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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Between Zende standing up for Maya last week and their hug and him standing up for her again today...could some kind of Zaya affair possibly happen? I know Maya is supposed to be Rick's ride or die chick and I may be overly suspicious, but this smells of set up for something down the line.

If something does happen, I want Sasha back in town so she can point and laugh during the fallout.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Good grief! Nicole, Zende, Rick and Maya all live in the same house (not belonging to any of them!). No one is moving, are they? BTW, why couldn't Rick and Maya have adopted?

The first words out of my mouth when Katie mentioned women in bikinis and men in suits was "Sexist!" Glad they acknowledged that. 

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Anyone else think that they went back & taped the scenes that aired today like maybe last night or early this morning? I'm thinking they read our message boards & took note to correct that shit, because a lot of the things we've bitched about were addressed today, & I don't feel like they were originally going to be. Maya was actually contrite (still looking at your behavior towards Ally, so no forgiveness yet), Julius was less of an ass after Nicole signed the papers than he has been (seriously, redeem him, he's way too good to lose, & he legit upgrades everyone around him) Rick apologized, for real, Zende suggested adoption & Nicole was actually responsive & said more words today than she has in the entire previous 3 weeks of this storyline. Again, the writers' best idea in this storyline was to give Nicole's ideas/voice to Julius, because OB is far superior in range, emoting & acting than RE, poor, pretty girl. 

So, Katie has a huge mansion next to the Forrester estate, & she & her stepson/future fling can't even eat in the kitchen or dining room, they have to eat in the living room, right next to the telescope that she uses to spy on his mother & the man she'd like to bag? Not.weird.at.all.

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Recap for Tues. 6/2817:

The Ambien couple is the main storyline today but at least we have Anna and Obba to keep things interesting.

We open at FC where those two "consummate professionals", Fauxdi and Waffles, are making out in the CEO office/boardroom. At least Fauxdi's co-CEO actually appears to work (designing) when he's not eye-fucking his stepmommy/president. Bill should fire Waffle's good for nothing ass. 

Katie is outside and she thinks back to the conversation with Wyatt about the Spencer Summit and their idea for a swimwear fashion show. She enters the office, interrupting the making out (thank goodness!) and tells them she has an idea she'd like to run by Steffy. Liam exits, presumably to go home and loaf at the beach house. Nice work if you can get it.

Steffy is actually interested in Katie's idea and she does a good job pitching the plan for the Spencer Summit: "Okay, imagine a beach in Monte Carlo. The cocktails are flowing. Rosé for days. It's hot, it's sultry. The air is thick with anticipation and we reveal our new collection, Forrester swimwear -- bikinis, sarongs, elegant caftans. What do you think of the concept so far?"

Steffy, clearly imagining herself as lead model: "It's sexy and glamorous. Really edgy. I like it. Logistically, it might be challenging, but it has a lot of potential. I'll think about it."

Katie: "Okay, well, that's all I can ask."

Steffy: "Katie, I have to say, I'm really impressed. You had, what, a day and a half, and you came up with this on your own. Not bad." Um, she had a big assist from Wyatt.

Steffy: "I'll give your idea some serious consideration. I'll pitch it to my father, run the numbers. But you're onto something."

Katie: "Great.  I'm glad you like it."

Steffy: "I just can't believe I didn't even think of it myself." Me, too, considering what an attention whore she is.

In the photo studio, Coco and RJ make their relationship official on social media, posting a cute picture. They share a kiss to celebrate and honestly, I'm just not feeling this storyline. It's not Coco as I think she's lovely and the actress has some chops, but Slouchey is best in the smallest of doses (trot him out for the holidays and that's about it). He seems WAY younger than her and the longer the two interact, the more apparent that's become.

Zende pops in and these two  have to hear about Nicole's issues. Again. 

Coco: "How is she doing?"

Zende: "You know what? I think I figured out part of the problem, why she's been so attached to Lizzy. It's her father. He needs to stop messing with her head." 

Coco: "Nicole confided in me about her fertility issues."

Zende: "Yeah, yeah, it's been a struggle. On top of that, her father thinks that she should keep Lizzy."

Coco: "Well, maybe you should talk to Nicole's mom about this."

RJ pipes up: "That's a good idea." Shut it, Pipsqueak. Let the adults talk.

Zende: "Yeah. If I have any chance of helping my wife, I need to speak to her mother." Yes, please, bring on Viv to set things right. He leaves and Coco and RJ are free to kiss some more.  Is Katie the only one doing any work?

Over in the design office, Maya and Rick are filling in Viv on the adoption issue.  Lizzie is playing on a blanket on the floor next to them.

Maya: "Nicole won't sign the adoption papers."

Vivienne: "She's going through something, Maya. The doctors told her she might not be able to have another child. I mean, maybe she just needs a little time."

Rick: "I'm sorry. Nothing's changed. Maya and I are Lizzy's parents. All we're asking her is for a signature."

Vivienne: "I'm sure Nicole understands that, Rick."

Maya: "Then why is she doing this? Why doesn't she understand that I'm Lizzy's mother?" She cuddles Lizzy, then puts her down for a  nap.

Vivienne: "I don't know what to make of this. Nicole's heart is broken. She wants a child so badly."

Rick: "I know she does. But to hang this over our head?"

Vivienne: "That's not Nicole. I mean, something else is getting to her."

Maya: "Oh, no. Not something. Someone." Viv gives her a "Who?" look and Maya answers in one word: "Daddy."


Maya: "Dad said that I am not Lizzy's real mother, that legally and genetically she is Nicole's."

Vivienne sees the hurt in  her daughter's eyes and hurts for her as she does her younger daughter: "Baby, I am so sorry. We're gonna figure this out as a family." You can see the determination in Viv's eyes.

Zende comes in then and realizes Viv is aware of Julius' involvement in Nicole's refusal to sign the adoption papers.

Zende: "Look, he's leading Nicole in the wrong direction. He's all in her head right now. It is not his place to try to convince her not to sign those papers. It needs to stop."

Rick: "Nicole is vulnerable and Julius is taking advantage."

Maya: "It's not fair that she's having trouble conceiving, but it is not okay for Dad to be putting ideas in her head like this."

Zende: "He's telling her that the adoption not being official is a sign."

Maya: "He said I should be grateful that I had one good year with Lizzy, that that was enough because it was something that I thought was unimaginable, that I should just hand Lizzy over to Nicole!"

Vivienne is appalled: "Julius! I swear, that's crazy. He can't really mean that."

Zende: "He does."

Vivienne is pissed: "Well, no. Well, then we have to put a stop to it. We need to speak to Nicole right away."

They agree to confront Julius and Nicole, who are over at the Forrester mansion. Maya picks up Lizzy (that was a short nap LOL). She's worried about what will happen if they can't get through to her. 

Zende is resolute and RF continues to be a revelation: "We will. We have to. We have to stop Julius."


Over at SP, Liam finally shows up to work. Well, he showed up to his place of work. Any actual work performed by him remains to be seen.

He tells Wyatt the news that Katie got his old position at FC. 

Newsflash, Mr. Day Late-Dollar Short, Wyatt already knows and is totally cool with it.

Liam: "What? Well, forgive me if I'm a little surprised you're not jealous." 

Wyatt: "Why would I be? She's a friend and I'm happy for her."

Liam: "Yeah, sure, till she shows you up." Normally, I love the Brothers Spencer but not when the one who is not Wyatt is acting like a jackwagon.


Wyatt is non-plussed: "Well, more power if she does."


Liam: "Well, she's already pitching ideas to Steffy, so there's that." Seriously, what is his angle here? Proving once again his Mr. Goody Two Shoes act ain't shit.

Wyatt: "Really?

Liam: "Yep. She came in just as I was leaving. She seemed really enthusiastic about whatever it is she's got in mind."

Wyatt: "Well, she should be. I predict people will be pleasantly surprised by what she's capable of and I think she's gonna be a real asset to Forrester." Proving once again why he's the better Spencer brother.

He continues to praise Katie and I'm not sure I'm here for the lauding of LemonHeads, talking about her strength and being a mom while having a fulltime career. He calls her a "single mother" and no, she isn't. Bill, from everything we've been shown and know, is a devoted loving father, especially so as he didn't get to father his older sons. 

They speculate as to what changes Katie will make, with Wyatt thinking it will be "pretty exciting and provocative." Well, Katie's about as provocative as an avocado these days but something tells me that's about to change.

Later, Wyatt gets a call from an excited Katie who just can't wait to share her news about the pitch.

Wyatt, answering: "Is this the Katie Logan?"

Katie laughs (and I will admit, she is much more pleasant these days...just wait til she gets a little Wyatt lovin' - okay, I'm getting ahead of myself, but I foresee a Spencer Summit in more ways than one if you catch my meaning and I know you do). "Yeah, it is. Do you have a second?"

Wyatt indicates in the affirmative and asks if she pitched the idea and he seems genuinely interested.

Katie: "I did."

Wyatt: "Yeah? What she say?"

Katie: "She said it was sexy and glamorous with a little bit of an edge."

Wyatt teases: "Glamorous, sexy, edgy. Wow. You know, those were my trademarks when I worked there at Forrester."

Katie: "Well, I guess they're my trademarks now."

Wyatt: laughs: "Yeah, I guess so."

Katie: "Seriously,  I can't thank you enough."

Wyatt waves off her thanks, "Come on. We came up with the idea together."

Katie: "I feel bad taking all of the credit."

Wyatt: "Would you stop? This is a good thing, Katie. It's an amazing opportunity for you and I couldn't be happier. And like I said before, if you need anything, anything at all, I am more than willing to help." Helpful, supportive, cute (except for the unfortunate haircut)...how she isn't half in love with him already, I don't know. I mean, all Ridge had to do was read some poemes and kick around a soccer ball and she was a smitten kitten.

Katie: "Well, I appreciate that, and thank you for letting me run with it. So I'll keep you posted." She is all smiles as she hangs up the phone.


Over at the Forrester mansion, Julius is continuing his best Iago imitation.

Nicole: "Look, I came to pick up some papers for the office. You shouldn't have followed me." So he's stalking his own daughter now? Creepy.

Julius: "Do you still have the adoption papers?"

Nicole: "They're in my bag. And I have not signed them yet."

Julius: "And I hope you never will."

He asks to look at the papers and Nicole hands them to him: "Can I see those papers? Hmm. Yeah, see, they thought this was all signed and sealed, a done deal. But it's not. You think this is an accident? It's not an accident. This is a gift from the heavens. This is a sign that Lizzy should be with her real mother. You, Nicole." Nicole just looks as zombie like as always and it pisses me off afresh because this storyline could be quite compelling if EVERYONE brought their A game.

Julius: "Maya has been selfish her whole life and our family has suffered because of it. If Maya was meant to have a child, then she would have had the means." How dare he...motherfucker.

Nicole weakly tries to argue with him, "I can't have a baby, either. You could say the same about me. Am I being punished?"

Julius: "No. The only person that's punishing you is Maya by making you her surrogate."

Nicole: "I made the choice to do it." Yes, she did. Pressure or not, she could have said no and drawn the line at being an egg donor. Although why do I feel like if something had happened to her ovaries/eggs, it would be the same result.

Julius: "Yes! But you were too young to make that decision! You should have never been put in that position! And look at what's happened because of it! You've got a broken heart. I mean, you're yearning for your daughter. You can't have another child because of that birth! You're the one that's suffering, Nicole, and I'm only saying this because I'm your father and I love you, and I only want the best for you! Listen, you have made a tremendous sacrifice for Maya, and what she is doing to you, it is just wrong." Julius isn't wrong in his reasoning for why she shouldn't have been asked in the first place, but time and place, man. Time and place. Plus, his driving impetus is his hatred and bigotry towards his eldest child so I just cannot with him.


Julius: "You have been given a second chance, a chance to do the right thing for Lizzy, to raise her in a traditional family home and give you and Zende the baby that you so both desperately desired. Nicole, don't sign these papers. That child is made of your flesh and blood. You carried her in your womb for nine months! You created her! You brought her into this world, not Maya!" WTF to his "traditional" family comment but it's clearly another dig at Maya...and he just crowned himself king of Delusionland about giving the baby to Zende when Lizzy's is Rick's child no matter whether Nicole signs those papers or not and Zende wants no part of taking a child away from her rightful parents.

Vivienne: "Julius Avant!" YASSS, preach it, Mama Viv! Read his bigoted, biased ass for filth!  She marches toward the living room with Maya, Rick, and Zende right on her heels. Not that she needs backup because she can bring IT all on her own. "What the HELL do you think you're doing?! What kind of nonsense are you putting in this child's head?!"


Julius: "Oh, come on, Viv. You know that what I'm saying is the truth." You wouldn't know truth if it came in the form of a golf club that came and smacked upside your thick head. And don't you sass my Viv!

Vivienne: "I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear it!"

Rick: "You know, Julius, every day I lose more and more respect for you. How can you say something like that to your daughter?"

Maya, holding Lizzy, "Honestly, Dad, nothing you say hurts or surprises me anymore, but I will not let you come between me and my sister." Her quiet resignation is heartbreaking.

Julius, staring right at her, so he can't help but see her child, perfectly content in her mother's arms: "That is your sister's child, not yours!"

Zende: "Don't listen to him, Nicole. You're going through a lot right now. I know what you're feeling. You're feeling afraid and you feel helpless, but I am right here, and I ain't going nowhere. You know what? We may not have a family the way we imagined, but we'll get through this together. This is our battle, you and me, husband and wife. You have to stop listening to him." Preach, Zende! (I know...)


Julius: "Excuse me? But do you realize that's my daughter you're talking to?" I could ask the same question of him when he talks to Maya.

Zende completely ignores him and talks directly to Nicole who hasn't changed her facial expression from zombie - get it fucking together, Reign!

Zende: "Look, I know you were raised to respect your father, and I want you to honor that, but listen to what he is saying to Maya and what he's saying to you. What he's encouraging you to do is not fair to you! It's not fair to Maya and it's not fair to Lizzy! You cannot let him get in your ear! Baby, I got you. I'm your husband. I always will. Look, you made a promise to them. And you have to keep it. You'll be a mother someday, but not to Lizzy. That man standing right there is Lizzy's father, not me. And the woman standing next to him is Lizzy's mother, your sister, the woman who has been raising her since birth. Now, look, your father, he's wrong. But you can do what's right. Let this go so we can move on with our lives. Sign those adoption papers. Put this behind us." RF is on fire during this speech and that's one silver lining from this storyline. 

At least, we see his words finally penetrate as Nicole is shaking and in tears.


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2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

The first words out of my mouth when Katie mentioned women in bikinis and men in suits was "Sexist!" Glad they acknowledged that. 

I say they have men in bikinis and women in suits! :P

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37 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

. The air is thick with anticipation and we reveal our new collection, Forrester swimwear -- bikinis, sarongs, elegant caftans.

Hmmm, I wonder if they'll be showing any from KKL's line!

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Finally, baby mama drama is put to rest and it's a win loose situation. Now Nicole will go to the doctor that fixed Steffy and Nicole will be pregnant by the end of the summer.  Only Mom and Pop Avant brought it today. Other than that, the scene would have played better using marionettes. 

Can someone tell me why they were in the living room at Eric's house. If it was Brooke's house, than why was Quinn's portrait over the fireplace?  

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The acting on today's episode was so good, RE was actually inspired to show some life.  RF continues to amaze and delight.  I don't know what he's doing to up his game so much but he needs to keep doing it and for God's sake share it with RE because she was so very much the odd man out today.

The Baby Lizzie drama is probably done and dusted but I really wish TPTB focused on the Avants because that's a family in crisis.  To see the family (minus one) embrace so lovingly while Julius just stands there with a look of iron on his face was heartbreaking.  There is still so much hurt and pain there and it would wonderful to see them try to work it out.  How can they play 'happy families' now after all that's been said.  Vivienne is going to definitely refuse to support Julius' ass if all he's going to do is get up to mischief.   The thing is, Julius and Maya are closer than they realize.  Both of them would do anything and use anyone to get what they want.  But there is so much hurt, anger and betrayal between them.  OB and KM have the chops to pull the story off.  Maybe if they send Nicole off to Paris to consult with the doctor Steffy saw, we wouldn't have to bother with RE.  Zende would have to stay in LA for work.  And if Sasha came back...happy days would be here again.

Somebody at B&B recently took a theatre history course because we have Julius Iagoing all over the place and now Wyatt is playing Cyrano de Bergerac for Katie. 

Speaking of Sasha, I think putting Katie and Wyatt together is a dreadful idea.  Why can't a man and woman be friends on this show?  The two have such great 'friend' chemistry and it would be nice if somebody resisted having an affair with a relative.  Wyatt needs a woman like Sasha.  She knows what it's like to be the 'other' sibling and come in second place.  They would be good for each other.  Wyatt's already fucked his sister-in-law, he doesn't need to fuck his little brother's mommy.

My spidey senses are telling me there's going to be a Forrester vs Spectra walk-off in Monte Carlo.  I would give anything if Sally kicked Fauxdi's ass.  And if Hope flew in from Milan...!!!!!!!

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I would love to see Katie and Wyatt being good friends but a romance? Just NO. She was married to his dad! Time for some new blood on this show. They've all married each other so much that I can't even remember who married who and had what child with what spouse. ZZZZzzzzz. Why can't we have a real friendship on this show?

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If Maya and Nicole were played by good actresses the writers could have run with a storyline in which Nicole didn't sign the papers and all hell broke loose. Instead we got an anticlimax full of crying and hugging. Yawn.

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Everyone was fantastic today. Wow! I have to say it's the FIRST time I agreed with Pappa Pope. It's Nicole's decision and she should feel no pressure about it, what Maya asked of her was selfish and wrong and it never should have happened, especially at her age? Are you kidding? Maya needs to learn that her needs aren't the only ones that matter. I'm glad she told Nicole that she wouldn't fight her and it was her decision, she owes her that.

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I'm glad today's show was resolved the way it was. Lizzie belongs with R & M. I have two questions. 1) Why were we subjected to weeks of Coma Nicole? 2) Rick is Lizzie's biological father. Why wasn't he consulted by Maya before she said that this was Nicole's decision "as always" when Nicole signed the original papers immediately after Lizzie's birth? He was stunned when Maya said it was N's decision. No, it wasn't. It was also his as Lizzie's father. I respectfully disagree with Slayer2's comment above. This was all done a year ago, agreed to, signed to and done with. R & M have raised this child for a year. Let's move on now, please.

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Yes. I agree that TPTB must have been reading this board after listening to the dialogue today:

1. Viv to the rescue for shutting down that charade of a "caring father." (Why she stays married to that lazy philanderer has me scratching my head ...)

2. Maya admitted she was selfish.

3. Maya called out her parents (mainly Julius) for being lousy parents. Too bad Sasha wasn't around to chime in for that part regarding "Daddy Dearest."

4.  Zende brought up that he was adopted and suggested it as an option for Nicole and him.

5.  Rick brought up the elephant in the room that HE is Lizzie's father, regardless of what Nicole decided to do.

I know there are more but that was a start. What was incorrect when Zende was waxing on like he was beside Nicole's side throughout Lizzie's pregnancy and he wasn't.  He got disgusted and bailed and hooked up with Sasha. At least he acknowledged that Nicole did what she chose to do regardless of how much everybody warned her that something like this situation may arise.

I still thought RE gave a lackluster performance today. She's had it pretty easy for the past few weeks. She's had literally no lines to learn and all she's really had to do was show up, shuffle blue papers and cry on cue.  I am happy for RF though.  It was rough but he brought it home when he had to. Now, get all of them off the screen. That SL is thankfully and blessedly OVER!

Re: Sheila and "hands off." She has always been like that if anybody dared to lay a hand on her. However, the first time she went to jail, she was raped with a police baton by a gang of fellow female prisoners. (They kind of showed it which was pretty "bold" for daytime TV back in the 90s.)  God only knows what happened to her while she was in prison.

Re: Waite. I don't think that any of us want to see Wyatt and Katie get together. It's like we really don't have a choice. Brad Bell is still firmly sunk in the deep end of the incest pool. Granted, we've been getting some major concessions like the Spectras and return of Sheila but that still doesn't resolve the dearth of fresh new eligible partners for the single characters.  Right now, Katie and Wyatt are popular characters at loose ends. I don't see Wyatt getting back together with Ivy (although I'd be OK with that) and I don't know what suddenly derailed Katie's not-so-subtle interest in Eric but that seems to be over. I think that somehow Eric is going to end up back with Sheila.  Maybe not married but I think she is going to have something to do with the big reveal to him about Queridge.

Really, Ridge should have just been killed off when RM decided to leave. That would have been cleaner and prevented the chemical disaster between TK and KKL.  The idea of bringing him on as a totally new out-of-town character would have been perfect.  That would have cut all ties with Ridge to Brooke and the slate would be clean to move forward.  If TK were on recurring then that minus RM's salary could have freed up money to bring on some new leading men and perhaps keep Sasha around for Wyatt or Thomas. (I wouldn't mind Satt either.)

To resurrect an old saying, "Wyatt is the lesser of two evils," when it comes down to romantic choices for Katie.

I think the mother of all stories would be a HUGE TWIST. Viv, fed up with Julius, dumps his sorry ass and ends up with Eric! 

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I totally agree that Ridge should have been killed off and TK brought on as a new character. Perhaps then he and KKL could have begun a new relationship and generated some chemistry. As it was written, they had absolutely no chemistry from the get go. They were so boring together and trying to make something of this on screen when it was just impossible. I've never watched this actor on any other show and others have said he's been really good on other soaps but holy cow. Maybe he's just doing this for the money or recognition or publicity but he's so damn blah as Ridge. I hated Ronnnnnn Mosssss-he was just a horrible actor to the point that he was laughable but at least I believed him as Ridge Forrester. This guy-nope. 

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OK guys so who was the girl that got arrested. Just caught the end of an episode a day or two ago here and she was being handcuffed by the towns resident cop.


I did love all the long meaningful stares of everyone in that room till the credits rolled.  Classic Bold.

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam: "What? Well, forgive me if I'm a little surprised you're not jealous." 


Why would he be jealous? Wyatt left of his own accord and Katie has had experience as PR well before Wyatt or Liam won the DNA lottery to be gifted their jobs.

Also, Wyatt isn't an insecure whiny bitch who expects women's lives to revolve around his fragile ego, so there's that.

5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Julius: "Maya has been selfish her whole life and our family has suffered because of it. If Maya was meant to have a child, then she would have had the means." How dare he...motherfucker.

Well, Julius is right for the entirely wrong reason. Maya's sins stand on their own merit, independent of her gender identity. If shes a gold digging, entitlement bitch, she learned from the very fucking best.

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42 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:


Why would he be jealous? Wyatt left of his own accord and Katie has had experience as PR well before Wyatt or Liam won the DNA lottery to be gifted their jobs.

Also, Wyatt isn't an insecure whiny bitch who expects women's lives to revolve around his fragile ego, so there's that.

Well, Julius is right for the entirely wrong reason. Maya's sins stand on their own merit, independent of her gender identity. If shes a gold digging, entitlement bitch, she learned from the very fucking best.

I disagree about the gold-digging, always have, but she sure is profound at entitlement, and you are absolutely right that she learned from the best.

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Why is this entire Nicole/Maya and others scene happening in Eric&Quinn's living room where none of these people live? Eric & Quinn aren't even home.

I haven't seen today's episode yet but I think yesterday Nicole was sent to Eric's house to pick up some business papers and then everyone followed her over there once they realized Julius was there Iago-ing. Though I'm fuzzy on how Julius knew Nicole was there.  

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38 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I haven't seen today's episode yet but I think yesterday Nicole was sent to Eric's house to pick up some business papers and then everyone followed her over there once they realized Julius was there Iago-ing. Though I'm fuzzy on how Julius knew Nicole was there.  

Yes, Nicole was sent to Eric's to pick up papers and Julius followed her there. I forgot about this in yesterday's episode.  Zende knew Nicole was there so they all jumped in the mini-van and made a beeline for Eric's.  Conveniently nobody was home and they rudely used Eric's living room for their forum.  

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4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I'm glad today's show was resolved the way it was. Lizzie belongs with R & M. I have two questions. 1) Why were we subjected to weeks of Coma Nicole? 2) Rick is Lizzie's biological father. Why wasn't he consulted by Maya before she said that this was Nicole's decision "as always" when Nicole signed the original papers immediately after Lizzie's birth? He was stunned when Maya said it was N's decision. No, it wasn't. It was also his as Lizzie's father. I respectfully disagree with Slayer2's comment above. This was all done a year ago, agreed to, signed to and done with. R & M have raised this child for a year. Let's move on now, please.

Rick's paternity would not have been affected if Nicole hadn't signed. He'd still be the father. Since they all live together, visitation wouldn't have been a problem.

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I thought today was pretty good even if this whole storyline seemed out of nowhere and the resolution rushed through.  I suppose there is still potential down the road for more Nicole surrogacy-inspired drama if Maya gets contract-negotiation cancer or 5 years from now when a SORAS'ed Lizzie is going through teenage angst... just glad it's done for now.  

Katie and Wyatt - that was weird. I get that it's happening and why but I'm just not seeing any romantic chemistry with them. If I had a choice I'd rather have Hope back for him. Or Sasha. Even Darlita would be better.    

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48 minutes ago, tessaray said:

contract-negotiation cancer


I'm glad this story is finally over with as well. Good grief, RE could stand to take a master class from Ronn "Motherrrrrrr!" Moss on acting. 

Protip to Raya: next time don't be cheap asses and pay for an actual surrogate. Or at least maybe use Hope's uterus next go-around (but not her eggs. That's important, guys!). She had all the maturity of a kitten where Liam was concerned but I'd like to think she has more life experience and wisdom than Nicole currently does.

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5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:


I'm glad this story is finally over with as well. Good grief, RE could stand to take a master class from Ronn "Motherrrrrrr!" Moss on acting. 

Protip to Raya: next time don't be cheap asses and pay for an actual surrogate. Or at least maybe use Hope's uterus next go-around (but not her eggs. That's important, guys!). She had all the maturity of a kitten where Liam was concerned but I'd like to think she has more life experience and wisdom than Nicole currently does.

I saw a news article that actually talks to the subject of Nicole's maturity. Nicole's decision to be a surrogate and than to sign the adoption papers was purely emotional at her age.  People aren't usually capable of making rational decisions until their mid to late 20's.  Rational decisions favor logic, objectivity, and analysis.  In no uncertain terms, Rick and Maya took advantage of Nicole and even Zende for that matter.  

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7 hours ago, tessaray said:

I thought today was pretty good even if this whole storyline seemed out of nowhere and the resolution rushed through.  I suppose there is still potential down the road for more Nicole surrogacy-inspired drama if Maya gets contract-negotiation cancer or 5 years from now when a SORAS'ed Lizzie is going through teenage angst... just glad it's done for now.  

Katie and Wyatt - that was weird. I get that it's happening and why but I'm just not seeing any romantic chemistry with them. If I had a choice I'd rather have Hope back for him. Or Sasha. Even Darlita would be better.    

Yeah, that's always what happens in these custody battle cases. The mom that wins custody ends up dying years later and leaves the child to the 'other' mom.  Heck, that's how E3's custody battle began with Becky getting her baby back over Amber and Rick and living happily with CJ and then up and dying with custody up in the air and as has been pointed out, Rick seeking out Deacon to get him to sign over his custodial rights and well...things got ugly.

But it does set up a Rick/Nicole/Zende triangle down the road if it does happen. Rick will not want to share Lizzie with Nicole and easily steamroll over Zende to give Lizzie the 'stable' family he didn't have growing up.

I feel like with Watie we gotta see that first kiss and if there is chemistry and how they characters react to it. When it happens it has to be unexpected and surprise to them both. If it's a drunken kiss leading to mutual drunk sex...eh.

Dropping Sasha was one of the most boneheaded moves this show has done in that she's got a place in all of the main stories but isn't related to everyone: The Avant drama, a place over at Spectra (as a model since working at Forrester under Maya would be out), and is a woman Liam hasn't looked twice so she's all free for Wyatt.  I can see her and Quinn bumping heads but Sasha not scaring so easily and for some reason I've always thought she'd make a great daughter in law for Bill.

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Recap for Wed. 6/28/17:

I'll start with the Watie scenes as most of the main action is in the Forrester living room.

Katie opens her door to find Wyatt astride one of Will's Tonka trucks. Ha!


Katie smiles: "Did you drive that here?"

Wyatt: "I did."

He's adorable here so, of course, she invites him in, thanking him for returning one of Will's favorite toys.

Wyatt: "Yeah, you're welcome. Yeah. I have some old ladies I have to save from burning buildings on my way back to work, so..." He makes a move to exit, but Katie stops him.

Katie: "You don't have to go back to work just yet. Call Bill, tell him that you're having something to eat, and I will feed you."

Wyatt is visibly surprised and touched: "That actually sounds pretty good. I mean, I can't even remember what food that's not takeout tastes like, so yeah, let's do it." It's pretty clear he hasn't had any nurturing in some time. I doubt he got much from Steffy or Hope as they were both still pining after his brother and Quinn doesn't strike me as the nurturing kind. 

Katie shares her idea for lunch and Wyatt thinks it sounds great. I think she could have said "boiled fingernails" and he would have said it sounded great. It's kind of sad, actually. Katie says she'd like to pick his brain a bit more regarding the swimwear fashion show.

Wyatt: "Oh, yeah. Yeah, you feed me, you save my mother from bullets. We can talk about Monte Carlo all you want."

Later, they are eating lunch and Wyatt is clearly impressed, all agog as he looks at his plate. It does look pretty good. 

 Wyatt: "So, you just went to the kitchen, and poof, this happened? This came out?"

Katie: "Well, I don't know about "poof." I mean, I grilled the chicken yesterday. But yes, yes, I am Superwoman. You should see my cape."

Wyatt: "Well, I would love to." And this is the moment where I see a little something changing in Wyatt's mind where his former stepmother is concerned and he's a little thrown by it. He quickly shakes the thoughts off: "Uh, hey,  you didn't happen to mention me when you pitched Steffy the swimsuit idea, right?"

Katie: "No, I would never do that without your permission."

Wyatt: "But she went for it?"

Katie: "She said she was giving it serious consideration."

Wyatt: "That means she wanted to say yes. She's just got to ask her co-CEO."

Katie: "Yeah, that's kind of how I took it."

Talk turns to the fashion show and Katie's ideas for it.

Katie: "What do you think about having a few men in suits?"

Wyatt: "On the beach? Like male strippers?"

Katie laughs: "Um, no, but that's not a bad idea." Wyatt laughs. "No, I just think it would be a nice juxtaposition, you know, having the men in suits and the girls in bikinis. You know, does it make it more sexy?" Sleazy is more like it.

Wyatt is iffy on this: "Maybe. But also, uh, a little more sexist."

Katie: "Well, not if we have the men serving our lovely bikini models food and drinks and stuff like that." Uh...still sexist and sleazy but Steffy should eat it up with a spoon.

Wyatt agrees it could work and Katie decides to jot it down.

Wyatt: "Well, we're not working together, remember?"

Katie nods slowly: "Right. Well, it's too bad, because I think we make a pretty good team." She smiles at him.

Wyatt smiles in return: "Yeah."

So while I wish show would just let Wyatt and Katie have a refreshing, platonic friendship and have Sasha resurface to be paired with Wyatt and, even better, have kept SK's Deacon around to push-pull with Katie, I never forget what show I'm watching.  Expecting B&B to depart from their usual quasi-incest dating pool is like asking RE to actually act. It's a non-starter. If they take things slow (or slower), I could be on board. I think it's too early to make a snap judgment.  Plus, I would love to see Wyatt get some lovin'. 

My, my aren't they cozy? They look pretty cute together. Time will tell.


Now, on to the main event at the Forrester estate and, as an aside, I like the episodes where it's just two main storylines vs cramming in throwaway scenes like that silliness with Coco and Slouchey from the previous day.

Zende is pleading with Nicole, who keeps making sidelong glances at Julius, who is standing just behind her: "Look at me. Don't look at him. Look at me. Lizzy needs you, yes. She needs you to remember why you gave her life."

Julius: "Careful, Zende. The Forresters already have everything. Don't force her to give up her child just because it's not with you."


Vivienne is fed up with his interference: "Julius, let him talk to his wife!"

Rick is disgusted: "Man, you are a real piece of work. We're all one big, happy family when it suits you. But other than that, it's Julius Avant against the whole world." And I think that's exactly how Julius likes it.

Julius: "You know what? Zende's right. Don't look at me. Look at Lizzy...because she's the only one that matters here. And look at her eyes. They're calling for you to claim her." OMFG with this! Her eyes aren't calling for anyone, but they are asking why am I in the middle of this yelling?

Vivienne: "Maya and her sister are the only feelings we have to deal with here. I do not want to see you bully my daughters, Julius."

Julius: "Say what you want about me, but somebody's got to stand up for Nicole."

Zende: "Nobody's attacking her."

Julius: "Then why is it I don't hear anybody saying anything positive about her? All I'm hearing is how terrible a person she is because she wants to embrace that which the heavens have given to her." Who said she was a terrible person? No one that I recall. But Nicole did accuse Maya of being neglectful and focusing on her career instead of her child and Julius backed her here.

Maya: "Dad's right. And Lizzy picks up on tension between adults more than we realize." 

Nicole agrees: "Yeah, she does."

She asks Rick to go put her down in the den and he does so, Nicole watching him and Lizzy until they disappear. Maya turns to face her sister and it is as if it's just them in the room now.

Maya: "Nicole. If you need someone to tell you that you're not wrong... let it be me. You are not wrong." Nicole looks at Maya, hugging her arms, visibly shaking (but I can't help wondering if someone cranked up the AC to give her an assist.)

Maya: "Any woman would feel the way that you do, having given up one child and now finding out that you might not be able to have another. And maybe I should never have asked you to do what I did. You were young... and too trusting... and didn't fully understand the consequences. And deep down, I probably knew that. You know, I stopped listening to what Dad says about me a long time ago, but there is one thing that is true. I can be selfish. I spent a lot of years fighting for myself when I thought no one else would. So I may have messed up. And I cannot stand how awful the situation is." Her voice breaks then and she is begging Nicole here: "But please...please don't take my daughter away." She is begging and pleading and owning her selfishness and part in all of this.

Zende steps next to Maya: "That's right. You love Maya. You know, you always told me that finding her again changed the direction of your life." Was this before or after she tried to blackmail Maya over being transgender? Sorry, but it will always grate that Nicole is seen as this doe-eyed little girl that Raya took advantage of when she came to town as the cold, calculating, young woman, hell-bent on having the good life at her sister's expense. Zende looks at Maya. "Maya, no one is blaming you for wanting a family. Don't blame yourself."

Julius interjects: "I blame her. When a couple finds out that they can't have a baby, reality sets in, something that you have not been really good at dealing with. Now, you are childless, but your sister is not. And that's just a fact of nature. And you feel shortchanged. But don't we all? But when you want to take from your sister, someone who thinks you walk on water, that's just wrong. It's just wrong! Nicole. You are not signing these papers. That baby is yours." Can someone please stuff a sock in his mouth?

Julius grabs the papers: "You know what this is? This is garbage. Garbage! No court or no signature is gonna change the facts of Lizzy's birth."

Maya immediately guesses his meaning: "I am not ashamed of how Lizzy was born nor am I trying to cover it up."

Vivienne shakes her head: "Okay, Julius, give me that, please." He hands over the papers. "You know, being right isn't everything in this world. Life would be much simpler if that's all it took. But you both can be right and still wound each other in ways that will never heal."

Their mother's words find their mark and Nicole and Maya both agree that's not what they want.

Vivienne: "Well, then listen to each other. You know, your father, he has opinions. That's how he moves through the world. But his opinion about you and what you should or shouldn't do, it's not the whole story." Viv, the voice of reason.

Rick has returned from the den: "You know, Vivienne, with all due respect, it doesn't seem that complicated to me. Even if Julius wants to make it about biology, I am still Lizzy's father. Besides, we had an agreement, an understanding for almost a year of what her role, your role, all of our roles we would play in Lizzy's life." Thank you, Rick, for pointing out that nothing changes with respect to him being Lizzy's father.

Nicole: "But if someone makes a promise based on facts that turn out not to be true? I didn't know then what I know now."

Zende: "But you still don't know, babe. Those facts are hiding in the future somewhere."

Julius: "Well, here's an indisputable fact. That child's body is of Nicole's body. Now, what else is motherhood?" Someone can hand me that sock anytime now. 

Zende has heard enough and RF just brings it here: "What else? The woman I call 'mom' isn't my biological mother. She didn't bring me into this world. She didn't give me life. In others ways, she did, because I don't know how long I would have lasted in that orphanage, alone, scared. Yes, her heart, her soul is what I am made of. And we believe that Maya can be a mother to Lizzy just as much as mine was to me. Now, isn't that right, baby? Didn't we say that?" Finally, Julius is silenced on this point. 

Nicole's voice breaks as she tells Maya she knows how much she's upset her. 

Maya, gently: "It would probably seem that way, but I was just scared. Have you ever wanted something every day of your life so much but you couldn't name it?"

Nicole: "I wanted you back."

Maya laughs: "I don't think I'm a very good example today."

Nicole: "I wanted Zende, to be loved the way that he loves me."

Maya: "And you remember how heartbroken you were when you thought you'd lost him? This is hard for me to say right now, but I think Mom and Dad can take it at this point. The one thing that I have wanted my entire life, every day, always, was to be a parent to a child in the way that I hadn't been parented."(And I'm so glad TPTB let Maya acknowledge, out loud, to those who needed to hear it most how much her parents, BOTH of her parents, hurt her growing up.) "It was something that seemed unimaginable, but I knew it was waiting for me somewhere. And I thought I had it once. But you know how that ended." So an acknowledgement of the baby she was caring for for Jessie. Maya's voice breaks again, the tears flowing: "And then you came and you found me, and you loved me, and I thought that I had found where that child was waiting."

Nicole is crying now (but I can't help feeling someone's given her an assist with eyedrops): "I don't think that you're a bad mother, Maya. I don't think that you neglect Lizzy. It's just... do you remember the day that she was born?" As if she could forget the day her daughter was born.

Nicole is sobbing now so I'll give RE partial credit here: "I have never felt so much love in one moment. And it was all because of this little baby! Lizzy! I know that I promised. What if I can never feel that again? Can I live like that, knowing that I can't give to Zende what I gave to you and Rick? And I know that you probably think I'm a terrible sister!"

Maya is quick to reassure her: "No. No. No. You are guilty of nothing but being human. And so am I." Her next words stun the room. "If you go to court, Nicole... you will win. And you will win because I won't fight you."

Julius is thrown but seizes the opportunity to urge Nicole on: "Do it, Nicole! We're all here witnessing this. Tear up those papers."

Vivienne gives him a look that would peel paint off the walls: "Enough!"

Julius is shamed into silence for a moment, then, he looks at Maya with begrudging respect: "I have to give credit where credit is due. You know how to be a lady." As if she needs him to tell her that. "And I agree. We should handle this quietly."

Nicole: "Everybody knows, Dad. And I am proud that you're my sister."

Maya is still sobbing and KM is just heartbreaking to watch here: "I love that you said that, Nicole. And I know how much you love Lizzy." She swallows hard and takes a deep breath, then looks her sister directly in the eye: "So this is your decision to make."

Rick gapes at her in shock and disbelief: "Maya!?! Maya, we're talking about our daughter."

Maya looks at him, fierce determination in her eyes: "I know. I know. But this was always Nicole's choice. We said it every day. We said it 10 times a day. So did we mean it or not?" She stares him down, daring him to argue with her and I am reminded of the story of Solomon, early in his reign, of the two mothers fighting over a child. Maya is the one who is choosing to save her daughter vs figuratively cutting her - and their family - in two.

Nicole steps across the room to stand before Zende: "You're the only one I trust to tell me what to do."


Zende is gentle here, with the slightest hint of teasing, as he nods: "That's because you know I won't."


Nicole is tearful and contrite: "I'm sorry for everything that I'm putting you through and what I'm putting everyone through."

Zende shrugs it off: "It probably had to happen like this, end this way. My beautiful, amazing wife. I know you. I know what it meant for you to carry Lizzy. You were strong and sure. You stood up to your parents and their reservations. You stood up to me rather than being untrue to yourself. I know you're scared. You don't have to be. I am on your side, even when you don't know what that is."

Nicole: "What if the doctors are right?"

Zende: "It's too early to think that."

Nicole: "And if I can't have another child?"

Zende: "Miracles happen. I'm one."

Nicole has to laugh at that: "Yes, you are."

Zende: "You know, maybe... maybe we were meant to adopt. We could do for another child what my mother did for me. We'll have that life and that family, and we'll be happy. That I do know. Maya's right. The choice is yours, honey. I am behind you on whatever it is you decide to do." And I'm so pleased to see Zende be an advocate for adoption, for he and Nicole to pay it forward.

Nicole sighs, taking Zende's hand for just a moment, then turns to face her mother, who is still holding the adoption papers, with Julius disapprovingly looking on.


She shakily reaches for them.


She sits down, looking down at the paper, then back up at her sister, and damn, KM can bring the waterworks.


She sighs, still crying, but turns to the last page and signs as Maya buries her face in Rick's shoulder.

Viv seems to inwardly collapse, in relief for her oldest child but also sorrow for her youngest.

Zende nods in encouragement and support for his wife.

Julius: "I hope that no one in this room ever has a reason to regret this day." Just shut it, Julius! But clearly, no one is listening to him anyway.

Maya: "Are you sure?" Nicole nods, incapable of speech at the moment. "Thank you."

Rick steps over to her then: "Nicole, uh... I just..." He dissolves into tears., his voice breaking, "I just want to... I'm sorry."


He embraces her and where are my Kleenex? Yes, I'm a sucker for man tears.

Nicole sniffles: "I just hate that I hurt you."

Rick: "We know it's not easy."

Nicole: "If Zende says that we will have a child... then I believe him." Zende nods in encouragement. "And I love Lizzy. But I..." She gasps for breath as the realization finally hits her in a way it never has before: "Am not her mother. " She locks eyes with her sister. "You are. And you always were."

Maya moves to embrace her sister as they sway and hug and cry and it's a pretty moving moment, with everyone looking on tearfully, except for stone-faced Julius.

We fade out with Nicole looking  at Zende and I will give RE kudos for this as she managed the very tricky load of conveying the emotions of relief, grief, and hope all in one look over Maya's shoulder. Let's hope she builds on this.


As much as this storyline grated, the resolution more than made up for that, showcasing powerhouse performers AH, OB, KM, and JY, unveiling RF's official debut as an actor, and RE bringing it home in the end, where it mattered most.

Although anyone who thinks this is the final resolution has another think coming because I'm sure, somewhere in the not-too-distant future, a medical crisis involving Lizzy is looming.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Dang, my allergies are acting up again just reading your recap, @CountryGirl.  

Seriously though, I'm glad that the writers let Maya express that fear and desperation. And Rick's.  Zende being the voice of reason threw me a little, he was such a jerk with the surrogacy, Sasha and well, everything up til now. It looked good on him. 

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Dropping Sasha was one of the most boneheaded moves this show has done in that she's got a place in all of the main stories but isn't related to everyone: The Avant drama, a place over at Spectra (as a model since working at Forrester under Maya would be out), and is a woman Liam hasn't looked twice so she's all free for Wyatt.  I can see her and Quinn bumping heads but Sasha not scaring so easily and for some reason I've always thought she'd make a great daughter in law for Bill.

Agreed.  FC is probably better off but I miss her.  Love a character with so much potential. 

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17 hours ago, grisgris said:

I still thought RE gave a lackluster performance today.

She did...which makes it all the sadder that I thought that was her best performance in this whole storyline.

17 hours ago, grisgris said:

I don't know what suddenly derailed Katie's not-so-subtle interest in Eric but that seems to be over.

Maybe TPTB listened to us on that also :)

12 hours ago, tessaray said:

 I suppose there is still potential down the road for more Nicole surrogacy-inspired drama if Maya gets contract-negotiation cancer


4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Zende: "You know, maybe... maybe we were meant to adopt.

My favorite line of the entire episode.


One thing about Julius is bothering me in its inconsistency.  Julius is supposed to be a bigot who hates Maya for being transgender.  Yet, listen to how he refers to Maya...Maya, not Myron; calls Maya "your sister" to Nicole, not "your brother"; calls her her, not him; refers to Maya as their daughter, not son.  Hell, he even called Maya a real lady in yesterday's episode.  I imagine plenty of people who would have no issue with her being transgender & who have known her as "Myron" would accidentally slip up and use "him" rather than "her."  It just seems odd to me that Julius never does...at least not that I noticed..

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Shelia again is eating at a restaurant that is hard to believe that she can afford. Charlie the same. Charlie got his gun back but not his 9mm. It looks like he's now carrying a revolver. 

What is TIIC's endgame with Sheila?  She outs Quinn and Ridge to Eric and we suppose to believe Eric would be so thankful he will take her back?  There is one thing I know, Charlie is a waist of air. 

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There's an interesting comment from Rena Sofer about Quidge in one of the soap magazines.  Paraphrasing here, she said that the audience needs to understand Quinn is in love with Eric and only Eric, and that whatever is going on with Ridge is not love, but an immature infatuation on Quinn's part.  I'm not sure that's what's been written for Quinn or Quidge to date,  and this may be a case of an actress projecting her own thoughts/feelings into an interview about her character, but this Sheila vs. Quinn story only has potential if Quinn actually wants her marriage to work and isn't in love with her step-son, or else what would Quinn be fighting Sheila for? That's why I tend to believe that RS is speaking for the show, much the same way that Heather Tom had to come out and say in a recent interview that Katie loves Eric as a friend, which totally erased Katie's over-interest in his life and her dropping by every day to spend time with him, allowing her now to become Wyatt's potential love interest.  When B&B changes direction, it changes direction fast, which makes me wonder if Quidge is going to happen after all.  Maybe with KB back, Quidge is on hold, at least for now?  

Edited by SingerIslander
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14 hours ago, SingerIslander said:

There's an interesting comment from Rena Sofer about Quidge in one of the soap magazines.  Paraphrasing here, she said that the audience needs to understand Quinn is in love with Eric and only Eric, and that whatever is going on with Ridge is not love, but an immature infatuation on Quinn's part.  I'm not sure that's what's been written for Quinn or Quidge to date,  and this may be a case of an actress projecting her own thoughts/feelings into an interview about her character, but this Sheila vs. Quinn story only has potential if Quinn actually wants her marriage to work and isn't in love with her step-son, or else what would Quinn be fighting Sheila for? That's why I tend to believe that RS is speaking for the show, much the same way that Heather Tom had to come out and say in a recent interview that Katie loves Eric as a friend, which totally erased Katie's over-interest in his life and her dropping by every day to spend time with him, allowing her now to become Wyatt's potential love interest.  When B&B changes direction, it changes direction fast, which makes me wonder if Quidge is going to happen after all.  Maybe with KB back, Quidge is on hold, at least for now?  

Interesting commentary by Ms. Sofer.  Unfortunately, for her and the show, that is not what has been playing out on my screen in recent weeks.  Or, maybe there's an alternate version of the show that I'm missing?  Hell, as recently as last week, Quinn was telling Sludge that she loved him.  Not to mention the numerous conversations they have had about "the secret of us kissing, eye-fucking and dry-humping" [hereinafter "TSUKED"].  Are we really supposed to forget that these two were just trying to make a distinction about Quinn being in or on Sludge's bed in the guesthouse?  Are we also supposed to disbelieve our lying eyes and develop selective amnesia about the real reason Brooke called off her wedding to daytime's Peter Pan?  In fact, Bill seemed obsessed with finding out what the dressmaker actually did this time to fuck it all up.  The even bigger holes in this hunk of Swiss cheese Ms. Sofer and the writers are trying to sell are Katie and her motivations for doing what she did.  Heck, it wasn't that long ago that Ms. Tom gave an interview where she discussed Katie's motivations for going off the deep end where Quinn is concerned.  Not to mention the weeks of Katie's blackmail, game playing and power trips--all of which landed her a job at Forrester Creations as an insta-mix jewelry designer.  It was just last week that Katie was still spying on Quinn and a couple of days before that, she pulled a gun on Quinn in the workplace (which she had no way of knowing was unloaded).

Yeah...whatever, show.  All I can say at this point is, get her ass, Sheila.  I can't countenance another day of Quinn trying to act all brand new when she's calling other people psychos, insane, or crazy.  Meanwhile, her own shit is raggedy and grows more so everyday no matter how many "dutiful wife" scenes the show wants to bombard the viewers with.

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15 hours ago, SingerIslander said:

Paraphrasing here, she said that the audience needs to understand Quinn is in love with Eric and only Eric, and that whatever is going on with Ridge is not love, but an immature infatuation on Quinn's part.

I love Rena Sofer, but nothing irritates me more than an actor making up for a writing staff's shortcomings by telling the dumb audience what they're missing.  If you have to explain plot points and character motivations to a media outlet, your writers are not doing their job!

If this story were being written 20 years ago when soaps had ample budgets with which to work, Quinn would have a best friend/sidekick whom she would discuss her feelings, so the audience would be aware of her motivations.  Today Quinn walks around the Forrester mansion with her arms folded, staring into the valley, while the actress who plays her explains the plot in the soap press.  To quote our Orange Leader "Sad!"

Edited by sugarbaker design
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3 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I love Rena Sofer, but nothing irritates me more than an actor making up for a writing staff's shortcomings by telling the dumb audience what they're missing.  If you have to explain plot points and character motivations to a media outlet, your writers are not doing their job!

Not only the writers, in this case it sounds like RS isn't playing the part very well, because what she says about Quinn and how she acts as Quinn are also contradictory.

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15 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I love Rena Sofer, but nothing irritates me more than an actor making up for a writing staff's shortcomings by telling the dumb audience what they're missing.  If you have to explain plot points and character motivations to a media outlet, your writers are not doing their job!

If this story were being written 20 years ago when soaps had ample budgets with which to work, Quinn would have a best friend/sidekick whom she would discuss her feelings, so the audience would be aware of her motivations.  Today Quinn walks around the Forrester mansion with her arms folded, staring into the valley, while the actress who plays her explains the plot in the soap press.  To quote our Orange Leader "Sad!"


I mentioned elsewhere that Bill Bell was a masterful storyteller, who paid attention to every detail.  From the hair, the costumes, the jewelry, the furniture, and even the background music.  At times it could be frustrating because his storylines moved at a snail's pace and it took too long for people to get caught, but the payoff was usually always worth it.  I remember how long it took for the truth about Sheila to come out despite Lauren Fenmore swooping in from Genoa City, and I remember being shocked that Eric actually married her anyway.  I still remember Stephanie's stunned face when Sheila showed up at her house and slyly flashed her new wedding ring in Stephanie's face and informed her that not only had she and Eric gotten married, but she was now the new matriarch of the Forrester family.  Stephanie angrily demanded that Sheila get out of her house before she did something she regretted.  Sheila just sauntered out while laughing in the old dragon's face.  Good times!

Bradley, on the other hand, is a lazy, unimaginative writer who relies on "shock and awe" to tell a story.  Don't even get me started on the triangles and partner switching.  He goes for the ripped-from-the-headlines ratings grab, which often leaves loose threads dangling when the storylines end.  We went from Quidge kissing and dry-humping behind Eric's back; to Brooke breaking up with Sludge on the eve of their wedding; to Katie none-too-subtly making a play for Eric, blackmailing and berating his wife, and then pulling a gun on her.  And, then--POOF!  Just like that, Katie is done worrying about Quinn and Sludge.  Her neurotic behavior has been all but forgotten.  Was her anger all about Quidge, or was she still bitter about Brill?  I guess we'll never fully know except only through Ms. Tom's interviews.

Then to add insult to injury, Deacon is brought back for a brief period of time, all to give Quinn a chance to pretend that she's a victim and that Deacon is the crazy one because he remembers that she pushed him off of a cliff with nary a care in the world.  Now, Deacon is gone and the last I heard, he was hitting up Bill for money to bail him out (which happened off screen).  Now, we have Sheila, who will battle Quinn for Eric, while outing Quidge in the process.  It's all happening at breakneck speed before we can fully digest what happened just last week.

It's as if you just ate a bowl of air sauce and wind pudding when you thought you were savoring chocolate mousse.

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Recap for Thurs. 6/29/17:

Kind of a let-down after yesterday's cryfest (and who could have imagined I'd use that to describe an episode that featured the Ambien couple front and center? It's kind of an annoyance that I can't call them that anymore since RF brought it so hard the last few weeks).

We open at FC where Steffy and Ridge are meeting with Katie in the CEO office about the swimwear fashion show.


Ridge, of course, is a grouch about the choice of venue.

Katie: "Well, that's actually gonna save us a lot of money. Putting an event like this together can take months and the Spencer Summit is already a hot international ticket, it's already booked, and there's the added benefit of working with Liam and Wyatt."

Steffy: "I like it."

When faced with all that compelling information, Ridge is forced to admit he likes the idea, too, and takes a moment to p praise Katie: "Look at you. You've been here five minutes, you already have a winning concept."

Katie laughs, "Well, I forgot how much I enjoy collaborating." Versus combating, I guess?

Katie also reassures them that she's sure Wyatt will be on board.

Outside, Pam is hissing at Charlie for his continued suspicious that Ridge and Quinn are having an affair.


Charlie: "Well, the truth is the light, especially for Eric."

Pam sighs, "Well, I don't believe it. And neither will he. Ridge and Quinn would never betray him in that way, so just stop with your insinuations!" She's so furious, she refuses to go to lunch with him so he saunters off, alone.

Wyatt arrives to join the meeting in the CEO office and feigns ignorance as to why he's there....and oh my stars, his hair doesn't look a fright for a change. It actually looks pretty good.

Ridge: "Well, as you probably know, Katie is in charge of PR and marketing at Forrester."

Wyatt: "Yes. Yeah, I couldn't have made a better choice myself. I'm sure she's just throwing out fabulous ideas."

Katie laughs.

Ridge: "Well, actually, she has a concept she wants to run past you.

Wyatt: "Really?" He eyes Katie who has to restrain from laughing. "Well, let's hear it. I'm sure it's intriguing."

He sits back as Katie goes through her spiel again, pretending it's brand-new information and it's kind of cute watching the two of them eye each other and share secret smiles.

Wyatt: "I mean, it sounds like a tailor-made campaign for you, actually."

Steffy: "It almost sounds like this is something Wyatt would come up with." I guess that's a compliment for Katie?

Ridge: "What's the verdict? What do you say?"

Wyatt: "Well, partnering with Forrester for a new line while making it a charitable event always puts Spencer in a positive light. Makes Dad look good. Liam gets to sleep at night. And we get a ton of exclusives with all the publications. I like it. I think it's a great idea. You've got my vote." The idea already had his vote, given he was part of the idea.

Steffy and Ridge are excited and Wyatt says he'll just need to get Bill's okay, but he doesn't see that he'll have a problem with it.

Wyatt: "Congratulations, Katie. Not many people hit a home run first time at bat."

Katie: "Well, you know, sometimes inspiration comes from where you least expect it."

Wyatt: "Ain't that the truth."

Steffy calls Liam and he shares that he's on board. Steffy flashes back to Monte Carlo and it's, of course, generic scenery, as TPTB are carefully skirting the issue that last time Steffy was in MC, she was married to Wyatt and chasing down Quinn like a heifer on steroids. 


In the design office, Katie and Wyatt are all smiles about her pitch being greenlit and once again, they're sitting awfully close on that couch.

Wyatt: "You were great in there."

Katie scoffs at that, "Well, I'm still getting my bearings. I haven't done PR in a long time."

Wyatt: "But you have great instincts. That's half the gig right there."

Katie: "I really can't thank you enough."

Wyatt: "Stop. For what? I suggested an event at the Spencer Summit. You came up with the swimwear concept."

Katie: "I don't think you realize how much this means to me, having a job again and feeling like I'm contributing. It makes me feel vital. It makes me feel alive. And that's in no small part because of you. So thank you."


I have to say HT is looking gorgeous these days and she's always been striking, but with this change in the storyline, she seems so much younger and vivacious.

Wyatt: "It's my pleasure."


They share a look but it just appears to be friendly at this point and I appreciate that, thus far, they are testing the waters vs diving straight in. Also, I found it interesting that Wyatt didn't seem to care one iota that he was meeting with his ex-wife, no anger, no bitterness (although that's not Wyatt's way), but no looks of longing or sadness or any pining either. 

I think something will happen in Monte Carlo and what I would like to see, if Watie is, indeed, the plan, is for them to celebrate a little too much, Katie more so, and she, in her jubilation, lays one on a shocked Wyatt, and she's clearly up to continue, but Wyatt, not wanting to take advantage, not to mention, not knowing what the hell is happening, insists she get some sleep, but after tucking her in, she insists he stay until she falls asleep...and so he does. We show them waking up the next morning, spooning, but she is under the covers in her jammies and he's fully clothed, and they smile at each other, wondering what the day and future will bring.

We cut to Il Giardino where you will be shocked, shocked! to see that Sheila is still in town, sipping her wine and reminiscing about being with Eric. A waiter bumps into her table, splashing some water on her and she barks "Idiot!" before noticing other patrons are staring and she quickly calms and chalks it up to "accidents happen." Okay, this is feeling a little forced. Sheila is a lot more subtle than that with people who truly do get under her skin so she wouldn't snap at strangers.

A few minutes later, she spots Charlie and plops down at his table. I love the chic gray suit on KB.

She quickly picks up on his pissy mood: "Are you okay? You seem to have something weighing heavy on your mind."

Charlie: "Well, you know, I, uh, think about things.:

Sheila: "Sometimes it helps to talk to a stranger. No judgment or preconceived notions."

Charlie: "That would be refreshing. If I had anything to say."

Sheila laughs, mostly to herself, at the idea that he thinks he's going to continue to hold out on her: "I'm sure you've got plenty to say. Head of Security at Forrester Creations? Probably know a little bit about everything going on over there." She's warming him up.

Charlie: "Yeah, sometimes it's a curse."

Sheila: "This mood that you're in... does it have anything to do with Eric?"

Sheila: tells him he's an "integral part of Forrester Creations." Keep dangling that line, Sheila.

Charlie scoffs: "It's not like I'm a designer or anything."

Sheila: "Designers are basically clueless when it comes to knowing a company's heartbeat. That takes feet on the ground to do that.:

Charlie's ears perk up at that: "That's very perceptive of you. Not many people realize that."

Sheila butters him up like a biscuit: "You probably run the company. In your own subtle way, of course." 

Charlie: "Well, you know, I like to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on."

Sheila: "Yeah, my point exactly. That way you would know if anything were off."

Charlie: "You said you're a friend of the Forresters. Uh, how'd you meet them?"

Sheila: "Wow. It was so long ago, It just seems like the Forresters have always been there, you know? Which is why I'm concerned, Charlie, about Eric specifically, and I think you are, too. Is it his health?"

Charlie: "He's in great shape."

Sheila knew this all along, so she asks what she's really after: "Yeah, of course. Of course. I'm sure Quinn has him taking very good care of himself. She is good for him?"


Charlie: "It's none of my business."

Sheila: "It's just that I've talked to...well, some people  that care about Eric and it seems that there are some misgivings where Quinn is concerned. Not that I would know. I don't really even know her. But I know she makes Eric...or seems to make him...very happy. And that's all I want, is Eric's happiness. And if Quinn can do that..." Charlie has no poker face when it comes to Quinn and Sheila immediately pounces: "Charlie, what is it? Quinn seems lovely. It seems like nobody really likes her, though."

Charlie: "Not everyone dislikes her. I can tell you one person that likes Quinn just fine...Ridge. Quinn is A-Okay with Ridge." The sarcasm is evident in his voice as is his frustration with his girlfriend not giving him one iota of credence where his observations with Quinn and Ridge are concerned.


Sheila: "I don't understand. Are you implying-" Oh, she understands all too well.

Charlie: "Nothing. Uh...you just assumed that no one likes Quinn and I was just correcting that false assumption." So his conscience can be clear that he didn't tell her anything. Except he just told her everything.

Sheila: "You know what, it's okay to tell me the truth. I care deeply for Eric. And if he needs a friend or help, I want to be there for him."

Charlie senses he's said enough: "I got to go." He makes a hasty exit.

After he leaves, Sheila recalls his words again about Ridge liking Quinn just fine and thinks to herself, "Strange. Almost like Charlie's suggesting..." The thought takes root but she tries to dismiss it. "It can't be. Sure, Eric and RIdge have shared a woman before... but his own stepmother? Oh, I can't believe it." 

Well, believe it, Sheila, and please out them and then sashay out of town to do something about Lauren and that monstrosity on her head.

We cut to the Forrester mansion where Eric comes downstairs to see Quinn has champagne and caviar waiting. 

Eric: "Well, this is lovely. What's the celebration?"

Quinn: "Well, I woke up this morning. And you're my husband." And I feel guilty as hell.

Eric: "I am so lucky to have you as my wife."

Quinn: "No. No. I am the lucky one. I don't deserve you, and yet here you are. I promise never to make you regret loving me." Famous last words.

Eric assures her that she never could and holds her close for a moment, then they enjoy some bubbly and caviar.


Quinn: "Oh! It's just...my life. In this beautiful home with my wonderful husband, drinking champagne, eating caviar, it's definitely not what my life used to be. I worked all the time, I struggled to make ends meet, but...look at me now. You have changed every aspect of my life."

Eric: "I was empty, Quinn. I hated living in this house all alone. Then you rang the doorbell, and you brought in all that warmth and love and laughter. I can't imagine living my life without you."

They canoodle on the couch and Eric shares Katie's idea for the swimwear fashion show in Monte Carlo. They recall their time there with Quinn even being silly and showing off her dance moves. Eric quickly moves in to slow dance with her for a few moments. Later, Eric leaves to meet with everyone about the swimwear launch.

A few minutes later and there's a knock on the door and Quinn assumes it's Eric and he's forgotten something (and his key as well?)

Guess again.

Quinn: "Oh. It's you." Sheila is on the other side of the door.

Sheila: "Hello, Quinn. May I come in?"

Quinn: "What are you still doing here? I thought you said you were leaving town?"

Sheila: "I said, 'May I come in?'" She saunters past Quinn and into the foyer. 

Quinn: "Eric is not here."

Sheila: "Good. Then we're all alone."

Quinn: "So. Sheila. What can I do for you?" A very "let's get this over with" attitude.

Sheila walks further into the house, remarking how lovely the home is, how lucky Quinn is to be living there. 


Quinn: "I don't really think it's a good idea for you to be here."

Sheila: "I don't think Eric would mind."

Quinn: "Perhaps. But I was thinking more about Ridge." Ding ding ding!

Sheila smiles at that: "Were you now?"

Quinn: "Yes. He's not as forgiving as my husband."

Sheila: "Why would that matter?" 

Quinn: "Well, because Ridge lives on the property, and if he saw you here, he wouldn't be too happy."

Sheila: "That is fascinating. You, Eric, and ridge all under the same roof." Equally fascinating is the cat and mouse interplay, particularly since with anyone else, Quinn is the cat, but she's the mouse here.

Quinn: "No. No, no, no. You misunderstood. Ridge lives in the guesthouse. Not in this house. And I don't want to have to call him, so I really think you should go." Call him and not Eric? Very telling, Quinn, and this is Sheila you're talking to and she misses nothing.

Sheila: "I don't understand the attitude. It's almost as though you see me as some kind of a threat."

Quinn: "I wonder why."

Sheila smiles that cobra's smile: "I have no idea."

Quinn: "Well, maybe because you're a psycho." Really, Quinn? Also, hello, Pot? This is Kettle. You're black!

Sheila laughs at this: "Oooh!" She downright giggles: "Ouch!"


Quinn, you're playing in the big leagues here...and losing.

Quinn: "'Ouch'? My husband's ex-wife, who just got out of prison for doing all sorts of horrible things-" Remember what they say about people in glass houses...

Sheila: "Yes. I've made mistakes. Haven't you? I was awful. And I'm ashamed of everything. But that was in my past. Rest assured, I pose no threat to you or anyone else."

Quinn: "I still don't know why you are here."

Sheila: "You and Eric... you're happily married. Isn't that true?"

Quinn: "Oh. Ah, let me guess. You've been talking to people. I mean, I guess people are always gonna talk about me. Yes, rest assured, Sheila, Eric and I are blissfully happy. Do you mind if I ask who it is you were talking to?" 

Sheila: "That's not important." As if she'd show her cards so easily.

Quinn: "Well, it is to me. I'd like to know who my friends are, as well as my enemies."

Sheila: "Well, I understand Ridge qualifies." And I love the way she answers this, making Quinn wonder which she thinks Ridge is, when we all know Sheila's on to her...and her stepson.

Quinn: "Excuse me?"

Sheila: "As a friend. You and Ridge, you are friends."

Quinn sighs, clearly rattled, but trying desperately not to show it: "Why are you bringing Ridge up again?" It's the first time the two of them have discussed him. Even if she's forgotten, Sheila has not.

Sheila: "I'm just making conversation."

Quinn: "Yeah, well, I think this conversation's over." As soon as she mentions Ridge, you shut it down? Not well-played, Quinn. She walks toward the door, intent on showing Sheila to it.

Sheila: "Hey, might I remind you that I was falsely accused of trying to kill you? I was taken down to the police station and thrown in jail. The least you can do is be nice to me." 

Quinn: "So... that's where your threat is? Is that right? I mean, are you about to, what, falsely accuse me of something, Sheila?"

Sheila scoffs and looks Quinn straight in the eye: "How could I do that? You haven't done anything wrong. Have you, Quinn?"


Her gaze is all-knowing, all-seeing. Despite all her false bravado, Quinn is no match for the Queen.


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44 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Not only the writers, in this case it sounds like RS isn't playing the part very well, because what she says about Quinn and how she acts as Quinn are also contradictory.

All any actor can do is deliver what's on the page, which I think she's done.  And I think that's the point of the start of the thread, it seems like they are using the actor's interviews to proclaim changes in direction that we haven't seen yet on our screens. 

I vaguely remember at the start of this mess where Quinn intimated that she found Ridge fascinating in a way because of his age. There was just a line or two, which I'm too lazy to go searching for. It was never mentioned again, so maybe they backed off that but it's plausible. Quinn loves Eric because of his fairy godfather ways, because he makes her feel safe and loved. But Ridge is her contemporary. She bared her soul to him and he didn't back off, so of course she responded to that.  (The immature infatuation part? The fascination with fire part?)  

I still prefer Quinn with Deacon. She gave him a bit of a spine and he mellowed her out. I miss that. 

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Not only the writers, in this case it sounds like RS isn't playing the part very well, because what she says about Quinn and how she acts as Quinn are also contradictory.

I'm not sure how well Quidge is being received, my sense is, not very well, and that most love Queric, so this is her trying to backpedal. But ITA that we see you, show, and know what we saw. 

I see that Quinn loves Eric but is in love with Ridge and no amount of cutesy scenes of her playing happy housewife with Eric are going to undo that.

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10 minutes ago, tessaray said:

All any actor can do is deliver what's on the page, which I think she's done.  

There are different ways, though, to act out scenes, which can come across in completely different ways.  IMO her acting is not coming across as someone with an immature infatuation (geez, and I'm saying this as someone who is RS's age, isn't she too old for that???).

I'll give you this, though...the writers throwing in the "I love you" didn't help their cause much!

Edited by ByTor
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26 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Quinn: "So... that's where your threat is? Is that right? I mean, are you about to, what, falsely accuse me of something, Sheila?"

Sheila scoffs and looks Quinn straight in the eye: "How could I do that? You haven't done anything wrong. Have you, Quinn?"

I wasn't a fan of this exchange, Sheila is making no sense.  Of course Quinn is implying that she did nothing wrong, hence her use of falsely accuse.

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Just now, ByTor said:

There are different ways, though, to act out scenes, which can come across in completely different ways.  IMO her acting is not coming across as someone with an immature infatuation (geez, and I'm saying this as someone who is RS's age, isn't she too old for that???).

I see Quinn acting like a moth to the flame whenever Ridge is around, which is both immature and probably an infatuation - so in that sense her comment works for me.  But mileage varies, as they say.  

I will say that after doing so well with crazy Quinn, even late blossoming Quinn during Eric's illness, this insipid, deer in the headlights Quinn doesn't appeal to me.  

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16 minutes ago, tessaray said:

All any actor can do is deliver what's on the page, which I think she's done.  And I think that's the point of the start of the thread, it seems like they are using the actor's interviews to proclaim changes in direction that we haven't seen yet on our screens. 


Agreed.  I was waiting on line at the store and picked up Soaps in Depth and read this interview with RS, and all I could do is shake my head.  It's one thing if an actor knows the story is bad and is trying to justify it in his or her head by saying things we haven't seen at all, but in this case, like with HT and her "Eric is Katie's friend" announcement in another interview from a few weeks back, I think this is RS telling the audience what the story is now, regardless of what she has played in the past, and while I don't fault RS, especially if she's been told to sell Queric as a solid love story despite all that's happened, I'd rather B&B shows me, not tells me.  I definitely think that Brad Bell is aware that this story smells bad from a lot of different angles.  You have the step-son and step-mother almost having sex on his bed, on the property owned by the same father he's betraying.  You have the disaster of B&B telling us Bridge is Destiny again, only to have Ridge immediately betray his fiancée by making out with his step-mom, including at a gathering to celebrate the step-son's engagement to his betrothed, and on the day before his wedding, for pity's sake.  You have Eric written to be completely oblivious to everything going on around him, treating his wife like a queen, while said wife continues to be drawn to a man who has yet to say he's in love with her, or that their kissing is anything other than a mistake.  Plus, and I'm always amazed by this, but I think that as a general rule, marital infidelity on soaps, while very common in Daytime, is a very hard sell to the Daytime audience.  It's hard not to judge the betraying spouse, or the interloper in a marriage, but it's especially easy when both characters are written so poorly, as has been the case here.   

It'll be interesting to see where this story goes from here, and what new detours Brad Bell has in store for the audience... 

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