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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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27 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Steffy Steffy Steffy you are not all that far away from being Brooke yourself. Has Brooke needed DNA tests to determine the father twice?

I mean…. Yeah. She wasn’t sure Rick was Eric’s, and she named Bridget after herself and Ridge and then found out Eric was her father. She did know who Hope’s father was but it was her SIL. I assume she knew RJ’s paternity, I wasn’t watching then.

30 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Lurch will hold himself harmless if Hope makes the first move. It will be Hope’s fault if Lurch digresses.  Lurch has been sainted while Hope is now the she devil.  

Agreed, though I’m not sure if it is a digression if it’s a real, mutual and consensual relationship and not a one-sided obsession. Obviously Lurch is insane and should be a total nonstarter romantically, but since those facts seem not to exist in the show’s universe, the only person who’s wrong is the one who’s married.

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35 minutes ago, Rye said:

I mean…. Yeah. She wasn’t sure Rick was Eric’s, and she named Bridget after herself and Ridge and then found out Eric was her father. She did know who Hope’s father was but it was her SIL. I assume she knew RJ’s paternity, I wasn’t watching then.

And don't forget Taylor and Nick's son, Jack. He was borne from scrambled eggs. I was so hoping he would have turned out to be Bridget's, but he turned out to be Brooke's. 

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1 hour ago, Rye said:

I assume she knew RJ’s paternity, I wasn’t watching then.

No. Brooke wasn't sure of R.J.'s paternity. She had the grief boink with Nick the day after Ridge "died," so when Ridge turned out to be alive and the pair reconciled, Brooke has some "'splain'" to do to Ridge.

I believe Brooke had a paternity test to determine that Ridge was R.J.'s father. Or ... if she just "knew in her heart" that the kid was Ridge's, then we could have a very (and much-needed) plot twist coming!

(NOTE: I am still waiting for Kelly to end up being Bill's daughter!)😁

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

No. Brooke wasn't sure of R.J.'s paternity. She had the grief boink with Nick the day after Ridge "died," so when Ridge turned out to be alive and the pair reconciled, Brooke has some "'splain'" to do to Ridge.

I believe Brooke had a paternity test to determine that Ridge was R.J.'s father. Or ... if she just "knew in her heart" that the kid was Ridge's, then we could have a very (and much-needed) plot twist coming!

(NOTE: I am still waiting for Kelly to end up being Bill's daughter!)😁

They actually did have a paternity test for RJ....Ridge had it done himself. I agree about the Kelly...that's a story that Steffy needs to happen. She has far too much free time on her hands.

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I still don't even get what the truth is supposed to be about Thomas. If he really is "all better," that is the fastest, least earned redemption ever. How much time passed between him barging into Steffy's house, demanding 24/7 access to Douglas, and verbally attacking Steffy when she wouldn't agree and him being welcomed back to FC because he's "not that Thomas anymore"? A day? Two days? If they really wanted to tell the story where Thomas is over it all but now Hope is obsessed with him, why did they have to rush right into it? Why not actually redeem Thomas on screen over some time? 

And Taylor, you being so invested in Thomas being better is exactly why you can't be impartial. You want it too much. 

Does Liam have a planner full of meetings about Thomas? Is lunch with Ridge up next? Than Eric, and maybe Charlie?  With lunches with Wyatt and/or Bill in between those meetings, of course, so he can review with them everything he learned from each one. 

Miss Two Paternity Tests throwing "you're turning into your mother" stones was pretty hilarious. 

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I have no hope for Thomas or his psychiatrist mother or his nasty father. I did have some hope for HOPE. This show never fails to disappoint. 

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16 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Miss Two Paternity Tests throwing "you're turning into your mother" stones was pretty hilarious. 

And I loved that Hope's response was Brooke's legendary squint!

Steffy is such a f'ing bitch! She's the one who insisted that Thomas return to HFTF and then more or less blackmailed Hope into agreeing.

Taylor dresses like she should be owning and running a head shop.

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This Hope = Brooke crap is several days late and several dollars short. It's extremely forced & shitty and the only people who'd go for it this late in the game are people that have always felt that way since Hope was born or soraed. Whether they were right or wrong to. Mostly the latter imo but that's not relevant now, so I digress. 

13 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Steffy is such a f'ing bitch! She's the one who insisted that Thomas return to HFTF and then more or less blackmailed Hope into agreeing

Agreed, but Hope made the wrong decision to stick around at FC/HFTF at the likely expense of her marriage/sanity. Hope should've grown some balls & gone to HR or just told Steffy to eat dirt and quit FC. Idc what the actors are forced to say HFTF is not that damn important. I called something like this happening during the Douglas at Eric's house SL. Steffy insisting that Hope put up with Thomas at the expense of herself (and Liam) knowing that Thomas still wanted her(or the opposite now in this case). And acting all upset/morally righteous when some shit goes down.

I can't bring myself to watch this shit but once a week, & I've spent that turn today. But I will say this again: Ultimately, if Hope bangs Thomas, Steffy's gonna be the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd one dragging her. If Steffy is that worried about her poor brother she should move him to another division or fire him or Hope even. Something tells me that she won't do that. Though as much as I hate to say it...if after over a decade of having to tumble with Steffy & then factoring Thomas's crazy into it, Hope doesn't know any better... then that's on her. 

Edited by Skarzero
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Two words that start with F; flirting and fucking. 

Hope knows a little about one and Steffy is an open encyclopedia on the other. Flirting is often quite harmless, can be cute, and generally doesn't lead to children of unknown parentage. Fucking, OTOH, can be very harmful, is not always cute, and can leave you in heaps of pregnancy trouble. Particularly if you are married and you weren't fucking your husband; here's looking at you Steffy. 

So, yeah, Steffy can step the hell off with all her judgement. I don't want to see Hope become one of the girls; to date she is the only "wife" who hasn't stepped out. It is her only calling card to moral supremacy, if she is going to screw that up, let it be with someone worthy. 

I understand where Taylor is coming from; as a mother she is desperate to believe her son is all better. As a psychiatrist, she should know Thomas wasn't in therapy long enough to overcome his demons. Taylor's long history of biased doctoring tells me her visit with Liam was just a mother's plea to give her baby a chance. 

If I had to choose someone on this show to pattern myself after it would most definitely be Brooke. The character was labeled a manipulator, and a horrible person for taking Ridge's love letter to Caroline and it set the course of how Brooke would be seen by others. A crime so offensive and horrifying that it changed the axis of the show. No matter Brooke's conscious wouldn't allow her to go through with it and she gave the silly thing to Caroline, who chose to do knowing with it or about it. But ole Caroline never missed a chance to throw it in Brooke's face, and when she told Ridge about it, she conveniently left Thorn's participation out of the equation. From that point on Brooke could not win with the mean girls; Stephanie, Caroline and Taylor. 

Give me Brooke any day of the week. 

13 hours ago, Rye said:

She wasn’t sure Rick was Eric’s, and she named Bridget after herself and Ridge and then found out Eric was her father.

There was no doubt of Rick's paternity, Bridget's was the one in question, and of course Sheila and Mike screwed with the original paternity test. 

9 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I still don't even get what the truth is supposed to be about Thomas. If he really is "all better," that is the fastest, least earned redemption ever.

We got to witness Thomas being "healed" by that one session he had with his therapist in Eric's office. His mommy was along for the ride and was coaching his doctor. Thomas said all the right things, so of course he is all better now. 

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@RuntheTable My apologies re: Rick’s paternity.

I wasn’t watching during all of whatever Steffy did, though apparently she slept around and had several who-the-daddy situations. I don’t think that means Hope isn’t doing something wildly irresponsible. Flirting is usually harmless, unless the person you’re flirting with has been dangerously obsessed with you for years. Literally somebody, anybody, needed to say something to Hope to snap her out of that, and as it happened Steffy was the one who saw it.

Frankly it does smack of Brooke, following her heart in ways that completely destroy and destabilize her family. And Hope knows that, which is why she flipped out on Brooke and projected it onto her. If she wants to not be like Brooke, then don’t be. Remove yourself from the situation before you start really messing up; it’s what married people do. Even if HFTF is something you can’t let go of, you don’t have to spend time with Thomas. He can FaceTime from his office, you can make sure you’re never alone together when you need to be face to face. You know, basic precautions you should have been taking anyway if you were determined to work with this psycho.

I’m never gonna be team Brooke just because people were unfairly (hypo)critical of her. Brooke was awful historically. Just because she was sorry and cried out of one eye after she did it didn’t make it okay, and there are… I was gonna say few but I don’t think there are any characters who have so egregiously disregarded familial relationships so consistently for decades. Yes, Eric, Ridge, Thorn, and Nick, and that’s messy, but Deacon and Bill were the worst ones to me, like who does that? Brooke. And nobody else. (Though I do concede she seems to have finally grown out of that as a grandparent).

Honestly idk why Katie (and the offscreen ghost of Bridget) isn’t at least a little pissed about Brooke and Taylor’s pact. Like, “oh, really, you can decide not to go after a man because you’re loyal to someone you care about and promised them? That’s novel.” But grace and growth.

Brooke is probably more likable personality-wise in that she doesn’t typically become self-righteous about other people’s romantic issues.


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I may be about to tune out again when they have Hope flirting with and fantasizing about her would-be rapist and abuser. And the victim-shaming is disgusting.

Setting aside his gaslighting her by letting her think that Beth was dead when he knew for MONTHS that she was alive and his threatening his own child who was trying to do the right thing because the ADULT in the situation wouldn't, this entire storyline is straight out of the worst anti-Hope fan fiction.

I mean, what about any of Thomas' obsession with her are we supposed to find hot or sexy or remotely redeeming or Steffy's word "affection." 🤮 If it's any of these things, then I guess these moments are, as well:

Thomas used a distraught mother's grief as a means to try and get her into bed and when that didn't work, he was going to use drugs to rape her. That is not love or affection or caring or anything even in the same universe as those things. As Liam said, he hasn't changed at all, except getting better at hiding his true nature. 

And for Steffy to fix her mouth to use Hope's mother's name as an insult?

Bitch, better take all the seats in the LA forum because you have zero leg to stand on.

Hope is not the one who had to have not one, but two, paternity tests within less than three years.


Hope is not the one who rode her father-in-law like the stallion he is, all because Liam kissed Sally when he thought they were going to die after Bill blew up Spectra Fashions and came clean about it the same night, resulting in WTD #1. 


And who was summarily dumped by Liam when he learned the truth.



Hope is not the one who happily hopped into bed (well, couch) with a clearly drunk-off-his-ass Liam, resulting in WTD #2, even though she was in a committed relationship with Finn. 


Hope is not the one who cheated with the love of her late sister's life, Rick, when said sister's body was barely cold, conveniently forgetting she was still very much in a relationship with Marcus.



Hope is not the one who did everything under the sun to try to get the very-married Owen to cheat on wife Jackie, but he was having NONE of it.


Hope is not the one who happily cheated with an engaged-to-Hope Liam (as where I come from, sticking your tongue down another person's throat is cheating) and accepted the still-warm-from-Hope's finger engagement ring.


Hope is not the one who shared a bed with Wyatt, wearing only her skivvies, because Liam was gone for one night and she couldn't bear to be alone.


Brooke is dragged for sleeping her way through the Forrester men and Ridge's half-brother, Nick, but the only one I have ever dragged her for was Deacon, who was very married to her daughter, Bridget, at the time. And she has had that fact, along with her other relationships, thrown in her face for decades, especially with Hope, the living embodiment of that affair as a constant reminder. Bridget, who's POV is the only one that matters here as she was the only one wronged, not those throwing stones from their glass houses, forgave her decades ago. Brooke is also dragged for having paternity tests for two of her kids, but unlike Steffy, who accomplished that feat inside of three years, Bridget and RJ's paternity tests were decades apart and I will come right out and say that Brooke's "foundry boink" was anything but a grief boink, but rather Nick taking full advantage of Brooke being in an incredibly vulnerable state. No woman, who just saw her husband die in front of her, who couldn't even breathe, would immediately fuck her brother-in-law on a dirty foundry floor, the site of her husband's death.

Steffy also slept her way through the Spencer men, sans Will, in far less time as well as cheating with Liam roughly every other year like it's on her to-do list. She's cheated on every man she has ever been with, including current husband, Finn, with Liam. 

So she has zero reason to drag Hope or Brooke for that matter. Thankfully, Taylor and Brooke are now besties, but as recently as six months ago, we would have seen Taylor right alongside her, nevermind that Taylor, like her daughter, also has zero leg to stand on as she:

- Cheated on Ridge with ex-Blake (sleeping with them in the same day)

- Cheated on Ridge with James because she just HAD to devirginize him 

- Slept her way through not one, but two families - Forrester/Marone (Ridge, Thorne, Eric, Nick) and Logan (Stephen, Storm) and, for the hat trick, a Logan/Forrester (Rick). Rick was the love of Phoebe's life and they had just broken up and Mama Taylor's recourse was to pounce, with Phoebe finding them in bed together. 

- Most recently, cheated with Ridge while he was still very married to Brooke

Have all three women behaved very badly at times? Absolutely. However, the difference is that of these three women, Brooke, Steffy, and Taylor, only one of them has ever been taken to task (or even taken herself to task) for her misdeeds. The other two think the sun rises and sets out of their ass and for god only knows reasons, everyone else has drunk that particular flavor of Kool-Aid, Brooke included, and Finn, who blamed Liam for taking advantage of Steffy (nevermind she was fairly sober when they cheated and Liam was drunk).  Not only do Steffy and Taylor (the latter until very recently) think they've never done a thing wrong in their lives, they climb up on their high horses to drag Brooke and now, Hope. 

It's the hypocrisy that I take issue with most of all. And for Steffy to say one word to Hope after everything she has done is beyond galling. Especially considering how often she cheated with Liam while Hope was either engaged or married to him. Instead of directing her vitriol to a woman she has wronged on numerous occasions, she should be saving it for her brother. That she isn't speaks volumes about how truly far into the gutter this show has fallen and I'm not about to jump into the sewage. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Have all three women behaved very badly at times? Absolutely. However, the difference is that of these three women, Brooke, Steffy, and Taylor, only one of them has ever been taken to task (or even taken herself to task) for her misdeeds.  

It's the hypocrisy that I take issue with most of all.

This this this this this!  But of course, it's the WRITERS who have set this up. Why have the writers for YEARS now, constantly allowed characters to berate (and hypocritically so) Brooke & Hope, while absolutely refusing to make it a two-way street?  How come so very one sided? This isn't just me venting. It's a genuine question on my part.


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6 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

This this this this this!  But of course, it's the WRITERS who have set this up. Why have the writers for YEARS now, constantly allowed characters to berate (and hypocritically so) Brooke & Hope, while absolutely refusing to make it a two-way street?  How come so very one sided? This isn't just me venting. It's a genuine question on my part.


I'm convinced Badley Bell was wronged by a blond once upon a time and thus, Brooke is his way of grinding the ax by keeping her as the proverbial scarlet woman aka The**** from the Valley. 

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3 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Hope just said "hubby time."  Liam should file for divorce on the grounds of his wife making lame ass comments when trying to sound sexy.  😏

I would agree with you because blech! But considering all the shit Hope has tolerated to be with Liam, I'll give her a pass on this one. 

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Finn sitting on the coffee table was… a choice. I get they want the casualness of actually being at home, but in my life I’ve never sat on my coffee table. There’s plenty of room on the couch, fam.

ETA: Also, who sends their baby on a sleepover? Or, who invites other babies over? I’m supposed to watch a bunch of toddlers overnight for free? Foh.

Liam saying they’ve never been more passionate or in the moment sexually just made me really sad for them. 

Edited by Rye
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How many times are they going to flashback to that dumb hand holding. 🙄

Hope over compensating with Liam. Did she have to picture Thomas again 😄

Liam you doubt Hope all the time, shut up. 

AN and SC have no romantic chemistry together. Much like TK and KKL. 

JMW is def. preggers. Have to put her in shapeless pajamas now. 😅

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One would think Thomas and Hope were going at it on the desk, the way Steffy clutched her pearls over the *GASP* hand-holding.


Awkward Spoons GIF by The Circle

And if I had been Hope, when Steffy asked her if she had turned into her mother (over fucking hand-holding), I would say, "No, bitch, but you did. And your own mother for good measure."

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48 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I would agree with you because blech! But considering all the shit Hope has tolerated to be with Liam, I'll give her a pass on this one. 

I don't give either one a pass because they've both lame as hell. 

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26 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't give either one a pass because they've both lame as hell. 

Fair enough. 😉

On another topic, this Thope thing is so unnecessary when you have an apparently single Wyatt and Darin and Annika have great chemistry in the few scenes they've been allowed to share. I mean, it would be a triangle which normally, I frown upon, and with brothers, which, another frown, but it being Thomas-free is a huge draw and their chemistry and history and Hope choosing Wyatt over Waffles AGAIN would be fine by me.

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I'm just tired of looking at Hope's tired, anguished face.  I don't like Steffy, but at least she owns being a first-class bitch.

I'm so sick of Hope/Thomas, I'd take looking at shirtless Finn as a distraction now.

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I agree with everything said about Steffy and more.

H.O._E. for the Future

The doctored video of the Brooke/Oliver wall boink. (OK. I know that was really Justin's doing, but it was precisely in Steffy's wheelhouse. She was probably secretly kicking herself for not thinking of it herself.)

Speaking of Oliver ... Steffy's blatant attempts to interfere in Hope and Oliver's committed relationship while she was on her "unavailable men" tour.

And, of course, all of the attempts to seduce Bill, who was married to a pregnant Katie at the time, culminating with them almost doing the deed on Steffy's childhood bed, only to be busted at the last minute by Taylor.

Steffy stole Katie's engagement ring in an attempt to blackmail Bill.

Creating the C.R.E.S.T (or R.E.S.T.) trust to cut Brooke and the other Logans out of the company.

Keeping Liam out all night on the night before he married Hope, resulting in him showing up for the ceremony, reeking of booze and smoke, with fake tattoos, and purple hair. I loved how RM's Ridge ripped Liam a new one in the guesthouse and the wedding ground to a halt.

I could go on, but that's enough ... for now. 

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If Lurch is fixed, he wouldn’t at all be fantasizing about Hope?  Once a pig always a pig. 

Over compensating Hope?  Lurch on the mind is making you more passionate about having sex with Liam. Or should I say bad girl sex?  I sure hope the door is locked but you can still see in through the window. 

It always makes me laugh when Lurch pretends to be designing. It like the drawing is on the sketch pad already and Lurch just shades in the lines. Yes I know Lurch can’t really draw but it’s like the dialogue that’s repeated daily, Lurch keeps working on the same sketch. 

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4 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

If Lurch is fixed, he wouldn’t at all be fantasizing about Hope?  Once a pig always a pig. 

And as soon as the fantasies started back up, he'd be on the phone with his therapist (the real one, not his mother), afraid he might be backsliding. 

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7 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

If Lurch is fixed, he wouldn’t at all be fantasizing about Hope?  Once a pig always a pig. 

Over compensating Hope?  Lurch on the mind is making you more passionate about having sex with Liam. Or should I say bad girl sex?  I sure hope the door is locked but you can still see in through the window. 

It always makes me laugh when Lurch pretends to be designing. It like the drawing is on the sketch pad already and Lurch just shades in the lines. Yes I know Lurch can’t really draw but it’s like the dialogue that’s repeated daily, Lurch keeps working on the same sketch. 

Video Game Lol GIF by Amir B Jahanbin

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I’m never gonna be team Brooke just because people were unfairly (hypo)critical of her.

That's funny cos that is precisely why I eventually stopped hating Brooke. I think if she had the correct people drag her for her past it'd be far more palatable. Like Katie, Bridget, & in very few instances, Hope. But Stephanie(when she was alive), Ridge, Taylor, their annoying brats, etc. have done enough grimy shit to be on mute about Brooke. But they never were,(until recently), and after a while, that got on my nerves just as much if not more than Brooke habitually fucking up did. And while I'm not a mega Brooke fan, I still say her character, is kinda blown out of proportion. Both in the canon story & the fandom, as she's not actually a mean-spirited villain type. She's short-sighted, flighty & reckless. Her not being a haughty, self-righteous, smart-mouthed jerk like the rest of the cast is just a bonus. 

I think the biggest difference between Brooke & Taylor, and characters on this show & other soaps who are far worse than both of them combined, is the portrayal. The show rarely told us to view Brooke favorably or fairly, even in the early seasons, and that's probably why most viewers don't. Her trademark tears aside, it's not they really saved her from being held to task/shat on by people. At least not indefinitely. 

As mentioned up-thread, Brooke's brand of boneheaded behavior and past awfulness is hardly unique to her character. Not even by B&B standards. And I used to hate her during Brill vol. 1 and stayed hating her for many years after that. 

Another thought about yesterday is,.at times like this the reduced cast size really hurts the storytelling. While I don't think Steffy is 100% dead wrong like she usually is, and Hope is acting slow, the "wtf are you doing" tongue-lashing might've been better coming from someone else. Also mentioned here before, Hope's parents. Who have both been there done that on the forbidden boinks. Or even R.J. Steffy seems to just fan the flames because of her own baggage & past shitty treatment of Hope. 

Edited by Skarzero
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On 5/8/2023 at 3:07 PM, Rye said:

assume she knew RJ’s paternity, I wasn’t watching then.

Actually, no. Ridge and Brooke's South American nuptials got cut short by Sheila and Ridge was thought dead. I forgot why Nick was there, but they banged in their grief before, to paraphrase from The Rise of Skywalker, somehow Ridge returned and she was preggers by then.

Surprisingly, Ridge was a pretty good sport by his standards about  the whole thing and was willing to raise the baby as his own until Nick told the truth about Jackie switching the paternity test.

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2 hours ago, Skarzero said:

That's funny cos that is precisely why I eventually stopped hating Brooke. I think if she had the correct people drag her for her past it'd be far more palatable. Like Katie, Bridget, & in very few instances, Hope. But Stephanie(when she was alive), Ridge, Taylor, their annoying brats, etc. have done enough grimy shit to be on mute about Brooke. But they never were,(until recently), and after a while, that got on my nerves just as much if not more than Brooke habitually fucking up did. And while I'm not a mega Brooke fan, I still say her character, is kinda blown out of proportion. Both in the canon story & the fandom, as she's not actually a mean-spirited villain type. She's short-sighted, flighty & reckless. Her not being a haughty, self-righteous, smart-mouthed jerk like the rest of the cast is just a bonus. 

I think the biggest difference between Brooke & Taylor, and characters on this show & other soaps who are far worse than both of them combined, is the portrayal. The show rarely told us to view Brooke favorably or fairly, even in the early seasons, and that's probably why most viewers don't. Her trademark tears aside, it's not they really saved her from being held to task/shat on by people. At least not indefinitely. 

As mentioned up-thread, Brooke's brand of boneheaded behavior and past awfulness is hardly unique to her character. Not even by B&B standards. And I used to hate her during Brill vol. 1 and stayed hating her for many years after that. 

Another thought about yesterday is,.at times like this the reduced cast size really hurts the storytelling. While I don't think Steffy is 100% dead wrong like she usually is, and Hope is acting slow, the "wtf are you doing" tongue-lashing might've been better coming from someone else. Also mentioned here before, Hope's parents. Who have both been there done that on the forbidden boinks. Or even R.J. Steffy seems to just fan the flames because of her own baggage & past shitty treatment of Hope. 


I started watching at the beggining of Brooke's affair w Thorne and to say I was not a fan was a huge understatement. But with hindsight and YT to catch up w what I missed, I realized very, very few things in Brooke's past are as intentionally spiteful as most of the cast. The only thing off the top of my head I can think of was her sending alcoholic drinks to Macy and Deacon after they got her ousted from FC but given Macy bizarrely had more anger towards Brooke than Darla, who by then was in her second trimester or Thorne himself (God forbid a man suffers a consequence on B&B!), it was hard for me to feel that sorry for her.

But nowhere in Brooke's history is there tales of her letting someone thinking her dad was dying, facilitating rape, committing rape herself, or the cover up her involvement in one person's death and attempt to kill a second.

And yeah, the messenger matter as much as the message itself. It was one thing for Taylor to give her morality speeches in the late 90s, and another thing in the 20s after banging her way through two whole families that included her daughter's ex and the literal crimes she has committed.

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35 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

ctually, no. Ridge and Brooke's South American nuptials got cut short by Sheila and Ridge was thought dead. I forgot why Nick was there, but they banged in their grief before, to paraphrase from The Rise of Skywalker, somehow Ridge returned and she was preggers by then.

*I accept no responsibility if you suffer a heart attack from laughing. 

This is why I can't quit this show. It's so frigging cheesy.

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I've watched this show from the beginning and Brooke has never (almost never?) been the malicious, conniving type.  She has, however, been reckless, selfish and self-absorbed.  She never means to hurt anyone but she sure does hurt them nevertheless.

It's like intentionally running someone over versus accidentally hitting them. 

Makes no difference to the corpse in the middle of the road.  

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9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Actually, no. Ridge and Brooke's South American nuptials got cut short by Sheila and Ridge was thought dead. I forgot why Nick was there, but they banged in their grief before, to paraphrase from The Rise of Skywalker, somehow Ridge returned and she was preggers by then.

Surprisingly, Ridge was a pretty good sport by his standards about  the whole thing and was willing to raise the baby as his own until Nick told the truth about Jackie switching the paternity test.

It was the only time in the history of the show that I was Team Ridge as he was 100% in Brooke's corner, despite decidedly challenging circumstances. RJ's birth, when Nick revealed that he was actually Ridge's child, not his, and Brooke's teary-eyed "Ours?" was one of my all-time favorites scenes.



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21 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Hope just said "hubby time."  Liam should file for divorce on the grounds of his wife making lame ass comments when trying to sound sexy.  😏

In fairness, that line should probably start behind Finn. Not that Steffy was making lame ass comments, but, who has a kid-free night, a ready & willing husband, & then takes the time to stop & complain about how her ex-husband’s current wife, has a crush on her (Steffy’s) brother? Nothing turns a person on more than stopping mid-make out session, to discuss adult family member’s love lives, except maybe stopping mid-make out, to discuss something that’ll potentially ruin the marriage of your partner’s ex (whom your partner cheated on you with, which required a DNA test on your son, for the record). Ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, nkotb said:

In fairness, that line should probably start behind Finn. Not that Steffy was making lame ass comments, but, who has a kid-free night, a ready & willing husband, & then takes the time to stop & complain about how her ex-husband’s current wife, has a crush on her (Steffy’s) brother? Nothing turns a person on more than stopping mid-make out session, to discuss adult family member’s love lives, except maybe stopping mid-make out, to discuss something that’ll potentially ruin the marriage of your partner’s ex (whom your partner cheated on you with, which required a DNA test on your son, for the record). Ridiculous.

Well, Finn is clearly not the brightest bulb (his insta-forgiving of Steffy for cheating with Liam on Mannequin Night and blaming it all on Liam), so he probably finds it a turn-on.

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Yeah, Finn has fully bought into the idea that Steffy is the single best, most pure woman in all the land, and if she's sticking her nose in someone else's business, it's because she's being her usual selfless, loving self. Hell, he probably thinks she fucked Liam because she's just that giving, and it was the only way to heal his deep emotional pain. 

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I could've bought more into this Sinn love story had Finn ever been allowed to acknowledge that Steffy wasn't some perfect princess and he still loved her anyway. That's why Brooke/Nick had such a huge following--he knew full well how Hope was conceived and her past before that but he accepted her, warts and all.


On 5/9/2023 at 10:45 PM, Cool Breeze said:

I've watched this show from the beginning and Brooke has never (almost never?) been the malicious, conniving type.  She has, however, been reckless, selfish and self-absorbed.  She never means to hurt anyone but she sure does hurt them nevertheless.

It's like intentionally running someone over versus accidentally hitting them. 

Makes no difference to the corpse in the middle of the road.  

Mileage varies (and I definitely don't consider myself a Brooke fan so much as everyone else pisses me off more), bur with few exceptions, Brooke's never painted herself as an arbitor of morality to make that her entire personality and that is what's won out for me. 🤷‍♀️

Edited by Anna Yolei
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@FancyRhubarb, thank you for the laughs. 🤣

But also, cheesy or not (and it could have been wrapped in foil and called Velveeta), it was entertaining.

Sheila was still relevant and she and Brooke got the most lines and action with their fighting and Sheila hilariously putting Brooke into a pot (and I knew it would be all of three seconds before Brooke shrieked for R-i-d-g-e.)

The pretty, pretty men (Ronn and Jack) who mostly just stood there...and looked pretty.

Joe's Massimo getting to angrily seek vengeance on...a motorcycle. 

These scenes really had something for everyone. 

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Liam, at work for once. Shocking. The more he rambles about Hope being loyal the more I want her to cheat on him. Not necessarily with Thomas. But anyone to knock the smugness off him. And Hope giving him good sex because she is attracted to Thomas is amusing. 

I liked Taylors outfit today. Not Steffys orange thing.

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"I want to talk to you about what I saw between you and my brother."  A-fucking-gain?  Did you not just talk to her about it yesterday?  Is there some kind of HR at FC that Hope can go to about the CEO harassing her? I think Steffy can't stand that their mothers are BFFs now and that her mother isn't competing for her father anymore, and she's decided to start shit with Hope to compensate for it. 

And, oh, look, more inappropriate chemistry between Taylor and Thomas. Neither one of them has more chemistry with anyone else on the show than they do with each other. Maybe they should have cast KA as someone else and found a different actress to play Taylor. KA playing the head of a rival fashion empire who seduces Thomas away from FC when he's on the outs with his family would have been a way better story than anything either one has been involved in. 

So, today was a Liam talks to Wyatt about Hope and Thomas day, so tomorrow must be him seeking out Ridge to talk about it? Then back to Wyatt the next day. Maybe Liam should just talk it out with Douglas. He's the smartest person on the show. 

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Ok, we know that Hope is eye fucking Lurch but Steffy walking in on Hope and Lurch could also have been interpreted as a joyful reflection of the presale orders. Why does Steffy question Hope having romantic feelings for Lurch when romantic feelings are not required to have sex.  Did Steffy have romantic feelings for Bill when she rode the stallion or did she have romantic feelings for Liam when they had drunken sex?  

I guess Steffy is using romantic feels as a euphemism for do you want to ride my brother’s teeny weeny?  

With Wyatt and Liam we got a little levity today. They do act like real life brothers.  

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18 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Steffy could have stopped traffic in that outfit. Literally, she was dressed as a traffic cone.

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The suit and makeup also cast an unflattering orange cast on her skin.

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I ordinarily would call out a show for forgetting a character exists, but if Wyatt and the Logan family all get collective amnesia on that one, I'd be eternally grateful. 

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