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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:


I'm so pissed for Clifton. As much as I've grown sick of Liam as a character, the actor in his interviews seems to be engaged and eager to support the show. He does none of the passive aggressive shit TK does when he doesn't care for a story and it sucks that he's getting the KKL treatment of the same repetative story forever.

SC deserves sooooooooo much better.  He works his ass off for this fucking show and Liam gets stuck with Hauxdilox for 6 years.   It's not just a matter of Liam not being able to forget that Hauxdi fucked his father.  How are we, the viewers, supposed to buy their relationship when we've all seen those flashbacks?   I've always thought that Liam and Steffy weren't made for each other and now Bell Jr. has confirmed it.  But it looks like Bell is going to shove Steffy/Liam down our throats, no matter what, with a side of Hope waiting in the wings.  There seems to be a (very vocal) fanbase who only care that Hauxdi 'wins' but does winning mean forcing a man who can't stand her to stay with her because of the fetus in her womb? 

Oh, that's a great idea Hope.  Work with the man you love while you push him to go back with the slattern he's married to.  That won't cause you any pain or heartache cause you'll be doing the RIGHT THING.

Speaking of the fetus in Hauxdi's womb, I wouldn't be surprised if the first ultrasound doesn't show the poor mite holding a sign that reads 'Enough with the rubbing!'

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Maya, fuck off you nosy shit stirrer. Fuck off Rick, just fuck off. It's amazing how quickly Thorne moves on.  Brooke who?  

Why is Stuffy, this shit ass actress, elevated to Queen of the May.  What does JMW have on TIIC?  Hope advocating for Stuffy makes me sick. 

Liam stay strong and reject all this browbeating. All about family?  My ass. Slouchy, Hope, Stuffy, and Wil are products of a broken home.  

The word baby is synonymous with belly rubbing.

Wow! Is it already time for a first ultrasound?  Stuffy is talking about seeing their baby but an ultrasound won't show an actual baby until the 8th week of pregnancy.  At 5 weeks, only the embryonic sack is visible and at 6 weeks there is a measurable heart beat. 

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No longer a spoiler as the casting news is out - Noah Newman is going bye bye at Y&R and RA is out.  Send him over to B&B! He'd be perfect for Hope. He could be there to open a Crimson Lights L.A. but upon meeting Sally decides he'll use his trust fund money to fund Spectra 2.0. Bill wants to crush him and Spectra but backs off once he realizes that he's THAT Noah Newman.

Meanwhile Noah is the only one who has the same Italian roast that Hope loves from Italy. She visits the coffee shop thinking he's just a poor barista without realizing that he's a Newman and his funds more than match hers. Noah plays it cool because he likes her liking him for him and Hope is fascinated by this cultured barista with the cute smile.

Make it happen show!

2 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Calling it first:  Hauxdi tocks this pregnancy and keeps it a secret in order to work on getting Liam back.  Would she be crazy enough to sex up Bill in order to get preggers again, without Bill knowing why?

Daammmmn I hadn't thought of that angle but that is just so insanely soapy I could see it happening! And it actually brings a sympathy angle to Bill who has no clue he's being screwed and used and siring another kid as bait for his son. If Steffy betrayed him like that, it really would be on!

But really, Steffy? You think LIam is worth all this drama? Not that *I* don't love Liam flaws and all but you married his brother while he was MIA and screwed his daddy. You obviously don't love him as much as you want everyone to believe you do.

SC needs to hit Ron Carvalati up and ask if Stefano had any more DiMera children that he can play over on DOOL . Him, Billy Flynn, and Tyler Christopher duking it out over there would be aces.

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First off, what’s with the random casting of Robyn Givens? Is the daytime pool of daytime actresses so low they have to reach the pool of 80’s television. Whatever. 

Secondly, could Maya Karvitz please my television, Los Angeles and B&B. Thank you.

Thridly, does Steffy have indigestion or is she pregnant. Gawd! This storyline is soooooooo dumb. 

And, finally does nuHope have a big head and/or forehead? Just curious.  

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Hope. The self-appointed marriage counselor, concerned about what "we all" want. Because The Baby.

And speaking of Nosy Nellies...Maya, are you missing a life? Have you misplaced it? Of course she always thinks landing a Forrester is the height of achievement.

I'm quite intrigued by that thing on Steffy's head. There must be a couple of mules nearby missing their tails.

Hope. The bridge that can bring Liam and Steffy back together. Except for the part where Hope still wants Liam for herself. I think she's working him with her doe eyes and beauty pageant hair.

Robin Givens is still looking good. Wish we could've gotten her on Y&R instead.

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LEt me redeem/clarify what I meant yesterday about Hope being "straightforward" with Steffy. I think it was a poor choice of words. Hope admitted that she still loves Liam, which I guess that could be interpreted in the broader sense of the word as opposed to strictly romantic. She also laid out some conditions about expectations regarding Steffy's behavior/actions towards Liam and Bill in order for Hope to support the marriage staying intact. After today's show, I started to doubt that very much. Even if the intent was initially impulsive and well-intended, having Liam working side-by-side with Hope on HFTF is going to be a disaster. Actually, it's like a page straight out of Brooke's old playbook where she'd keep Ridge working long hours alone with her night after night "on a collection," while Taylor waited up and home going crazy playing all sorts of scenarios out in her head.

I actually think that would be all kinds of hilarious to do to Hauxdi but I don't think that Liam would play is evasive and dismissive like Ridge did with Taylor. "C'mon, Doc" ... "Brooke and I were just trying to get the men's line out" ... "nothing's going to happen" .... "she isn't going to try anything" .... "you have nothing to worry about." Steffy, OTOH, (with Liam's balls firmly gripped in her palm, would pull a "It's not gonna happen LIAM!" and it probably wouldn't.

Too early to tell but I can see Bell pulling that tired old story out, too.

So Thorne now has taken up the working out slack left vacant by Thomas and Carter. Not that I am complaining.

WTH is Maya to be delivering work to Katie at home if Katie took a sick/personal day? I guess since Sludge/Haudxi can't be bothered to go into the office, somebody's got to run the place. Since Rick is too busy working out and playing "20 Questions" with Thorne, why not Maya in charge?

Has JMW had more work done on her face? It definitely is looking fuller and puffier. Didn't she recently get married? It almost made me wonder if she's pregger IRL. Nah ...

Dull day ...

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Oh joy, another lame triangle that has already been run into the ground is going to be revived. {rolls eyes}

If they actually want to make this interesting, they should capitalize on those crazy eyes Hope has going on.  Have her kidnap Steffy, and send a text/email from Steffy saying Steffy needs time away from all the drama (yeah, everyone will just have to ignore that Steffy creates the drama), it's better for her and the baby.  Hope plans on stealing the baby.  Unfortunately, this SL will drag out long after anyone cares about a resolution at which point, Hope's scheme will be revealed.

Hope to Brooke, "Mom, I was just trying to make sure Liam ended up with me his destiny/soulmate."

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15 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

No longer a spoiler as the casting news is out - Noah Newman is going bye bye at Y&R and RA is out.  Send him over to B&B!

No thank you, :)

16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Slouchy, Hope, Stuffy, and Wil are products of a broken home.

And look how wonderful and well-balanced they grew up to be :)

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17 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Wow! Is it already time for a first ultrasound?  Stuffy is talking about seeing their baby but an ultrasound won't show an actual baby until the 8th week of pregnancy.  At 5 weeks, only the embryonic sack is visible and at 6 weeks there is a measurable heart beat. 


Supposedly, they are going to learn the sex of the baby. Already. She supposedly got pregnant right before Thanksgiving, but at most, she's 11 weeks along, far too soon for that to show up on an ultrasound. The NIPT test can show it as early as 10 weeks and I'm sure this show, which plays fast and loose with things like FACTS, will act as if this miracle unicorn of a baby can reveal it's sex far sooner.

Edited by CountryGirl
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What is Nope's deal?

Is she championing Steamless, counting on it failing, so that she can be right there to swoop Liam back up and be able to claim clean hands?

I just find it all kinds of creepy and I wouldn't be surprised if she wants to sit in on the ultrasound.

But this isn't the face of a gal who wants her ex's current marriage to succeed:


I wish Nope would have returned to town and cackled with glee over learning about the Swill boink and sat back with popcorn to watch Steamless finally implode.

But we know how TIIC like to recycle old plots, no matter how terrible and yawn-inducing they are.

And I see Liam is right back to being Waffles.


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4 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

And I see Liam is right back to being Waffles.

C'mon now, LOL. Waffles how? At the moment, Liam doesn't want Steffy.  He's disgusted with her. He moved out of his own damn house and is living in a dump. He's sent the woman annulment papers and told her to go to his pappy as they're a better fit.

He's not waffling so far. And the only thing that will make him waffle is that Steffy is (currently) the mother of his kid.  He has no legal basis for sole custody and would never get it. He's never going to be able to cut her completely out of his life. And if she starts playing games with him using their kid? He's even more screwed.

NOPE is the one playing the game of pushing him to Steffy while throwing these come hither eyes at Liam. Liam is actually the 'vulnerable' one in this situation fresh off a betrayal by both his wife and father and his life upended. Hope is coming at him with all the things a bruised ego man can't resist.  Someone needs to warn off Hope and Liam about spending too much time together. It should be someone a bit neutral like Katie, but it'll end up being Ridge or Bill or Wyatt who Liam really shouldn't give two bits about what they say or think. Well, maybe Wyatt but his history with Hope should make him hesitate to put his foot in it.

As we all say, storywise, Liam should be taking a powder for a few weeks to get his life together before returning with a plan for the next 7 months for the transition period.  If he nails Hope, it should be a tension releasing 'hit it and quit it' with both moving on with their lives.  Liam's life is going to be messy until the kid is born, custody worked out, and the divorce final. Only after that could he realistically look at the rest of his life and start thinking 'Now what?'

48 minutes ago, ByTor said:

No thank you, :)

When I read this all I could imagine was Noah Newman with a 'Return to Sender' sticker on him and being sent back to Y&R. Hee.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

C'mon now, LOL. Waffles how? At the moment, Liam doesn't want Steffy. 

I see buttery, syrupy waffles in his eyes when he looks at Hope whether he realizes it or not (and some of Liam's previous waffling wasn't purposeful but it was waffling just the same). His mouth saying "no," but his eyes and actions saying differently. Nope is absolutely picking up on it - it's not just in her head.  He is absolutely enjoying her attention and part of me is thinking: "Why shouldn't he, all things considered?" There are clearly still feelings there as Liam has alluded to with his comments about her being the only one he's happy to see, the "I missed your hugs" and wanting to see her on Valentine's Day. He still has feelings for her, it's written all over him every time he's with her. 

But the bottom line is he still loves Steffy and has said as much to many people, Steffy included. Despite her betrayal, he is still a very married man and yes, I'm in the camp that until you're divorced, you don't get to start up another relationship. He isn't pushing for a divorce (yet) when he knows good and well Steffy isn't about to sign those annulment papers because she's told him as much and while I realize the baby is likely a large part of his hesitation to pull that divorce trigger, I would bet good money, he'd still be hesitating even if there were no baby. 

Because I've always felt that Liam could never quite get Steffy out of his system similar to how Ridge, even when married to Taylor, couldn't get Brooke out of his. Hope even said how he was always going to want her and she's right. 

Given his current situation, Liam has no business spending time with Hope and that's on both of them. His reaching out to Hope, his clearly enjoying her company, aren't just a salve to his wounded ego (and again, I do feel for him and it's hard to deny his deserving that salve as well as having someone in his corner), but he's on a very slippery (syrupy?) slope and unless and until he actually divorces Steffy, I'm going to call a waffle a waffle. YMMV, of course. Yes, he's vulnerable and wounded right now, but he's no less responsible for his actions than Steffy was the night she fucked Bill.

And I predict Liam is not only going to continue to spend time with Hope but will want to resume their relationship and all while he's still married to Steffy. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

I see buttery, syrupy waffles in his eyes when he looks at Hope whether he realizes it or not (and some of Liam's previous waffling wasn't purposeful but it was waffling just the same). His mouth saying "no," but his eyes and actions saying differently. Nope is absolutely picking up on it - it's not just in her head.  He is absolutely enjoying her attention and part of me is thinking: "Why shouldn't he, all things considered?" There are clearly still feelings there as Liam has alluded to with his comments about her being the only one he's happy to see, the "I missed your hugs" and wanting to see her on Valentine's Day. He still has feelings for her, it's written all over him every time he's with her. 

But the bottom line is he still loves Steffy and has said as much to many people, Steffy included. Despite her betrayal, he is still a very married man and yes, I'm in the camp that until you're divorced, you don't get to start up another relationship. He isn't pushing for a divorce (yet) when he knows good and well Steffy isn't about to sign those annulment papers because she's told him as much and while I realize the baby is likely a large part of his hesitation to pull that divorce trigger, I would bet good money, he'd still be hesitating even if there were no baby. 

Because I've always felt that Liam could never quite get Steffy out of his system similar to how Ridge, even when married to Taylor, couldn't get Brooke out of his. Hope even said how he was always going to want her and she's right. 

Given his current situation, Liam has no business spending time with Hope and that's on both of them. His reaching out to Hope, his clearly enjoying her company, aren't just a salve to his wounded ego (and again, I do feel for him and it's hard to deny his deserving that salve as well as having someone in his corner), but he's on a very slippery (syrupy?) slope and unless and until he actually divorces Steffy, I'm going to call a waffle a waffle. YMMV, of course. Yes, he's vulnerable and wounded right now, but he's no less responsible for his actions than Steffy was the night she fucked Bill.

And I predict Liam is not only going to continue to spend time with Hope but will want to resume their relationship and all while he's still married to Steffy. 

Well said.

I like Liam and Hope together but Hope is playing a dangerous game and setting herself up to be devastated.  AGAIN.  It's clear that Hope and Liam never stopped loving each other but for some reason that love was never enough, especially for Liam.  I don't know if Liam loves Hauxdi as much as he loves who he is with Hauxdi.  I don't think he really LIKES Hauxdi that much.  I think he loves being the guy who can tell all the other nerds that he's married to STEFFY FORRESTER and see the look of awe in their eyes.  As for Hauxdi, she wants to be seen as a 'good' person and being married to a guy like Liam gives her the appearance of being a good person without any of the hard work.

If Liam wanted to end his marriage to Steffy, that's what he'd be doing.  The baby DOES complicate things but babies are born into difficult family situations every damn day.  I think Liam likes HURTING Steffy and I don't blame him one bit.  She deserves to be hurt.  But if Liam really cares for Hope, even as a friend, then he needs to get his life sorted before he takes another step with her.

Because we can all see how this ends; we've seen it before.  Liam, Hauxdi and the baby get back together.  Hope protests and the entire city of LA turns on her.  'You said you wanted them to get back together, Hope.  Were you LYING?  And you knew Liam was married!!  How could you believe him when he said he never wanted to be with Steffy again?  Didn't you know that Steffy is the LOVE OF HIS LIFE?'  And suddenly Hope is the villain.

Brooke needs to sit her daughter down and warn her about what happens when a woman 'follows her heart' with this crew.  It ain't pretty!!!

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

What is Nope's deal?

Is she championing Steamless, counting on it failing, so that she can be right there to swoop Liam back up and be able to claim clean hands?

Just like when Lope were running in opposite directions everytime they came across a bump in the road and Steffy finally stopped schemeing and left Waffles come to her, I feel like any effort to push them apart is wasted effort on Hope's part. They (well, mostly Steffy these days) are toxic and neither knows the other very well.

That said, it is odd that Hope has made this 180 in cheerleading for them after everything they put her through. Maturity doesn't mean being a brainless doormat. Bridget forgave Brooke, but she didn't go shilling for Brooke when the latter started fucking with Nick and Taylor.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Given his current situation, Liam has no business spending time with Hope and that's on both of them. His reaching out to Hope, his clearly enjoying her company, aren't just a salve to his wounded ego (and again, I do feel for him and it's hard to deny his deserving that salve as well as having someone in his corner), but he's on a very slippery (syrupy?) slope and unless and until he actually divorces Steffy, I'm going to call a waffle a waffle. YMMV, of course. Yes, he's vulnerable and wounded right now, but he's no less responsible for his actions than Steffy was the night she fucked Bill.

Word to the whole post, and this especially.

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18 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke needs to sit her daughter down and warn her about what happens when a woman 'follows her heart' with this crew.  It ain't pretty!!!

Ain't this the honest truth. Except Brooke is 'following her heart/destiny' once again with Ridge. It would be nice if in trying to warn Hope, Brooke came to the realization she made a mistake marrying Ridge and SHE be the one to end it with him for once!

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Senior moment, I forgot that Bill and Stuffy made love the end of November. Using that as the base, Stuffy could be in her 8th or 9th week.  In the picture, of the fetus, looks to be much further along than 9 weeks but I'm not going to question TIIC's idiocy on this subject. It just makes my head hurt. 

If Liam goes back to Stuffy, what is the purpose of bringing Hope back?  I'm sure it's not for Wyatt.  If it's going to be Brooke/Ridge, Stuffy/Liam, and Katie/Thorne dominating the airtime for the foreseeable future, not only my head will hurt but my stomach. 

Is Katie just like Brooke who is ready to move on even before she can change the sheets on her bed.  Also like Brooke, Katie giggles every time she gets flattered. 

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I’m already over this Hope. She repeats the same 4 lines over and over with that oh-so-worried look on her face. That dress and whatever that was over it looked ridiculous especially for a young woman with connections to FC. Her mom dresses much better than she does. I knew when Liam saw the ultrasound that he’d start to cave. He’s too soft hearted for his own good. Plus, that fetus was way older than Slutty’s pregnancy is supposed to be. They could already tell the sex? Nah. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

If Liam goes back to Stuffy, what is the purpose of bringing Hope back?  

That's the 64 thousand dollar question, ain't it? Why bring her back when there was Sally, would would have been a far better rival than Hope ever was? Not that I want Sally sacrificed for Liam's waffling ego, either, but give us something new FFS.

56 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I knew when Liam saw the ultrasound that he’d start to cave

As someone else pointed out, caving for the child is probably the only halfway acceptable excuse Liam has ever had. He doesn't have a hope or a prayer of sole custody, so he's stuck playing nice until Eggo Mini is born.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Okay then, Thorne. You're kinda shady in an opportunistic kinda way. I'm not mad at ya. ?

DEFCON 3! Liam is there! ?

Oh shut up, Hope. You're already interferring. You're hoving over Liam and Steffy like a police helicopter searchlighting a fugitive from justice. ?

So, Bill's having a girl for a change. ?

OMG, Thorne is a straight up pimp! "Yeah girl, the best way to get over Wyatt is to get under me. Here, let me give you a tonsil massage with my...whatever."

Steffy, stop using that innocent baby as a guilt machine! Ugh. Plenty of kids grow up just fine with parents who aren't married to each other. This is all about what you want and not so much about what the child needs. ?

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28 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So, Bill's having a girl for a change. ?

So we're getting another Phoebe. Phoebe Skye Spencer or Phoebe Aspen Spencer (can't take credit saw it on twitter). Ha!

Phoebe Kelly or Kelly Phoebe if they stick to her being Liam's.

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From the way Ridge tried to bully Hope into agreeing that $Bill 'took advantage' of Steffy, it looks like there's going to be trouble in Bridge-land soon.  I was proud of Hope for not backing down but I wouldn't be surprised if Ridge gets ugly with Hope very soon.  Since the shelf-life on Brooke's marriages is getting shorter and shorter, we might see our girl dump that Yeti she's married to and head for the land down-under.

Speaking of getting ugly, how long did it take Hauxdi before she started using that poor little fetus to strong-arm Liam into coming back?  I'm beginning to think that it might be a good idea if Liam DID go home?  Let Hauxdi see just how much she disgusts her husband on a daily, HOURLY basis.  And will the old 'cha cha cha' work when Hauxdi is 7 months pregnant?  I know that pregnant women can be very sexy but Hauxdi doesn't strike me as the type of woman who could pull it off.  Especially since JMW's going to be working with a pregnancy pad.  I also have a feeling that JMW won't want the pad to be TOO big, so she'll be the skinniest full term woman in history.

Katie might want to look into getting a restraining order because Thorne is getting a bit out of hand.

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59 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

I know that pregnant women can be very sexy but Hauxdi doesn't strike me as the type of woman who could pull it off.  Especially since JMW's going to be working with a pregnancy pad.  I also have a feeling that JMW won't want the pad to be TOO big, so she'll be the skinniest full term woman in history.

On one hand, pregnancy hormones can make a woman horny as hell so if Liam does move back home, he better keep his bedroom door locked unless he wants to find Steffy all over him.

On the other, spring/summer is coming soon and while pregnant women can rock bikinis, doubtful that Steffy will wear one since the actress will be wearing a pregnancy pad. But Hope will no doubt be sashaying it up in a two piece while Steffy has to content herself with stroking her big ole belly.

A little disappointed Steffy isn't having twins. Would've been fun for Liam to have the distraction of being overwhelmed in having two babies to plan for.

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I agree that the seeds were being sown today for the next implosion of GarBridge by the nasty way Sludge was treating Hope. I'm a little more clear now on Hope's agenda. She wants Liam for herself but she's using some type of bizarre reverse psychology (or overall craziness) to go about it. It's not helping that Brooke is fanning the flames with her side-talks of "motherly concern" by reinforcing (and subtly encouraging) Hope's feelings. Sludge looked like he wanted to ship Hope back to Italy on the next plane. I am glad that Hope stuck to her truthful story that Steffy wasn't "taken advantage of." Even if Sludge tries to pursue something legally against Bill, there is nothing that anybody can take back unless Steffy suddenly says she was drugged/drunk and unwillingly had sex with Bill. That cretin needs to drop it and haul his greasy hobo ass back to FC where he -- you know -- WORKS!! 

I guess that Brooke is still in her giddy honeymoon stage (again?) to speak up when Ridge gets testy with Hope. I was disappointed but not surprised. Seriously, Hope needs to butt out. This is another one who needs to get busy doing something constructive instead of going through the motions that she's "brokering peace" (who coined that ridiculous phrase, anyway?) with Steam. You know that if Steffy successfully guilts Liam into at least attempting a reconciliation, she's going to turn on Hope on a dime. This "we're family" nonsense will go straight out the window. She'll revert to her former ugly egregious behavior and all but forbid Liam and Hope to have any contact, which of course, will backfire.

So ... Hope ... if you want Liam back, then I say to play the game and get busy. Get to work on HFTF and start setting the table for Liam to have some cause and funding to go to work with. Guaranteed that if you ignore him and get busy with something else, especially if somebody like Wyatt, starts sniffing around, Liam will be back as fast as Brooke can snap her fingers.

I have no words for Thorne. Did he delete Wyatt's text on Katie's phone? His thirstiness is bordering on obsessiveness. What was with the "I came back to L.A. for you?" Da fuq? Didn't WH Thorne and Katie try to date or something back in the day and it didn't work out? Short memories (or erased memories ... ) If I tune in on Monday and find Thorne and Katie waking up together in Katie's bed, I'm going to be mighty dismayed.

There is something very unsettling about nuHope that I can't put my finger on. She's seems like she's got a dual personality or something. Something is definitely off about her, especially in her interactions with Ridge. She is always very meek and respectful but there seems to be this red hot quiet loathing churning around inside her that could cheerfully slit his throat. (I'll provide the knife.) I wish I could describe it better. Another thought ... is Hope aware of Swill 1.0? When she was questioning Hauxdi about Bill and her feelings for him, etc., it was like she was feeling her way blind. What that before or right after the recast of Hope in KM came back and was busy starting HFTF?

In some of the exam room scenes, there were times when Hauxdi looked exactly like Taylor. Her trying to cry or emote otherwise is just pointless.

Edited by grisgris
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40 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Another thought ... is Hope aware of Swill 1.0? When she was questioning Hauxdi about Bill and her feelings for him, etc., it was like she was feeling her way blind. What that before or right after the recast of Hope in KM came back and was busy starting HFTF?

Swill began a few months before Hope was recast. There was a lull in which Steffy switched to seducing Oliver for a bit, then it flared back up sometime between the Possé boink reveal and the Boinkberry nonsense (I missed a lot of that as B&B did not air on AFN overseas and this was before the CBS app came online). It came back to a head in mid-2011 when Katie had an actual heart attack when she saw them together. When Bill dumped her, Hope went to go rub it in.

So yeah, she knows.

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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Stuffy could be in her 8th or 9th week.


Liam and Steffy renewed their vows on the November 17 episode & did the deed that night, so if I'm counting right she'd be 13 weeks along (in real time).  And I am assuming Liam being the father will not change. I don't know what you can see on an ultrasound in 13 weeks, so I don't know how accurate it was.

8 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Katie might want to look into getting a restraining order because Thorne is getting a bit out of hand.

Yeah, pornstache needs to have some seats.

7 hours ago, grisgris said:

That cretin needs to drop it and haul his greasy hobo ass back to FC where he -- you know -- WORKS!! 

He does?  I didn't think anybody in that company worked :)

Edited by ByTor
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Thorne looks so skeevey to me. The moustache, the orange skin. Yuck. And Will must spend 20 hours a day at school somewhere. Katie has all of the time in the world to have secret hookups and loll around in her fancy robe. No pretense of even having a child and dealing with school runs, packing lunches or whatever. Will Will suddenly appear and be 18 and ready to work side by side with Brooke and Ridge's kid? I can't even remember his name!

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Also like Brooke, Katie giggles every time she gets flattered. 

I don't giggle much but I have a feeling if Thorne was looking at me like he looked at Katie, I'd be giggling too! Even with that 'mustache' that I hate, I find IR really attractive.  I think Katie and Thorne have some chemistry and there might be something there. At this point, Katie/Wyatt and Katie/Thorne is the only thing keeping me engaged in this show.

It was only a few weeks ago, this show was absolutely do not miss. And now? I'm barely hanging on again.

I hate, hate, hate the Steffy/Liam nonsense. Every single person pushing Liam to Steffy is beyond ridiculous. As if Ridge forgave Taylor instantly. As if Brooke herself forgave Ridge for Quinn-gate immediately. And this thing with the baby needing two parents in the home is driving me insane. No a child does not require that at all. FFS Steffy slept with her father in law and somehow the writers want the audience to believe she's the victim of Liam's inability to get past that? I guess sort of like on GH where the audience is required to believe that a mob boss is really a good guy. Blech.



Even if Sludge tries to pursue something legally against Bill, there is nothing that anybody can take back unless Steffy suddenly says she was drugged/drunk and unwillingly had sex with Bill.

In this time of #metoo, this show had better not go there. The Caroline/Thomas thing and the Quinn/Liam stuff was bad enough. I will be done with this show Steffy starts with that stuff.

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4 hours ago, ByTor said:


Liam and Steffy renewed their vows on the November 17 episode & did the deed that night, so if I'm counting right she'd be 13 weeks along (in real time).  And I am assuming Liam being the father will not change. I don't know what you can see on an ultrasound in 13 weeks, so I don't know how accurate it was.

That would actually make Steffy 15 weeks along already, since pregnancy weeks aren't counted from conception but from first day of last menstrual period. I guess it may be possible to determine the gender that early with an ultrasound, even though it's more accurate later on.

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I'm not surprised Ridge is making this all about him.  Ridge thinks everything is about him, and unfortunately, way to many people have not only let Ridge get away with this crap for decades, they've encouraged it by revolving their lives around him.

The writers needs to drop this idiocy ASAP.  Have the baby be Bill's, put Bill/Steffy together, put Liam/Hope together, have Ridge/Brooke get in an argument over it, have Brooke kill Ridge, and send Brooke to prison.  Then maybe there can be a new story line that doesn't involve some stupid triangle.

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In this time of #metoo, this show had better not go there. The Caroline/Thomas thing and the Quinn/Liam stuff was bad enough. I will be done with this show Steffy starts with that stuff.

Yep. I took an extended break from B&B because of the Caroline/Thomas and Quinn/Liam storylines. The next time I won't be coming back. AFAIC they're already skating on thin ice with Ridge's behavior in the Steffy & Bill mess. Steffy is a grown ass woman who has told him repeatedly that it was consensual sex. She would have no reason to tell such a lie, especially since it (might) cost her her marriage. She could've easily claimed it was some guy she met in a bar and kept Bill's name out of it. He sure wasn't going to contradict her unless he had/has solid reason to think that baby is his. Meanwhile, Ridge knew Caroline's baby wasn't his and was willing to keep Thomas from claiming his child. Ridge and his hypocrisy can take every seat in the Rose Bowl.


if it's possible Hope was pregnant when she went to Italy.

I guess it's possible but wouldn't the baby most likely be Wyatt's kid? Now that would be a game changer if she had a little Spencer grandbaby stashed away but not the one she would've preferred.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Well, that was certainly a dullish week.

Thorne is now officially creeping me out. I understand they are trying to up the character’s ante by having him be more forceful and assertive, but they are taking it all way too fast and it is too much over the top. Now it seems kinda stalkerish. And he deleted Wyatt’s message; that is something Ridge would do, not Thorne.

Is Maya now the official family gossip? If I saw two people kissing it wouldn’t be all that. Just watch, at the next board meeting, Maya will make some crazy announcement about Katie and Thorne. Of course that would mean that someone would have to show up, and I haven’t seen any of the principles at FC’s doing anything relating to work in weeks. How do they stay in business?

My dream is that Hope is pulling some kind of long, slow, mean spirited con. Drawing Steffy into her web and lowering the hammer once she has her complete trust and confidence. Never gonna happen, but a girl can dream right?

Listen up all you people beating the forgiveness drum; what Liam is trying to tell you in his overly nice and polite way is:



The thing about giving something a “label”, is that it makes it real. Give shelter animals a name, and it gives them identities. Now we know Steffy is packing a little female Spencer, she is going to where out “OUR little girl”, and “YOUR daughter”, and “Our little girl needs us! She will never survive a one parent household!”



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5 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

In this time of #metoo, this show had better not go there. The Caroline/Thomas thing and the Quinn/Liam stuff was bad enough. I will be done with this show Steffy starts with that stuff.


4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yep. I took an extended break from B&B because of the Caroline/Thomas and Quinn/Liam storylines. The next time I won't be coming back. AFAIC they're already skating on thin ice with Ridge's behavior in the Steffy & Bill mess. Steffy is a grown ass woman who has told him repeatedly that it was consensual sex. She would have no reason to tell such a lie, especially since it (might) cost her her marriage.

I didn't think it could get any worse than when Brooke's rape story became a vehicle for Heroic Ridge(tm) saving the day, but setting up a man for a rape he didn't commit (and that the "victim" had repeated stated was consenual to every last person who implied otherwise)....

Why is Bradley Bell going through with this? Is this the only way he can think of to redeem Bill for all his abhorrent behavior surrounding Spectra and Skye and Liam? Because yes, I will gladly support him ruining Ridge forever, but two wrongs don't make a right. He can't unfuck his daughter-in-law.

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Still 2.0 had sex the night before Steam renewed their vows, so it's perfectly possibly Baby Girl Spencer is Bill's.  Especially since Steam had so much trouble conceiving, but Hauxdi showed up preggers right after she fucked Liam's father. Willingly

I still think Bill changed the paternity results to make up to Liam for doing Hauxdi.

Now that we know it's Baby Girl S, Bill is going to have a hard time keeping the secret.  Wow --- a daughter after 3 boys.

If Sludge really does put Bill in jail for ..... reasons,  I think Bill will use his paternity as the get out of jail card.  "You can't put the father of Hauxdi's baby in jail"  And Hauxdi will have to tell the police that while yes it was a Night of Skank Sex -- no, it wasn't rape or assault or whatever Sludge is calling it.

I can also see Sludge trying to convince Bill and Hauxdi not to tell Liam and let him think the baby is his in order to save the Steam marriage. 

What if Hope were to find out and think Liam deserves to know?  Then you could have Sludge threatening Hope to keep quiet. Telling her she can't take away Liam's chance to be a daddy, that she can't ruin Hauxdi's life like that. That she has no right to be all moral about the sitch given how she was conceived.

Brooke notices something is wrong. Hope is obviously bothered by something. Hope and Ridge are avoiding/ sniping at each other and Sludge is pushing, pushing, pushing for Hope to go back to Milan. 

Brooke asks Sludge what is wrong and he sidesteps the conversation, saying it's time Hope left because just being in Bell-A is a threat to the Steam marriage. So Hope needs to vanish again to give Steam time to heal/reconcile. The Sludge/Hope situation opens cracks in Garbridge as Brooke is annoyed and hurt at how Sludge treats Hope.

Meanwhile Liam is still disgusted by Hauxdi and while thrilled about his impending fatherhood, isn't any closer to forgiving the Haux.  He's working on the charity end of HFTF and Lope are getting closer.  It's killing Hope to lie by omission to Liam every day. And she doesn't want to hurt her mother by revealing how awful Sludge is.

Then there is Hauxdi periodically haranguing Hope that she promised to support the marriage and not go after Liam.

And ...... then there is the Bill wild card.  He wants access to his "grandchild" and Hauxdi agrees.  Liam, however, goes ballistic and this leads to a huge Liam/Bill confrontation in which Bill blurts out the truth and reveals Sludge and Hauxdi's part in the deception.

Liam denounces Sludge, Bill and Hauxdi and storms out -- done with them all.  Liam hits rock bottom and turns to Hope for therapy.  Hope tells him she knew about the paternity. Tells him about Sludge's threats to her, about keeping quiet not to hurt her mother, about wrestling with telling Liam the truth but wanting him to be the father he always wanted to be.

Liam is initially furious, but forgives Hope. He then tells Hauxdi to sign the annulment papers or he's going to spill the entire sordid story naming names to the tabloids. 

Eric gets wind of all this and tells Hauxdi to sign the papers, reams out Sludge, and takes the co-CEO away from them, Eric then resumes being CEO himself, naming Thorne as his right hand man and co-head designer

Sludge goes home to Brooke to bitch about his demotion, Thorne, Hope, the demise of Steam, etc, etc.  But Brooke -- who now knows everything -- has his bags already packed, hands him annulment papers, and tells him to sign them and get out. She says she's put up with a lot from him for years and years, but threatening her daughter was the last straw. Especially because Hope wanted to tell the truth and Sludge wanted to perpetuate a lie.  Just like he did with Thomas and Douglas.

This would be a perfect way for Sludge to leave the show -- going back to Paris and write pomes or whatever he was doing,  Garbridge could be broken for good.  Red Suit Brooke could reappear at FC and stay single -- dating a string of people off camera.  

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I'm signing on to all the above!  I am certain that the growing hostility between Sludge and Hope is going to start cracking GarBridge.  Having Bill be the father of Haudxi's baby is really the only way to keep him involved in the SL. Otherwise, everybody has kicked him to the curb and he has nothing.

Also, permanent exile of Sludge to Paris (or further away even) can allow KKL to live in Aussieland part of the year but still be a viable character. Win-Win.

I am disappointed that the Swill/Steam spawn is a girl.  As Steffy has never really been able to bond with any other women, I just can't see her raising a female. I fear that as the child got older, Haux would start seeing her as competition in all aspects of life -- especially for Liam's attention and affection. I think Liam will make a fine father to a "daddy's little girl," and if it were a boy, he'd probably feel a stronger pull to go back to Hauxdi. I know. I know. It's just that father-son thing. Liam's going to be a good parent to any living being.

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9 hours ago, Videnbas said:

That would actually make Steffy 15 weeks along already, since pregnancy weeks aren't counted from conception but from first day of last menstrual period.

If conception happened on November 17th, the fetus could not be any more than 13 weeks old, the point of that being how old the fetus would have to be to get a whole lot on an ultrasound.

Edited by ByTor
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Brooke has never had an issue with anyone being an ass to Hope, why would she start now? Of course that was Dolla but Ridge is destiny for now. 

Hope and Liam getting intimate will\would zoom Steffy right back into Dolla's bed, then what would Ridge do?

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Considering what Brooke did to Bridget, it's no surprise she doesn't care if people treat Hope like crap especially if it's Brooke's destiny of the moment.  The only thing Brooke cares about is herself, and whatever married guy she is currently pursuing.

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10 hours ago, ByTor said:

If conception happened on November 17th, the fetus could not be any more than 13 weeks old, the point of that being how old the fetus would have to be to get a whole lot on an ultrasound.


I know, but pregnancy length (gestational age) isn't the same as the age of the fetus. The actual age of the fetus is never used at ultrasounds, doctor's appointments, or anywhere during a pregnancy - they always count gestational age, which adds 14 days to the date of conception. A 13 week old fetus equals a pregnancy 15 weeks along in every single medical situation you find yourself in while pregnant, up to giving birth at approximately 40 weeks (when the baby is actually 38 weeks old). And an ultrasound at 15 weeks may reveal the gender of the child, even if it's more accurate a few weeks further along.

Edited by Videnbas
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2 hours ago, Videnbas said:

I know, but pregnancy length (gestational age) isn't the same as the age of the fetus.

I was merely pointing out that the baby was conceived more than 8-9 weeks ago & that the fetus would be 13 weeks old (assuming it happened on the 17th).  I'm not really getting why pregnancy length keeps getting brought up, since that has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make, along with the fact that we Preverts are smart people, we know what it is. 

Edited by ByTor
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Actually, I didn’t know all that cuz my family is small and all my high school gal friends only just began having babies, lol. 

But tracking time in a soap opera is like teaching a dog Common Core Math. One day her stomach will be flat, and the next, she’ll be sporting a bump. :/

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:


But tracking time in a soap opera is like teaching a dog Common Core Math. One day her stomach will be flat, and the next, she’ll be sporting a bump. :/

So true!  Like in Y&R, Lily goes to LA, for a week, and her twins age 7 years making her a mother at 15. 

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