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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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20 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I'm just having a laugh. 🤣

To be fair you do have a recent history of being very upset at Steffy being called a bitch and/or just being criticized at all in general(but then said nothing when Steffy called Hope one), so much so, that you made at least one post announcing your leave from this hate filled forum (but I'm too serious? lol). If there was ever a time to pull out the Ole' "it's just a soap lulz" card...it was back then. But I digress. 

Edited by Skarzero
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15 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

It's amazing to me that this show is on the same network as Beyond the Gates, one that gives more narrative grace to a woman who is now married to her former best friend's daddy than this show gives Hope for existing. And it's not like Hayley is getting a blissful happy ending --sge is very much in the Find Out phase. But the Duprees (besides Dani, the scorned ex-wife, understandably) aren't dragging her every day and she's allowed to stand up for herself for things like Dani breaking into their house on their honeymoon. 

^^^This, I love the BTG writers for actually remembering nuance is a thing while also still drawing clear enough lines where you can (almost) see where everyone is coming from. I actually find myself liking Dani and Hayley. Not equally of course,  Dani is the fan fav for sure, but I still don't seethe or even busy myself anytime I see Hayley onscreen. 

4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

My wish is for Hope to snap and find her dark side and join forces with her father's wife and his step-granddaughter.

The sinister side of me is cool with this, but the logical side of me knows that Hope aligning herself with two murders, one of whom set up her mother to ruin her sobriety, is gonna tank what sliver of credibility she has left. Everyone will just use that as excuse as to why they treated her like shit in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. 

15 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Glad to see all the kindness and grace Bridget spent her youth extending to Brooke about Breacon were clearly in vain because this betrayal feels so much worse than Breacon. This is very much in line with the selfish behavior her detractors  accuse her of being all the time.

Bridget and/or Rick need to come and get their baby sister because she's going through her Meg Griffin era and it's not pretty. I was actually ready to cut Brooke some slack here because even though she's only blasting Hope to score imaginary points with Ridge, I'm still not totally against it bc if nothing else, it proves she's a slightly better parent than Taylor & Ridge who never tells their children, their daughter especially, how much they suck*. But yeah this does feel worse than Breacon, likely because Breacon was hardly a supercouple of the ages. Not saying Brooke wasn't fucked up for sleeping Deacon, but it's not like we missed anything from Deacon/Bridget still being together. The guy did take her V-Card while her family listened instead of hanging up like normal people :) and was trying to defraud them in other ways. 

But this time? On top of being supposedly older & wiser in general, Brooke knows good and damn well that Steffy has made a successful career ripping on her daughter, taking time, opportunities, and even people from her. And Ridge called her out of her name twice(thrice maybe?)and, Brooke still thinks now is a good time to go hard line with Hope? No. Fuck that and fuck her tbh. 

*Of course on a better show there would actually be a happy medium between defending your kid and not outright endorsing the worst version of themselves. But we live in the stupid timeline :/ 

Edited by Skarzero
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1 hour ago, Skarzero said:

This, I love the BTG writers for actually remembering nuance is a thing while also still drawing clear enough lines where you can (almost) see where everyone is coming from. I actually find myself liking Dani and Hayley. Not equally of course,  Dani is the fan fav for sure, but I still don't seethe or even busy myself anytime I see Hayley onscreen. 

I've loved many a "bad" character on soaps over the years.  And the main thing they had in common was that they periodically paid for their bullshit.  I loved Erica Kane, and, yeah, she got away with things, but she also paid for things. There were people in her life who loved her but also still called her out when she was wrong. She lost people, had her heart broken, was on the outs for various lengths of time with her loved ones, and even served time. That all helped make her an interesting character.  Steffy, on the other hand?  Nothing. Her loved ones wouldn't dare let a harsh word cross their lips. The last time she actually had someone she cared about hold her accountable was when Liam walked out on her after finding out she banged his father. But that was how many years ago?  Since then, nobody other than Hope or Sheila ever says a cross word to her. Even Brooke, who Steffy shits on on a pretty  much daily basis, kisses her ass, going so far as to push Hope, Steffy's favorite target, to join her in the ass kissing. That preview clip of Brooke tearfully yelling at Hope next week is more fight than she's ever put up against Steffy.  And Steffy's parents are so invested in the "she is the purest form of light to ever grace this world" narrative that, instead of believing that their daughter willingly banged her FIL, they accused him of raping her and, despite Steffy's denials of that accusation, her mother went and shot Bill. 

On any other soap, a character having the kind of arc Steffy has had lately, where she was cocky about her big plan all along, overly focused on Hope as the perpetrator, despite it being Carter, and then that arrogant display in the FC offices after they got the company back, would be headed for a big fall.  But I have serious doubts that Steffy will suffer any such fall back to earth. If her marriage to Finn ends, it will be her pulling the plug. And she'll get the kids. And she'll probably have Liam breaking land speed records to get in her bed and step right in to make a happy family.  And much like the show liked to act like Finn was Kelly's dad at times, Liam will basically become Hayes's dad, with the Forrester family using all of their influence to make sure Finn can't see him because of his family ties to Sheila and Luna. Sure, the princess will shed a tear or two over not getting her way when it comes to banning Finn from seeing Luna and Sheila, but that will be it. Meanwhile, Ridge, Taylor, Eric, Brooke, and Liam will all rally around her and spend months telling her how wonderful she is, how she doesn't deserve this, and how evil Finn is.  Finn will become an outcast like Sheila, Luna, and Hope. Hell, even Li will probably take up for Steffy and join the ass kissing brigade. 

It would be one thing if the show made any attempt to actually write Steffy as the woman she and her parents claim she is, but they don't. Hope was right, she's a bully. She's like the mean girl from high school who never grew up and regretted her behavior.

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3 hours ago, Skarzero said:

To be fair you do have a recent history of being very upset at Steffy being called a bitch and/or just being criticized at all in general(but then said nothing when Steffy called Hope one), so much so, that you made at least one post announcing your leave from this hate filled forum (but I'm too serious? lol). If there was ever a time to pull out the Ole' "it's just a soap lulz" card...it was back then. But I digress. 

I know it's hard for you, dealing with the Steffy drama.  I wish you well.  🙏

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That display in the Forester office...with Eric and Ridge standing to the side waiting for Princess Steffy to hand down her verdict on the three "traitors" (she said they committed TREASON, and I burst out laughing.  Dramatic much?) reminded me of that famous episode of the old Twilight Zone where a young boy was holding a whole town of adults prisoner because he could do 'awful things, terrible things' to them with his mind.  If he wanted them to sing, they sang.  They could only watch what he wanted or do what he wanted....and they had to keep saying "you're absolutely right.  Everything you say is always the good and best thing and you're always right"'.  Anyone that spoke out against him got "sent to the cornfield".  Brooke and especially Carter stood there with their heads down, basically wringing their hands and promising to be good.  And any lukewarm objection to the treatment of Hope was met with "Watch what you say" and they went back to cowering. 

Do these people NEED jobs?  I mean, Carter might, but he's a top notch lawyer and has been the COO and manager of a Global company, he could write his own ticket elsewhere and not be browbeat.  Brooke is a gazmillionaire in her own right.  Do Carter and Brooke REALLY think Ridge and/ or Princess Steffy won't take every chance they get to remind them of their supposed crimes? They all but crossed he room to go stand next to the Princess and swear their fealty. It was disgusting to watch.

Hope absolutely needs to leave ALL of the people in that building in her rearview.  I just hope she runs over a few people on her way out.


I guess its a good thing they made Donna disappear for this storyline. 


Luna is wearing green and Black!  That's her Murderin' colors!

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I know it's hard for you, dealing with the Steffy drama.  I wish you well.  🙏

Thanks, but this isn't Twitter, Facebook, or soapsheknows, and thankfully most, not all, viewers in this slice of the internet are just as sick of Steffy, her parents, and all the other played out problematic storybeats that Brad shoves in our faces as I am. So being here is usually very relaxing, and I never have to say I'm leaving for one reason or another! It's awesome! 😎 🤗

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26 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

Thanks, but this isn't Twitter, Facebook, or soapsheknows, and thankfully most, not all, viewers in this slice of the internet are just as sick of Steffy, her parents, and all the other played out problematic storybeats that Brad shoves in our faces as I am. So being here is usually very relaxing, and I never have to say I'm leaving for one reason or another! It's awesome! 😎 🤗

Yeah, just breathe.................

I just think all this soap opera shit is funny and I just watch occasionally now and read comments here.  

I could spend a lot more time cussing people out like Lunatic and Sheila, but it's just not worth it.

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7 hours ago, Skarzero said:

The sinister side of me is cool with this, but the logical side of me knows that Hope aligning herself with two murders, one of whom set up her mother to ruin her sobriety, is gonna tank what sliver of credibility she has left. 

The way I see it, she gets dragged no matter what she does.

When Hope was the vestel virgin on the straight and narrow, she got slagged for being too idealist for wanting to wait till marriage.

When she was in between Wyatt and Liam and married Wyatt after Liam failed to meet the expectations, she was called a waffle.

When she came back into town for reasons entirely unrelated to Steam's impending marriage, she gets accused of being the reason it didn't work out, despite Hope encouraging him for damn near six months to reconsider. This in contrast to Steffy all but announcing the pilot light in her over was back on the minute she landed.

Despite her own debilitating grief, Hope found it within herself to care for a child who was being harmed. She's accused of "stealing" him despite his father giving up custody for one night if sex.

Even more ridiculous is Hope being accused of stealing her own damn child without waiting for a DNA test despite this never happening one damn time in the history of soaps for a baby switch story.

Theres a great analogy I could use but frankly everyone is burned out on politics by now. Suffice it to say trying to meet in the middle makes no one happy so if the fandom wanna see her as a villain, then go for it. Make her B&B's Jill Foster Abbott who gets sick of being pushed around and let her be the thorn in the Forresters' side.

As for people coming outta the woodwork to defend Brooke's honor NOW? LOL. LMAO, even. I won't bother wasting bandwidth typing out my thoughts on that fandom wise.

But if Brooke wants to grovel and beg and throw her away for that sleazy ass waffle? Then fuck her ass too. I hope the next time Bridget's in town that she gives Brooke  the slap she deserved the minute Hope's umbilical cord was cut for apparently doing no better by her and tells her Stephanie says hello from Hell.


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6 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

The last time she actually had someone she cared about hold her accountable was when Liam walked out on her after finding out she banged his father. But that was how many years ago?  


And people have been calling Liam everything but a child of God for it because she was "on her knees begging and how dare he make a pregnant woman do that?! (Never mind that at at that point in the pregnancy, the embryo is barely any bigger than the period at the end of this sentence.)

I am no fan of his and Steffy had every right to be mad about his kiss with Sally and overall pattern of playing savior with their history but having him find a paternity test in her purse and learning she'd banged his father the night they renewed their vows? What other reaction was he supposed to have? I don't even recall him dragging her history of lies and tricks to her face and he certainly didn't call her a bitch or a slut or a whore.

It's that basic respect for women that makes me think Liam could be redeemed if he ever got to leave the Steffy/Hope tug of war, but I get the feeling with the Hope bash fest, that comment will age like milk in two weeks or less as he joins in with the rest of the hypocrites.

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21 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Yeah, just breathe.................

I-It's weird that you think you're triggering me. I've said nothing but cold facts so far. Not sure where that came off as distress on my part. 

21 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I just think all this soap opera shit is funny

Yeah it's funny until Steffy's getting criticized, then it's too much and people shouldn't be so mean to a fictional character that pretty much always gets her way lmao. 

21 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I could spend a lot more time cussing people out like Lunatic and Sheila, but it's just not worth it.

By all means go for it. I can't promise I won't join in on the fun from time to time though!😉😁

18 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

so if the fandom wanna see her as a villain, then go for it. Make her B&B's Jill Foster Abbott who gets sick of being pushed around and let her be the thorn in the Forresters' side.

It's true Hope is the ultimate example of danmed if you do, dammed if you don't type character. But the fandom in question is....like....so...delusional to put it mildly. As we've all had a chance to observe recently. Idk you're right, but I just don't feel like people who get pissed at Hope for doing something one day claiming if she had done the opposite she wouldn't be so bad, and then when she does the opposite the next day, they're still mad and Hope is still a P.O.S, should be rewarded/vindicated whatsoever. They just get even more crazy. Look at how they reacted to her forgiving Thomas & finally shagging him but not wanting to take it to marriage all in the same year.

The Y&R writers writing for Jill Foster knew Jill had to win and get her licks against Katherine, the Abbotts, and whoever else she had beef with properly in. And while she was humbled & wounded, I don't think they ever took her all the way down(I wasn't watching back then & only have YouTube clips to go on lol). They certainly didn't shit talk her uninterrupted, unless they were out of her face. We don't have writers that understand or care about any of that. Evil!Hope is just as powerless as Good!Hope ever was, if not more. 

Edited by Skarzero
Had to edit because this lame site want to sensor stuff we've all been saying for years lol
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I just don’t understand these show runners of the past two and three decades who insist n regressing and think the obvious misogyny is something to cheer.

 I bet if Hope had been Ridge’s biological child, Brooke would totally defend her, and I’m SICK at even typing that out. Deacon should absolutely find out how Fake!Ridge has slut shamed his daughter and wipe the floor with him and also rip Brooke a new ASSHOLE.

And  I also want a horsie, because it won’t happen.

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2 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Look at how they reacted to her forgiving Thomas & finally shagging him but not wanting to take it to marriage all in the same year.

I wonder how many of the people who think Hope was just the absolute worst for not agreeing to marry Thomas would, themselves, agree to marry someone after such a short time dating. Especially if that person had a lengthy history of doing shitty stuff to them that they've just fairly recently been able to work past. 

And, if Thomas's family had really had his best interests at heart, they would have been telling him to slow his roll and just enjoy the dating phase for a while. They'd try to make sure that he understood that Hope wasn't ready to move that fast. Because they wouldn't want to set him up for failure, knowing that finally getting his obsession and then losing her could be horrible for his mental health.  They'd also be super wary of how quickly he fell in love with Paris, on the rebound, and got engaged, along with how fast he's got Douglas calling her "mom."  They should be concerned that he doesn't have the ability to stand on his own. 

But, his family just wants him to be someone else's problem. They figured if he married Hope, he'd be all better, since most of his shit was done in service of trying to get Hope to be his. And, if he spiraled out after marrying her, it would be on her to deal with it. And now they're happy he has Paris, because it's her job to make sure he doesn't lose his shit anymore. And Douglas calling her mom just means they have someone to push that evil Hope out of Douglas's life, because they resent the fact that Hope is his mother. 

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15 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

Hi. I can't find any place to report this, but is anybody else getting warnings that this site is "unsafe" and has an expired security certificate? I am getting it on Chrome with Windows 11. Thanks!

The CM posted about it under the Technical Issues in Site Business. They reported it to the tech person. Just ignore it and continue to the site.

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26 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

I was able to get in just fine now

First and second times I tried to open up the site, I got an Alert message, waited awhile and everything was fine.

2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

push that evil Hope out of Douglas's life

When you're intent on scapegoating someone, everything they do - even the way they blow their nose - becomes proof that they're a menace to society.

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On 3/22/2025 at 3:02 PM, CharlizeCat said:

Hi. I can't find any place to report this, but is anybody else getting warnings that this site is "unsafe" and has an expired security certificate? I am getting it on Chrome with Windows 11. Thanks!

I did a couple of days ago. It wouldn't let me in for a day or so...as of day b4 yesterday it seems to have been fixed!?? I hope,!! LOL!

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Carter can go fuck himself. His ethics be damned. He promised to protect Hope and HFTF and he runs back to the backstabbing ingrates elitist Ridge and Stuffy.  Daphne, Carter is so good and has integrity only when it soots Ridge and Stuffy.  When it soots Hope, he’s just a pice of 💩.  Besides, Carter is an idiot if he thinks that Stuffy will ever accept Hope and Ridge won’t because of Stuffy. 

Ridge turns to Taylor in a hot second and I’m quite sure that Carter will turn to Daphne even faster.  

Brooke graveling with Ridge is just 🤢🤮

Hope reading Carter the riot act is a thing of beauty.  If Hope takes Carter back, then she becomes no better than her mother.  



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Carter is pathetic. He sides with the people who called her slut and bitch. Then acts like he's good person. 

Hope is so right she got it wrong. Kick him out. 

Brooke pathetic as always. She misses the man who called her daughter slut, bitch, thinks low of Logan's and lets his daughter attack her. Jumped into bed with Taylor on hours. 

Hope needs to be done with her mother too. Sheila looking better at this point. 

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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

Carter is pathetic. He sides with the people who called her slut and bitch. Then acts like he's good person. 

Hope is so right she got it wrong. Kick him out. 

Brooke pathetic as always. She misses the man who called her daughter slut, bitch, thinks low of Logan's and lets his daughter attack her. Jumped into bed with Taylor on hours. 

Hope needs to be done with her mother too. Sheila looking better at this point. 

The bolded part blows my mind. I’m not familiar with Sheila’s entire history, either here or on Y&R. Has Sheila ever backstabbed (um, not literally!) a person she claims to love a la Brooke and Carter? If not, can’t believe I would have to agree with the bolded.

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14 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Yes. It appears that this problem was fixed over the weekend. Sorry for reporting it here. I forgot that you are supposed to go to Site Business. I thought it was under a different name. Thank goodness everything is up and running and back to the tea and snark!

Thank you for posting that here because I can never find what I'm looking for at this place and never would have found my way to wherever it was discussed. I also got that alert over the weekend. I closed the window and waited until Tuesday to come back. I figured no one sitewise would be around to deal with it over the weekend.

7 hours ago, norcalgal said:

The bolded part blows my mind. I’m not familiar with Sheila’s entire history, either here or on Y&R. Has Sheila ever backstabbed (um, not literally!) a person she claims to love a la Brooke and Carter? If not, can’t believe I would have to agree with the bolded.

I can't recall Sheila ever backstabbing anyone she considered a friend or love interest. Sheila has pretended to befriend someone in order to further whatever her plan was. (Like pretending to care for Stephanie, all the while slowly poisoning her with mercury.) And Sheila's actions towards others have lost her friends/lovers. (Brooke was her friend but dropped her after she found out about Sheila keeping James in a cage in Houdini's basement and other things Sheila had done at that time, none of which affected Brooke. This was all way before the foundry incident.) But I do think that on the few and rare occasions where she considered someone a friend she was true to them and would have had their back. She has used Mike and Sugar (RIP) many times. I don't think she ever considered Sugar a friend, just someone she could use, but with Mike it's a bit complex. He will do anything for her due to his unrequited love for her, and it has seemed like they were friends, but since her feelings are not the same towards him, then it has to be that she just uses him. Maybe Sheila needs to have a friend or two more in order to make the determination, but I don't think Sheila would backstab. Sheila would turn on someone right to their face, and in their face. But not her children, (none of which want anything to do with her), or her lover, or now her grandchildren.

(I'm still holding on to my prediction that Sheila will end up killing Luna in order to save Stuffy and it will be very dramatic and very emotional for Sheila and then she will feel like Stuffy owes her life to her and that it entitles her to be around Finn and Hayes. And it may even, for awhile.)

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OMG, how in the world did Zende find the world's ugliest shirt? He's going to have to try really, really hard to top this one. I shudder to think what his HFTF designs looked like. Zende, wistfully smiling says, "I've got an idea. Let's take some schmattas* and back over them a few times with our delivery trucks the next time it rains."


*Google Ai says, "Schmatta" is a Yiddish word, meaning "rag" or "tattered article of clothing", and can also refer to any garment, especially those that are old, worn, or considered frumpy. 

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1 hour ago, SweePea59 said:

Thank you for posting that here because I can never find what I'm looking for at this place and never would have found my way to wherever it was discussed.

Just go the to Site Business Forum. Underneath there are all subforums and topics related to technical issues and other things.

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Damn, Brooke smells more desperate than LePew’s perfume. Telling Ridge “you can’t have us both” when that’s exactly what he’s done for 4 decades is like me telling peanut butter to stop being perfect so my jeans fit better. But, unlike Ridge, I’m loyal to peanut butter, & I’ve legit chosen a life with peanut butter over jeans. Just sit still, Kitten, Ridge will waffle back to you within months. It’s a merry-go-round. Also, don’t underestimate that lowlife, he hates your daughter farrrrrr more than he’s ever loved you. She betraaaaayed him, don’t ya know?

Hope has been perusing our board in the unemployment line, because she dropped some one-liners to Carter about how she wouldn’t have even known about the LLC papers if he hadn’t told her, which most of us have said multiple times. I like this fiery Hope with a backbone, wish she’d have used it years ago on Liam.

I do think if Carter loved Hope he would’ve put up a stink, Eric & Ridge agreed to keep HFTF, & Steffy doesn’t like her so she doesn’t allow the deal.  Carter had every right to keep the company, she wasn’t involved in the agreement, who’s she to renegotiate? I hope Finn comes home with Sheila & Luna & let’s then have a slumber party upstairs, because he changed his mind after agreeing with Steffy not to see them. A deal isn’t a deal, Steffy. 

Oh, Taylor, the world-renowned mental health professional. If your partner’s ex is cozying up to him in front of you, & tells him that he has a choice to make, & he doesn’t immediately remind her that he’s made his choice, run, he’s already chosen. And, fyi, he’s chosen himself & a life of waffling over both of you. 

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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

Telling Ridge “you can’t have us both” when that’s exactly what he’s done for 4 decades

Slobbo is a serial "haver" who needs a scorecard to keep straight which of those two, groveling loser will be graced with his attentions next.

The circular arguments this show has presented over the past few days reminds me of my parents' entire marriage - 40+ years of the same things being argued over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until death did them part.

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To come to think of it, besides Finn’s balls, Stuffy also has Ridge’s balls, and now Carter’s balls in her trophy case.

Carter, error of our ways?  It was your ways not Hope. Hope just supported you. Carter the blame is all yours.  Just admit it. 

What sticks in my throat most of all is the elitist sanctimonious idiots gloating over getting their company back and Hope’s demise. 

Brooke please stop groveling over that ingrate Ridge 🤢🤮

Hope you should tell Carter that he should get Stuffy to reinstate her and HFTF first before she thinks about taking him back.  Carter is like his brother Ridge in thinking that they can fuck over a Logan and they will kiss their ass. 

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It’s been a looonnnnggggg time since I last logged on here, but this nonsense has been too much for me to keep to myself.

Brooke debasing herself over a man who’s disrespected her child (and let’s not forget Rick) and used his anger over Hope as an excuse to fall in between someone else’s legs is absurd. If that’s acceptable, then Brooke could be Wilt Chamberlain after all of Thomas’ misdeeds.

Pepe LePew is somehow the worst character and actor on this show, which is saying a lot since the Auntie(bleeper) is still there. It’s like she’s doing a bad Eartha Kitt impression.

Good for Hope for reading Carter. Is that meathead somehow implying that she deserved that treatment at the hands of the Forresters? Honestly, she needs to call Det. Hot Dog since COO Dopey isn’t getting it and refuses to leave. It’s O.V.E.R. Now she just needs to tell her embarrassment of a mother that’s she’s moving off the property.

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On 8/13/2014 at 4:53 PM, Anna Yolei said:

This after Bill made Hope's life hell for most of the past three years. Granted, if Brooke had gumption as a mother Hope would not exist at all, but the blind eye she give him is no more endearing than the one she gives Ridge.

I was digging through the archives trying to find something else, but found this from 2014 about Brooke screwing over Hope for a man.

Some things never change, I guess. 🫠

2 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

It’s been a looonnnnggggg time since I last logged on here, but this nonsense has been too much for me to keep to myself.

Brooke debasing herself over a man who’s disrespected her child (and let’s not forget Rick) and used his anger over Hope as an excuse to fall in between someone else’s legs is absurd. If that’s acceptable, then Brooke could be Wilt Chamberlain after all of Thomas’ misdeeds.

Pepe LePew is somehow the worst character and actor on this show, which is saying a lot since the Auntie(bleeper) is still there. It’s like she’s doing a bad Eartha Kitt impression.

Good for Hope for reading Carter. Is that meathead somehow implying that she deserved that treatment at the hands of the Forresters? Honestly, she needs to call Det. Hot Dog since COO Dopey isn’t getting it and refuses to leave. It’s O.V.E.R. Now she just needs to tell her embarrassment of a mother that’s she’s moving off the property.

Welcome back! 🫂

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And today on B&B, 2 desperate women fight over a grubby hobo.  Anyone interested in watching this?  Anyone?

Oh Carter, stop babbling your wimpy babble & head out the door!  See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!  Really wouldn't wanna be ya!  Wimp!  Hey, Le Pew, he's all yours, hun -- so you can join Brooke & Dishrag in desperately chasing after sh*tty men.

Oh Smuggy, you won't be smug for much longer cuz Lunatic & Sheila are comin' for you, sweetie.

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Lord, Brooke. the second hand embarrassment you're giving me, groveling to that asshole.  And then his smug smile when Taylor came in, like "ah, yes, now we're back to what really matters - my harem fighting over me."  Let the dishrag have him, Brooke.  Grab some of the spine your daughter has found and tear him a new one on your way out the door.  

And what planet does Carter live on?  When Hope says Steffy hates her, he corrects her with "she hates what we did."  Bitch, what?  Did you not stand in that CEO office after Hope was fired the first time and listen to her talk about Hope?  Hear her say that she'd happily take a loss in profits to no longer have to look at Hope in the office?  That was before "what we did," asshole.  And if Steffy's only problem is the takeover, then why are you still employed there?  

I love that Hope brought up that this was all Carter's plan. She had no knowledge of those papers or how they worked. He came to her and told her that he found a solution. I wish she would have torn into him over that particular detail in front of everyone, though.  But, hey, at least she's got way more backbone with a shitty man than her mother.  

I so badly want Hope to find out about Bitchy and Pepe's big plan.  Then she can keep that information to herself until Carter proposes to Pepe (which probably won't take too long, because that man is desperate for a woman, any woman), and present the information as her engagement gift to the happy couple.  

And can we finally see Deacon learn about all this shit that's gone down?  I'd love to see Deacon and Sheila plotting to fuck up Ridge's world.  I mean, I'd really love to see Deacon lay him out for speaking to and about his daughter like that, but we all know Ridge would dedicate his life to having Deacon locked up for years for daring to touch him.  So, let him fuck with him in other ways. Also, no more pizza for any of those assholes.


(And after the preview & spoiler scenes I've seen for the rest of this week, I'm guessing I need to include Brooke in that group of assholes. 


Edited by KerleyQ
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@Js Nana, you can go into your account settings and there is an option to set certain users to "ignore." That way, you will never see posts from them.

The way Pepe holds her head back and looks down her nose when she speaks bugs me no end. It's like she's trying to appear haughty and condescending. Instead, she looks like she's just farsighted. I wonder if B&B has a big fanbase in France like it does in Italy. Apologies to any French viewers! They must be appalled by this pathetic caricature of a French woman.

I am calling it now. Carter is going to return, devastated, to FC. He will now agree with Steffy and Daphne and Hope was "just using him" to advocate for HFTF. If he's that obtuse to not understand how his actions devastated Hope, then I say let Daphne have him. He is a spineless wimp and coward. I hope that seat at the Forrester Thanksgiving table is worth it. 

Where does Hope go from here? I really don't want her to reunite with Liam and it's apparent Wyatt isn't coming back. I want some new men to appear for Brooke and her. 

I agree with the idea of Hope helping Deacon out at Il Giardino. It's obvious that she really doesn't need to work for money, so it would be a nice diversion and give her more time with her dad. At this point, I would even welcome Hope becoming friends with Sheila. Hope needs a strong advocate in her corner and we've seen that Sheila can be fiercely loyal to her family. Like it or not, she is Hope's stepmother. 




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14 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

You know Thomas would have.

It pains me to know how right you are about that. I don't want to conflate obsession with loyalty but despite having more problems than my 9th grade algebra textbook, when Thomas makes a plan, he fucking sticks with it to the bitter end.

9 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Where does Hope go from here? I really don't want her to reunite with Liam and it's apparent Wyatt isn't coming back. I want some new men to appear for Brooke and her. 

Normally, I would say she's headed out the door. When Bell runs out of men to put women with, they get shown the door. She's related to every other man on this show and I have the feeling that if they're gonna saddle Bill with any exceedenly inappropriate romance in the near future, it'll probably be Luna.

But Bell has shown he is never letting his glory days of the 90s go and if he has to milk the fighting to their daughters and even their granddaughter if the show manages to survive long enough for that to come to pass, then by golly he'll do it. Which means he'll find more ways for Hope to be Meg Griffin'ed....even if he has to throw what little of Brooke's integrity under the bus to make that happen.

I hate it here.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Chin up, Brooke!  A dishrag & a hobo belong together — it’s meant to be, hun.  Move on!

So is Le Pew’s acting inspiration a slithering snake?  Cuz that’s what she’s lookin’ like to me.  Ick.

There’s Smuggy smiling her head off.  Oh Lunatic, oh Sheila — where you 2 at?

Didn’t take Carter long to end up with Le Pew.  What was it — 2 seconds or 3?  Oh the sh*tty men in this bunch.

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True to form Ridge just stands there with a stupid look on his face while Raggedy Taylor tries to dress Brooke down.  Ridge just loved when women talk for him.  

Carter had the ability to stick both feet in his mouth when trying to justify betraying Hope. 

Does Carter have a jet powered broom to get from Hope’s house to FC in 2 seconds flat. It’s going to take Carter about the same time to “hop” on Daphne.  

It was inevitable that Ridge chose the raggedy cooter over the golden cooter mainly because he’s afraid of Stuffy.  To think of it, both Logan are now free of their ungrateful shit ass boyfriends.  

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I'm glad Sludge chose Beige. I hope Brooke gets her shit together and moves on, but I suspect she'll fall into depression after this or maybe even hit the bottle again.

At least one women seems to be showing some strength and resolve when it comes to taking their man to task over his BS. Go and be with Le Pew, Carter. She's what you deserve you weak, gaslighting arsehole.

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If Brooke really wants the Hobo back for some insane reason, here's all she had to do: 

"I'm so glad that you and Eric have the company back. That's all I wanted from the start of all of this.  I know you've decided to be with Taylor now, and maybe you two are good for each other.  I have some unfinished business with Bill, and now that my sister is fully done with him, and you and I are maturing into different directions, I think it's time I give that a real chance." She wouldn't have even made it out of the FC parking lot before he dumped the Beige. 

Beige has zero self-respect. For all of her professed security in her relationship with the Hobo, she broke land speed records running over to his office when Steffy said she thought Brooke might be making a pitch to get him back. She knows damn well he prefers Brooke, but she's just pathetic and desperate enough to not care.  The look on his face while they were hugging after Brooke left was not a man in love with the woman in his arms. I hope the two of them live miserably ever after. 

How lightning didn't strike Steffy when she was going on about how Hope has no self-awareness... 

Hope served up more truth to Carter.  Her mother could really learn a thing or two from her. Of course, Carter can't hear any truth, because he thinks he's the hero in everything. He was Hope's hero, and now he's the hero for the trio of assholes and Pepe LePew. When he was going on about how Hope only wanted him because he was her knight in shining armor, I was yelling at my TV "because that's what you pushed yourself as."  He did a full court press on her about how he was there to stand up for her, and how he was going to fight for her and her line. So, excuse the fuck out of Hope for believing you when you told her who you were.  And "I gave my heart to you"?  Yeah, because it was her turn. You've given your heart to damn near every woman in town. And, yes, you're right, Carter, the men in her life have disappointed her. And you played on that and tried to convince her that you weren't like that.  You love bombed her when you knew she was vulnerable, but you ultimately let her down when you were faced with choosing between her and Ridge.  And, in a few months or so, when you find out that Pepe was really the one who was manipulating you, you'll bleat to her about how you gave her your heart, too.  

Ugh, Steffy's Husband was in full force today. He's a lot like Liam, actually, in that he is so much more interesting away from his romantic pairing than he ever is in it. Can we get on with ending that marriage already?  

Edited by KerleyQ
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I tuned in and watched an entire episode for the first time in I cannot say how long and it was one for the ages and definitely recap-worthy.

I will dispense with the Beige and Slattern love fest and celebration of once again, triumphing over the Logans. Toasting with root beer floats, in keeping with their lameness, and Stephanie Douglas Forrester would never.


Enjoy your hollowest of victories because I know it will only be a matter of time before the karma bus driven by Luna comes to make tracks over both these basic bitches. There is a reason she is Finn's daughter and Sheila's granddaughter and there is no way show doesn't capitalize on that.

We also know that Slattern's proclamation that her mother and Fridge "are back together...FOREVER..." just sounded the death knell because we the second Beige does something Fridge doesn't like (hard to fathom with her kissing his grubby toes) or, more likely, the second he senses another man breathing so much as the same air as Brooke, it will be "Beige who?"

So enjoy that dance party, which is the epitome of fremdschämen.


There's also a scene where Donna is pulled out of the mothballs where she's been hidden, apparently, to get an update on the latest happenings from Katie. 


Donna makes the comment that "Logan women stick together."

Do they, though?

I mean, what with Brooke getting involved with Eric, her mother's first love?

Or Brooke sleeping with Deacon, daughter Bridget's then-husband? 

Or Katie sleeping with Nick, daughter Bridget's then-husband? 

Or Brooke sleeping with Bill, sister Katie's then-husband?

Or Brooke putting her kids last where a man, especially Fridge, was/is concerned?

About that...

Hope has arrived at Brooke's and is livid, slamming the door behind her.


As she should be.

It is one thing for Carter to fuck her over.

But her own mother?

Oh, wait, this is Brooke (whom I've almost always defended but will call out over the years as I see fit) and this is one of the times when she needs all her shit laid bare.

Hope: "How could you DO this to me? My own MOTHER?"

Brooke does her patented squint, firing back: "How could I do this to YOU?" She whines that Hope should have never done what she did and AGAIN, for the people on a deserted island, IT WAS CARTER'S IDEA, ALL OF IT, THE PAPERS, THE PLAN, ALLLLLLLL OFFFF ITTTTT!

Brooke makes me want to vomit when she cries, "I lost the love of my life because of it." That that slobby, grubby, thoughtless, faithless, worthless excuse for a man is the love of her life is so pathetic I could laugh. But she didn't lose Fridge because of Hope. She lost Fridge...because of Fridge

He had his feefees hurt, so he did what he always did, run straight to Beige. 

Hope: "All I ever tried to do was stand up for what is right and defend our family name."

Hope, honey, Brooke could not care less about the Logan name. 

Brooke: "I never wanted you to take over the company!"

Hope reminds her: "We were successful and we made YOU CEO because I thought YOU were on board with it."

Ms. Liar Liar Panties On Fire screeches: "I did it for Ridge! I took the CEO position to get the company back for Ridge!"

I would have slapped her right then but Hope has more restraint than I do. 

Hope is disgusted, saying "I can't believe that you took the CEO position for Ridge and were never on my side." She reminds her mother of the names Slattern and her cronies called her, "bitch" and "slut" come to mind, and that once again, her mother chose these terrible, terrible people over her own daughter.

Even if I can concede that Carter was wrong in how he went about what he did and Hope should have known better than to egg him on, she's not wrong here.

Brooke: "I just wanted to get the company back for Ridge!" 

We know so STFU about Fridge already.

Hope: "You sold out your OWN daughter. You cannot DEFEND that to ME!" Tell her, Hope! This has been a long time coming.

Brooke resumes her squint: "You can't defend what you did either. Ridge left me because of it, Hope. I lost him!"


You lost about 260lbs of worthless garbage, Brooke. No big loss.

Hope mocks her mother here, snarking: "That's the only thing that matters to you, isn't it? Ridge."


Hope: "Not that your daughter lost her career, her love, and her family. The changes we implemented, they were working, but none of that matters..." and Annika, who has been on simmer this entire episode, explodes into a full-boil as she sneers: "Because you lost your Ridge."

Hope falters for a moment, hating this, hating attacking the mother she loves so much, the mother she's always defended, but again, this moment has been years in the making.

Hope: "Why are you never there when I need you most?" Her voice breaks here as she admits: "For once, I just wanted you to pick...me." 

But Hope isn't a man with a certain male appendage so she's Brooke's priority almost never. Same with Rick. Same with Bridget.

Brooke is indignant: "I've been supporting you. You're my daughter and I love you." She has a real funny way of showing said love and support.

Hope snaps at this: "Just not as much as YOU love RIDGE!" She shakes her head, "That's it! You just continue to demean yourself over that man."

She glares at her mother, the mocking tone that Brooke sorely deserves back in her voice, asking "So where is he? Oh...that's right...he's with Taylor." She gives her mother a long look, the barb finding impact. "How many times are you going to allow THAT man to make a fool of you?" At least one hundred more, Hope. You know it, she knows it, Fridge knows it.

Of course, Gladys, ahem, Katie, has to enter the house and goes into insta-protect mode with Brooke and why? Brooke has fucked you over, too. She warns Hope: "Don't you dare talk to your mother like that!" 

The door gets slammed again but seriously, Katie, Brooke has gotten off pretty scot-free where Hope is concerned. Rick and Bridget, too.

Katie: "I won't let you berate my sister. She did what she thought was right." Um, Katie, you should have stopped by sooner when you could have heard Brooke say she did it all for Fridge and she didn't give a bluedilly fuck whether it was right or not.


The truth that Katie has been in on Brooke's fake CEO plot dawns on Hope as she exclaims: “My own family made a fool of me. Well, I really have lost everything, haven’t I? Even my own mother.”

Sad to say, I'm not sure she ever really had Brooke to begin with. How many times did Brooke let her children down to go after her "destiny?" Again, too many to count.

Hope shakes her head, saying: "There’s no one I can trust." True statement, that.

Katie: "We're Logan women" and forgive Hope and me, Katie, but it doesn't feel like Logans Against The World right now.

Hope: "I don't want to hear about it. I'm not really a Logan anyway. I only have that last name because my mother was too ashamed to give me my father's name."

Brooke is unmoved at this and how you can turn a blind eye to your own child who is pain and much of that of your making is beyond me. She doesn't even flinch.

Hope steps closer to Brooke: “Isn’t that right, mom? Your little mistake?”

Katie: "You need to stop before you say something you'll regret and can’t take back." Why should Hope have to regret anything? Her mother certainly forgets her transgressions even though I won't go so far as to say Brooke hasn't paid for those. She has, in spades, unlike a certain lame root-beer drinking duo.

But she clearly has learned nothing.

Katie continues to defend Brooke and again, why? 

This is why Bridget needs to be on canvas. She, better than anyone, knows the mess that is her and Hope's mother and would, I wager, defend her sister.

Katie: "Your mother has always been there for you." When? When she had a free moment from kissing Fridge's greasy behind? When she was dumped and lonely and remember her kids do exist?

Hope: "She wasn’t there for me today… she was standing beside my supposed love and champion, Carter, while Steffy humiliated me again. She didn’t walk out with me in solidarity. She would rather watch Steffy win because she wants to try and get back with Ridge."

Brooke should feel ashamed of herself, but I'm sure she'll sleep soundly tonight.

Hope, pure fire now, spits: “You abandoned me when I needed you the most. I wonder if you begged, cried, and groveled at Ridge's feet this time?" Why would it be any different this time, Hope? She reminds her mother of all of the times she literally picked her mother up off the floor, something no child should ever have to do, all so she could chase her destiny...and fail.


She erupts in hurt and frustration: “I hope it was worth it!”

Brooke, sounding oh-so-superior for someone who has rarely held the moral high ground: "Hope, you’ll never understand what me and Ridge have."

Hope can't resist, sneering: "Had." She lets that dig sink in. "He doesn’t want you anymore. When are you going to get that?”

Hope shakes her head again: "My mother would rather betray her own daughter for a man that drops her at the slightest inconvenience. How is that love?!”

It's not. It's sick. But that's Brooke and Fridge in a nutshell.

Katie: "Stop."

Butt out, Katie.

Brooke mews that "I told him I love him and want him back. But he wouldn’t listen to me and said he wanted to stay with Taylor."


She throws the tiniest sliver of bones to Hope, saying: “And you know what? Steffy could have done things differently." Ya think? "She was wrong. But you were wrong, too, Hope. You never should have taken over the company with Carter. And until you take responsibility for your actions, I have no sympathy for you whatsoever!”


Just wow.

Brooke is on her high horse now, insisting that "I won’t be spoken to this way. You will not attack me in my house." I wouldn't call truth-telling an attack, but whatevs, Brooke. "Do you understand that? Not in my home!”


Hope pales, asking, “What are you saying, Mom? Are you kicking me out?”

This, right here, reeks of manipulation and abuse, and it's awful to watch.

Hope is gutted as she says: “I’m no longer welcome in your home. Is that what you’re saying?”

Katie, trying to intervene as things have gone too far, but again, all of this (waves hands) has been in the making for years, says" I'm sure that's not what she means."

Hope fire backs: "It's EXACTLY what she means." She surmises that Brooke will probably run and tell Ridge she got rid of her to try and get him back.

Brooke tries to defend her pitiful actions, reminding her that she told Ridge to leave because of her (Hope) before.

Hope is having none of this: "He called me a whore and a bitch and YOU took HIS side!" Any man who calls his partner's child such names or treats them like trash should  have a boot in their ass and be out the door. 

Katie tries again to intervene. “Stop! This is going to end!”

Hope asks, angrily but also sadly, when this cycle will ever end. “Of her constantly choosing the Forresters and their disrespect over her own family’s love.”

Katie, ridiculously, says "I know you had a bad day."

A bad day, Katie? A bad day?

My goodness, she is delusional. Not as delusional as her eldest sister but pretty close. 

She adds, unhelpfully, “But you did something wrong, and you have to own it! Carter sees it!” Carter is a spineless wimp who doesn't know what to do with himself unless he's kowtowing to bestie Ridge (what a joke) with his tail between his legs.

But seriously, time and place, Katie.

Time and place.

Hope screams out that she doesn’t want to hear about Carter, shouting: “I sacrificed EVERYTHING for HIS vision, and I took the fall... for HIM!”

Brooke whines that Carter couldn’t even live with himself. Well-boo-fucking-hoo for Carter. She doesn't understand how Hope can't see that.

Hope: "He turned his back on me....just like my mother."

Brooke is all "I told you so" and Hope could have been 100% in the right, but if it impacted Brooke's relationship with her man-child, Brooke would still take his side.

In fact, her previous nasty comments were just a prelude as now she starts blathering on how "I won’t allow you to blame me for your mistakes. This was your choice, and you messed up. Just like you’ve messed up so many times in your life."

My jaw is on the FLOOR, people. 

For Brooke, of all people, to say THIS, to her own flesh and blood? The daughter who has always stood by her, no matter what?

Brooke, whom I seriously want to kick in the crotch right now, continues: "Your marriage to Liam. Your relationship with Thomas, with Douglas. And now this, are you serious, Hope?! This coup with Carter?!”

Is she for freaking real here?

Liam cheated with Slattern (the woman he always cheated with when Hope breathed the wrong way), resulting in WTD #2 for Slattern. And since when does Brooke GAF about Thomas? He was pushing marriage when Hope had just broken free from her marriage to Liam and was enjoying herself for the first time in years. And to bring up Douglas? The child she adopted and loves as her own?

She has found every weapon in her arsenal and has fired it at her daughter and it is truly devastating and terrible to watch. No mother who loves her child could be capable of such rage and hatred. She's far from finished as she spits, red-faced: "You say you lost everything in your life, well, I lost something, too. I lost Ridge, and it’s all because of you! I blame you! Who are you? You are not my daughter! Get out! Get out of my house!”

Mark today down, folks. 

Brooke is dead to me.


I will never root for Beige and Slattern against her but I am done with caring about her.

She's gone too far this time, visibly breaking her daughter's heart, crushing her spirit, and all for worthless Fridge. 

I don't know how she comes back from this. 

Hope pulls back her arm to slap Brooke and I know what it cost her to do that. To go against every instinct to raise her hand to her mother, whom she loves, no matter that she treats her like trash.

Katie stops her: "No, don't! Don't Hope, don't!"


Hope, realizing what she almost did, literally breaks apart in front of my eyes and is full-on sobbing as Katie says, gently, "This is not who you are, honey."

Those words register, penetrate, in a way nothing else can, and Hope is wrecked to her core.

When it should be Brooke sobbing and begging forgiveness, it's Hope and guys, this was painful to watch and I'm tearing up even now, just thinking about it.

Hope: "“I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry, I love you. I’ve lost everything. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Mommy. I love you.”

Mommy...I'm a puddle, all. 

Brooke, finally remembering that Hope is her daughter, pulls Hope into her arms. Or maybe it's because Hope is being the good, obedient, remorseful daughter. 

It's as chilling to watch as it is heartbreaking as this is Abuse 101.


Hope, clinging and crying, at the hands of the one person who is supposed to love her and protect her above all others...

It's an episode for the ages even if it was so very hard to watch...and recap.

Annika, you deserve that long-overdue Emmy.

Katherine and Heather were masterful as well. 



Edited by CountryGirl
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13 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

I watched the episode, CountryGirl, so I was not in need of a lengthy, lengthy recap.

As did I. Obviously. I was moved by the acting and dialogue to recap today’s episode. Which, if one isn’t interested, one can simply scroll right past. I’m not sure why you felt the need to be rude. 

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