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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Bill has gotta be playing Sheila. At first, I thought she was using the sword necklace to control him, somehow. But, yesterday, I had another thought.

Let me preface with saying that I’ve missed a few days in the last few months, but did we ever find out who Deacon's mysterious financial backer is? What if $Bill & Deacon formed a silent partnership, with Bill thinking that the only way to truly be rid of Sheila, is to kill her? So, he got her out of prison, got her comfortable, then, maybe a helicopter ride in Dubai? It makes no sense, but I guarantee you it makes more sense than whatever we’ll see on screen. 

Edited by nkotb
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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

Bill has gotta be playing Sheila. At first, I thought she was using the sword necklace to control him, somehow. But, yesterday, I had another thought.

Let me preface with saying that I’ve missed a few days in the last few months, but did we ever find out who Deacon's mysterious financial backer is? What if $Bill & Deacon formed a silent partnership, with Bill thinking that the only way to truly be rid of Sheila, is to kill her? So, he got her out of prison, got her comfortable, then, maybe a helicopter ride in Dubai? It makes no sense, but I guarantee you it Mayes more sense than whatever we’ll see on screen. 

Honestly, I don't even care how it wraps up. Just that it ends sooner rather than later and anyone over Bell's can cut KB's contract short and be done with it.

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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

Bill has gotta be playing Sheila. At first, I thought she was using the sword necklace to control him, somehow. But, yesterday, I had another thought.

Let me preface with saying that I’ve missed a few days in the last few months, but did we ever find out who Deacon's mysterious financial backer is? What if $Bill & Deacon formed a silent partnership, with Bill thinking that the only way to truly be rid of Sheila, is to kill her? So, he got her out of prison, got her comfortable, then, maybe a helicopter ride in Dubai? It makes no sense, but I guarantee you it Mayes more sense than whatever we’ll see on screen. 

@nkotb, I  would love for this to be the real story as it would explain why Bill and Deacon, two savvy men would fall for this bish. Whatever the logistics, them playing her makes WAY more sense than the nonsense we're being subjected to on the daily of late.

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How is Liam the lone voice of reason in this mess with Thomas? All of these people should know better, but one by one, Steffy, Hope and now Brooke(!) have all caved to the idea of Thomas coming back.

That said; no Liam, HFTF has not been loved by "millions and millions" around the world. I've never seen what was so special about it, and frankly that supposedly amazing presentation that Thomas put out looked like just another Forrester fashion show. Everything else he's said is 100% on point. 

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1 hour ago, TVForever said:

That said; no Liam, HFTF has not been loved by "millions and millions" around the world

 THIS. Its a fashion line not a cure for cancer. 🙄

I always thought the meaning behind it was dumb. 

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When Liam is the voice of reason, it’s a crazy day. However, they’re trolling our board, for sure. 

Liam: “Oh my God, Taylor always says that he’s making progress, right before he turns around & does something psycho. She’s blinded by her love for him. I don’t care…” 


Waffles for dinner to show my temporary loyalty. 

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2 hours ago, TVForever said:

How is Liam the lone voice of reason in this mess with Thomas? All of these people should know better, but one by one, Steffy, Hope and now Brooke(!) have all caved to the idea of Thomas coming back.

I am so glad for Douglas' sake that this is the one time Liam has stuck to his guns. He shouldn't be trusted nor is he deserving of Hope's forgiveness.

1 hour ago, backhometome said:

 THIS. Its a fashion line not a cure for cancer. 🙄

I always thought the meaning behind it was dumb. 

I mean, the whole reason the line exists was for Katie to flip the bird to Steffy for going after Bill.

Even still, Hope always seemed sincere enough about wanting the line to represent something to aspire to and goofy as the concept was, it's a terrible message to send for an abuser of women and children to be the head designer for this particular line.



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Lurch is putting in the work and he’s basically cured in weeks and not months. Does Taylor have to hold her “baby’s” hand during a therapy session?  Does Taylor have to step on Dr Howard’s dick by chiming in on Lurch’s therapy session.  

Liam is so so right that the idea of Douglas seeing Hope and Lurch working together didn’t come from Hope. Lurch and intern, Douglas was weaponized to play on Hope’s sympathy. 

Hope and Liam embrace because Hope is going to say no about Lurch but let’s see if Hope changes her mind when Lurch again tells Hope he’s a changed man and evokes Douglas.  

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The Thomas redemption tour continues unabated. Honestly...do the writers actually expect anyone to buy his 20 minute shrink sessions...have cured him of years of being a psycho? Everyone but Liam(astoundingly enough)...is losing brain cells in service of Saint Mannequin Chaser. 

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I'm not surprised Liam is appalled. His fatal flaw has never been the content of his character as much as his absolute inaction re: his love life. If we'd have gotten to see more of this Liam Spencer ten years ago, he probably wouldn't be as despised as he is in some corners.

Still, I'll take it since no one else is here to speak for the audience.

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Thank god, Douglas wants to move home. Now Hope wont have to whine endlessly about him anymore. Now it will be Liam whining about Thomas. Cant they move past this Douglas/Thomas merry go round that Lope has been on for years now. 😒

Brooke, looked nice today. 

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7 minutes ago, backhometome said:

 Cant they move past this Douglas/Thomas merry go round that Lope has been on for years now. 😒

NGL, I wish they'd just pivot back to Liam bouncing between Steffy and Hope at this point. At least no children will be abused in that.

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Taylor Taylor Taylor please stay out of it. Of course you choose your dirt bag psycho son over how Liam feels. Taylor, Liam has no idea over the work Lurch is doing to make things right but Hope really has no idea either. Hope only has your word and Lurch’s word that he is trying. Taylor being a little disingenuous are we. Of course you would risk Hope’s well-being for Lurch’s sake. 

Paris Paris Paris, your eye fucking of Lurch is quite obvious.  

Liam deserves to be disappointed about Hope taking Lurch back. As much as I hate Lurch, Liam hasn’t been a model husband.  There are quite a few things that Hope had to forgive him for.  If he really wanted to do something nice, instead of framing an old cover on Eye on Fashion, he could have had a puff piece written and put HFTF back on the cover. 

I’m a little disappointed though because I thought for sure that Douglas was once again weaponized because Lurch had him come to FC to weasel his was back in to play on Hope by Douglas wanting his parents to be friends.  It was after the fact but Douglas is now very happy to come back to the cabin and be with Hope. The one thing that was very noticeable that Lurch really hasn’t change was the look on his face when he realized that Douglas wanted to be with Hope and he won’t have the ability to play with his emotions like he would be able to if he stayed with Stuffy or came home with him. Lurch just wants Douglas to be a mini me and Hope wants Douglas to be Douglas. 

I have faith in Lurch. I have faith that Lurch will fuck up within a month. 

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I cannot imagine that any psychiatrist would be remotely happy with their patient's psychiatrist mother not only sitting in on his sessions, but also speaking up with "we" like the two of them are a team treating the patient.  Sure, she can sit in for a session or two as his mother, if he's working through some issues specifically in his relationship with her. But Taylor was sitting there jumping the gun on his doctor. "Oh, no, we don't want you to feel ashamed."  I was waiting for his doctor to ask "who is 'we'?" 

Of course Hope gave in. Because we all know that, in all of the fashion industry, the only available designers are Thomas, Eric, Zende, and Ridge. Ridge is off waiting for a new pinecone to fall on him and point him in a new direction in life. Zende and Eric apparently failed at HFTF's most recent line, so the she has no choice. There is nobody else she could possibly bring in to work on her line. And, look there, Thomas is wearing a Mr. Rodgers cardigan, so he must be a kinder, gentler Thomas now. It almost felt like the show was trying to make Liam the bad guy here, with Hope crying over her argument with him (where he was 100 percent freaking right), and then Thomas telling her everything she wants to hear, Douglas talking about how happy he is to see them working together, and her working with Thomas being the thing that gets Douglas to come home. 

I swear, if we're ending up with Sheila and Thomas becoming the poor put upon victims of the evil Spencers... 

Oh, and it was really shitty of Brooke and Taylor to tell Douglas that his parents might be working together again without knowing what Hope's decision was going to be. Sure, it worked out, and he's happy, but who knows how much farther that would have pushed him from being ready to return home if they got his hopes up and then he found out that Hope turned Thomas down. 

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Is it just me, or has Show stalled miserably? 

I can't remember a time I wasn't able to muster up a comment or two. 

Thank the Lord for my little community here, you are all far more interesting and entertaining than what we are watching, which is reportedly written by professional writers. 

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Every story is a retread of what happened in the recent past. None of the characters show any growth in the main stories (I thought we had Braylor making up - on the way to making out - but that's evaporated, while Steffy's growth where she saw her brother for who he truly was turned out to be incredibly short-lived). And lastly all the regulars have been considerably dumbed down to make Sheila permanent (I still don't get why, when they have way more interesting characters like Li whom they've not explored at all).

So yeah, they're stuck in a rut. Believing the likes of Sheila, Thomas and Steffy are your golden geese will do that to a show.

You want someone to mess with the Forresters? Try a SORASed Eric Sharpe. That kid must have serious abandonment issues - once highly coveted but ultimately tossed aside like yesterday's trash. Or maybe it's time Morgan make a reappearance, revealing that she spirited away a barely-alive Phoebe and revived her. There'd be actual stakes in Phoebe being brainwashed into thinking of Morgan as her mother and Taylor/Steffy as traitors for shacking up with her first love, Uncle Rick, who was also responsible for her "death". (Maybe it's rose-tinted nostalgia but Phoebe was never as loathsome as her siblings. Wasn't she the sole Taytot who thought it unfair that Brooke and RJ were turfed out by Taylor's second coming?)

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Wow Paris actually had nice hair today.

So Douglas spent what 2 days? A weekend vacation at the beach and that's it he's ready to come home?  After all the courts and legality of it?  And he decided to come home because Hope agreed to work with Thomas? Hope gave into and supported Douglas/Thomas relationship more than she should have, always going over to Eric's. It's only the gaslighting of her son and Thomas's CPS manipulating that caused her to fight with him. 

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6 hours ago, Aymery said:

Every story is a retread of what happened in the recent past. None of the characters show any growth in the main stories (I thought we had Braylor making up - on the way to making out - but that's evaporated, while Steffy's growth where she saw her brother for who he truly was turned out to be incredibly short-lived). And lastly all the regulars have been considerably dumbed down to make Sheila permanent (I still don't get why, when they have way more interesting characters like Li whom they've not explored at all).

So yeah, they're stuck in a rut. Believing the likes of Sheila, Thomas and Steffy are your golden geese will do that to a show.

You want someone to mess with the Forresters? Try a SORASed Eric Sharpe. That kid must have serious abandonment issues - once highly coveted but ultimately tossed aside like yesterday's trash. Or maybe it's time Morgan make a reappearance, revealing that she spirited away a barely-alive Phoebe and revived her. There'd be actual stakes in Phoebe being brainwashed into thinking of Morgan as her mother and Taylor/Steffy as traitors for shacking up with her first love, Uncle Rick, who was also responsible for her "death". (Maybe it's rose-tinted nostalgia but Phoebe was never as loathsome as her siblings. Wasn't she the sole Taytot who thought it unfair that Brooke and RJ were turfed out by Taylor's second coming?)

Yep...Phoebe was the only Tot that didn't buy into the rewritten "Taylorized" history that Brooke broke up Tridge's happy home. It would serve the Tridge Mafia right if when RJ returns...he treats them they same way they treated his mother and sister Hope. Ridge would be torn...best RJ is his son too...and unlike Thomas...RJ hasn't done anything to make Ridge hate him. So he'll be Ridge's favorite son easily.

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On 3/11/2023 at 9:54 AM, Aymery said:

You want someone to mess with the Forresters? Try a SORASed Eric Sharpe.

Yes, and it would make all kinds of sense given Deacon is back, and Little E could also add flavor to Hope's life. I also would not mind seeing Jack reappear, now that his mothers are BFFs, and wouldn't mind seeing Dominick return as well. 

At the core of it though, is the lack of deep, controlled, well paced storytelling, that has continuity and balance. There is also the lack of a good, believable rivalry/feud. Stephanie drove most of that, and trying to replace her with Steffy just isn't working. Additionally, most of the angst on Show today is plot driven nonsense, based on revisionist history. 

Another thing they need to do is flesh out the Forrester clan. Who do we have really? Eric and Ridge, and Ridge's family with Taylor. Say what you will, but none of them have a drop of Forrester blood. Zende is back on canvas, so why not bring his mother back? Kristen was always the apple of Eric's eye, and a very good designer herself. Felicia also is a very talented designer, and of course there is Thorne, who I miss terribly. Bring him back and resurrect Ally; if they can reanimate Taylor twice, and Macy once, they could certainly find a way to bring Ally back too. 

Most of all though, the loss of anything related to fashion, fashion shows, and competing fashion houses has really killed Show. I have started from the beginning on YouTube, and am currently into season 3, and the differences are jarring. Nearly every day we have models in the various offices, with full rundowns of what they are wearing, from the fabric, to the cut, to the stitching, to the way the outfit falls on the body. It was all so believable and well done, it truly felt like they were all designers. Today all we get is a sketch here and there, and a model may be getting a fitting once every few months. 

Show today is a caricature of what it used to be. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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On 3/11/2023 at 6:54 AM, Aymery said:

Maybe it's rose-tinted nostalgia but Phoebe was never as loathsome as her siblings. Wasn't she the sole Taytot who thought it unfair that Brooke and RJ were turfed out by Taylor's second coming?

It definitely isn't. The bulk of Phoebe's short time on the show, she spent being pressured to cover up Darla's death, then in a relationship with Rick. She was the rare child on B&B who wasn't overly invested in her parents' love life and was a fairly decent person, in spite of her parents.

I suspect she was killed off to make room for Hope's impending SORASing because they couldn't have two characters defined by virginity at once, but unlike old school Hope, she neverade it her entire personality.

Such a waste of a character. Why bother writing twins if you do nothing with that?

On 3/12/2023 at 5:58 AM, RuntheTable said:

Yes, and it would make all kinds of sense given Deacon is back, and Little E could also add flavor to Hope's life. I also would not mind seeing Jack reappear, now that his mothers are BFFs, and wouldn't mind seeing Dominick return as well. 

At the core of it though, is the lack of deep, controlled, well paced storytelling, that has continuity and balance. There is also the lack of a good, believable rivalry/feud. Stephanie drove most of that, and trying to replace her with Steffy just isn't working. Additionally, most of the angst on Show today is plot driven nonsense, based on revisionist history. 

Another thing they need to do is flesh out the Forrester clan. Who do we have really? Eric and Ridge, and Ridge's family with Taylor. Say what you will, but none of them have a drop of Forrester blood. Zende is back on canvas, so why not bring his mother back? Kristen was always the apple of Eric's eye, and a very good designer herself. Felicia also is a very talented designer, and of course there is Thorne, who I miss terribly. Bring him back and resurrect Ally; if they can reanimate Taylor twice, and Macy once, they could certainly find a way to bring Ally back too. 

Most of all though, the loss of anything related to fashion, fashion shows, and competing fashion houses has really killed Show. I have started from the beginning on YouTube, and am currently into season 3, and the differences are jarring. Nearly every day we have models in the various offices, with full rundowns of what they are wearing, from the fabric, to the cut, to the stitching, to the way the outfit falls on the body. It was all so believable and well done, it truly felt like they were all designers. Today all we get is a sketch here and there, and a model may be getting a fitting once every few months. 

Show today is a caricature of what it used to be. 

Quoted for truth.

Why is there no business on this show BUT FC now? Even Spencer Publications has taken a back seat.

It's full and TBH the older episodes on YouTube are offering far more than the show's offered in at least a decade.

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Hope what’s your malfunction?  You are going to allow Lurch to drop off Douglas, at the cabin, when you know Liam will be there. Can’t you just take him home yourself?  

You can always count on Liam to have that stupid blank clueless look on his face when he’s not sure of what to say.  

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14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Hope what’s your malfunction?  You are going to allow Lurch to drop off Douglas, at the cabin, when you know Liam will be there. Can’t you just take him home yourself?  

You can always count on Liam to have that stupid blank clueless look on his face when he’s not sure of what to say.  

This face?


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Lurch, are you kidding me?  It’s exactly what you want is to affect Hope’s and Liam’s marriage. It will give you the chance to swoop in on Hope once again claiming you are the man for her. 

Give it up Liam, Hope put her foot down and she chose HFTF and Douglas over you even though you made a good case for Hope not to trust him again.  It looks like your going to have to live with it but, if it was me, I would keep a close eye on Lurch and make Hope promise that if Lurch is anyway inappropriate, she has to cut him off at the knees but for the sake of HFTF, she may not  

Steffy you are so wrong. Lurch wasn’t given a blessing he “took” advantage of Caroline, and the result was Douglas.  I’m not so sure neither Caroline nor Lurch thought it was a blessing.  Douglas wasn’t convinced out of love. Douglas was convinced conceived out of lust. 

Edited by Waldo13
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What is the weird bobby-pin mess they’ve got going on with Steffy’s hair right now? It’s weird.

So the whole rehash repeat spin cycle begins again with Thomas using Douglas to maneuver Hope into forgiveness and believing he’s changed once again. Liam’s incredulity and exhaustion with it is all of us right now. 

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10 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

So Douglas inherited the need for his mom and dad to be together even though he never experienced Hope and Thomas together? 

I think it's more that he doesn't want them fighting over him. IOW, if his parents are together, then they won't be fighting...always putting him in the middle and/or making him take sides. At least in his mind anyway.

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3 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

I think it's more that he doesn't want them fighting over him. IOW, if his parents are together, then they won't be fighting...always putting him in the middle and/or making him take sides. At least in his mind anyway.

I can see him giving Hope an ultimatum that Thomas move in with them. Liam may have to go to Aunt Steffys.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

I can see him giving Hope an ultimatum that Thomas move in with them. Liam may have to go to Aunt Steffys.

Uh oh, if that happens, expect Steffy Baby #3, followed by a 3rd necessary DNA test. Ironically, JMW walked on-scene yesterday, holding a folder over her tummy. I immediately assumed she was pregnant again. She moved it & doesn’t appear pregnant, but I got a smidge nervous.

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That was a good twist for once.

Are Bill and Ridge going to be the new bffs.

Better than Bill being brainwashed or something.

Though why did they need Sheila out of jail to bring her down. 🤨

Edited by backhometome
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Bill and Ridge and Taylor and Brooke all being besties--the one twist we didn't see coming! 

At least this never-ending story seems to be progressing now!

Edited by Lilac2000
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16 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Though why did they need Sheila out of jail to bring her down. 🤨

Maybe they want her dead dead really dead so she can never escape from prison?  I hope they find some way to make it look like she had an accident and killed herself so that it's not a crime.  

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Well, well, well…that’s what we “Dallas” fans like to call a good old-fashioned cliffhanger. That was quite a surprise, & extremely welcome. That’s the best NCAA cliffhanger they’ve offered us since Maya’s reveal. Finally, we get in on the secret. 

I’ll never find him attractive, but Ridge just got about 10x hotter, standing near the blinding beauty of DD/$Bill. The man bun works for me, & those 2 boys have better chemistry than either have with any romantic partner, I’m digging this, & I was fully prepared to be disappointed with the $Bill’s agenda story.

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Oh Dr Finn, fuck work. Fuck me instead. In the time that Finn and Stuffy were discussing Hope and Lurch, they could have fucked.  Actually bringing up, from months ago, that Hope told Paris that Lurch was hot was taken out of context. Paris blew that statement well out of proportion. Wishful thinking Stuffy, Hope is only attracted to Lurch because of his designs not his so called charm. Stuffy, like Taylor is so full of herself in reading why Hope is able to forgive Lurch. You are a dumb shit Stuffy. Hope allowed Lurch to come back because you blackmailed her. It was take Lurch back or I’m dumping HFTF. Second, Hope did it for Douglas.  

As much as I think Liam is a whinny little baby, Lurch, ok the other hand is a loathsome ass hole to the nth degree.  If what Stuffy is thinking comes true, I’m going to need a quart of tequila to get my mind right and 6 months of therapy. 

Why is Bill going to all that trouble to put Shiela in jail.  Can’t he just do it by letting Stuffy, Finn, and Li testify?  

Ridge and Bill teaming up. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Just when you thought it wasn’t even possible, Ridge even looks greasier than usual. 

I guess there was coming attractions since March Madness will be televised Thursday and Friday. 

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Why is Bill going to all that trouble to put Shiela in jail.  Can’t he just do it by letting Stuffy, Finn, and Li testify?  

Right? I will grant the Ridge/Bill team up was a surprise but the storyline still doesn't make a bit of sense! Sheila was arrested and would have gone to prison. Why does Bill need to act like a zombie and sleep with Sheila to accomplish the same thing?!?

I don't believe for a minute that the writers started this nonsense with the intent to team up Ridge and Bill. There was no plan, they just stumbled on this out of desperation to move the story along. I'm sticking with that.

Also? I hate the Ridge man bun. Good lawd. Why can't this guy at least look like he showers and washes his hair once in a while?!?

Sorry I forgot this but I am so over this alleged Sheila victimhood because she cannot be with her one tru luv. Come on show, just stop it.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Omg, at least Bill is not crazy or brainwashed.  But him sleeping with her to put her away seems extreme. 

Wasn't she going away already with Steffy and Finns testimony? 

The FBI wants more and involved now?

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Maybe Sheila wouldn't have gotten a very long sentence with the attempted murder charges, and they're trying to put her away forever by getting her to confess to *all* of her crimes, going back to Genoa City.  That would explain the FBI.   I'm guessing the sword necklace is a wire.  Great twist, anyway!  If only Deacon was in on this, but I doubt it.

Hope admitted Thomas was hot after Paris badgered her for about twenty-five minutes to admit it.  

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Several things. First, Hope's stupidity is beyond belief. What's the old saying, "Fool me once ... " This will be what? About the fifth time Thomas has sung the "I'm changed," tune? Enough, really? And we don't need to be hit over the head that Hope's bullheadedness, poor judgment, and naivety are just "seeing the good in everybody." I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough. 

Steffy is just a bitch. Plain and simple. She more or less blackmailed Hope into agreeing to work with Thomas, now she's insinuating that Hope has feeling for Thomas. And I don't like Steffy's smirks when she mentions all of this causing problems for Lope. I don't get what Steffy's true motives are here. I wish that Finn would stop thinking with his other head, open his eyes, and see what rotten trash he's married to.

I have no idea what is up with Ridge and Bill. Agree. Why go to such lengths to get Sheila sent back to prison? When Bill kept pressing her to confess to her crimes, my mind went immediately to Dr. Jay Garvin and Lance. Good observation that Bill's sword necklace is really a wire.

I, for one, was hoping that TK's absence was going to be a whole lot longer. I thought the original reports were that he was taking a good 6-12 months off. I haven't missed Ridge at all and I thought the man-bun looked ridiculous on a man his age. 

I guess any hope of Braylor has evaporated. 


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So, I am doing my usual FF'd, when I see a man walking in what looks like a basement. Hmmmm.......stop FF'd for that I think. 

Fuckers got me this time for sure. There is no way I would have ever thought Ridge was involved in this mess. But it certainly adds a new and delicious flavor to a SL I have been avoiding like the plague. The FBI too? I would speculate it has something to do with all that money Sheila was alluding to. The FBI would be involved if it had anything to do with gambling across state lines, money laundering, kidnapping, or blackmail, all crimes comfortably within Sheila's wheelhouse. 

Great catch about the sword necklace @Snaporaz, I have no doubt you are correct, given all the focus on it and in those last scenes in particular, they kept focusing in on it. 

Now I can't wait until Monday!

Edited by RuntheTable
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Now we just need Li to be brought on board to the secret plan to make it truly awesome. At the very least, I’m sure Li will be very impressed with Bill if he’s the one to bring Sheila down for good. 

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11 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I guess any hope of Braylor has evaporated. 

Ah, but perhaps we'll get Ridge/Bill instead....?


.....right? 🥺



I joke, but I'm disappointed. We all know one of them will find their way back to Ridge sooner rather than later. Sigh....


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1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

Now we just need Li to be brought on board to the secret plan to make it truly awesome. At the very least, I’m sure Li will be very impressed with Bill if he’s the one to bring Sheila down for good. 

It would also be awesome if we get LiBill 😜

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