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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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8 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam: "Hold on. Hold on a second. Hey, Carter, maybe you want to grab a drink in the kitchen? I think I need a minute." He pulls Steffy aside and if you're thinking he's going to finally clue in that something is very, very wrong here, well...you'd be disappointed. For such supposed "soulmates," he doesn't know her at all and no, I'm not expecting him to guess that she slept with Bill. That's a leap too far, but if he knew her like these two profess to the world that they do, he'd know it's more than just what happened with Sally. 

An understandable mistake, given that they've spent most of the college Amateur Night level joke of a relationship broken up and Liam's attention divided elsewhere when they were "together."

8 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

And while the sting of Brill/Brooke being tossed away like they were nothing still lingers, I take some small pleasure in knowing the Swill fans are stewing over the outcome of their nasty-ass couple finally doing the deed (some to the point of crying Misunderstanding Night - which, nope!) Not so hot anymore, eh?

Oh, I've had many a pairing I've wanted to see onscreen get entirely ruined by TIIC (Nick/Taylor specifically) to wish that kind of misery on anyone else. But that said, how anyone can entertain the idea of this being a "misunderstanding" is beyond my comprehension. Steffy was stone cold sober in those clips. 

Every word RuntheTable said was correct. Every last word. Even when she fucked up, I could buy that Brooke had genuine feeling of regret when hurting someone as opposed to just whining that she got caught.

Every time she's been caught fucking up, Steffy just gets a damn pass--Liam stayed after he found out about the gondola, then caved to her demand that they get an annulment because their marriage was so real and she never wanted to pretend it wasn't (Don't worry, I laughed too). And while I'm at a table for one on how absolute batshit Ally was and likely would have done us all a solid if Steffy didn't literally beat her to it, she had no excuses to cover it all up if she was innocent. And you can bet that not a word of this will cross Uncle Thorne's lips when IR debuts tomorrow. And Ivy was a part of her wedding. No other comment is needed.

So to the spies reading this board, please do us a favor and toss out whatever revisionist rubbish that Bell is pushing on the writing staff the way he disposed of Sheila. Let Steffy be held accountable, and I don't mean turning Bill into the new Nick Marone and making him into some kind of stalker as he realizes she's carrying his child.  At this point, expecting any kind of self awareness is a pipe dream, but can we at least not backtrack into calling this a "misunderstanding"? Especially not with everything in the news on this.

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Yeah, it was the 'I've never made love to a woman the way I made love to you the other night' that made me throw up my hands and leave the room in search of something that made sense. And something to eat.

Bill settling for Katie since he couldn't have Brooke, I could see. We did see it. Batie 1.0 was dead, she moved on to Ridge, Bill didn't care and Brill was on until Brooke ended it. Katie, fresh off Ridge dropping her for Caroline, and Bill got those old feelings again and since Brooke was unavailable he went back to Katie. But as soon as Brooke confessed her feelings were still there, nothing stopped Bill from pursuing her which told you all you needed to know.

But I don't believe Brooke was a placeholder. I believe that Bill truly believed she was the one until she bailed on him over arsongate and the issues with Liam. In his mind a Spectra Queen would've stood by her king and defended him against naysayers and brought the rebellious sons to heel - which is what Steffy did and so those old buried feelings for Steffy, the one who he was willing to risk all before Brooke, showed herself to be the true Spectra Queen of his dreams. He didn't want to believe that Brooke could fail him but when she came to him after the building implosion disaster and still turned her back on him, his illusions of her as the one finally toppled.  And when Liam proved himself not only to not be a loyal Spencer but unworthy of Steffy who is of like mind to Bill and thus the Spencer creed, Bill had no issue cuckolding his son to claim who he sees as his Queen. As the one. As the woman he really and truly has always meant to be with.

Brooke took Steffy away by making her off limits, but in a round about way, she brought Steffy back to him with her abandonment. In Bill's mind, I have no doubt that he believes that everything that's happened has happened for a reason to show that Steffy and Liam don't belong together and that he and Steffy do. He's taking a page out of the Brooke 'Destiny' book and believes everyone else will go along and accept it or they won't. If they don't, who the hell cares as he'll have his Spencer Queen. Screw everything and everyone else.

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If the show's spies are visiting anytime soon, I have just one request.  If you are throwing Brooke and Thorne together and they happen to overtake "Swill" in popularity, under NO circumstances do I want you to switch gears and suddenly have Bill have some kind of epiphany and decide that he MUST have Brooke back--especially if the cancer called Leffy was your end game all along.  Let him keep his scummy ass with his unsanitary muse in evil, who apparently has no bottom when it comes to criminal behavior.

Brad Bell and the rest of you hacks started us on this course.  Own it and accept all the bullshit that comes with it.  Just leave Brooke the fuck alone and have her no where near it.

Thank you,

A Day One Viewer Who Is Fed Up With the Fanny

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Gag, I hate to say it but Dolla did have a point. Katie and Brooke both tried to change him while saying they accepted him for who he was. However, he misses the point that what they wanted him to change into was just a decent human being. But that's so far beyond his capabilities. Steffy will never expect that of him or even recognize one despite that she's currently married to one.  They are perfect for each other. 

Brooke made tracks at the first hint of trouble so fast she could have made a Brooke shaped cartoon cutout in the door,  not that I blame her but day-um.  At least Katie stuck around long enough to be dumped for her sister, twice. 

But really Brooke and Steffy are all about Dolla sticking it where he really wants to stick it and that's to Ridge. IMO

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So Steffy has been Bill’s endgame? Yeah, not buying that one. WTH is Brad Bell thinking and/or doing? I’m assuming he’s trying to make a new triangle with nuThorne, Brooke & nuRidge. Why waste all of that time & energy writing that years in the making (not to mention all those hot air ballon flashbacks) of Bill & Brooke to break them up a month later. Simply crazy!

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17 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

It's a real slippery slope when TIIC start trashing other characters to prop up someone who is so trifling and unsanitary that fans are debating whether or not she actually washed her ass before renewing her vows to her cuckolded husband. 

I know!  I mean, it's all well & good that she took shower (at least we assume she's the one who used the shower), but I hope she sanitized the vajay as well *shudder*

17 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

  Stuffy has always been a vile, manipulative, cynical, egocentric bully and tramp with no moral compass. 

I wish I could begin to describe how much I love your thoughts on Steffy :)

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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

And while I'm at a table for one on how absolute batshit Ally was and likely would have done us all a solid if Steffy didn't literally beat her to it, she had no excuses to cover it all up if she was innocent.

You're not at a table of one for the bolded part!!! :)

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14 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

If you are throwing Brooke and Thorne together and they happen to overtake "Swill" in popularity, under NO circumstances do I want you to switch gears and suddenly have Bill have some kind of epiphany and decide that he MUST have Brooke back

In addition, spies, under no circumstance are you to do the same with Ridge.  AND, yes, I know I'm getting greedy, but damn it just let Brooke be happy and keep her that way!!!

Edited by ByTor
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21 hours ago, jenrising said:




I'm still not over  the fact that according to Steffy, Liam broke their wedding vows by a kiss, maybe two when he thought he was minutes from death. Oh Steffy....I cannot use  the words I think about you in a public space....and $Bill? Screwing your son's wife & claiming it's all about family? Words.just.fail.me.

Liam...aww, you poor schmuck. Good luck when you finally find out what your "most perfect woman/wife in the entire galaxy" & Daddy dearest  have done.


Disgusting people...even beyond soap disgusting...

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Recap for Monday, 11/20/17:

We open at Bill's house, where he's on the phone with Justin, ensuring everything is ready to go. 

Bill: "Justin, I don't want anyone knowing I'm away, all right? Just send my calls over to Wyatt. And remember, you and only you know where I am. All right, thanks."

He hangs up, then sits down on the couch and his thoughts drift to the previous night.


He flashes back to the moment just before he and Hauxdi kissed:



Then to her moving above him, clearly enjoying herself:


Liam is the furthest thing from either of their minds right about now:


We cut to the beach house where Liam answers a knock on the door and finds Wyatt on the other side.

Wyatt, sarcastic: "Oh, so you are alive." He sighs: "This wouldn't have to happen if you just answered your phone."

Liam: "Oh, I, uh... yeah, I put it on silent last night." So he and wifey wouldn't be disturbed, I'm guessing, making it pretty clear Bill's swimmers aren't the only ones in the knock Hauxdi up race right now. 

Wyatt: "Yeah. I pictured your dead, broken, mangled body at the bottom of that cliff, okay? I was worried about you." What, did he think Liam would off himself? Over Steffy?

Wyatt asks if Steffy came home the previous night but Liam doesn't answer.

Wyatt assumes the worst (well, okay not the worst because we all know what the worst was and are having to be reminded, over and over and over again, via the Swill wallow flashbacks): "Man. I mean, I hate to rub it in, but, like, turning to Sally Spectra? You really screwed up." It was ONE kiss. One. A kiss that never would have happened but for their greedy father.

Liam: "Dude, I know that. It was a huge, stupid, terrible mistake. I broke my marriage vows. I don't want to talk about it."

Wyatt raises an eyebrow: "I'm sorry...you don't want to talk about it?"

Liam repeats: 'I don't want to talk about it."

Wyatt: "You can't just bury your head in the sand and pretend like it didn't happen! You should be freaking out, dude! We both know what a wonderful woman Steffy is and you don't want to lose her, right?" How wonderful can she be, Wyatt, when she dumped you the second Liam was sprung from Captive Cabin? TPTB crusade to make Hauxdi happen is truly laughable.

Liam: "I didn't."

Wyatt: "Okay, so you're saying she did come back last night?"

Liam: "Yeah."

Wyatt: "And?"

Liam, gives him a knowing look: "'And'" what?" 

Wyatt, sounding a little disappointed, I think: "She forgave you."

Liam: "Believe it or not...yes, she did."

Wyatt: "Wow. How much groveling did you do? Was it, like, pathetic?" It was pathetic. Still is.

Liam: "Dude, bro, give me a little credit. I did a lot better than groveling."

Liam fills Wyatt in on the vow renewal.

Wyatt: "Wow, you were desperate."

Liam admits: "I was, in fact, desperate. Yeah, I'm not ashamed to admit it." He should be. 

Wyatt: "Hey, I get it. I get it. You were grasping at straws."

Liam: "Well, more like I was grasping at symbolism. Like it's a chance to start over if I could get Steffy to forgive me. It's as if nothing we did before making those promises can hurt us again."

Too bad he knows nothing of what she did before she lied her ass off before, during, and after the vow renewal.

Liam: "I can't believe how close I came to actually losing Steffy." He doesn't realize, he already has.

Wyatt: "Yeah, well, you lost perspective."

Liam: "I did. I did. I mean, fighting with Dad...listen, what Dad did was wrong, but I went too far in defending Sally." I hate how he is walking this back now that he's back with his lying tramp of a wife.

Wyatt: "Yeah, blackmailing our father wasn't exactly your smartest idea."

Liam: "Yes, I see that now." I see that Liam is back to drinking the Kool-Aid.

Wyatt: "Well, a little self-exploration does wonders now, doesn't it?" Liam scoffs as did I (along with telling Wyatt to shut up). "Look, you've always been the one who rants and raves about how Dad doesn't have any ethics, but that just isn't true, now is it?"


Let's see arson, attempted murder, corporate espionage/sabotage, libel, cheating with his own's son wife....there seems to be very little lines left for Bill to cross.

Liam: "No, you're right. You're right. I mean, yeah, the guy doesn't believe in absolutes, but he does believe in unbreakable loyalties, and I broke one when I turned on him." That unbreakable loyalty? That's a one-way street as far as Bill is concerned, boys.

Wyatt: "Right."

Liam: "It's funny, 'cause the irony is he would never do that to me." It's slapping your hands on the table hysterical that he totally DID do that to you.

Wyatt: "You see how much saner you are when you listen to me?" No, I see how much stupider he is.

Liam laughs: "Oh! Obviously the self-righteousness gene did not bypass you." True statement.

Wyatt: "No. So what are you gonna do?"

Liam: "Uh, make sure my wife doesn't regret forgiving me, maybe?"

Wyatt: "About Dad, I mean. You can't just ask Carter to renew your vows as father and son. That's your job." It's Liam's job. Really? 

Liam: "I don't know, man. How am I supposed to apologize for fighting for what I think is right?" You're not.

Wyatt: "Apologize for not fighting fair. It's not a battle of ideas. You stabbed Dad in the back. He's not gonna ask you what point you were making." He stabbed Bill in the back? Oh, that is so rich...

Liam: "But if it's not about values, what is it about for him?"

Wyatt: "You know, for a genuinely intelligent person, you are really slow sometimes. It's about the relationship. It's always about the relationship, dude. What's Dad's favorite battle cry?" I can't argue with Wyatt about Liam being slow on the uptake.

Both: "'Family first.'" No, it's $ Bill, first, last, and everything in between.

Wyatt: "Exactly."

Liam: "I know. But, dude, honestly, do you even believe that? Like, his father was a tyrant who he hates. His sister won't even take his phone calls, and she sends him Christmas cards he doesn't open. That's like..." This discussion about Karen made zero sense to me. We saw the siblings growing closer, especially when Karen revealed she is gay and Bill didn't bat an eyelash and was supportive of her relationship with Danielle. If Karen knew of more recent events, that would make more sense, but since it doesn't seem that way, I call plot contrivance.

Wyatt: "They don't respect the relationship. Liam, that's all he's asking us to do. You can disagree with him 10 times a day. You can scream obscenities, if that helps. But you just...you never disrespect the relationship." Why is the burden on them and none on their father? Because it says honor they father (and mother)? Or, perhaps, their father's fat checkbook? 

Liam: "You know who gets that?" Wyatt glances askance at his brother. "Steffy..."

Wyatt: "Finally the light bulb goes on." She is not the second coming of Christ, guys.

Liam: "Shut up. I mean, I used to actually accuse her of taking Dad's side, but that's not even what was happening. She was fighting to preserve our relationship. I mean, Steffy literally put herself in between Dad and me." And how...I seriously cannot wait to pop all sorts of popcorn when Liam finds out the truth about his "loyal," "devoted," "martyr" wife.

Back at Bill's, he's pulled from his trance by movement across the room.

Bill announces: "You're here" as she moves toward the fireplace. I love how she's trying to go for the innocent look with her wig pulled back in a two-tone braid.


Steffy, whining as usual: "Yeah, well, I couldn't go into the office, and I was worried you were gonna call the house." 

Bill: "I knew I'd hear from you."


He was right...and in person, too. If she was looking to cut ties, she could have done that over a text.

Steffy: "I needed time." 

Bill:" Yeah, that's why the jet's ready and the yacht, because we do need time. Time to talk, time to think, time to make decisions." I hate how tender his voice is with her.

Steffy: "I'm not flying anywhere with you today."

Bill: "Look, Steffy, I know we're the kind of people that like to take things head on, but do you really think it's a good idea to stay in the line of fire right now?"

Steffy: "There won't be any of that."


Bill: "Not even Liam is that gentlemanly. I assume you went home to him."

Steffy, snottily: "Of course."

Bill: "How did he take it? About us?"


Steffy looks at him, wondering if he can really be as dense as Liam is: "I didn't tell him."


Bill: "You ran out so quickly last night. I just assumed that-"

Steffy: "What? What? That I was just gonna run home and rub it in Liam's face?" Well, can you blame him for thinking that? But no, her keeping quiet is even more selfish.

Bill: "No. No, I wouldn't put it in those terms, but he did betray you."

Steffy: "It's nothing compared to what you and I did. Bill, I can't hear all of these things about running off to planes and yachts. Like, look where the impulse to run got me so far." Exactly where you wanted to be.

Bill: "Back to where we used to be and to where we are now. Finally being with you last night...changed everything. I can't go back. So yeah, I am very serious. We are leaving here today together." 

Steffy: "I can't." Notice, she doesn't say she doesn't want to. Just that she "can't."

Bill: "Why not?"

Steffy: "Because I'm... I'm more married now than I was yesterday."


Why because you didn't cheat today? Although her being here at all is still cheating.

Bill is confused: "What does that mean?"

Steffy: Last night, Liam and I renewed our wedding vows."

Bill is in disbelief: "Renewed your vows? Last night?"

Steffy: "Yeah, Carter was there. I don't know. It all happened so fast. And then we exchanged our rings. I don't know. I was freaking out." All this said in a very apathetic voice as if it happened to someone else.

Bill: "Looks like the same ring to me."


Steffy: "You know it is."

Bill, dismissive: "Then it's just a bunch of hocus pocus."


Steffy: "Is that what marriage is to you, Bill?" Bill is no paragon when it comes to marriage but neither are you, heifer, so stop with the preaching.

Bill is pissed and calls her out: "Given our history, I think you know me better than that. But I don't think it's just words. You know, abracadabra, you say a thing and become that thing. When we first met, it was electric. We were mesmerized by each other. That was real. We were real. No words necessary. We loved each other. But circumstances... Katie's health dictated that I suppress those feelings, I lock them away. So I did lock them away. And I wanted...no, I needed you to be with Liam because that would mean you were off limits. That was a line I wouldn't cross and I didn't cross it. Until last night. I respected you as Liam's wife because I thought he would be a good and loyal husband just as I thought he would be a good and loyal son. I love Liam. But he's proven to be neither of those things. So, what? Some play acting and  a little, uh, preacher fairy dust makes you forget all that?"

Bill (and TPTB) can spout this revisionist history where Bill was in love with Steffy all along but I don't buy and never will. I could buy that he lusted after her for years, vicariously screwing her with his sons' dicks, but I know what I saw and the past five years that he spent in love with and pursuing Brooke make his words now ring so very, very false.

Steffy: "Exactly how good and loyal a wife was I?" You were (and are) the shittiest excuse for a good, loyal wife.

Bill: "Liam is the one who broke the marriage contract by making out with Sally. I mean, he can sell you on it was the circumstances, but if he wasn't into her like I said he was well before that, the kissing never would have happened. You can't recommit to a marriage held together by duct tape and good intentions. Believe me, I know. I'm an expert. I did it twice with Katie, and the first time it cost me you. Not Katie and not even Brooke could accept me, all of me, everything I am, the good, the bad, the ugly. No woman ever has. Except you."

I can't argue with him about Katie as she married him, claiming to have accepted him, dark side and all, but set out to change him, defang him, which is why neither of their marriages worked. Brooke did accept him, flaws and all, and the Bill he was up until recent events was a Bill that had his fangs intact but was working to be a better man for her. A man that stood by her and loved her because of, not in spite of. A man that did what he swore he'd never do and wait and wait and wait some more until she came back to him again. 

TPTB can take a hatchet to the Brill history all they like but it doesn't change what was.

Steffy sighs and, voice breaking (oh boo fucking hoo!), looks away from him: "I was trying to keep the family together. That was all." Sure, it was.


What's with the senior portraits (or at least that's how they look, especially DB's Wyatt) on the mantel?

Bill knows better than that and so do we: "Was that all? Really, Steffy? Was that all? You were following your nature." Her whore nature. "Liam was out of control. You came to me. You were drawn to me, just like you always have been. Now, doesn't that tell you something? Your renewed marriage is a lie and the only person you're being unfaithful to is you."


Steffy: "Bill, I was going to tell him!"

Show of hands...who believes her?

Oh? No one?

Bill: "I'm sure you were. But the game is set up for people like you and me to keep quiet, to toe the line."

Steffy: "He just wants a fresh start. He wants to put this all behind us."

Bill: "Your choice is clear. A life with a man that out of some temporary guilt and self-loathing you fake married last night where every word was a lie... or a life with me." He is right about every word she said to Liam being a lie. A normal, decent person would be eaten alive but it's Hauxdi...she has no soul, let alone a conscience.

Bill continues: "I never made love to a woman the way I made love to you last night."

More revisionist drivel.

Because I remember this:


So again, to TPTB who are trying to shove this retconn where Katie and Brooke were placeholders and Bill was just biding his time, waiting for his true wuv Steffy down our throats:


Bill finishes: "I know how that felt and it was mutual. Tell me you want what I want. I know that you do."

Steffy: "I want to be married to your son. That's never changed." She wants to be married to Liam because she can control him. Also, I think she likes to reap the benefit of his crusader ways, even if she despises him for it.

Steffy: "Can you not admit that we made a huge mistake last night?" Bill admits to wrongdoing never, except briefly, with Brooke.

Bill nails her: "Sure. Last night when you let shame drive you back to your fractured marriage." 

Steffy snits: "It's where I belong, Bill! Like, my God. My God, Bill, I hate myself right now." 

Show of hands, who believes her?

Oh, still no one?

Bill: "Truth is truth. No matter what you call it. And the truth is that you and I are more alike than you and Liam will ever be." Heartless assholes with no conscience. "We belong together. We have always belonged together and deep down inside, you know that."

Steffy: "What do you want from me?" 


Isn't that obvious?

Bill: "All of you."

Steffy: "Being with you, I would have to give up everything, Bill."

Bill counters: "Maybe being with me, you would gain everything. Look. Liam is a good person. I love that boy." Really? "But he is a boy, and life is going to kick him around without mercy."

Steffy: "Stop, stop. I hate the way you talk about him."


That's a first. She did nothing but sit there while Bill talked trash about his own son and even encouraged him in this regard. "I'm the undeserving one, not Liam."

Bill, trying to get under her skin (when he's already there and always will be, like a scratch she can't reach): "How much of yourself are you willing to hide? I mean, I'm sure it started small. You would order a steak for lunch at work because if you came home and wanted one, he'd look at you sideways. You would keep quiet about not liking his business style. You would keep quiet when he wanted to save the latest species of frog headed for extinction. You'd keep quiet about the mutiny at Spencer or having to be a hero to Sally, making her the priority over you. And now there's something else you have to hide. Us. Year after year, you're going to bury so much of yourself, you're going to become a ghost in your own shoes. And you will be haunted by the bigger life and the truer life that you could have had with me."

Steffy shakes her head, walking away, unwilling to listen: "Liam and I will fix this. You don't know me as well as you think you do." Interesting and telling that she won't let him get close to her...I think she no longer trusts herself with him - as well she shouldn't.


He slowly follows in her wake, his next words stopping her pacing dead in her tracks.

Bill: "I know you better than you're comfortable with. What happened to  that fearlessness that I loved in you so much?"

Steffy: "Then don't love me!"


Bill: "That's impossible." 

Steffy, grasping at straws: "I wanted to be alone, Bill. I went to my grandfather's to be alone." Oh no...not another attempt at whitewashing their illicit physical consummation of their ongoing affair.

She took his call on the very first ring while her husband's calls and texts were ignored.

She let him in the door at the guesthouse after feebly protesting about wanting to be alone.

She is the one who kissed him back.

She is the one who made out with him on the couch.

She is the one who helped him remove her clothes and his.

She is the one who straddled him, ready, willing, and oh-so-eager to take a ride on the Stallion.

She is the one who let herself, in turn, be rode.

Bill is having none of this bullshit either: "And if I hadn't shown up, you probably still would be." 

Steffy: "Maybe I would."

Bill: "Wondering what happened to the you, you used to be. From powerful, kick-ass woman to sobbing in the family guest house." He's mocking her here and I'm enjoying it, even if it's coming from him.


Bill adds: "I guess you should thank me. I put the scare in you that sent you running back to him, didn't I?"

Steffy: "I'm as guilty as you are!"

Bill is annoyed: "So now it's all ugliness to you."


Steffy, denies it: "No, no, it wasn't like that." So, tell us, Hauxdi, exactly what was it like? Oh wait, we already know. You fucked and were fucked and you relished every moment of it. And, as noted, her denial of it being ugly speaks volumes.

Bill: "Then why is the thought of a life with me so terrifying?"

Steffy: "It's not that it's terrifying, Bill. But your world. I mean, who loves you? Justin? Wyatt? Who?" And see, I was right - she's with Liam in large part because people love Liam. People gravitate to him like plants to the sun. She wants to bask in that love and pretend that's how everyone feels about her. Plus, God knows why, but the men who've answered her siren call think she's some sort of goddess. Instead of the albatross she is. Bill is right there with them but he's not the lapdog they are. That's the difference.

Bill: "You." Noticeably, she doesn't deny loving him or wanting him.

Steffy: "There's only one thing I want from you."

Bill: "My silence." He knows her all too well.

Steffy: "Liam can never know. I hate this. He was honest about kissing Sally and then I had to go and... oh, God. Oh, God, Bill. I have no choice. There are only two people who know about last night. Let's keep it that way." She DID have a choice. She has a choice now, to come clean, to have some shred of integrity that allows Liam to make an informed decision about his own future. And you know the old saying...two people can keep a secret...when one of them is dead.

Bill is disgusted (and I can only imagine the hit to his ego): "Burying your head in the sand...that's your style?"

Steffy: "He'll despise me just as much as I despise myself! Now please, tell me you're not gonna say anything!" Self-preservation, folks...that's all that matters here.

Bill: "When something happens in life that changes you-"

Steffy interrupts: "Just promise me you're not gonna say anything! I'm not gonna lose my marriage over this. I'm gonna be a good and loyal wife to your son and neither one of us are gonna breathe one word to Liam or to anyone about this." No, no, NO! Good and loyal wives don't cheat on their husbands. Good and loyal wives don't consider a vow renewal as wiping a slate clean where only one half of the couple is in the know and even if a vow renewal was considered to be wiping the slate clean (which, no), every day she hides the truth from Liam, she is lying to him, she is betraying him. She is protecting him and protecting her lover, Bill. Good and loyal aren't in the same universe as her.

Bill: "I never intended to complicate your life."

Steffy: "I know."

Bill:" What happens if you're complicating it more?"

Steffy: "I need my husband." Not "I love my husband." Not "I want my husband." Very, very telling... Her voice breaks and JMW needn't bother. I feel nothing but loathing and DISGUST for her character. "Promise me you're not gonna say anything. Please."

Bill, steely eyed, agrees: "Okay."


Steffy just sighs, unable to look him in the eye, a thing she had no trouble doing the previous night.


The truth will come out, heifer...it always does. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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37 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

If Karen knew of more recent events, that would make more sense, but since it doesn't seem that way, I call plot contrivance.

I'm sure Jabberjaw, aka Katie, gave Karen a call offscreen :)

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Thank you for the awesome recap, CountryGirl!  I also applaud you for continuing to call a thing a thing (TM Iyanla Vazant) and reminding us with actual clips of Bill's verbatim words to Brooke.  But, yeah...she's a placeholder at the Altar of "The One Who Got Away" and whose stuff is like sunshine!

I see that the Stephanie Forrester, Jr. Praise & Worship Half-Hour shamelessly continues unabated.  Good Lord!  How can other women possibly compete with such a beautiful, wonderful, brave, kind and warm human being?

I know that Bradley and his team of hacks are working overtime to convince all and sundry that this slippery slag is "the one that got away" from 50-Cent Bill.  But, will someone please refresh my recollection about something?  When has Stuffy ever been someone's first choice?  And, I ask this question in all seriousness.  Wasn't she typically the aggressive stalker, the interloper, or the one who was used by someone to stick it (no pun intended) to her father or husband?  I just have a difficult time believing that Bill put this loose booty skank in the layaway especially when she would have happily and willingly ridden that pony to glory at the drop of a dime and with an ounce of encouragement from him.

Another question:  When has Stuffy ever been able to elevate any man she has been with?  For all of the flaws of the Logan women, at least they tried, and Bill was at least willing to try for Brooke and Will's sakes.  And, for all of 50-Cent Bill's revisionist whining about Brooke, what the fuck has he done to TRY to show her that he changed or wanted her back?  I realize that may be an unfair question since TIIC basically stopped writing for Brill when they came back from their unseen honeymoon.  But, still.  Nothing beats getting your ego and thighs stroked by your slattern-in-law and being placed above the husband she just had to have.

And, of course, we know that Stuffy is no shrinking violet and could have told her besotted fool of a husband the truth at any time--if she wanted to.  Granted, I imagine it's difficult confessing to her spouse that she's the family mattress of Logan women leftovers, but still.  

Given that Brad Bell is the EPA's Man of the Century for his recycling efforts, I guess we'll be treated to a scene where Stuffy blubbers to Liam as he's walking out the door, "You promised to love me FOREVER!!"  Her "sainted" grandmother did it when Eric was walking out the door, and her mother did it when Ridge was walking out the door.  Why not continue the family tradition?

Edited by MulletorHater
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49 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

When has Stuffy ever been someone's first choice?  And, I ask this question in all seriousness. 

The only one I remember is Marcus, but that was when she was still a virgin & a halfway nice person.  Once that was done with , so was her niceness.

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14 minutes ago, ByTor said:

The only one I remember is Marcus, but that was when she was still a virgin & a halfway nice person.  Once that was done with , so was her niceness.

Ah, yes, Mushmouth...but I wouldn't call her a halfway nice person, even then. She was still hateful towards Brooke, the woman who had helped raise her and her siblings while her mother was taking a dirt nap.

As far as your question, @MulletorHater, regarding Steffy elevating any man (and my apologies if it was meant to be rhetorical), but she hasn't. 

Mushmouth, she cuckholded with Rick.

Just when we thought Rick couldn't have stooped lower after already being with Phoebe and Taylor, she gives him her v-card when her sister's body is barely cold.

Owen and Oliver rejected her stank ass overtures, keeping their integrity intact.

She was Bill's partner in crime when he cheated on his ailing wife, Katie, and it doesn't get much lower than that and I'm not even a Katie fan.

She aided and abetted and with Bill's help manipulated Liam, sweet, loyal fiancee and would-be husband of Hope, into Waffles 2.0. Now he's a cuckhold and a chump and apologizing to her for having morals and integrity.

In recent weeks with Bill, she's sided with him in his plans to take down Liam, her own husband, remaining steadfastly loyal to him even after he blew up SF with Liam and Sally inside. For all her crowing about how she's trying to keep the family together, she's done nothing but tear it apart. Even before she spread her legs. She cheerleaded Bill tearing down his son, applauded his plans to demo and build on the former SF (calling it "good business"), and helped him ruin his relationship with his son, possibly irrevocably. They bring out the absolute worst in each other and revel in it. 

They really are a match made in hell.

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6 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I wouldn't call her a halfway nice person, even then. She was still hateful towards Brooke, the woman who had helped raise her and her siblings while her mother was taking a dirt nap.

If I'm remembering correctly, it took a little while for Steffy to become the hateful jerkface we know and love LOL.  Someone posted a clip in the Retro thread from when Steffy returned from London & she was actually really nice to Brooke, I think she even hugged her.  I think she started to hate all things Logan after her icky Ricky relationship ended, which really annoyed me because Brooke was constantly defending her to Ridge.

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Just now, ByTor said:

If I'm remembering correctly, it took a little while for Steffy to become the hateful jerkface we know and love LOL.  Someone posted a clip in the Retro thread from when Steffy returned from London & she was actually really nice to Brooke, I think she even hugged her.  I think she started to hate all things Logan after her icky Ricky relationship ended, which really annoyed me because Brooke was constantly defending her to Ridge.

Okay, so she wasn't a total hosebeast for five minutes...


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I like Liam.  I liked him even when he was messing with my girl Hope.  It's probably because I like SC.  But I have to say it:  Liam, is a fucking idiot!!  He needs to get a CAT-scan because he obviously suffered some severe head injuries when Spectra came down.  LIAM WASN'T WRONG.  He was the only one who was right.  Only Liam gave a single thought to Sally, a young woman whose life $Bill and Hauxdi (perfect!!!) were destroying, just because they could.  He's the only one who felt even the slightest twinge of guilt for breaking that poor young woman's heart and trapping Thomas in a relationship with a hateful bitch.  He might have gone a bit overboard, but if offering devoted employees healthcare, maternity benefits and college tuition for their children is wrong, then it's the type of wrong America needs.

Watching Liam grovel to Hauxdiloks AND $Bill would be slightly tolerable if there was a chance that they would suffer the consequences of their betrayal.  But they won't.  They're going to skate, like they always do, especially Hauxdi.  At least $Bill had to endure years of being married to Katie.

So I guess now Liam is going to join the chorus of people condemning Sally for breathing and blaming her for every bad thing that's happened in the 21st century.  FUCKERY.

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I'm wondering how many takes it took for them to film the scene with Stuffy and Liam and than again with Liam, Stuffy, and Bill. I don't know how they could keep a straight face when Liam was reciting his lines. Yes, Liam, I love you, but I love your wife even more. Bill has been lusting for Stuffy a lot longer than Liam has.  Liam talked of Loyalty but to Bill and Stuffy, loyalty is a one way street to be demanded but not given. 

I forgot to mention the other day that taking a shower and putting on your dirty cloths and underwear is almost is as bad as not taking a shower at all. 

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Liam the dupe.  Liam the fool.  Liam the cuckold.  Liam the doormat.  Liam, who has gone from Dudley Do-Right to Fucking  Idiot in less than a week.  He's the poster boy for "When Trying to Be Decent Goes Wrong."

The idea that this poor sop had to be emasculated even further to grovel to his trifling, treacherous sperm donor a/k/a Papa Bear Spencer and his ho-bag moll called Fauxdilocks is absolutely mind boggling.  Too bad this isn't one of those shitty reality shows because there should be some serious wig snatching going on right about now.

Can we please get on with nu-Thorne and consign these folks to backburner hell where they belong?

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4 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Liam the dupe.  Liam the fool.  Liam the cuckold.  Liam the doormat.  Liam, who has gone from Dudley Do-Right to Fucking  Idiot in less than a week.  He's the poster boy for "When Trying to Be Decent Goes Wrong."

I mentioned n a post earlier how I hate that "punish characters for shit they didn't do" trope, and in this is kinda sorta the same thing. Look, I'm been gleefully looking forward to the day any woman dropped his waffling ass for good. I didn't even hate Hope too much for keeping him on a string until the shit with the Paris wedding, but at least that was a clean break.

But fuck, I feel robbed now in a way i havent since before Nick was trashed to prop Bridge Reunion #8472. I'm glad Liam is allowed to have a personality and autonomous thought finally, but getting cheated on for doing good--not just his usual good deeds to make himself look better than Wyatt for attention, but for no other reason than because it was the genuinely right thing to do--is unsatisying to sit through. I felt the same way when Eric blasted Ridge about Douglas and even at his absolute most wafflish, Liam Cooper is no Ridge. 

I hope the spawn ends up to be Bill's so he can at least get a chance of a clean break with Sally or Ivy or recast!Hope or Saul or LDG or pretty much anyone that isn't Stephanie Forrester II.

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56 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I hope the spawn ends up to be Bill's so he can at least get a chance of a clean break with Sally or Ivy or recast!Hope or Saul or LDG or pretty much anyone that isn't Stephanie Forrester II.

On one hand I want Liam to have a kid because I want to see daddy Liam and a big part of his story has been building his family since he lost his mother so a kid would be huge for him.; on the other I don't want him saddled with a kid that connects him to Steffy. And we see how big a deal it was for Thomas to be named Douglas' father - kid is offscreen and has no influence on the canvas.

Steffy is due for a kid before Liam as her legacy family usurps his, but if Steffy is pregnant and it's Bill's, the child she will have will be Liam's half bro or sis which still ties him to it and will be like Hope is to Bridget - the personification of his father and wife's betrayal. That'd be a big story for him having to go through that period of anger to forgiveness and acceptance. Liam would totally deliver his baby sibling at Big Bear during a freak summer snow storm in July (which is when Steffy should be due if she's pregnant from her November romps).

Although not sure this kid will live even if it would be another lost kid for Steffy as it'd be another Spencer/Forrester kid in succession after Thomas and Caroline's kid. Then again there would be some family hijinks for Douglas and Steffy III (aka Trinity) being related on both sides of their families.

Some things are too much to get over or ignore. Liam has a big heart and I'm sure if it comes to that, he would adore lil' Phoebe/Hamilton Spencer-Forrester, but if it were me? Steffy and Bill would be cut off pretty much forever. Maybe I'd send the kid a $50 savings bond for Birthdays and Christmas.

They could make her pregnant with twins but that still ties her to both men which would create more drama but Guiding Light regretted that decision and just made the twins on their show one baby daddy; on DOOL with Sami, Lucas had to swallow a lot of pride to allow his daughter to be parented by EJ due to her twin being EJ's son. Liam and Bill being forced to co-parent their kid twins might be a bit much.

Now Wyatt and Liam sharing the same baby momma and being co-dads? That's TPTB inching closer to the coupling they've wanted for a while ;)

Edited by TobinAlbers
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I think I have figured out who JMW is trying to model Steffy after.  Paige Matheson on "Knot's Landing." I was watching some old clips and noticed the similarities. Let me clearly preface that by stating not in the looks department. Paige was a nasty cold bitch with no warmth or redeeming qualities but the likenesses fall short there. (I honestly didn't think that Nicolette Sheridan was that great of an actress but she certainly was successful in making me hate her character. But she is Meryl Streep compared to JMW and NS actually got better as she got older and more experience, like on "Desperate Housewives.")

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Ah, nah. NAH, NAH, NAH.

Slow the hell down Show.

Let’s see, in a month’s time, we have had Bill and Steffy’s emotional affair, Liam forgiving his dad, Bill showing Liam how committed he was to their reunion by resurrecting SKY, Bill blowing up SFs with Liam and Sally in it, Sally telling Liam she loved him, Steffy telling Liam he disgusted her and her storming off in an angry huff, Bill showing up to stroke Steffy’s pus……ego, Bill and Steffy fucking, Liam and Steffy renewing their vows, and Bill agreeing to keep shagging Steffy a secret. Wow. And now, now, I am supposed to believe that Bill is genuinely contrite? That he is remorseful and wants to start over with Liam? And that Liam is apologizing for being who he is? And wants to renew his relationship with his father? It’s all cool now about the explosion because Bill saved him? Not because Bill has apologized or taken any responsibility for it, but because he saved Liam? How much of that was about Bill saving face and how much of it was about saving Liam?

I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel like I have been bitched slapped, forehand and backhand, many, many, many times. For Katie and for Brill. Mostly for Brill. And as if the sting of that was not enough, I now feel like I have been bent over and….well…..

This is so fucking disgusting. That duplicitous, no good, cheating, lying, morally corrupt, father-in-law fucker is gonna come out of this looking like a heroine? Oh, fucking NOEEEESSSS! I am calling raging bullshit. Complete, and utter Tomfuckery! There is no way I am going to be able to stomach watching Bill and Steffy “fight” their feelings, with her crocodile tears, and Bill mooning around like a loon, as Liam reattaches his leash and collar and sits like a good boy. Sally will lose too, because now Liam will cut her off in the worst, most hurtful way. She will think it is about her, and her confession, but it is really about Liam being clueless. It is about Liam being played by his father and devoted wife. That’s right. Heifer devoted herself to healing the family by sliding her fermented honey pot over the Stallion like any good Cowgirl should. Indeed. She rode that white pony with abandon; her pent up desire, and blatant horniness, driving her to give Bill sex like he has never experienced.

My cage is really, really rattled. I have developed whiplash trying to keep up with the daily developments, and comings and goings of Steffy’s vagina, as well as her devotion and allegiance.

Liam, Wyatt and Bill all in the space of two years. And married to two of them. I could maybe get behind it from the naughty angle, except they don’t come off as naughty. It leaves you with images that you cannot unsee. Things no self respecting person should ever have to see. Pornography at its cheapest and its finest. Watching Bill and Steffy makes me feel dirty, and not in a good way.

I hope Steffy is seated on Liam’s left on Thanksgiving, and has to say something positive about her husband. That is if they keep that silly tradition going this year. I will enjoy watching her compound her hypocrisy and deceit in front of all she claims to love and care about.

Just horrid. Horrible. I detest her. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Well said, RuntheTable!

Uh ... Quinn, honey ... if you think that waiting until 9 a.m. to get a huge turkey (to feed 10+) in the oven, plus make all the trimmings, is reasonable ... you are kind of on this side of delusional!

Edited by grisgris
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Recap for Tuesday, 11/21/2017:

I'll dispense with the yawn-inducing goings-on at the Forrester mansion.

Maya and a newly-shaved and shorn Rick are in the living room, eager to help with the Thanksgiving festivities, and JY and KM are happy to have some screen time.

Pam and Charlie come in and Pam thinks it's sweet that they came early to help but you can tell she really, really doesn't want them messing around in what she considers her kitchen. 

Eric and Quinn come in, teasing Rick and Maya about canoodling in the living room.

They chat about who else is coming to tomorrow's festivities.


Zende is staying in Paris, but Nicole is coming. Please, no more Lizzie drama.

Rick: "The bigger, the better, right, Dad?"

Eric: "Friends, family -- everyone's welcome."

Quinn: "Well, I know one person who's not gonna be welcome, and that would be Sheila Carter."

Eric: "Uh, no, Sheila Carter will not be here. After everything that's happened, she wouldn't dare try to crash our Thanksgiving." It's silly that they would even mention her, especially as I doubt anyone but Queric and Charlie had any inkling of her shenanigans,  but I guess they are going for some "suspense" of will she or won't she? My money is on she won't. 

Quinn and Pam argue about what time Pam can have access to the kitchen and it was actually 9am the NEXT morning. What the hell, Quinn? Pam normally grates my last nerve but not in this. There's no way she and Charlie could get everything done in that amount of time, even if they had done some earlier prep/cooking. Quinn doesn't even cook anyway so what does she care? Why do I care so much? 

Eric: "I can't wait for this meal. You always do such a wonderful job." So tell your wife to ease up on the kitchen restrictions, Eric.

Pam: "Thank you so much, Eric."

Maya: "Let's just hope all the surprises are on our plates, hmm?"

Rick scoffs at this: "I've seen the guest list. If you're looking for a laid-back, stress-free Thanksgiving, you better make plans to eat someplace else." True statement.

Eric: "No. No, no, no, no. Thanksgiving is always a very magical time in this family. No matter what's going on in our lives, we always manage to rise above." When the cheesy say-something-nice-about-your-neighbor script calls for it...and they (and we) are supposed to turn a blind eye to everything else that's going on.

Pam frowns: "I know, but...I hate to say this, Eric. This year, I think it might take a miracle worker to bring everyone together." Oh and I can just guess whom said miracle worker is going to be. Hauxdi and her magical va-jay-jay.

Talk turns to the guest list and the seating chart and Maya questions having it, considering their all family. Silly Maya, no seating chart means no contrived speeches to one's least favorite person.

There's mention of Steffy and how she hasn't gotten back with Pam, but Quinn chalks it up to her being "busy." Getting busy, I'd say.

Later, Quinn and Eric are alone and I always enjoy seeing Queric, but there is still something not quite clicking with them (the lingering stench of Quidge, I guess). They talk about hiding out in the bedroom when Pam asks them to taste something eleventy times. 

Eric: "You were gonna try to call Steffy again, though."

Quinn: "No, I texted her this morning. I'm sure she'll get back to me. You're really worried, aren't you?"

Eric: "Well, I'm wondering if maybe I should be. We find her bracelet in the guesthouse, and then it's not like her to be out of touch. It's like you said. Maybe something's going on in her life." Eric is like a dog who sniffs for drugs, only in Eric's case, it's trouble.

Quinn: "I don't want to think that she and Liam are having problems." Since when does she care, especially about Liam?

Eric: "Yeah, neither do I. At any rate, we'll see them tomorrow. They'll be here, and we'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving no matter what."

Quinn: "Aww, and just the way you like it -- a house full of family."

Eric: "I do love that."

I do think Quinn loves being part of a big, extended family, given she didn't have any of that growing up. 

Wonder if she will stare down Katie and Wyatt at the table, given she knows about them? Or will she be too busy sleuthing with Eric about Steffy being at the guesthouse to notice.

Steffy has returned home from Bill's and is lost in thought.

Liam comes in and spots her: "Cancel all your big plans for the day?"

Steffy: "What?"

Liam: "At the office."

Steffy: "Oh, no, I wanted to stay here." Lest I be tempted by your big, bad daddy with his big, bad...

Liam: "Well, I'm glad you did." He laughs:  "I came out, and I was just standing there, staring at you, and, I don't know how I missed it so easily."

Steffy: "What?"

Liam: "Just...how precious this all is. How close I came to losing you. One thoughtless, stupid reckless moment, and I put everything I care about in jeopardy, and you are such a wonderful woman, and I am so glad you chose to forgive me, and I am so sorry that I broke my vows to you." Blech. About the only thing he got right is that Steffy is a woman. Although this statement and the ones about to follow could (and should) have been spoken by/about Steffy.

Steffy: "Please stop, Liam. I'm not that wonderful." Truer words have not been spoken.

Liam: "It's true. Family should have been my priority."

Steffy: "So much conflict and emotion... anyone can lose their bearings." Really, heifer? You lost your bearings???

Liam: "I was confused. And hurt and angry and frustrated."

Steffy: "Those are powerful feelings."

Liam: "Powerful enough I almost lost you."

Steffy: "No, you didn't. We renewed our vows. You want a fresh start." Oh, that just wipes your dirty deeds away. 

Liam: "I know. But I think I want that with my father, too." She gives him a look. "I do! I mean, I know we're gonna disagree and we're gonna butt heads, but...God, he's my dad, and he loves me, and I have to trust that. You know? And I have to take responsibility for my part in all of this." He is honest-to-God blaming himself for his father almost blowing up the building he was standing in. 

Steffy protests: "No. No. No, you don't. No, you don't."

Liam: "No, I do, I really do, Steffy. I mean, I blackmailed him. I blackmailed my own dad, and i disrespected you, and I broke my marriage vows." I'm so tired of saying this, but I'll say it anyway - YOU ARE NOT THE ONE WHO BROKE YOUR VOWS!!!

Steffy, nervously: "But then we made new vows. I thought we were gonna put that all behind us and focus on moving forward." How convenient. For her.

Liam: "I know, but that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to set things right with my dad. Look, he asked for my forgiveness. It's time that I asked for his. I need to rebuild his faith in me. But, Steffy,  I can't do that alone. And I'd really like for you to come with me to Spencer."

Steffy looks horrified: "No, no, I don't think that's a good idea."

Liam is puzzled: "Why not? Why not? Nobody was as invested in us reconciling as you, right?"

Steffy, on quicksand now, "I know and I still want that. I just think having me there might complicate things." Coward.

Liam: "Steffy, this is not just about my father and me. I mean, everything that happened, everything good that happened was because of you." I am just shaking my head at this point. Liam, you are so very, very stupid and naive.

Over at SP, Bill is alone in his office, thinking.


His face gives away where his thoughts are and with whom.


He flashes back yet again to moments with Steffy. On the one hand, can we MOVE ON already? On the other, it solidifies that these two were having an affair long before they actually fucked.




Justin comes in, wondering why he's not on the Stella Maris already.

Bill, annoyance in his voice: "Change of plans. Cancel the Stella Maris and the jet. Trip's off."

Justin is confused: "What happened?"

Bill: "I'm not going anywhere, Justin. Aren't you listening? Just cancel the trip. What I thought was happening...isn't."

Justin: "What's going on, man?"

Bill: "I did something unforgivable." Oh, come on, I don't buy that Bill has one ounce of remorse. If he did, he wouldn't be constantly flashing back to fucking his own son's wife and all but licking his lips in the process. He wouldn't have wanted to spirit Steffy away on a yacht that holds so many memories of Brooke.

Justin: "That's practically an everyday occurrence around here." At Bill's stern look: "What?"

Bill: "Forget it. Just cancel the trip. That's all I need right now.:

Justin: "Hey. You're not still feeling guilty about Spectra, are you?" Obviously, you've lost no sleep, Justin, and seriously, what DID Bill do to have Justin at his constant beck-and-call?

Bill: "No!" See, not an ounce of remorse for almost killing Liam and Sally.

Justin: "Well, is it Liam? The holidays?"

Bill makes a face: "The holidays?" This is $ Bill Scrooge you're talking to, Justin.

Justin: "Being apart from your son, I know it's taken a toll on you, Bill. Being at odds with Liam, the way he betrayed you."

Bill, as if to himself: "I wonder where he learned that from." He looks off into the distance: "I condemned Liam for not putting this family first."

Justin: "He was blackmailing you."

Bill: "And we got past it! Steffy asked me to make things right with Liam, and I did that. I couldn't leave it alone. My gut says 'go,' and it's full steam ahead. I built an empire with those instincts. I mean, they're not wrong, Justin. I can't get other people to listen to them. I expect everybody to follow my rules, be loyal to me, loyal to the family. I confront Liam about his betraying me, and what do I do? I hit him. I nearly killed him in that explosion." There's so much truth in what Bill is saying, about himself, the way he operates, how he treats people, how he acts first, the consequences be damned.

Bill: "The things I've done... terrible things. For a father to do that to his own son... I don't deserve Liam's respect. Or his love." One could get whiplash with Bill going back and forth the way he is, except, I'm not buying what he's trying to sell or the least bit convinced this is how really feels. I think he wants to want to feel this way in his heart of hearts, but he doesn't. 

I think this is his wounded ego talking and he's doing some pity partying and nothing more. I can guarantee NONE of these words would be coming out of his mouth were he and Steffy on a plane right now.

Justin: "I know what you need. A night out. I can't remember-"

Bill: "That's not what I need."

Justin: "Listen, I know everybody's coming down on you, telling you what a bad guy you are, making you question yourself. But you got to stop that. That's not you! That's noT what you do!" It is! It is what he does! 

Bill, letting Justin's words assure he's in the right even when he's so very, very wrong "No. No, it's not."

Justin: "That's right.

Bill: "I act." As I said...and let the consequences be damned.

Justin, encouraging: "That's right."

Bill: "I see what I want, and I just -- I just take it."

Justin: "That's right! Look at Sky, all right? She'll get you out of that mood. All that steel. Concrete. Mirrored glass. When that beauty is built, you will be able to see yourself every way you turn."

Bill: "No. No, I don't want to look at myself right now. Just do what I asked. Cancel the Stella Maris and the jet."

Justin: "No trip?"

Bill: "No trip! And I don't want to hear another word about it!" Because Steffy said "no." This time.

Justin leaves to do his bidding.

Bill goes back to reminiscing as the earlier memories become intertwined with those from the previous night.







His thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door.

Bill, annoyed, barks: "What do I have to do to get some peace around..." His words die as he sees who comes in.


Bill: "Liam..." A moment later, trailing reluctantly behind her contrite-looking husband: "Steffy."


Steffy, nervously: "I, uh, told Liam to talk to you himself, but he wants me here." I do enjoy watching this cowardly bitch squirm and look at her hanging back, hiding in the corner.


Liam: "I, um...I know I said I'd never come back here, that I was cutting all ties with Spencer Publications, that we were done."

Bill, eyeing Steffy: "And I believed you."

Liam: "I know you did. You both did. And, uh... I was wrong. I've been wrong a lot lately, and, uh...I'd like to come back. I'd like to work with you again. If you'll have me. I handled this poorly from the beginning. I blackmailed you. My own father. I forced you out of your company, I spent all my time focusing on righting your wrongs and never examining my own, and most of all, I didn't listen to this amazing, wise woman who did nothing but try to broker peace, who wouldn't let anything come between us." Someone, please pass me the barf bucket.


Steffy, from the corner: "That's the big thing. That's what we need to be focusing on." Of course...how convenient for you that your husband is not only kissing YOUR fake ass but your affair partner's, too.

Liam: "My values haven't changed. Obviously, I have a different vision for this company. Obviously, I won't agree with all of your tactics, but...I also know that I'm not always right, and I have to be big enough to admit when I'm wrong. Well... I'm wrong. I betrayed you, and I'm sorry. Would you forgive me?"


I just cannot...all that's left if for Steffy to attach his collar and Bill to put Liam's leash in his iron grip. 

Bill and Steffy have already wronged him beyond belief and are stooping even lower than I thought possible, even for them. That is going to make their betrayal that much worse.

Bill: "You want me to forgive you?" He's playing off that he's surprised, but I don't buy it. Liam is bending over to get fucked just like he always does. 

Liam: "And I understand if you want to think about it, given the way I've behaved." The way HE'S behaved??? He is so naive and trusting. I can only hope that when the truth comes out, as painful as it will be, he finally and fully reclaims his balls and his backbones and unleashes on them.

Steffy: "No one's been blameless in this. We've all made mistakes." Stop calling fucking his father a "mistake!"

Liam: "Well, it's time for me to admit mine. Look, there are a lot of causes in this world worth fighting for, but there's nothing more sacred, nothing more... foundational than loyalty. And I'm not just talking about the commitment between a husband and wife. I'm talking about the bond between father and son, and I want you to know I'm ready to make that a priority."


Bill didn't deserve to be made a priority what with his greedy lust for Sky and his willingness to blow up his own son and Sally to set Sky in motion.

Bill: "Why now? We've both said this before." The tone in his voice, this question is a dead giveaway that Bill isn't one iota remorseful or even regretful for what he's done - not the arson, not the demo/almost-killing, not fucking Steffy. 

Liam: "Yeah, but the difference is, you meant it. And despite the impressive shiner you left on my face, you've been nothing but loyal and faithful to me, and I think it's time I returned that faith and loyalty."


I can't believe I almost forgot about Bill punching Liam. It is disgusting and so disrespectful to Liam and to other abuse victims to have to stand here and listen to him apologizing to his abuser. 

Bill: "Liam..." What, is he making you feel guilty? Neah...

Liam, in tears now and it breaks my heart to see it: "No, listen. I got to get this out, okay? I know that you didn't mean to demolish the Spectra building with me and Sally inside. I know that. And, yeah, it happened, and, yeah, I almost died, but I also know that you saved my life. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way that i treated you afterwards. And I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love you, Dad."


OMG! There is so much wrong here, I don't even know where to start. Of course, he meant to demolish the SF building and he didn't even bother to personally check himself that the building was clear or to call the cops and get them out of there. He blew it up regardless of the outcome so long as the outcome meant he could build his precious Sky. And Liam hand-waving this all away like "yep, it happened and so what if I almost DIED???" How crazy is that statement? And praising Bill for saving his life when BILL is the one who put him in jeopardy???

I honestly cannot wrap my head around this, except to think that Liam is that loving and forgiving and so in need of a family after his beloved mother was taken from him far too soon that he's willing to not only accept the paltry crumbs he gets from his own flesh and blood, but to crave them and BEG for them?

He's like a puppy who keeps going back, tail wagging, eyes hopeful, to its owner, no matter how many times its been kicked, beaten, and/or starved. 

It makes me physically ill to watch this and as much as I hate Bill, I hate Steffy even more that she would let her husband subject himself to this, all but prostrate himself, and beg for forgiveness from a man who can't love and has stabbed him front and back numerous times and for what? To save her lying, betraying, disgusting ass? That is a form of abuse and evil to the very core. 

Steffy is in tears, too, tears of relief that once again, her chump, naive husband has fallen for their bag of tricks with a heaping helping of gaslighting. 

Bill: "I love you, too, Son."

The two men embrace and I'm not moved one bit because I know it for the sham it is.


Poor Liam is so happy and emotional as they hug, clinging to his father, and it's so sad to see, especially the lines and bags around his eyes, showing the toll this rift (of his father and Steffy's making) has taken on him and he just took all the blame. 


But if anyone had any doubts about Bill doing a sudden-180 (and I know if folks fell for it, it's just because DD is that good), take a look at this close up of Bill. The smug, calculating, "Sucker!" look is written all over him.


And Hauxdi, who knows him just as well as he knows her, reads him instantly:


Bill has them both exactly where he wants them and I predict it's just a matter of time before he and Steffy fuck yet again.

Edited by CountryGirl
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As always, CountryGirl, your recap was spot on!

As much as it pisses off this Brill fan to the highest of pissivity to have it implode the way it did, I take grim satisfaction in seeing how reviled and detested Swill is overall.  And, yes--I'm petty like that and proudly aspire to Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan levels of pettiness.  No amount of smutty soft porn flashbacks of Bill bedding that unsanitary skank will ever make them "hot" or romantic.  JMW claimed their fucking (not lovemaking) would be "animalistic."  Sorry, boo-boo, but the only thing animalistic are the hides of those poor rodents on Stuffy's head.  No amount of Stuffy claiming she just wanted to bring the family together will ever change what happened.  This is particularly true when she repeatedly put Bill over Liam.   I said a few weeks ago that my own father-in-law is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever met but that doesn't make me want to rub his thigh or eye-fuck him while we're talking.  And, If I'm sooooooo horrified about sleeping with my FIL, why in the world would I go and visit him and be alone with him?  In addition, if my FIL struck my man and set out to destroy him, I would want nothing to do with him.  But, that's what the "heroine" of this piece did.  Repeatedly.  And, no amount of Bill's revisionist whining about his previous relationships to prop Stuffy and Swill will change the fact that they are what they are:  two disgusting, trifling, and detestable degenerates who will shit on anybody to get their way.

So, instead of getting the redemption storyline some of us hoped for, we get this trash, which degrades everyone involved in it--even the "innocent" spouse whom everyone is supposed to feel sorry for, but can't quite because he looks too stupid to live thanks to the writing.  Hardly anyone is buying Bill's show of remorse because that's exactly what it was:  a show.   We saw Bill actively plotting to ruin Liam by any means necessary for weeks--including using Liam's rode-hard-and-put-away-wet wife as a bodily fluid receptacle--to believe anything that comes out of Bill's mouth at this juncture.  Bill's face reminded me of Michael Corleone's when he dramatically embraced his brother, Fredo, in The Godfather II, knowing full well he was going to have the hapless sap killed.

Don't even get me started on that horrid creature, Stuffy, who will stand there and allow her huzzzzbend to debase himself under the guise that they are getting a clean slate.  Sorry, boo-boo, but your tears don't move me.  My bowels maybe, but that's about it.  It would be poetic justice if any spawn that passes through her loins is stillborn.  I'm not up for months on end of this creature rubbing her swollen belly and wondering who sired her demon seed.  Better that that thing die in utero than seeing the light of day and being raised by Stuffy. 

And, the unwitting person who really got shat on in all of this is Sally.  Stealing designs and profiting off of them and throwing some cake on a dressed-in-black idiot do NOT justify what has happened to her.  If she had any sense, she would recognize that she is actually in the cat's bird seat and start acting like it.  There would be no price too great that Bill, Spencer Publications and Stuffy could pay to keep buy my silence.   I would keep twisting that knife until it couldn't be twisted anymore.  But, then, too, I'm petty like that.

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Quinn: "I don't want to think that she and Liam are having problems." Since when does she care, especially about Liam?

Quinn can feel free to never comment on anything about Liam's life ever again. 

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16 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Quinn can feel free to never comment on anything about Liam's life ever again. 


However, old Quinn would've been all over this info to try to get Steffy back with Wyatt to get him away from Katie.  So progress?

Guess they're trying to make Quinn's sincerity about being sorry for what she did to Liam and to never interfere in his life again stick. Still doesn't mean she shouldn't be buried under a jail.

I get the reasoning behind the 'on Thanksgiving all grievances are forgotten and all the families come together' as it's a great sentiment and it cuts production costs shoving everyone onto one set for the episode, but just once I'd love for some loner to be fuck this and have a pizza, beer/wine, ice cream and pumpkin pie Thanksgiving elsewhere.

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Not to be shallow but Stuffy looks like shit while Sally is absolutely beautiful.  Don't like Quinn with a bun at all.  Lily, from Y&R, and Nicole must be mother and daughter. They both dress like hookers. Darlita certainly knows how to light up a room. What a breath of fresh air.  

One more shallow statement. Stuffy's Botox face and hair is too big for her body. 

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Does anyone recall Eric having a cow pasture in his home?  I only ask because there was so much bullshit being tossed around in that dining room that I'm shocked anyone had an appetite.  There should have been plenty of shade being thrown around, which is what happens when real families gather together and half the people in the house can't stand each other.

First, even on Thanksgiving Day, the Stephanie Forrester, Jr. Praise & Worship Show must continue!  Why was her trifling ass sitting at the head of the table?  And, what in the world was she wearing?  Why must everything she wears scream, "LOOK AT MEEEE!!"  As the hostess and the mistress of the house, Quinn should have been at the head of the table.  But, I guess it would have been less drama that way.  

If this were the real world, Bill's ass would be sitting at home alone.  There isn't enough goodwill in this world or the next that would have me sharing a table with him.  The Spectras shouldn't have two words to say to him.  I suspect that the Spectras were there because RJ asked if his girlfriend and her family could come. 

Brooke should have done a sneak move and changed those place cards because she shouldn't have wanted to sit beside either of the pigs she was married to.  Brooke, I love you, but if you truly believed that Bill worked to make things right with his sons, you would be with him now.  Rick knows full well what Ridge's deal is with respect to how he treats his mother.  So, stop it, bruh.  And, Bill should have been struck down by lightning for letting that mess come out of his fool mouth.  Steffy is praised and worshiped for holding the Spencer family together?  How, Bill?  Why don't you enlighten Lotty, Dotty and everybody in that room exactly how that field slut "held" your precious family together--the same family you wantonly threw away for a Lego set.

Speaking of family, where were the rest of Eric's children?  Noticeably absent were Ivy, Thomas (oh, that's right--they haven't recast the role yet), and the little ones.

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I thought the placements at the table for Thanksgiving were just ridiculous. Steffy should NOT sit at the head of the table opposite Eric. That should be Quinn as mistress of this house. And why did Steffy wear her nightgown to the dinner?! And why was NIcole there with her boobs hanging out? Why was Brooke sitting beside the husband she just left after 2 weeks of marriage? I do usually enjoy the Forrester Thanksgiving dinner and the thanks they give to each other but this year was an absolute bust for so many reasons. This was just so unrealistic in every way. A pox on these writers!!

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8 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

As always, CountryGirl, your recap was spot on!

As much as it pisses off this Brill fan to the highest of pissivity to have it implode the way it did, I take grim satisfaction in seeing how reviled and detested Swill is overall.  And, yes--I'm petty like that and proudly aspire to Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan levels of pettiness.  No amount of smutty soft porn flashbacks of Bill bedding that unsanitary skank will ever make them "hot" or romantic.  JMW claimed their fucking (not lovemaking) would be "animalistic."  Sorry, boo-boo, but the only thing animalistic are the hides of those poor rodents on Stuffy's head.  No amount of Stuffy claiming she just wanted to bring the family together will ever change what happened.  This is particularly true when she repeatedly put Bill over Liam.   I said a few weeks ago that my own father-in-law is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever met but that doesn't make me want to rub his thigh or eye-fuck him while we're talking.  And, If I'm sooooooo horrified about sleeping with my FIL, why in the world would I go and visit him and be alone with him?  In addition, if my FIL struck my man and set out to destroy him, I would want nothing to do with him.  But, that's what the "heroine" of this piece did.  Repeatedly.  And, no amount of Bill's revisionist whining about his previous relationships to prop Stuffy and Swill will change the fact that they are what they are:  two disgusting, trifling, and detestable degenerates who will shit on anybody to get their way.

So, instead of getting the redemption storyline some of us hoped for, we get this trash, which degrades everyone involved in it--even the "innocent" spouse whom everyone is supposed to feel sorry for, but can't quite because he looks too stupid to live thanks to the writing.  Hardly anyone is buying Bill's show of remorse because that's exactly what it was:  a show.   We saw Bill actively plotting to ruin Liam by any means necessary for weeks--including using Liam's rode-hard-and-put-away-wet wife as a bodily fluid receptacle--to believe anything that comes out of Bill's mouth at this juncture.  Bill's face reminded me of Michael Corleone's when he dramatically embraced his brother, Fredo, in The Godfather II, knowing full well he was going to have the hapless sap killed.

Don't even get me started on that horrid creature, Stuffy, who will stand there and allow her huzzzzbend to debase himself under the guise that they are getting a clean slate.  Sorry, boo-boo, but your tears don't move me.  My bowels maybe, but that's about it.  It would be poetic justice if any spawn that passes through her loins is stillborn.  I'm not up for months on end of this creature rubbing her swollen belly and wondering who sired her demon seed.  Better that that thing die in utero than seeing the light of day and being raised by Stuffy. 

And, the unwitting person who really got shat on in all of this is Sally.  Stealing designs and profiting off of them and throwing some cake on a dressed-in-black idiot do NOT justify what has happened to her.  If she had any sense, she would recognize that she is actually in the cat's bird seat and start acting like it.  There would be no price too great that Bill, Spencer Publications and Stuffy could pay to keep buy my silence.   I would keep twisting that knife until it couldn't be twisted anymore.  But, then, too, I'm petty like that.

You can seat me at the head of the table of the Petty Family Thanksgiving and I'm Canadian.  If it wasn't for @CountryGirl, @MulletorHater and the rest of the expert snarkers on this board, I wouldn't be able to watch this shit storm.  I spend more time reading the comments here than watching the show as it is.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I thought the placements at the table for Thanksgiving were just ridiculous. Steffy should NOT sit at the head of the table opposite Eric. That should be Quinn as mistress of this house. And why did Steffy wear her nightgown to the dinner?! And why was NIcole there with her boobs hanging out? Why was Brooke sitting beside the husband she just left after 2 weeks of marriage? I do usually enjoy the Forrester Thanksgiving dinner and the thanks they give to each other but this year was an absolute bust for so many reasons. This was just so unrealistic in every way. A pox on these writers!!

For the most part, I would consider today's Thanksgiving thanks, a circle jerk. Especially Nicole to Maya and Bill to Stuffy.  I spent a lot of misspent youth in Greenwich Village being entertained by The Theater of the Absurd.  This type of theater advocates, in a nut shell, that human existence has no meaning or purpose and logical argument gives way to  irrational and illogical speach.  Nuff said.  

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That was so much worse than I had anticipated. Who made those seating arraignments? Charlie and Mama A? Darlita and RJ? Rick and Ridge? Brooke and Bill?

I hate them for putting Brooke in that position. The whole exchange left me boiling. Bill barely glanced at Brooke and was so clearly not listening to her. Fuckers. I want Brooke far, far, away from Bill.

Rick is ok with Ridge now? Allllllright. Wonder if that is because the two will be teaming up against Thorne?

I did enjoy Katie and Quinn’s little exchange. I hope they are going for a tolerant but unapproving Quinn, and a snarly, not snarky, Katie. That would work for me, and would give two talented actresses something fresh to work with.

Can I have my own Darlita? I’ve liked this actress from the beginning, but she is quietly and subtly morphing the character; much like KKL did with Brooke. I enjoyed our original Darla, but her in your face, ditzy blonde routine did wear thin after a while. I like how this young lady delivers her lines with no shtick; she has great comedic timing. I think she is just adorable.

Steffy is not the Matriarch, at least not in any universe I want to be a part of, so why was she at the head of the table? Is Quinn afraid of upsetting her because of everything that went down with Ridge and Sheila? If Quinn only knew the rotten bitch no longer had the high ground. No, Quinn has no idea how low her step granddaughter has gone. And really, if that ridiculous cow had a shred of integrity; she would have deferred to Quinn, who was the organizer and hostess, and is a wife that didn’t fuck another man. Did Steffy not apologize to Quinn for being MIA during the Thanksgiving Day planning? Didn’t she tell Quinn that “Thanksgiving got away from me this year?” Right. Bitch should have clarified that she hasn’t been focused on turkey so much as tube steak. But no, that soulless heifer allowed herself to be ensconced in the place of honor. Then compounded that insult by accepting the compliments, and tongue bath, delivered by the man she shagged two nights ago. Oh yes, everyone, please take note of the efforts our little Matriarch has put out (pun intended), in order to keep the Spencer family together. She should be getting an A for effort and a gold star, maybe three of them since she has tasted all three adult Spencer men. At this point Katie should be having papers drawn up with clauses about what will happen if Steffy comes anywhere near Will, but I digress. Steffy’s strenuous efforts have included getting between these men and running interference. That ain’t the only thing this little sausage slinger has gotten between. Not by a long shot. She got between Thomas and Sally by summoning Caroline back to LA. She got between the sheets with Bill. And she got between Bill’s legs. So don’t stand there glowing in the praise of your fuck buddy you disgusting pig. Don’t be making doe eyes at him either. I didn’t miss how you were sending him your subliminal signals before dinner. Looking at Bill with raw desire flaming in your eyes. Showing that you may have told Bill you want to be with Liam, but that isn’t really what you want. No, Steffy wants the Stallion, but she doesn’t want the boatload of shit that will come with it. I can’t think of a single character that would be accepting; Bitch knows they would all be beyond disgusted and disappointed and horrified. For me, it is very important how these two are outed. I don’t want them to be in any position to be defended. And I want them to be blindsided.

I liked Quinn’s dress, but the bun? Not so much.

Brooke was a vision. Loved her dress and makeup. I see they will not let us see her new spikey haircut and had it pulled up again today. But she looked awesome all the same.

Katie? I kept thinking about a naughty nun.

Steffy looked like she was ready to go out clubbing. Or to bed. Or like she forgot to put her dress on over her slip. Is it my imagination, or is Steffy looking more like a Kabuki doll every day?

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9 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Hey, Hauxdiloks!  God don't like ugly!!!!!

Well, well, well, would you just look at that? I am wondering if this is why Ivy has been MIA? We already have an overload of young females with no available males. I am ok with this as long as it doesn't involve Hope, Steffy and Liam. I guess Sally will really be out of the picture now. 

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18 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I thought the placements at the table for Thanksgiving were just ridiculous. Steffy should NOT sit at the head of the table opposite Eric. That should be Quinn as mistress of this house. And why did Steffy wear her nightgown to the dinner?! And why was NIcole there with her boobs hanging out? Why was Brooke sitting beside the husband she just left after 2 weeks of marriage? I do usually enjoy the Forrester Thanksgiving dinner and the thanks they give to each other but this year was an absolute bust for so many reasons. This was just so unrealistic in every way. A pox on these writers!!

This has to be one of those instances where the hacks who wrote yesterday's episode haven't actually WATCHED the plot-driven dreck they have been feeding the audience for months.  Had they bothered, they would have realized that half the people in that room wouldn't be sitting at that table.  Some would have politely declined the invitation once it became clear that Bill was invited.  Bill should have had enough self-awareness to decline the invitation given that his soon-to-be ex-wife (who rightly dumped him and hasn't looked back) would be attending, as well as the slattern he just screwed a couple of days ago.  Quinn would have asserted her authority as the mistress of the house particularly after battling Sheila during the summer and into the early fall.  No way would she have ceded that to Skankerella.  Rape victim, Liam, would still be feeling a certain way about being around Quinn.  Vivian (who reminds me of my own mother) would have had some choice words for Nicole about her attire and it wouldn't have mattered if she was a grown ass woman.  Given that Bill only faked a reconciliation with Liam a mere couple of weeks ago, how in the bloody hell can he claim that Skankerella brought his family together?  Shirley, who has no boundaries, would have dragged Bill for filth and then asked someone, "could you pass the macaroni and cheese please?"  The folks who presumptuously packed Brooke's things and moved her out of the Spencer mansion would have been throwing shade at Bill throughout the entire meal.  Some folks would have also been giving Skankerella and Nicole the side eye, not only for their inappropriate attire but also those awful wigs which look as if they were purchased at Sally's Beauty Supply at the local strip mall.  Had Bill been trifling enough to accept the dinner invitation, he would have brought his own food taster with him to ensure he wasn't being poisoned.

I can tell you how my own family operates. Someone would have angrily excused themselves to go outside and have a cigarette because they couldn't take it any longer and refuse to be fake.  Someone would have muttered, "Chile..." when that person left the table and reached for the biscuits.  Another person would have run outside after that person to calm him or her down to convince them to come back inside.  Someone else would have abruptly stood and announced, "I'm sorry but I'm not doing this!" especially knowing half the shit that has occurred.  They would have apologized to the host and hostess, grabbed a paper plate and some aluminum foil and fixed a plate or two to go.

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I know I've gone months without  speaking to someone for inviting the friend of someone I had a beef with to karaoke because it was beyond my comprehension that she could not know who was friends with whom within our 42-woman berthing, and that person hadn't done anything near what these people have done to each other.

Holy balls. I get there's budget constraints that force everyone under one roof, but geez. 

ETA: Looking at that table, but has it actually gotten bigger this year? The last time Hope got everyone playing nice, there was just a handful of people and not everyone who was on contract.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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