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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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12 hours ago, grisgris said:

Steffy really looked the part of a blink-eyed Bratz doll today. What an ugly wig. Her real hair must be a fright if she has to keep it under wraps with hideous wigs and extensions. 

I can never ever tell whether someone is wearing a wig/has extensions.  Now, I'm not quite sure what that is on top of Steffy's head, but even I know that is it NOT hair.

  • Love 8

Please, please, please Show -- I beg of you, don't destroy Queric.  In terms of relationships on screen, it's the most "normal" and healthy one we are seeing.  Plus RS and JMcC are great together.

Given the increasingly agitated and unhinged way Liam is acting, I think we're heading for a Waffle Breakdown. Liam seems to have abandoned all pretense of working at Spencer or on his foundation and spends his days haunting the halls of FC.  

He's either harping on Steffy to move home and warning her that the Triumvirate of Manipulation(TM) are using their evil mind meld tricks to bend her to their will. (Because obviously Steffy has no mind of her own and just does what people tell her.) Or he's hanging with his new BFF and co-conspirator Rumple and harping that Quinn needs to Be. Gone. Now.

He's demanding that Steffy declare the divorce done as of NOW, seeming to forget all about the CA 6-month waiting period and wants her to move home right this minute.  He's deeply annoyed she took a call from Wyatt, acting as if she should never speak to him ever again. I think his plan is to get Steffy back home and then convince her to quit her job and spend all her time only with him.  Sort of the Waffle version of Captive Cabin.

Knowing that Rumple's plan didn't work is going to send Waffle over the edge. I can see this going 2 ways.  1) He kidnaps Quinn and makes it look as if she's left Eric.  Although that would take planning and I think Liam is too OTT right now to plan.

So I'm thinking it's option 2 -- He decides to kill Quinn. This will remove her forever and Steffy will be free, free, free to be with him. This being Waffle, things will not go well.  He probably confront Quinn at the mansion in front of other people -- probably Eric, Wyatt, and Steffy -- and rant and plead with Steffy that she has to understand this is the only way to get Quinn out of their lives forever.

I foresee a struggle for the gun -- Eric or Wyatt -- and one of them is gravely wounded.  Steffy is then all over the wounded one and turns on Liam with 'how could you do this'.  Or possibly just as Liam fires at Quinn someone steps in front of her -- Eric or Wyatt -- and Steffy has the same reaction.  Best of all would be if Steffy is somehow shot by Liam.  We would then see the disintegration of Liam. Wyatt decks him and we then have several weeks of Weffy bonding in the hospital.  Hopefully $Bill would see how far gone Liam is and send him away for a nice long rest.

  • Love 12

Recap for Tues. 1/17:

We open back in the hotel room, with Quinn and Ridge looking at each other.

Quinn: "Why are you still here?"

Ridge: "After what you just said, you want me to just walk out the door?" 

Quinn: "Yeah." I would have preferred she said "Hell yes!," marched over to the door, opened it and pointed for him to beat it but I guess "yeah" is the best I can expect.

Ridge: "I can't do that." Yes, you can, Rumple - they're called legs.

Quinn: "Why not?"

Ridge: "Because you shouldn't be alone right now." If the alternative to being alone is being alone with you, she needs to be alone.

Quinn: "I'm asking you to leave." And she looks like she means it.

He offers her another swig of tequila because that will just make this all better.

Quinn tells him one more time to leave and he insists he isn't going anywhere.

He just needs to GO already...

Speaking of someone who has long outworn their welcome, Katie, reluctant to part from Eric's side, tells him she needs to head out.

Her reasoning (and I'll give you a minute to finish laughing when you read this): "Your wife is out of town and I don't want to...overstep." LMFAO - Overstep is your middle name, sister.

Eric: "You don't have to worry, Katie. Quinn and I are fine. She trusts me as much as I trust her."

Bill is lecturing Liam about doing his job. Good luck with that, Bill. 

Bill remarks that he seems "distracted." Distracted by thoughts of Ridge seducing Quinn (or worse) just so he can get what HE wants. 

Liam whines about trying to be patient (he's as patient as a three-year-old the night before Christmas) and he wants Steffy home...I know there was some talk upthread about Liam outpacing Wyatt is the looks department (for the record, I think both men are equally handsome) but Liam could be the hottest man on the planet but the second he opens his trap, there goes the attraction. 

Thomas is rambling off to Steffy, who could not care less, about his flight and running out of diapers and you just see her eyes glaze over, even though she does a good job feigning interest.

He talks about taking it slow with Caroline - I hope she stays away for a good long while, long enough for him to take off the baby goggles and see Sasha again.

Bill decides to give Liam some fatherly advice, telling him to be patient. For once, Bill is practicing what he's preaching.

Bill: "The point is, sometimes you just have to know that things will work out. All right, it might take some time, but eventually, Steffy will move back in here. And Brooke... there is no way in hell that marriage to Forrester is ever going to happen." I think he is 100% right.

Quinn tells Ridge he's free to take the tequila with him and Ridge asserts that's not why he's here.

Quinn: "No, that's right. That's right, of course. You're here to humiliate me, take me away from your father. And that's never going to happen. If you really think that I could ever betray Eric, you don't know a damn thing about me." 

Ridge: "You're right. I don't. So let's change that." Ugh...so now, after all her attempts to make inroads with him, he suddenly wants to get to know her, so he can use that against her. She should be wiser than that. Perhaps the tequila has had the desired effect.

Steffy the virtuous is claiming she's doing all of this for Wyatt. As if she gives a damn about him.

She does, however, remark that she thinks it's possible Quinn has genuine feelings for Eric. But she will never trust her. 

Thomas is just surprised that Quinn hasn't had a meltdown by now and Steffy thinks it'll eventually happen. Oh boy...

Katie, fishing as always: "So, you and Quinn -- no trust issues at all?" I don't know if she wants Eric (who is old enough to be her grandfather so gross) or just wants every couple she knows to break up and be as unhappy as her miserable ass. Either way, I hate her.

Eric: "None whatsoever. It may seem foolish to you, but I have total faith in my wife."

Ridge, lounging on the couch, wants Quinn to bare her soul to him or, in his words, "tell [him] her story."

Against her better judgment, she does exactly that and again, great lines for Rena that she sells the hell out of.

Quinn: "Try... try explaining... what it feels like to be disrespected and used, over and over and over again and you -- you always say to yourself, "you know what, the next guy is gonna be different," but he's not. He's just as awful. I was so young... ...when Bill Spencer came into my life. And he tossed me aside. He threw money at me and told me, "get rid of the kid." And then every guy that came after was just another version of bill, or of the men that my mom used to bring home, all lecherous and self-serving. I swore -- I did, I swore I would never be like her. I would never just give men what they want and give up power."

Ridge: "So Bill was the first one. He ordered you around, but you made your own choices." I'm not so sure Bill was the first one because I have a feeling her mother's "boyfriends" abused her. Bill is certainly the most memorable.

Quinn: "No, I kept him away. I kept my son protected from him. And from every other scumbag that came after. And with a lot of hard work and a lot of dedication, it paid off. It really did because my son -- my son is nothing like the rest of you guys."

Ridge: "The rest of us? I'm in a boat with Bill Spencer now?" Honey, you shouldn't even be in the same sentence as Bill. And while I don't like that Bill told Quinn to abort Wyatt and basically cut and run, IIRC, he was a teen, too, and had the father from hell. He was young and dumb. 

Quinn: "Really? Really? You weren't about to use me tonight? So you could humiliate me and disgrace me to my husband? Of course you're like the rest of them! You're like all of them! But not my son. And not my husband... ...who is the first man to respect me. Now that I have that, now that I have the one man on this planet who knows what it is to truly love another person, after years of turning my back and of guarding myself... I'm not giving that up! Not ever!"

Liam asks about Brooke and when she's coming back (and I almost expected him to ask if Hope was coming with her). I wish she would if only to send Steffy into orbit when her milkshake brings the Spencer boys to her yard. Bill doesn't know. 

Liam tells him he respects him for not giving up on her and he says that Spencers don't give up.

Liam: "Yeah, turns out that's kind of a problem when Wyatt and I want the same thing."

He is not happy when Bill remarks that Steffy's a lucky girl either way. Ha!

Bill: "Brooke on the other hand... I mean, if I don't convince her to come back to me, she's stuck with that loser." 

Liam: "You'll convince her." He won't have to, Liam. Ridge's fuckery will do it for him.

Bill: "Yeah, I will. Although, I probably won't have to, he'll do it for me." JINX!!!! "Man, he's so freakin' stupid. He'll mess up. He always does." Past is prologue, just like you said, Bill.

Ridge: "My dad was the first man to treat you well. The first man that didn't make you feel degraded. I understand why you want to fight for him, why you don't want to lose him. I understand that completely. But here's what you have to understand. I'm his son. And he's kind and he's gentle. And it's my job to protect him from people like you." No, it is not your job and your father is perfectly capable of taking care of himself.

He accuses her of being a gold digger then and oh, she shoots that noise down.

Quinn: "A gold digger. Wow. Well, see, if I were a gold digger, don't you think I would have gone after Bill Spencer's millions? Geeze. How you see the world... all those poor, unfortunate ones who weren't born with a million-dollar trust fund."

Ridge: "That's not what I'm saying at all." Oh, yes it was.

Quinn: "You are so different than me. You're so different than most of society. You don't know what it feels like to be on the verge of bankruptcy... what it feels like to go hungry because you decide to give your son the last bit of cottage cheese you were able to find in the refrigerator." That broke my heart.

Ridge: "No, I don't know what that's like." Because your father made sure you didn't have to. But instead of being grateful and humble, you are, well, you.

Quinn: You don't. As a Forrester, you -- you didn't have to worry about paying bills and feeding yourself, feeding your child, all while trying to get a business up off the ground. And you wonder why I'm guarded? Really? You wonder why I come across mean and aggressive? It's because I had to be!

Ridge: "So you build a wall around yourself. You use meanness to push people away. I understand. But you go too far. What you did to Liam, to Ivy..." Hypocrite, thy name is Ridge! He raped two women (and we all know good and well he would have tried to make Quinn his 3rd rape if she hadn't been wise to him) and he almost killed Rick a time or two. So he can STFU. 

Quinn, in tears now, "I hate it! I hate who I was! I hate all the things that I have done! I hate how I would justify in my head how I was gonna give my son a better life! You and I, we may be so different, but there is one thing that we have in common. We would do anything for our children."

Ridge: "That's true."

Quinn: "That's true. So, for you, that might have been writing some sort of big check to a private school. But, for me, no, I had to be a little bit more... I had to be more creative. Did I make mistakes? Yes, I made so many mistakes. But after years and years and years of hard work and dedication... I finally am able to give my son a life worth living. I -- I am getting that life worth living because I'm loved! That's something that I never even dared to hope for. And now that I have that, now that I have that, I am telling you this, ridge, and please -- you have to hear me. I am not letting you take that away from me."

Katie: "So, Quinn and Ridge in San Francisco." Oh just go home already, you spiteful, busy-body bitch!

They joke about whether they'll make it back alive or without broken limbs.

Eric: "I have high hopes for this event. It'd be a chance for them to get to know each other better. Maybe even some kind of a breakthrough. It might be exactly what the two of them need." I beg to differ her.

Ridge: "I don't want to take my dad away from you. I don't want to take anything away from you. I want to protect my father and this family and this company and our legacy." Someone's pants are on fire. He absolutely wants to take everything she has away from her or see it turn to ashes all around her.

Quinn: "You're afraid of me."

Ridge: "No, I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid that my dad doesn't see you for who you are."

Quinn: "He's the only one who ever has. That fear you're feeling -- I've lived with it every single day of my life."

Ridge: "I'm not afraid of anything."

Quinn: "Really? Really? A single mother...on her own? I knew every single month could be the month that we end up homeless. God, and you think I wasn't afraid?" She laughs then.

Ridge: "I'm just telling you what I see. You go through the world and you push people out of the way." And you don't?

Quinn: "I had to be guarded. I had no other choice. I had been burned and burned so many times, so, yes, I did. I did, I pushed people away! I -- I had to! And who cares? Who cares if people thought that I was a bitch? Because I survived. I endured every single thing that I had ever been through. I don't care what people said about me or my son because we made it through somehow! And, somehow the greatest man that has ever been put on this earth was able to see through that. And he took a chance. He took a chance on me." And she is sobbing now and her soul is laid completely bare and raw and hurting. And he's such a noble upstanding guy, he hands her his handkerchief. "So I am so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I don't following your marching orders. Because after years and years and years of being guarded and being alone, I'm finally not! I'm not alone anymore. And I don't want to be... I don't ever want to be alone again." She is almost collapsing, she's so emotional at this point.

Ridge: "You're not alone. And I'm gonna deny that I said this... but I know why my father fell for my mother. And now I can see why my dad fell for you. And not because you're pretty or you're young, but... not because of those crazy eyes that can stare right into your soul... but because he sees you for who you really are... the woman that you're hiding from the world. And she's beautiful. Well, you don't have to hide her anymore, okay? It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be fine."

But I don't know that Eric has seen this side of Quinn - sure,  he's seen the kinder, gentler, caring Quinn - but I don't know that he's ever seen her this vulnerable. It took Ridge, the master manipulator, to bring it out and play her like a violin. He cut his teeth on Caroline and Brooke and kept them and later, Taylor, on his puppet strings for years.

Quinn: "You really believe that?"

Ridge: "I do. So stop spinning your web and stop building walls around you..." Easy for him to say.

Quinn, struggling to compose herself. "I'm trying."

Ridge: "You got to stop completely. Because who you are, who I saw tonight... you're amazing. You got to trust that. Trust that." But don't trust him. Ever.

He gets up off the couch. She hands back his handkerchief and they just stand there, staring at each other. 

Then he opens his arms and she, still clearly emotional, steps into them and they hug but of course we all know it won't end there. They pull back and look at each other and then this happens.


And I just want to drown my sorrows in that bottle of tequila. Because I see zero chemistry or zero caring on Ridge's part and I am not convinced one iota that this wasn't his master plan all along.

We can debate all day long that the Ridge we know isn't this calculated or this smart but I whole-heartedly disagree. 

Because as I said before, he is playing her like a virtuoso. Just like he's played many women before. He just accelerated things this time.

Step one: Get caught on purpose with the faux plan to seduce Quinn and get just enough alcohol in her system to help things along.

Step two: Get her angry, get her emotional, so she's off-balance and the chinks start to appear in her armor.

Step three: Insist on staying, knowing she's wound up and needing to spill her guts to somebody, anybody, even if it's you. 

Step four: After she lays her own shit bare, move in to be the literal shoulder to cry on, claiming now you see her, now you understand her, and now you might just like her a little bit (which she has already admitted, despite her protests to the contrary, that all she has ever wanted was to be loved).

Step five: Seal the deal by kissing her and this just sickened me. It was not hot or romantic or anything other than an on-his-heels man taking advantage of an emotional distraught women. I don't care that she kissed him back. I would have been surprised if she hadn't considering her history.

Maybe I will be proven wrong but I think this was his plan all along and he'll continue to carry out, keeping up the secret and cultivating their bond by being her confidante (when that should be Eric), his telling Liam the plan backfired, his change of heart - I think it's all a ploy to keep her sucked in. 

And even if his so-called feelings are genuine, I don't give a good damn - if he truly cared about her and his father and his fiancee (remember her?), he would put a lid on it and back the fuck off. But this is Ridge and we all know he doesn't understand the meaning of "no."

Truly disgusting...

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 15
6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

What is most shocking for me is that he is doing this while engaged to Brooke. Ridge is the Original Waffle, but historically, when he was with a woman, then he was with her. No matter how hot the temptation, be it from Brooke or Taylor, he would never stray while married to one or the other.

I noticed that, too. It may take him forever to decide on which one to be with, but he stuck by that choice once he did.

2 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Given the increasingly agitated and unhinged way Liam is acting, I think we're heading for a Waffle Breakdown. Liam seems to have abandoned all pretense of working at Spencer or on his foundation and spends his days haunting the halls of FC.  

Well, the foundation thing was just an excuse to be "look at me, I'm Sandra Dee!" for Steffy anyway. He got his, despite his increasing Nick Marone-esque insecurity. 

Speaking of causes Liam takes up to get laid, what the hell happened to that cat he adopted when he was going after Hope? Did she take Mr. Kitty with her to Paris? Did Steffy have the car disappeared when she got back with him?


2 hours ago, La di Diva said:

I'm thinking it's option 2 -- He decides to kill Quinn. This will remove her forever and Steffy will be free, free, free to be with him. This being Waffle, things will not go well.  He probably confront Quinn at the mansion in front of other people -- probably Eric, Wyatt, and Steffy -- and rant and plead with Steffy that she has to understand this is the only way to get Quinn out of their lives forever.

I foresee a struggle for the gun -- Eric or Wyatt -- and one of them is gravely wounded.  Steffy is then all over the wounded one and turns on Liam with 'how could you do this'.  Or possibly just as Liam fires at Quinn someone steps in front of her -- Eric or Wyatt -- and Steffy has the same reaction.  Best of all would be if Steffy is somehow shot by Liam.  We would then see the disintegration of Liam. Wyatt decks him and we then have several weeks of Weffy bonding in the hospital.  Hopefully $Bill would see how far gone Liam is and send him away for a nice long rest.

This is the outcome that everyone deserves and a fitting karma for all the shit Steffy put Hope and Ivy through to get him. She won't die since she's the last adult Forrester granddaughter left, but I hope this would be the last nail in the Steam coffin...and then someone goes Barbara Ryan and empties a handgun into the coffin to make sure it stays dead this time.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I noticed that, too. It may take him forever to decide on which one to be with, but he stuck by that choice once he did.

Well, the foundation thing was just an excuse to be "look at me, I'm Sandra Dee!" for Steffy anyway. He got his, despite his increasing Nick Marone-esque insecurity. 

Speaking of causes Liam takes up to get laid, what the hell happened to that cat he adopted when he was going after Hope? Did she take Mr. Kitty with her to Paris? Did Steffy have the car disappeared when she got back with him?


This is the outcome that everyone deserves and a fitting karma for all the shit Steffy put Hope and Ivy through to get him. She won't die since she's the last adult Forrester granddaughter left, but I hope this would be the last nail in the Steam coffin...and then someone goes Barbara Ryan and empties a handgun into the coffin to make sure it stays dead this time.

Liam got custody of Boo. It currently resides on Puffy's head.

  • Love 16

That is what Liam needs to do, go volunteer at the animal shelter he promoted in his magazine feature. Nothing will help soothe is psyche and get his mind off the Perils of Puffy more than playing with dogs and cats and other critters. Hell, if he can't be bothered to work, go do something good for somebody else.  OK. That's way too unselfish and normal, so anyway ...

Well, there are many compelling arguments for either side of whether or not Ridge had a grand plan in mind or is acting on newly-felt emotion.  I've been cycling back and trying to remember if he ever did that to any other woman; got them to open up to and trust him, then he betrayed them. It's a repeat pattern with Brooke, so I threw that one out because she always has and apparently still does, allow it.  I also always pegged Ridge as not being all that bright. Definitely with RM Ridge, whom I felt could just skate by on his good looks and charm. A lot of the time, Stephanie was the brains behind whatever scheme they were plotting, which again, was usually aimed at Brooke. So, I don't know. TK is definitely bringing more layers of complexity to the situation and I don't remember any of the other female characters being as multi-faceted as Quinn. Not even Sheila. Ridge really didn't mess around that much with Sheila, (other than pointedly hostile behavior) but when he finally did, you could say he got burned. (Ha! Ha!)

I'm more than ready for Liam to board that plane to who cares? It is not possible for Steffy to get an immediate divorce. It's the law. I am kind of surprised that by now Liam's two brain cells haven't met up to ask Bill how he was able to untangle himself from Katie so quickly and try to get Steffy to declare false residency in Vegas or something.  He's just to busy beating his chest to the "ME! ME! ME! What about ME?" drum.  I know he's also angry with Eric for defecting to Wyeffy, but then, everything Eric said to Liam's face needed to be expressed (and heard and absorbed.)

Anyway, whether or not Ridge's intentions are sincere, I'm positive that Katie or Liam will overhear them talking about "what happened in San Francisco" and run with it.  A cliffhanger shooting sounds like a promising possibility for Feb. sweeps.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, grisgris said:

I'm more than ready for Liam to board that plane to who cares? It is not possible for Steffy to get an immediate divorce. It's the law. I am kind of surprised that by now Liam's two brain cells haven't met up to ask Bill how he was able to untangle himself from Katie so quickly and try to get Steffy to declare false residency in Vegas or something.  He's just to busy beating his chest to the "ME! ME! ME! What about ME?" drum.  I know he's also angry with Eric for defecting to Wyeffy, but then, everything Eric said to Liam's face needed to be expressed (and heard and absorbed.)

Well that, and the fact that the whole six month thing was a big sticking point for Steffy after the Aspen wedding, too. He should need no reminder of that debacle.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, grisgris said:

Well, there are many compelling arguments for either side of whether or not Ridge had a grand plan in mind or is acting on newly-felt emotion.  I've been cycling back and trying to remember if he ever did that to any other woman; got them to open up to and trust him, then he betrayed them. It's a repeat pattern with Brooke, so I threw that one out because she always has and apparently still does, allow it.  I also always pegged Ridge as not being all that bright. Definitely with RM Ridge, whom I felt could just skate by on his good looks and charm. A lot of the time, Stephanie was the brains behind whatever scheme they were plotting, which again, was usually aimed at Brooke. So, I don't know. TK is definitely bringing more layers of complexity to the situation and I don't remember any of the other female characters being as multi-faceted as Quinn. Not even Sheila. Ridge really didn't mess around that much with Sheila, (other than pointedly hostile behavior) but when he finally did, you could say he got burned. (Ha! Ha!)

This is so on point grisgris. The writers have outdone themselves with this SL; the subject may be unpalatable, but it has been so well written and delivered that I have been riveted. And there is no way I could ever see RM being able to bring the nuances and layers that TK has shown. His delivery is what has me perplexed; TK can show sadness and remorse, and at the same time there is still that little malevolent light in his eyes. Outside of Brooke, I don't remember Ridge ever working a plan like this. And Quinn certainly is complex and multi-faceted; something Ridge is not accustomed to. Historically his women have been open books of clingy neediness, although in the early years they were allowed to have meaningful jobs/careers, and in many ways were allowed to own their own agency. My feeling about Ridge/Quinn is that he isn't so much wanting her sexually, as much as he is intrigued by her, and is confused and surprised by his reaction to her words and that kiss. I focus more on his behavior after it than what led up to it. The way he was just standing there looking completely confused and befuddled. But that is TK's doing. And if this is all part of his master plan? Again, that would be TK's doing with his ability to sell it, because I really don't know what to think.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 9

I don't have any history with Ron Moss besides seeing him on The Soup.  However, I've been watching TK for years, and he can say a lot with just his eyes.  I think Ridge IS befuddled - by the fact that Quinn is not the monster he though she was. I'm really hoping that the writers will show them gaining some mutual respect for each other.  Both have done terrible things for what they think are the right reasons - they are more alike than they realize. 

Also, RS is a gorgeous woman. It's possible that TK's character is turned on by both her brains and her beauty.  And contrary to what most people on this board would want to believe, it's possible that Quinn thinks that Ridge is attractive, too.

I've wanted for a while to see what these two actors could do when they were together in scenes, and so far they haven't disappointed me.

  • Love 10

I'd probably be more on board with Quinn/Ridge if we hadn't gone through CaRidge not that long ago; though different in the sense that Caroline wasn't the enemy, it was still the growing forbidden attraction thing.  Not to mention finally getting some payoff for the insta-Queric coupling and ensuing drama. The timing seems all wrong. I'm not feeling it.   

  • Love 10

I'm still not convinced Ridge's feelings are genuine and am firmly on the fence that it's part and parcel of a master plan with him. For now. After thinking about this more, he never had to go to these lengths of plotting and scheming before. Brooke, Taylor, Caroline II...all putty in his hands. Brooke fell for him with just one look (and a quick read in the society pages). With Taylor, he had the grieving widower angle (not that he didn't mourn Caroline I) but he literally didn't have to do anything to make her fall for him and then, when he thought she might be slipping away, it took one teensy trip to the Bahamas to reel her back in. Caroline II...the first moment his paw covered her little hand, she was smitten. Caroline I was a harder nut for him to crack but crack her he did. And these were women he was most definitely interested in romantically. Even with the latest GarBridge reunion, she was literally thisclose to walking down the aisle with Bill and all Ridge had to do was show up, dangle a united family for the almost-grown and rarely-seen RJ in front of her, sprinkle in some phrases about "destiny" and "Stephanie" and she walked away from the only man who has truly loved her for her.

Quinn is a completely different woman than any he has ever met before and I won't discount that that fact alone intrigues him, but I don't buy that he's suddenly developing feelings for her. Lust, I could buy, but true feelings of love? I just don't see it and I don't see Ridge Forrester having some sort of epiphany over this woman's tears and pouring out of her soul when others have done that and it's all fallen on deaf ears. No matter how much TK tries to sell it and I guess I must be watching a different show because I don't see any shades or nuances with him. RS, absolutely, she can do that in her sleep, but I just see much the same facial expressions from him where I would almost want to wave my hand in front of his face to ask if there's anybody in there. 

The only time I've ever seen TK light up and actually emote was in the early days of CaRidge, so much so that I was even won over to a couple I initially detested. 

Even if his feelings were genuine, I will never be sold on them as a couple, for no other reason that it serves to destroy a couple that has been amazing and wonderful to watch - Queric. They just work on so many levels and for them to be destroyed for what, Ridge's attack of lust and/or conscience only to be scrapped a few months down the road? No thank you. Not even the part of me that selfishly wants the Bridge to be burned and the ashes pissed on and a Brill reunion wishes for this. And it's not just about Queric being destroyed - it's about Quinn being decimated. All the progress she's made in being a whole, healthy, happy person will be gone with the wind if she chooses to go down this path with Ridge. A path so many others have followed, to their own detriment. And trust, Quinn knows his story inside and out...but I'm very afraid that the part of Quinn that so needs to be loved will toss away the love she has from Eric to go after the table scraps disguised as love Ridge is willing to give. 

Ridge is not worth her betraying her husband. Ridge is not worth her betraying herself

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 18

Recap for Wed. 1/18:

Quinn is working on some jewelry designs at FC and thinks back to kissing Ridge. Pass me some brain bleach, please. Eric calls her and is so delighted to hear her voice and tells her how much he misses his beautiful wife. He wonders where she is and she tells him she just landed. So she came straight to work and not home to see her husband? Hmm...

Eric assumes she and Ridge took the jet home but Quinn tells him otherwise: "Well, I took the private jet. Ridge flew back commercial."

Eric: "Oh?"

Quinn: "I think he had a meeting or something. We were gonna meet up here at Forrester and update Steffy about the symposium, and then I'm gonna come home to you."

Eric: "Yes, I'd like to have my own personal update. I'm dying to know how things went with you and my son." You say that now, Eric. 

She tells Eric how much she hated being away from him and who should come lurking up behind her?


Eric: "Crazy, huh? It was only one night."

Quinn: "It was."

Eric: "All right. I'll see you later. I love you."

Quinn: "I love you, too."

She is clearly twitchy and nervous and Ridge, after closing the door, calls her out on it: "Someone's feeling guilty. Wonder why." I loathe him.

Whiny Waffles is working on his laptop from home. Oh, who am I kidding? That one hasn't worked a day in his life. Case in point, he texts his new and inexplicably bizarre BFF Ridge to ask how their little plan went down.

He thinks about Steffy telling him that once the divorce is final, everything will be back to normal. Well, we'll see about that. He then recalls Ridge promising he'll do whatever it takes to get Quinn in a compromising situation. He is shocked I tell you, shocked, when Ridge texts back that things didn't go as planned and goes into what can only be described as having a fit before storming off from the house. Get a grip, Waffles.

Wyatt shows up at the loft and is pleased to show her the numbers for her day in the life of a sexy CEO photo shoot, remarking that "it's off the charts." Thomas arrives to hear this little bit and yes, we know, he's pea green with envy over his little sis and I could not care less.

Guess who's back for a visit with Eric?

If you said LemonHeads, you got it in one. This time the flimsy premise is a letter from Eric's brother, John, was delivered to her house by mistake. So stick it back in the box, you nitwit. She insists she won't stay long...uh, sure, Katie, and says, after oohing and aahing about how nice it is that people still write letters, sighs and says she should go, all the while giving him big cow eyes.

Eric: "No, no, no. Stay. No, come on, you just got here. Keep me company."

Katie: "Well, I don't know if that's such a good idea without Quinn's permission. I don't want to live that dangerously." Always fanning the flames of Quinn being cuckoo.

Eric: "Quinn doesn't really intimidate you that much, does she?"

Katie: "No. (YES!)  She does get that look in her eye, though, when she means business."

Eric: "Yes, I've seen that look. It is a little intimidating, isn't it? The only time I see is when I forget to take my meds or I haven't done my exercises. She wants me to stay healthy. She wants me around for a long time."

Katie: "We all want you around for a long time." Quickly shifting topics to the only one she really cares about. "So, when are Quinn and Ridge due back? I'm dying to hear about their trip. And I'm sure you are, too." Well, we know you are, Katie.

Quinn, sighing, tells Ridge not to start and of course he keeps picking at the scab, asking if he is wrong. Quinn, regretting everything the last 24 hours, I'm sure, tells him she knew she should have gone straight home instead of the office. Ridge tells her that everyone wants to know how things went.

Before they can say anymore, Steffy, Wyatt, and Thomas all walk in - um, is the loft across the street or something?  

Quinn and Wyatt hug.

Thomas and Ridge hug.

Isn't it just precious?

Steffy: "So, you two survive without killing each other?" You could say that.

Wyatt: "Yes, tell us everything! How you managed to be on your best behavior for a whole day and night! Wow! Unless that's just what you want us to believe and, in fact, you have something juicy you're keeping from us." Quinn swallows the lump in her throat while Ridge just looks smug. As usual.

Eric tells Katie that from all he's heard, the summit was a huge success. Katie assumes he's relieved and he agrees he is, especially since he forced his wife and Ridge to work together on this. 

Katie: "Well, your motives were good." Always ready to sing his praises.

Eric: "Yeah, they were, but were my tactics? I mean, especially knowing the level of animosity between them."

Katie: "Well, what is it they say? 'The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.'"

Eric: "At least I think the two of them tried to find some common ground." Well, sure, when Ridge emotionally manipulated the situation.

Katie: "They're both designers, so they have that in common." Bright, isn't she?

Eric: "Well, anyway, I know they're home now. Well, at least Quinn is. Ridge came on a separate flight."

Katie: "Really? He didn't come home with her?" Fish, fish, fish, fish, fish...

Eric: "No, apparently he had some business to attend to."

Katie: "Well, I suppose there's only so much together time they could stand." She sounds...disappointed.

Eric: "That's true. I think that it's probably too much to wish that they would ever become friends. I want this for Quinn. I want this for Ridge, too. I want them to discover that there's something between them they didn't even know was there. Because of what happened in San Francisco." Could the dialogue BE any more anvil-ish? It's spread thicker than cream cheese on a bagel.

Back at FC, Ridge is getting somewhat of the 3rd degree regarding his behavior at the symposium, namely his apology to Quinn. Ridge shrugs it off as no biggie but no one else in the room agrees.

Steffy remarks that Quinn said some nice things about Ridge as well and they both play this off as nothing.

Wyatt, still in disbelief, "Yeah, which we can always retract. I can put out a press release. Something along the lines of 'I don't know what got into me, complimenting a man who's done nothing but...'"

Ridge cuts him off: "Hey, Wyatt, I have an idea. Why don't you take a breath? Your mom impressed everybody up there, let's leave it at that." 

Thomas: "You sang her praises. It just surprised us, that's all."

Ridge, denying and defending, and how warning bells aren't going off in any of their heads is beyond me: "I'm not singing her praises. I'm just acknowledging her contributions to the company. Is that okay with everybody? What do you want me to say, I still have issues with her? Yeah, I do. But I saw a side of her that I wasn't aware of. So, now, if this inquisition is over, we got work to do before she goes home to Dad." Everyone just leaves per King Ridge's command but seriously, no one is questioning any of this? I guess they are better at suspending disbelief than me. 

Alone again, Quinn tells him, "You don't have to say a word. We both know what is about to happen here. As soon as you leave the office, you're gonna go to your father and you're gonna tell him what happened between you and me in San Francisco. Aren't you?" She looks and sounds determined but inside, there's a scared little girl there, which is exactly what Ridge was hoping for, no doubt. Because now that she let him in, he can see right there her. Every time.

Steffy is working in her office when Whiny Waffles, sputtering in like the Tazmanian Devil, shouts, ""I think you got to drop what you're doing so we can talk." Who the hell does he think he is? Before Steffy can say anything, he blathers on: "Hey, we've been tested, right? I mean... I think we've been tested more than any other couple I can think of. Don't you? Especially lately. You know, you make a choice I don't really agree with, I tell you why it means so much to me, and then you say that you hear me. At least the words. You hear the words. But I don't -- I don't know if you're registering the passion behind them. I don't know if you're really trying on what it means to me and that's got to change. You shouldn't have moved out." He finally takes a breath so Steffy can get a word in edgewise and she uses that breath to tell him to calm down.

You can see that constantly having to calm and reassure a supposedly-grown man is wearing thin on her. What's next, diapering and bottle feeding?

He's not finished and wants to rag on about her moving out and letting Eric get to her.

Steffy wants to know where all of this is coming from and instead of telling her the truth about his little scheme with Ridge to nail Quinn six ways from Sunday, he attributes it to Bill's sermon on patience. So storming into Steffy's office and yelling is patience?


Steffy, making me crack a smile, says (regarding Bill's patience sermon): "Sounds like it went well." 

She then soothes his fragile little ego by telling him she hates being apart from him and instead of mollifying him, he just sucks in wind and carries on with his diatribe and it's too ridiculous to even recap, especially his line about people getting divorced all the time and how it sucks but whatevs. In essence, he's saying he doesn't give a shit about his brother's feelings or her grandfather's marriage. If anything sucks, it's Liam with his ME ME ME, I, I, I, WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE, ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Eric is working on some designs and Wyatt arrives, telling him he just saw his mother and that to his surprise, Quinn and Ridge both confirmed they meant what they said at the symposium. You can see how pleased Eric is to hear that, which makes it all the more worse.

Eric can't wait to hear it from Quinn directly and yet more anvils drop with this exchange:

Eric: "It's silly, I know. She was only gone for one night, but it feels a lot longer."

They discuss how much they love their wives and Wyatt tells him how much it means for Eric to support his marriage. Eric encourages Wyatt to keep fighting for his marriage. Wyatt says he wants to but he doesn't want to pressure her.

Quinn calls Ridge out, telling him he wanted her to cross a line - just enough so he could prove to Eric she was everything he said she was and now that he has, he's going to tell Eric. "You're gonna tell him what happened between you and me in San Francisco, and destroy my marriage. It doesn't even matter to you. How much I love him. Or that all I've ever wanted was to be a good and caring wife. It doesn't matter. You've got your proof. Or so you think, right? Because, I could deny it. That would mean lying to my husband. And I'm not gonna do that. Even if it means losing the only man that I have ever loved in my entire life... so you go ahead, okay? You go ahead, Ridge. You shatter my world and I will be gone."

Ridge counters: "You're right about everything you said. I set this whole thing up. Just to trap you. But you figured it out. You caught me and I admitted it. But something happened here, and I know you better now. I allowed myself to know you better. So whatever it was, it changed things. So, no, I'm not gonna say anything to my dad." And again, as I said upthread, I don't buy some sudden epiphany from Ridge. He would never in a million years let something like this go unless he could use it to serve his purposes later. Sit on it, bide his time, sure, but say nothing to protect her and his father? Better ring another number, Ridge, because I don't need what you're schilling. 

Liam, fully wound up and in orbit now, "It's just gone too far, Steffy! And, yes, I so appreciate that you chose not to move in with them, I really do. But now is the time for you to tell Eric, Wyatt, and Quinn that you can't be bought and you can't be bribed. Because they're gonna keep trying, and I don't want to be this guy anymore, constantly pleading with you and begging you and petitioning you. Our relationship has to come before anything or anyone else." So you're not the guy who begs and pleads and whines - just the one who gives ultimatums? 


Steffy just looks at him like again, with this?

Wyatt tells Eric he knows Quinn is the reason he was married and while yes, she was a contributing factor, she is not the SOLE reason and I'm sick of everybody claiming that. Steffy married Wyatt because she WANTED to, okay?

Wyatt, showing he's far more mature than Liam, says it wasn't right to have everyone gang up on his brother and that it wasn't fair to put Steffy in the middle. He thinks it's best if he moves back to the beach house and yesss, honey, move back there and move on with your life. Fauxdilocks aint' worth it.

He thanks Eric for everything and (anvil anvil anvil) talks about how he and Quinn inspire him. "I know that you guys will never let each other down. And I know that my mom will never let you down."

Quinn, not trusting what she is hearing (as well she shouldn't) asks Ridge if he really isn't going to tell Eric.

Ridge: "You don't believe me?"

Quinn: "I don't know, I mean, is this just another part of your trap?" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Ridge: "That's what you think I'm doing, setting another trap?" No, it's all the same trap, Ridge, but notice how he doesn't deny it.

Quinn: "I don't know, Ridge. You and I have been each other's worst nightmares for so long." Oh honey, you have no idea. You've let the wolf in the door.

Ridge: "So how about this -- how about we try to get along? Make an effort." Why now? Because you cried into his handkerchief and he's grown a heart? Neah.

Quinn: "I would -- I would love that. I -- I really would. I mean... it's what Eric wants more than anything." And I believe her and I believe that her desire for everyone to get along, to bring unity, to have this big, loving family, something she never, ever had before, drove her actions. Sprinkle in some Ridge-orchestrated emotional vulnerability and there you go.

Ridge: "What do you want?"

Quinn: "I was just so sure that you were gonna make a beeline for Eric, you were gonna tell him what happened, and then...I'd be banished from his life forever, but now you're saying..." And see what's happened here...now, she's beholden to him. Now, she OWES HIM. How the tables have turned...

Ridge: "I'm saying that we got work to do. And you heard me, you got to stop controlling people's lives." That's rich, considering what's been happening these past few weeks with him spinning and spinning and spinning his web. And he dares to call her a spider?

Quinn: "I know, I know. I have a lot of work to do, and I'm gonna do it." For you, Quinn, not for this miserable, soul-sucking SOB.

Ridge: "Okay. Me, too. 'Cause, otherwise... whatever this breakthrough was in San Francisco is meaningless." Otherwise, my master plan to bring you to your knees in more ways than one will be meaningless.

Quinn: "No. It won't be. I -- because you got to understand in the last few weeks, the flirting and the touching, I -- I am in love with Eric. What happened between us in San Francisco, I don't even know how to explain that." He took advantage of your vulnerability, Quinn, and that is something Ridge has done before - tear women down, so HE can be the one to build them back up.

Ridge: "I can't explain it, either." He can't explain Quinn falling for it. He thought she'd be a less easy mark than the rest.

Quinn: "Eric can never know. You have to promise me, Ridge. Please. This is gonna be our secret." So he has her begging him now? Everything is beautifully in place for Ridge...and all Quinn had to do was go to Eric and tell him everything to blow up Ridge's game. 

Ridge, smug as ever: "Our secret." Now, they are conspirators. Now, they have a bond. Now, they have a secret, that is going to eat Quinn and her marriage to Eric alive.

And how exactly is Ridge offering to keep their secret a sign of love or caring or affection or wanting what's best for Quinn?

It's not. Plain and simple.

There is nothing about so-called feelings for her, much less his father or Brooke, in Ridge's actions. He's been lying and deceiving and betraying from the moment he hatched this plan, which started gaining traction when he chose to spy on a naked and unaware Quinn in the shower. 

Even if he had some change of heart following Quinn's breakdown, which I cannot believe, his actions following that belie said change of heart. If he truly had some sort of feelings and common understanding with her, would he encourage her to keep the kiss a secret? Not in a million years, but he is going to keep it a secret until it serves him to reveal it. 

Just when I think Ridge Forrester can't possibly sink into the muck any lower, he does...and what's worse, he's taking Quinn with him.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 11

Recap for Thurs. 1/19:

We open with Quinn and Ridge right where we left them.

Quinn: "You won't say anything to Eric? Or tell anyone what happened in San Francisco?:

Ridge: "Like you said, who's gonna believe me?" That's not the point, Ridge, and you know it.

Quinn: "I know I should be grateful, but you have wanted me out of your father's life for so long... I can't believe you'd be willing to keep this secret." Quinn, I thought you were smarter than this. Why aren't you questioning his motives? Are you that desperate to keep the secret? Because what she should understand, is that Eric will forgive the kiss, easily, and put the onus on Ridge (which is where it belongs). But the lies and secrecy between them? That he is not going to overlook, especially not when Ridge and a former wife (Brooke) have done this to him before.

Liam, in the understatement of the year, feels that everyone has a breaking point and he's reached his a long time ago.

Steffy, sounding as if she's talking to a child (same difference), agrees that he's been the epitome of patience and understanding. 

Liam snots, " Well, I tried to be. But now I kind of think that was a mistake. Listen, I want all of you or nothing at all. And I am so sick of your grandfather and Quinn and Wyatt teaming up against me, 'cause you chose me. And that means we should be together. NOW. Not when your grandfather says it's okay for us to be together." Steffy just sighs because clearly, nothing she can say is penetrating his beady little brain.

Wyatt confirms with Eric that he is moving out and that while living with him and his mother was "amazing," it wasn't the right approach to get Steffy to come back to him. He tells Eric that he appreciate everything Eric has done for him but doesn't want Steffy to feel like she was bribed into being with him.

Wyatt: "But I have to look at this from Steffy's point of view. She's under a lot of pressure. From work, from Liam, from everything, and then our pitch only made things worse. And I know I had to try. Because I love her. And I know that I'm the right guy for her, but... if I really am that guy, I shouldn't have to convince her of that." Exactly, so make like Elsa and Let It GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Wyatt!

Liam, still whining (if he's not whining, we'd have to check his pulse) is giving a retread of the "we wuz wobbed" speech. I'll spare you.

He also reiterates his demands which are that she makes it clear to everyone there is no chance she's reuniting with Wyatt and that she wants the divorce finalized immediately. Guess Steffy should fly to Vegas for a quickie divorce huh? Barring that, does Liam really think she can wave her magic wand and get the California courts to hurry things along?

Eric admits he's a little surprised by Wyatt's plan but Wyatt insists it's necessary. Wyatt reflects on his time at the mansion and chuckles as he tells Eric he didn't think he would enjoy living with his mother again but it was good. He remarks on how Quinn has changed and how she was like that his entire life until Eric.

More anvil dialogue from Wyatt this time: "You transformed her and you opened up my eyes, too. I realized integrity is so important in a relationship. And I also realized, I want somebody who believes in me as completely as you and my mom believe in each other." Well, that ain't Steffy, Wyatt, because she believes in Steffy.

Quinn and Ridge are rehashing their "secret, secret, we've got a secret" convo and just ugh.

Quinn: "Your father will never know what happened between us. The flirting, the steam room, what happened in San Francisco last night... I need to have your word, Ridge. Promise me."

Ridge: "What we shared... that kiss... that's between us. No one else."

Quinn: "You promise?" To help me lie to and betray my husband?

Ridge: "It's our secret." 

Don't these two fools know that two can keep a secret when one of them is dead? Plus, wild card Ivy is aware of everything that happened pre-San Francisco. If she senses trouble for Eric, her loyalty will be to him, not the woman who pushed her into the Seine nor the cousin who couldn't give two shits about her.

Wyatt arrives at the beach house and looks around, then sends a text.

Steffy tells Liam she gets it, but she doesn't know where all of this is coming from, especially ending her marriage STAT!

He accuses everyone of getting to her and she denies it. He whines that he's tired of watching it happen.

This scintillating conversation is interrupted by Wyatt calling Steffy, asking to see her.

She asks if it's work-related and he admit it isn't but it's important.

Steffy: "Look, the situation's already awkward enough. Let's not make this worse, okay?"

Wyatt: "And I appreciate that. But I'm not taking no for an answer, so..." Ok, dial it back a notch, tiger. But Steffy surprises him when she asks where he is. He tells her that he's at their place and she immediately recognizes that he's back at the beach house. He again asks her to come and she surprises him even further (and me) when she tells him she's on her way. Clearly, she's had enough of Liam's whining, so much so that she'll meet with Wyatt to hear him plead his case for their marriage.

Of course, Liam is calm and takes the news well.


Hahahaha, just kidding, preverts!

Liam: "You're honoring a marriage that never should have happened. You're legitimizing everything Quinn did to us." And Steffy is PISSED now.

Steffy, through gritted teeth, "No, I'm not. I want a future with you." 

Liam, continuing to double-down and he's all but reaching for her hair or whatever passes for it these days to drag her home with him, "Steffy, even in the middle of all of this, you answered that phone because the caller I.D. said 'Wyatt.' And now you're about to drop everything you're doing and go see him. I know how much you love your grandfather, I know what the company means to you, but we have waited long enough, and our relationship has to come first. End the marriage. Get that God-forsaken tattoo off your finger, or what's left of it, and then come home. I'm gonna be at the house tonight. I'm gonna make us dinner. Use this time to go tell Wyatt no more, and then I'll see you tonight."

Well, he sure told her. 

Except Steffy calls his bluff: "You know what, I can tell Wyatt to just come here and tell me if you're that worried about it." I had to rewind that one a few times, especially to see his slack-jawed response.

And here comes the 6vApA.gif

Liam: "No, no, no, you should go. You absolutely should go -- tell him it's over, set him straight, and then come home to me." If I know Steffy, she just LOVES to be bossed around.

Ridge, alone, is practically salivating as he recalls Quinn begging him not to tell Eric and then moves on to reminisce about kissing her.

Eric and Quinn are reunited and it feels so good. For one of them anyway. He fills her in on Wyatt moving back to the beach house. Quinn, likely feeling guilty for other reasons, decides to self-flagellate herself by taking all the blame for the demise of the Wyvvy marriage. Again, not your fault, Quinn.

She says she's made so many mistakes, especially in the last 24 hours (oh, that last part was me).

Quinn thanks him for being there for Wyatt and Eric acknowledges how proud she is of him and that she should be proud. Quinn tells him how being away from him made her realize how much she loves him and how thankful she is to be his wife.

Now would be a perfect time to tell him the truth.

Quinn: "I missed you. I hate being away from you."

Steffy walks into the beach house and remarks that the place looks nice. He confesses that he did a little sprucing up when she told him she was coming over. He thanks her for seeing him and she responds that she knows it was important (unlike Liam with his EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT antics).

He offers her a glass of wine and though she initially declines, she changes her mind. 

Steffy: "One glass. No toast."

Wyatt, cajoling, "Come on. There's something I really need to say. It's been a long time since both of us have been in this house together. How about this? To all the good times that we shared together here. A toast. To all the laughs we had, the love that we shared, all the jokes we made, every dinner you ruined-"

She has to laugh at that and argue it was one time. They share sad smiles as Wyatt says they can toast to bad timing instead.

They clink glasses and drink.

Liam, whom I expected to be hiding outside the beach house, shows up at FC and explains he got Ridge's text and what does it mean, it doesn't sound like good news, and what happened and OMG...


Ridge lies to his ferret face that Quinn didn't betray his father and she didn't cross a line.

Liam's mind is blown.

Eric assures Quinn that Wyatt is tough, as tough as she is. She remarks that he's a better person than she is.

Eric: "He's gonna be fine. We will see to it."

Quinn: "Thank you so much for being so supportive."

Eric: "That's what I promised, isn't it? That's what I vowed, to take care of you, on our wedding day. To be strong and protective of you and to give you everything in this world." And you can just see the guilt gutting her.

Quinn: "And you have. I have everything I could have ever dreamed of." So again, tell him the truth, take away Ridge's power, and keep your marriage on solid ground.

Eric wants to move on and talk about the symposium.

He teases her about them laying down their swords. Ridge wanted to lay down his sword all right. Quinn deflects as much as she can, sidestepping the truth at every opportunity and telling him she just wants to focus on being home with her husband.

The tiniest alarm bell pings in Eric's mind here.

Eric: "What, you don't want to talk about it?"

Quinn: "Well, I already told you on the phone, the symposium was a big success. I don't know what more you want me to say. Ridge and I are never gonna be best friends."

Eric: "Why did you take separate flights home? Did something happen? Did he -- did Ridge do something to you?" You could say that.

Quinn: "No." From lies of omission to out and out lies.

Eric: "Good. I'm glad to hear that. Look, all I want is for my wife and my son to have a decent relationship. Nothing I like better in the world than to know that you were getting closer." Be careful what you wish for, Eric.

Back at the beach house, Steffy tells Wyatt she knows it's a difficult time for him. She agrees that they had some great memories at the beach house and isn't so sure being there is such a good idea. Why? If she's truly moved on with Liam, then what should it matter?

Steffy: "You asked me here to talk, so I think we should do that."

Wyatt: "You're right. It has been difficult for both of us. But I know how we can move on from this, Steffy. We have to stop listening to the clock that is counting down the end of the days of our marriage and focus on what we've done together. What we've learned, what we've accomplished together as a couple. Forget about the divorce and just think about what we mean to each other." Okay, Wyatt, this needs to be the last stand because it's getting a little pathetic and sad. Besides, the best way for him to win Steffy back is to move on. Lord knows she can't stand not being the center of attention.

Eric thinks it's time to celebrate but Quinn isn't in the mood for martinis or tequila either. 

Eric wants to know what's bothering her and if something is wrong. Yes, Eric, there's a whole helluva lot wrong here but instead of being honest and showing YOU loyalty, she's conspiring with the devil against you.

Eric: "Wait, was I wrong to send you and Ridge to San Francisco, in hopes that you would get closer? Is that what happened? Quinn. I want to know."

Yet another opportunity for truth-telling but she lies some more and worse, supports Ridge. OMFG.

"I think we've been too hard on Ridge. He's not the enemy, and neither am I. It's just, it's so much more complicated than that. And I know you want us to be closer, but I don't really need my relationship with him to change. I don't really want to talk about Ridge anymore. I'm here with you. This is exactly where I want to be. I love you. And I love our life together. Things are so good now, and I want them to stay that way. I don't ever want to lose you." I believe that she truly does love Eric but if she does love him and doesn't want to lose him, then she needs to come clean. The longer she lies to him, the more damage it will do to their marriage, perhaps irreparable.

Liam is still in denial. He remembers Ridge calling him, he was alone with Quinn, he said it was about to happen and what, did he want to be on speaker phone when it did?

Ridge: "I know what I said. But nothing did happen. It was a bad plan." Oh no, I'd say it was a brilliant plan.

Liam: "It was a 'bad plan?' It was the ONLY plan, Ridge. We tried everything else." 

Ridge: "It's not gonna work."

Liam: "What does that mean, exactly, like it's never gonna work? Like you -- you can't get to Quinn? You're just gonna stop trying? What are you saying?" And how is him wanting Ridge to seduce an intoxicated Quinn (well, let's call a spade a spade) and rape her, any better than what she did to him? 

Ridge: "That's what I'm saying, yes."

Liam, grasping for a lifeline: "I mean, okay, Steffy and Wyatt can get divorced, but she still has to work with Wyatt's mother every day."

Ridge, probably thinking, okay little man, you've served your purpose but I've moved on to a bigger and better plan. Not that Liam was really part of the plan because Ridge didn't give a damn about Liam or Steffy or anyone else but Ridge. "All right. I know you're frustrated, I know you're losing your patience. But Steffy, she has to work this out for herself, and I believe she loves you, so just give her some time. You'll work through it." The same speech he's been given by others, including Bill, and he is about to lose it.

Liam: "I mean, you were sure it would work. You're saying nothing happened? Nothing at all?"

Ridge, lying through his teeth. "No. Nothing at all."

We cut to Quinn and Eric embracing, he's kissing her neck, so in love with her, and she...she's thinking of Ridge. Fuck it all.

And the web keeps spinning.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 10


Oh, Liam. He's gone well past Nick N. Sane and seems to be headed into Amber Moore post-breakup from barely legal Thomas territory. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes the effort to dig the hole in Big Bear himself, which would be the most work he's done since he fixed Steffy's computer during his entry story.

I do wish Wyatt would grow a pair and cut Steffy's ass off once and for all. All the things he said to Eric was a good start.

  • Love 11

Great recaps @CountryGirl.  I'm going to call Steffy 'Fauxdiloks' from now on.

I hate what they're doing to Quinn.  We know how this is going to end because we've seen it before.  Quinn will end up losing everything and Ridge will walk away, completely unscathed.  Why doesn't she just tell Eric that Ridge kissed her.  That's what happened!  She can explain to Eric that it was after they had had an emotional confrontation and he got caught up in the moment and it meant ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  That way she can be honest with her husband and try to make sure Eric and Ridge don't start fighting over ANOTHER woman.  But that's not how it's going to go.

Wyatt is doing to Fauxdiloks exactly what she did to Liam.  Invite her to a place that means something to the both of them and reminisce about all the good times they had.  Fauxdiloks did that to Liam over and over and over again when he was with Hope.  The only thing that would make Wyatt's umpteenth try at getting Fauxdi back more enjoyable would be if we didn't have to watch it because I'm sick of this bullshit.  Fauxdiloks ain't worth it!

  • Love 10

And I also wanted to say that I totally get why some are excited about seeing TK and RS together - not necessarily loving the pairing, but enjoying two seasoned vets playing off one another. Rena definitely brings her all to every scene she is in and it's obvious TK is having to up his game to match her (though he's not at her level). 

But not at the expense of the left to languish on the vine JMc, who has been in a renaissance of late. He is just so, so good and effortless whereas sometimes, I can see TK acting and it grates. 

Add in the magic of Queric, which kept me watching this show when everything else was screaming for me to remove B&B from my DVR and I just cannot stomach this beautiful pairing being ruined for a storyline that's already been told, albeit with RM in the role. 

I would love it if Quinn told Eric the truth, removing any power or hold Ridge has over her and his family reads him for filth, Brooke's eyes are finally opened and she begs Bill to forgive her and he does and they finally marry while Ridge is left out in the cold...with the possibility of a angsty redemption arc storyline in the works. 

Or even a storyline where Ridge realizes she's not the devil and decides to befriend her and they tell Eric the truth and wonder of wonders, Ridge Freakin' Forrester finally grows up.

But that would be too much to hope for, so instead we get the demise of Queric, the final nail in the coffin of Ridge being painted into a villainous corner and Brooke lying in a heap yet again. No thank you.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 13

Liam, you fucking idiot, Steffy and Wyatt work together and she's just suppose to ignore his calls and cut all ties.  How is that going to happen unless Liam, you fucking idiot, makes another ultimatum that Steffy has to resign before they get married.  6 months sure flew by but now that it's over, I get the feeling that Steffy still has some reservations about being with Liam, the fucking idiot.  Quinn has interfered with Liam/Steffy, I give him that but how many times has Steffy interfered with Liam/Hope?  How many times has Liam, the fucking idiot, shot himself in the foot with any of his relationships?  

Today, I compare Quinn with Kylo Ren's struggle with the light side and the dark side, of the force, within him.  To kill or not to kill Hans Solo that is the question. 

  • Love 8
57 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

And I also wanted to say that I totally get why some are excited about seeing TK and RS together - not necessarily loving the pairing, but enjoying two seasoned vets playing off one another. Rena definitely brings her all to every scene she is in and it's obvious TK is having to up his game to match her (though he's not at her level). 

But not at the expense of the left to languish on the vine JMc, who has been in a renaissance of late. He is just so, so good and effortless whereas sometimes, I can see TK acting and it grates. 

Add in the magic of Queric, which kept me watching this show when everything else was screaming for me to remove B&B from my DVR and I just cannot stomach this beautiful pairing being ruined for a storyline that's already been told, albeit with RM in the role. 

I would love it if Quinn told Eric the truth, removing any power or hold Ridge has over her and his family reads him for filth, Brooke's eyes are finally opened and she begs Bill to forgive her and he does and they finally marry while Ridge is left out in the cold...with the possibility of a angsty redemption arc storyline in the works. 

Or even a storyline where Ridge realizes she's not the devil and decides to befriend her and they tell Eric the truth and wonder of wonders, Ridge Freakin' Forrester finally grows up.

But that would be too much to hope for, so instead we get the demise of Queric, the final nail in the coffin of Ridge being painted into a villainous corner and Brooke lying in a heap yet again. No thank you.

All of this. I figured Bridge would destroy themselves over some dumbass BS or another anyway, Quinn or no Quinn. Brooke's been such a non-factor in this whole story; suggesting she was an afterthought like Jack Abbott in the Philly fiasco would mean anyone has even about her at all.

  • Love 6

For as much as Wyatt is thirsty, I would pick him all day, any day over F I Liam.

As least when Wyatt is into someone, he's into only them. The argument has been thrown out there, what would Wyatt do if faced with a situation where he's torn between two women (i.e. Hope returned) but how do you prove a negative?

Ivy returned and Wyatt didn't give her a second glance although to be fair, even with his marriage on the rocks. He knew she really wanted Liam, no matter how much she wondered what might have been with him, and that was all he needed to know. We didn't see him using her as a shoulder to cry on. We haven't seen him sniff around Nicole again or Sasha.

If Hope did return, I think you might see some conflicting feelings there to be sure. They were married. Hope was expecting their child. But I think he would make a decision and stick with it whereas Waffles would be:


  • Love 9

Oh, it gets better than that. Wyatt actually called the tattoo removal guy over to get the last of the ink out and she's like BHUW, WHUT.....like, Bitch, isn't this what you've pulled the Coyote Ugly routine over? There's no Ivy or Hope in your way this time and Wyatt is far more gracious that she was when Waffles wanted to get back with Hope, so be happy.?

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Oh, it gets better than that. Wyatt actually called the tattoo removal guy over to get the last of the ink out and she's like BHUW, WHUT.....like, Bitch, isn't this what you've pulled the Coyote Ugly routine over? There's no Ivy or Hope in your way this time and Wyatt is far more gracious that she was when Waffles wanted to get back with Hope, so be happy.?

I knew it! I knew that bitch couldn't stand Wyatt not wanting her anymore (or at least giving that impression). If only Liam were there to witness this...and let the folks in white coats drag him away.

  • Love 10

Color me surprised to see Wyatt presenting Steffy with divorce papers. Way to act like an adult and take charge of your life, Wyatt. Now move on from that thing. I was happy with that. I was not happy with that crap between Quinn and Ridge. What the hell is going on here? She just told Eric how much she loved him, how lucky she was, she didn't want to lose him, etc and then starts hyperventilating over Greasy? If she gets with Greasy and hurts Eric--guess what? I won't be the only one!

  • Love 12

It just dawned on me that with Ivy knowing what she knows and Liam knowing of Sludge's plan that TIIC might have him putting two and two together and outing Quinn somehow right as Ridge has truly come to respect her as much as he respects any woman not named Stephanie Forrester I. Maybe even team up with Rick, who for once would have every right to be upset by Ridge's lack of regard for his mother.

I'll take anything that puts an end to his nonstop whining and maybe even a well deserved trip to the funny farm, because ye gods. 

Bill is playing it smart, if somewhat out of character for him. With the sole exception of that 2007 break up over Ridge punching Rick, he has always been the one to end it with Brooke for some bullshit or another. He barely gave it a thought to toss her away when she lost their first child and Caroline broke up with Thorne; Ridge didn't burn rubber to annul his marriage to Taylor after he found out she was preggers with Bridget, who was believed to be his daughter at the time;and he stayed put after finding out Steph's plan for forcing his hand when Taylor came back from the dead in spite of the infant namesake and the toddler girl who he had helped raise. Hom dumping Taylor had far more to do with hurt pride at being cuck'd like the /pol/ forum of 4chan than Brooke's integrity.

 And let's not forget the idiot text message from Deacon about their grown daughter that Ridge dumped Brooke over. Deacon being the one man in the show's history that's gotten completely over her.

Long story short, Bill is right to not do anything to interfere. Ridge will ruin things all on his own, the same as his idiot son. How sure are we that Liam isn't Ridge's kid after all? ;)

  • Love 8

CountryGirl, I agree completely with your assessment of Ridge.  I certainly don't believe (and never did) that he is falling in love with Quinn* but something is definitely going on with him.  I think that maybe he's in lust with her and the macho ego maniac that lies just beneath the surface (well, not really, I'd say more straight up) will not be satisfied until he has conquered her. So, he's going to end up treating her just the way she described all of those other men, after he clucked his tongue understandingly and tsk-tsk'd her into an embrace and kiss.  And I'm not at all happy that Quinn is apparently "hot under the ... " for him, too.

I guess just have the hate sex and get it over with to compound "the secret' because I don't think I can stand another day of montages of THE KISS. The only problem is that Quinn will be too distracted to work and she'll probably have a heart attack or something if she gets that worked up just remembering one kiss.  It looks like we're on our way to another kiss amidst the garment racks (Isn't that close to the infamous electrical panel? I thought I saw that in the background.) Given that, it should be Ivy who catches them.  I'd be mighty happy if in the ensuing mayhem that Sludge got good fry. He has enough grease to get something blazing.

*I'm not crazy about RS and TK as a couple either.  Hate me, but I actually prefer him with the much younger women. It enhances his sleaze factor to be hanging out with chicks young enough to be his granddaughter.  (Hey. It works for Ronnie Lane who kind of set the trend for the February-December romances.) And this version of Ridge just doesn't seem to mesh well with more mature women. There is nothing there with KKL, nor was there with HT. The only reason this is working with RS is because she is dragging it out of him.

(An aside ... I cracked up when Quinn -- with dangerously pounding heart -- was gasping for air and Ridge was simultaneously rubbing that bottle of Perrier against his neck.)

Well played, Wyatt! Absolutely. Puffy didn't know what hit her when Carter waltzed in with signed divorce papers and the tattoo removal doc showed up.  She was absolutely gobsmacked.  She looked so crestfallen when Wyatt told her she was now a free woman. I thought she would have been elated. But, no-o-o-o.  Now she has to go home to dance to the sad Waffles dirge without the safety net.  I think it would have been a nice added touch if Wyatt had arranged for Dr. Zappi-It to perform Wyatt's first removal treatment while he was there. OUCH! I don't care. That dirty bitch would deserve every cold twist of the knife.

This is in the spoilers, but out of courtesy ...


I saw tomorrow's preview and Liam goes completely off the rails right in front of $Bill and flees the beach house. Looks like some epic viewing!

Happy viewing!  Hey, thank you to CountryGirl for the daily recaps complete with the original illustrations. I know that has to take a lot of time. I look forward to laughing at them each evening over dinner!

  • Love 9

Well played Wyatt.... well. played. sir.

Liam......just wait a few minutes.  Steffy (with that damn raccoon on her head...uh, babe....Daniel Boone wore it better) will be at your door.  We call Liam 'Waffles' but Steffy has him beat in spades.  How long has she been bouncing between the $Bill offspring?  She's like Brooke with Bill/Ridge. 

Personal note to B&B writers.  Enough with the incestuous families.  Y&R and GH have many more characters to mix up.  I know you're only 1/2 hr (and you waste way too much of it with stupid montages) but get some corporate intrigue.  You have Forrester vs Spencer possibilities so do something besides bed bouncing.

***rant over***

....for now....

  • Love 13

If nothing else; Show certainly has us all talking! I still don't know what to think. Quinn doesn't seem like she wants to be with Ridge at all; I can't figure out if her panic attacks are coming from guilt, or from the thought of being with Ridge. I absolutely believe she loves Eric, but Ridge is in her head now, and that is never a good thing. And Ridge is more perplexing. I am not convinced of anything with him. If this is part of his plan, well, he is never going to be successful. Not if he is going to be sitting around daydreaming about Quinn to the point he is overheating and has to apply cool compresses to his neck. Ridge just doesn't look like a man on a mission. He looks confused. Almost angry. So I am just gonna watch in a "wait and see" mode.

Wyatt, I have wanted you to do that for so long. But what I really wanted to see was you carrying her traitorous ass to Liam's and unceremoniously dumping her at his door, ringing the doorbell, and just leaving. In my opinion you were far too nice to her considering it took her all of twenty minutes to fall into bed with Liam after walking out on you. The tattoo ring removal was a brilliant touch though. It added that needed little bit of zing to an otherwise respectful smackdown. And I loved how it all came on the heels of her "Wyatt, I know why you asked me here, but I can't give you what you want." Oh, but yes you can.

Liam is a modern day he-man. There was certainly a lot of ordering about going on. He sure was telling Steffy what she was and wasn't going to do. If I was Liam I would have driven my own self crazy by now. Do these people never get tired of hearing the same thing? If this were my relative or friend I would tell them straight up to shut up about it. There is loving someone and there is enabling someone. Bill needs to see the signs.

Ivy looked lovely.

Is there any color that looks bad on RS?

  • Love 10

Ew. The Quidge montages are worse than the actual kiss. Dare I hope that they both contracted some virulent plague in San Francisco and that only Quinn survives?

Actually I only watched today for Wyatt and Steffy.  Once a week is about as much as I can take of the recent turn of events but it was worth the gross-out to watch Steffy try to process things.  

Also, Scott Clifton deserves better. 

  • Love 7

He really does. He strikes me as a guy who really enjoys the genre for what it is unlike many young actors who understandably are only looking for their break into TV and movie stardom. And I feel bad ripping into Liam cuz Clifton does have talent and it's been wasted since the first time he's said "I do" on the show.

  • Love 9

Again......I blame the writers for wasting the real talent they have on the not so good.  We come up with better material than they do.  All it is is 'lather, rinse, repeat'.  ITA SC respects the genre but if I were him I would hate! having to say the same shite every damn day.  I love TK but hate him as Ridge. He and SC deserve so much better.  Hell the show (and us) deserve better.

RuntheTable......RS could wear a burlap bag and look stunning......

  • Love 7

The running!  Dear God, the running is back!  JMW cannot run like an actual human being.  

I can't be the only one who, when they kept shifting back and forth between shots of Liam in his car and Steffy in hers, hoped "yes, let them crash into each other and die!!"?  I give these two five minutes before one or the other starts getting bored and wondering about someone else.  

What was with the camera work on those Quinn/Ridge scenes?  I felt like a dizzy stalker watching them. 

  • Love 13

OMG, not even kidding, my 2 1/2-year-old threw less of a fit than Liam this morning when her 9-month-old brother took her chocolate chip mini-muffin & ate it right in front of her, & that tantrum caused me to be late for work, due to the inability to get anyone dressed because of the meltdown. For real, that girl, tears, laying in the floor, kicking, yelling "my muffin", it was endless. Didn't bother the boy, though, he ate that muffin, crawled over to where she was & started clapping. On topic, damn, Liam, remember what happened the last time you took off to get away from Steffy?? 

Also, Forrest Gump called & he wants his run back.

Also, that's the type of run that's reserved for when people who haven't seen each other in a long time have been reunited, not for an on-&-off couple who just parted ways like 2 hours ago. That run would've been far more applicable if Hope had seen him at the airport, not that I ever, ever, ever want that to happen again.

Edited by nkotb
  • Love 12

Recap for Mon. 1/23/17:

Steffy is at the beach house, sipping her wine. Wyatt walks over to her and admits he's lonely. Steffy tells him she knows why he asked her here and Wyatt is all, please, enlighten me. Steffy thinks it's one word - "reminiscing." 

Wyatt: "It's isn't a bad idea, but no." He says they had some really good memories here and Steffy agrees that they did. They both think back to their times together with the accompanying flashbacks, including the wedding on the beach where Steffy's mermaid hair (which is still hella ugly) is much more attractive than whatever the animal she's wearing on her head these days.

Wyatt: "We had a great life. No matter what happens, no one can take that away from us."

Liam is at the beach house, lighting about one hundred candles and looks up, beady eyes expectant as someone opens the door.

Liam; "I was getting a little concerned." Why, because Steffy is taking more than five minutes to say goodbye to Wyatt and their marriage? He's as bad as Hope giving Liam until 3:00 on the dot to show up before marrying Wyatt.

He, of course, is assuming Steffy is about to round the corner but $ Bill strolls in, snagging the glass of wine from his son's hand. He (correctly) assumes Liam was waiting for Steffy. Liam admits he is and then whines that he's "running on empty."

He whines some more with this: "I'm so sick of all these people getting involved in my life. If only Ridge..."

Bill laser-focuses in on this, "If only Ridge WHAT?" Realizing his near-slip, Liam backpedals and plays stupid, which, not a stretch for this guy.

Ridge is working in the office and is getting all hot and bothered, thinking of kissing Quinn. You know, I'm one who complained far and wide to the constant flashbacks where Steffy gallumping like the heifer she is to a newly freed Liam on the beach, but I think that would almost be preferable to watching his greasy paws on Quinn and the decidedly non-hot liplock.

Pam enters with Eric close behind her, with Eric joking, "the boss is in the house." He takes a gander at Ridge's latest sketch and admires it, wanting to know whom should they thank for this inspiration. Ridge looks worried or constipated. Take your pick.

Quinn is in Steffy's office and is thinking about the kiss and really, TPTB, this is the best you can come up with? Some middle-aged twosome acting like they are in some 80s afterschool special, pining for each other. Ivy comes in and sees Quinn looking decidedly not ok. Ivy, BTW, is looking just gorgeous and why the Spencer boys can't see that and stop chasing Fauxdilocks is beyond me. I think they need glasses and an intervention. Ivy wonders what's going on.


Pam, whose opinion is not needed, says Ridge's design is beautiful and clearly inspired by love (gag!) and then inquires as to whether he and Brooke have set a date. Um, that would be about a quarter after NEVER. Which is fine by me.

Once Pam leaves, Eric wants to know what happened in San Francisco. Dun, dun, DUNNNNNNNNNNN! Only not really because we all know Ridge is going to lie his ass off.

Quinn admits "some days are harder than others" and Ivy questions that, but Quinn doesn't have an answer for her. 

Quinn: "I have a lot on my mind." Well, boo hoo. If you'd tell the truth, I think your mind would be a lot less cluttered. She claims it's because she's president of the company but Ivy knowingly asserts it's because she's dealing with Ridge. 

Ivy: "I can't believe all the hate he puts on you. It must be horrible." Well, Ridge putting his greasy paws on me. among other things, would be pretty horrible.

Liam, antsy as Templeton before he was allowed to run wild at the fair, whines about how Steffy should be back by now. Bill wonders where she is and now, that's just mean, Bill, when you know good and well she's still with Wyatt. But it's also hilarious. It opens the door though for Liam to tell him that "Wyatt called and Steffy came running." 

How dare she she meet with the man she is STILL MARRIED TO.


Bill reminds him of that fact and Liam snots that he knows and he hears it enough from Eric, Wyatt, and Quinn and that, hopefully, it ends tonight.

And here he really gets on a whining roll: "I want her to move in here. I want that stupid tattoo off her finger." I want, I want, I want. Me, Me, Me. I'm surprised Bill doesn't slap him Moonstruck-style. He just asks if he told Steffy all of that and Liam said he did (and in exactly that fashion).

Liam: "I'm so sick of her being at Wyatt's beck and call." When exactly did this happen? "I told her to find out what he wants and then get back here and I meant it." He has regressed to full on toddler with his favorite toy taken away behavior. I agree with those who have asked, are we sure he isn't Ridge's son? Bill looks embarrassed for him right now.

Steffy tells Wyatt that the memories will always be a part of them: "You're right, no one can take them away." Wyatt surmises that their life is over though (PRAISE JESUS!) Steffy knows he doesn't want to hear that and he tells her he doesn't. He again recalls the day they got married, the beach, their vows, the way that she looked at him.

And I believe they were truly happy and in love that day. This picture says it all.


Wyatt: "It was a day I'll never forget." Steffy, uncomfortable for reasons even she doesn't fully understand, deflects, telling him she doesn't want to get into that. 

Steffy: "What you want or are hoping for I cannot give it to you." She stands there, probably expecting him to plead with her some more, but there's a knock at the door. Cigar-store Indian Carter is there and Wyatt invites him in to join them. He's holding an envelope and Wyatt, sounding more chipper by the moment, thanks him for coming by. Steffy just stands there and stares.

Eric tells Ridge that he realizes San Francisco was not all he expected. Ridge replies, "It wasn't." 

Eric: "Quinn was surprised by it, too. It had a big impact on her." Ridge acknowledges it had an impact on him as well. Eric, thinking they had a breakthrough of not seeing each other as the enemy anymore, says he's waited a long time for Ridge to see Quinn the same way that he does, although he doesn't expect that his feelings for her have changed in just one weekend.

Um...about that, Eric...

He praises Ridge for his comments during the symposium, calling them "very generous." He would appreciate him getting closer to Quinn as well. Ridge is listening and probably thinks, oh, it's okay, I have my father's permission to pursue his wife. Eric does question Ridge singing Quinn's praises and asks what brought that on.

Ridge: "It's tough to say." Eric lets it alone and that and just says how glad he is that the two of them are getting closer. If only he knew the truth.

Bill is glad to see Liam is following his advice on being patient. Is that sarcasm, Bill? It must be because Bill says, "Seriously. I'm impressed." Liam wants to know with what. Bill is enjoying seeing Liam all fiesty. Liam whines about all they've been through, thanks to Quinn and then goes on to say he doesn't care if she hurts Eric or Wyatt so long as she leaves Steffy out of it. 

I want to punch him in the nutsack when he says "Wyatt will just have to get by without her." What a fucking asshole. 

Steffy, not realizing what's about to happen, tells Carter it's nice to see him. She wonders why he's here and Carter asks Wyatt if he's told her. Wyatt says, "Not yet."

Steffy, starting to look concerned, gets wide-eyed when Wyatt pulls the papers with the familiar blue bottom page from the envelope and shows them to Steffy. Carter wishes them both good luck and makes a hasty exit. 

If I were Carter, I would have stuck around and been like this:


Steffy realizes the divorce is finalized and Wyatt confirms it's "signed, sealed, delivered." He tells her he knows she assumed he was asking her there for a different reason and he wishes that were the case, that Carter was there to renew their vows, but it's not what she wanted.

Wyatt: "I guess it was getting kind of old. Everyone pressuring you into being with me. It was...kind of a cheap shot."

Steffy denies feeling like that and Wyatt, showing once again, he's the far better choice, says Liam felt that way and from his POV, he was right (but don't tell him I said that).

He goes on to say that Liam is his brother and he loves her and while he (Wyatt) loves her, too, he's not the one she wants to be with. 

Wyatt, stating is as clearly as he ever has, "I don't want you to be with me if you don't want to. If you want to be with me, then it's YOUR choice. That isn't the case though, so here it is."

Steffy hugs him and I can see her breathing harder, tears forming in her eyes. When she pulls back, it's evident how much she is conflicted. Oh, sweet karma! I am loving this. After all this time, with all her claims of wanting Liam and how she was manipulated into marrying Wyatt and Liam's crowing, well, well, well, it seems that when Wyatt took the initiative to end the marriage she claims not to want, my how the tables have turned.

Steffy is still trying to process when someone else arrives. It's the tattoo removal doctor. Wyatt knows she has one last treatment to remove the ring, then their marriage is officially over. He really knows how to end things once he makes up his mind.

Bill circles back to Liam's mentioning of Ridge and demands to know what Ridge could have done. Liam caves a bit and tells him that Quinn went to San Francisco. With Ridge and Eric, Bill assumes, but Liam corrects that it was just Ridge and you can see the wheels turning in Bill's head, who is smarter than almost everyone else put together. Liam says Ridge was determined to get Quinn out of his life for good and Bill wants to know how, exactly. Liam says that it doesn't matter because Quinn is here to stay. Bill snarks that Ridge is going to have to deal with crazy Quinn because she has "Eric on a leash." But he bets (and I'll take that bet) that Ridge will screw up though, he always does.

Ridge is having more flashbacks of Quinn. Ugh...just...ugh.

Quinn looks like she's having the beginnings of a panic attack as Ivy walks back in and demands to know what's going on.

Steffy is wincing as the tattoo doctor zaps her. After a few moments, he's finished and the tattoo is finally gone. Wyatt asks, "How does it feel to be a free woman?" Steffy looks up with sad eyes at  Wyatt (what, no jumping for joy now that you're free to be with Waffles?) I am just loving it. She got what she supposedly wished for and now, it looks like she doesn't want it. Well, I hope Wyatt dusts off his hands and walks away and lets her have sad, soggy Waffles. 

Liam is STILL whining: "How long does it take to tell someone it's over?" He very dramatically blows out the candles on the table. "She should BE here by now."

Bill gently tries to remind him of how it is between Steffy and Wyatt. 

Liam: "How it isn't, you mean?" Such an ass. "They are getting a divorce!" 

Bill tells him not to lose faith, that he's been tracking Brooke for a long time, and now she's engaged but HE isn't losing faith and knows they will end up together.

Liam, angry at the world, asks "When is Brooke coming back?" Bill guesses she'll be gone as long as Hope needs her. Liam asks if she is supposed to get married to Ridge when she does get back (I wonder if he's working some angle to pay back Ridge for not making good on their plan, never realizing it was a one-man shop all along). Liam assumes his dad has something up his sleeve.

Bill, confident (and he should be), says "I don't need. Ridge will self-destruct like usual." And I can't wait to see it.

Quinn's heart is racing and Ivy is trying to get her to calm down. She is babbling on about loving Eric and how she's screwed things up. Ivy disagrees that she's screwed up anything and puts her hand to Quinn's forehead, exclaiming about how she's so hot, she's got a fever.

And what's the prescription? More Ridge-bell?

I'd say a whole lot less Ridge-bell.

Quinn insists she's fine and just needs to be alone to gather her thoughts??? WTF? Ivy is not the fool some in her circle are. She has to be thinking something is up. Quinn flees the room and heads to the backstage area.

Ridge is pacing and tries to cool himself down with a glass of Perrier. Who writes this shit? 

Quinn's walking around, her heart is racing (with cheesy heart pounding side effects for good measure). And of course, Ridge just happens to be backstage as well and she turns around to face him.

So while the show was well worth the watch, given Liam's impending meltdown and the delicious karma of Steffy being served and realizing, hopefully too late, that she made the wrong choice, this vomit-inducing nonsense with Quinn and Ridge (and I refuse to give them any nickname) was almost too much to take.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 10

This little Liam cried wee wee wee in his home.  Liam is a fucking idiot plain and simple. Wyatt's mother is off the wall but he is loving and caring while Liam is definitely unhinged with a supposedly a normal childhood.  

In today's show, the part of the partially open door was played by Katie. If I was the partially open door, I would call my agent.  Since when does Ivy open up to Katie?  

"Never Say Never Again" is a title of a James Bond film after Sean Connery said he would never play Bond again.  Yeah right.  Never, Please make it so!  Liam, the fucking idiot, has to act dominate for he knows Steffy has bigger balls than him. I have to say that Steffy hair color was really good because it drew your attention away from her angular face. 

  • Love 9
On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 8:04 PM, grisgris said:

Well, there are many compelling arguments for either side of whether or not Ridge had a grand plan in mind or is acting on newly-felt emotion.  I've been cycling back and trying to remember if he ever did that to any other woman; got them to open up to and trust him, then he betrayed them. It's a repeat pattern with Brooke, so I threw that one out because she always has and apparently still does, allow it.  I also always pegged Ridge as not being all that bright. Definitely with RM Ridge, whom I felt could just skate by on his good looks and charm. A lot of the time, Stephanie was the brains behind whatever scheme they were plotting, which again, was usually aimed at Brooke. So, I don't know. TK is definitely bringing more layers of complexity to the situation and I don't remember any of the other female characters being as multi-faceted as Quinn. Not even Sheila. Ridge really didn't mess around that much with Sheila, (other than pointedly hostile behavior) but when he finally did, you could say he got burned. (Ha! Ha!)

RM Ridge had Stephanie to do the plotting and wet work, because where his erection went he followed.

TK Ridge recast has played every woman he's been attracted or involved as marks. The fantasy that his greasy musk is irresistible, he persues them, he walks up the aisle to dump them to make a point, he falls in love with Katie and ties a string on it while he seduces his brother's wife to boss her around like an incompetent, he stops a couple of weddings because he still loves Brooke, recognizes the remarkable woman his father married which produces the deception that could ruin her marriage and his engagement to Brooke.

All these women have been a means to an end for TK Ridge; wrecking $Bill's ambition to possess Brooke, fiddling around with Katie to irritate $Bill and wound Brooke and polish his ego, regain his drawing skill (not wanting to admit he had been profoundly brain damaged and needed help, while Rick was dogging him for product) by using Caroline to lie to her husband then seducing her to hurt Rick, use Caroline's pregnancy to punish Thomas for raping her then having to step down as CEO when his lie is exposed, repeat attacks against Quinn for marrying Eric and determined to get the Big Office back by disenfranchising Eric and attempting to seduce Quinn.

Ridge actions are all about reinforcing and sustaining Ridge. He's willing to undercut his family, siblings and children from having power at FC, to hang on to his own. He will use women to bide his time, salvage his talent, bolster his ego, warm his bed, attack his imagined oppressors to get what he wants. If anyone is in his way, Ridge will gladly run over them to attain his goals. They're not women he loves, but notches on a bedpost for sticking it to his adversaries.

  • Love 14

He's no Peter Bergman, but in the scenes he has with pretty much anyone else but Steffy and Hope, he has a pretty good vibe. Especially alongside DD and Heather Tom.

I dunno how much someone can wring outta the repetitive, tiresome dialogue on B&B. No one could argue Obba Babatundé's skills as Julius but by the last rendition of "Sasha is the devil for merely existing," I was just as sick of the character as I am of the current peanut gallery.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

He's no Peter Bergman, but in the scenes he has with pretty much anyone else but Steffy and Hope, he has a pretty good vibe. Especially alongside DD and Heather Tom.

I dunno how much someone can wring outta the repetitive, tiresome dialogue on B&B. No one could argue Obba Babatundé's skills as Julius but by the last rendition of "Sasha is the devil for merely existing," I was just as sick of the character as I am of the current peanut gallery.

Quoting both parts of this post, because in the first post, I couldn't agree more. SC is so good when he's in scenes with DD. Granted, DD has that charm that just leaps off-screen, but they play off of each other so well, I legit believe they're father/son & that they love each other. It'd be so nice to have him in a non-romantic story; the romance isn't his strong-suit, in my opinion.

I seriously forgot all about Julius until you mentioned him. When was the last time we saw him? October? How can you not show actors of that talent-level, but shove the Liam/Steffy/Wyatt triangle down our throats every.single.day? Ugh, I'd trade 2 Katie-drops-by-Eric's-house-for-idiotic-reasons, 5 Quinn-&-Ridge-had-a-secret-kiss-in-San-Francisco & 8 Liam-wants-Steffy-to-forget-Wyatt-because-Quinn-is-the-eeeeevil episodes, for an entire episode of Julius rearranging his golf clubs any day.

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1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

RM Ridge had Stephanie to do the plotting and wet work, because where his erection went he followed.

TK Ridge recast has played every woman he's been attracted or involved as marks. The fantasy that his greasy musk is irresistible, he persues them, he walks up the aisle to dump them to make a point, he falls in love with Katie and ties a string on it while he seduces his brother's wife to boss her around like an incompetent, he stops a couple of weddings because he still loves Brooke, recognizes the remarkable woman his father married which produces the deception that could ruin her marriage and his engagement to Brooke.

All these women have been a means to an end for TK Ridge; wrecking $Bill's ambition to possess Brooke, fiddling around with Katie to irritate $Bill and wound Brooke and polish his ego, regain his drawing skill (not wanting to admit he had been profoundly brain damaged and needed help, while Rick was dogging him for product) by using Caroline to lie to her husband then seducing her to hurt Rick, use Caroline's pregnancy to punish Thomas for raping her then having to step down as CEO when his lie is exposed, repeat attacks against Quinn for marrying Eric and determined to get the Big Office back by disenfranchising Eric and attempting to seduce Quinn.

Ridge actions are all about reinforcing and sustaining Ridge. He's willing to undercut his family, siblings and children from having power at FC, to hang on to his own. He will use women to bide his time, salvage his talent, bolster his ego, warm his bed, attack his imagined oppressors to get what he wants. If anyone is in his way, Ridge will gladly run over them to attain his goals. They're not women he loves, but notches on a bedpost for sticking it to his adversaries.

Absolutely spot-on post and why I think that motherfucker Ridge's actions are definitely all part of his plan to take Quinn down, the consequences be damned. But what this idiot doesn't realize is that while he's burning down the house his father built, he's standing inside of it.

26 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

OMG. Steffy running in super high heels.Liam running like he's fleeing a burning building leaving behind the women and children. How many times are these two morons going to run toward each other? I laughed out loud.  Seriously, out loud! 

Please tell me it's so bad it's good. Seriously, why can't these two run to each other, knock each other out and get washed out to sea?

And either drown or end up on a deserted island (and not Boinkberry Island) where we never ever have to see them again.

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