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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 2/17/2018 at 8:50 PM, thewhiteowl said:

Brooke has never had an issue with anyone being an ass to Hope, why would she start now? Of course that was Dolla but Ridge is destiny for now. 

Same reason why Brooke accepted Bill crapping on Hope and Katie but drew the line at his beating up Liam -the plot demanded it.

Brooke has put her foot down with Ridge when he and Rick were at odds post Phoebe's death and while he was 'owning' Steffy's ass so we may be headed there again. Brooke is acting exactly as giggly and clueless and ignorant of Ridge's shenanigans as she was with Bill and his increasingly stupid Skye obsession but it's just prep for when the writers want her to make the turn to pissed off Brooke.

The irony is that Ridge brought Hope back as a gift to Brooke and now he can't get rid of her fast enough as she's a threat to Steffy's marriage that if it ends could send his baby girl to Bill's bed permanently.

Courtney Hope thanked fans for their support on Twitter with the news of her change of status. ::sigh:: Its official.

Like with Sasha and Caroline before her, Sally is booted for a return to the same crap different year. 

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On 2/15/2018 at 3:03 PM, Pickles said:

I am surprised Hope isn't going along to the ultrasound with Liam and Steffy! She is SO annoying!

I had stopped watching for a couple of years so I never saw the ending of Liam and Hope and her leaving the show.  I never understood the character of Hope.  You can't be pointless and do nothing on a half hour show.  

On 2/16/2018 at 5:19 PM, Gam2 said:

I’m already over this Hope. She repeats the same 4 lines over and over with that oh-so-worried look on her face. That dress and whatever that was over it looked ridiculous especially for a young woman with connections to FC. Her mom dresses much better than she does. I knew when Liam saw the ultrasound that he’d start to cave. He’s too soft hearted for his own good. Plus, that fetus was way older than Slutty’s pregnancy is supposed to be. They could already tell the sex? Nah. 

Thank you. That's the writers.  Just keep dumbing it down.  I was very pleased and surprised at the writing between Katie and Wyatt.  They actually had real emotion and real thoughts like human people.  You have beat me over the head with it, but I don't believe any of the couples have real feelings for each other.  They don't act like couples on the other soaps.

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Today’s show is only half way over and I’m already screaming at Liam and Slutty to shut the hell up and get out of that exam room! You’ve repeated the same things 14 times already. It has really become obvious that Y&R moves along at a much faster/more enjoyable pace than this show. Between the endless shots of LA and the repeating of the same damn lines everyday, no wonder the viewers are bored out of our skulls.

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God, even the doctor is piling on poor Liam. Kid can’t catch a break even out of the hotel room of doom & gloom.

Hope is really annoying the constant worried face as mentioned above really grates on my nerves. 

ETA: why is that shaker so dirty and gross? Yuck. 

Edited by JD5166
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Probably because I can't stand TKRidge, but my very first thought when Sludge told Hope HFTF was on and asked Thorne to design it was  -- alright, what's he up to, what's his agenda.

Then when he gave Thorne the martini shaker I was ok, yeah what's the plan here Sludge.  I thought the caveat would be that Hope could have HFTF but only in Europe. Not sure what Sludge is planning, but I know he is. 

If HFTF is reviving, then Hope will bring Liam on for the philanthropy part of the biz.  Sludge is going to see them being friends and getting closer.  I think he'll threaten to close the line if Hope doesn't fire Liam and stop speaking to him. Because it's really all about Hauxdi and her marriage.  You know .... the marriage Liam doesn't want to be in ... with the wife he can't stand to look at.

If Sludge threatens to close HFTF I think Hope will tell Brooke.  This is where the crack in Garbridge will start. Brooke hasn't been mother of the year to Hope, but she won't let Sludge destroy Hope's line in the name of saving Hauxdi's marriage.  Brooke isn't on board the Hauxdi was coerced/raped/drugged/taken advantage of/assaulted train Sludge is pulling.  Brooke knows Hauxdi eff-ed up her marriage by effing Bill and I don't think she'll let Sludge ruin Hope career to prop the Haux.


Adding -- maybe Sludge is planning to tank HFTF and get rid of Hope and Throne at the same time

Edited by La di Diva
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Thorne and Katie on the couch it so awkward and off putting.  Stuffy's begging is sickening. If she was a better actress maybe it would be more palatable.  

Thorne designing for HFTF makes a hell of a lot more sense than Thorne trying to design couture under Ali's name. But is Ridge's ultimate goal is to bring Thorne and Hope together so she won't go after Liam.  

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

But is Ridge's ultimate goal is to bring Thorne and Hope together so she won't go after Liam.  

That wouldn't surprise me in the least bit, because Ridge Forrester.

But if TIIC go there after the fiascos of Ridge/Bridget, Rick with both Taytwins and the snorefest blink-and-you-miss-it dumbassery of Thomas/Hope....just, no. 

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Good grief, Hope. Is there anyone who does support adultery? Other than the adulterers, that is. She always says stuff that doesn't need to be said.

Katie and Thorne's makeout scene looked so awkward to me. It was like they were trying really hard not to let their crotches get within ten feet of each other.

FFS, will Steffy never stop begging? It seems to be working though since Liam is slowly coming around. We're now at the point where he's practically apologizing for not forgiving her. How does that crap work?

I think Steffy's OBGYN was somewhat presumptuous. Liam: "Yeah, doc, except for the part where she fcuked my father. Ixnay on the long walks together."


why is that shaker so dirty and gross?

It hasn't been washed in 30 years? We know Stephanie and Eric weren't doing any dishes.

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Totally agree with what Joimiaroxeu just said! I gave up before the shaker thing happened. Can someone enlighten me on that? BTW, what does your name mean? I do love it but have never heard that name/word before.

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Can someone enlighten me on that?

Ridge and Thorne had a brotherly talk after the Hope For The Future stuff. And I have to admit, I rather enjoyed the talk. It was nice to see them being nice to each other - I guess I am easy that way. Anyway. Ridge gave Thorne a gift and it was Eric and Stephanie's martini shaker. 

I liked Ride admitting Thorne had talent. I like the idea of Thorne and Hope actually working on something. As I mentioned, I did like the Ridge/Thorne talk. Now if this is all some evil plan of Ridge's I will be disappointed. So of course that's what it is because ... these writers.

I am over the Liam/Steffy stuff already. Good lawd. Move on. Oh well at least the actors aren't required to learn any dialogue - it's the same thing day in and day out.

I didn't mind the Thorne/Katie stuff either. For me anything is better than watching Brooke giggling.

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BTW, what does your name mean?

It's a random arrangement of letters that I got from a site that generates online IDs. I clicked through several of them before I found one I could sort of pronounce. I used it to sign up on TWOP and then I carried it over here to Previously.TV. Tada!

Sure hope Ridge isn't trying to put Thorne on Hope. I think Thorne would prefer to be with a more mature woman who has some miles on her like Katie but I could see Hope developing a crush on him. Especially if Liam goes back to Steffy.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I am trying to stay engaged, but after that confirmation that Courtney Hope is leaving?

It wouldn’t be so disappointing if they had sacrificed Sally for something meaningful and exciting. But alas, it appears she was a sacrificial lamb for nothing more than the resurrection of the most dreadful triangle to ever triangle.

Liam is already caving to the pressure, and the ultrasound just sealed the deal. At the same time, he is enjoying Hope’s company. Other than Courtney, the person I feel the worst for is Scott Clifton. After all that stellar work, and giving him material that allowed him to flex his wings and show fans what he is capable of, he gets resentenced to triangle purgatory.

Ridge’s restart of HFTF, and having Thorne design it, is nothing more than his way of keeping the enemy busy. Hope will now be involved with the line, which means less time for Liam. And Thorne will be busy designing, which means less time around Brooke. Of course Ridge is not aware of Hope’s offer to Liam, so maybe that will be something that will spoil Ridge’s plans, but he will probably veto the whole idea of Liam working at FC’s.

I am not feeling Thorne and Katie. I like her with Wyatt. So not much for me to look forward to here either.

If they try some type of Thorne/Hope relationship? I am done. And I will never come back. 

And then there is Bridge.

Just not much to look forward to period. I am so bummed.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I'm seriously about to put out an APB on $Bill. I think we're closing in on 2 weeks since he's been seen. He is sorely missed on my lunch hours.

Come to think of it, we haven't seen Quinn much since the wedding. What every happened to that cabin? Hmmmmm...

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I know this is a soap and all, but when was the last time Stuffy put in an appearance at Forrester?  Like to WORK, you know?  It seems to me she'd be feeling a whole lot better if she got herself out of that house and away from the Blankie of Despair and even just put on some decent work clothes and DID something other than like around and mope and cry.

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1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

I know this is a soap and all, but when was the last time Stuffy put in an appearance at Forrester?  Like to WORK, you know?  It seems to me she'd be feeling a whole lot better if she got herself out of that house and away from the Blankie of Despair and even just put on some decent work clothes and DID something other than like around and mope and cry.

We can't have that! Don't forget that Steffy is the victim here; they are not about to let her seem capable and strong. SHE IS HAVING LIAM'S BABY! She is lost and alone, and must be mollified and propped. After all, she is doing something no other woman has ever done; she is pregnant and on her own. However will she manage!

Sorry, I am chock full of sour grapes today. 

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Good thing I am not writing the paychecks for Forester because none of these people would be getting paid.  No body works!!  Trust me It's not Liam's baby, and the way she keeps rubbing her stomach you would think she is 10 months along and about to have it.

I still think Sally is not done with Liam.

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Why does HFTF dresses look like it could have been designed by Sally?  It just seems that Thorne wouldn't be able to design to Hope's vision for HFTF.  Please refresh my memory as to who was the original designer of the line.   

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I just hope that Hope dressing like Maude isn't an indication of the direction HFTF will be going in with or without Thorne designing the line. Other than Hope, does anyone really want to see HFTF revived? I know I don't.

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52 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

Other than Hope, does anyone really want to see HFTF revived? I know I don't.

If once again it’s a clothing line that promotes virginity instead of promoting, oh, you know, beautiful clothing, I certainly don’t!

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I find I FF most of this show anymore...I just don't care, plus when you hear the same sentences over & over & over.....well I don't miss much by FF it.

Did like Liam & Wyatt today....even though it wasn't anything exciting , least it it wasn't Steffy/Ridge saying "OMG, Liam, you have to forgive me why can't you just pretend the hot sexay nite with your father never happened?"


HFTF line....don't revive it. Totally RETHINK/REDESIGN it!!! Just my 2¢.

(On a completely petty note, does anyone else notice that Hope seems to have one eye wider/more open than the other? I don't know why but that's all I can focus on when I see  her. Stupid I know. Sorry to the actress, I doubt it's deliberate.)

Edited by RedRockRosie
(hoping to make sense)
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46 minutes ago, RedRockRosie said:

I find I FF most of this show anymore...I just don't care, plus when you hear the same sentences over & over & over.....well I don't miss much by FF it.

Did like Liam & Wyatt today....even though it wasn't anything exciting , least it it wasn't Steffy/Ridge saying "OMG, Liam, you have to forgive me why can't you just pretend the hot sexay nite with your father never happened?"


HFTF line....don't revive it. Totally RETHINK/REDESIGN it!!! Just my 2¢.

(On a completely petty note, does anyone else notice that Hope seems to have one eye wider/more open than the other? I don't know why but that's all I can focus on when I see  her. Stupid I know. Sorry to the actress, I doubt it's deliberate.)


OMG, RRR...that's all I can think about everytime nuHope is on the screen!  I find myself totally obsessed with trying to figure it out.  It looks to me as if one eye is distinctly larger than the other but then I go back to thinking it's the camera angle.


Also, how is there NOT a whole in Stuffy's sweater???  She's been rubbing that area for how many days now?  Cotton's strong but it's not built to withstand that kind of intense friction!

I meant to say "hole" in her sweater.  Couldn't figure out how to edit it!

Edited by A-Lo
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Oh please, those HFTF rags are hardly classic. People are probably wearing them now because they shop at thrift stores. And IMO Hope dresses like she just woke up from a 40-year coma. I wouldn't consider her #fashionistagoals.

Wyatt, was anyone asking you to quit SP in loyalty to your brother? No, so shut it. We know you're all about picking up Liam's leavings whenever you can.

Hope as Steffy's galpal and confidante is so not working for me. THE RING. WAS STILL. WARM. Take your irony and shove it, Steffy.

Staying in a hotel must be costing Liam a pretty penny. I think he needs to pull it together, get a job, and get an apartment.

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No, staying in that room of doom is not costing Liam a pretty penny. That’s the most depressing hotel room of all time even though Shelia and ERIC stayed there. Although I did notice today that the scene outside that window changed to something more pleasant. How convenient for Liam! I do agree that Slutty is over doing the belly rubbing. I’ve been pregnant twice and never rubbed by belly that much throughout my entire two pregnancies. Please, make this stop! And if I hear Slutty say “If you can find it in your huge heart to forgive me, I’ll spend my life making this up to you” I’ll have to shoot her myself. Just don’t say the word “forgive” any more, ever, at any time to anyone for the rest of eternity. Hope? Change your damn clothes. I also agree about her eyes looking wonky. I think she does this on purpose to look worried, concerned, puzzled or just clueless. Yeah, I vote for clueless like all of the other women on this show. 

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40 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Oh please, those HFTF rags are hardly classic. People are probably wearing them now because they shop at thrift stores.


Yeah, I don't even remember if Hope was the designer or just the face/spokesmodel for the line, now that I think about it. Beside moon over Waffles, I couldn't tell you much about Hope from those days.

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The only thing I remember about the previous Hope was that she had sex with someone and had to go see a psychiatrist with HER MOTHER to get over the guilt. That was such a low point for this show that I’ve never forgotten it. 

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43 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

The only thing I remember about the previous Hope was that she had sex with someone and had to go see a psychiatrist with HER MOTHER to get over the guilt. That was such a low point for this show that I’ve never forgotten it. 

The sad part is, it didn't need to be. The show was fairly obvious that her stance on virginity stemmed from the circumstances she was born into and she admitted straight up she slept with Liam because she was sick of Steffy holding that over her head. Brooke had no place at her therapy, but she needed a shrink (Not Taylor!!!) as much as Aly did.

Instead, we got her acting like Elizabeth Barkley when her character discovered caffeine pills on Saved by the Bell when Amber gave her black market anxiety pills.

.... whut ?

But nothing will ever top Bridget's whole family listening to her and Deacon fuck and everyone acting like it was some Shakespearean tragedy ????

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This show needs to get out of the boredom rut like YESTERDAY!  When is $Bill coming back?

Well, we saw it today, the official unofficial beginning of ToD with that little episode of Lame replaying conversations with both Hauxdi and Hope. Even SC has reverted to that slack-jawed, glazed eyes demeanor he perfected back in those days.

I can see this playing out ... Steffy is all behind HFTF except Hope forgot to mention a minor detail ... that Liam would be involved. Bet that will get Princess out of the snot yellow blankie of despair and hi-tail her ass back to FC in nothing flat. When Hauxdi observes Hope and Liam growing closer -- while slattern's belly is growing bigger -- the battle cry will be that she "trusted Hope, threw her support behind HFTF ... and now LOOK!" Hope was after Liam all along and it was LIES! LIES! LIES!

I'm going to say this, but I kind of like Maya in a managerial role. She at least talks like she has a head for business. Honestly, she is much more convincing as a fashion house executive than a couture model.

I don't care for that dress Hope has been wearing for the past, seems like 8 weeks now.  It's not a good color for her which gives it a kind of "Alice in Wonderland" vibe with her hairstyle and all. Her hair and style of dress are too "young" for the character. (That was very glaring when she literally skipped out of the communal office  yesterday after her HFTF discussion with Sludge.) I'm not saying that she should suddenly start dressing like Sally, but change something. I believe that a style along the lines of how Katie dresses would work here.

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Watching Hope hugging That Slattern was stomach-turning.  I just feel Hope is being set-up to be the fall guy for Hauxdi/Liam's twu luv.  Those two can't seem to be happy unless a young woman has been sacrificed (see: Ally, Ivy, Sally).  I don't think that Bell Jr. has the courage to let Hauxdilox pay for what she's done.  In soap opera land, cheating on your husband with his FATHER is a pretty heinous crime.  Brooke got the label 'the slut from the valley' for much less.  A ghost even called her that at her 45th wedding.  But we're supposed to believe that Hauxdi DIDN'T REALLY MEAN IT and Liam should stop being a meanie and go home.

On the other hand, we have Hope denying herself what she REALLY wants and helping the heartless bitch who ruined her life FOR FUN!  The battle for Liam led Hope to a psychiatrist and then to drug addiction because she was so busy trying to please other people.  I had really hoped that NuHope would be more mature and more confident.  She should be laughing in Hauxdilox' face, saying 'Sucks to be you, slattern!  If your EX-husband comes knocking on my door, I'll do what you did with $Bill and open it!'  Instead she's trying to help that evil bitch.  And, now that Hope is doing what SHE wants, Hauxdi wants to be sister-girls.  Ridge is giving her millions of dollars for a fashion line and throwing in his 'little brother' for good measure.  Why doesn't Brooke front Hope the money for HFTF?  We know she's got it because she lives in a house big enough to accommodate all her deadbeat relatives.

Bell Jr is grooming JMW/Steffy to be the new leading lady but it's not working.  JMW doesn't have the chops or the personality and Steffy is just a nasty piece of work.  She's not evil on a GRAND scale and she's incapable of carrying the show not matter how much of her Bell tries to shove down our throat.  And Scott Clifton is good but he's not good enough to make the unholy alliance that is Leffy, work.

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Bell Jr is grooming JMW/Steffy to be the new leading lady but it's not working.  JMW doesn't have the chops or the personality and Steffy is just a nasty piece of work.  She's not evil on a GRAND scale and she's incapable of carrying the show not matter how much of her Bell tries to shove down our throat.

ICAM and I think this is largely why they keep jettisoning better young actresses like the ones who play/played Ivy, original Hope, Aly, and Sally. Can't have anyone in JMW's cohort outshine her because then it becomes even more obvious what a weak actress she is.


But nothing will ever top Bridget's whole family listening to her and Deacon fuck and everyone acting like it was some Shakespearean tragedy

OMG I checked out that clip on YT a while back and I'm still wondering how Deacon didn't end up dead after that. It has to be one the most WTAF scenes in the history of soaps.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Has everyone been in the steam room smoking the peace pipe?


I have smoked my fair share of wacky weed in my life, and while it made me silly, and giggly, and hungry, it never made me forget the knife that was stuck in my back.

I can only take a martyr for so long, and Hope’s martyrdom is starting to wear very, very thin. Telling Steffy what you really think about her and about her fucking Bill will not harm that baby. Telling Steffy that she is a manipulative, rotten, hypocritical liar won’t hurt little baby Spencer either. I wonder if everyone will be tiptoeing around Steffy when they find out that Bill is the father of the baby? Sure they will, except NOT. Once it is disclosed that $Bill is the father, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Ridge renting a helicopter, Hope buying a gondola, and Brooke making videos.

Yes, Liam most assuredly took a walk down Waffle Lane with that montage of memories. Oh joy, Liam will start working with Hope and will start to bond with her again, but Hope will be all “NO! The baby! Your family!” And Steffy will blame Hope for tempting Liam. And Ridge will support Steffy and her feelings. Brooke will be angry. Bridge will implode. Brooke will either want Bill back, or will go in search of Thorne who will be making time with Katie.

Just like in needlework, where stitches repeat themselves, although it may be further along in the piece; Show will follow its tired and true formula.

Can we please give this to Steffy?


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Thoughts from today:

Show listened about the Maude-ish outfits on Hope.  The red dress and polished ponytail looked great. 

Sludge isn't even trying to hide the fact he doesn't like Hope and wants her gone,  After his chat with Hauxdi I'm completely convinced he has a plot to get Hope out of LA.  Probably by tanking HFTF.  Liam and Thorne might have something to say about that, Especially Thorne.  I don't buy the brotherly act from Ridge for a nano second.

Bill is seriously delusional if he thinks he can be part of his "granddaughter's" life.   No Bill, Liam didn't want a boy, you did.  (Still believe the baby is Bill's). Boy howdy,  Bill dislikes Hope even more than Ridge does.  Anyone else see him and Hauxdi teaming up to get rid of Hope?

Hope breaking down when she saw the ultrasound photo was completely believable. It suddenly made that baby real and brought back all the pain of her miscarriage.

Edited by La di Diva
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I think I tuned in to an episode of B&B from a parallel universe, like that episode of Star Trek (Original Recipe) where all the women wore sexy midriff-baring uniforms and all the men had goatees.  In this episode, a character I recognized as the Slattern was talking to her father about what 'good' people did.  As if those two creatures would know ANYTHING about good people.  The only times Hauxdi and Ridge encounter good people is when they're trampling over them on the way to get what THEY want.  The Slattern was also saying that she didn't think Hope was a threat to her marriage.  The arrogance of Hauxdilox' dismissal of Hope was annoying but I was really confused because I thought that Hauxdi had already destroyed her marriage by fucking her father-in-law.  So it wouldn't really matter what Hope did (if anything) because Hauxdilox had FUCKED HER FATHER-IN-LAW!

Speaking of father-in-laws, in the episode from the parallel universe, $Bill Spencer was a grouchy, curmudgeon who provided comic relief.  He wasn't a horrible, hateful MONSTER.  $Bill seemed very concerned about being a part of his grand-daughter's life.  You'd think he was a kindly old guy who only wanted to take his grand-baby to Disneyland but his mean children wouldn't let him and not the man who FUCKED HIS DAUGHTER-IN-LAW!

Absolute deep-fried FUCKERY!!!

The only good thing about this episode was that Hope looked smoking-hot (a lot like Lt. Uhura in that episode of Star Trek)!  I'm glad they got her out of the dowdy, middle-aged lady outfits she's been stuck in.  I only wish that Steffy had gotten a glimpse. 

Bell Jr. seems to enjoy storylines where rich, powerful middle-aged men plot against young women who are no threat to them.  Watching Ridge warn his daughter against a young woman who used to call him 'Dad' was disgusting.  Especially since his darling daughter had done more harm to Hope that Hope could ever do to the Slattern. 

And was wanting to remain a virgin such an affront to Bill Spencer's sensibilities that he STILL hates Hope?  She isn't a virgin any more!  In fact, she fucked BOTH of his sons!!!!  Is he angry because there's no chance that he'll get a piece!!!  Anybody else heard the anvils clanging as they dropped to earth while Bill plotted to get a picture of his (grand) child.  Maybe contract negotiations are in progress and Bell is threatening to change Baby Spencer's paternity and expose certain actors to the wrath of the fanbase.

Edited by mightysparrow
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Oh hey, guess Hope climbed out of the 40-year time warp and bought some new clothes. The dress looked good but she wasn't doing so great walking in the shoes.

I hate to say it but Ridge is probably right about Hope. She's got to be working an angle wrt Liam and Steffy's marriage, right? The only part I don't like about it is how it'll ultimately allow Steffy to look like a victim.

Ruh roh, Bill is also calling b.s. on Hope's "helpfulness" in Liam & Steffy's situation. This is looking like it's definitely going to be a thing. What I don't like is how it's two older men with long histories of vile behavior toward women declaring a young woman The Enemy. Not a good look IMO given certain current events.

Why would Hope get so upset about the sonogram? She knows Steffy and Liam are having a kid. Huh.

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When I first saw the meeting for HFTF, I wondered why were Rick and Maya were there. Then, after Hope presented her vision for HFTF, I was wondering why anyone was there at all. Hope called herself a millennial but she was actually SORAS into Gen X. You could see by the meeting attendees that they didn't have a clue what Hope was talking about. Thorne wouldn't have a clue how to design and Katie wouldn't have a clue how to market without Wyatt's help.  Rick and Maya are useless and Pam is generation Depends. 

Thorne is becoming a thorn in my side. He's a predator and in my day he would be called a lounge lizard. Every time I see Thorne in a turtleneck, I see him as a dick head. 

Nice going Ridge. Add to your daughter's anxiety, while she's pregnant, to bring up how she should beware of Hope. 

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3 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Boy howdy,  Bill dislikes Hope even more than Ridge does. 

God, still?! ?

I've made it clear that I don't care for Hope, but Bill can stay the fuck out of her orbit. And now with Liam being a bit wiser to what a loathesome asshole Bill is, he won't get away with his lies and tricks to keep her away this time.

1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

The arrogance of Hauxdilox' dismissal of Hope was annoying but I was really confused because I thought that Hauxdi had already destroyed her marriage by fucking her father-in-law.  So it wouldn't really matter what Hope did (if anything) because Hauxdilox had FUCKED HER FATHER-IN-LAW!


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If this has already been posted, please accept my apologies.



NOTE:  At this point in time, I don't give a flying fluck about The Bold and the Beautiful anymore.  The writers don't listen and I'm sick and tired of watching the Steffy Show.  Ridge and Steffy ARE not Forresters and the powers that be at The Bold and the Beautiful can ship these two Italians to Italy for all I care.

Courtney Hope was dealt a raw deal and I suspect there's more to the story than anyone is letting on. 

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What's up with the show dressing Puffy in white lately? Is she being portrayed as being better than the good people Sludge was warning her about? And Boy Howdy that baby-bump sure had quite a growth spurt! I guess it was all that rubbing.

Edited by SweePea59
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Ridge and Steffy ARE not Forresters

I'm not a Ridge or Steffy fan but I completely disagree with this. One does not have to be blood to be a member of the family. Ridge was raised as a Forrester until that ridiculous ret-con. Steffy was raised in the family as well. Eric views Ridge as his son.

Why does Bill dislike Hope so much?

I think the baby is Bill's. Honestly that's the only way to make this story at all interesting at this point.

How the heck does this show go from such dizzying heights just weeks ago with the whole Steffy slept with Bill reveal ... to such lows now? I mean I really do not understand the pacing on this show ... I really don't.

Edited by hypnotoad
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2 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:

Courtney Hope was dealt a raw deal and I suspect there's more to the story than anyone is letting on. 

It's what Baby Bell always does: gets a genuinely interesting story, then either gets bored or loses faith, then jettisons the story for more triangle nonsense. I've seen this going back to the sudden turn around of Brooke waking up in love with Ridge one day after all the shit she and Thorne went through to be together, but the way Bell handled baby Jack after KKL refused to participate in another round of Brick and Taylor's complete fucking meltdown over the baby's egg donor is a big one.

At let's also remember that Phoebe was inexplicably killed off about a year before Hope was SORASed. I thought it was just short sighted (and it was) but how convenient that there was no other "good girl" around to take the spotlight off Bell's last most propped character. ?

I'm not worried for CH. Bell did her a favor. And if PF is coming back, I'm assuming Sally will get her happy ending. I would have rather seen her deciding to push her line again, but I can live with Sally not becoming another casualty of Liam's waffling. Chemistry or not, I was always wary of a relationship between them and now I can be spared that.

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 Is he angry because there's no chance that he'll get a piece!!! 

Never say never. Steffy slept with both of his sons and he eventually got a piece of that. I could see Baby Bell hating us just that much one day to let Bill get up on Hope too. Maybe when the nuHope actress is on her way out the door.

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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Hope called herself a millennial but she was actually SORAS into Gen X.

The latest year I've seen Gex X end, according to some sources, is 1984.  That would make Hope at least 33-34 years old, I'm pretty sure she really is a Millennial.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Never say never. Steffy slept with both of his sons and he eventually got a piece of that. I could see Baby Bell hating us just that much one day to let Bill get up on Hope too. Maybe when the nuHope actress is on her way out the door.

The only way Bope will happen is Captive Cabin part deux. And unlike Bill not having Liam's back and putting Quinn six feet under, Brooke WOULD take down Bill for doing that to her daughter.

For some reason nuHope is giving me mentally fragile Aly vibes. She seems like she's putting on a good front but that something is still very raw and wounded underneath.

Kind of shocked that Bill isn't seeing the bigger picture with Hope being back - Liam will drift to her and leave the path clear for him to wear down Steffy to finally claim her. And it's not like he'd have to endure her at the holiday dinner table. Liam at this point never wants to lay eyes on Bill ever again.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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On 2018-02-21 at 3:44 AM, mightysparrow said:

Watching Hope hugging That Slattern was stomach-turning.  I just feel Hope is being set-up to be the fall guy for Hauxdi/Liam's twu luv.  Those two can't seem to be happy unless a young woman has been sacrificed (see: Ally, Ivy, Sally).  I don't think that Bell Jr. has the courage to let Hauxdilox pay for what she's done.  In soap opera land, cheating on your husband with his FATHER is a pretty heinous crime.  Brooke got the label 'the slut from the valley' for much less.  A ghost even called her that at her 45th wedding.  But we're supposed to believe that Hauxdi DIDN'T REALLY MEAN IT and Liam should stop being a meanie and go home.


In fact, Brooke got the label for doing exactly the same thing. Only she was married to the father and slept with the son.

Then she was married to one man while secretly wanting his brother.

Then she was the parent who had sex with her child's spouse (basically like Bill in this scenario).

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Show was a bit better yesterday.

I like business woman Hope, and I thoroughly enjoyed the HFTF meeting scenes. Now, let us keep things moving and not fall back on “I want them to have a happy marriage” or “They need to be together as a family”, or anything relating to happy family life.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, but Ridge is a bitch. Did he actually say “I have to like her”? No you don’t. But for fuck’s sake, don’t play her. Hope has been played by your rotten spawn for years, and now you are piling on? I mean, Hope has always seen Ridge as a father figure, and has loved and respected him, and now he is all “I have to like her”? Then to go on and plant the seeds of doubt in your daughter’s head? Steffy just got it together enough to come back to work, and you want to go and do that? UGH.

I see in honor of the Olympics Bill has reverted to his ski slope hairstyle. And is hating on Hope again. Geez a whiz, what is so terrible about a young girl wanting to wait? What is wrong with having morals and being grounded enough to hang on to that one thing that God gave her that is hers and hers alone to give? OH! How stupid of me! Bill desires Steffy. Nothing else needs to be said.

Bill sure is jonesing for a look see at his “granddaughter”, and trying to get Wyatt to pull some shit to that end. The man will never learn.

I think they managed to get through an entire episode without anyone uttering the word forgiveness.

I thought that was well done with Hope and the baby's sonogram image. I think it had less to do with the baby being Liam and Steffy's, and more to do with missing her own lost child. I loved how Hope ran out of the room. 

Steffy, what marriage are you speaking of? Please explain.


 Brooke got the label 'the slut from the valley' for much less.


1 hour ago, Videnbas said:

In fact, Brooke got the label for doing exactly the same thing. Only she was married to the father and slept with the son.

Then she was married to one man while secretly wanting his brother.

Then she was the parent who had sex with her child's spouse (basically like Bill in this scenario).

Brooke was "The Slut from the Valley" from the moment Stephanie Douglas Forrester found out that she was Beth Henderson's daughter. 

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