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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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16 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Brooke? You have no right to interrogate your grown daughter. Mind your own damn business, nosy broad.

Brooke has always been wayyy too "interested" in Hope's sex life. I remember years ago, after Hope and Liam's first successful wedding (I think), Brooke showed up the very next morning to dish with Hope over how things went the night before. 

It was creepy then, and it's still creepy.

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I think the point of Hope continuously declaring that it’s not love is because it will become love at some point. These writers aren’t suttle. 
I would love a conversation where Hope talks about her disastrous first time with Liam after Brooke encouraged her, you know the one where she had tears and how she subsequently needed pills to relax with Liam and how that may have affected her long term sex life with him. She was also more free with Wyatt ..so maybe the issue is Liam.   

So now RJ has natural talent along with being the anointed one 🙄

I guess Zende, Thomas and the other designers are chopped liver.  RJ is becoming a regular Gary Stu. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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1 hour ago, TVForever said:

Brooke has always been wayyy too "interested" in Hope's sex life. I remember years ago, after Hope and Liam's first successful wedding (I think), Brooke showed up the very next morning to dish with Hope over how things went the night before. 

It was creepy then, and it's still creepy.

Everyone on this show is way too invested in their relatives' sex lives, whether it's kids obsessing over their parents or parents obsessing over their kids. It's creepy. 

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I’m sorry, but is it really necessary for the monkeys with a keyboard to make a political statement?

Lurch, FC cut its teeth on couture and it’s what it’s known for. HFTF is just an offshoot and not the big money maker for FC. 

Brooke stop smelling Ridge’s farts. It was Ridge who turned Eric down in the first place for insisting that Eric go gently into that good night.  Brooke, Ridge might run the company but Eric is the company. 

Today, Lurch needs a 32oz mug of STFU for being a condescending ass hole to RJ. Our shit doesn’t stink so stop trying to add stink to our shit. 

What part of Douglas wants to speak alone to Hope that Lurch doesn’t understand. He just has to ease drop on that conversation like he already knew what Douglas was angling for.  Maybe just maybe Lurch didn’t tell Douglas directly so Douglas was not lying but I would put it past Lurch that he was giving Douglas subliminal hints. 

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22 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Also Brooke is THE LAST person to ever lecture anyone about office sexcapades. Isn’t she the one who fell out of the elevator half naked with Ridge. 

Not only that, but she had an entire bedroom set in her office that she had for the purpose of seducing Ridge, but may have conceived Hope there instead.

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So, if Ridge said no go to Eric, then Eric would just tuck tail and run? Ridge, along with his daughter, run Forrester, but they do not own it. 

I remain confused. 

Brooke is making the full transition to Stephaniehood. Trying to run Hope's life, and tell her who to be with, and throwing her full support behind Ridge. 

It has been a long time since there was drama between Brooke and Donna. The last time I remember was when Ridge started dating Donna and made her the Bedroom Line model. But it does appear they are hammering out the camps. 

Brooks outfit reminded me of Goldie Hawn in Laugh In:


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Every time I’ve seen Sheila on my screen, I immediately change to HGTV until I think it’s safe to go back to B&B. I cannot stand her voice, her looks, her evil “smile”, hearing how much she truly LOVES a man she hasn’t seen since he was born. Please writers, give this subhuman the boot.

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12 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Brooke is making the full transition to Stephaniehood. Trying to run Hope's life, and tell her who to be with, and throwing her full support behind Ridge. 

Brooke's had her moments well before his towards Rick but even the worst of it was nowhere near as intrusive as she is towards Hope.

And much like when she was banging her drum against Quinn to Eric, her two minutes hate against Thomas has got way too damn repetitive and boring. WE GET IT, HE'S THE DEVIL. I will never be Team Thope but either devise a scheme to split them up or shut your pie hole. The yapping is getting to be too much.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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There is one thing quite that’s quite evident, but it hurts me to say so, that Deacon and Shiela show a hell of a lot more passion than Lurch and Hope.  

Lurch finally spoke the truth when he said that he doesn’t deserve such an amazing kid. 

I’m not a big fan of Shiela but nobody but nobody can believe that she has changed for the better, but Lurch has been sainted because he supposedly has changed. Once again I have to say that I’m not buying Lurch’s resurrection one bit. 


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Li to the rescue! 

Listen up to your mom Finn, her advise might go against your grain, but it is the best you have gotten from anyone. 

And of course Sheila will run and hide in the bathroom. It would be fitting if Hope arrived and was having some um........digestive issues.........and Sheila had to go the extra mile to hide behind the shower curtain while Hope relieves herself. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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On 9/19/2023 at 9:17 AM, TVForever said:

Brooke has always been wayyy too "interested" in Hope's sex life. I remember years ago, after Hope and Liam's first successful wedding (I think), Brooke showed up the very next morning to dish with Hope over how things went the night before. 

It was creepy then, and it's still creepy.

As creepy as that scene was, nothing will ever top the scene where Stephanie stood outside Ridge's bedroom door, when he was having sex with then-wife Taylor, listening in and smiling at what she heard, like "that's my boy."

Of course, this is the same son she professed to love "more than any man."


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As for me, Thope is my sole reason to watch. To be specific, Thope sexy times. 

Because Annika and Matthew continue to bring it and I have to love a woman who takes what she wants and makes no apologies for it.

I also had to smile at the moment where he almost takes things too far for the censors with her dress strap and she pushes her strap back up like "don't show my boob, Matt!", and still makes it sexy.



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Shocking Sheila hid when someone shows up at Deacon's. 

Deacon finally ends it. Let's see if it lasts.

Sheila is unique Deacon? That's one word for her. Murdering psychopath is another. 

How is Douglas in the house alone? And light candles?

Boohoo Finn my heart aches.  Yet first chance he got he was hugging and calling Sheila mommy. Saying she deserved a break. 

Li is awesome. 



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Lurch is a fucking idiot. Douglas asks if his mom and dad will take him and Beth to the beach for a picnic and watch the sunset but when Lurch talked about family he excluded Beth by saying the three of us spending time together as a family. 


The writing is on the wall. The fix is in. Hope will be together with Lurch 🤢🤮 not to disappoint Douglas. 

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Poor Beth..
Speaking of Beth, who’s watching her these days? 

Let’s see Kelly got pulled out as a plot point to split up Finn/Steffy when they almost drowned her ..we also got a glimpse of cutie pie Hayes for a second  

They dusted off Beth to put the guilt trip on Hope… and push together Hope/Liam then put her back in the closet. 

Now Douglas has been trotted out to push together Hope/Thomas. 

These kids are really no more than plot points.  


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One thing I can say for ATWT during it's death spiral is for all the absolute terrible stories their 30+ year old adult characters go, ther teen scenes were carrying that show between Luke/Noah, the friendship group w Will, Gwen, Casey and Maddie and Parker & Faith, neither of whom had. much patience for their respective parents' on-and-off bullshit. Those two in particular were the only thing that made some episodes tolerable.

Also, Parker and Faith weren't much older than Douglas when they were commenting on the stupidity of their parents' dysfunction, yet B&B ridiculously has every child on this show aged 5 to 55 always and without exception pushing their parents together, no matter the heinous things that have happened. A literal toddler like Hayes is one thing: 40-something Thorne and Felicia (who was once a beacon of sense in the 90s during Stephanie's first split from Eric!) is a whole different thing entirely.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:

Wait - is that David Kimble meeting/eating with Deacon? 😂 Too bad the actor is just playing a judge because David Kimble is probably the only person who could give Sheila a run for her money!

Out of curiosity, were David and Sheila on Y&R at the same time? 👀

I don't know much about the guy, but from what I heard, he was a legendary villain who faked his death to get back an Nina, who had figured out he married her for her money or something. 

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19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Lurch is a fucking idiot. Douglas asks if his mom and dad will take him and Beth to the beach for a picnic and watch the sunset but when Lurch talked about family he excluded Beth by saying the three of us spending time together as a family. 


The writing is on the wall. The fix is in. Hope will be together with Lurch 🤢🤮 not to disappoint Douglas. 

And the sad part is, I really think Show is expecting us to find all of this somehow charming and endearing.

I do not.

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I haven't watched every day so I missed parts of the show, but did Sheila overhear Deacon and that guy scheming against her?  Or was this the judge that threw out the case against her and he and Deacon planned it?  I was confused because her shark face didn't look too pleased. 

Edited by Crashcourse
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Seriously, do these writers and the General Hospital writers get together and compare notes with their scripts? Because the now grownass adultStupid Little Shit Michael is the same into his parents’ marriage/divorce, as the supposed ones here.

I just miss the days in the 70s-90s of all soaps when there was nuance and everyone in their own lanes. Well, except Stephanie never did stay in her own lane. Why Ridge didn’t move out when he and Brooke became lovers, I’ll never understand. 

I haven’t watched, but did Deacon finally extricate himself from the Sheila???

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Out of curiosity, were David and Sheila on Y&R at the same time? 👀

I don't know much about the guy, but from what I heard, he was a legendary villain who faked his death to get back an Nina, who had figured out he married her for her money or something. 

David and Sheila were on Y&R at the same time, but I don't remember them running in the same circles. 

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4 hours ago, SiouxB said:

I can't believe I'm even saying this but I am so over Douglas....

....this go round, I'm finding him annoying and cloying....

That kid can actually act. It's a shame they're saddling him with this embarrassing crap. 

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I did cringe a bit with the Douglas stuff but I thought today was cute, I chuckled at the pizza and French fries.  I also like the kid, he’s cute and can act (*cough* unlike Finn *cough*. He’s 10 in real life so I guess he’s been de-aged/sorased since Beth is now 7. 

So Deacon is the reason Sheila is free…he’s going to lose Hope when this comes out. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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Sorry. I don't care how adorable Douglas is, I am burned out on parent-trapping stories. At least it's a bit more palatable from a precocious kid than grown-ass adult kids in their 40s. (Looking at Thorne and Felicia.)

I think the actor who plays Douglas is getting kind of old to be playing this role as it's currently written. I don't want to see him replaced, but at least write for his age level. It's obvious that he's growing up. 

Like nobody is going to notice Sheila in those giant sunglasses and hat. /eyeroll. How was Deacon able to get Sheila acquitted of all charges? 

Make this make sense!

So it sounds like Li is pushing Finn to auf Sheila. Why doesn't Li just do it herself? She's a physician, too. 

At least no Liam.


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Wow oh wow!  I didn’t know that Lurch loves Hope and he’s done bad things in the past and now he’s trying to turn things around. That’s news to me 😵‍💫

Lurch, you are such a fucking stupid pos. How many time has Hope asked you if this was enough for you. You lied to Hope’s face that what you have is not enough for you.  Maybe Liam hurt Hope but you cannot be held harmless in the reason Liam hurt Hope. Beside, I would say you hurt Hope far more than Liam hurt Hope.  Liam and Hope are a real family. You and Hope are a manufactured family.  Manufactured by making Hope Douglas’ surrogate mother.  

Wrestling match once more 🤢🤢🤮

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17 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Why Ridge didn’t move out when he and Brooke became lovers, I’ll never understand. 

From the season 1 and 2 episodes I watched, I assume it was bc he wanted to maintain a close proximity to Caroline.

But I agree with the sentiment. Felicia had the right idea to move to the other side of the world when she turned 18.

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Would someone tell the writers to tone down Li's tirades about how she's been Finn's mother practically from the moment he was born and that he OWES! her everything, because she's coming across like the stereotypical mother-from-hell who would rather devour her children than allow them to have lives of their own.

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I don't understand how Deacon put the fix in for Sheila. If the judge did anything that wasn't legit in dismissing the charges against her, are they trying to tell us that the FBI and the prosecutor wouldn't know that his reasoning was bullshit? I mean, I do think that the whole "welp, Steffy and Finn declined to cooperate the first time (because they were being fake blackmailed as part of an FBI sting), so they can't cooperate now" part was a load of BS, but shouldn't the prosecutor know this? 

1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

I don’t know if this has been mentioned recently or not at all but Liam and Douglas are related by blood. Douglas’ mother, Caroline, is Liam’s first cousin so Douglas would be Liam’s second cousin. 

This is why I always wanted some Douglas/Bill scenes. I would have expected Bill to want to be present in Douglas's life, even if it was just some "gotta remind the kid he's a Spencer, too, and not just a Forrester" kind of thing. 

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8 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I don't understand how Deacon put the fix in for Sheila. If the judge did anything that wasn't legit in dismissing the charges against her, are they trying to tell us that the FBI and the prosecutor wouldn't know that his reasoning was bullshit? I mean, I do think that the whole "welp, Steffy and Finn declined to cooperate the first time (because they were being fake blackmailed as part of an FBI sting), so they can't cooperate now" part was a load of BS, but shouldn't the prosecutor know this? 

We need to watch with the expectation that this show will have zero, nada, not even a scintilla of effort into presenting how things work IRL.  Will be better for our mental health.

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On 9/22/2023 at 4:17 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Out of curiosity, were David and Sheila on Y&R at the same time? 👀

I don't know much about the guy, but from what I heard, he was a legendary villain who faked his death to get back an Nina, who had figured out he married her for her money or something. 

Y&R used to have characters on for years who didn't know each other, and paths never crossed. (Now every story line on the show is like a clown car, everyone piles on.) David Kimball was Jill's secretary/admin. assistant for years before he turned into a bad guy. Ultimately, he died a horrific death in a trash compactor at a costume party gala while people watched. But before that he forced a plastic surgeon at gun point to make him look like David Hasselhoff, (who played Snapper on Y&R), only the plastic surgeon knew that David Kimball was going to kill him after the surgery, so the surgeon did this to him instead -


David Kimball.jpg

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It makes no sense that Deacon could get a specific judge to be the judge appointed to Sheila's case, and get his friend the judge to let her off scott free (pun intended)(although Lauren crossed over to B&B and had problems with Sheila here, I'm not sure non-Y&R viewers will know the reference) but he was never able to get himself out of jail any time he was incarcerated. It was a thrill to see David Kimball I must admit, but then it was like, huh? Deacon had a judge in his pocket and never used him until now?

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On 9/21/2023 at 8:21 PM, Artsda said:

How is Douglas in the house alone? And light candles?

Brooke needs to call Child Protective Services, for real this time! LOL.

They are building up to a big take-down for Sheila. And while she deserves it, I don't want to see Deacon caught in the cross-fire.

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On 9/23/2023 at 12:27 PM, Waldo13 said:

I don’t know if this has been mentioned recently or not at all but Liam and Douglas are related by blood. Douglas’ mother, Caroline, is Liam’s first cousin so Douglas would be Liam’s second cousin. 

Liam is Douglas' 1st cousin once removed. Beth is his 2nd cousin. Either way, it's weird how his Spencer side is downplayed/ignored.

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I don't care if Hope doesn't love Thomas or if she is using him to feed her ego or that Thomas is persona non grata..

Thomas/Hope are cute...they make me smile when I watch them..💞

Hope also smiles so much more and looks less dour..


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1 hour ago, Zemiar said:

Liam is Douglas' 1st cousin once removed. Beth is his 2nd cousin. Either way, it's weird how his Spencer side is downplayed/ignored.

It's so they can hit us over the head with Hope, Douglas, and Thomas being a family, even though they never really have been. Other than, of course, a very brief period of time which Hope and Douglas shouldn't have any warm family feelings about Thomas from, given that he was gaslighting and abusing them the whole time. 

If this show last long enough, it would be kind of interesting to see what Douglas's feelings towards Thomas are as an adult (or even an older teen). Younger kids often tend to still cling to an abusive/manipulative parent, just wanting their love. I'd imagine that's even more of a thing when one parent has died.  But, when they get older and realize how fucked up it all was, they can sometimes pull away and/or be angry with them. I'd also imagine he might have some thoughts about how fast his father tried to replace his mother after her death. 

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35 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

If this show last long enough, it would be kind of interesting to see what Douglas's feelings towards Thomas are as an adult (or even an older teen).

Sad to say, it'll be the same old shit that every kid on B&B has: that their parents are the bestest people in the whole world and that their parents belong with one another. I bet he'll be partaking in his own parent trapping because if Scott Clifton is still on the show, you know Hope will have ended up back with him by then.

Now, if it was any other soap opera, it would have very much been must see TV. I mentioned earlier how even in the very darkest days of ATWT that the writing for the teens was top notch and that their parents' bad decisions played a big part in their character, either because of their own and off marriage (ie Parker and Faith), being extremely controlling (all of Barbara Ryan's kids,but most specific to Will,who literally poisoned a woman to stop a wedding between her and his brother, and the resultant institutional stay affected ever aspect of his life after that), or just being able to be shits because of their parents being in positions of power (Margo's son, one who was arrested for gambling and the other an actual rapist).

If Douglas doesn't end up hating the Logans like the rest of his family, that will be a minor miracle in and of itself.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Thomas and Hope are best thing on this show right now. 

Deacon is just gross with this was I supposed to find what he did romantic and then a good pair?  It would serve Deacon right when Sheila hurts someone again. 

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