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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Liam is such an ass. First, there's the whole mentioning his daughter last on that list of people he needs to protect, when she should be the first and only one on there. Second, if you really think that Finn is endangering Steffy and the kids, why wouldn't you just spit that out, instead of sitting on it while you go off to ponder how best to use this information to get into Steffy's pants? And why wouldn't your immediate reaction, if you're genuinely worried about anyone's safety living there, be to go over and say that, since Sheila is out on the loose, you would prefer bringing Kelly with you over to Bill's house, maybe along with an offer to take Hayes, too for a couple days if they'd like the time to beef up their security? Instead, you're just worrying about being able to "neener neener" Finn over hugging Sheila. I swear, we just need Wyatt to slap some common sense into Liam on a daily basis these days. 

I cracked up at Carter being all "yeah, none of the evidence was admissible" today, after the judge has tossed the case. Where was that take a couple months ago, or even the day before the hearing, Carter? Way to help everyone prepare for how that hearing was going to go. 

Instead of inevitably hiring Sheila Doubtfire to be the kids' new nanny, shouldn't Steffy be out there looking for big burly security guard/nanny? Someone who could conveniently be her new love interest if she dumps Finn? 

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I agree that TN/Finn is better when he’s not playing a Boy Scout and I’d like to see more dark side come out on a regular basis, but Finn being supportive of Sheila makes as much sense as Bill falling in love with her and turning against everyone. Since the shooting, Finn has been very vocally against Sheila, tried to kill her, had to be restrained by Bill from trying to kill her again, worked to prove Sheila was alive so she could be hunted and arrested, was as angry/disgusted as anyone with the whole Bill/Sheila/blackmail thing, etc. And he’s never wavered on the fact that Li is his real mom. Nothing has lead up to a change of heart. IMO, it’s complete character assassination. I couldn’t even watch the entire scene when he schmoozed with her about being held. 

For now, I’m telling myself that Carter gave Ridge and Bill a heads up that the charges weren’t going to stick, and those two devised Idiot Plan B: get Finn to dupe Sheila into some other trap, possibly related to the shooting (since he and Steffy recanted and all they have in this universe is Barnyard Court). Finn’s acceptance/love is the one thing she’s wanted since she came back, and she’s always appeared absolutely delusional about his real feelings. But Steffy’s not in on it, and, by the time the truth comes out, Steam will have already reunited, and Sinn will be destroyed by Finn doing the one thing Steffy's wanted since their wedding (get rid of Sheila). This would leave Finn with room to navigate the canvas in the aftermath, rather than being a pariah who stopped caring that his birth mother tried to kill him, his wife (twice), and mom. Yep. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

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Liam certainly didn't care about Kelly's safety the last 2 years Sheila has been around. But now that Hope dropped him he goes right back to Steffys orbit. Anything to wedge himself back into option #2. 🙄

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Liam came to see Sheila’s trial

Finn saw him and crimped Liam’s style

He wasn’t buying none of Liam’s words

Headin’ for a showdown


Listen Liam, what’s your game

Looks like you came here on the wrong train

And if you don’t leave right now there’s gonna be some pain

There’s gonna be a showdown


And that pain is gonna rain all over your world

I’ll beat you to a pulp if you don’t stay away from my girl

Today, you have been warned


Liam said I came here as a friend

Support for my dad and Kelly to lend

Now your angry and gone round the bend

There’s gonna be a showdown


Safe Steffy

Oh, save her

Cause Sheil’s been set free

There’s gonna be a showdown






Edited by RuntheTable
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8 hours ago, dovegrey said:

For now, I’m telling myself that Carter gave Ridge and Bill a heads up that the charges weren’t going to stick, and those two devised Idiot Plan B: get Finn to dupe Sheila into some other trap, possibly related to the shooting (since he and Steffy recanted and all they have in this universe is Barnyard Court). Finn’s acceptance/love is the one thing she’s wanted since she came back, and she’s always appeared absolutely delusional about his real feelings. But Steffy’s not in on it, and, by the time the truth comes out, Steam will have already reunited, and Sinn will be destroyed by Finn doing the one thing Steffy's wanted since their wedding (get rid of Sheila). This would leave Finn with room to navigate the canvas in the aftermath, rather than being a pariah who stopped caring that his birth mother tried to kill him, his wife (twice), and mom. Yep. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

This is so much better than the crap we're likely about to get. I really thought it was going to turn out that Finn was somehow in on Ridge and Bill's last plot, with all of the talk about how many hours he was spending at the hospital during that same time. I figured he was telling Steffy he was at the hospital when he was really meeting with the two of them. So, I would definitely be up for that now. And it would make sense, if this was a new backup plan, that they got someone to pull some strings for him to actually be acceptable as the doctor who examined her to make sure she was physically fit for the trial. There's no way that her biological son, who is also one of her victims, should have been allowed to sign off on her fitness. (And I know he mentioned something about his boss not being OK with it, but it's the court who should have completely refused to take his word for it,  given his giant conflict of interest). 

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So now Liam and Thomas has switched families???!!!

Liam is going to protect Kelly and Hayes

Thomas will protect Douglas and Beth

Am I the only one thinking that Hayes’s paternity may undergo and retcon ?

I really really hate what they’re doing to Finn for Liam 😩 

Steffy has matured so much with Finn. I don’t see her getting back with Liam anytime soon. 

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Brooke was worried that's why she went upstairs to Thomas's bedroom? Worried about what should have been Ridges question. 

She also failed to mention all her attacking and blaming Thomas. 

Liam waffling right back to Steffy not caring at all about divorce. Hope was so right.  

Hope lit up when Thomas entered the room. Those 2 have great chemistry. 

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Has anyone else noticed that when Hope kisses Lurch there is no passion. It’s more like to pubescent teens making out for the first time. 

Liam is a schmuck and Lurch is a piece of shit. Poor Hope, she drank Lurch’s kool aid while wearing rose color glasses.   


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9 hours ago, Artsda said:

Brooke was worried that's why she went upstairs to Thomas's bedroom? Worried about what should have been Ridges question. 

She also failed to mention all her attacking and blaming Thomas. 

Liam waffling right back to Steffy not caring at all about divorce. Hope was so right.  

Hope lit up when Thomas entered the room. Those 2 have great chemistry. 

Hope literally lights up around Thomas, I assume that’s how the actress chooses to play it. Thomas also seemed more engaged vs background. 

Thomas told her divorce papers or not she can still put her family together. Hope is clearly more interested in getting more of the D  before she inevitably finds her way back to Liam  😂 she wants more orgasms dammit! 😂 

On another note, they’re dressing Hope a lot better. They both looked nice. 

Edited by bluvelvet
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I cannot believe Brooke spilled on the Thope hookup.

Oh wait...of course I can.

Her first loyalty should be to her child, not her on-again, off-again man-child partner but she just HAD to tell Ridge. 🙄

Steffy was conjuring up vision of Rockwell's "Watchin' Me" only he did it a million times better.


I am already tickled at the thought of Steffy, being stuck with Liam again. He's exactly what she deserves for continue to entertain his nonsense all of these years. 

I don't want him anywhere near Hope and wouldn't mind a Thomas/Hope/Wyatt triangle where Wyatt ultimately comes out on top.

In breaking news, CountryBoy told me he enjoys Sheila. I may need to rehome.




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3 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I cannot believe Brooke spilled on the Thope hookup.

Say What Amy Sedaris GIF by truTV’s At Home with Amy Sedaris



5 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy was conjuring up vision of Rockwell's "Watchin' Me" only he did it a million times better.


Ahem.  It's "Somebody's Watchin' Me" but totally 100% Agree witcha.

And now that song's playing in me head in a loop! How'mIsupposedtaegitanyworkdonenoweh?

I haven't watched this week's shows yet as I've been spending time with two of my nephews (how DARE they grow up?! (10 and 16)) who came for a short visit. The oldest is at college(?!!!! When did THAT happen?!), doing an internship before he starts his first year.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy was conjuring up vision of Rockwell's "Watchin' Me" only he did it a million times better.

Her paranoia is a thing of beauty, and actually motivated her to check to see if the sliding door was locked.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

I cannot believe Brooke spilled on the Thope hookup.

Oh wait...of course I can.

Her first loyalty should be to her child, not her on-again, off-again man-child partner but she just HAD to tell Ridge. 🙄

I am sure she is terrified that he might misconstrue something again and will storm off looking for Taylor's bed. 

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9 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Has anyone else noticed that when Hope kisses Lurch there is no passion. It’s more like to pubescent teens making out for the first time. 

Liam is a schmuck and Lurch is a piece of shit. Poor Hope, she drank Lurch’s kool aid while wearing rose color glasses.   


What I've noticed more is their conversation. It's so clear that, from her side, this is all about Liam. They talk about him. Hope talks about wanting someone who only wants her. Nothing about her wanting Thomas specifically, but her wanting someone who isn't Liam. If Thomas wasn't so dazzled by finally getting what he wants, he'd realize that this isn't, exactly, what he wants. He's the rebound who's helping her get up the gumption to end her marriage to a waffle. 

2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I might open my door today and yell “Shelia is that you?” 

Are we going to get Steffy having a nervous breakdown (probably aided by Sheila fucking with her) to facilitate JMW's maternity leave?  And, when she's back, WaffleMan will bust her out of the mental hospital where Sheila has probably bribed some staffers to drug her up and impede any recovery? 

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2 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Are we going to get Steffy having a nervous breakdown (probably aided by Sheila fucking with her) to facilitate JMW's maternity leave?  And, when she's back, WaffleMan will bust her out of the mental hospital where Sheila has probably bribed some staffers to drug her up and impede any recovery? 

Its certainly looking like she is already on the verge of a breakdown. Liam’s going to be front and center. Wyatt was right when he said Liam was using the Finn/Shelia hug as an excuse to get closer to Steffy.  

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59 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Wyatt was right when he said Liam was using the Finn/Shelia hug as an excuse to get closer to Steffy.  

Definitely. If his concern was, first and foremost, that the hug meant Steffy and the kids were in danger, he would have told her about it immediately. Instead, he retreated so he can contemplate how best to use the information to his advantage. 

I love how much Wyatt is not indulging Liam's bullshit. 

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On 7/25/2023 at 4:11 AM, backhometome said:

Liam certainly didn't care about Kelly's safety the last 2 years Sheila has been around. But now that Hope dropped him he goes right back to Steffys orbit. Anything to wedge himself back into option #2. 🙄

Also interesting that he's had absolutely nothing to say about Beth being around Thomas, who has been a far bigger danger to her than Sheila has been to Kelly 🙄


3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

What I've noticed more is their conversation. It's so clear that, from her side, this is all about Liam. They talk about him. Hope talks about wanting someone who only wants her. Nothing about her wanting Thomas specifically, but her wanting someone who isn't Liam. If Thomas wasn't so dazzled by finally getting what he wants, he'd realize that this isn't, exactly, what he wants. He's the rebound who's helping her get up the gumption to end her marriage to a waffle. 

I'm honestly fine with that and it's still better than what that psycho deserves. Maybe now that they pulled the trigger on that, we can end Thope for good and then Thomas and Hope can meet new people.

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19 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'm honestly fine with that and it's still better than what that psycho deserves. Maybe now that they pulled the trigger on that, we can end Thope for good and then Thomas and Hope can meet new people.

Judging from how Ridge's immediate reaction to the news was concern about Thomas going back to being obsessive, I'm thinking what's going to happen is that Thomas starts realizing that Hope, while she enjoys the orgasms, isn't as into him as he's into her, and he's going to start becoming obsessive again. I could see him using the Sheila threat to try to manipulate her into moving the relationship forward fast, like saying he needs to move in with her and the kids (or they need to move in with him) so he can protect them all. (Exactly the same bullshit Liam is going to pull on Steffy, basically). 

I'm hoping that the fact that Wyatt isn't coddling Liam like the poor little victim he wants to be, and that he went to Hope to get her side, giving us the longest scene DB and AN have had together, means we might actually be getting Hope/Wyatt when all the dust settles. 

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In all honesty, I would rather watch Shiela and Deacon than Hope and Lurch.  I’m not a fan of either paring but if I had my druthers, Hope and Stuffy should hook up and blow everyone’s minds. 

Now that Lurch has tasted the “juices” of the Pyrite Cooter, Lurch will only regress if Hope takes off the rose color glass and rejects him because she realized that he really hasn’t changed.  

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Can Brooke not have to be in everything. Hope and Deacons conversation should have been between Hope and Deacon. 

of course Brooke hears nothing Hope is saying or respects it.  " I support you too..." Liar Brooke. 

Wyatt knows Liam's behavior trying to justify ruining her marriage to give him a shot. 

Ugh Sheila. Didn't she leave Deacon for Bill? Deacon don't do this. Be better.


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Would Liam really just jump into a relationship with Steffy this fast if he could? Today he said MY family and Finn should be there when he couldn't --???

You were married to Hope, you should have never really be there for Steffy..


DUH *smacks head*..this is Liam we are talking about



Edited by bluvelvet
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6 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Wyatt deserves better than Hope--not his brother's and Thomas's sloppy seconds.  Just introduce a new character for him.

Does he though? He was engaged to human trafficker Flo. 

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I would think they are gearing up something for DB since we have seen Wyatt more in the last few weeks than we did for probably close to a year. And of course, having him interact with Hope after so long is sorta kinda a big ole anvil. I am ok with that. Maybe now that Hope has a new outlook on life and love she might be more invested in a relationship with Wyatt. 

And speaking of Wyatt, I just wanted to hug and squeeze him yesterday for cutting right to the mustard and telling Liam what he is really doing. Dress it up however you want Liam, but you are just looking for a way back into Steffy's bed. You haven't been concerned about Kelly in ages; there is also the fact that you have another daughter who could just as well be in danger from Sheila considering how the psycho feels about Brooke. You should have kept your mouth shut about what you saw until you had a reason to disclose it. You don't know what Finn was about really, maybe he has some plan in place. But no, you had to don your Superman cape and race over to Cliff House to tell Steffy about your little video. 

So fucking pathetic. 

Deacon didn't really seem to have a problem with the divorce. I suspect that is because of Brooke's history with Ridge and watching her struggle with rejection and heartbreak her whole adult life, and not wanting that for his daughter. 

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10 hours ago, CountryGirl said:
17 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Wyatt deserves better than Hope--not his brother's and Thomas's sloppy seconds.  Just introduce a new character for him.

Does he though? He was engaged to human trafficker Flo. 

Not only that, but Hope was already Lame's "sloppy seconds" when he pursued her the first time, he doesn't give shit about that. And he doesn't like Thomas anymore than Lame does, so stealing Hope from him would be a bonus, and we all know Flo(and Thomas)deserves more Ls than they could ever get. There are better reasons to be apprehensive to a Hyatt reunion than that imo....

With that logic no one passes for a decent relationship on this show not even Sinn. Since Finn is getting Steffy sloppy thirds or fourths maybe from her history with the Spencer family tree and Rick. 

Considering Lame's behavior I agree that this would be a really great time to recton Kelly as Bill's daughter just so he'll be fresh out excuses as to why he's all up in Finn, and Steffy's business all of the sudden. It's wild to think that Bill would probably be easier to co-parent with than Lame ass considering what a douche he's been in the past, but he totally would be. He's been on his best behavior for a while minus his and Ridge's dumb plan regarding Shelia, which had more to do with a shitty plot than Bill's actual intelligence.

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1 hour ago, Skarzero said:

Considering Lame's behavior I agree that this would be a really great time to recton Kelly as Bill's daughter just so he'll be fresh out excuses as to why he's all up in Finn, and Steffy's business all of the sudden. It's wild to think that Bill would probably be easier to co-parent with than Lame ass considering what a douche he's been in the past, but he totally would be. He's been on his best behavior for a while minus his and Ridge's dumb plan regarding Shelia, which had more to do with a shitty plot than Bill's actual intelligence.

Sadly, if they retcon anything, it will likely be to reveal that Hayes is really Liam's, after all. Then he and Steffy can have their "Finn who?" happily ever after with their two perfect kids. 

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56 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Sadly, if they retcon anything, it will likely be to reveal that Hayes is really Liam's, after all. Then he and Steffy can have their "Finn who?" happily ever after with their two perfect kids.

I think they'll keep Finn as the father. That way, Beth and Hayes can be a couple in the future, with warring mothers (rinse, repeat . . .)

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15 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Does he though? He was engaged to human trafficker Flo. 

Characters on this show have done much, much worse things than Flo did.  Also, we haven't seen her in a while, so I wonder if they're still engaged.  Wyatt seems like a nice guy, so I'd like for him to meet someone new. 

But hey, that's just my opinion. 🤷‍♀️

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2 hours ago, BoffoDaWonderSheep said:

I think they'll keep Finn as the father. That way, Beth and Hayes can be a couple in the future, with warring mothers (rinse, repeat . . .)

There may be another possibility.  Kind of a low life type of guy   who was enamored of Steffy and always hanging around and supplying her with the drugs she needed for her pain from the motorcyle accident that Finn wouldn't give her.  He cleaned up quite nicely and warmed up to Steff with gifts of stuffed animal, flowers, and what not.  And of course, drugs.  So, quite  possible that they had a little tryst.  And to top it off, he was the lab tech (with questionable credentials) working in the lab who conducted the dna paternity test.  If it had been revealed that he was the father, it would represent a huge betrayal of his good friend, Liam.

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22 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Wyatt deserves better than Hope--not his brother's and Thomas's sloppy seconds.  Just introduce a new character for him.

The last time they did that, it damn near ruined the character for most of the fanbase.....gotta be more specific that that! ;)

Jokes aside, I'd definitely prefer his love life not be so entwined with his brother's but given the options available, Wyatt is easily the least terrible.

18 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

Would Liam really just jump into a relationship with Steffy this fast if he could? Today he said MY family and Finn should be there when he couldn't --???

You were married to Hope, you should have never really be there for Steffy..

I assume this is rhetorical, given their history, but it says so much that once again he's choosing the option of least resistance rather than make any attempt to win Hope back.

And while I don't begrudge him for walking out over than paternity test, if he really wanted to be there for Steffy, he could have. Let's not forget that it was HOPE in a then to that point rare moment of grace who had to encourage him to go to the first sonogram appointment. If she hadn't been there encouraging him to support Steffy, would he have just ghosted out of Kelly's life?

2 hours ago, BoffoDaWonderSheep said:

think they'll keep Finn as the father. That way, Beth and Hayes can be a couple in the future, with warring mothers (rinse, repeat . . .)

While that's a probability I hadn't considered, the more likely thing is to bring is another waffle for Kelly and Beth to fight over, which is why they were born six months apart. Just perfect for them to both get SORASed together ☠️

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11 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

While that's a probability I hadn't considered, the more likely thing is to bring is another waffle for Kelly and Beth to fight over, which is why they were born six months apart. Just perfect for them to both get SORASed together ☠️

Yep. I'm envisioning teen Kelly and Beth, and one of them will be the "good girl" while one is the "bad girl." And the hot guy at school will probably pursue the good girl as his girlfriend while he's cheating with the bad girl behind her back. And that will lead to a lifetime of them fighting over some guy. 

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Ridge asks what happened and Hope tells him that she had the divorce papers drawn up right after the “Big O” she got from his son. If Lurch is only have as good as Ridge in satisfying her mom’s Golden Cooter, I can see why my mom keeps going back to him.  

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Did you see the look Liam got on his face when he told Steffy that he loves her today..*sneaky sneaky*..

The vibe I am getting is that Steffy isn't interested in riding the Liam train anymore..but with Finn being duplicitous..

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17 hours ago, la11 said:

There may be another possibility.  Kind of a low life type of guy   who was enamored of Steffy and always hanging around and supplying her with the drugs she needed for her pain from the motorcyle accident that Finn wouldn't give her.  He cleaned up quite nicely and warmed up to Steff with gifts of stuffed animal, flowers, and what not.  And of course, drugs.  So, quite  possible that they had a little tryst.  And to top it off, he was the lab tech (with questionable credentials) working in the lab who conducted the dna paternity test.  If it had been revealed that he was the father, it would represent a huge betrayal of his good friend, Liam.

Vinny as the father is unlikely with him being dead but I would have loved this storyline. 

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43 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Vinny as the father is unlikely with him being dead but I would have loved this storyline. 

At one point, I wanted a Steffy/Vinny pairing so badly. 

And, speaking of things I want but won't get... I want Liam's whole plan here to go in a direction he hasn't considered. I want it to lead to Steffy and Finn having a long overdue conversation about how he's never been able to discuss his understandably complicated feelings about Sheila because he's always had to prioritize Steffy's also understandable fear and hatred of her. It's entirely possible that he's succumbing to Sheila's manipulations now because he hasn't had any healthy outlet to really go over all of his own reaction to her - to initially meeting her, to finding out her history with Steffy's family, to her shooting the two of them and attempting to kill his mother. Let Liam's tattling lead to Steffy and Finn strengthening their marriage as they deal with it. 

Also, when watching Wednesday's show (I've been catching up the past couple of days), I wanted to slap Liam with his "I trusted Finn to protect them when I can't be there." No, bitch, you trusted him to protect Kelly when you aren't there. Steffy and Hayes are Finn's to protect and trust others with, not yours. Every single thing Liam has said and done since the moment he saw that kiss has just reinforced all the things Hope has said to him that he's trying to deflect. 

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52 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

At one point, I wanted a Steffy/Vinny pairing so badly. 

Me, too!


What could have been...

And so much WORD to the rest of your post - that would be a fantastic storyline. Yes, Sheila is a murdering psychopath (one would argue Steffy isn't far from that with killing Aly and almost killing Ivy) but Finn was still entitled to process learning he was adopted, that his adoptive father was actually his biological father and yes, that Sheila - this Sheila - was his biological mother. 

He didn't get one second to process or even react, before Steffy was shrieking about her. 

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Oooooo Vinny in the midnight blue tux. He cleaned up so well at that wedding that didn't happen.  There were definite vibes between him and Steffy during the scenes.

A StefVin paring could have/ would have been so interesting. The rough diamond, kinda low life guy who cleans up and straightens up because of friendship/  love. The snooty, snobby, spoiled brat who finds herself drawn to the type of guy she'd never look at twice. The long drama filled road of each coming to terms with their attractions, fighting it every step of the way, but unable to quit it.

The changes each one went through. The Forrester family's agast reactions first at the friendship and then the growing relationship.  Ridge's underhanded machinations to keep them apart. Thomas' drama and anger that his sister would be interested in such a low-life.  Steffy reminding Thomas that Vinny was his friend and he's working hard to change -- unlike Thomas.

This could have been a slow build/ slow burn story line for at least 2 years. An SL that would have involved much of the cast -- while there were other SLs going on. A happy ending for StefVin (marriage?), but the family is still polarized about the pairing. Ensuring an on-going SL even when StefVin weren't front and center.

Sigh....... alas, it was not to be.  Instead we had Vinny's suicide to save Thomas - a most ridiculous plot contrivance.

Why can't we ever have nice things.

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Ugh, I see you show, giving me cute Finn/Kelly scenes before shit hits the fan. 😭

With the way they are writing Finn, now, I'm surprised he didn't invite Sheila to the beach. 

And would an ER doctor really turn his back around water with a child around. Another plot point to create a wedge for super Liam to pounce on Steffy. 🙄

Liam, just stfu. Did he go over to Steffys thinking she had already thrown Finn out and got a quickie divorce. 

I wont be sticking around to watch the fallout. 

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Somehow some way Shiela gets off for attempted murder and murder but why is she getting away with kidnapping Finn?  

Liam Liam Liam please please STFU!  I’m sick and tired of your obsessive manic psycho babble.  Actually Liam’s psycho babble is on par with Shiela’s psycho babble. 

Finn should know better than to turn his back on a four year old. First rule of fatherhood, always keep your eye on a little child at the beach, at the mall, at the playground, etc no matter what.  

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Somehow some way Shiela gets off for attempted murder and murder but why is she getting away with kidnapping Finn?  

And did Li ever refuse to cooperate over the charges for assaulting, kidnapping, and attempting to murder her? 

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