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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, nkotb said:

I’d love to have a reveal ~ reminiscent of the Honey Bears reveal, where we thought Eric was playing racquetball, but he was really banging Donna ~ where Li & $Bill have been seeing each other in secret for months

I was thinking, during the Spencer scenes, that if Bill was to get involved with Li, then we might get some scenes of Wyatt and Li, the only two people in town with any sense. 

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2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Soooo...Eric is all up in arms and so butt hurt that he's starting his own competing fashion line because Ridge took his stapler? 

Ridge should be relieved that Eric didn't burn the building down. 

Yeahhhh.... the writers of this show don't do subtle, realistic buildup. They tend to go from 0 to 90 in seconds.

You can almost feel the " What storyline can we come up with now?" playing out all the time. So, all of a sudden, Eric is wigging out over a stapler, and pissed that Ridge is sitting at his desk. Eric, everyone in the company sits at that desk, all the way down to Paris (and we don't even know what her job is anymore!). 

I guess that since they no longer have a rival family to go up against, ala Forrester vs Spectra, now we're going to have the battle lines drawn internally. Ridge and Thomas vs Eric and RJ. Okay, I guess it's something they haven't done before, although Eric as a crotchety old curmudgeon feels weird. And if the Founder of the Company wants to do one last grand finale collection, I would think everyone would welcome it. What is Ridge's sudden rush to show Eric the door? Ridge has been CEO, co-CEO, head designer (all the big titles) for YEARS already, so what would be new? 

But at least Sheila won't be involved, so there's that.

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I wonder if the point of this plot is to write John McCook out?  Maybe he has a grand finale of a fashion show, then retires, he and Ridge make up, then he and Donna take a vacation to Italy.  The only question is what happens to RJ because I am not buying him all of sudden being a fashion designer.  Frankly, I don't see the point of having him on the show.

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If Lurch is the hottest designer that is touted all over the world for his HFTF designs, then why does Ridge have to keep teaching Lurch about designing?  Either Ridge’s nor Lurch’s impress me at all. 

Brooke doesn’t understand what Eric is saying that there is a big difference between RJ’s help and Ridge’s help. RJ is putting Eric’s idea to paper where Ridge would interject his ideas. If Eric wants to create one last collection, then why is he getting grief about it.  Just met him do what he wants to do. Ridge you degenerate egotistical piece of shit. It’s what I want wah wah wah and if I don’t get what I want I will stomp my feet and hold my breath until I do. If I was Eric, I would grab Ridge by the ear and throw him out of the building.  Make sure you leave those fancy suits and the nice car that I enables you to buy. 


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Eric's ranting over Ridge attacking him? What reigns does Eric have? He's not CEO. He was running around cheating with Donna for a chunk of time.  

Katie said "succession" plan? Then hoping Ridge and Eric had a plan?  So are they stealing from Succession?

Is Eric now Logan and Ridge is Kendall? 

Yesterday Ridge said RJ was best, today he's saying Thomas will take over? 

Eric ranting he's coming for Ridge? They work for same company.  Can someone point out to him it was Steffy who saved the company from Eric's divorces? 

RJ needs to go and his bad clothes. Him as designer is eye rolling. 

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So, we haven't heard nary a word about couture in months? Years maybe? But now, all of a sudden, it is on everyone's lips and minds. As is Eric being a legend, the man who started it all, the man who is not ready to retire. We have discussions of Eric needing to step back, of who will succeed him. We have Thomas, who's whole entire life has been HFTF, suddenly declaring his interest in couture to his father, who is only too happy to help Thomas learn a craft he has been actively practicing for years. There is Eric, who has not expressed one iota of interest in designing or running the company, having a meltdown over the position he awarded Ridge, and declaring war against him. RJ, who has steadfastly refused to pick up the pencil, is now fully on board. Yes, we are gearing up for a showdown between father/son and grandfather/grandson. The well-known and the up and coming, and the legend and the unknown. 

Things matter Show:

Build Up


Lead Ins

Ground Work


But I will take it all the same because it isn't another love triangle. I will also take it because it involves Eric, a core character, and is not about his manly parts faltering. 

Eric doesn't need anyone's permission or approval to design a line for the company he founded. Ridge's dismissal of his father's need to design is nasty, and mean, and hella arrogant. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I don't think Ridge is upset that his father still wants to design.  I think he's confused about his father being so upset about Staplergate that he wants to go off on his own with RJ.

I hope they don't drag out the new girl's secret for too long, but they probably will.  


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4 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't think Ridge is upset that his father still wants to design.  I think he's confused about his father being so upset about Staplergate that he wants to go off on his own with RJ.

I hope they don't drag out the new girl's secret for too long, but they probably will.  


I haven't been paying much attention so no idea who this new girl could be but I am going to go our on a limb and guess she's Deacon's long lost daughter so RJ can date his sister's sister while his sister dates his brother and somehow none of it is illegal. 

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I'm going to guess the new girl is somehow related to Li -- possibly niece -- therefore Finn's cousin and thus Forrester adjacent. No blood ties though, so not even quasi incest-y.

Going waaaaaay out on a limb maybe Ridge's daughter from one of his many model liaisons. This creates major angst for RJ.  Brooke calls off/ delays wedding #37,984.  Of course it will eventually be revealed new girl is not Ridge's child so she and RJ can date after all.

I totally understand why Eric is furious about his stapler.  This is the stapler he's had since Day 1 of FC. He's had and used it all these years for every collection he's designed.  Ridge threw it away. Cleaned out Eric's stuff from the CEO desk Just an old stapler. Who cares. Not needed any more.  All this is exactly Ridge's attitude about Eric.

Eric sees the stapler as representing himself -- and Ridge is chomping at the bit to get Eric absolutely completely out of FC. Go play pickle ball old man. We don't need or want you any more.

Ridge needs to be reminded that when his Marone paternity was revealed Eric didn't hesitate to still call Ridge his son. If Eric had reacted differently Ridge wouldn't be co-CEO.

Edited by La di Diva
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Excuse me Brooke but RJ is not designing. He’s just helping Eric to put his designs to paper. 

Is Ridge that thick. He cannot comprehend what a grand finale collection is. No Brooke, it wasn’t a competition until Ridge brushed working together aside and send him off into the sunset.

Ridge Eric doesn’t think he can do a whole new collection by himself. Eric knows he can. Ridge stop 🐂💩ing Brooke, you want to be top dog. Brooke, BFD that Eric is designing without Ridge. I get Brooke, you just love to stroke Ridge’s ego among other things.  Ridge, blow it out your AAA hole. You don’t approve of what Eric is doing?  You’re really not the boss of Eric.

When I first saw Luna, I thought it was another cameo for a Big Brother contestant. But, after finding out she’s not, I get the feeling that she will become a love interest for RJ. I’m not sure if she will heed the warning of staying away from the Foresters. 

I know where Eric is coming from on the sentimental value of his stapler. I have a t-shirt that’s 80 years old that my father wore every vacation.  It’s stained and faded but if anyone threw it out I would go postal.  

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17 hours ago, Lilac2000 said:

I haven't been paying much attention so no idea who this new girl could be but I am going to go our on a limb and guess she's Deacon's long lost daughter so RJ can date his sister's sister while his sister dates his brother and somehow none of it is illegal. 

When one laughing emoji just isn't enough!! 


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They didn't mess around with getting right to the new girl's mystery, did they? I feel like, back in the day, a soap would have spent a little time building the pairing up, so that viewers might be invested in them, before she started getting those mysterious calls warning her to stay away from the Forresters. 

God bless entire episodes that don't have a single scene of Liam repeating the same dialogue he's been spouting for a couple months. 

Also, for some reason I can't pinpoint, I'm finding myself liking R.J. Maybe it's the focus on his relationship with Eric now instead of him just wandering around town trying to save his sisters' marriages? I really wish someone would do something about his hair, but it wouldn't be B&B if there weren't multiple characters whose hair makes me wonder what the fuck their hair department is thinking. Most days, RJ looks like he's been filming that old Seinfeld low flow shower head episode. 

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Damn Hope! I’m sorry I’m loving this new Hope

I missed most due to the special report but all I’m thinking is 

Thomas must be tired 😂 

I hope he’s eating his Wheaties cuz Hope ain’t giving him no rest 😂😂

Liam must’ve been a real dud in bed. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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Oooh, now it's going to be a Ridge-Eric Runway Showdown! How did we NOT think of that? 🙄

I'm glad Lurch and Hope are hooking up in the office, because that means Waffle Boy isn't going to be rolling in telling Hope it's over YET AGAIN and talking about the divorce YET AGAIN. However, he'll probably have some lame 'emergency' and pop the lock on the door and then say, 'Ya know, Stuffy's gone off to have her 7th consecutive real-life son be "safe" in Parts Unknown, I don't really have a viable lady-interest anymore. Shit, Quinn is even gone! So Hope, you're the one for me (again)!"

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13 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I had a breaking news interruption (Hunter Biden), so what's the girl's secret?


Thanks for the heads-up. I'll watch on the CBS app.

That was such a lame introduction to Luna yesterday. For starters, why did everybody let an intern linger around watching the designers work? Didn't she have tasks of her own waiting for her back at FC? None of them knew her. For all they knew, she was wearing a spycam pendant ala Coco Spectra back in the day!

Donna sounded like such an idiot when she talked about hiring Luna. "I looked into her eyes and saw kindness." And WTH would jump in and help answer company phones while waiting for a job interview? How would they know what to do?  WHY is the company founder's GF sharing a reception desk and subsequent duties? Lastly, why is the half-receptionist weighing in on which interns to hire?

Those weren't stars in Luna's eyes. Clearly dollar signs.

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What I dislike the most is the in continuity of the dialog. Ridge keeps  insisting that RJ is designing, when RJ told Luna that all he is doing is sketching Eric’s ideas. Second, in true Ridge being an ass hole, he’s being very disrespectful of Eric because Ridge cannot understand that Eric feels more vibrant working than on a beach somewhere with his thumb up his ass. 


Rena Sofa is making a triumphant return to the soaps. No, not as Quinn Fuller but as Lois Cerullo of General Hospital fame. 

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Finally saw the episode...

Ridge/Eric on the runway - I still think Eric is acting nuts but at least it's something different.  I am guessing Thomas will get pulled into this if they can drag him away from Hope's nookie.

Speaking of Thomas - I know Hope doesn't love him but he's living his best life right now lol...Thope is hot hot hot.... really wish they hadn't made Thomas such an evil bastard when MA took over because he and AN just have *it*..I was like 😱

Also Hope - you really think Thomas was going to say he couldn't handle it at THAT particular moment...

What was Brooke wearing - pattern looked like furniture cover lol

It's probably time to change that couch in the design office...over the years it has seen a lot of action..I at least Hope they clean in on the regular..

Edited by bluvelvet
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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

Thomas and Hope are so hot together, they have me fanning myself.  I, too, wish they hadn't made him such an evil bastard.

Personally it looks forced to portray Lurch and Hope as a hot couple. 

The difference between Lurch’s and Liam’s love making is that Liam is a vegetarian and he doesn’t eat “meat”. 

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Thomas and Hope just have amazing chemistry together.  Hope is so much better now and their scenes come alive now. 

I'm not a CEO or fashion designer, but despite Eric acting crazy "coming for Ridge" wouldn't it make good business sense to market and sell the grand finale final collection of Eric Forrester?

Ridge isn't going anywhere he can always push some of his couture line, but it seems to me good business and marketing to promote and sell a finale line of a big designer. 

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For those who had their show interrupted, nothing new was revealed about Luna. After some cringeworthy flirting with RJ, she finally bought a clue and returned to FC.

I still don't understand why Ridge feels that designing a new line would be so hazardous to Eric. The only issue Eric has going on is some arthritis in his dominant hand (which Ridge knows nothing about and let's keep it that way). I think it's fear of competition and maybe a twinge of jealousy over RJ. I am so glad that Ridge was unsuccessful in talking Eric out of dropping his plan and "traveling." Good for Eric for throwing the gauntlet down and challenging Ridge to a showdown on the runway.

And ... NO LIAM!


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Why is this going to be some kind of weird fight to the death on the runway?  Eric has clearly said this is his grand finale. He's not competing with Ridge to be the top designer going forward. I get that Eric has been kind of cranky and secretive about all of this, but does Ridge really want to have his father's send-off as a designer potentially be him being embarrassed by not measuring up to his son?  That's a pretty shitty thing to do to the man. Why not just have them both contribute to this season's line and put out the word that some of the designs will be Eric Forrester's last designs, to pump up interest and sales? That seems far more like what is best for the company than a competition. 

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13 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

does Ridge really want to have his father's send-off as a designer potentially be him being embarrassed by not measuring up to his son?

The answer to this is Yes.  Ridge wants all the attention and accolades for himself. Ridge is concerned his designs won't measure up to Eric's. 

Imagine Eye on Fashion's review if Eric's designs are his best collection ever in the history of FC. Wowing everyone and letting Eric go out on a career high as the premier couture designer in America. And Ridge's are ..... fine, but not wowing anyone.

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Ridge is an ass..he needs to let the old codger get his last line. Hopefully it won’t be ugly dresses this time. 

Hope you keep asking Thomas if he’s ok with this after you’ve already revved up the guy. He ain’t gonna set himself up for blueb**ls…

I thought for a second we were gonna get flashed with a b**b…😳

Love or hate Thope, they bring the 🔥..this was me ..😮

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Hope keeps saying if this is ok with Lurch and I keep saying that is exactly what he wants with no things attached. Oh, maybe one thing.  I don’t know if it’s because I dislike Lurch that much but what they may call passion, I call a wrestling match 🤢🤮.  There is absolutely no chemistry. 

Ridge, your ego cannot accept that Eric is still the Jedi Master and you are still a Padawon.  


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4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

They seem like they’re wrestling to me. No romance, no tenderness.

That's because Hope and Thomas aren't making love, they're f**king... BIG difference...



Hope: I’ve discovered some thing that I never even knew existed.

me : yes, it’s called an orgasm 👏🏽 

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2 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

That's because Hope and Thomas aren't making love, they're f**king... BIG difference...



Hope: I’ve discovered some thing that I never even knew existed.

me : yes, it’s called an orgasm 👏🏽 

Maybe that’s true since Wyatt but I’m sure he buttered her bun a few times. Unlike his brother, Wyatt eats meat 😂

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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Maybe that’s true since Wyatt but I’m sure he buttered her bun a few times. Unlike his brother, Wyatt eats meat 😂

 I agree. This is very reminiscent, to me, of her time with Wyatt, where she seemed like she was having some kind of sexual awakening. Between the writing and the way SC plays him, Liam is just not a very sexual kind of guy. And I'm not even talking sex scenes, but just that kind of aura. Like you look at Finn and Steffy, and Finn can't keep his hands to himself around her. Hope/Wyatt was the same, and I think Wyatt has generally been like that in the relationships he's been in. Even though this version of Ridge sucks, TK at least still plays Ridge that way, too. Deacon, Bill, hell, even Eric, are all men who you can tell how into their women they are when they're with someone. Liam is just kind of there.  

SC is a good actor, and, for a while, I was kind of wondering if I was just not seeing him that way because I was still used to him being a teenager on GH, but that's not it. He's just not that kind of actor. 

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On 9/13/2023 at 7:43 PM, La di Diva said:

Going waaaaaay out on a limb maybe Ridge's daughter from one of his many model liaisons. This creates major angst for RJ.  Brooke calls off/ delays wedding #37,984.  Of course it will eventually be revealed new girl is not Ridge's child so she and RJ can date after all.

I'm going out on another limb and saying she is Morgan's daughter. IIRC, Morgan kidnapped Stuffy when she was a child. So we'd have a Stuffy tie-in.

On 9/14/2023 at 12:45 PM, KerleyQ said:

God bless entire episodes that don't have a single scene of Liam


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23 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

I'm going out on another limb and saying she is Morgan's daughter. IIRC, Morgan kidnapped Stuffy when she was a child. So we'd have a Stuffy tie-in.

A Morgan and Sheila team up could prove to be fun and I'd be here for it.

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I’m worn out with all of these secret children born out of affairs from years ago. That has been to do absolute death. If the writers can’t come up with better story lines then shut down the show.

Been done to absolute death.  Having problems with my computer tonight.

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Luna is weird.  She was looking at RJ the way Donna was looking at Eric - (not the $) - with admiration and pride.  Now this makes sense for Donna given her extended history with Eric.  But for Luna, who has just met RJ, and is in her very early twenties, that look felt premature, unearned and just wrong.  I've been that young and, in my experience, when people that young like someone, especially someone they just met, the predominant feeling for a good while is lust.  Sexual desire. 

I've always felt that was a weird choice for characters like Liam who, for example, would wax on and on about Hope's "goodness" even when they were much younger.  Where was the desire?  The lust?  Absent.  

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Yes Hope, Lurch is more than ok with this arrangement why do you have to keep asking him day after day after day?  What does Lurch care, love or lust it’s all the same to him as long as Hope is in his “arms”.  As far as I’m concerned, Hope can lust all she wants just not with Lurch 🤢🤮


Carter needs a large mug of STFU.  


I had to laugh when Eric and Donna were talking about his hand tremors. I was waiting for Eric to say that you cured my ED so you should be able to cure my hand tremors.  


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Everyone keeps asking Eric why he doesn't just collaborate with Ridge on a collection.  Why doesn't he tell them that he proposed that idea to Ridge and Ridge promptly shot him down? 

I think Hope unlocked the door as she was getting dressed, not realizing that she had a little itch left to scratch.

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8 hours ago, TVForever said:


I thought that Hope locked the door before she and Thomas got busy. How did Brooke just walk in? Not mad at Brooke though, because...office in the middle of the workday.

She did but Thomas unlocked it when they were getting dressed. 

Thomas sex life must’ve been pathetic. He’s just getting to have sex in the design office at this big old age 😂.. when everyone else broke in that couch in their 20’s. 

Also Brooke is THE LAST person to ever lecture anyone about office sexcapades. Isn’t she the one who fell out of the elevator half naked with Ridge. 

Hope was a bit snippy with mama Brooke - that comment about the timing and clap back about Bridge  😆. I like feisty Hope. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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Good God, now we've got two storylines of repetitive dialogue. Someone really only needs to tune in one time this month, and they'll be fully up to date - Hope is willing to bang Thomas, but she doesn't love him, and she needs him to acknowledge that he's OK with it. And Eric feels pushed aside and put out to pasture, so he and Ridge are going to fight it out on the runway, may the best man win. 

That's it. That's all that's happening all month. 

I can't decide if Hope repeatedly asking Thomas if he's OK with it only being sex right when sex is imminent, instead of waiting for a time when they're both fully clothed and not already out of the starting gate is solely their usual repetitive dialogue, or if it's supposed to be a hint to how things are going. Is it possible that she's subconsciously kind of enjoying driving that point home over and over to him? Is it setting us up for him to eventually be typical crazy Thomas when he can't stand that she's not reciprocating his feelings? 

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3 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I think Hope unlocked the door as she was getting dressed, not realizing that she had a little itch left to scratch.

Well, wasn't that bloody convenient for Brooke?? Who unlocks a door whilst they're getting dressed? Lazy, lazy writing. LOL.

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