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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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8 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Thing is if they want Steamless back then just throw them back together like someone mentioned above Steffy is terrible at respecting boundaries so it wouldn't be so far fetched for her to weasel her way between Hope & Waffles she's only done it a trillion times before. They don't have to have Hope ignore her own daughter for a kid that's not hers this is so ooc (or not really per your great analysis).

I feel like TIIC wrote themselves into a corner with this whole Liam/Hope story way back when Hope.was brought onboard. This was just way too soon to give them a child when Steffy just had Kelly . I mean, technically, the both of them were pregnant at the same time, even if Hope didn't know. They could've had Steffy.pulling the same antics Brooke used to with Bridget with family picnics (compete with truffle fries and Beyond Meat burgers) in the office and Liam still resisting despite Steffy's ultimate Trump card. And then, after all that doesn't work, THEN have Hope get pregnant.

Mostly, Hope at her core isn't a *bad* person per se, but she's like a dog with a bone once she picks up a crusade and it gets annoying AF. I can entirely understand why Steam was so popular in 2011-2012 when Hope's biggest crusade in life was getting married at age 20  like a Duggar child and was preachy and judgy as all get up. 

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Mostly, Hope at her core isn't a *bad* person per se, but she's like a dog with a bone once she picks up a crusade and it gets annoying AF. I can entirely understand why Steam was so popular in 2011-2012 when Hope's biggest crusade in life was getting married at age 20  like a Duggar child and was preachy and judgy as all get up. 

I don't love Hope and I don't hate her either. Sometimes I feel sympathy for her but other times I just want to throttle her because she's so often the architect of her own problems. But hey, that's the soap way, right?

Good point about Hope and her weddings. And then Steffy got on the wedding bandwagon too and had to get into one-upsmanship. At this point Hope would have to get married up on the ISS with the entire Forrester, Logan, and Spencer clans in attendance to beat Steffy's record. Not sure the technology can handle that yet.

IMO it's silly that these three people from wealthy, entitled backgrounds have had so much of their young lives wrapped up in getting married. How many marriages, divorces, and annulments do Hope, Liam, and Steffy have between them now? And I don't think any of them are supposed to be over 30 yet, are they? It's silly and so oddly old-fashioned given where they live.

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On 11/16/2019 at 8:07 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Good point about Hope and her weddings. And then Steffy got on the wedding bandwagon too and had to get into one-upsmanship. At this point Hope would have to get married up on the ISS with the entire Forrester, Logan, and Spencer clans in attendance to beat Steffy's record. Not sure the technology can handle that yet.

Actually, Steffy is nowhere even close to beating Hope's record. While she's had 4 actual marriages, Hope has had, at my last count, eleven weddings, with only three actual marriages for her efforts.For contrast, Brooke has had 14 weddings in all 33 SEASONS.

...it's a real head scratcher for someone who is barely in their 30s to have had more weddings than Elizabeth Taylor, to be sure.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Actually, Steffy is nowhere even close to beating Hope's record. While she's had 4 actual marriages, Hope has had, at my last count, eleven weddings, with only three actual marriages for her efforts.For contrast, Brooke has had 14 weddings in all 33 SEASONS.

Steffy may not beat Hope's numbers but I think she's winning right now on the destination wedding score. Unless Hope decides she doesn't want to play that game anymore, she'll have to go extraterrestrial for her next wedding event. 😉

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Brad may have a 30 room mansion and enough money to retire now and next 2 generations never have to work but isn’t about to splurge on that. 

I high key think that’s why he’s been phoning it in story wise this is a very easy cash grab he doesn’t really have to give a shit about. Lazy troll. 

Can Hope go one day without misery? It’s one damn hit after another. 

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I am so sick of Hope crying, wailing, grieving, grimacing, blaming herself for everything that happens in the universe. Take care of your own child and your own man. Douglas is NOT your child!

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54 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I am so sick of Hope crying, wailing, grieving, grimacing, blaming herself for everything that happens in the universe. Take care of your own child and your own man. Douglas is NOT your child!

I'm actually glad Hope didn't completely abandon Douglas. Too many times I've yelled at the screen about how soaps--and especially B&B--seem to believe the only "family" that's important is the traditional nuclear family. The only such family that's ever existed for any length of time since I've been watching was Ridge and Taylor and as we all know, that never would have happen if Ridge had ever learned the truth of the Big Bear Boink before they'd ever had kids. That, and it proves the haters wrong about Hope being a selfish bitch (I mean, she can be, but this doesn't scrape the top 5 of those instances IMO).

But why on God's green earth must Hope be so STUPID about this? Sometimes, the best thing you can do is get help from the other adults. And who knows, maybe his grandmothers--who have every right to loathe ThomAss--may help petition the courts to make her his legal guardian. Hell, I think even Bill for all the issues she's had with him would throw his weight to support this. But all this backroom martyrism is tiresome.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Yeah I don’t think I’m up for watching Hope cry for another year. And I KNOW I can’t stomach watching Liam go back to Steffy.

For awhile there I was actually tuning into this show BEFORE Y&R , but those days are over. And I may have to take a break from recording it at all. 

Where are Shauna and Wyatt? At least give me some laughs and eye-candy. This one depressing story at a time thing is a drag.

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16 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

For awhile there I was actually tuning into this show BEFORE Y&R , but those days are over. And I may have to take a break from recording it at all. 

Trying to decide which is the better show truly is like that South Park episode where the kids are having to vote between a douche and a turd sandwich (quite literally, because SouthPark is the only show less subtle than B&B in it's messages).

Except the great thing is unlike voting, I don't have to select the lesser of two insultingly stupid, boring evils, I can just not watch either and spend that time on literally anything else, like catching up on the B&B episodes I missed while in Japan and deployed for much of the early 2010s 👍

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This show is almost too stupid to suspend logic. 

Ridge: Thomas is trying to be a good parent. He needs the chance.

Babbling from Ridge, Steffy, & Liam.

Steffy: The only reason Thomas agreed to shared custody is to get closer to Hope. 

Not one of those morons stopped for a second to listen to the irony of saying that Thomas is a good parent out of 1 side of their mouths, while acknowledging that Thomas is dangling Douglas in front of Hope to manipulate her into spending time with him out of the other. I'm also doubting that there's any blowback when Thomas is discovered alive & well (assuming, since we didn't see him die), but he let everyone think he was dead, including the child that he loves so much/loves to use to manipulate. 

By far, TK's best acting is when Ridge is mad or exasperated. His love scenes suck, he's not funny or charming, but when he's mad or annoyed, he's honestly pretty good. 

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I tuned in just long enough to see Hope's face screwed up in despair and anguish, yet again.  Then I changed the channel. 

Liam needs to just have shared custody of Beth and move the fuck on.  

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21 minutes ago, nkotb said:

By far, TK's best acting is when Ridge is mad or exasperated. His love scenes suck, he's not funny or charming, but when he's mad or annoyed, he's honestly pretty good.

That's kinda been the double-edged sword with this version of Ridge. He's always been a hot head and prone to a short fuse, but he was always able to pull it back. TK has no such nuance. He should've been brought on as a new character (possibly a long lost son from some affair who stayed away until Stephanie died out of respect) and cast that Holden Snyder actor as Ridge. Holden was pretty much Ridge without the rapey tendencies and twice the unearned sanctimony.

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Good grief, how much more has to happen before Brooke realizes that Hope needs professional help? It's just one insane drama after another with Hope. Why does she never listen when someone tries to talk sense to her before she marches into another sure disaster?

"This one"? One what, Ridge? Ugh, this muthaeffer. But I don't know why Liam took it upon himself to inform Ridge and Steffy that Tom had signed the adoption papers. He had to know that conversation wasn't going to go well.

So instead of Cliffhanger Friday we got Cliffhanger Monday? Thanks CBS! 😒

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Doesn’t CF have security cameras?  Isn’t that how Xander found out that Emma ran out of the building and than Lurch Chavez her out of the parking lot? 

Fuck you Ridge. Didn’t you try to steal Will from Bill?  Didn’t Stuffy try to keep Beth from Lady Macbeth (new name for Raggedy)?  That was ok you righteous peace of shit.  Douglas was put into Lady Macbeth’s orbit by Lurch. He was the one who instilled in Douglas little mind Lady Macbeth as a mother figure. 

Why would Liam want to stay at CF and put up with Ridge.  

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Didn’t Charlie specifically say people were watching that cat of acid 24/7? So if Thomas had fallen into it they would have seen it in the video camera right away. Isn’t that why Charlie was there that night? 
ugh this should be cleared up in five minutes...somehow I doubt it will be

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I was glad that those hearings didn’t preempt B&B today but I just had to turn off the show. I cannot look at Hope with her flared nostrils, quivering lips and crossed eyes anymore. Nor can I listen to her repeat the same three lines over and over and over. This show is so bad.

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This was just over way too quick. Thomas should've haunted her, &/or he should've still been wet when she found him. It's soap opera 101, Bell. Geez. 

Having said that, I'm glad it's over, or seems to be. 

Also, now we know how SC got the intel that Brooke was a chemist. 

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Taylor said Thomas was doing well? HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! Now there's a solid endorsement!

So is this how it's going to be for Hope? Every few months she'll go bonkers over a matter she turned into a crisis because she wouldn't listen to anyone? Sigh.

Ridge can miss me with his belated mea culpas re Thomas. Your being a poor parent only excuses your son's bad behavior in your own egotistical mind, Ridge. Plus, Taylor also gets a lot of the credit for how Tommy turned out. Both of your adult children think the rules/laws don't apply to them.

HOPE IS NUCKING FUTZ AND THAT WAS A GHOST. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it, dagnabbit. Gah, Show. Whhhhyyy?

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Continuity once again is not TIIC’s strong suite. Didn’t Lady Macbeth tell Ridge that Lurch is dead on Friday?  Today it doesn’t seem like Ridge was told anything except that Lurch tried to have sex with Lady Macbeth and he put Douglas in a room, by himself, trying to do so. 

Stuffy, you are CEO so why can’t you make a decision, on jewelry, without Lurch’s approval.  

Instead of washing invisible blood from her hands, “Out, damned spot”, I hope that Lady Macbeth is holding an invisible Lurch.  

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Yeah, it looks like CBS dumped an episode instead of putting it on the CBS site. Here is one of the scenes that didn't get broadcast:

I guess between Friday and today Brooke was able to hush Hope and steer the conversation away from Hope's blurted confession.

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Here’s my prediction: Thomass tells Hope that he won’t tell anyone about her trying to kill him if she’ll agree to be with him, have sex with him whenever he wants and she’ll also get to be Douglas’ mommy. If that’s what is coming, I am out for sure. I can’t believe I’m saying this but for once, Steffy seems to be the sanest person in this whole group. God help us all.

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Well, CBS apparently pulled their collective heads out of their hineys and put the missing episode online on their site. You can watch it here.

Brooke, Hope, Ridge, Liam, Steffy, Charlie, and that vat maintenance guy appear in this episode but I'll just cover the parts regarding Hope's confession:

Ridge didn't hear "dead" as physically dead. He thought Hope was trash-talking Thomas.

While Ridge was ranting at Hope and she was tearfully blubbering, Brooke stepped in and put a twist on it that Hope meant Thomas was figuratively dead to her now. As in the Thomas Hope used to know and agreed to marry is gone. Then she shifted it back on Ridge and said he was the only person who was still clinging to that old vision of Thomas.

Ridge asked Hope if she slept with Thomas to get him to sign the co-custody papers. Hope told the story of how Thomas arranged the dinner at the office for him to sign the papers and noted that Douglas was also there. So, no sexsay times.

Hope explained to Ridge that she didn't take Douglas from Thomas because the papers Thomas signed gave her shared custody not total custody.

By the end, at Brooke's prompting, Hope had stopped confessing to killing Thomas but she kept making these double-meaning statements that in retrospect could make Ridge assume she did at least try to kill him. But Ridge decided that Thomas had disappeared because he was ashamed and embarrassed over having tried to trade custody of Douglas for sex with Hope. Sure, Ridge.

Meanwhile, Thomas' car must still be parked in the FC lot. Why are Ridge and Steffy not questioning that instead of loading up Thomas' voicemail?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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10 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Meanwhile, Thomas' car must still be parked in the FC lot. Why are Ridge and Steffy not questioning that instead of loading up Thomas' voicemail?

Because everyone on this show is a moron. I mean, even Xander who was foolish enough to get back with crazy ass Zoe a second time had just enough sense to go review the damn tapes to see ThomAss chasing after Emma.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Seeing Hope embrace the man and happy to see who attempted to rape her just days ago was disgusting. 

I’m pretty sure the way things are going Thomas will never pay for assualting her and trying to rape her just like the extent of his verbal abuse and threats to Douglas, the ghost machine, and his rape by proxy to Liam have never been exposed or punished. 

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I almost hate to defend anything, but when I saw Hope hug Thomas, I wasn't thinking that she was glad to see him, per se, I was thinking that she was glad to see him alive, meaning that she wasn't a murderer. I don't at all think that she has changed her opinion of him, I just think she was happy that she didn't have to tell Douglas that she'd killed his father. 

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I’ve probably spent more time thinking about this show than I should have and certainly more than it deserves. Here are my thoughts: The best thing to happen to this soap is for Ridge to die. It would spare all of us from further “acting  from this guy who now portrays him. It would throw the whole family and company into chaos, make them all reconsider their relationships and how the company will be run and by whom, it would engender some interest which we all agree that has been lacking for a long time, would introduce new characters with new careers, etc. It couldn’t hurt anything for sure because we’re all so over this crap show. What do y’all think?

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I think Ridge should have been killed off when RM left. Although I have to say I watched the episode that @Joimiaroxeu linked above, and TK was surprisingly good. Yes, he was angry and ranting at first, and you could see Sludge checking himself and struggling to calm down because Hope was in such a state. Then he transitioned into shocked disbelief and apologies when it FINALLY dawned on him what an out of control, psychotic monster his son really is.

One thing that really bugs me is the way Sludge always refers to children as "the kid" or "the boy." They HAVE names. I know that's writing but it sounds so dismissive and condescending. 

However, I'd still be on board to get rid of the character. TK has painted it into a corner where he really can't go anywhere, especially if he cheats on Brooke with Shauna, as every indication points to. Ridge is now a ranting, chauvinistic, egotistic bully and I can't see how any woman would find him desirable. This has been the absolute lowest for Bridge ever and if Brooke takes his sorry ass back after all of this, I have no hope for her, either. 

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One thing that really bugs me is the way Sludge always refers to children as "the kid" or "the boy." They HAVE names. I know that's writing but it sounds so dismissive and condescending. 

Pretty sure that's a TK thing. He did it on AMC too.

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16 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

One thing that really bugs me is the way Sludge always refers to children as "the kid" or "the boy." They HAVE names. I know that's writing but it sounds so dismissive and condescending. 

I always figured it wasn't the writing, it was TK forgetting the characters' names.  I see red when he refers to Hope as "that one".  Well, Ridge, I will from now on refer to you as "that one who needs a bath."

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B&B is airing in my time zone but it's a repeat of a show from Steffy's Australian wedding. I was confused for a second to see Pierson Fode playing Thomas. (Fode, BTW, is doing an arc on the Dynasty reboot on the CW. He's playing a charismatic New Age cult leader.)

Anyhoo, a ticker at the bottom of the TV screen said today's episode would air tomorrow. But, by my count, we're still missing yesterday's (Wednesday) episode and CBS hasn't put it up on their site. Yeesh, what a mess.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

BTW, CBS lets the past week or so of Y&R and B&B episodes be watched for free. It only costs if you want to watch older episodes.

Oh, I'm aware, but it's still not a good look regardless.

And NGL, it's been 12 years and I'm still sore about how their "brilliant" plan to  people streaming (in 2007, when a significant amount of households we're still on AOL) by refusing to air reruns of Jericho, a decision that completely fucked what was their biggest new hit that season in a way not even Fox could top. Like, way to go, Les Moonves, you played yourself *slow clap*


So summary of this week: Thomas still alive and....I guess that's it, huh? I won't be surprised to find the hearings that preempted this show was pulling double the ratings this show had. 

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I hate these stupid writers.

AN (Hope) and MA (Thomas) have SO MUCH chemistry just as scene partners (though others might disagree). 

But against the backdrop of Thomas being written as manipulative, abusive and narcissistic? Yuck and ugh. 

So Thomas comes back after watching Hope suffer devastating trauma and in today’s ep tries to equate him selfishly keeping the secret about her daughter being alive to Hope being too traumatized about potentially having accidentally MURDERED someone to disclose said murder? And goes on to suggest that everything he’s done up until this point, including traumatizing and re-traumatizing hope has been done out of LOVE? Uh, naw dawg. 

Y’all, I just CANNOT.

This show ruined Wally for me, ruined any possibility of being drawn to or comfortable with AN and MA’s natural chemistry and is just a dreck of a messed up show. Can’t say today’s ep was the last straw but boy are they cutting it close! 

Edited by smijca
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They really could have had something with Thope as ITA that Matthew and Annika do have electric chemistry and with Liam waffling (again), let him and Hauxdi go off into the sunset and back burner.

But now like this. Not after everything he has put her through, including the gaslighting shit he's still pulling. Because the woman falling in love with her rapist/abuser, etc., starting with the Luke and Laura bullshit, is disgusting to me.

Thomas's thought bubble is "Damn, I should have faked my death a long time ago."



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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:



@CountryGirl (and everyone else). I’m fascinated by the direction and staging of the Hope and Thomas scenes today. Wonder who directed the ep? They did it in such a way that it gives off Beauty and the Beast/ Phantom of the Opera type vibes. Almost seems like TIIC keeps teasing by super chem testing these two. 

Which is all the more infuriating. 

They could have done something great with the dark/light dynamics between Hope’s sweetness and brooding Thomas (before they made him a child abusing psycho) but it’s like they don’t know how to do layered nuance...

Oh, wait. 

Stupid Bell.

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3 hours ago, smijca said:

AN (Hope) and MA (Thomas) have SO MUCH chemistry just as scene partners (though others might disagree). 

Actually, you've got a point. While I got to unironically enjoy Lope this past year, I wasn't so invest that I wouldn't have minded seeing Hope explore other options. Especially in the backdrop of her grief and the (seemingly) sorrow Thomas felt for losing Caroline, there was a far more natural, less forced way to have them gravitate towards one another with undoing ALL the good work done by the previous actor to redeem this character. But no, let's go full Game of Thrones and salt the whole damn earth instead.

Like CountryGirl said, chemistry can only carry a pairing so far in the face of horrific writing. Luke and Laura was an unfortunate product of it's time, one I've since been told the writers have tackled head on once their children learned the truth about their parents' "fairytale" romance. In 2019, there's no such excuse for this. Hell, there wasn't an excuse for it in 1989 with Ridge's "prank" on the first Caroline that had to be retconned, presumably because audiences even then were disgusted. Now, it's just one more reason why this genre is on life support with three shows left (let's be honest, Days is a dead man walking, "hiatus" status be damned) and the minute CBS can find something cheaper to replace it's two shows, they'll both be gone too.

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Ridge you ARE making excuses for Thomas and he IS NOT trying to get better. You are an utter fool and you have no idea how much.

Hope's said her worst fear was that she had killed Thomas. What? That's the kind of thing you say to or about someone who actually means something to you.

Sigh, seems like Hope always finds a way to make herself the victim. But for some crazy luck Thomas might've died but the bigger tragedy is that he let her twist in the wind for a couple of days. 😑 (And why didn't Tom immediately let Ridge and Steffy know he's okay? A quick text would've sufficed.)

Bradley said someone was going to die. Then he made it look like Thomas did. But only two weeks later Thomas is alive. I will never believe another word Bell says. 😒

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Just cleaning solution. What a bummer.  

Another misunderstanding night.  Lady Macbeth, by pushing Lurch, was defending herself from attempted rape. Caroline was raped but it was changed to mutual consent.  

Lady Macbeth, you dumb shit, Lurch is just playing on your emotions. She’s too dumb that Lurch just lied to her again.  I just wanted to teach you a lesson is 🐂💩.  How did Lurch know Lady Macbeth didn’t confess until he confronted her. 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hope's said her worst fear was that she had killed Thomas. What? That's the kind of thing you say to or about someone who actually means something to you.

I'm going to be extremely charitable to Bell and take it at face value that unlike certain other tire iron-wielding sociopaths on Show, Hope is glad that a human being she once cared about and grew up with didn't die in a vat of acid as he richly deserves. Self defense or not, Hope has a conscience that Thomas ain't worth her giving up.

Still, I smell a set up for Thope because now Hope is "tainted" in lies as he is and....just, no.  Much like I couldn't have cared less if Bridget cheated on Nick with the entire starting line up of the Los Angeles Rams, I'm not giving one solitary fuck what Hope does to the man who shows less regret about this than even proven sociopaths like Adam Newman.

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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Now, it's just one more reason why this genre is on life support with three shows left (let's be honest, Days is a dead man walking, "hiatus" status be damned) and the minute CBS can find something cheaper to replace it's two shows, they'll both be gone too.


Days was renewed Thursday. giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f291e8ee35fb955c77e5d

im happy since it’s a lot better than Y&R and I can’t have just one soap to watch, the sometimes mediocre and only 17 min, B&B. 

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Oh, well that's good, at least! I'm glad I was wrong and that this was resolved in enough time where they aren't likely to lost half the cast over money.

That show is kinda lit rn if I’m honest. Everyday something crazy happens and to characters who aren’t douchebags. I can’t lose it since Y&R is so shitty and I hate most of the characters and B&B is 17 min and phoned in half assed. 

Thomas = Joe from You.  His attempted rape of Hope, her fighting for her life are nothing, her even almost killing him, him abusing his SON to get her and driving an innocent bystander to her death to get her he barely reacts to. He won’t rest until he has Hope in a cage or locked in a bedroom and will still spin it like normal and Ridge will be saying “he’s a good kid.” ... He’s not good or a kid.

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I'm really glad I've stopped watching this shit because even reading this stuff makes me sick.   I miss the folks here but the thought of Hope and Thomas together is too much for me.  It's clear that Bell (or anybody who has ever worked with him) has ever met a survivor of sexual assault.

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