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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 4/4/2023 at 9:30 AM, CountryGirl said:

Katie is a damn fool but I cannot feel sorry for her. Does she forget that before he started his Sheila plot, he was sniffing around Brooke? Telling Brooke how much he wanted her back and that she was the love of his life?

I thought that $Bill professing love to Brooke and Katie was all part of his Get Sheila plan.

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Brooke get real. Deacon is the cause of most of your problems?  I would say it’s the overbearing ogre Ridge. 

Brooke tells Hope that she’s glad that Hope doesn’t prefer bad boys like her mom. Brooke hugs Hope and there is a strange look on Hope’s face 🤔.  Now we know. Hope is starting to eye fuck Lurch 🤢🤮.  Hope just has to model a dress, that Lurch designed, that has a neckline down to Hope’s navel allowing Lurch to get a good look at her less than ample cleavage.  When Hope tripped, it looks like Lurch pulled her down than just trying to steady her.  Either that or Hope purposely slipped into Lurch’s arms than fell on the couch.  Either way, I’m betting Hope wanted a little more time on Lurch. 

Why does Lurch’s shirt look like he is wearing a holster. I’ve seen him wear this shirt before and still hate it. 

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Right and was it really necessary for her to model this dress which was ill fitting and ugly in my opinion but that’s beside the point

Where are the usual models that are always flirting with Thomas ?

Edited by SiouxB
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16 minutes ago, SiouxB said:

Where are the usual models that are always flirting with Thomas ?

They know better. They know he is a creep and if they are "flirting" it is only because they know he is related to their bosses.

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Show isn't even being subtle with this crap. Brooke's talk about how happy she is that Hope doesn't go for "bad boys" was the biggest anvil possible. Then Hope was acting like she was trying to get Thomas to admit he's still horny for her. I will never understand how "let you think your baby was dead and used that to try to get you into bed" isn't the dealbreaker to end all dealbreakers. Especially when you add in how he just fucking showed everyone, less than 6 months ago, that he hasn't learned, and he's still a manipulative gaslighting douchebag whenever he isn't handed what he wants on a silver platter. 

And don't even get me started on that dress. When it was on the hanger and Brooke and Hope were gushing over it, I was thinking "OK, maybe it will look better on a human than just hanging there." It did not. It's boring and looked cheaply made in the closeup shots. I don't get how it fits that "young" vibe HFTF is supposed to have. 

Everyone acting like Thomas has done some major penance is just fucking ridiculous. He only apologized because he figured out apologies would get him what he wants. The second something doesn't go his way, he's going to manipulate and gaslight everyone who stands in his way. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Then Hope was acting like she was trying to get Thomas to admit he's still horny for her.

This?  This she gets straight from her mother.  Brooke is the queen of "are you sure you don't still have feelings for me?  Hmmmm?"  She can't help herself.  I guess we finally see a trait of Brooke's in her daughter?

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19 hours ago, backhometome said:

The problem for me is Thope have way more chemistry than Lope. Plus Hope deserves to give Liam some payback for all the times he has cheated. They do need to stop teasing though. Either do it or move on. Its exhausting. 

Maybe Liam does deserve some payback but I rather she would find a homeless guy off the street than do the deed with Lurch. 

When I look at Lurch all I can see is a psychopath and a child abuser. I think his designs suck the big one. 

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 Annika was good today. Loved seeing Hope call Liam out. 

Liam nobody trusts what you saw. Not since that time you mistook your wife for a mannequin. 

It sounds like it hurts TK to talk sometimes. Such a growly voice. 

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On 4/5/2023 at 12:19 AM, Waldo13 said:

Ridge was pissed that Finn saved Shiela’s life.  

Of course he was. 😒 Not that even he, ogre that he is, doesn't have the right to hate Sheila but to expect a doctor to throw away his career on her behalf is laughable.

On 4/5/2023 at 1:00 PM, backhometome said:

The problem for me is Thope have way more chemistry than Lope. Plus Hope deserves to give Liam some payback for all the times he has cheated. They do need to stop teasing though. Either do it or move on. Its exhausting. 

Liam deserves everything and then some for the sins he's committed, but his children do not. That's the thing that angers me more so that Hope dating a problematic villain character--soap history is littered with such romances, that's part and parcel for the genre.

But when Thomas continues to weaponize his child, and especially given he was the product of  another rampant obsession that Show pretends never happened, it makes Hope look absolutely terrible for keeping him in her orbit, attraction or no. And like Ientioned in a recent post, most of the Thomas stans don't want this for him, either.

Adam/Sharon on Y&R was in a similar predicament but it worked for most people because 1) the show didn't puff up his then-one sin as something people should just blow off and 2) Adam has done other shady shit since, but he's left innocent children out of it (mostly...he did try getting custody of Christian but rightfully dropped that. Nick *is* his father, insufferable hypocrite that he is). And even then, there was a noticeable portion of fans who were absolutely not here for Sharon dating the guy who kept her child from her for months...I was included in that latter group, but I can at least recognize the paltry effort made to move Adam out of the Michael Baldwin Circa 1989 territory

Liam sucks, but even at his absolute worst spineless moments, nothing he's done is worth rooting for Hope to go with an abuser and murderer, least of all one who doesn't even try to do better by her or even worse, his son.

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Does anyone else thinks that Stuffy looks like an Afghan Hound today?  

Liam tells Lurch to get out and Lurch tells him that his name is on the building. Since when is Marone on the building. 

Great defense Hope by going on the offense. You keep defending Lurch Hope and I don’t think, at this point, it’s strictly for your line. I’m not a big Liam fan. I do think he’s a weasel, but he has a reason to wonder why Hope keeps letting him back in.  

I have news for people. Lurch is a psychopath and a pathological lier and he always will be. He only can control it. Like an alcoholic or a drug addict, they are always one drink or one fix away from reverting to their addiction.  

I can’t stand the pay Taylor acts like a teenager all the time. 

What the fuck!  There are already revues written about HFTF. When did anyone see any new designs?  Hope you don’t, it HFTF, but you don’t say anything about Lurch being mentioned before you. Just that alone gave me pause that it was only a dream. 

If Hope wants a bad boy then Liam should accommodate her. Put his sword necklace on, throw Hope on the bed, rip her close off, smear A-1 sauce all over her body and fuck her like a meat eater rather than a vegetarian.  

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When is this version of Taylor going to grow the f up and stop acting like a teenager having her first sleepover and those facial antics on top of it.  Can’t stand her version of Taylor!

Hope finally throws some shade Liam’s way about Steffy.  But Liam is right too in calling her out too.  Yep Hope, you are now turning into Brooke! 

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Liam sucks, but even at his absolute worst spineless moments, nothing he's done is worth rooting for Hope to go with an abuser and murderer, least of all one who doesn't even try to do better by her or even worse, his son.

I much preferred when Wyatt first came to town, and Liam had to deal with Hope/Wyatt, including her marrying Wyatt over a misunderstanding. That all was Liam getting a taste of his own medicine. But this shit? Hard pass. If it was literally any other man in the world, yeah, Liam's got to suck it up. But this asshole? Nope. He gets to be as angry as he wants, especially now that Hope is acting like he's anything other than the sociopath who would throw Hope's children into a burning building if it advanced his own agenda.  But, then, he'd like totally feel a smidgen of bad and make some puppy dog eyes to make it all better. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Didn’t they tease a reappearance of Hopequinn a while back? I’m thinking Thomas isn’t as fully healed as he claims he is. He’s never had to suffer any real long term consequences for any of his actions. His family has always been quick to forgive and forget so he just bides his time. I’m sure Chekhov’s mannequin will reappear out of Thomas’s closet soon. Liam will probably be the one to discover it, but he’ll be considered crying wolf one too many times. 
Healed or not, I’m always a nope on Thope and I wish they’d move Thomas in a different direction. 

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I wonder how often Thomas practices his redemption bytes in front of the mirror? 

Although Hope needs to stand up to Liam, she has to be the dumbest, most gullible person alive. Clearly hasn't gotten the memo about "Fool me once ... fool me twice ... "

While I liked the shade of green, that dress was so matronly and ill-fitting. 

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I am so not here for Thope. The show is definitely stuck in a rut. We had a nonsensical twist - albeit somewhat enjoyable if you turn your brain off - but that fizzled out pretty quickly. And I have to say it's really icky to have two men sleep with Sheila as part of their great plan to bring her down. But I suppose it's very much in line with B&B's past interpretations of sexual consent. 

I can think of several other twists that would be more entertaining. Douglas can be Ridge's. Or RJ can not be Ridge's, paving the way for the return of Nick and Jack.

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Even though Thomas is a terrible horrible awful father, I do not want Douglas to be Ridge's son.

Ridge would rip Douglas from Hope so fast. Then we'd have Ridge working hard to raise his "boy" like a real Forrester, in the Forrester mansion, with all the Forrester entitlements.

I do want Kelly to be Bill's daughter. It up end so many relationships.  Finn would have to come to grips that his darling wonderful wife not only cheated on Liam, she did it with her FIL. 

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11 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

Finn would have to come to grips that his darling wonderful wife not only cheated on Liam, she did it with her FIL. 

Doesn't he know already? I can't remember for sure now, but when Bill started blackmailing Steffy did she tell Finn why Taylor shot Bill? 

One thing that stood out as an "oh, shit, they're definitely going to do Thope, aren't they?" red flag yesterday was that, while Liam and Hope were arguing, Liam didn't clearly state the obvious - that Hope has, multiple times, told Liam that she was sure Thomas wasn't that man anymore, and every single time, Thomas has eventually shown he's exactly that man.  Liam can trust Hope as a general rule, but how is he honestly supposed to trust her judgement about Thomas when it's so obviously clouded by the combination of her optimism, her desire to keep her line, and him being Douglas's father? I would have loved a comment like "did you think he was a changed man last year, right up until the moments he tried to kiss you and then you finding out he faked that call?" 

And, Hope, get a grip. You're not somehow destined to cheat on Liam with Thomas just because you're Brooke's daughter. You're not magically becoming her or some such shit. You're a grown ass woman who is in full control of her own decisions. If you want to bone the guy who's done some of the worst shit imaginable to you and the people most important to you, then that's your own dysfunction. Go ahead and end your marriage and own that. Don't blame it on your mother. It would be refreshing if that dream sequence got her to get a hold of herself and realize she's playing with fire and doesn't want to be that woman. But, no, we can't have nice things. Instead, I'm going to have to stop watching any scenes involving Hope, who I generally liked before this crap. 

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Between the Hope and Liam scenes with her lusting after Thomas,and the Ridge/Brooke scenes, this show was terribe. The only reason she didn't aleep with Ridge is because of her pact with Taylor? WTF?

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2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Doesn't he know already? I can't remember for sure now, but when Bill started blackmailing Steffy did she tell Finn why Taylor shot Bill? 

She told him without telling him. It was a woeful, yet vaguely and carefully worded backstory with lots of eye and facial gestures.  Finn was able to interpret the mimery to understand. I think. 

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2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Doesn't he know already? I can't remember for sure now, but when Bill started blackmailing Steffy did she tell Finn why Taylor shot Bill? 

He definitely knows and while I'm all for the narrative calling out Steffy's past sins with even one-tenth of the energy Brooke gets for shit that happened when Reagan was in office, I'm glad they didn't make this some moral line in the sand for Finn when it happened well before he knew her.


2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And, Hope, get a grip. You're not somehow destined to cheat on Liam with Thomas just because you're Brooke's daughter. You're not magically becoming her or some such shit.

Given her past rigidity about purity and her trying not to be Brooke, this sentiment isn't nearly as out of character, but you're right that she's just as responsible for her own actions as Brooke was for hers.

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5 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Given her past rigidity about purity and her trying not to be Brooke, this sentiment isn't nearly as out of character, but you're right that she's just as responsible for her own actions as Brooke was for hers.

This part of it would probably be better if she had some kind of lightbulb moment about how her and her mother's sexualities aren't some black and white issue after she inevitably falls on Thomas's dick.  Instead, this way, it just feels like she's looking at it as permission, like "oh, well, I'm the daughter of 'the slut from the valley.' What choice do I have?" Add in that she's bringing up Liam's Steffy shit now, and it just feels like she wants to fuck Thomas, and she's looking for all of the rationalizations that make it "OK" for her to do that without tarnishing her self-styled halo. 

If they're going to just do this awful shit anyway, it would have made way more sense for them to skip the CPS story and just have her do it right after their fashion show when she was riding that high with Thomas and was upset at Liam for not showing up. That storyline all made sense as the leadup to an affair or ONS (when you squint your eyes and forget all he's done to her and her loved ones). This is just straight up stupid. He's been "proving himself" for about five minutes, and she already shut this shit down back then when she was super vulnerable and Douglas was practically begging her to be with Thomas, before Thomas showed he hasn't changed. Again. 

(Or they could have still had the CPS reveal after she had a ONS with him and drive home what a mistake it was). 

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23 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

This part of it would probably be better if she had some kind of lightbulb moment about how her and her mother's sexualities aren't some black and white issue after she inevitably falls on Thomas's dick. 

Yeah, but we all know that ain't happening. They couldn't even bother to do it back when this was Hope's entire personality, when it actually made sense as a sheltered teenager with no life experience, and the writing was marginally better.

23 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Add in that she's bringing up Liam's Steffy shit now, and it just feels like she wants to fuck Thomas, and she's looking for all of the rationalizations that make it "OK" for her to do that without tarnishing her self-styled halo. 

Yeah, the more I think on that, the more I think back to Hope circa 2014 who pulled her own waffling nonsense between him and Wyatt and would pull out the Steffy card then too. And it's entirely valid to feel some kind of way about it, but who is the idiot that keeps taking him back every time he did? Hope had no issue making the *accidental* boning of Brooke a hard line in the sand with Oliver.

Eventually, you either gotta work to move past that shit and trust that the past is past or you gotta make the decision to move on.


Edited by Anna Yolei
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38 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Eventually, you either gotta work to move past that shit and trust that the past is past or you gotta make the decision to move on.

This reminds me of an advice column letter I saw recently.  The wife had cheated years ago, and when they were working past it in counseling, she threw out the idea of giving him a free pass to go have sex with someone once. He said he didn't want that at the time. Then, like 8 or 9 years later, he's like "hey, I want to use that free pass."  If you're still dealing with that infidelity years after you forgave the person and opted to stay together, you're not in a healthy place over it. But, most likely, it's just "hey, I want to cheat now, but I know a way to justify it." 

Personally, I would never have kept getting past the Steffy shit if I was Hope, but that's the choice she made. If you forgive the person, you don't get to bring it back up when you want to do something shitty to them. 

And, in Liam's shoes, I'd have been asking "so, you're comparing what's going on with you and Thomas to my past with Steffy?" Because that would have been a red flag to me, if I was him, that she's already contemplating sleeping with him. I would have definitely wanted some clarity there. It would be one thing if she pointed out that she sat back and let him pretend to be Steffy's husband when she had amnesia, despite his long history with her, because she trusted him. But, instead, it's "I put up with you cheating, so you need to put up with this." 

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Finn maybe a devoted doctor but he spends more time with Stuffy than at the hospital. 

What Hope is doing it’s because she feels guilty about what happened with Lurch and that she’s eye fucking him.  When men feel guilty, they usually give their wives flowers.  Just saying. 

Since the nurse was in the room, if Finn didn’t intervene, he could be brought before the ethics board and be fired and or loose his license. Many people don’t know this but if a patient dies under a doctor’s care, there is a board that looks into that death. The reason being that they are afraid of being sued. 

Mighty big of you bringing Brooke a small bottle of French Water.  Bottled water is basically bottled water where tap water is just as good. Well maybe not in LA. Many brands of bottled water are tap water that is put through a filter. Brita Water, Zero Water or even a home filtration system is just a good and a lot cheaper. 

Liam is the master of screwing up a tender moment. Hope finally shut him up by sticking her tongue in her mouth.  Hope will become more more passionate, with Liam, as she fantasizes about Lurch.  I just hope that Hope doesn’t call our Lurch’s name in the heat of passion. 


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Um, Taylor, Thomas grilling you about why you're not with Ridge and whether you're concerned about Brooke spending time with him should be the same kind of warning sign to you as if you had a recently sober alcoholic son, and you walked in on him holding a bottle of whiskey. Instead of giggling about your friendship with Brooke and reassuring him and Steffy, you should have cut him off as soon as he started and reminded him "we've already established that you being invested in your father's relationships with me and Brooke is not healthy for you, so let's drop this." And, sure enough, he's indulging both of his unhealthy obsessions by calling Hope when he believes she's in the middle of a family dinner with Liam, the kids, Brooke, and Ridge. 

Hope, if you're hallucinating someone else's face when you're having sexy times with your husband, maybe some therapy? 

Brooke, send him home. Even if you didn't have this pact with Taylor, your behavior was giving me second hand embarrassment. 

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What does Brooke want exactly? She's saying one thing, but her eyes and body language are saying something very different. Frankly, I was disappointed in her behavior. Also, Ridge should have left when he said he was going to and Brooke should have shown him to the door. Hanging around and drinking in Brooke's house was in very poor taste indeed.

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I took Brooke’s actions today as a bit of payback sort of saying to him that he effed up and now because of his actions this is what he’s missing out on. It was her way of taking back control of the situation and proving to herself that even if she still has feelings for him that she can turn him away because of the promise she made to herself and Taylor. She was letting him know that he can’t just walk back into her life and pick up as if nothing happened.  (Or maybe I’m giving the writers too much credit here)

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I saw a soap column speculating that they're building up to a Hope split personality story. And noble Thomas would be torn between concern for how unlike herself she was behaving around him and the temptation of finally getting what he wanted at the time when he's been working so hard (eye roll) at getting past his obsession with her. God, no.

Since soaps like to rhyme their alter names (Viki/Niki, Jess/Tess), what would we get? Hope and Grope? Hope and Nope? Hope and Dope? 

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On 4/5/2023 at 7:15 PM, Waldo13 said:

Why does Lurch’s shirt look like he is wearing a holster. I’ve seen him wear this shirt before and still hate it. 

I hate that damn shirt, too!

On 4/6/2023 at 4:58 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Of course he was. 😒 Not that even he, ogre that he is, doesn't have the right to hate Sheila but to expect a doctor to throw away his career on her behalf is laughable.

Aside from Finn's career, there's another reason he may have saved Sheila. Some people can't or won't kill another person or willingly let them die under any circumstances. And Finn is not a psychopath like his bio-mommy, (maybe it skips a generation), so I kept waiting for someone to point that out. I am surprised that they didn't.

On 4/6/2023 at 5:14 PM, Waldo13 said:

Liam tells Lurch to get out and Lurch tells him that his name is on the building. Since when is Marone on the building.

When Thomas was across the hall recounting this story to his gullible family, he conveniently left that part out of his poor little victim story.

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21 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

It would be one thing if she pointed out that she sat back and let him pretend to be Steffy's husband when she had amnesia, despite his long history with her, because she trusted him. But, instead, it's "I put up with you cheating, so you need to put up with this." 

I had forgotten about that mess of a story TBH but that honestly would've been a far better example for her to use. 

19 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Brooke, send him home. Even if you didn't have this pact with Taylor, your behavior was giving me second hand embarrassment. 

Seriously. Taylor or no Taylor, she shouldn't entertain this bozo.


3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I saw a soap column speculating that they're building up to a Hope split personality story.

There's only one response to any of that:

I don't trust B&B to do any justice on mental illness, not after the way Vinny's suicide was handle and certainly not in service of propping up another character so much they need industrial strength glue to keep it all together.

I hated it when Y&R did this shit with Billy with DID (a disorder that is nearly always the result of abuse as a child), and I'm sure that will look like Shakespeare compared to this show's writing.


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42 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I had forgotten about that mess of a story TBH but that honestly would've been a far better example for her to use. 

When I thought about that story yesterday, it reminded me how much I hated this version of Taylor. She was fully like "well, Hope and her kids are just going to have to hand Liam over because Steffy has a sad, and she'll need a new husband." 

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7 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Since soaps like to rhyme their alter names (Viki/Niki, Jess/Tess), what would we get? Hope and Grope? Hope and Nope? Hope and Dope? 

Watch it be Hannah or Heather or some shit lmao 😂

As @Anna Yolei pointed out spilt personality/DID storylines have only usually happened to characters that were abused as children or went through a horrible assault at some point in their life. And while Hope may have had it rough having her conception held over her head & thrown in her face all her life, I don't think that would realistically equate to anything more than her maybe being a Regina George as an adult. An avenue no writer had the ability or courage to ever take, so her having DID is all kinds of bullshit at this stage in her life. I don't blame the speculation, it certainly explains the extra levels of dumb, self-absorbed & hard-headed Hope is made to be to make this shit slightly feasible given what he's done and the missed/better opportunities before now. And just god forbid Thomas hold a permanent L where she's concerned or just moves on to a better arc in general. 

On Days of Our Lives, Abigail Horton also somehow developed DID despite having a solid childhood (all because her rapey, off the rails cousin got killed, so I guess Hope's DID justicifaction would be less cringey than that, at least in theory) and had an affair with her brother in law Stefan DiMera, while her alter ego took over & that was rightfully depicted as r*pe. Abigail herself wasn't in her right mind & thus not truly consenting. It goes without saying that I hated Abigail, but she didn't deserve that. 

So Brad better watch his step, he's already sugarcaoted Thomas's R-wording ways before. Through he'll probably do it again whether there is an audience for it or not. What saved DOOL imo was the lack of sugarcoating on that subject even if Stefan never went to jail, he did at least die(for a while).

3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I hated it when Y&R did this shit with Billy with DID (a disorder that is nearly always the result of abuse as a child), and I'm sure that will look like Shakespeare compared to this show's writing.

Wait Jason Thompson's Billy???Thank God I wasn't watching Y&R when that happened....💀

Edited by Skarzero
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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

When I thought about that story yesterday, it reminded me how much I hated this version of Taylor. She was fully like "well, Hope and her kids are just going to have to hand Liam over because Steffy has a sad, and she'll need a new husband." 

I won't lie, that sounds very much like the shit Old Taylor would've pulled too. :\

1 hour ago, Skarzero said:

As @Anna Yolei pointed out spilt personality/DID storylines have only usually only happened to characters that were abused as children or went through a horrible assault at some point in their life. And while Hope may have had it rough having her conception held over her head & thrown in her face all her life, I don't think that would realistically equate to anything more than her maybe being a Regina George as an adult. An avenue no writer had the ability or courage to ever take, so her having DID is all kinds bullshit at this stage in her life.

Hell, it wasn't even Hope's entire life, just when she was an adult and it never came from Brooke or the old version of Ridge who for his many faults had some level of compassion. So it makes even less sense.

But then, nothing in Hope's entire story since the character was SORASed in January 2010 made sense. I've mentioned before the Deacon reveal happened the Friday before I left for basic training and I never got to see for myself what happened until years later...and all that story was blitzed through in about two damn weeks. Hell, Hope and Bridget's own surrogate were both in the same hospital, recovering from an attack from the same creep but Bridget spends the entire time dragging Agnes for Nick in one of the biggest OOC fails for her character. They don't even share a scene with one another until July of that year and their interactions after that could be counted on one hand with fingers to spare. If anyone should've been the bad girl, it was Hope.

But no, her story was only to rethread the Brooke/Taylor feud 😒

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On 4/7/2023 at 3:49 PM, KerleyQ said:

If you're still dealing with that infidelity years after you forgave the person and opted to stay together, you're not in a healthy place over it. But, most likely, it's just "hey, I want to cheat now, but I know a way to justify it." 


Totally agree.  If you forgive someone, you forgive them.  It's like that old joke about a "forgiven" husband making a random, wholly unrelated request of his wife like "Hey, honey, let's watch Star Trek tonight" and she responds "Oh, did you watch Star Trek with that b@#$%!"


Also, if you've been cheated on, knowing how badly that hurts, and you willingly and with premeditation decide to inflict that pain on your spouse/partner who cheated on you?  You are an asshole.  YMMV of course.

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LOL, at Liam asking what got into Hope. 🤫

Brooke already wanting to lie to her bff.

Bridge have zero romantic/sexual chemistry together. 

Hope is cray cray. 😂 Its the most interesting she has been in forever. 

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Hope is cray-cray, sure, but she wasn’t wrong in calling out Brooke and her annoying “who me?” words while as she repeatedly exhibits her  sexy eye little kitten voice behavior. 

 Brooke offends me.

 As does this storyline with Hope, who is a character that DOESN’T usually offend me. 
These writers refuse to write any realistic strong women characters who aren’t psychopathic.  

Except Li, so far… hopefully they don’t screw her up.


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2 hours ago, lgprimes said:

These writers refuse to write any realistic strong women characters who aren’t psychopathic. 
Except Li, so far… hopefully they don’t screw her up.

I enjoy watching Li. She even went back into Sheila's hospital room after Sheila was saved by Finn to make sure Sheila was secure and the guard was actually guarding.

Cannot watch another second of most of the other women in the current story lines. They are constantly portrayed in a so unlikable and unrealistic way.

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Sure Lurch is not obsessed with Hope because he keeps designing dresses with open necklines so he can get a good view while Hope is modeling the dress. 

Ridge was salivating and Brooke was salivating in another region of her body 😜

Yes Hope, you are nothing like your mom. That is until you are. 

Liam, you forgot the A-1 sauce so you can make love to Hope like a meat eater. It seems that Hope took care of being more passionate by fantasizing about Lurch 🤢🤢🤮🤮


About giving Hope a split personality so they can have her play hide the salami with Lurch 🤢🤮 was done years ago when they made Hope a drug addict. The drugs actually gave her a personality back than. 

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I definitely think a DID storyline is in the works for Hope. Even though I know Annika has the chops to pull it off, I don’t trust TPTB to not botch it like they do everything else. 

Hope had zero right to barge into her mother’s home and read her the riot act. Brooke was in her own home and thought Ridge had left when she went to bed before worrying over the candles. She can wear whatever she pleases. Was it maybe a little bit childish, her teasing of Ridge? Sure. But Ridge is childish every day ending in y. As for Taylor, her new BFF, well, she didn’t act like a mature adult when she happily jumped into Ridge’s arms, knowing full well she was the rebound choice, even if she didn’t know the full story. I’m not sure why Brooke is being held to some higher standard when, again, she’s in her very own home and had no idea Ridge was still there and she did cover up after a few minutes, although it makes me a bit uncomfortable, the premise that she was under some obligation to do so.

Hope needed to get off her high horse. She (or her soon to be revealed alter ego) was having carnal thoughts about Thomas and was taking out her self-loathing on Brooke, who didn’t deserve this. 

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And also I cannot stand the way Hope just barges into Brooke’s house right through the curtains and with nary a knock....Very rude and yes I agree that she was completely out of line ripping into Brooke that way.....she was speaking like she was possessed and practically galloped into the room when she saw Ridge leave

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Ridge forgot he was marrying Taylor weeks ago? Not sure what Brooke is doing, still no self respect. 

Isn't Taylor supposed to be living in the house?  Hope Taylor gets someone else, she deserves better. Leave these 2 no Chem trashy to each other. 

Liam, where did that come from? Lol

Good for Hope for finally going after with her mom. 


Edited by Artsda
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34 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

had no idea Ridge was still there

I 100% do not believe that. Brooke put on that negligee purposefully. She absolutely knew he was still there. He would have blown out the damn candles and turned off the lights before leaving. They both were creating their cutesy little cover stories, and they each knew it.

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