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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Deacon's first air date is Friday, June 13.

That is a long time to wait for the Hope's and her Brother Boyfriends (HHBB!) story to get interesting.

Edited by ariesman3
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I question though, how much is it about Wyatt's future and not Quinn's. Everytime they are discussing Hope, I notice that Quinn tells Wyatt that the future of their company is at stake. That shouldn't come into play here at all. If you can't keep your gig on your talents, then maybe you should find a different gig.

I think Quinn has a valid reason for freaking out about Liam when it comes to her company's relationship with Forrester. Liam has tried twice (if I remember correctly) to get Hope to fire Wyatt and his mother. And we all know how Eric blows whichever way the wind blows. I'm wondering if the disconnect in how these scenes are playing is due to Quinn not reminding us that Liam did that. Hope pretty much does what Liam (or any boyfriend) wants when he gets demanding. If he wants her to fire Quinn it just may happen.

Wondering if she's not outright stating that as her motive for a specific reason.

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Daytime Emmy nominations are out, the B&B got five acting nominations.  I never thought I'd say this but a nomination for best actress goes to Katharine Kelly Lang, as well as Heather Tom.  Linsay Godfrey and Kim Matula got nods best younger actress and Scott Clifton was nominated for best supporting actor.  Here's a link to the rest of the nominees:




The show also got nods for Best Show, Best Directing and Best Writing.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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This episode was one of the best ever. The fantastic information they included in the episode is something sorely needed. Plus, those dogs were so darned cute.

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I never thought I'd say this but a nomination for best actress goes to Katharine Kelly Lang, as well as Heather Tom.  Linsay Godfrey and Kim Matula got nods best younger actress and Scott Clifton was nominated for best supporting actor.  Here's a link to the rest of the nominees:




The show also got nods for Best Show, Best Directing and Best Writing.

I think that Katharine Kelly Lang doesn't get a lot of Emmy love because the character does not have volcanic emotional outbursts or monologues. KKL displays the majority of Brooke's emotions without dialogue. KKL's sex appeal and ability to generate chemistry with all her male co-stars makes her the ideal soap star.


I am a big Brooke and KKL fan. This Emmy nod is way overdue.


Too bad there is not a special award for Best Slap because this or this or this  .

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A slapper means something very different in the UK.


The Best of British Slang :

Slapper - A slapper is a female who is a bit loose. A bit like a slag or a tart. Probably also translates into tramp in American.



LOL. One would not be wrong to call Brooke a slapper in the UK sense.

Edited by ariesman3
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I wanted Bob Barker to come in and punch Medusa and Wyass when they disparaged Liam's interest in animal rights.

I didn't think they were disparaging his interest in animal rights.  I took it more as Quinn and Wyatt realizing that Hope would definitely consider this a "win" in Liam's column.


How many times is Brooke going to take those papers half-way out of her purse?  I wonder if Katie will go through it for some reason and find the papers, because there was a close-up shot of the purse as Brooke put it on Katie's desk. 

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I wanted to hug all those animals! Kim Matula looked as if she was about to cry at some points.



This episode was one of the best ever. The fantastic information they included in the episode is something sorely needed. Plus, those dogs were so darned cute.



I have volunteered at many shelters, and it is hard. Really hard. I don't know anything about Scott Clifton or Kim Matula's personal life, or if they are into animal welfare, but they both showed some real emotion.


So, to get this straight; Ridge spends his days at SP's nuzzling CEO Katie's neck, and is now operating as her errand boy, and at the same time, he wants to be top dog at FC's? I thought Brooke handled herself well today, given what she walked in on. I don't think Katie was happy with the way the conversation was going. Brooke was making perfect sense, and Katie sounded like what she is; angry, jealous, and bitter. There is no logical reason in the world to deny Bill equal custody of Will. You want to hold his company hostage? Go ahead. Bill can always do something else, and frankly I wish he would. That would burn Katie up. Actually, I would like to see Bill and Brooke start something together, because that would cause both Ridge and Katie's head to explode. But when it comes to someone's kids? How many divorced or seperated parents share equaly custody of their kids? And how many of those kids stay at each parent's house? I know folks who have handled it both ways, and in most cases the kids who had equal time with both parents have come out of it pretty good. Well adjusted, and loving both parents. The other kids, the ones where one parent wanted control, and got sole custody? Not so much. Even if the custodial parent didn't bad mouth the other parent, the kids always thought there must be something wrong with them. And in many cases, felt the other parent just didn't care enough about them to come see them. This is why you don't use your children as weapons. This nonsense about Will needing structure is just that; nonsense. Outside of the fact that Will is an infant, I am quite certain that Brooke, who has raised four children, understands about bedtimes, and feeding times and the like. Additionally, Bill has never done a thing to Will, and is clearly enamored with his son. Katie needs to understand that there is more to "structure" in a young child's life than maintaining a

schedule; bonding with their father's and mother's goes a long way to building a solid foundation. And really, what does she think is going to happen at Brooke's? Wild parties? Bill and Brooke having hot sex and forgetting about Will? Katie is not going to be receptive for three reasons:


  • Brooke didn't go bat shit crazy after seeing Katie and Ridge smooching. Katie was clearly disappointed with Brooke's non-reaction.
  •  Brooke told Katie that she and Bill were happy. Oh no, this will never do. It doesn't matter that Brooke also said that Katie and Ridge were happy, because in Katie's mind, she and Ridge are the "Super Special Couple". They deserve to be happy after all Brooke has done to them.
  • Brooke didn't come to see Katie to tell her to leave Ridge, or that she was going to stop her, or to beg her to try to patch things up. No, Brooke came to see Katie to try and get her to do the right thing. Brooke came to see Katie for Bill.


This all adds up to Katie losing her ground, and her power to hurt Brooke. All she has left is SP's and Will. And even though those weapons are designed to punish Bill, by extension they will hurt Brooke too. Katie likes that Bill is upset enough that Brooke felt propelled to come to her, that tells Katie that she is creating chinks in their relationship. On the contrary, I think it is making them stronger.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Puppies and babies today? Right in the feels! I've changed my mind now, too, on this idea I had for the animal welfare story, in which Eric joins forces with a rescue dog to solve mysteries - if Bill's doing nothing all day, then maybe he's the better candidate for this position. It'd be like Inspector Rex meets Magnum PI. (Hey, there have been worse ideas. Acapulco H.E.A.T, anyone?)


I think that Katharine Kelly Lang doesn't get a lot of Emmy love because the character does not have volcanic emotional outbursts or monologues. KKL displays the majority of Brooke's emotions without dialogue.


True. I imagine Susan Flannery got a lot of Emmy attention during her B&B run because, apart from being a fantastic actor in the first place, she was always being paired up with KKL or JMC who also plays a lot of stuff quietly so that Stephanie's volcanic outbursts (great phrase, by the way!) had more impact. If I'm thinking correctly this may be another Heather Tom win for that reason if Katie's birthday party meltdown is included in this year's tapes - that took up a lot of room in those scenes, perhaps to the detriment of KKL who just about stood there and weeped the whole time. Without knowing what scenes were submitted it's hard to tell. 


Brooke, who has raised four children, understands about bedtimes, and feeding times and the like


Except for that one time when she went crazy and ran off to God knows where and lost her mind with those dolls and Stephanie & Eric won custody of Rick & Bridget, and that other time when she passed out drunk on the highway and left Hope & RJ alone in the Logan mansion, and that other other time when they set fire to the house with Nick's lighter, et cetera. Brooke's just not fit to be a parent! Seriously though, RuntheTable, you've hit the nail on the head. Shipping Will back and forth a thousand times in an afternoon is causing more disruption to his schedule than anything else. 


Looking forward to the Ridge vs Bill showdown tomorrow. Anyone else notice today as Katie ran her hands through Ridge's hair, it stuck up at the back? I thought the "what's a shower?" look was just that, but apparently it would appear that Thorsten Kaye may not actually wash at all. Disappointing. 

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Just read a spoiler and I almost don't believe it -

"Taylor tries to explain her relationship with Thorne to Aly but doesn't expect the teen's ax-wielding skills."

- Could fantasies become reality after all?


Some more spoilers for May 12:

After Oliver and Thorne interrupt the tense moment, Aly asks her father why Taylor told her horrible things. Later, Aly surprises Taylor by asking her for the truth about the night her mother died. Taylor is overcome with emotion as she relates the tragic story. Thorne agrees to an impassioned plea from Aly. To make sure Wyatt gets his alone time with Hope, Quinn devises a plan that puts Liam in a difficult situation. Meanwhile, Brooke encourages Hope not to rush into anything. Wyatt officially becomes a Spencer but that isn't the only thing Quinn wants from Bill. Katie and Ridge start making wedding arrangements. Bill and Ridge argue over the other spending more time with their respective sons. A possessive Ridge warns Brooke about Bill. Bill plans a special trip for Brooke to take her away from all her personal and professional problems. COMING: Brooke is taken to exotic surroundings.

Edited by St3phForrester
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I'm pretty annoyed with the Quinn spoilers.  I thought she'd be an interesting, non-Sheila villain, but now I just see her as a manipulative whiner who I wish would go away.  It's a shame Rena Sofer is being wasted, I wish she'd have been cast as Felicia.

Edited by ByTor
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I'm pretty annoyed with the Quinn spoilers.  I thought she'd be an interesting, non-Sheila villain, but now I just see her as a manipulative whiner who I wish would go away.  It's a shame Rena Sofer is being wasted, I wish she'd have been cast as Felicia.

I agree. I cringe every time I see her because I know she'll be bitching about Liam. It's hysterical that she calls him spoiled when it is her son who runs to mommy to bitch and moan about his love life. Medusa seriously needs a hobby un associated with her son's love life.

That poor dog that the trainer was working with broke my heart. She was so skinny and obviously had had puppies. I hope she gets a "forever home" (along with all the others).

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I have volunteered at many shelters, and it is hard. Really hard. I don't know anything about Scott Clifton or Kim Matula's personal life, or if they are into animal welfare, but they both showed some real emotion.

I watch online, and there is a "CBS Sync" thing that plays along with the show, and there was a little factoid that said that both are animal lovers, they both own cats in real life, and they enjoyed spending time at the shelter.

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The shelter scenes were great, and they really gave a lot of information on top of the main spay/neuter message.  I appreciated that man mentioning how people buy rabbits for Easter and dump them a week later.  Thanks for reminding people that it should be a "forever home", Hope.  And enjoy the kitty!  (Oh, and by the way, ByTor, one does not own cats.  They own you!)

That said, it looks like Hope really won't be taking that long to make her decision.  As much as I don't like them together, at least this stupid triangle will be over!

I really enjoyed the smugness melting off Katie's face, too.  All in all, a very good episode today.

Was that big black rock on Brooke's finger the olive ring Ridge gave her?

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I really enjoyed the smugness melting off Katie's face, too.  All in all, a very good episode todayI

I half expected her to have a real heart attack with Brooke thinking she was faking it!  But yes, it was awesome to see Katie not have one of her patented snotty comebacks.

Edited by ByTor
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What is the show trying to tell us about Brooke and Bill?  That true love means it's okay to blackmail your sister?  That knowing in your heart that doing the wrong thing  is in the best interest of everyone and that makes it not doing the wrong thing?  That these two slimey people totally deserve each other?  


And we all see how this going to play out, don't we?  Bill is already suffering from Nick Insanity so he is going to do so really stupid stuff to try to keep Brooke from finding about Quinn.  Brooke will of course find out about Quinn, then declare her actions a mistake and somehow end up back with Ridge.

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All in all, a very good episode today.



Yes it was, and well acted by all, but for me today's stand out perfomer was KKL. She pulled a Stephanie today with that quick switch of emotion that changed the entire dynamic of the scene.


I generally detest next day montages, but I was ok with that stuff today. The real STAR of the show though was Sadie. Oh, I have helped so many Sadie's in my life. She was positvely beautiful. And no offense guys, but it is spelled "Furever" home.


I watch online, and there is a "CBS Sync" thing that plays along with the show, and there was a little factoid that said that both are animal lovers, they both own cats in real life, and they enjoyed spending time at the shelter.



Thanks! That is good to hear; it helps if the people involved in the SL have a vested interest. I could tell Kim Matula was pretty shaken up.


I half expected her to have a real heart attack with Brooke thinking she was faking it!  But yes, it was awesome to see Katie not have one of her patented snotty comebacks.



That would have been the icing on the cake wouldn't it? Katie was working the smug today; the best scene for me was when Katie was terminating the audience, and Brooke shot her down. The look of disbelief on Katie's face and her "WHAT?" were priceless. I have been on the fence about those papers, but I knew that ultimately, they were going to come into play. I am relieved though, that they handled it this way. Brooke is not coming off as vindictive or spiteful at all. She exhausted all of her options. What this whole situation shows me is that Brooke has been in love with Bill the whole time. I have been a little surprised with how quickly Brooke has excepted Ridge and Katie. I can't recall her giving up on Ridge this easily before. I am convinced that the whole wedding thing was an extended attempt to prove to Katie that she was through to Bill, and probably an attempt to prove it to herself as well. That final scene today; that was powerful. Ridge telling "Logan" not to make things worse, Brooke telling Ridge how it was going to be. And the electricity between Bill and Brooke at the end was palpable.


I barely registered Quinn and Wyatt.

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Scott Clifton real-life adopted the white cat at the end of today's show, and later tweeted that Walter will be on occasionally as Hope's cat. So it looks like it'll be Hope & Cat solving mysteries now.


It's a shame Rena Sofer is being wasted, I wish she'd have been cast as Felicia.


Whatever happened to Felicia anyway? Last time I saw her (other than Stephanie's farewell shebang) she was whinging about Eric & Donna. Imagine the headspins if Felicia had become involved with Bill Spencer, Scum of the Universe! Opportunity gone begging.


What is the show trying to tell us about Brooke and Bill?  That true love means it's okay to blackmail your sister?


Devil's advocate would say that Katie hasn't done herself any favours by blueballing Bill out of a job and out of a responsibility as a parent and that this blackmail is a last resort, but I agree that the way the show presented the situation at the end was a little unsettling. So Triumphant Brooke returns from Spencer Publications and stares down Ridge, who receives instructions to wave the white flag and slinks off into the distance without so much as a parting shot? I'm not sure if it's writing or acting but Ronn Moss would've been wagging fingers and growling threats on his way out (to be followed immediately by Stephanie barging in and doing much of the same), but from TK there was nothing and I was disappointed. I think if there had been angst in the closing shots between Brooke and Bill, particularly from Brooke, about how she didn't want to do what she did re: the papers but had no other choice, the situation wouldn't look quite so bad. YMMV of course. 


On the shallow end, I loved KKL's "Did I say that?" game-changer line, nice and subtle. Also, one thing that really struck me today was when Bill was talking to Ridge about how Katie had taken everything away from him, and how vulnerable Bill became being open about how hurt he is that life isn't working out for him. Ridge Forrester is Bill's enemy #1, and yet it almost felt like Bill was trying to find a friend in him, someone who could understand the situation. It reminded me that no one on this show has any friends, particularly the men, which is strange given that the "bromance" is a popular thing these days. And those characters who do act chummy are more or less related to each other (Caroline and Aly recently; they are aunt and niece by marriage if I've worked that out right). Surely building a friendship over time only have it fall apart explosively is a soap opera gold mine? I wonder why TPTB don't use it more often.

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it almost felt like Bill was trying to find a friend in him, someone who could understand the situation

Would you want to be friends with Bill?  Do you understand his situation?  Speaking for myself, I do not.  I have detested Bill since he had his almost affair with Steffy and was going to leave Katie for her.  Such a tool.  And his relationship with Brooke started up again after he marched into her bedroom and announced that he had waited long enough.  What a great guy.


I wonder who Bill will end up with after his tryst with Quinn is exposed and Brooke reunites with Ridge again.  I don't know if I will still be watching then.  The only thing I'm interested in now is seeing the Taylor/Ally showdown.  After that I think I will take a break.  Every couple of years I get tired of the repetition and stop watching for awhile.

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Drop that bomb, Brooke! Give Katie something to really bitch and moan about. I was so excited to see those papers again!

What dirty filthy trash Brooke is.. What kind of slag would do that to her sister.. GAWD she is one nasty heffa.

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Would you want to be friends with Bill?  Do you understand his situation?


Oh, absolutely not (well, FWB maybe, but that's another story). Perhaps "friend" was the wrong word. Everyone knows Bill Spencer would stab his own mother in the back if it meant he could get whatever he wanted, I won't deny that. I was more interested in the way Bill was talking to Ridge, "man to man, father to father", that left him open to a potential Ridge verbal attack and showed Ridge that he was hurting, when their previous interactions have been more or less dick measuring contests. I don't know, maybe it was the way Don Diamont played it. 

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I have detested Bill since he had his almost affair with Steffy and was going to leave Katie for her.

I don't understand why Katie didn't figure out then & there that Bill didn't really love her and just cut her losses.  I remember her saying all the right things & that she was leaving him, but then BAM heart attack of convenience! If I'm remembering this correctly, there was some amnesia involved (of course!), but then once she remembered, why did she take him back? It's like she was happier at being the "winner" over Steffy.  Come to think of it, it seems that is the only way these writers seem to do love rivalries, one has to be declared the victor as if it's some kind of sporting event.


Every couple of years I get tired of the repetition and stop watching for awhile.

Me too.


Scott Clifton real-life adopted the white cat at the end of today's show, and later tweeted that Walter will be on occasionally as Hope's cat. So it looks like it'll be Hope & Cat solving mysteries now.

Nice! I actually originally came here to say that I would be shocked if one of them didn't adopt the cat. The way they were interacting with him, I'd think it would be really hard to just leave him there.

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I don't get why the men on this show are so okay with having their women fight their battles for them. Brooke confronted Karen and Katie to get Bill his company back and co-custody of the kid. Katie marched over to FC and gave Eric what for because he made Ridge and Brooke co-VPs. Quinn takes on everybody on behalf of Wyatt, Brooke kept Eric from moving Rick out of the CEO position. Caroline will clearly cut a bitch who dares to do anything she thinks is wrong to her husband. I guess it's supposed to be good to see strong women but it's like the men have to be weakened to compensate.

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Scott Clifton real-life adopted the white cat at the end of today's show, and later tweeted that Walter will be on occasionally as Hope's cat.



Thanks for sharing that St3phForrester; Scott Clifton/Liam just gained some points in my book.


Devil's advocate would say that Katie hasn't done herself any favours by blueballing Bill out of a job and out of a responsibility as a parent



The show has done a great job of making Katie as unlikeable as possible. I have never been a big fan of the character, and that goes all the way back to the beginning; Brooke, Donna and Storm were always my favorites. Back then though, it was mostly annoyance of a pimply faced teenager who wants to be a grown up like her sisters. I wasn't watching when Heather Tom assumed the role; that happened during one of my breaks from the show, but she has brought so many unlikeable qualities to the character that I find her unrootable. When I tuned back in and found her married to someone like Bill, a character I was unfamiliar with, but quickly learned was a shit, I was shocked. Bill did some crap things to Katie, but Katie chose to stay; so she has no one to blame but herself. She could have packed up and left before Will ever came into the picture.


but I agree that the way the show presented the situation at the end was a little unsettling. So Triumphant Brooke returns from Spencer Publications and stares down Ridge, who receives instructions to wave the white flag and slinks off into the distance without so much as a parting shot?



And I didn't read it this way at all. If Brooke was doing something illegal or nefarious, something the character is not known for, I would be disappointed in her. Brooke is doing the right thing; I think what some are missing here is that Katie is not upset about losing the top spot at SP's, nor is she upset that Bill will get equal time with Will. No, Katie is upset because she is losing her aces in the hole; she is losing her power to control Bill, and by extension, Brooke's lives. In my opinion, Katie's actions of corporate raiding, attempting to ruin a father/son relationship, fake fainting in front of her family and friends, are far more henious than what Brooke is doing. And I challenge anyone to deny that Katie sending Ridge, of all people, to pick up Will wasn't designed to rub it in Bill's face. Additionally, Katie's smugness and superiority have served to deny her any wiggle room in this whole mess. She raked Brooke and Bill over the coals for nearly a year for not "fighting their feelings", something we all know they did, but states loudly and clearly to anyone who will listen that she will not apologize for her feelings for Ridge. She has also stated to one and all that things change; things happen that you cannot control. OK, I agree with that, but Katie only sees that logic in relation to her and Ridge. If she were to show that same gravitas to Bill and Brooke, that would signal that she is no longer angry, and isn't acting out of spite, which have been her driving forces since Brooke's botched birthday party. Brooke is righting the ship out of love for Bill, if she were acting out of anger and vindictivness, she would have pulled those papers out the day after her conversation with Stephanie, when she was at her lowest.


was more interested in the way Bill was talking to Ridge, "man to man, father to father", that left him open to a potential Ridge verbal attack and showed Ridge that he was hurting, when their previous interactions have been more or less dick measuring contests. I don't know, maybe it was the way Don Diamont played it.



Props to Don Diamont; he has been bringing his A game; I thought he handled that interaction with Ridge perfectly. I missed all the stuff Bill did when he first came on the show, I did she what he pulled with Maya, and of course playing Katie to get her to sign the papers, but I feel that Bill is trying to be a better person. He has repeatedly told Quinn that he is not butting in his kids lives anymore, he has become accepting of Hope/Liam, whether that is for Brooke's sake or not, at least he is doing it. He also was willing to throw in the cards about SP's and strike out anew. I realize this is soapland, but I am a firm believer that people can change if the right circumstances present themselves. And at the heart of it all, I think this is what has gotten Katie's panties all wadded up. Katie broke her wedding vows to Bill by trying to reign him in and change him, and it ultimately drove him away. Bill may be a scoundrel, but he is a proud man all the same, and Katie's attempts to neuter him backfired on her during their marraige, so she has left the scalpel behind in their seperation and has opted for the chainsaw. With Brooke however, Bill wants to be that other person, that better person. And that is the magic of the Brooke character; men have always wanted to be better people when they are with her, and Katie is truely bugged that this is happening without any pressure from Brooke.


I am enjoying this SL, mostly because it appears they are trying to put an end to Bridge, a ship that sailed a long time ago. Actually, the ship should have sank when Nick came on the show, but they botched that up royally. And I like Bill and Brooke together, I think they make a dynamic couple.

Edited by RuntheTable
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This episode was one of the best ever. The fantastic information they included in the episode is something sorely needed. Plus, those dogs were so darned cute.

Mileage varies because I found the whole thing super preachy, the way B&B always is when tackling their Very Special Episodes. That it was centered around Liam and Hope also added to the televised version of Ambien.

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The way soaps mangle legal issues always gets to me since I used to practice law (career change). This week, I kept yelling at the tube for Brooke to give those papers to Justin to file with the court clerk's office. They have to be filed to be official and legally binding. Also, I keep wondering why Bill doesn't just go to court and petition for a change in the custody arrangements. That stuff drives me nuts!

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The only thing I'm interested in now is seeing the Taylor/Ally showdown.



Screw the puppies and kitties, I FF'd all the way through that crap, this is what I'm waiting for.  Friday can't come too soon.  I hope Aly is practicing her killer backhand slap.

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Brooke is doing the right thing; I think what some are missing here is that Katie is not upset about losing the top spot at SP's, nor is she upset that Bill will get equal time with Will. No, Katie is upset because she is losing her aces in the hole; she is losing her power to control Bill, and by extension, Brooke's lives.


But Brooke is not doing the right thing.  She's using documents she knows were signed under false pretenses, i.e., $Bill claiming to want to reunite with Katie.  While Brooke doesn't know Bill slept with Katie as part of that pretense, Brooke was furious enough with Bill over this deception to break off their relationship.  And let's not forget the Logan Sisters United act she put on when she sided with Katie and said "Bill lied to us!  He hurt us!"  Huh?

I'm all for $Bill getting SP back and getting joint custody of Will.  But if those papers were so tainted, and the methods Bill used were so repugnant, that Brooke broke up with Bill over them, how is it they're ok to use now?




If Brooke was doing something illegal or nefarious, something the character is not known for, I would be disappointed in her.


I think Caroline the First would disagree with the opinion that Brooke's done nothing "nefarious".  Brooke hid love letters, misdirected her "best friend" Caroline time and again, sabotaged rendezvous, all in the name of landing Ridge.  

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I know it's classic soap but I so don't want her winning this one; I want Bill to tell Brooke NOW.

Oh I want her winning big time, I can't wait for this to come out.  Billy boy is gonna have some 'splainin to do.

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What's that old show business rule about not working with children and animals? Someone obviously forgot to tell The Bold and the Beautiful this. Little Zane continues to be the cutest thing on the planet and I have to give props to Heather Tom - I know she's not everyone's favourite here but damn, that boy just wouldn't stop wriggling through her lines and yet she powered on like it was nothing. And when she started crying for real it broke my heart. I had to laugh when TK said "Hi" to the baby like they were old mates; he might smell but at least he's got a sense of humour.


Brooke is doing the right thing... Brooke is righting the ship out of love for Bill

But Brooke is not doing the right thing. She's using documents she knows were signed under false pretenses... if those papers were so tainted, and the methods Bill used were so repugnant, that Brooke broke up with Bill over them, how is it they're ok to use now?


The problem here of course is Brooke's love for Bill. Does she love him because he loves her and only her? Is that why she's willing to forgive him for tricking her sister into signing legal documents without Katie reading them? Brooke thinks she's righting the ship but as far as I can tell, there's no ship to right - if her aim is to return the situation to the status quo then she's on a fool's errand, because everything's moved so far away from where they originally started. The other issue is Katie's love for Ridge. One might say Brooke's stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place - hurt Bill or hurt her sister? - but Katie's hurt Brooke, too, by involving herself with Brooke's "destiny", despite the fact that this destiny never plays out the way Brooke wants it to. I think this is what makes this papers situation a double-edged sword - is it love or revenge? Personally, I agree with Shira - this wasn't Brooke's card to play - but this is Brooke all over, this is the history of the character, playing cards that aren't in her hand. In the same way that hate drove Stephanie to interfere in people's lives, Brooke is driven by love. In any case, I'm curious to see what Katie does next - continue working at Spencer Publications with Bill? It would certainly make an interesting parallel with Brooke and Ridge working together at Forrester Creations - we've all heard Bill slip up every now and again about "my Katie"; would proximity test his resolve in the same way everyone assumes it will with Bridge? Perhaps not immediately; perhaps time will tell. 


In other news, I keep seeing today that Ronn Moss' band Player will be playing at the Nurses Ball over at General Hospital, but can't find anything official to confirm this.

Edited by St3phForrester
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I don't know...at this point, Hope and Liam just seem like brother and sister to me.



This.  I like Scott Clifton, I've seen him in previous roles on GH and OLTL, I think he's really talented.  I don't think he's a romantic lead on a soap, he's more of a funny sidekick.  Hope and Liam have zero sexual chemistry.  Hope is capable of chemistry, I've seen it with Wyatt, Liam isn't capable of it.  He should be back-burnered like Pam and Donna.

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I'm glad Brooke played the papers. I can't stand smug Katie and loved seeing her kicked out of her office.

Sing it! If this were real life I'd feel different, but since this is a soap I don't care whose card it was to play. I hate "soap smug" and love to see those who suffer from that affliction get put in their place.

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Work's been crazy lately and it's been interfering with my keeping up with the show.  This made me sad and a little mad, but then I caught some recent episodes.  Now I am grateful.


I hated, hated, HATED Hope/Liam/Steffy but this bullshit torn between two brothers triangle makes me want it back badly.  "Equal time"?  "You got her today that means I get her tonight?"  What the hell is she, in a custody arrangement??  Ugh.  How insulting.  Not to mention that Hope really likes being fought over like a freaking chew toy which is not fun to watch.  Ping bong balls have more pride.


And speaking of custody, Katie can just cut out the crying because <sniff> she has to give <sniff> Will up for the <sniff sniff> night.  To his FATHER.  Who should have had shared custody all along.  But besides that fact, Will is coming home soon, you miserable idiot. 


Didn't take Ridge too long to propose.  A few weeks after he was to marry Brooke.  But then again Katie is such an amazing woman, I guess I'm supposed to believe he held out as long as he could.

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I am glad to see that Bill is going to take the high road and not gloat, although this isn't about who got over on who; this is about a father's rights to see his son, and about corporate raiding gone wrong. Katie didn't put up much of a fight; not surprising really, because she still has Ridge as a weapon to use against Brooke. I did find it kind of funny though, when Katie was waxing on about "her employee's" and what they were going to think. And found her comments about, "what am I suppose to do now, just go sit in an office like every other employee? When I have been running the place?" Katie honey, you have been a part time, barely functioning CEO for what, about nine months? How do you think Bill felt, after losing the company he built and ran for decades? And losing it to his angry wife, who had no real interest in the company, other than using it as a vehicle to hurt Bill? And geeza peeza, if one didn't know better, they would think that Bill was taking Will away permanently. Seriously Katie, his FATHER, is taking him across town to spend the night at his Aunt Brooke's house. They are not leaving the country, county, or state. I found her hysterics contrived, and designed to show Ridge how Bill and Brooke have beat her up with their unfair demands of equal parenting time.


And Ridge's proposal? Pffft! That was designed to hurt Brooke for standing up for Bill. Nothing more. If Ridge had proposed before he found out Brooke had acted alone, I may feel differently, but the second he found out he was poping the question.


Poor Katie; once a dolt always a dolt.

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I'm glad Brooke played the papers. I can't stand smug Katie and loved seeing her kicked out of her office. Fun seeing Princess Theodora (Alison) as a brunette.


What bothers me the most is that she kept the papers and told Katie she destroyed them!  Why?  Just in case, in the future, she might want to get back at Katie for something?  Sounds like she was already plotting against Katie to me.

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Why hasn't Bill given Wyatt "his" name? Well, he didn't do that for Liam until after a DNA test proved that he was his son. Why should Wyatt get the benefit of the doubt when Liam didn't? Putting all that aside, what is wrong with Wyatt keeping his mother's name? This whole the kid has to have the father's surname is just a patriarchal society throwback.

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 what is wrong with Wyatt keeping his mother's name? This whole the kid has to have the father's surname is just a patriarchal society throwback.

I don't understand either.  I'm no attorney, but if it's a matter of inheritance, wouldn't there be a legal way for Wyatt to be declared Bill's descendant regardless of his name?

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Did I actually hear Ridge tell Katie that he told someone he loved them "once"? And that he made promises to someone "once"? Did he further go on to say that he hasn't been able to breath in years? How telling, that even in what should have been a happy moment between him and Katie, Ridge was still thinking about Brooke, and still feels the need to imply that all his unhappiness is/was due to her. Reality check Ridgey boy; you were unhappy because you are the original waffle, who was unable to commit to Brooke or Taylor for three decades, and you couldn't breath because you were smothered by your overbearing mother. And what is this "once" stuff? How many times did you walk down the aisle with Brooke? And Taylor? Really, Katie and Ridge make quite the pair; a couple whose only bond, whose only shred of commonality is their disgust with Brooke. Ridge did not look like a man who was filled with joy and happiness; he looked like a man who was desperate in his need to prove something.


I'll give Katie her ten seconds of victory, because she is setting herself up for a world of hurt. I hope that look of disbelief on Brooke's face was out of concern for Katie, because no one knows Ridge better than Brooke, and I think she will see this for what it is. Please don't let her start going off about Ridge being her destiny; I don't think I could bear it. Whenever we hear that kind of talk it means a return of Bridge. GAK! It would be so much more dynamic to leave things the way they are.

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