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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And it's infuriating to watch Steffy lecture Katie, of all people, about the evils of a woman trying to seduce her husband. I'm just dying for someone to finally snap at her and say "bitch, do you even know your own life??  Have you gone after so many women's men that you can't even remember when you're talking to one of those women?"  Steffy getting to repeatedly be a sanctimonious asshole to women she's done so much worse to over the years is not entertaining.

Sooooo much WORD to this!  But my question (that I've rhethorically asked a bazillion times) is why the other characters - esp. the ones directly involved - are never, ever allowed to point out Steffy's sins (like what was posted above)?!  

Answering my own question: I posited in a previous post that maybe the Steffy stans are so vocal, that they would stage a boycott of the show / do a full spectrum mass media blast to cancel the show if Steffy is ever read for filth for all her misdeeds.  Whereas the Hope/Brooke/Ivy/Phoebe fans just take the show as it comes and won't riot if their favorite character is ill treated by the writers.

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32 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Sooooo much WORD to this!  But my question (that I've rhethorically asked a bazillion times) is why the other characters - esp. the ones directly involved - are never, ever allowed to point out Steffy's sins (like what was posted above)?!  

It's so maddening. It's bad enough listening to someone with her history acting like one kiss is the worst thing any woman has ever done. But when you add in that the people she bitches about it the most to are people she's done way, way worse to?  It's ridiculous writing. Even her bitching at Brooke about it is maddening when you remember all the manipulation she's engaged in to get her mommy and daddy back together when he was married to Brooke. 

Yesterday, Ridge should have really reacted more when Steffy fully admitted it was personal, after all of her "it's not personal, it's business!" protestations of the past two weeks. 

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Please tell me what kind of doctor works from home?  Please tell me how can a doctor really check on his patients without seeing them?  It’s a doctor that is a doctor by proxy.  

What kind of a so called executive acts out of a personal animus without considering the overall impact on their company.  I guess Ridge loves smelling Stuffy’s farts also. He knows what Stuffy is not kosher but he won’t go against his little princess.

Finn Finn Finn stop smelling Stuffy farts and realize Stuffy as a friend, to Liam, played hide the salami with him.  Maybe kissing was not involved. 

Taylor Taylor Taylor don’t you know about the old saying of people who live in glass houses?  Another person whose shit does not stink. 

Such 🐂💩, Ridge and Stuffy clearly signed the papers before Ridge notice that Carter’s name was on the papers.  So what’s next?  What are Ridge and Stuffy are going to do about it. 

I have an idea. Let the monkeys with a keyboard grow a backbone and let Hope sue Stuffy and FC for wrongful termination. It would be a hoot to see the look on Stuffy’s face when the stick is pulled out of her ass. 

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Is there anything better than listening to vile hypocrite Taylor smarmily snickering about horrible Hope to hand puppet Finn? Why, yes! Listening to Steffy spew her misogynist venom while her spineless father stood there was the true treat of the day. Talk about a family filled to the brim with toxic, damaged idiots. 

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Not sure if these are acting choices from LSV but that is the absolute wrong way to speak to your boss(es).  “Don’t talk to me like I’m an employee!”  ?!  Bruv, you are an employee!  And as an employee, your bosses are under zero obligation to flesh out your ideas that will irrevocably change the character of their 60-year-old company and burden said company with billions of dollars of debt.  You do not have skin in this game.  It’s their money, not yours.  That’s the advantage of being an employee.  You can bounce whenever you like.  Debt-free!

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Sure looks like the actress playing Hope is pregnant.  She looks more filled out and today the way she was resting her folded arms across her stomach plus that jumpsuit she has on seems to be deliberate to hide it.  

Do all the women now have to sport the latest hairdo of being flat to the head then curled half way down?  Taylor., Hope and Brooke today.  

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4 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Do all the women now have to sport the latest hairdo of being flat to the head then curled half way down?  Taylor., Hope and Brooke today.  

I read an article a while ago about how that hairstyle is preferred by TV shows for a few reasons. I can't remember all of them, but I do remember that one was that it's easier for continuity, because the style is kind of loose, free-flowing, and forgiving, so it's harder to notice little differences in it. So when they tape out of order, the hairstyles don't make it noticeable. 

Then, on the other hand, you have Steffy's wigs, which noticeably change frequently. 

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Revisionist history?  I went back to the video to check and Ridge did sign the documents then handed them to Stuffy. Stuffy signed and then handed them back to Ridge.  

Taylor is just the turd in the punch bowl nothing more nothing less even though she distracted Ridge enabling him to sign the document. 

I wish Carter could hear the way they talk about him especially Stuffy. He’s falling out of favor and now they are questioning his judgement. Ridge says he like a brother to him but if Stuffy wanted to cut him, it would be Carter who. 

Now what’s up with Brooke?  She overhears the plot to take over FC but who will she side with?  Will she back the love of her life, Ridge, and go against Hope to try to talk them out of the take over?  


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Yesterday, Steffy was proudly declaring to Ridge and Carter how firing Hope was absolutely personal, and that she'd happily lose sales if it meant she never had to see her in the office again.  Today, as soon as mommy enters the scene, she's right back to little miss innocent whose only concern is the company's well-being, and darn it, gosh, golly, she doesn't know why Carter thinks this is about a personal vendetta. Then, later, she's fawning all over mommy again, gushing about how happy she is she's there. This is someone who has been conditioned to not rely on her parent's love, support, and presence in her life, so she has to be on her very best behavior around her and has to constantly praise her and talk about how much she needs her. 

If Brooke does bust Carter before he can get those papers filed, I hope that it all still results in Steffy losing her position. She's been running the company on her personal feelings, and then today, Ridge was, rightly, questioning the paperwork, but then Taylor wandered in, and Steffy was urging Ridge to just hurry up and sign it, saying it's Carter, they can trust him. This, despite her being very clear lately that she questions Carter and doesn't fully trust him.  She just may have handed the company over to Carter, just because she was so eager to get special time with mommy and daddy that she told Ridge to ignore his concern. 

And, ugh to Brooke whitewashing Steffy's multiple intrusions into Hope's relationship with Liam over the years as "Liam felt torn in two directions because he shares children with both of you."  Yes, absolutely, Liam is the one who owed Hope loyalty and fidelity, but Steffy pulled so much shit, all of which makes Hope's one drunken kiss of Finn Steffy's Husband, look like child's play. 

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Instead of this convoluted LLC stuff, Carter and Hope should have gone scorched earth with a hostile work environment/wrongful termination lawsuit, won a fat stack of cabbage and then started their own company. Carter’s most valid concern, Steffy’s tinpot dictatorship fueled by her Logan hatred, should be what deals a blow to Forrester. Steffy and her enabling, idiot parents need to be left holding the bag when Eric asks WTF happened. It sounds like there are already squabbling factions at FC, but Steffy blithely assumes that everything is going to be dandy fine now that Hope is out. And, honestly, what a thin skinned baby Steffy is, unable to handle the terrible trauma of… checks notes… looking at Hope during the workday. I wonder if Steffy goes home and tells Kelly that her sister’s mother is a bitch?

Speaking of gross mother-daughter relationships, Taylor needs to stop dropping by Forrester. She doesn’t work there and can see Steffy at home. 

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Casually "dropping by" FC, is just a veiled excuse for Taylor to see Ridge. 😉

I completely agree with @NinjaPenguins. Wouldn't it be a lot less messy and, ultimately cheaper, for Hope to just sue FC for wrongful discharge and a hostile work environment than to try to pull this stupid LLC coup? 

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A wrongful termination action against FC and Steffy/Ridge would get real messy.  Largely because absolutely no one behaves professionally in that office, including Hope and Carter.  Heck, Hope once tried to slap Steffy.  (I'm sure we'd see footage from heretofore unseen cameras documenting that attempted assault.)  And lingerie'd atop the CEO's husband?  Hope might still prevail but she would take many public hits to get there.

And how exactly is Carter going to just assert his managerial position of the LLC?  "Haha, mfers, I'm in charge!  Beat it!" 

"Make us." 

The end. 

In the real world, Carter could only enforce his rights legally, i.e., in court.  And in court, he'd have to prove he was authorized to name himself manager.  And there was no such authorization.  Moreover, he'd likely be sued for fraud, civilly, and charged with the same crime criminally.  He'd be toast.

But BelLA law prevails so Ridge and Steffy will probably just slink out of the office, promising retribution at a later date.

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5 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Instead of this convoluted LLC stuff, Carter and Hope should have gone scorched earth with a hostile work environment/wrongful termination lawsuit, won a fat stack of cabbage and then started their own company.

Yes, but then that would've involved dragging up Steffy berating of Hope and Brooke over the last two and a half years and possibly even her prior shenanigans prior to the 2020s and bringing up her frequent personal/emotional decision making concerning Thomas. Speaking of which, there's Thomas' treatment of Brooke & Hope, some of which was criminal as well. All of which I'm sure is on camera too...

So between that and having Carter and Hope look like dumb criminals with this LLC thing, I humbly ask, which scenario do you think would be more appealing to the average Steffy/Thomas/Tridge fan? 

2 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Heck, Hope once tried to slap Steffy.  (I'm sure we'd see footage from heretofore unseen cameras documenting that attempted assault.

If Hope didn't have grounds for wrongful termination, fine. But she sure as shit had one for hostile work environment. Hell, I said that back in 2022-23 when at the height of Steffy's "Brooke-Logan ain't shit & my mother is better for Ridge" tirades(most of them at their workplace and to their faces). And again, when Steffy was complaining that Hope wasn't cooperating enough with Thomas and/or threatened to cut her line for not wanting to work with him initially. Steffy would have a helluva time explaining to a judge(well maybe not a BellLA judge) why she threatened Hope into working with someone who she knew tried to trade sex with her for custody of his son, and had tried to kidnap her after she discovered her child was alive(no thanks to him). Steffy and Ridge would have far more to answer for in court than not. They would not come out of any kind of lawsuit looking morally/ethically correct, professional, and/or fair....Not even compared to the likes of Hope & Carter as they are now. 

Edited by Skarzero
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Logan women being called under dogs is laughable. 

Carter doing this for Hope is pathetic. He has loved her for like 5 business days.

Surprised Brooke told Ridge. Thought she would side with Hope. Thankfully it wasn't a drawn out secret. 

Doesn't Carter have to file the papers before he is declared in charge of the company. Brooke said he was in charge. IDK.

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19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Ridge says he like a brother to him

Like the brother whose wife he raped?

(This has multiple correct answers btw)

15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And, ugh to Brooke whitewashing Steffy's multiple intrusions into Hope's relationship with Liam over the years as "Liam felt torn in two directions because he shares children with both of you." 

Oh, what complete malarkey!

Dude was a waffle from jump, well before any kids were involved. He certainly didn't think much about Beth being around Thomas when he decided to use Kelly this entire last year to (thank God, unsuccessfully) come between Steffy and Finn.

But Brooke is married to the Waffle King, so... :|

Edited by Anna Yolei
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What is wrong with this picture?  Brooke will betray Hope for the sake of Ridge but Ridge would never betray Stuffy for the sake of Brooke. 

Carter, you say that Ridge is your best friend but he will betray your friendship for Stuffy.  

Any ounce of respect I have for Brooke is all gone.  I guess Brooke is most loyal to her  “Golden Cooter” and requires Ridge’s  “Golden Key” more than anything, even her self respect.  

It didn’t seem that Electra was upset to see Remy unless she was faking it. So what is she really upset about in her past?  

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It has entered my mind that Taylor and Finn might end up in the sack together - if Brooke could end up in bed with her daughter's husband, why not Taylor, the only difference being that it would be highly unlikely that the 49-year-old Taylor would end up pregnant with her son-in-law's baby, although you never know what's possible in the soap universe.

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Lord, the writing is so damn lopsided. Hope and Carter aren't even going to get a temporary "win."  Princess SuperBitch must always prevail at all times, even if Hope's mother has to deliver that win to her on a silver platter. 

I'm confused about the Electra/Remy stuff now. I can only assume that @Cool Breeze is right, and Electra is not aware that he's her stalker. I mean, he has to be a stalker, right?  Non-stalkers don't have shrines to people like that. 

Can we just get to the point where Ridge waffles over to the limp beige dishrag, already?  It's so obvious it's going to happen, and the build up is tedious, especially with her and her bitchass daughter feigning innocence as to their goals. And does the WRP not have her practice to tend to? She can just spend every day hanging out in the FC offices pretending she's not trying to glom onto her ex?  Related: Can you even imagine being one of her patients and then finding out exactly what kind of a pathetic disaster she is? 

49 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

It has entered my mind that Taylor and Finn might end up in the sack together - if Brooke could end up in bed with her daughter's husband, why not Taylor, the only difference being that it would be highly unlikely that the 49-year-old Taylor would end up pregnant with her son-in-law's baby, although you never know what's possible in the soap universe.

I thought for sure we were going in that direction back when KA was playing Taylor, and Finn and Steffy were having Sheila-related difficulties. At this point, though, I don't think he's ever straying from his owner. She could fuck Liam and Bill at the same time, on the coffee table right in front of him, and he'd still be devoted. Hell, he'd probably lament how Hope and the rest of the Logans made her do it. And then the next day he'd show up at the FC offices to tell her how amazing she is. 

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If Brooke felt any loyalty toward her daughters, one of them wouldn’t exist. I generally like Brooke, but then she follows her heart a bit too far.

Bell really understands drama, especially how to suck all traces of it out of the show. Thank goodness he pulled back before we were exposed to something fresh and different. Don’t promise me a delicious pizza and serve me a cow flop sliced six ways, please.


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It would've made so much more sense for Brooke to confront Hope and Carter as soon as she heard them plotting. She could have told those two knuckleheads to knock it off and read them the riot act. And when Hope inevitably begged her mother to keep her secret...AGAIN...Brooke could just remind her that she has been keeping secrets for Hope for months but this is too much. But nope she ran straight to that Greasy Hobo (who was so excited that his backup chew toy was at his office that he couldn't be bothered to ask questions about the sketchy nature of some important tax documents!) And spilled ALL of Hope's tea. 

Andplusalso... the plan is dumb. 

They're making Hope sound like she really is manipulating Carter. "I know this is so hard for you...but YOU HAVE TO DO IT. for You, of course" I'm gonna need Hope to get some real therapy to figure out why she and everyone around her keeps saying she is out of character, irrational, not herself. It's been remarked on so many times by so many people that it's upsetting that it isn't being addressed.

Carter, Carter, Carter..my COO in Christ...the people have said they don't want to do your plan. You went to Eric, who DID sit and hear you out but still said No. Perhaps it's time to put a pin in it, circle back in like 6 months or a year. Even I am finding this Push for a global brand of Wines and Cheeses and Fine Leather Goods to be overhyped and annoying. Why is the clock ticking so loudly for him? 

It makes me giggle to think this multi millionare $Bill Spencer gets mail delivered to a regular mailbox at his HOME.


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On 11/22/2024 at 8:11 PM, Js Nana said:

It has entered my mind that Taylor and Finn might end up in the sack together - if Brooke could end up in bed with her daughter's husband, why not Taylor, the only difference being that it would be highly unlikely that the 49-year-old Taylor would end up pregnant with her son-in-law's baby, although you never know what's possible in the soap universe.

They already did Taylor banging her daughter's boyfriend with Rick, but hey, B&B loves recycling stories so I suppose we're overdue! 🙃

Karma due to Steffy aside, I just don't like or care about this drowned meerkat parading as Taylor and I just want her gone at this point.


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When Brooke took over FC’s, it was so exciting and satisfying. There had been years of build up with Brooke and Stephanie’s relationship that laid the groundwork. Then there were the months leading up to it, with all the scheming and planning by Stephanie, Eric, and Steve. No matter whose side you were on, you couldn’t look away.

Compared to this LLC stuff? I’m just not feeling it. Yeah, Steffy and Hope have been at odds most of their lives, but their rivalry doesn’t have the same gravitas that Brooke and Stephanie had. It seems more like bitchy catfighting, i.e. The Real Nepo Babies of Bell L.A. Stephanie and Brooke had a deep seated animosity that was layered and complex, and wasn’t all about dislike and hatred.

Additionally, Show has given me a wicked case of motion sickness with this breakneck speed writing. Carter and Hope pledging their mutual love in a week? Carter pitching his ideas, and deciding in a day to stage a takeover when the CEO’s weren’t on board? Which I might be ok with, but now it seems it has morphed from what Carter wanted to do with FC’s, into what Carter wants to do for Hope.

I really just hate all of it actually. The SL has no tread, and it has absolutely no meat. If handled with finesse and care they could have woven an exciting SL that I would want to invest in. There is not enough for me to want to see Carter succeed. Ridge being a shit? How is that unusual. Steffy firing Hope? That was off base for sure, but Hope should have put on her big girl panties and told Steffy that she was involved with Carter. Steffy calling Hope a bitch? Please. Good stories can’t be built without a solid foundation, and this is a bunch of twigs being held together with some Elmer’s.

I find myself really fucking pissed off at Finn and Brooke. Finn arrogantly brushing off any attempt to explain what happened or defend Hope, so cocksure that Hope is working a massive boner for him. Finn hasn’t seen Hope in weeks, how does he know she isn’t seeing someone? There is also the burning question of how Hope could have known he would be coming into the design office that day. Deep down Finn knows there is more to it, but he isn’t going to go there. Going there would deduct valuable points from the obedience fund he has been diligently working on, because there would no longer be anything for him to be offended about.

Brooke? Oh man, I am so massively disappointed in my girl. As @smartyshorts said, why not confront Hope and Carter? You instead run straight to Ridge? Do you think that is going to help Hope’s cause? Just because you can now tell Ridge about Hope and Carter doesn’t mean he is going to be ok with anything. I suspect he will be angry that you didn’t tell him about them from jump, and now he finds out about an attempt to takeover the company? At the same time, this might be the best thing Brooke could have done. I saw in the previews that Ridge makes a comment to Brooke about “your daughter conspired to”, so maybe this will be what splits them up. Brooke will think Ridge will give her a pass because she tattled on Hope, but I think he will attack her and hold her accountable. For me, no more Bridge would be the best thing to come out of this mess, because I know any takeover is not going to last.

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

When Brooke took over FC’s, it was so exciting and satisfying. There had been years of build up with Brooke and Stephanie’s relationship that laid the groundwork. Then there were the months leading up to it, with all the scheming and planning by Stephanie, Eric, and Steve. No matter whose side you were on, you couldn’t look away.

Compared to this LLC stuff? I’m just not feeling it

So it begs the question:  what changed over the years/decades?  Yes, the writers have changed, but isn’t Bell THE head honcho, able to override whatever dumbass plot the writers cook up?  Unless…Bell IS the problem because the mandate for the stupid plots and craptastic dialogue originated from him/given the green light from him.

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10 minutes lost, at the beginning, due to a special report. I guess nothing was really missed.  

Ridge is still an ass hole and Brooke is still loves the ass hole even above her daughter.  Brooke tell me what’s right about Stuffy kicking Hope to the curb for personal reasons and Ridge allowing it, when Carter is taking over mainly for business reasons.  Brooke can’t be that delusional in trying to make Ridge see the errors of his ways especially when Stuffy doesn’t  give 💩💩 about what anyone else wants. 


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10 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Unless…Bell IS the problem because the mandate for the stupid plots and craptastic dialogue originated from him/given the green light from him.

I think you answered your own question. I have been a long-time viewer, and after Bell Sr. passed and his son became EP and head writer, the storylines have been slowly circling the drain. In the case, the apple fell several oceans away from the tree! 

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Hey Taylor, remember the circumstances of Steffy having a child with Liam?

Considering that Taylor tried to murder one of the possible baby daddies over it, you'd think she'd remember. 

I laughed yesterday when Ridge said they could have found new jobs. Well, I mean, technically, Carter did, in fact, find himself a new job, Ridge. Yours. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

Hey Taylor, remember the circumstances of Steffy having a child with Liam?


3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Considering that Taylor tried to murder one of the possible baby daddies over it, you'd think she'd remember. 

Gasp!   [clutches pearls]   But…but…but…no one’s allowed to bring up Steffy’s or Taylor’s sins!  That’s verboten, don’tchya know. 

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On 11/25/2024 at 7:23 AM, RuntheTable said:

For me, no more Bridge would be the best thing to come out of this mess, because I know any takeover is not going to last.

I'd love for Bridge to be done but I know I'm my heart that's not going anywhere long term either. Ridge will fuck off to Taylor until some other scheme to push Tridge together is found out or Brooke moves on to someone else (Probably Bill because who else would it be?) and then we'll have "destiny" all over again.

I'm already bored.

On 11/25/2024 at 9:34 AM, norcalgal said:

So it begs the question:  what changed over the years/decades?  Yes, the writers have changed, but isn’t Bell THE head honcho, able to override whatever dumbass plot the writers cook up?  Unless…Bell IS the problem because the mandate for the stupid plots and craptastic dialogue originated from him/given the green light from him.

I mean Brad Bell has been the one common denominator across the show's since 2003.

Officially, he took over the day-to-day in 1993 with Bill Bell as a consultant but I won't lie, in my classic B&B watch, many of the hallmarks of modern B&B were there too after he became in charge. Most notably for me was the very lovely relationship between Darla and Bill Spencer Sr that seemed to be going somewhere and when when Brad took over, POOF! Disappeared without a word.

And then, there was Thorne and Macy's entire relationship, which I was NOT prepared for. I thought Ridge was absolute shit, but at least he would get dragged on occasion, which happened far less often than with Thorne. I will never complain about the three weeks Liam and Hope spent in 2012 crying about being "robbed" by Rick's antics when Macy became an entire alcoholic over a mistake that it took A YEAR for either of them to clear up, yeesh.

But man, 2003 was really the first time I noticed a truly sharp decline beginning with that stupid Ridge/Bridget shit into what was IMO a damn good story that should have been about Stephanie the Good and Moral™ being exposed as a hypocrite, followed by 2011 when the show became all about Steffy & Hope, and then 2020, where Bell took the excuse of pandemics limiting the number of actors on set to never do more than one storyline at a time ever again.

I know from Y&R's revving door of head writers to be careful what we wish for but until Bell leaves, nothing will fundamentally changed on this show, for better or for worse.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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How long is this day. 😒 Its never ending.

Eww, Carter didn't even shower before going to see Ridge. 

Hope is so stupid. 

Ridge is pissed at Hope. 

"little girlfriend" 😂

I hate Hope and dont feel bad for her but Carter should be blamed more by Ridge then her. He seems to blame her more.

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Well that’s refreshing, the guy is blameless in the situation because Jezebel got into his head. Such a nice change of pace on our show. 

I like Carter, always have & always will. But this rests solely on him. There’s no way Hope would’ve known anything about Ridge & Steffy signing papers that Carter could change to give himself power. Just logistically speaking, Hope didn’t have to encourage him, he was already fired up about being overlooked, being with Hope gave him more ammo, but he would’ve considered it anyway. I hope he can come back from this, I’d hate to lose him on the show.

Ridge really is the ultimate jerk; Hope is Brooke’s daughter, they share DNA. Ridge is pissed at Hope for wooing Carter to the bad side, which is exactly what Steffy says about the Logans. The misogyny is real, Ridge.

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What could have been a great takeover storyline or one where it was the great FC defection, it’s been a snooze fest. 

Brooke, your betrayal of Hope is second only to your betrayal of Bridget that led to Hope’s existence. What a sorry excuse for a mother. 

Ridge demanding Carter dump Hope, seeing her as the root of all evil. 😡 🙄Who does he think he is, God? Since he has a pea for a brain, it’s clear he thinks Carter couldn’t have come up with the scheme on his own. 

At least Luna will be back to liven things up. 

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5 hours ago, nkotb said:

Ridge really is the ultimate jerk; Hope is Brooke’s daughter, they share DNA. Ridge is pissed at Hope for wooing Carter to the bad side, which is exactly what Steffy says about the Logans. The misogyny is real, Ridge.

Not watching this stupid show but Ridge has known Hope since the day she was born and he had even viewed her as one of his kids (back when Ronn Moss played him). This isn't the case of him being nice to the child of someone he wanted to sleep with (ala Quinn, ala Shauna). This is a person that he has known her entire life and generally Hope has been known to be a nice person for most of her life.

And this BS about Liam, Thomas, Finn, Carter:

Liam - she had to put up more regarding Liam than Liam ever had to with her. They also had years happily married together (with a few detours in Steffy) and then their marriage dissolved. It takes two to tango and they were both responsible for the marriage ending.

Thomas - his years and years of gaslighting, manipulation, using Douglas over and over again finally gotten him to land Hope into bed. It is not Hope's fault that she was not ready/interested to get married with the sociopath. And when he didn't get his way, he hightailed it out of town with Douglas quitting HFTF hurting Hope far more than he was hurt

Finn - dumb on Hope's part and yeah she maybe wanted to get back at Steffy for interfering in her relationships with Ridge who used to act like her loving stepfather, Oliver, Liam, Thomas. But Finn never wavered and it did not weaken Steffy's marriage to him. Hell Sheila had actually caused marital conflicts between than Hope's inept pass at Finn and her drunken kiss.

Carter - ugh. whatever. It's Carter, he instantly gets overly invested in whomever he is seeing and the whole LLC thing was his bright idea.

Edited by nilyank
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I'll take a pass on Ridge's man pain. Why is everything about him, Taylor, and their spawn so damn tedious and self-involved?  And I feel like the majority of their dialogue is meant to gaslight viewers into not believing shit we've seen with our own eyes.  Hope is the one pushing Logans vs. Forresters?  No, that's your bitchass daughter, dude. And you know that damn well. Your daughter rants to you about Logans at least once a fucking week. And all of his revisionist history of her relationships with Liam and Thomas?  Are we not supposed to remember reality? 

And why can't anyone ever dare to correct the record when one of them is on a rant?  Carter could have told Ridge "actually, I pursued Hope. I initiated our relationship."  When Ridge said "you sound just like Hope," why can't Carter tell him "and you sound just like your daughter"? When Ridge rants on and on about how this plan is all Hope's doing, why can't Carter say "no, I came up with this. Hope had no idea about the paperwork until I went to her and told her what I was planning to do"? Why does every confrontational scene one of them gets into have to be so one-sided and only involve their twisted version of "the truth"? 

This sadass dud of a storyline could be saved if the colleague Justin was going to talk to was actually Carter. Or Bill.  Justin throwing in with the takeover would be fun. 

Also interesting would have been for Brooke to hear exactly how Ridge talked about Hope to Carter.  She needs to know what her "destiny" truly thinks of her daughter. 

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Coup is the new mints, birth mother and Steffy’s husband. Fortunately Ridge is the same old reliable trash bag.

Ridge is right that Carter was cheating his way to the top. He needs to earn his success the way Ridge did, by traveling back in time and sliding out of a rich lady’s birth canal.

Brooke, I refuse to believe that greasy hobo peen is so good that it’s worth ratting out your daughter. I’m not even sure hearing Ridge’s venom toward her daughter would change anything. She might just nod along in the hopes of getting points on her Ridge & Steffy Loyalty Program card.

One thing that galls me about this show and Y&R is how the writing elevates the worst people and their scummy behavior. The Newmans are mostly jaw-droppingly awful people but are written in such a way that you’d think we’re supposed to view them as sympathetic heroes instead of garden variety rich assholes. The Hayes/Marone branch of the Forrester family gives off the same vibe.

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Does this mean we won’t be getting to watch the traditional Forrester family Thanksgiving Day love fest?  I would pay top dollar to have tickets to that shit.

Holy cow Ridge, how do you really feel about Hope? Too bad Brooke wasn’t eavesdropping on that little tirade. Then again who knows, Brooke doesn’t seem to have any identity anymore, well, I mean outside of being Ridge’s girl. His Logan. His Destiny. I’m not saying I agree with what Hope and Carter did, but damn, I sure as hell don’t agree with Brooke not stepping into the cabin to talk to them before doing anything with Ridge. Brooke may have been able to talk them down from the ledge, but it seemed far more important to earn those good girls points with Ridge. I am so surprised he isn’t ragging Brooke about this, that is usually what Ridge and his family do when things go wrong. And wasn’t Brooke just lapping that up? Good God. I would rather have no Brooke than this Brooke.

And fucking Ridge…..really? He is so hella confused about who he is talking about. You can’t transpose your daughter’s life onto Hope’s life Ridge. But you just go on and keep talking that nonsense, trying to convince yourself that Hope is rotten. You have known this girl her whole life; you raised her as your daughter for a lot of that time. You know what she has and hasn’t done, just as you know what your daughter has and hasn’t done. You are a stupid fuck. I was on your side until you started rewriting Hope’s life. Just look at you carrying on your mother’s tradition of Logan hate. You sounded just like her. I am officially pissed off at you too.

I am trying to get interested in the Electra SL, but it is a struggle. A photoshopped picture? A violation for sure, and infuriating, but I don’t know if I can get too worked up about it. Then there is the actress, whose is absolutely beautiful, but such a bad actress.

I see Bill will be visiting Luna next week. That gives me hope.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Brooke is the WORST mother ever and that’s saying a lot. I can’t remember the last time a mother chose somebody’s DICK or fear of losing said useless piece of wanker over their own child.

But you just know Hope will immediately and unstintingly forgive her mother for stabbing her (Hope) in the back because Hope must forever until the end of time be the show’s Doormat. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Too bad Brooke wasn’t eavesdropping on that little tirade. Then again who knows, Brooke doesn’t seem to have any identity anymore, well, I mean outside of being Ridge’s girl. His Logan. His Destiny. I’m not saying I agree with what Hope and Carter did, but damn, I sure as hell don’t agree with Brooke not stepping into the cabin to talk to them before doing anything with Ridge. Brooke may have been able to talk them down from the ledge, but it seemed far more important to earn those good girls points with Ridge.

Brooke is basically Finn now. Too afraid of stepping a toe out of line and losing their asshole partner that all they can do is run to them for approval 24/7, always cognizant that there is an ex waiting in the wings to pounce the second they do step that toe out of line. 

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