch. I started noticing it after Mean Girls came out (10 years ago?), lots of girls would start calling each other a whore as a joke, especially when drunk, just like bitch used to be. I don't like either. BUT regardless of if one is worse than the other, I still can't figure out why Connie started it in the first place. Yes, Emille was in an obviously bad mood, but he was pretty much just doing his job in a somewhat brusk manner. Why was Connie so bent out of shape in the first place? It almost read as annoyance at Emille caring about Rocky. Which is really none of Connie's business. The whole sceen was weird to me because I couldn't figure out what started it. And Connie just seemed mean. She strikes me as having a ton of anger right below the surface and some major control issues about other people's feelings. Like the kind of friend that would get mad at you because you have a crush on a boy she doesn't think is worth it, and some how it would make her mad that you liked him.

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I tweeted that I live in ft lauderdale and that I can't promise if I see the captain, Connie, Kate or any in public that I won't fan girl... The captain tweeted back that I could come say hi. Im gonna screen shot it so when I join him and his wife for dinner it won't be quite so awkward.

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I think Eddie is in a no-win situation on that BS mug thing from Rocky. If Eddie says "you're lying, it didn't happen" to Rocky, you know she's going to respond with "Isn't that what you said about our hookups in the laundry?" The "I don't remember" thing is the best he can get away with.


The captain had a real investigation. In a real investigation, you interview each person individually. You don't put them all on the couch and let the most delusional one win the argument because they don't accept reality. Everyone but Rocky has pretty much agreed 1) there is no evidence of a wine mug and 2) old greasy pans were left in the oven by Leon, not a shitfaced Kate.


Believe me, if this was last season, I'd say throw Kate overboard and make Amy chief stew. This year, Kate seems super competent because she had another Sam this season in Rocky.

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Well, I have some strong feelings about stereotypical 'names' and I think there is a big difference between Connie calling Emile a little bitch and Emile calling Connie a whore.  And the bottom line on this is that Emile knows there's a big difference because he apologized for it.  You can call me a bitch but don't call me a whore.  Whole other level here. 


I'm not reading much into Eddie's I don't recall.  After Rocky's earlier comments during the reunion, I believe Eddie just wanted to avoid confrontation.  Plus, I don't care if Kate had a mug of wine when dealing with guests late night, the chef was getting his needed rest and she had to deal with 'Rocky'.  What's the difference between having some wine or 'beverage' at lunch and this?  OK.  I really don't thing Kate was drinking but I'm just throwing this out.  Add to this Rocky is pretty delusional.  She was in 'hell' after all.  She's got a lot to learn about what hell is.

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This actually brings up a good question. What do they do with half finished bottles? Open bottles don't keep all that well. We know that storage space is at a premium. And if they had a better relationship with Leon, I could see a chef requesting leftover wine for deglazing and pan sauces.

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This actually brings up a good question. What do they do with half finished bottles? Open bottles don't keep all that well. We know that storage space is at a premium. And if they had a better relationship with Leon, I could see a chef requesting leftover wine for deglazing and pan sauces.

Open bottles of liquor keep fine. Wine is probably shared after charter amongst the crew.

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I don't remember that but if it did happen, it might pop up in the Secrets Revealed episode.

While Yours Truly makes a good point, I think what got a lot of us about Eddie's behavior is that he tried to make it seem like she lied, not just denying it ever happened, when there's cameras to prove that wasn't the case. I'm sure if Rocky went to the same lengths and tried to say Eddie was making the whole thing up that viewers would feel just as annoyed because we know it's not true.

But to only way to deny it is to say it isn't true which means that there's no way around saying that Rocky lied. I just get it. In that moment I get it and I don't think it was all that serious quite honestly. She did what she did  in order to cause problems because Eddie decided he didn't feel like fucking her anymore. She decided she was going to do something fucked up to him and went overboard. Does he deserve to answer for hooking up with Rocky to his girlfriend? Absolutely. Does he have to answer for it to the rest of the crew. Ummmmmm, fuck outta here and that's where I find it completely ridiculous. The nature of the conversation itself was completely inappropriate so it's hard for me to section off the part where Eddie was "wrong" cause the whole conversation was wrong, the whole sharing of information was wrong so no I didn't expect his part in what transpired to be perfect and exactly by the gentleman's handbook especially when you have Rocky pulling out pages from the THOT library. I just can't look at Eddie's reaction in a vacuum. He reacted badly in a situation that was wrong to begin with embarked by BOTH of them. He should have never been put in that conversation by Rocky in the first place. Whether or not she's pissed that he was trying to ghost her doesn't mean that their particular PERSONAL problem all of a sudden became group therapy for everyone to be involved in and weigh in on. I feel like his behavior was a result of being blindsided and when he was able to process it a bit more he realized how fucked up he reacted and took a better approach afterwards. I personally feel that he recovered pretty well, not perfect but well enough that he offered up what looked like a genuine apology and he seemed to accept that his reaction was fucked up. I really don't need a pound of flesh from the guy.

I agree that there is often a double standard when it comes to hook ups that makes it ok for guys to brag, but for me personally I would be just as disgusted by Eddie doing it as I am with Rocky doing it, in fact I would maybe be harder on Eddie because it's more typical male behavior and it disgusts me that guys think it's ok. I also didn't necessarily fault Eddie for denying initially, but I do fault him for trying to make Rocky look crazy, she does that well on her on, and in my opinion that was a douche move to use his credibility to actually make someone look bad when he knew he was lying.

I didn't think about the aspect of Rocky bragging how "good it was" and what I find kinda funny about it is that she keeps going on about how amazing it was and Eddie does not seem to agree.

He didn't try to make her look crazy. He was giving out alternatives to why she would lie. He was using things that might make sense using the stuff that's happened during the season like well maybe to get Emile jealous or maybe cause I pissed her off about something.. All he was doing was making up a reason that she would do something mean to him. I mean yeah he was lying but I don't think he was trying to suggest she was ready for the rubber room. He was grasping at straws and using things that actually happened to piece together a plausible nonsexual reasons why she would try to get back at him.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I've been wondering why the tip seems to only be split between the cast, and not any of the off-camera crew, like the 1st Officer or Chief Engineer. That seems odd to me, but maybe their share is taken out ahead of time. 

The off-camera crew is included in the tip sharing.


Doing the math during the tip distribution scenes, the announced share given to each of the crew members is usually less than the total announced tip divided by the number of visible crew members.

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What kind of self loathing must it take for someone to keep publicly talking about sexual encounters for the sole purpose of embarrassing their partner? "I'm soooo into Eddie...I want to marry him...I really fell for that guy. So instead of honoring our promise to be discreet, I'll trot it all out for everyone to enjoy." How pathetic.


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