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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I think $Bill either needs a CAT-scan or a psychiatric intervention because he's not right in the head.  If his lashing out at every one who comes into his office (except Justin) isn't proof then his proposal to Steffy is.  There's no way in hell that $Bill was pining for Hauxdilox while he was with a woman like Brooke.  I don't believe he gave that slattern a single thought.  And $Bill might be a piece of crap but setting Spectra on fire (and then blowing it up) not to mention his love affair with 'Skye' is a bit much, even for him. 

Speaking of crazy assholes, Ridge needs to book the room next to Bill in the Casa de Crazy.  He hears that Steffy invited Liam to dinner so he rushes over?  What the fuck?  And he and Steffy spend most of their time talking about how Hope might interfere in Liam and Hauxdilox' perfect marriage.  They don't spend a second on that pesky old 'fucked her father-in-law' thing.

And speaking of Hope, she's spending way too much time on stuff that's none of her fucking business.  I like Hope, but whether or not Steffy can be trusted has nothing to do with her.  As far as she's concerned, Hope KNOWS that Steffy can't be trusted.  But what happens between Liam and Steffy is between Liam and Steffy. If Hope wants to make a move on Liam, she needs to put on her big girl panties and make her move.  She doesn't need to search for an excuse to go after him.  Hope should take a page out of Hauxdi's book; if she wants Liam, then she should take him and not give a damn about anybody else's feelings.  Hope can't break up a marriage that's already in a million pieces.

Edited to add:  And if anyone needs any more proof that $Bill is either suffering from a brain tumour or having a psychotic episode, they just need to look at the expression on Justin's face.  The REAL Bill Spencer would take one look at Justin practically licking his lips at the thought of running Spencer and never turn his back on his running buddy.

Edited by mightysparrow
forgot about Justin!
  • Love 16

So, I guess Bill gets shot, clubbed over the head, run over by a car or pushed over a cliff next week?! Jarred came out of no where. There’s a commercial break and then we return with Jarred  getting lambasted. He didn’t even enter the office. It’s like wham bam thank you ma’am! I’ve come up with one more suspect to be.........Deacon Sharpe. He has to have an axe to grind with Bill, right? Although, h might be more angry with Quinn. Wait! Scratch that. I’m think Deacon is in jail. Oh, well. I’ll be tuning in next week. It’s getting pretty exciting at B&B. 

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Quite often I like the aerial views of LA better than the actual show. :-)  B&B wouldn't feel the same to me without them.  (But then I live in the Midwest, I'm easy to please that way.)  

I agree.  When you live in a wintry place, it's nice to see those shots of the beach, etc.

  • Love 5

OMG, Hope! You don't need to figure out Steffy's motives or whether you can "trust" she won't cheat on Liam again. What part of "it's none of your effin business" do you not understand? Get a hobby because you sure need a distraction.

Ditto comments upthread, I feel like Justin is up to something wrt SP. Maybe when he gets all the disinheritance paperwork signed he'll arrange to get Bill committed to a sanitarium. Because Bill has straight up lost his mind.

  • Love 10

Catching up on this week's episodes and damn, ya'll weren't lying. Sally and Bill have some mad heat. Now that could've been some fi-yah. Bill laying on top of Skye to late to shield her from a bullet was hi-larious.

If Bill didn't have so many skeletons in his closet and was a more hands on parent,  I'd say he does have a minor leg to stand on with Watie about how it affects Will. They kept this relationship secret for months and now are announcing their engagement but skipped the part of getting Will acclimated to Wyatt as having a daily and more involved place in his life instead of coming over for a big bro/little bro visit. Is that what the engagement period is for? What if Will has issues adjusting? Actually can we have Will have his demon seed Aly moment where he begins acting out and doing some damage and it actually does become an issue for Watie?  It's hilarious that Watie never thought Bill would go there about custody for Will. Yes, he is that kind of bastard, Katie, you know this!

BTW didn't Wyatt keep his mouth shut the last time Bill took Will from Katie during the divorce? But now that he's played her pizza man she's the bestest mom ever and Bill's the ogre? Mmmkay.

I know, I know, Bill's a bastard but still if my kid said they're sorry someone missed shooting me, they'd be lucky all I did was rip a chain necklace off their neck. Little turd. DD hissing 'What the *(&^ did you say to me?' as he launched himself off his desk was great. Bill correctly laughing 'So he ran home to his momma?' when Quinn came barging into his office gave me a chuckle. Liam may be a waffle but Wyatt is a momma's boy. Loooved Bill saying to Quinn 'And what?' with all her threats. If Wyatt is out of the will and you kill him, Quinn, Wyatt ain't getting jack. And I honestly believe Bill would put up with torture just to spite her so she's left with threatening Will or Liam or Steffy and *this* Bill would sure as hell strike back on Quinn with a quickness if she pull that stunt.

While Ridge's advice is suspect, I do like that they're really pushing the Steffy and Ridge child/parent bond. He's shaping up as a Stephan(ie) to Steffy's Ridge nicely.

After all the shit Quinn went through with the Forresters when she wanted to marry Eric and blithely wanting them to accept her because Eric accepted her, for her to even hesitate for a moment about Katie and Wyatt's engagement was stupid. Yeah, Katie stalked her but Quinn ain't no slouch in protecting herself and drawing blood when she wants.

Ridge and Bill getting into a fight and it escalating to physically put Steffy into harm's way and rushed to the hospital as she had a scare would've been the better motive to get Ridge and Liam gunning for Bill.

I'll also give it up to the show for not only having Steffy and Liam begin to move on with their lives and stop hiding out in the darkness in hoodies and emerge with both of them looking radiant. The costumers and hair/make-up really did a nice job in addressing how both are entering a new stage in their lives. Don't hate me ya'll but Steffy's really had a glow since learning she's having a daughter and I like the bounce in her step and how JMcW is playing Steffy enjoying this new phase of Steffy's pregnancy. Although her cooking and being all domestic is a little much but I think it's actually drawing a nice parallel to who she was in the first pregnancy of jumping on motor bikes and doing stupid shit. She's over that drama and just wants to make pho, decorate her house with flowers and be a mommy and wife. Heaven help me, I may be rooting for her just a lil bit.

Bill dropping by in his black leather jacket of evil asking Padme, Steffy to join the dark side marry him was hilarious. It was like the writers knew they had DD for a limited time and had him hitting the checklist to piss off everyone in one week but good! I mean you literally had a random scene with Jared just so we'd have him on the list of suspects. Thing is like I said, Steffy seems to be rebounding pretty well on her own with her father's support so she doesn't seem like she needs Bill at the moment.

Give it up for DD. He was in every damn episode doing the damn thing! Bill was an absolute ass with practically everyone but DD was playing the hell out of his scenes with Sally, Katie, Wyatt, Ridge, and Quinn. he's really going out with a bang before whatever obvious attempted murder/murder mystery they have planned happens. Can't help but believe he had loads of fun playing Bill as a ruthless unrelenting bastard. $Bill was unleashed! This was actually a pretty fun week with its Bill-sanity.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

OMG, Hope! You don't need to figure out Steffy's motives or whether you can "trust" she won't cheat on Liam again. What part of "it's none of your effin business" do you not understand? Get a hobby because you sure need a distraction.

As others have pointed out, if she wants to go after Liam, then just fucking do it and to hell with it. Steffy didn't consider her when she put Hope's engagement ring on her finger, or cared that she'd been gone over a year when she steamrolled Ivy. And Liam was done with Steffy before Hope ever came back, so what is there to feel guilty about? 

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Don't hate me ya'll but Steffy's really had a glow since learning she's having a daughter and I like the bounce in her step and how JMcW is playing Steffy enjoying this new phase of Steffy's pregnancy. Although her cooking and being all domestic is a little much but I think it's actually drawing a nice parallel to who she was in the first pregnancy of jumping on motor bikes and doing stupid shit. She's over that drama and just wants to make pho, decorate her house with flowers and be a mommy and wife. Heaven help me, I may be rooting for her just a lil bit.

The bike thing was really the only stupid stunt she pulled IIRC, but yeah. A better writer would have mined her guilt over her stupidity for that decision a bit better, but maybe they're saving the "I'm over the drama" moment for when Lope finally sleep together.

Just like I've complained about Liam not growing at all over the last nearly-decade he's been on Show, neither has Steffy. It would be nice if she comes out of this learning anything about caring for anyone but herself and changing to be a far less shitty person.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

A better writer would have mined her guilt over her stupidity for that decision a bit better,

That guilt was boxed and buried and a big part of how Statt began in earnest with Wyatt helping Steffy move past that moment by helping her literally hop back on a motor bike to embrace her true self again. While the sentiment had good intentions (Steffy forgives herself for a bad choice to move on to live again) the fact that it was facilitated by Wyatt while his mother was holding an injured, amnesiac Liam hostage tainted it all for me.

8 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

It would be nice if she comes out of this learning anything about caring for anyone but herself and changing to be a far less shitty person.

I don't think she'll ever change completely but I'm kind of buying (at least this week) the possibility of Steffy being a doting mother to a little girl. Too bad the show won't be on long enough for her to be exasperated mother to teen Phoebe as she crushes on...well...her non bio cousin Lizzie or...Bridget's son? Everyone else's kid she's related to (Dino, Jack Marrone, Douglas) or too young for (Lil'Deacon). Sally needs to get pregnant by someone other than Thomas for Phoebe to fall for when she's a teen. In any case, I can kind of see Baby Phoebe being the one thing beyond herself that Steffy truly loves and would never want to disappoint and protect fiercely. I can see her saying that she lost a piece of herself when her twin sister died, but has found it again in her daughter.

  • Love 5

Hope agonizing over Steffy being true to Liam is pretty stupid. Past is prologue, Hope said it herself. In my not so vast experience, you forgive a cheater, you may as well give them permission to cheat again. Maybe not true always but that's my feeling on it. 

Loved the shot from outside of Dolla on bended knee, I wonder if Liam got a good look? Must be how he ends up on the suspect list. 

  • Love 15

Brooke looked a little annoyed at Ridge's remarks. Why do he and his heathen daughter seem so confused with the idea that Hope still has feelings for Liam? How many times was Ridge married to Taylor while still pining for Brooke? The woman he just remarried after being on again/off again for thirty years. But he hasn't carried feelings for Brooke all these years? And how fucking long did Steffy pine, plan and manipulate to be with Liam? But Hope's feelings were just supposed to vanish because she was not in LA? Did Steffy's during her absence after losing her baby? The most ill-logical, logic that ever logiced. 

Whoever took a weed whacker to Steffy's hair should be soundly slapped. All I could think of when I saw the back of her hair was:


And there was Ridge again, "supporting" his daughter. Coming to her house all cleaned up and dressed nicely, bringing wine, and acting like it was a date. Then rubbing her belly? Starting to leave creepy place and head into the land of the sticky icks. 

Bill proposing to Steffy was, I don't know, comical? Ridiculous? Off putting? Was I supposed to feel something other than revulsion? I don't, and I can't, with those two. I generally can get past stuff, and can compartmentalize what I don't like in order to still watch and enjoy, but I just can't do that with Steffy and Bill. They instill no emotions in me other than anger and disgust. 


                                                              AS THE WORM TURNS


Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 24
8 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Bill proposing to Steffy was, I don't know, comical? Ridiculous? Off putting? Was I supposed to feel something other than revulsion?

Besides the WTF-ery of it, Hauxdi's reaction looks were fucking hysterical. I have no idea what thought or emotion she thought she was portraying. And DD looked like he was going to crack up any second. I couldn't tell if it was because of the absurdity of it all or the absurdity of her "acting" choices. It really looked like he was laughing at her. I know I was.

  • Love 12
On 3/3/2018 at 9:57 PM, SweePea59 said:

Besides the WTF-ery of it, Hauxdi's reaction looks were fucking hysterical. I have no idea what thought or emotion she thought she was portraying. And DD looked like he was going to crack up any second. I couldn't tell if it was because of the absurdity of it all or the absurdity of her "acting" choices. It really looked like he was laughing at her. I know I was.

But who was watching from the window? I needed a distraction with DD on his bended knee. That was pretty funny. 

  • Love 4

@RuntheTable, that Mister Bill thing made my day!  I'm not sure which is my favorite, but it's a tie between Carter and Sheila :)

I've noticed some people here calling Steffy's baby "Phoebe."  Is this a guess, or did Steffy say this was going to be her name?  If Steffy said it, I'm not shocked I missed it.

I have a confession to make...I really like Steffy's sweater dress *slinks down in chair*

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I've noticed some people here calling Steffy's baby "Phoebe."  Is this a guess, or did Steffy say this was going to be her name?  If Steffy said it, I'm not shocked I missed it.

It's a guess for me. Phoebe Kelly Spencer-Forrester or Kelly Phoebe Spencer-Forrester.  If it was a boy I could see her naming it Hamilton after her mother or maybe Steffy being so 'edgy' would name her daughter Hamilton with her nickname being Millie. No way she's naming that kid Alexandra, LOL.

4 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I have a confession to make...I really like Steffy's sweater dress *slinks down in chair*

Right there with ya. Something in the past two weeks had kind of turned me away from FFWD through Steffy and appreciating her post-sonogram attitude of enjoying her pregnancy and being positive and burning the hoodie for cute maternity wear. I appreciate she's not wallowing in darkness anymore and moving on with the nitty gritty of life. THAT is what a strong independent woman that Steffy is allegedly supposed to be does.

Damn it all that I'm softening towards Steffy.

  • Love 7

I binge-watched the last several episodes. Yes, you heard me. 

Just like that, the show is back to must-see TV as we gear up for B&B's very own "Who Shot JR $ Bill?"

Or, @RuntheTable,


The suspect list keeps growing and growing and growing and yet, my money is on Justin. I definitely didn't miss him salivating at the thought of sliding into Liam and Wyatt's recently vacated spots as Bill's heir apparent. Although I suppose it could be barely-there character Jarrett, which, LAME, or an off-her-meds Aunt Pam, defending Hauxdi's non-existent honor.

Also, I suspect two things: (1) Bill will name arch-nemesis Ridge as the shooter and (2) Bill will come to long enough to 'fess up to Steffy on what he presumes is his deathbed that he's the father, not Liam, and then slip into a DWTS-induced coma.

Of course, I can't count out Katie, who went from sobbing about Will and Bill's threat to take him away


to being all smiles as she announced her engagement to Wyatt and flashed her real-deal ring:



Speaking of whackadoo, WTF happened to Quinn's brows? RS is stunning and it should be a crime to do what was done to her now-caterpiller-esque brows.


I had to roll my eyes at Eric's antics over learning Bill and Steffy slept together. She's been rode hard and put away wet so many times I've lost count. 


The near-fisticuffs at Il Giardino, with Sheila of all people ultimately breaking up the cockfight, was a hoot.

Also, don't think I didn't notice the "come hither" looks between Ridge and Bill. I mean, Ridge is biting his lip FFS!


Bill: "TEASE!"


Ridge barking orders to Sheila to kill Bill already...really, Ridge? LOL at DD doing his best not to burst out laughing here.


Also not to be counted as is Mama Lioness Quinn.


I didn't realize I missed Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Quinn until it was unleashed with full fury on $ Bill. I'd also forgotten the amazing chemistry between Rena and Don. Wowza!

DD clearly missed working with RS - look at that twinkle in his eye.


Elsewhere, Steffy has popped a baby bump and can already feel her daughter kicking. Uh huh...suuuuuuurrrrreeee.

I do have to admit that JMW is looking so much better these days with the shorter 'do and less trowled-on makeup.


I call bullshit on her nesting. Does this look like a woman who wants to get back with her husband?


We get a nice, wide shot of Bill proposing to the heifer and I have to believe Liam is going to show up for dinner after all like the waffling waffle he is (minutes after reciprocating Hope's "I will always love youuuuuu") will see EVERYTHING, including, DAYUM, Steffy got back AND front.


Bill, this is seriously beneath you. A brain tumor is the only explanation.


You just know Hauxdi is dying to say "fuck it all, YES!"


I also had to laugh at the poor, pitiful PTB for recycling old Lope flashbacks (with KM) to try to drum up some interest in new Lope because...NOPE!

But I can already see more signs of a conflict between GarBridge and I'm all for them imploding as quickly as possible.

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, CountryGirl said:

Bill, this is seriously beneath you. A brain tumor is the only explanation.


1 minute ago, CountryGirl said:

I also had to laugh at the poor, pitiful PTB for recycling old Lope flashbacks (with KM) to try to drum up some interest in new Lope because...NOPE!

Double snerk.

2 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Also, I suspect two things: (1) Bill will name arch-nemesis Ridge as the shooter and (2) Bill will come to long enough to 'fess up to Steffy on what he presumes is his deathbed that he's the father, not Liam, and then slip into a DWTS-induced coma.

Would love both of these to happen. It'd be one last FU to Ridge and the confession would be some soapy goodness where Steffy has to decide if she's gonna keep the secret or because Bill is dying, tell the truth. I could even see her begging Bill not to die but live for her and their baby and Liam or Wyatt overhear it and THAT's how the secret gets out.

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:
11 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Also, I suspect two things: (1) Bill will name arch-nemesis Ridge as the shooter and (2) Bill will come to long enough to 'fess up to Steffy on what he presumes is his deathbed that he's the father, not Liam, and then slip into a DWTS-induced coma.

Would love both of these to happen. It'd be one last FU to Ridge and the confession would be some soapy goodness where Steffy has to decide if she's gonna keep the secret or because Bill is dying, tell the truth. I could even see her begging Bill not to die but live for her and their baby and Liam or Wyatt overhear it and THAT's how the secret gets out.

I'm sticking with my "Liam is the father" stubbornness.  Just as I predicted Ridge would not end up being Doug's father *injuring arm while patting self on back* :P

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I'm sticking with my "Liam is the father" stubbornness.  Just as I predicted Ridge would not end up being Doug's father *injuring arm while patting self on back* :P

I go back and forth. If there was a woman on the show I want Liam with, I'd say let the kid be Bill's because otherwise he'd never be free of Steffy. 

On the other hand, Liam's lady prospects aren't looking so great. Sally's proven she has better heat with Thomas and Bill and it's smart that Thomas is coming back to they can either have closure or ride off into the sunset together. And I'm not feeling him and Hope.  And I want Liam to have his kid already. I think a kid for Liam could do loads to mature him and move him into a new phase of his life. Let the woman in his life be his daughter for a while with Steffy moving on with Bill for a bit so she can realize he's not her forever love but an experience she needed to get out of her system.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

also had to laugh at the poor, pitiful PTB for recycling old Lope flashbacks (with KM) to try to drum up some interest in new Lope because...NOPE!


If anything, I would be even less interested. I'm so glad KM got a new show to show off her talents, because B&B did her no good service.

Speaking of Lope 2: waffle boogaloo, Liam can go stuff it with his gondola comment. It's all well and good that knows for sure what a haux he married and what a louse Bill is, but he knew they'd pulled that stunt months before he ever lifted a finger to divorce Steffy and we all know why. Take some damn responsibility for hurting Hope because getting laid was more important than trying to respect her.

Ugh, bringing Hope back was a mistake and regressed Liam back a decade. Three time Emmy award winner getting stuck in triangle hell.

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Speaking of Lope 2: waffle boogaloo, Liam can go stuff it with his gondola comment. It's all well and good that knows for sure what a haux he married and what a louse Bill is, but he knew they'd pulled that stunt months before he ever lifted a finger to divorce Steffy and we all know why. Take some damn responsibility for hurting Hope because getting laid was more important than trying to respect her.

He pissed me off royally when he said that. Yes, Steffy and Bill orchestrated the gondola stunt but no one held a gun to his head and forced him to marry the bride from hell.

There are a million and one things he could and should have said when this...thing...walked up to him.


"Hell, fucking no!" would have been at the top of my list but not Waffles'.

  • Love 7

Kudos to the partially open door to allow Pam to be added to the list. Will she tie Bill to a chair, in the woods, and coat him with honey?  

I hate Bill, but it was great to see him put Ridge on his ass once again. The gun once again is out in plain sight.  It looks like Sally will join the fray at Bill's house. Good times. 

  • Love 8

Do people really dine alfresco when they have to wear coats? How is that comfortable and how does their food stay warm?

I'm getting a Carrie from Homeland vibe off of Pam and not in a good way.

Yeah, I'm thinking Bill pretty much confirmed today that he's the father of Steffy's baby. When it eventually comes out she'll regret having spurned him--at least that's his assumption.

Seems like someone on the writing staff read the wiki page on Chekhov's gun and fell in love with it. Why else does $Bill keep practically using his gold-plated gun as a fleshlight? I'd think it would be stowed away since he regularly has Will at his house.

  • Love 3

I truly wish that B&B would "go there" and create a new Bridge couple, only with Ridge and Bill. They have great chemistry and they'd have a relationship that would be riveting to watch as it would be so volatile and passionate. Oh, well ... Seeing Sludge get knocked to the ground was good enough for me!

I thought Brooke's head was going to explode when Steffy mentioned $'s marriage proposal. You could tell that she so didn't want to admit that to Brooke.  Brooke really has turned into a Stepford Wife. Barging in on Steffy and ordering her to go back to Brooke's house wasn't the best idea. But she "obeyed her husband" without any blowback. Temporary sane/empowered Brooke would have questioned that decision and urged Sludge to butt out. Who the hell sits around glued to their phone wondering if their daughter's husband is going to show up for dinner? Sludge was acting like Steffy was expecting a huge delivery of cocaine or an attache' case full of laundered cash or something. Geez ... get a life, asshole. Brooke, too!

Now I believe there are just too many suspects, which is diluting the pool of candidate so much that it's starting to get cartoonish. There was no reason to have Shirley and Saul utter threats. Please don't drag Rick into this as well. Also, it sucks to trot out Pam's mental illness as a ploy to make her a possible suspect. She's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. If Pam is the one who tries to kill Bill (which I doubt) it will be because she's crazy and off her meds. People with mental illnesses and are adhering to their treatment can still get angry enough to think about killing somebody. So, in Pam's case, if she did try something, while taking her medication, it would still be, "Crazy Pam" or "her meds must not be working ..."

I like JMW's shorter hair style but I still think it looks like a bad wig. It's of poor texture and looks very dry and damaged. Plus, it doesn't move like real hair when she moves her head. I also agree that the pared-down makeup is working. Maybe the makeup artists are trying to give her "the glow of pending motherhood."

  • Love 10

This show just keeps getting more stupid by the day. Now Pam has gone off of her rocker completely and has totally invested in Slutty as her niece and will protect her until the end of time. The hysteria is out of bounds even for her. Geez Louise. Just get the torture over and kill Bill!! I don’t even care at this point who does it. Just do it.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

There are a million and one things he could and should have said when this...thing...walked up to him.


"Hell, fucking no!" would have been at the top of my list but not Waffles'.

You know, I've never seen this wedding with my own eyes? I was on deployment at the time and I think this was specifically during the three weeks we were cleaning up around where the big quake took place.

For all the references made over the last seven years, there is not a single clip to found on YouTube in any of the ten million languages in which this show is dubbed or subtitled in.But it sounds like such a trainwreck.

But yeah, I'm not liking him passing that buck down like that. I'd be more onboard for Lope if they could both get real about the huge gaping flaws they had as a couple that included both of them lacking an ability to stick around anytime any hardship came up. No matter how much of a slattern Steffy is, I can't cosign to this revisionist history of an epic love story torn apart by evil forces. Even Bridge has more claim to that than they have.

25 minutes ago, grisgris said:

truly wish that B&B would "go there" and create a new Bridge couple, only with Ridge and Bill. They have great chemistry and they'd have a relationship that would be riveting to watch as it would be so volatile and passionate.

Maybe they'll save that for the series finale!

26 minutes ago, grisgris said:

If Pam is the one who tries to kill Bill (which I doubt) it will be because she's crazy and off her meds. People with mental illnesses and are adhering to their treatment can still get angry enough to think about killing somebody.

Statistically, those with mental illness are more likely to be abused than to be the ones doing the attacking, especially if it impares the ability to work for oneself. Between TV depictions and the current news, I'm a bit sick of seeing those with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia becoming scapegoats. But, I'll leave it at that.

  • Love 9

Ridge's obsession with his daughter's sex life is moving beyond tiresome and rapidly approaching disgusting.  What is it about, 'I fucked Bill of my own free will, Dad' does this guy not understand?  Why is it so important to Ridge that his daughter is a rape victim?  If anyone knows anything about rape, it's Ridge Forrester who has at least two sexual assaults to his credit.  Ridge knows who his daughter is; she's not called Hauxdilox for nothing.  She didn't have to be forced to fuck her father-in-law.  The only shock is that it took so long.

Someone should ask Bill if he smells burning onions because it's crystal clear he has a brain tumour.  We ALL know that $Bill hasn't wanted Hauxdi for years.  He moved on to bigger and better game years ago.

Speaking of bigger and better. how far is Brooke over this bullshit?  The poor woman is on her honeymoon for God's sake and here she is running after a slattern that she doesn't even like.  There's no doubt in my mind that Brooke is suffering from serious buyer's remorse.

I loathe $Bill but I almost cheered when he knocked Ridge on his ass.  Telling Ridge that he gave his daughter 'what she wanted' was disgusting but consider the source.

Hauxdi's going to be thrilled when she finds out that Maya and Rick know about her and $Bill.  That's going to be the talk of the town by sunrise. 

It's obvious the writers don't know anything about mental illness.  Being off her medication isn't going to turn Pam into a murderous lunatic.  Considering that there are several murderous lunatics already walking around without a care in the world, putting Pam on the list of suspects is absurd.  Charlie didn't seem to be too concerned about crazy when he was hobnobbing with Sheila.  And when was Charlie's last mental assessment?

Oh, and what's with the FUCKING GLOVES!!!

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, grisgris said:

There was no reason to have Shirley and Saul utter threats.

These two I buy as Sally is Shirley's granddaughter and Bill nearly killed her by blowing up Spectra. You know if that had been Steffy and Stephanie was alive she'd be ready to go gangsta grandma on his ass with a quickness.

Saul's got the longing hots for Sally. Plugging Bill would either be payback for the arson and demolition, defending Sally's honor, 'protecting' Sally from Bill's latest threat, or 'proving his love and devotion'.

2 hours ago, grisgris said:

I truly wish that B&B would "go there" and create a new Bridge couple, only with Ridge and Bill.

That'd be rich considering Bill was scandalized at the photo of Ridge at the gay pride parade. Then again Bill's macho posturing and overcompensation and anger could be outwardly directed self loathing because he can't accept his bisexuality.  

  • Love 5

Pam has been a murderous lunatic before so it's not really a stretch. They really drove the " off her meds" point home, tho. 

I get it. Ridge needs to believe Steffy, his loving daughter, would never willingly boink his most hated nemesis. So he goes all in on Steffy being not responsible, too vulnerable and hurt. I can't completely disagree with it. I don't think Steffy would have done it under any other circumstance. She felt betrayed and she was albeit in a much smaller way. Liam kissed her most hated rival and betrayal feels shitty at any degree. Just saying. Not excusing her. There was a fuck ton of build up, she betrayed Liam in many small ways by never defending him against the shitty things Dolla said about him, the thigh rubbing and shared eye-fucking. So I can also see why Dolla would think she really did want him and why he thought they'd be together.

  It's the most complex story this show has had in a long while. The golden gun really cheapens the whole thing for me. So Austin Powers.

  • Love 9
50 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

That'd be rich considering Bill was scandalized at the photo of Ridge at the gay pride parade. Then again Bill's macho posturing and overcompensation and anger could be outwardly directed self loathing because he can't accept his bisexuality.  

I'm not the first person on here who's commented that Bill and Ridge are kinda hot together.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I'm not the first person on here who's commented that Bill and Ridge are kinda hot together.

Oh, I'm not knocking the hotness and beauty of the pairing, just that given Bill's reaction to Ridge embracing a man as they marched in a gay pride parade, $Bill was more amused than aroused. Indeed if Bill were Wilhelmina 'Billie' Spencer, she and Ridge would be the classic hate attraction of many old school soap couples but as it stands, I can't recall any soap having a man reexamine his sexuality mid-life due to an undeniable attraction and opportunity to explore that attraction. GL did it with Otalia but I think that's it. 

And honestly Bill's overcompensating machismo, womanizing, and keeping people at an emotional distance could lend itself to his trying to bury/mask that side if himself with him finally coming out mid-life when husband life is upturned from a near death experience.  I think DD could play the hell out if it. 

But this show ain't that deep or considerate. We saw what happened with Maya. Short term gold, long term back to the shadows.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, mightysparrow said:


I loathe $Bill but I almost cheered when he knocked Ridge on his ass.  Telling Ridge that he gave his daughter 'what she wanted' was disgusting but consider the source.

Yeah, but when Ridge has made it his business to butt in and beat his chest over this matter, against even Steffy's wishes, he deserves what he get. This is nothing like Rick's "I own her ass" comments, where he actually *was*targeting Steffy to get to Ridge (and given the history with Caroline, what an interesting karmic payback that a better show would have reflected).

And even with this shit over the last six months, Bill has a long way to go before I'd despise him more than Ridge. Bill at least has the balls to pull his own stunts to get what he want. Ridge has always had his mother doing his dirty work and now is reduced to begging Sheila of all people to off Bill, the same way Liam was begging him to take care of Quinn over a year ago. Just no.

  • Love 10

Show was good, damn good, yesterday. 

So good in fact that CountryBoy (who would D-I-E if he knew I was outing him here) actually sat and watched it with me and wants to watch when "douchebag" Bill gets shot by the other "douchebag" (Ridge). Hee!

While Hauxdi looked far more intrigued in Bill's proposal on Friday, she's doing a good job of masking it now, hollering at Bill to "get up!" and looking all kinds of pissed off.


Bill looks pissed off himself as he should be....at himself for pining away for this heifer.


But nope, he's still pleading his case.

Bill: "You think it's impossible, you and me. But, deep down, you know it's not, and that's why you keep saying 'no.' That's why you panic when you see me." I think somewhere, deep down, he's right and she's knows it, but she has this vision of raising her daughter with his father. Who for now is Liam. 

Steffy: "No. I panic because you're not listening to what I'm saying. There can never be anything between us ever again. This isn't romantic, Bill, it's exhausting. Tell me you hear me now." Maybe she should queue up T Swift's "We Are Never (Ever, Ever) Getting Back Together."

Bill: "I hear you." No, he doesn't.

Steffy: "Then leave. Liam will be here any minute." I don't think he's going to show after all, but we'll see. She softens for a moment: "Look, I know you're hurting and I know you're alone, but I'm not the answer."


Bill intones a warning: "This is the day when you'll look back and wonder how everything went so wrong." Hmmm....adding Steffy to the suspects list perhaps?

He gives her this creepy little smile but finally leaves as the wind picks up ominously outside...so clearly, they're going for "it was a dark and stormy night" theme.


So as many of us predicted, an "off her meds" Pam would also join the suspect list.

Ridge plays his best overprotective father, calling Steffy and learning that Bill was there.


No sex was had though. This time anyway. Just a marriage proposal, but Steffy conveniently leaves that tidbit out of the conversation. 

Thanks to POD, Pam overhears from a worked-up Ridge that (gasp!) "Bill took advantage of Steffy" and we all know what "take advantage" means, right, kiddos?


She immediately blurts the news to Charlie and a stunned Rick and Maya. Well, Maya (whose pink dress I LOVE) looks more like she's salivating over the gossip but Rick is playing this as if Steffy is some vestal virgin that he never deflowered. Oh, wait...


Loved the dinner between Sally, Grams, and Saul and I could absolutely buy Grams and Saul being on the ever-growing list of suspects.

Grams wants to order liver and imagine it's Bill's. With a nice Chianti, I'm assuming. 

Grams: "What kind of place does not have liver on the menu?"

Sally: "The normal kind." 

Brooke showing up to rescue a clearly-fine Hauxdi (aka do her master, ahem, husband's bidding) and packing up the tofu was just stupid although I didn't miss the WTF expression on Brooke's face when she learned Bill proposed to Steffy. That alone should tell her something's arot in Spencerland.

I enjoyed pretty much everything today, but the final scene was just the cherry on the sundae.

Bill is at home, pouring himself a drink, nursing his wounds, when Ridge knocks, then barges into the room like the Kool-Aid man. Not sure why he bothered to knock at all and I've given up on preaching about the need for folks to lock their damn doors!

Ridge, glowering and gesturing with clearly pointedly placed gloved hands: "I told you to stay away from my daughter."

Bill just smirks at him.

Ridge: "What goes on in that little head of yours that you think you're entitled to your son's wife? Is it because she's my daughter, because she's mine, you're determined to put your hands on her?"


Bill: "Ask Steffy, all right? Ask her again if I hurt her or forced myself on her in any way!" He doesn't want to ask her because he doesn't want to hear how it was mutual, consensual, very much wanted.

Ridge: "She told you she loves her husband and she wants to have nothing to do with you!" 

Bill: "We had a conversation! That's all!"

Ridge: "That little kid's gonna grow up without both her parents because of you. You proud of that?" The kid's gonna grow up without two parents because your daughter is a lying, cheating heifer and Liam is smart enough to know it's better that his child is from a broken home (a home Mommy Dearest broke) than living in one.

Bill is clearly over this shitstorm of a day: "You know what, it's got to be all the time you spend in front of a sewing machine squinting 'cause you can't see what's right in front of you. I'm not in the mood! Now, I don't give a damn whether you like it or not, but I care about your daughter!"


Ridge: "Don't do that! Don't care about her. Because everything you care about gets used up and broken and hurt! And you're not gonna hurt my daughter anymore." He didn't hurt her, you imbecile. And his talking about using women, leaving them broken and hurt...hello, Pot? This is Kettle. You're black!


Ridge moves to grab him but Bill quickly dispatches him, punching him soundly and knocking him to the floor.  As pissed off as I am at him right now, I loved him knocking a confirmed two-time rapist on his big ass. 

Here's a gif so we can all rewatch...over and over again.

Bill stands over him and tells Ridge EXACTLY like it is.


Or was...that night: "You and your BS. Running around telling people that I'm a predator? Saying that I forced myself on Steffy when the truth is that it was completely mutual? And she has told you that herself! Fine, you want to keep coming at me? You want to keep getting in my face? I'll give you the whole story. Steffy wanted it! She wanted me. And what she wanted... I was more than happy to give her."

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Ridge!

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "Then leave. Liam will be here any minute." I don't think he's going to show after all, but we'll see. She softens for a moment: "Look, I know you're hurting and I know you're alone, but I'm not the answer."

I'll give Steffy this, she isn't leading Bill on. Hope is dangling herself out in front of Liam and Liam isn't swatting her away and telling her to back off.  Granted he's not thinking about getting back with Steffy, but Steffy so far...girl is holding firm with Bill.

Wouldn't it be something if after goading a number of people if Bill hired someone to 'shoot' him so that he could draw sympathy from Steffy and frame his enemies (Ridge) only for the plan to awry and someone really plug him?

The only other twist I could see is that we find out the trauma of Still's humping coupled with residual brain damage from the Australian plane concussion caused Liam to have a nervous breakdown and a split personality that is the personification of the son Bill's always wanted - let's call him Billy - and who is ruthless to the core and has the balls to Kill Bill and get his pound of flesh.  We just haven't been introduced to him yet.

  • Love 5

Justin doesn't have to Kill Bill. He just has to sit back, with his feet on the desk, and wait for someone else to do it.  

This would be more of a thriller is it wasn't so comical. I'm not talking about the story line, I'm talking about the acting. Above all, it's hard for me to take that Metrosexual Rick and Maya, especially with that hairdo, seriously.  

Multimillion dollar mansion and there is no backup generator and no uninterruptible power supply (UPS) on the security system.  

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