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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I won’t lie, seeing Bill go “Blah, Blah, Blah” along with hands waving at Liam when he asked if Bill heard anything he was saying made me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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JMW is hilarious in her impersonation of a CEO.  Clipped, staccato speech patterns, hands on hips and pursed lips.  Yep.  That's a CEO alright.

Where did Hope get this Logans v. Forresters thing from?  Steffy didn't indict Hope's mother or family.  She was talking about Hope's line. 

Ugh.  I fear this is going to be both boring and cringeworthy.

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Only caught the last 10 minutes because of the news conference but couple of minutes was long enough to get the gist of the beginning of the episode. 

Katie I got news for you.  Poppy met Bill long before he became rich and famous.  Poppy didn’t seek Bill out but it was Bill who initiated the contact after 20 years.  Katie, Bill had two sons before he met you also. 

Stuffy, still is an absolute turd in the punchbowl. Stuffy knew that forcing Thomas out would put a big hit on HFTF and would be the first step to being able to shut down HFTF.


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I know time is a sliding scale on these shows but Bill was already $Bill when he showed up in 2009, 15 years ago.  So, pretty safe to say he was already pretty loaded and well-known when he met Poppie at the music festival 20 years ago.

And speaking of which, the picture they're creating of $Bill as some wild-and-free hippy at a music festival 20 years ago seems at odds with the fact that DD is 61 years old.  And his character can't be much younger.  So, this conservative captain of industry was a 40-year-old, or maybe in his late thirties, when he was out in the mud, dropping acid and wearing neon at a music festival?  

Heh.  Ok.

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On 5/29/2024 at 6:58 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

Liam’s new role as the wandering condescending jackass is not a good one.

That is such a perfect description. He just needs tights and a lute.

34 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Katie I got news for you.  Poppy met Bill long before he became rich and famous.  

Wasn't Bill heir to the throne of the empire that his father built?

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7 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

And his character can't be much younger.  So, this conservative captain of industry was a 40-year-old, or maybe in his late thirties, when he was out in the mud, dropping acid and wearing neon at a music festival?  

Hey, I resemble that statement! 

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I wonder how much of this has to do with Sheila and how much has to do with Finn not following orders? Sheila may have been the issue in the beginning, but now Finn not doing what Steffy tells him has morphed into a real thing, and Steffy finds herself losing control. Steffy, just like her namesake, does not like losing control. How dare her husband defy her. How dare he want something different than her. And mother fucker, how dare he have his own feelings and opinions. And if that wasn't enough, it appears that Hope is now having some sway with him. Yeah, Her Highnass is all puffed up and ready for battle, but not for the reasons she is spewing. 

Steffy acts as if she earned that CEO spot. As if her exceptional business acumen secured her the position instead of the actions of her desperate step grandmother. A competent, accomplished CEO would not encourage one of their top designers to leave because of her personal vendetta. A competent, accomplished CEO would understand that her actions are largely responsible for the current state of HFTF, and that it may take some time for a new team to gel and be successful. However, a mean spirited, vindictive, self-centered Bitch would most certainly know that butting into her brother's life, and getting into his head, would eventually make him walk away from Hope. Thomas leaving means no head designer for HFTF which means trouble down the road for the line. It is a triple whammy win for Steffy; she gets Hope out of Thomas's life, she prevents another Logan from marrying someone in her family, and she gets a Logan out of FC's. I have no doubt we will see her working on Brooke next; particularly if they intend to bring Brooke back to the business front and have her be more than a file carrier. 

I'm hella confused with Katie. Did she say something about how she had never really discounted a possible future with Bill? Did I hear wrong? Because I wonder if Katie has shared that tidbit with Carter. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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11 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I'm hella confused with Katie. Did she say something about how she had never really discounted a possible future with Bill? Did I hear wrong? Because I wonder if Katie has shared that tidbit with Carter. 

Hasn’t Katie shared her tidbits with quite a few men?   Maybe even more than Brooke. 

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I have hated Sheila since she debuted on YR all those years ago so I will always side with Steffy here. However Steffy has become intolerable. She’s just awful. 

Thomas is clearly coming back soon since he is being name dropped.  I read the actor was on an extended honeymoon  

Are they really going to give Bill a THIRD unknown child. Dis tew much!!

I still think Finn or Jack is the daddy! 

Is JMW really pregnant again ??

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2 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I have hated Sheila since she debuted on YR all those years ago so I will always side with Steffy here. However Steffy has become intolerable. She’s just awful. 

Yeah, I agree.  I hate hate hate Sheila, but I also hate that they've turned Steffy into such a shrew.


If Finn is the daddy, I would love to see Steffy go full on bat shit crazy on his dumb ass with her wig spinning around.  Then send him back to his momma and new daddy Deacon so they can bandage him up. 


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On 5/30/2024 at 8:00 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

How did she get to be co-CEO of anything, when from what I've seen in the past month, is her checking upon her husband, texting him, and bitching about not knowing where he is and how he KNOWS not to be anywhere near Sheila.

This was probably rhetorical but she got the gif because during whatever medical crisis Eric had while married to Quinn, she had his power of attorney and made her and Ridge co-CEO to get on their good side. Steffy was also married to Wyatt too and Steffy was pulling her "I forbade it" routine with him too.

For all that one could say about how often Brooke used her position vto get into Ridge's pants, she did enough work that kept FC in the black and made everyone better off than when she took over.

On 5/30/2024 at 4:30 PM, NinjaPenguins said:

Did something happen with Katie and Carter?

I doubt it. B&B has a nasty habit of dropping their characters of color when they get bored of them or no longer have a means for propping up whichever white pet Bell is favoring that week.

We still don't know what happen to Nicole, where Paris went after the show made a big deal about her and Zende getting together and where the hell Justin BAMF'd off to after turning on Bill and swearing loyalty to Ridge. Marcus is never seen or heard of despite being a Logan and a Forrester by convoluted adoption.

I'll grant the decision to divorce Maya and Rick off screen is a toss up between the racism that's been prevalent from jump on this show and their ignorance about anything else that could be done with a trans woman, but the fact she wasn't given end of contract cancer like Grant Chambers or Amber's cousin Becky still makes this one of Hollywood's better portrayals of trans people since they usually all die at the end. Siiiiiiigh, the bar is in hell.

I'm not at all surprised by this, given how Rena Sofer called out the fact that LSV didn't have his own dressing room after ten years on the show.

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On 5/30/2024 at 5:57 PM, Cool Breeze said:

Where did Hope get this Logans v. Forresters thing from?  Steffy didn't indict Hope's mother or family.  She was talking about Hope's line. 

Probably was inferred from years of Steffy saying exactly that. She's had a few years of relative sanity but as someone pointed out elsewhere, that's also coincided  alongside JMW's nearly back-to-back pregnancies that's pulled Steffy off the canvas for extended periods of time.

Speaking of:

12 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Is JMW really pregnant again ??

I don't think she is. Last I've heard, she and her husband were stopping at four but maybe things will change.

Edited by Anna Yolei
My phone loves doing the most batshit corrections, evidently
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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

I don't think she is. Lady I've heard, she and her husband were stopping at four but maybe things will change.

I could have sworn I heard she was, but maybe someone just saw one of her old pregnancy announcement posts and thought it was current, or something. 

Unless they're totally rewriting the "Who's Luna's Daddy" story, I think that, given Katie is suddenly wanting Bill back again, they're going to make Poppy the bad guy here, and she's lying to Bill now. Maybe she'll even tamper with the DNA test to make it look like he's the father. That's why we've got Li back on her "Poppy is a manipulative gold digger" tour (when Li really should have bigger fish to fry, given that the last time we saw her was when Sheila fucked around with her in the hospital). This could also tie into the speculation that Luna might have an upcoming health issue storyline, after she was puking but the pregnancy test was negative. She and Bill will think they're father and daughter, but then when she needs some kind of donation, the tests will show that they likely aren't related. Then Katie and Bill will get back together (ugh), and Li will go through town doing her "Told Ya' So!" dance. 

I thought it was weird that Liam asked Bill if he'd be OK with Luna being his daughter. First, um, Liam? He seems pretty happy with you and Wyatt, doesn't he? Also, I could swear Bill specifically told him back when he thought Luna might be his the first time, and he was clearly very into the idea. He's basically had the "I wish I was her father" equivalent of a crush on Luna since he met her. 

I had to laugh at Ridge's effort to stand up for Hope and her line. He made one comment pushing back on the idea of ending the line, but then immediately looked to Carter asking if he agreed with Steffy's take. He probably figured whatever answer Carter gave him would be the excuse he could use to either Steffy or Brooke for taking the other side. Then Carter gave him the weaselly "I don't disagree..." and Ridge probably still felt trapped. I think it would be amazing if Ridge actually stood up to the monster he and Taylor have unleashed onto the world, but I'm not going to hold my breath. 

BTW, I know this show can ignore characters and their storylines for weeks or months on end, so I have to ask, was that all there was to the Ivy return? Just her having lunch with Liam, kissing him, a little verbal sparring with Steffy over it, and that's it? What was even the point? Because if it was just to make Steffy jealous and into Liam again, she hasn't been showing any signs of being into him again like that since. No lingering looks or fantasies. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Darnit. I was looking forward to JMW taking a pregnancy leave.

I already had forgotten about that Ivy blink and you miss it return.

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I would hope that the writers wouldn't have yet another unknown kid show up for Bill. It's a really bad look. Also, having Luna be his daughter would more or less end any faint hope that Kelly is also his bio daughter. 😏

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Steffy has been making nasty and meanspirited comments against Hope/Brooke/the Logans for years, so of course Hope's going to call out Steffy's "business" decision for the hateful move that it is.  I also loved Hope's pointing out how much Brooke has done for the company and than asking what exactly Steffy contributes--GO Hope!  

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What the fuck?  Thomas is gone not even a month and HFTF is already tanking?  HFTF was very profitable and now it’s not?  Existing orders have already dried up?  HFTF has a one quarter reprieve and, if you think about it’s not enough time to wright the ship.  From sketches to samples to marketing, especially with no fashion show to showcase the new line.  One would also think that when Thomas left for Paris, he left behind a few sketches. 

Katie is and always will be a vindictive yenta.  What business is it of Katie’s to tell Li anything? 

Li you are a hell of a lot more manipulative than Poppy.  Poppy lived her life but Li, you pry into everyone’s life. 

I don’t get it. Bill is a monster and Shiela is a monster but other unpleasant people get a pass.  

Don’t anyone ever knock anymore. Is barging in the thing to do on B&B.  Doesn’t Bill have some kind of security or at least a security gate?  You would a billionaire would require some protection.  I know there is security at Spencer Publication. 

This is so stupid that it’s mind boggling. Li rushes to Bill’s house but she just happens to have a paternity test in her bag. Li is going to oversee the test. That’s like letting the Fox into the hen house. Bill is very capable of having a very professional lab run the results. Why is Bill even going to rely on Li not to manipulate the test knowing how she feels about Poppy?  Why would Bill take Luna’s future out of his own hands and trust Li?  I hope that Bill will know someone in the lab that will insure that Li didn’t tamper with the test.  You don’t need a doctor to take samples for a DNA test but you do need a geneticist to give the results of the DNA test. Unless I missed something, Li is not a geneticist.  One other thing is that the hospital lab should not be used.  Bill should get the LAPD lab or even the FBI lab to do the test. Even better than that get Maxine Robe, from CSI Vegas to do the test. 

If memory serves, Brooke, Donna, and Katie were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Could they be considered “gold diggers”?  Especially Katie who is worried that Bill as another child that her son, Will, has his inheritance cut from 33% to 25%.  

Li is one of those siblings who can be happy for another sibling. Li is a doctor and should be living high on the hog but she’s jealous of Poppy’s life style.   Poppy lives footloose and fancy free that is copacetic to how she views life.  Li, like Stuffy, is not happy unless she has an adversary.  

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Hope, CEOs have a different skill-set than the people who work for them.  While it seems anyone on this show can be CEO, running a business is not the same thing as the creating, innovating, executing, etc., that the people who work for the company do.  Silicon Valley is a perfect example.  Founders who created the product very often bring in someone with actual business sense to run the company they created.

Also, not sure what Brooke's contributions have to do with the fate of HFTF.  Hope's jumping into the nepo-baby pool with every other Forrester and Logan at FC, except Eric and Brooke.  

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Oh boy, Li and Katie, the buttinsky super team nobody asked for. I'm legitimately surprised that Katie didn't storm right over there with Li. And "he's Kelly's grandfather," is a pretty fucking weak excuse for barging into the man's house and inserting yourself into his family situation, Li. 

Ridge sitting there in his Harry Potter glasses holding back from saying anything until Hope started asking what Steffy's done for the company. Well, Hope, there was that one time she seduced a married man so she could blackmail him into handing her his ownership of the company. But, let's listen to her go on about you and your mother being "sluts" a little more. 

If anyone ever wants a masterclass in gaslighting, just watch how Steffy acts towards Hope pretty much from the moment she imprinted on Liam like a baby duckling to present time. 

I really cannot wait for Hope to steal her husband and Brooke to steal her job. 

As much as I hate Thomas, and don't want to see another run at Thope, I would love if he and Hope could just be mature adults, with her explaining to him what Steffy is doing and him coming back and agreeing to work on the line (or agreeing to work on the line remotely). You'd think that he'd want to save the line he's spent so much of his time at FC working on, where he had his biggest successes. It would also be a way to kind of do a soft reset on the character when they bring him back, to have him working on the line without any personal lines being crossed. They could have him return with a new love interest on his arm. (God knows this show could use some new characters in that age range. Thomas has one non-related, well, not biologically related, romantic option, and the rest of the characters in that age have exactly two options. 

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I don't think Ridge agreeing to give HFTF another quarter wasn't so much about Hope as it was R.J. That would be admitting that his darling boy was a failure. 

I hope Li is on to something and that Poppy is playing Bill. OMG, that actress playing Poppy is awful. Her emoting faces were comical!

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16 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I would hope that the writers wouldn't have yet another unknown kid show up for Bill. It's a really bad look.

Bad look for who?  Three is nothing.  Have you ever heard of Stefano DiMera? He's the king of unknown children.

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Well, hello Hope! Now that is the way to dress down a vindictive bully. 

Steffy, hon, when you are trying to stay neutral, when you are trying to claim your clearly personal decision is only about business, then you need to choose your verbiage carefully. Neutral people don't talk about "taking sides" or believing what the enemy is saying. I don't think Steffy has ever looked more moronic. 

Ridge didn't cave to his horrible daughter. So, there is that. 

Carter really dude? You looked positively pained to have to tell Hope that her mother's lines/creations were still profitable. Clearly, Steffy has your balls right there in her purse with Finn's. 

Li, there is a difference in someone saying something is certain and something is a possibility. That is why they were having a paternity test; a test that has a far greater chance at being handled correctly than the one you want to administer. Bill, you have never been a stupid man, don't put this in Li's hands; she will most certainly change the results if they show you as Luna's father. Li claims this is all about Bill being Kelly's grandfather? PFFFT! This is about Li not wanting Poppy to get ahead. Li doesn't seem to realize how stupid her claims are. If Poppy was a gold-digger, then wouldn't she have struck some gold by now? I mean, she is not a young woman, and it appears that she and Luna have had their struggles, so if Mister Moneybags had come along then why didn't Poppy pounce? No, it seems to me that Poppy is just a free spirit, who has quietly raised her daughter, and it burns Li's overachieving ass raw that anyone would give Poppy the time of day. Li needs to fuck the hell off and get out of Bill and Poppy's business. 

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6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Carter really dude? You looked positively pained to have to tell Hope that her mother's lines/creations were still profitable. Clearly, Steffy has your balls right there in her purse with Finn's. 

Yeah, that was weird. I spent most of the episode wondering why he was being such a dick to Hope. Maybe Katie dumped him offscreen, so he's anti-Logan. 

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19 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Maybe Katie dumped him offscreen, so he's anti-Logan.

I didn't even comment on Katie because I am way too annoyed with that character right now. After all this time why is she suddenly interested in Bill again? From what we have seen, she has been in a very happy relationship with Carter, but she see's Bill with another woman and she is jealous? 

Deep down Katie was enjoying Bill's attempts to win her back. All of that attention and devotion; Bill turning his heart inside out for her. Now she is not going to be getting that and she is going to have to share Bill's time with someone else. I don't think it's about Katie being shocked that Bill may be moving on as much as it is about her not knowing about it. She never expected to waltz into Bill's house and see him with Poppy, instead she was expecting the usual pleas for her to come back to him. 

Poppy really didn't help matters. Maybe she was going for confidence, but it came off as cocky and challenging to me. Could we be getting a mean Poppy? They are going to have to give the character something if she is going to work with Bill. They have already de-weaponized Bill enough, please don't turn him into a mellow shmuck. 

In any event, I am pissed off. Show just cannot let go of these tired couples. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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On 5/29/2024 at 8:19 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

D’OH! I just realized and remembered who Will is!😂😂😂😂

Quoting myself because I was wrong-I don’t know who Will is-actor wise. I was confusing him with Wyatt! I wasn’t watching when this Katie was with Bill. 😂🤣

Color me shocked that Ridge sided against Steffy. Her look of shock made me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

A lot can happen in a quarter, Steffy-who-acts-Like-she-knows how profits run-Moron.

 Doesn’t anyone lock doors on soaps anymore? Li just comes off as an unhinged jealous lunatic. This really isn’t any of her business. And Bill, Poppy, and Luna need to stop acting as if Bill is her father-the tearful smiles, hugs, come off as if the tests were already taken and proves his paternity. Dial it back until you all actually see and it’s confirmed.


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On 5/30/2024 at 11:34 AM, CharlizeCat said:

Has it been confirmed that JMW is pregnant again?

Well, she had baby #2 in February of 2021, baby #3 in May of 2022 and baby #4 in August of 2023, so I guess she could be going for baby #5 in 2024/25 - maybe she's trying for a girl this time.

1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Bill, Poppy, and Luna need to stop acting as if Bill is her father-the tearful smiles, hugs, come off as if the tests were already taken

which would make it awfully embarrassing if Bill doesn't fit the bill, paternity wise.

1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Li just comes off as an unhinged jealous lunatic.

The writers certainly have done their best to turn Li into a one-note character.

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I think the test is going to say Bill is the father however I think it’s been doctored by Li who knows it’s Jack or Finn. That’s my theory. 

Steffy and Hope are both nepo babies however Steffy started out in the mailroom and Hope was handed her line by Katie out of high school. Also as mentioned earlier Brooke’s contributions have nothing to do with HFTF. Clearly the success behind HFTF is Thomas - a Forrester. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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Another bluebird of happiness, Liam, just had to chirp in on the Bill/Poppy/Luna situation. 

Li, Poppy is not lying because she only said that there is a possibility that Luna is Bill’s daughter.  

Another WTF moment. Li boasts her paternity test was sealed but so was Poppy’s until she opened it to begin the test. Once again I say, you don’t have to be a medical professional to administer the test only to interpret the results. Ancestry or 23 and Me would be out of business if you had to go to a medical professional to collect the DNA sample.  How many WTF moments can we get today?  The paternity test is not like a pregnancy test where two stripes show up to determine a yes or no result.  The swaps have to go to a lab. Why are the monkeys with a keyboard determined to give us false information?  Both of Stuffy’s children’s father was the result of a lab report.  The swap was all that was needed, I guess peeing, on the test strip was not required. 

I’ve met in real life so many people like Li and Stuffy that are not happy unless they are making other people miserable as they are. 

It seems, right now, that couture is doing worse than HFTF because Ridge wants to focus on designing.  Ridge proclaimed that couture needs more product. 

Katie, Poppy has a type?  I guess your type is poor and homeless.  

Even if Bill is not Luna’s biological father I have a solution to stick it to the ingrates Li and Katie. Bill should marry Poppy and become Luna’s stepfather and treat Luna like she is his own daughter.  

Another great solution to the Stuffy mean girl attitude would be Ridge to step down because he just wants to design and install Brooke a CO-CEO. 

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31 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

I think the test is going to say Bill is the father however I think it’s been doctored by Li who knows it’s Jack or Finn. That’s my theory. 

Unless Li has some magical powers to make the solution contaminated or whatever, highly unlikely, as it was done with everyone watching her every move.

7 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

The paternity test is not like a pregnancy test where two stripes show up to determine a yes or no result.

Show is trying to sell the audience that DNA can be determined by doing a test that is similar to a COVID test now. Whatever. The problem with that could be a false positive? Hey, it's Soap Opera Land. Why even try to be realistic?

Oh, I am sooooo hoping Brooke decides to return and Steffy will have to deal with Brooke as her CO-CEO.

Wow, did Carter do a quick 180 today. What happened to his total agreement with Steffy? I LOVED LOVED LOVED the shock on Steffy's face that her plan to cut HFTF failed. Then her hypocritical ass whines to Ridge that they should have been on the same page. Yeah? Did you go to Daddy to inform him that the numbers were bad and that they should cancel the line? No. You decided, after seeing the wedding picture on Instagram, to cut the line out of sheer immaturity, jealousy, insecurity, and vengefulness because Finn disobeyed you.

Only on soaps would we have someone hiring a homeless man, without going through with him completing W-2 and W-4...oh wait. I have to assume it was done offscreensville? But my it was good to see Deacon without the albatross across his neck and balls.

Whaaat? I have to take my small pleasures where I can.

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OH - KAY, the "two lines" paternity test was a step too far....this wasn't a freakin' pregnancy test [20 years too late ] !!

Google is my friend. There actually IS an instant paternity test but it's notoriously inaccurate and "unaccredited ". So when Li's test shows $Bill as Luna's father, that leaves an out for Finn or Jack to be the Luna - Daddy. 

Where is Wyatt ?? Where is the newest Logan girl ?? Where is Ivy ?? Where is Xander ?? Where is Paris ?? [Not THAT one, the Buckingham]. Justin...Marcus....Are the rest of Eric's children still on Safari ??

Not that the endless rounds of Steffy/Liam/Hope/Finn/Sheila/Deacon saying the same things over and over and over isn't just the most enthralling drama ever, but....😴😴😴😴😴😴😴💤💤

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4 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I think the test is going to say Bill is the father however I think it’s been doctored by Li who knows it’s Jack or Finn. That’s my theory. 

That would at least be a little interesting and not obvious. Since it didn't look like she had much opportunity to screw with the test results, maybe she tells them that she sees a really faint line, or she does some step wrong so no result will pop up, so the test is inconclusive, and she'll need to take their samples to the hospital to be run there. 

Steffy really undoes all of her "this isn't personal" protestations when she's whining about Daddy choosing Hope's side over hers. 

I really do hope Ridge asks Brooke to take his co-CEO role over. Steffy having to cooperate with Brooke to run the company would be hilarious. And I know Steffy is their pretty little princess and all, but Eric and Ridge are both probably going to be inclined to listen to Brooke's input, especially if Steffy keeps trying to make decisions that are clearly part of her personal vendettas. 

I'm surprised Li was nice to Luna in these scenes. She's usually been a stone cold bitch to her, too. A little writing inconsistency in those scenes, though. When Li barged in during yesterday's show, she explained her interest by saying Bill is Kelly's grandfather, so he's part of Finn's family. Then, when she said today that it was nice to see him again, Luna acted surprised that they knew each other before this. Not only did Li already explain how they're tangentially related, but neither she nor Bill seemed like they needed an introduction when she barged in. 

Luna and Bill are clearly very into the idea of being father and daughter. I know it's not the same thing, but why can't they just have some kind of relationship even if the biological tie isn't there? It wouldn't be the first time on soaps that two characters developed a familial relationship without being related. It doesn't help answer her questions about who her biological father is, but they also just don't need to act like this is an all or nothing situation.

Oh, and credit to RJ and Brooke - when Katie was talking about Poppy and whether or not she's trustworthy, they both kept their mouths shut about the whole "mints" debacle. I really appreciate that they both are intent on protecting Luna's privacy when it comes to what happened. I know RJ doesn't give a shit about Bill, but Brooke cares about him, so I was a little afraid she'd let that cat out of the bag to offer up a reason why they shouldn't trust Poppy. 

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And Bill, Poppy, and Luna need to stop acting as if Bill is her father-the tearful smiles, hugs, come off as if the tests were already taken and proves his paternity. Dial it back until you all actually see and it’s confirmed.

They need to take some mints.

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Steffy was practically salivating at the idea of Ridge handing over his co-CEO-ship to her. I'm sure she was anticipating the complete power trip she'd be on as SOLE CEO.

I know she half-assed protested ... but, c'mon ... this is STEFFY!

That's why I can't wait for Steffy's head to explode when Ridge steps aside to give Brooke his position. Get the popcorn ready!

I am kind of digging Hope's black and white outfit. 

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Wait a minute; Ridge doesn't want to run the company? Since when? That is all he has ever wanted and has taken Eric to task on more than one occasion about who he put in the seat. But you know what? I'm not mad about it because this is lining up to slap the shit out of Steffy. Just when she has amped up her anti-Logan campaign, and thought she was going to get rid of Hope, now Brooke will be back in a power position with Ridge and Eric's full backing. Oh, it is gonna be good. 

Katie is really irritating me. Having the history she does with her two sisters, she is fully aware that sisters often don't get along, and do hurtful things to each other, and often make wild, unwarranted accusations. But she was holding onto Li's words like they were a lifeline. You made the choice to get involved with Carter and turn Bill down, you don't get to say anything about Bill moving on. 

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While I think the relationships between Bill, Liam, Wyatt (if he ever returns) and Luna (and Will I guess) could be very cute the quick resolution to this makes me think Bill is definitely not the father. Luna randomly throwing up and then not being pregnant has to play into some storyline where she will need a donor and Bill and Liam will most definitely not be matches but Finn will be showing that they are half siblings and Jack is the father. Just my theory anyway.

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How many more unknown kids will Bill have?  He’s sure busy spilling his seed all over the world.  And really, Bill.  Time to stop with the black hair dye.  You’re too old for such fake looking hair. Instead of being the spermanator, try becoming the silver fox.  

Luna, whenever I look at her face, all I see is wayyyy too huge lips.  She’s a tiny woman with a very tiny face and those lips are just obnoxious 

Edited by KLovestoShop
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Why is Katie waiting on pins and needles for Lina’s paternity test? Isn’t she with Carter? 
Liam doesn’t need to be involved either. Isn’t it time for the sun to set on Liam?
Poppy is so blessed! She has that hunk of a man in love with her. Her nasty sister Li should be proud instead of disdainful. 
Another round of Steffy vs the Logan’s. A tale as old as time. Or the late 80s.

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4 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Another round of Steffy vs the Logan’s. A tale as old as time. Or the late 80s.

Oh please, please, please, PLEASE tell me Ridge appointed Brooke as CO-CEO to take his place! Pleeeeeeeeze?????

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Stuffy has so much on her plate 😂.  Stuffy has less on her plate than an anorexic.  Actually the only thing on Stuffy’s plate is Finn’s balls  


In the words of Jerry Springer, Bill, “YOU ARE THE FATHER”.  Thankfully, the monkeys with a keyboard are putting Li and Katie in their place. 


If RJ gives Luna any guff about Bill being her father she could tell RJ to pound sand because she’s now richer than him. 


Katie Katie Katie, don’t look so happy that Bill finally has a daughter.  

Edited by Waldo13
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If Luna's curious about what $Bill will be like as a father, she can ask her bf who was $Bill's stepson for a spell, with a sword necklace and everything.

This show is dumb.

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I think something is still going to be up with the whole paternity thing. I swear, Li, at one point, shot this look at Poppy like she was looking for some kind of guilt or acknowledgement that she knows Bill isn't the father. Also, there's so much emphasis on, "if Li runs the test, we know we can rely on the results," that it seems like the exact setup they'd put in place if she is actually fucking with the results. If we see Luna start puking again soon, or she starts being super tired all the time, we'll know what's coming. If the show wasn't so obviously into writing for Luna, I'd toss out the possibility that they just wanted to wrap this up, write them as a happy little family, and usher them into screentime purgatory. 

They could give Liam a non-romance story here if he starts dealing with some resentment that Bill, Poppy, and Luna get to be this happy little family, while he only knew who his father was after his mother died. Maybe he and Katie team up to figure out what's really going on. 

I laughed at Steffy today. She clearly thinks that Ridge wanting to pull back means she's going to be the queen bee in charge of the whole company, and she's talking about how she has so much on her plate, trying to rope Carter into doing all the grunt work she doesn't want to do. I cannot wait to see Brooke announced as her new co-CEO. Also, too much on your plate? Hey, maybe stop interfering in other people's lives and obsessing on keeping the Logans vs. Forresters feud going, and you'll free up some space on that plate. Because the only things we ever see you doing at work are making out with your husband*, gossiping with Liam**, and grinding your anti-Logan ax. 

* Who doesn't work there

**Who also doesn't work there

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I'm in agreement with my fellow posters that something seems up with the paternity test. I don't see what Li could have done to alter it, so maybe just a false positive? 

I think what Poppy was scared about was her options of possible fathers for Luna; Bill or Jack, one being far better than the other. 

Brooke back in charge makes me so happy! 

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16 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh please, please, please, PLEASE tell me Ridge appointed Brooke as CO-CEO to take his place! Pleeeeeeeeze?????

I can't wait for Steffy's reaction, she won't be able to keep her composure and her meltdown will be epic and I need for Ridge, Liam and Finn to be present for it.  I especially need Finn to see just how hateful Steffy can be towards people she deems are beneath her.

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I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Steffy's continued whining and shock that Ridge didn't side with her. Hey, it's only business, right? That should be good enough for you. Except it's not because your decision to cut the line was personal and not good business. Then she tries to get Carter to do all that other work. Just what does she do? Stare at her laptop, complain about Hope, monitor her husband, and...? Oh yeah, bully Hope and prance around her office because she's Co-CEO.

Won't lie, as Ridge was blathering on and beating around the bush, I was yelling "Ask Brooke already!" and "DO IT, BROOKE!" If only to see Steffy taken down several pegs as she tries to lock horns with Brooke.

Considering the paternity test was just like some COVID test, it's possible it was a false positive. There's something about Poppy that rubs me wrong. And that was before I read about the...mints? I don't know if it's the direction or the actress, but her reaction shots come off as glee-like this was her plan all along. I dunno.

But maybe now Li can mind her own fucking business and go see her son?

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On 6/4/2024 at 8:14 PM, KerleyQ said:

I know it's not the same thing, but why can't they just have some kind of relationship even if the biological tie isn't there? 

I just realized that it cannot be any kind of coincidence that I, a woman who  is loosely queer, have considered the Spectras my favorite family and considers Nick practically adopting Hope in all but legal name (thanks, Ridge, for stopping that BTW 🖕) one of the favorite stories they ever gave his character. 

The Spectras in particular brought everyone in their fold. Darla was every bit her daughter as Macy was and although I don't have a clear recollection of Kimberly Alexander, I wouldn't be surprised if Sally reached out to provide support to her in spite of the way her ex husband left her high and dry. Saul was like a father to CJ in his early years until his passing. They gave support to Tony after his HIV diagnosis, supported CJ marrying Becky in her final few weeks, open her doors to Amber. Hell, Macy and Karen are the only two women in B&B canon who were able to put aside their rivalry over Thorne (who I'm finding to be every both as loathesome as Ridge TBH!) to become genuine friends. It's a shame none of that could have lived through Aly before she was disposed of.

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Li, if Poppy was a Gold Digger she would have  sought Bill out a long time ago to tell him the possibility that Bill was Luna’s father.  Bill wouldn’t be that hard to find.  The fact is that Poppy didn’t want to tell Bill until she knew how Bill felt about her.  


Finn theoretically got one of his balls back in standing up to Stuffy but Stuffy is not going to give Finn his other ball back anytime soon. By the way Stuffy, a doctor out trumps an uneducated CO-CEO who’s only in her position by nepotism. 


Is Finn helping Hope’s migraine or is he turning him on.  Go for it Hope, I wouldn’t blame you one bit for jumping Finn’s bones. 

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Finn ignoring Steffy’s bug-eyed glares that clearly were saying “You’re supposed to be on MY side!”

Brooke! Don’t FAIL ME!!!!! 

Dammit, another useless tornado warning news break so the last scene I saw was Finn massaging Hope’s hand. Did Steffy walk in on them?!😆😆

On a side note,  Opie, Richie Cunningham  Ron Howard was on The View  today-he’s older than Clint, but looks younger and better! Looking!


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