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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Liam is getting me to Jason Morgan levels of soap opera character hate. I just can’t with that sniveling asshat, I truly need a break from him. Where’s Sheila? Please let her eat the show for a few weeks, so I can have a break.

I did feel like the longer that Hope stood there, the more she realized that Liam wasn’t worth fighting for. I wish she’d said to Liam “yes, Thomas has done some horrible, reprehensible, awful things, & I’ll likely never fully forgive him for that. But the one thing that I know for sure about him, is that no matter what, I wouldn’t have to share him with another woman.” She put it together fast that he’d run straight to Steffy; the “seat at the table” line was perfect & long overdue. If there was a fleeting moment of guilt, in Liam, I might feel something other than hate, but all he can do is focus on Hope’s 1 kiss with Thomas, knowing he sought out Steffy, & kissed her twice. 

They need to show Douglas, soon, he’s the only rootable character right now, besides $Bill. I’m over Bridge, Dr. McShouoderblades, Steffy (when she’s not shutting Liam down), definitely Liam, & I’m sick of Hope groveling, when Liam isn’t worth the breath she exhales. Hoping that the writer’s strike is solved, soon, & they fix this mess they’ve made. 

I am just cupcakes & rainbows today. 😏

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When Bill and Wyatt exist, why is Liam the Spencer character we get 24/7? 

I want to see Douglas hanging out with Bill and Wyatt. Can we get scenes of him spending time with them because all of the other adults in his life are dealing with shit? 

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5 hours ago, backhometome said:

Liam being a gross POS. 🤬 wtf is likable about him.

Until this week, I would've said "the fact that he's the only character who hasn't thrown Brooke under the bus," but....🙃

4 hours ago, nkotb said:

I did feel like the longer that Hope stood there, the more she realized that Liam wasn’t worth fighting for.

I wish she had learned that lesson at their first wedding attempt, where she had to learn from Ridge, at the goddamn alter no less, that Steffy hadn't signed the annulment papers. I can't remember if Liam tore up the signed copy before or after this wedding, though.

When people tell you who they are the first time, believe them.

3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

When Bill and Wyatt exist, why is Liam the Spencer character we get 24/7? 

I do want to see Bill weigh in, solely for the irony of the world's former #1 Lope hater dragging Liam for his stupidity. Narrative-wise, Bill has way less of a leg to stand on than Eggo does but no one else is going to do it.

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Hope was wrong. Anybody but Lurch but can’t Liam see he’s being an absolute ass hole.  Hope turns the table on him with his indiscretions but he becomes indignant. Stuffy has pulled a lot of shit on Hope but she can looked past it. Stuffy and Liam share a biological child together. Lurch and Hope share a child but it’s not a biological child. 

Stuffy has never seen Liam so shaken and heartbroken?  Yeah right, not since the mannequin incident a few years ago. Liam only kissed Stuffy this time and didn’t play hide the pickle. 

Liam you are such a fucking lier. You think about Stuffy all the time. You have had numerous conversations with Stuffy leading up to the Rome bull shit.  Liam, Stuffy has always been your go to when you have the blues. 

Hope wants Liam back and save her marriage but how is running to Lurch’s arms going to help?  I dislike Lurch, but as of today I dislike Liam even more.  I’m now hoping Hope does hook up with Lurch.   

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I would like for Hope to take some time to herself to figure out how to be a self supporting woman in every way. I thought her mother was going to do that but no. How disappointing. I really do not understand how these people can say these words with any self respect.

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I want Hope to get with Thomas and flaunt all over in from of Liam. He said he didn't have anything for Steffy? He's been kissing her, he cheated with her and Hope forgave it. 


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I so wanted Hope to really unleash some anger on Liam today, more than that tiny bit of it she showed when she realized he had to have already gone to Steffy. we all know that Thomas has done awful shit to the two of them, but Steffy's resume of terror against their relationship is far lengthier, including essentially abducting Hope twice. But, of course, Liam can't get his rocks off with Thomas, so he can't squeak out of that "biggest threat" category like Steffy has for years. 

I still don't want to see Hope and Thomas together, and I thought it was ridiculous that Hope went running to him for comfort when she has Brooke, RJ, Katie, Donna, or Deacon to go seeking hugs from. But, what I kind of do want to see if Hope and Steffy bonding and having some nice girls nights out where they both realize and laugh over what a complete asshat waffle Liam is. Kind of a more real version of what their mothers were going to do. And in their case, it could maybe even really work, since Steffy has a husband who treats her a million times better than Liam ever would and has eyes for nobody but her, so there's no reason for any friendship there to devolve into another fight. Maybe it turns out that all they needed to be able to fulfill that dream of raising their kids together as a blended family was for them both to be done with his waffling ass. 

And, maybe in six months or so, they can bring in some guy from the FC offices in Europe who Hope had a fling with when she was working there. 

I don't like how they are dressing RJ, but, then, does anyone on this show have a consistently decent wardrobe? 

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17 hours ago, BoffoDaWonderSheep said:

I think the endgame for the preposterous Hope/Thomas kiss is to cause some cracks in the Steffy/Finn marriage. They needed a reason for Liam to run once more to Steffy. Someone must have snapped a pic of the kiss of Steffy and Liam, which will miraculously end up in the hands of Sheila. I smell a jigsaw puzzle blackmailing in the future (which happened twice on Y&R). 

And who were the two puzzling blackmailers? Sheila and Margot, both of whom moved over to B&B.

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Stuffy has never seen Liam so shaken and heartbroken?  Yeah right, not since the mannequin incident a few years ago. Liam only kissed Stuffy this time and didn’t play hide the pickle. 

There was also that time he found out there had been a possibility Kelly was his half sister and not his daughter but TIIC want us to forget that lol

3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Hope wants Liam back and save her marriage but how is running to Lurch’s arms going to help?  I dislike Lurch, but as of today I dislike Liam even more.  I’m now hoping Hope does hook up with Lurch.   

I'm not quite to that point yet but I could be with another week of Liam refusing to do any reflection whatsoever.

Back when Bridget's ONS with Owen came out and Nick divorced her for good, TPTB made Nick's issue less about the infidelity--which was one of the very few times on B&B that it WAS a ONS with no lingering feelings--and more that he could be a father to another man's kid. Which was still some bullshit considering Hope was pretty much a daughter to him, but we still had writers with some level of respect for the intelligence of it's audience in those days.


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Liar, liar, pants of fire!

Liam said he hadn't given a thought to Steffy in weeks. Maybe not, but you sure have been giving her your lips. 

I'm thinking Hope will catch on once Thomas tells her how he found out. Liam didn't mention seeing Steffy in Rome, and he didn't mention running to Cliff House clutching his pearls after talking to Hope. 

Hope got a little backbone today and said some things that needed to be said. Of course, Hope as a lot more baggage she could throw at Liam, but I was happy that she at least pointed out how she has been in a three person marriage with her line about sharing the dinner table with Steffy. 

I still don't want to see Hope and Thomas together, but at this point they are making Liam so distasteful and hateful, that I might want to see Hope go there. Maybe she is the one thing that would put Thomas on the straight and narrow. Just like Sally did it with PF's Thomas, maybe Hope can do it with this one. 

It seems Steffy and Liam kissing must come out somehow; it is too impactful not to. Maybe Steffy's guilt will get the better of her and she will confess, and just like Liam, Finn won't be able to get past it. Heartbroken, he will seek out support and solace from his mother-in-law, who is also "helping" Liam, and we have the start of a whole new triangle...........

Edited by RuntheTable
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The kiss in Rome bored me, but this, I can get on board with.

Especially when before they kiss, she tells him: "Liam wants Steffy and I want the man who only wants me. I want you, Thomas.”

Thomas' facial expressions are priceless, especially his "I finally have something over that weasel Liam!" 🤣


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Gah. I get so frustrated with this show. I’ve always been kinda whatever on Liam, I don’t get the hype, but he’s not been a bad dude. But, today, ~ Steffy, Steffy! ~  showed that she’s feeling guilty about their kisses, & Liam hasn’t uttered a peep, to anyone about them, while berating Hope for a single kiss (as far as he knows). Steffy, who had to have paternity tests for both of her children, feels guilty. Steffy, who rigged a gondola, to hold Hope captive, forcing her to watch Liam marry Steffy, in what can only be described in a bizarre wedding ensemble, feels guilty. Steffy, who completely disregarded that her father was married to Brooke for years, & spent a year trying to parent trap her parents, feels guilty. But, our leading man has absolutely no remorse. 

God help me, but I found Thomas & Hope ickily hot today. I fully believe what she said, & I said it yesterday, Liam’s loyalty will always be divided, but Thomas is all about Hope. I think this will crash & burn, after it takes down Bridge & Sinn, reuniting Steam, but I also think Hope will have a WTD storyline coming up. Gotta keep both sides of the TOD II even. 

I’ve never seen a tv character do more laundry than Steffy has since JMW started showing, but I’ll take that over WTD#3, any day. 

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Liam today: "I don't want to be the guy who is constantly wondering if his wife is cheating on him."

Are You Kidding Me Alyssa Edwards GIF by NETFLIX

Fuck him, Hope!

Actually, don't fuck him.

Go fuck Thomas. Anywhere, everywhere, as often as you please. 

Yes, I said it. 

That's what show has done to me. 

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And some really good lines of late, spoken by Hope (I think Annika is as tired of the TOD 2.0 merry-go-round as we are are)

To Liam: "You keep mentioning Thomas, but Steffy has always had a seat at the table in our relationship and our marriage, and you did go see her, didn’t you? Let me guess, you want her back now? Liam, that’s pretty predictable!”

To RJ: "Maybe I have just trapped myself with all of these expectations and standards. And it’s almost like I’ve built this gilded cage for myself of righteousness and control, and sometimes, I catch myself wondering what it might be like to just break free and just stop caring so much about what other people think and how other people think, and I guess I am just figuring that out right now.”

Go get your hot girl summer, Hope.

You deserve after a decade of soggy waffles with rancid syrup.

And I hope Finn dumps Steffy after learning about the kisses and the deceit. Let Steamless reunite and let Finn and Taylor commis-a-sex with one another so Steffy can shut her trap about Brooke and the Hogan nonsense once and for all. 

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Another line that was great - although spoken way too softly was when Liam said that he didn’t think forgiveness was possible and Hope said, “Of course it’s possible. . .because I’ve forgiven you for far worse.”

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Stuffy is still defending Lurch but Finn was correct in saying that Lurch could have kept his distance. In fact Lurch moved within arms length, to Hope, where it was easier, for Hope, to reach out to kiss him.  

Stuffy wake up and smell the coffee. Lurch wanting to defend Hope at all cost still shows that Lurch is still hung up on Hope. 

Fantastic rationalization Hope. Liam wants Stuffy and she wants Lurch because she wants a man that only wants her.  The only problem is that Liam can’t have Stuffy until she dumps Finn. 

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So Liam could forgive Steffy cheating on him with his own father and lying about it for months, including having a paternity test for Kelly, but cannot forgive one measly kiss? This ass-clown expected Hope to insta-forgive him after he fucked Steffy after Hopeqin night and yet another round of WTD. And he cheated on Hope himself recently with not one, but two, kisses with Steffy, who for all of her “I’m a happily married woman” protesting didn’t immediately push him away or try to stop him or tell her husband. If the kisses were one-sided, why the deceit, Steffy? She and Liam are pure trash and deserve each other. 

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"Now he finally sees that Hope was the problem." Um, fucking what? This is the first time that Hope has been "the problem."  The rest of the time it was your psycho brother, obsessing over Hope for years and committing all kinds of crimes and manipulations in his desperate quest to get into her pants. 

It's going to be kind of hilarious if all of this crap is just maneuvering to reunite Steam. Is there anyone left who wants that? I don't think I've seen a single Steffy fan anywhere on the internet who doesn't vastly prefer Steffy having a husband who has never looked at another woman over the waffle she'd be getting by default. And Liam fans can't be jumping up and down to see him becoming the biggest asshole on the show to prop Thomas to facilitate it. 

I cackled at Finn saying that Thomas could have stopped Hope from kissing him or just not let himself be alone with her in Rome in the first place. Oh, it's going to go down when he finds out about those two kisses Steffy hasn't told him about. 

I'm disgusted that we had to see Hope reassuring Thomas like he's this poor innocent flower. 

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On 7/7/2023 at 1:44 PM, Angeleyes said:

Another line that was great - although spoken way too softly was when Liam said that he didn’t think forgiveness was possible and Hope said, “Of course it’s possible. . .because I’ve forgiven you for far worse.”

Apparently this episode was the start of the strike scab work but TBH if they're pushing material like that, I say we keep them on lol


On 7/7/2023 at 6:42 PM, KerleyQ said:

It's going to be kind of hilarious if all of this crap is just maneuvering to reunite Steam. Is there anyone left who wants that? I don't think I've seen a single Steffy fan anywhere on the internet who doesn't vastly prefer Steffy having a husband who has never looked at another woman over the waffle she'd be getting by default.

Not a one. I haven't even seen them cheering for Hope's misery like many did with Beth, so you know it's bad.

I've only seen one person on Reddit argue for Steam because opposites attract, to which I replied that Steffy deserved better than being a second choice when Liam doesn't even do right by the first one. Dude deserves nothing and no one but his right hand.

On 7/7/2023 at 6:42 PM, KerleyQ said:

And Liam fans

He has fans?! 😂

But yeah, I can sympathize on this. I haven't forgotten that TIIC ruined Nick in 2006 to work their way back to Bridge after they torpedoed that. Liam is a fuckboi but he's a pretty milquetoast one and all it'd take to salvage him is one good writer taking a deep dive on why he's like this. He's not a murder or a rapist or chronic criminal like may others of his ilk....I mean, we all enjoyed him during that year he dated Ivy, no?

I've also seen some Thomas fans understandably worried that the minute the show pivots to Lope again--and it's Bell, so it absolutely will--that all the "development," shallow and short lived as it has been, will be overturned and he'll swing back to being obsessedive and nutso. I can't say I blame them as someone who lived through Brooke deciding to torpedo her hard-fought for marriage to Thorne for funsies. Or, you know, the one actual time Thomass worked to be a better person less than a year before Matthew Atkinson was cast.

It can't be said enough this if extremely polarized fanbase that usually can't even agree on the sky being blue has formed Voltron to drag Bell for the direction of this series, that something has gone completely wrong. Hope fans feel betrayed and dismayed; Thomas fans want their guy to grow and be with anyone else; Steffy fans don't want to see her happiness torpedoed for a guy that can't commit; everyone is frustrated by Liam being the same idiot he's been since July 2010; and absolutely no one wants to see this become a wedge issue for Brooke and Ridge.

I'd say this story is Gen Z's Ridge/Bridget, except they don't watch this show and Ridget had fans.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I want Thope to be a thing because yes, the actors do have chemistry, so that's a plus. Also, I want Liam to see ALL the shades of red if and/or when Thomas and Hope become a couple and Hope invites Thomas to come live with her in the cabin and raise Douglas and Beth, which would drive Liam fucking nuts!!

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That's going to be my real test with Liam - have they made me hate him so much that I won't even sympathize with him not wanting the guy who was an accomplice in his daughter's kidnapping to live with and help raise her? 

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This is very polarizing true. I think Thomas and Hope have more fan support than previously realized especially since MA took over the role. Hope has gained fans I think, I know I much prefer this version of Hope. Hope isn’t as moral as they make her out to be, I know she had Liam first but she actively pursued a married Liam on multiple occasions and told Liam his baby with Steffy dying was a blessing. I never bought Ms morality. I mean Beth and Kelly could almost be twins.  Then again let me not rehash history. 

Thomas has done some ( some? What am I saying)..a LOT of fuckshit, but MA makes me a fan and if he’s really changed I’m okay with him getting the girl. I mean Ridge raped Brooke and he’s still her destineeeee.  I don’t want Thomas too neutered though. I am worried about Thomas when Hope inevitably returns to the boring man-child known as Liam. Hopefully he doesn’t regress or MAYBE the show will surprise us. I didn’t believe Thope was happening and yet…

The only downside here is Hope isn’t ready, she’s confused and hurt. I wish Thomas will refuse and tell her to figure out what she wants, he may BUT BUT..

1. He’s a man and I don’t see him turning down Hope’s golden cooter ..

2. He hasn’t had any in YEARS..like YEARS.. does it even still work ?

3. He’s been in love with Hope forever

4. He may realize this will be short lived and taking what he can get. 

So I say Thomas, shoot your shot and please tptb NO WTD..

lastly -Steffy - please tell Finn!! 

Edited by bluvelvet
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Lope is Bells next Bridge. So I dont see Thope lasting too long. They do have chemistry. Which is nice. 

Liam being alone in misery is what he deserves. Neither Steffy/Hope fans want his ass near them. 


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Who is writing this? The stand-ins or the real guys? Cause I am liking some of the dialogue; it is on point, and people are remembering shit, and people are getting tired of shit. 

And I am not at all mad about it. 

Actually, I think I watched that end scene with Thomas/Hope about 4 10 times. Something about it was just so........good. AN's voice modulation and enunciation was alluring and so fucking HOT! 

I am absolutely gobsmacked with where my head is at with these two. I never saw that heat before, but maybe that is because Thomas was in the driver's seat. Hope giving in to her dark side and being the aggressor has completely changed the dynamic. Once again, I think this is AN, who is truly selling her conflict, and while you can clearly see she still loves Liam, you can also see she wants more. I particularly like how quickly she has decided to quit fighting for her marriage; realizing that Liam has once again turned to Steffy seeming to be the final nail in the coffin. And of course Liam's whiny, petulant, butt hurtness, is also adding some ammo. I didn't watch his scenes with Wyatt because I can't tolerate his weak mumbling about Hope's unforgivable sin, but it seems from some comments here that he was extolling on Steffy's virtues? Ah, a mother fucker knows how to make it so much worse for himself. That is what you don't do. You don't compare your loving, supportive wife, a woman who has tolerated, overlooked, and forgiven you so very much, with the woman who has caused her so much pain and anguish. A woman whose transgressions and misdeeds far outweigh anything your wife has ever done. Yeah, shit like that will make me root hard for Hope and Thomas. 

I did catch some of the Steffy/Finn stuff. The way he was going on about his amazing wife tells me they are going to crash and burn. Maybe Finn should have realized Steffy had issues when she screwed Liam the day after telling him how much she loved him. 

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Because of the writers strike, Y&R and B&B must be using the same non union writer. The plots are eerily the same. Hope Logan and Summer Newman have become sisters from another mother. They are both snowflakes who gave into their innate impulses. Hope chooses Lurch, a psychopath, to blow up her marriage and Summer chooses her mother, Phyllis, a psychopath, to blow up her marriage.

Blondes don’t have more fun. 

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Hope and Thomas scenes were good they actually have chemistry.   I want them together and flaunt all over town.  

Liam can go jump off a bridge.  He slept with Steffy over a mannequin and Hope never used the word divorce but she should have right then.  

Steffy lying to her husband while attacking Hope. Lol

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On 7/8/2023 at 7:55 AM, Waldo13 said:

Because of the writers strike, Y&R and B&B must be using the same non union writer. The plots are eerily the same. Hope Logan and Summer Newman have become sisters from another mother. They are both snowflakes who gave into their innate impulses. Hope chooses Lurch, a psychopath, to blow up her marriage and Summer chooses her mother, Phyllis, a psychopath, to blow up her marriage.

Blondes don’t have more fun. 

I haven't watched Y&R in ages, but the one saving grace for the character of Summer "So dumb she took the Pepsi challenge and chose JIF" Newman back in the day is that she seemed to know exactly the type of lousy, shitty people both her parents are and never hesitated to drag them for it.

I'm only vaguely aware of Phyllis faking her death to get one over on Diane or something (and while Diane is no saint, at least she wouldn't side with a rapist over her son in a custody battle) but I'm disappointed Summer is throwing away her marriage for the sake of helping that slag.


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On 7/7/2023 at 11:09 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Not a one. I haven't even seen them cheering for Hope's misery like many did with Beth, so you know it's bad.

^This. And that's just for steamless. Concerning Thrope, I knew something was different when even the prospect of Steffy having some free ammo over Hope after so many years was not the forefront of any conversation in lieu of this happening. I think things are still quiet even as Steffy stays on the fact Hope initiated things as if her brother just stood there and didn't kiss Hope back. Btw props to Finn for waking that up. 

I think Thrope Twitter fans are very loud, but hardly very many. There are more Thomas fans across lots of platforms that have Hope fatigue and want their fave to do better than Brooke Logan's daughter/his sister's rival. 

On 7/8/2023 at 5:04 AM, bluvelvet said:

Hope isn’t as moral as they make her out to be

I've never considered Hope the utter epitome of morality and when the show is focused on Steffy's pov(as it is most of the time since she's the heroine) it really doesn't consider Hope that either. Her getting any deference was always met with the balance(well imbalance) of Steffy or Taylor shitting on her. It's gonna get worse now that Lame ass has joined in. 

With that said, none of KM!Hope's annoying, bratty attributes or transgressions ever served to make anyone else in her age group likeable by comparison(except maybe Ivy? Idk wasn't watching much then). Until now sort of.....Steffy is still in lead as she whitewashes her brother for the millionth time and lies to Finn. 

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That dark, depressing, shabby garden shed Hope and Liam are/were living in is enough to drive anyone crazy.   I have chicken coop nicer than that dump.   

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11 hours ago, Skarzero said:

With that said, none of KM!Hope's annoying, bratty attributes or transgressions ever served to make anyone else in her age group likeable by comparison(except maybe Ivy? Idk wasn't watching much then).

Ivy came fairly late in KM's run, where we'd already been subjected to a year of Hope dangling Wyatt over Liam's head before her impulse wedding to Wyatt in his place when he didn't show up on time. Hope was already well disliked (deservedly so, far more earned than anything in AN's run IMO) so it wasn't hard to make Ivy look good in comparison 

11 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Concerning Thrope, I knew something was different when even the prospect of Steffy having some free ammo over Hope after so many years was not the forefront of any conversation in lieu of this happening

I didn't even peep that until just now that you pointed it out, but oof. They must really hate this if they aren't even energized to be happy that Hope was knocked off her pedestal and into the gutter with Steffy.

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13 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Ivy came fairly late in KM's run, where we'd already been subjected to a year of Hope dangling Wyatt over Liam's head before her impulse wedding to Wyatt in his place when he didn't show up on time. Hope was already well disliked (deservedly so, far more earned than anything in AN's run IMO) so it wasn't hard to make Ivy look good in comparison 

I was so surprised by how much I liked Hope and Liam when AN came into the role, because, while I didn't like Liam with Steffy (may we never hear "cha cha cha" again), I also was not a fan of how much Liam and Hope sabotaged themselves over and over again. And I actually liked Hope/Wyatt, but uber hate that they married because Liam was like 2 minutes late. Liam and Ivy were good together, but always had that cloud hanging over them of "we're only pairing him with her because we have no other option right now." It was clear that the show intentionally cast someone who looked a lot like JMW, and that Ivy was just a placeholder until the show could get JMW/Steffy back. And then they made that clear when they had Steffy kill her off. 

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Damn. Just, damn. I know it’s so wrong to not hate Thomas for his past, but, damn. I’ve never felt that heat with Lope, in the decade+ they’ve been off-&-on. Just, damn. That’s the hottest scene B&B has shown in years. Just, damn. 

I was so happy to see Sheila, & even more happy that she gobbled up some scenes, so Liam didn’t. I wish Wyatt would remind Liam about his looooong history of cheating on both Hope & Steffy. He’s not innocent, & Hope has forgiven far more than a kiss, far more times than she should’ve been asked to. It’d be awesome if Liam was alone for a while, or permanently.

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Well Holy Hell!

Hope absolutely getting her throw down on! Now that is daytime porn as it should be, not behind a curtain or shadowed behind blinds, but in the buff and in full view. 

Hope doesn't want to be her mother? Well, girlie, you certainly inherited your mom's knack for hot ass sex. That was the best bedroom scene we have had in decades, I would say all the way back to Brooke and Nick, maybe back to Brooke and Deacon. 

Stupid ass Liam being all butt hurt and crying to his brother while his wife sets the fucking house on fire. 

I don't think Thomas will ever be the same. 

You could have kept Sheila off my screen for the next 20 years and I still wouldn't feel sorry for her. 

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What a guy!  Lurch says that he will always be here for Hope adding on to what Hope said that she wants someone who only wants her. Lurch didn’t change at all. He didn’t encourage her to try once again with Liam. Instead he’s right there in her face instead of talking to her from a distance. To me that’s encouragement to fall into his arms and give in to Hope’s desire. Like with Caroline or even Ivy, Lurch is using his glib power of persuasion to get his “sexual” desire.  Yeah sure Lurch couldn’t do it because Hope still had on her ring.  That was another ploy for Hope to take off her ring and Lurch was like stink on Hope. 🤢🤢🤢🤮, what else can be said about Lurch and Hope. 

All in all is there anyone left on this show to root for?  As far as I’m concerned they all suck now that Hope has joined the brain dead. 

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Thomas and Hope were hot. Go Hope! She never had that chemistry with Liam. Hopefully the writers keep them going.  

Sheila? Not needed on this show at all. She doesn't need to be here anymore. Deacon go look for a better person.

Thomas's bedroom is bigger than Hope's entire cabin. 

Wyatt it's more than a kiss now. Lol Wyatt is more logical than Liam. 

Liam can't move on from the kiss, but sleeping with Steffy Hope forgave. What separation was Thomas doing that Liam was not letting get to him? Lol all he did was rant and rave over Thomas. 


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I just can't get behind Thomas/Hope because I could still see the manipulation he does. Like with the ring. If the real meaning behind it was genuine, he wouldn't have immediately been "OK, then, now we can fuck!" because she took it off right then and there. If he actually cared about her well being and state of mind, he would have told her that it's not the right time, and he doesn't want to sleep with her on the rebound like this, while she's just been talking about the fresh breakdown of her marriage. 

Did Thomas finally get his own place? 

Liam, ugh, shut up. I should be able to sympathize with you, but you've made it impossible. Wyatt is the superior Spencer son, by far. My only complaint is that I wish he would bring up all the Steffy shit Hope has put up with. I know Hope brought it up, but Liam can brush off her bringing it up as her just trying to justify what she did. He needs other people, who he might be more inclined to listen to, to remind him of how much Hope has forgiven and how, for her, Steffy has been that "Thomas" figure for pretty much every minute that the two of them have been together. But, Hope has gotten over it every time, including when it was possible Liam had gotten Steffy pregnant. Of course, I'd also like Wyatt (or anyone) to point out to Liam that he complained about Hope working with Thomas so much, and lost his cool at Hope about it so many times, including trying to tell her what to do about her career, that he should consider that the stress of all of that may have contributed to Hope doing something so out of character for her. 

Deacon, come on, man. Why do you have to self-sabotage for Sheila, of all people?  

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I’m sorry I have so say this and I’m a Brooke fan…

looks like Hope’s “Logan” genes has been activated 😂..you know the ones that points you to sexy times with  a Forrestor man no matter what🤣🤣..


Edited by bluvelvet
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That scene might have been one of the hottest in daytime history, I had my mouth covered a few times because I couldn't believe how scandalous they were! 

The recent ratings bump is well deserved. I hope they keep exploring Thomas and Hope, I think it's the start of a true soapy relationship that's been missing on this show for a long time. 

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