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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Let's have some more fun with screencaps, shall we? 

Because yesterday's show was bad, so very, very bad...and not in the so bad it's good like Sly Stallone's semi-driving, arm-wrestling flick Over the Top.


I was going to comment on the marks on Katie's wrist but all I could focus on is Eric's skin. Get some Eucerin or Gold Bond or something because that is nasty.


Eric: "Katie, I am here to comfort you even though my wife straight up hates you."

Katie: "Well, that was easy."


Katie: "I just don't understand why she thought she could just barge in here."


Eric: "Don't you know you could have just locked your door? Damn!"


Mateo: "Quinnie, are you okay? Are you okay, Quinnie? Quinnie, are you okay, Quinnie?"


Quinn: "No...I am not okay...I'm supposed to be the only cougar in these there parts."


Mateo: "Cougar, huh...when were you a cougar?"


Quinn: "Oh, just the time I kidnapped my son's concussed, amnesiac half-brother and fed him meat and made him believe we were husband and wife and he was Adam to my Eve and I raped him and fed him some more meat...it was fine. He needed the protein."


Mateo: "Mateo make it all better."


Quinn: "I'm the cougar. I'M the cougar."


Mateo: "Yes, and I'm about to make you purr...or something."


Mateo: "But first...let me pound on you with my fists."






Still more massaging...

That candle looks a little too close to those towels...how sad is it that I'm fantasizing about a fire breaking out in the spa room so at least something interesting can happen.

Sheila and Charlie and Pam were on...and that Jessica skank from Big Brother...at least I think I saw them before I reached for my remote and pressed the FF button.

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16 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Oddly enough, casting was gonna hire Ingo Rademacher for the role of Mateo. I guess casting missed the part where Mateo is Mexican.

Most of the actors on Mexican telenovelas today are white or very fair skinned Mexicans ...that is, the ones playing the rich & important people.  Most of the Mateo-looking browner-skinned Mexicans are cast as servants, shop workers,maids, thugs, etc.

If the Bold & the Beautiful were set in Mexico today, Ingo Rademacher would be cast as Thorne Forrester and no one would blink an eye.  Actors who look like him are cast all the time as the son of the rich family.

Estefania Forrester would be played by somebody who looked like JMW, while Sally Spectra would probably be played by a slightly browner skinned, dark eyed Mexican actress (like Darlita).

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1 minute ago, drivethroo said:

Most of the actors on Mexican telenovelas today are white or very fair skinned Mexicans ...that is, the ones playing the rich & important people.  Most of the Mateo-looking browner-skinned Mexicans are cast as servants, shop workers,maids, thugs, etc.

If the Bold & the Beautiful were set in Mexico today, Ingo Rademacher would be cast as Thorne Forrester and no one would blink an eye.  Actors who look like him are cast all the time as the son of the rich family.

Estefania Forrester would be played by somebody who looked like JMW, while Sally Spectra would probably be played by a slightly browner skinned, dark eyed Mexican actress (like Darlita).

In the SOD interview with IR he said the Mateo role was for like 11 or 12 episodes. I'm not sure if that's the case now with current Mateo. I get the impression that he staying longer. The Sheila, Eric, Quinn & Mateo story arc looks like it's just starting.

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This is what I would like for current Mateo:

Quinn really doesn't have any friends.  I would like current Mateo to have a crush on her but be loyal to her and not seduce her on Sheila's say so.  He doesnt' need to be on full time, he can be like John Silva or Miguel over on Y & R.

Sheila needs to go.  And they need to investigate how she has stacks of cash to pay Mateo and get portraits commissioned but not any money to pay her fleabag motel bill.  Maybe Pam can find out Sheila's been sniffing around Charlie, flip out and get rid of both of them.  The End.

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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Maybe Pam can find out Sheila's been sniffing around Charlie, flip out and get rid of both of them.  The End.

If we saw the return of Psychotic Pam and she ended Sheila for good, it would more than make up for the years of nothing she's been given since Stephanie died. Taking Charlie out would be an added bonus. Then, we'd have money for Mateo, who can move on to other ladies...or even Liam, who discovers he's bi and Steffy blows her kid. It's be a great way to let him move on and keep Lally as just friends/ working partners. 

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1 minute ago, Anna Yolei said:

Liam, who discovers he's bi

C'mon now. Liam will only find out he's bi after Wyatt learns he's not Quinn and Bill's son and TPTB can play on their chemistry the way they've been wanting to for years and it not be incestuous.

Return of Psycho Pam using her powers for good instead of evil would be great.

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4 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

C'mon now. Liam will only find out he's bi after Wyatt learns he's not Quinn and Bill's son and TPTB can play on their chemistry the way they've been wanting to for years and it not be incestuous.

Lol, you're right. Because if we got Rick/Tridge twins, Thomas/Hope and Thomas/Brooke after the stupidity of Ridget, it's safe to say Brad Bell would definitely go there with two guys and call it progressive. ?

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Watching Show this week has left me feeling like this:



Pam and Sheila as besties?  Pam better watch it; Old Steph could cut the one’s she loved just as quickly and deeply as the one’s she didn’t.

NO.NO.NO Katie! You don’t get to shriek and shout to Eric about big ole meaning bad guy Quinn. Yeah, Quinn didn’t have the right to come into your home, and barge into your bedroom and start ordering you and Wyatt around. But you didn’t have the right to come into Quinn’s house either, and you didn’t have the right to stalk her, and you didn’t have the right to spy on her with your little gold plated telescope, and you didn’t have the right to blackmail her, and you certainly didn’t have the right to pull a gun on her. So sit down and shut the hell up.

And now Eric is trying to draw some comparison between what happened with Katie and what happened with Sheila? The raging fuck I say. Psycho Sheila attacked Quinn, and Quinn fought back, which led to Sheila’s “concussion”. And really Eric, have you forgotten that Sheila was faking the whole thing?

Quinn and Eric giving sensitive and very personal information to their new Estate Manager? Oh wait…….is Mateo also a licensed therapist?

I feel like a group of Kindergartener’s were enlisted to write filler for this week. Not one fucking thing of any import has happened and the dialog has been beyond ridiculous. My Furbabies feel it too! My Itty Bitty Pittie Quinn, who hates her namesake but loves her some Brooke, wasn’t interested last night and simply couldn’t be bothered as she napped through Show. And my Big Blockhead Fred, who is gaga about Steffy, has been far more interested in licking his butt and his penis than watching Show. I guess they sense that Mom wasn't into it much either as my head lolled around during my nap.

Edited by RuntheTable
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6 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Quinn 4.0's previous history files were sealed and to be forgiven and forgotten per the edict of her husband Eric who claims no previous acts should be held against his reformed bride -who then proceeded to have an emotional affair with his son.

She knows nothing of this Adam and Eve you're referring to nor does anyone else on the show.

I loved that. Eric was like 'Well, I have been through a lot of women in this town...may have to bring in some outside blood.'

Thanks for that explanation, TobinAlbers.

It certainly goes a long way toward explaining how a one-woman crime spree has been elevated to lady of the manor with pristine drawers.  All of her vile and heinous acts have been thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, never to arise or be thought of anymore.  Evidently, according to B&B lore, sleeping with one's son-in-law and having his child out of wedlock is a far bigger crime than kidnapping, rape, physical assaults, stalking, possible murder and other crimes of moral turpitude.  And, all it took for Brad Bell to accomplish that was dusting off two of B&B's super villains, Sheila and Deacon, to give him a little help along the way.

This show managed to go from zero to shitty in a matter of weeks.  As pretty as Mateo is, I can't watch this jack of all trades have yet another massage session with Quinn.  Sheila's ass needs to die for good.  Nor, am I willing to sit through Katie acting all brand new when she pulled a gun on Quinn (without even knowing if it was loaded) in the middle of a psychotic break (Katie's, that is).   And, I'm definitely not about to watch Bill dip his wick into the stale and rotted honeypot of the Stank One.  I apologize in advance for the visual.

And, am I to understand it that Sludge can't go into SP without wanting to throw up in his mouth?  This is just simply too delicious not to comment on.  Look in a mirror, buddy, and you will understand why I might feel the same.  And, now, it appears that Brooke is pimping in a roundabout way for the inevitable "stink?"  Of course, these hacks have all the subtlety of a Mack truck.

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I have to tell you that my head is spinning.  Bill and Steffy, in their conversation, position, on the situation, changed a few times. Steffy's defense of Liam changed to her defense Bill.  Bill went from trying to reconcile with Liam and it's all his fault and wanting to reconcile, with Liam, to Bill demanding he gets his company back or Liam will feel his ire.  Reconcile with Liam my ass. 

If Katie is so traumatized by Quinn, than why is she at CF where she could run into Quinn. She could work from home and Wyatt could be licking her wounds or anything else to sooth her.  Brooke's and Katie's conversation did need to happen at CF either.  I'm glad that, with Brooke still having Bill's scent all over, she isn't running back to Ridge.  

It has got to the point where a good day is having Stuffy, in her glorious maleficent, on rather than Medusa aka Shelia.

The back and forth between Ridge and Liam was lighthearted and refreshing. I would call it a good fencing match. 

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This is me being a shallow Bitch Eating Crackers:  I know Halloween is soon, but Steffy's all black ensembles of late and her Morticia get-up today are not making. it. Not. At. All..

Is the all black Show's way of telling us Puffy is going over to the dark side by supporting Bill and ultimately betraying Liam?  I think after watching $Bill today he's not out to bed Steffy, but to convince her to erase the incriminating recording of his confession.  I have to believe Liam is smart enough to have several copies elsewhere than his phone.

Seriously Sludge -- Liam is not going to tell you what went down with Bill.  It's none of your business.  Stop being so damn pushy and fishing for something on Bill so you can win Brooke back.  If the Brooke/Katie conversation today is any indication, Brooke isn't considering you right now.  And while I generally dislike Lemonheads, she spoke truth by advising Brooke to be alone for a while, maybe for a year.

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4 hours ago, La di Diva said:

This is me being a shallow Bitch Eating Crackers:  I know Halloween is soon, but Steffy's all black ensembles of late and her Morticia get-up today are not making. it. Not. At. All..

Is the all black Show's way of telling us Puffy is going over to the dark side by supporting Bill and ultimately betraying Liam?  I think after watching $Bill today he's not out to bed Steffy, but to convince her to erase the incriminating recording of his confession.  I have to believe Liam is smart enough to have several copies elsewhere than his phone.


Funny you should mention the black attire.  All during today's episode I kept wondering who died and where is the funeral.  Come to think of it, the Widow Spencer's been sporting black for a while.  She should just get on with it.  She should just spred her perfectly Brazilian waxed twat and let Bill dip his pen into the Widow Spencer's ink well.  Liam's probably stored a copy of the incriminating confession on his email account......at Spencer Publications instead of on Hotmail, Gmail, or Yahoo.  Smooth move, asswipe.  All it would take is a few dollars pushed toward the IT department by Bill's henchman Justin and "poof", said email is gone.....except too many people know the truth. 

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Black widow is spot on...

Look at Fauxdi here, eyeing her prey:


Although with this look from Bill, it's clear he's the spider, she's the fly.


Time for some more couch consoling....


With some knee fondling...


That shade of blood red makes her look every inch the soul-sucking emotional vampire she is.


Bill's thought bubble reads: "You're in way over your head..."


Bill: "Let me caress your hand that's caressing my knee."


Bill: "It won't be long now until she completes the Spencer trifacta - inside of a year."


Steffy: "Let's opt for Thanksgiving...you can stuff my turkey."


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Thanks for the recap, CountryGirl!

Whatever JMW is doing to herself, she needs to stop.  NOW.  While there is still time.  Otherwise, she will end up being a cautionary tale like the actress who used to play her TV mom.  At the very least, some reputable professional should have placed a cease and desist order on anymore procedures for her.  This goes beyond bad wigs/horse hair and troweled on makeup.  The cheek implants are more obvious than ever and her face is stretched so tightly that it simply doesn't move anymore.  As horrid of an actress JMW is, her face is devoid of anything resembling emotion .  And, speaking of makeup, the cat-eye look that's prevalent now does her no favors whatsoever.  Plus, I thought the "rule" was if you're wearing a bright red lip, the blush should be toned down considerably.  Don't even get me started on the stenciled-on Instagram brow look.

As for Bill's slattern-in-law, I'm not sure what the writers are going for here.  All I know is that my own father-in-law is one of the most gorgeous men I've ever met but I would never massage his thigh especially under the guise of "consoling" him.

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I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll open my big, red lacquered lips, and I’ll blow I’ll stop this family from imploding, and you will not seek any revenge on Liam.

So says Stephanie Forrester in training. HA! As if! Historically, Steffy’s threats, warnings and dictates have fallen by the wayside, or simply fizzled out, because they are empty. First it was Hope and the Logan family in general, then there was Ivy, who she fired and tried to kill, but they are besties now. And of course there is Quinn, but all it took for that vendetta to end was an offering from the Token Platter of Freeloaders, and the offer of an unearned CEO spot. So, I am sure Bill will be able to “massage” her ego in order to get her firmly back in his court.

Maybe Fauxdi thought Bill was having an early Halloween costume party? I noticed she took the time to rearrange Walter White, and has gone back to her Morticia look, although she picked up her teasing comb and gave it a little Elvira height with some Samantha Stevens working the crown area.

Part of me doesn’t want Bill and Liam to work it out. As much as I miss their father/son dynamic, I am just loving this Liam so much! I mean, here is a guy who has to go home to Darth Vadar every night and try to pretend they have something, anything, in common. And now he also has to deal with his wife’s overly obvious FIL love.

Katie needs to stop playing and tell Brooke that she and Wyatt are a thing. She certainly expects Brooke to spill every bean in her bucket; I wonder if that is Katie being self serving, or just her being reticent to talk about Wyatt? Katie gets all the ammo, but doesn’t share the weapons?

Brooke’s outfit was simply all kinds of awesome.

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@RuntheTable, I read that as "I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll open my big, red lacquered LEGS."

I agree that I don't want Liam and Bill to reconcile - at least not any time soon.

Liam is much more interesting out of his father's long shadow and it would be a disservice to have him insta-forgive Bill the way Eric did Ridge after the amazing so-called farewell between the latter pair.

I also agree that Katie needs to spill the tea about Wyatt. Honestly, it's a lot less controversial than some of Brooke's choices (Deacon anyone?) Eric and Quinn already know (as does Sheila thanks to Mateo's confirmation). It's only a matter of time before word gets around. 

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I mean, here is a guy who has to go home to Darth Vadar every night

The difference between Steffy and Vader?

Anakin felt guilty the first he murdered anyone.

2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

agree that I don't want Liam and Bill to reconcile - at least not any time soon.

Liam is much more interesting out of his father's long shadow and it would be a disservice to have him insta-forgive Bill the way Eric did Ridge after the amazing so-called farewell between the latter pair.

Liam I've felt has been under everyone's shadow from the beginning; being Bill's son, then a human carnival prize for Slattern and Queen Elsa; and then as as a pet  that Hope kept on a string as she began waffling, and then back to Steffy's purseholder. Next to Devon on Y&R, I've never seen such a poorly defined character.

But better late than never, I guess. The show has been lacking in actual white hat characters since Phoebe died and Bridget was written off. If Thomas "the psychotic creeper apple didn't fall far from the tree" Forrester could make a full u-turn in under a year, Liam's far less grevious and decidedly less predatorial shortcomings can be downplayed.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Another inappropriate hug between Steffy and Bill. Steffy how many times do you tell Bill no more threats and two seconds later he makes another threat before you realize Bill wants revenge more than anything.

If Justin talked to me like that, I would have made sure the door hit him in the ass on his way out. I know this is only a 20 min show, but couldn't TIIC waited more than a minute when Justin walked out of the office and showed up at Bill's.

If Liam had any smarts he would have at least one hard copy of Bill's confession put in a very safe place.  But the person without any smarts is begging Liam to delete the file. Steffy can be counted on only as long as you do what she wants.  

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I've watched a lot of soaps in my sixty years, but never have I seen one that moves as slowly as this one does.  Jeez, get on with the damn stories!   I'm as sick of Bill standing in that living room talking to Vampira as Don Diamont must be.  Scott Clifton must get his daily workout just standing up, sitting down, and walking around Big Bill's desk all the time.   Liam talks to his wife about his dad - his dad talks to Liam's wife about Liam - Liam's wife talks to both of them about each other.  BORING!

Plus, because I'm feeling extra curmudgeonly - I'm over the sexy sax music, too.  Stop. Enough. I'm going whacks from all the sax!

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4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Katie gets all the ammo, but doesn’t share the weapons?

THIS is what I dislike most about Katie!  This type of character is quite prevalent on soaps. though...the one who demands to know everyone's business, calls you a liar if you don't share all your business, yet refuses to tell his/her business.

36 minutes ago, maisie said:

I'm as sick of Bill standing in that living room talking to Vampira as Don Diamont must be. 

In most pictures of B&B events, DD can't keep his hands off JMW, I think he's loving it.

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19 minutes ago, maisie said:

I've watched a lot of soaps in my sixty years, but never have I seen one that moves as slowly as this one does.

Oh man, this is lightspeed compared to the Quridge garbage and the nearly EIGHT months they spent from their trip to SF till Sheila outed them mewling about their "meaningless" kisses.

The pacing sucks, and has for a long time. You have stories like this that go nowhere and ones that should have been slam dunks like Hope learning about her true father when KM was first cast that got blitzed through and barely discussed except as a vehicle to wedge between idiot ass Lope.

4 minutes ago, ByTor said:

THIS is what I dislike most about Katie!  This type of character is quite prevalent on soaps. though...the one who demands to know everyone's business, calls you a liar if you don't share all your business, yet refuses to tell his/her business.

How else would they maintain their glass houses? ;)

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25 minutes ago, ByTor said:

THIS is what I dislike most about Katie!  This type of character is quite prevalent on soaps. though...the one who demands to know everyone's business, calls you a liar if you don't share all your business, yet refuses to tell his/her business.

In most pictures of B&B events, DD can't keep his hands off JMW, I think he's loving it.

Well, "poor Katie" must maintain the illusion of her virtue.  The beauty of this woman and other soap characters just like her is that people very seldom, if ever, call them on their bullshit and when they do, those truth tellers end up looking like bullies.  Never mind that characters like Katie give as good as they get.  As an added bonus, when all else fails, Katie has a bad heart that she can use to manipulate and control those around her.

I've seen pictures of DD at those B&B events and he always looks as if he's having a blast.  Just because he likes JMW personally doesn't translate to his wanting to be in scenes with that wooden thing every damn day.  I'll give him his props though because he's a real trooper and a professional.  There was a blind item published a few years ago during the first round of "stink" where he reportedly complained to the director because JMW stuck her tongue in his mouth during a kissing scene, which is a professional no-no.

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AARRGH!!  I hated the ending of today's show!!   Vampira's swollen face with the fake tears.....this is not how I expected this storyline to end.  There must be more to it than this!

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Steffy asked if Liam was busy.  Obviously she's not busy paying any attention to her beloved FC.  

Can we believe Bill that he forgives Liam?  I hope so because the ending has become more than stupid in so many ways. Beside Liam hiding the hard copy in his desk, is Steffy being the voice of reason and Bill's calming influence. 

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I hope against hope Show will have Liam pull back from his embrace of $Bill and his 'I love you too Dad'  and say:

"But I don't forgive you for everything you've done.  You must think I'm a stupid if you believe you got all the copies of the recording. There are more.  Many more.  And if anything at all happens to me -- all of them will be given to the police. Now get out of my office.  Oh  ....... and Justin ..... You're fired."

Then I want him in Puffy's face and read her for filth for being Bill's "confidante: and "calming"' him, taking his side -- rather than supporting her husband.

I do not believe for a nanosecond Bill has forgiven Liam -- I think he's still out for revenge.  Liam's flinch when Bill said the Spencer way included killing enemies was so telling.  As much as Bill says he loves Liam,  I don't think he'd hesitate to have Justin hire someone to take Liam out. Bill has moved from being a ruthless businessman to someone who acts out of pure anger and hate, and a need to strike back, a need for ultimate revenge.

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On 10/19/2017 at 8:36 AM, MulletorHater said:

Thanks for the recap, CountryGirl!

Whatever JMW is doing to herself, she needs to stop.  NOW.  While there is still time.  Otherwise, she will end up being a cautionary tale like the actress who used to play her TV mom.  At the very least, some reputable professional should have placed a cease and desist order on anymore procedures for her.  This goes beyond bad wigs/horse hair and troweled on makeup.  The cheek implants are more obvious than ever and her face is stretched so tightly that it simply doesn't move anymore.  As horrid of an actress JMW is, her face is devoid of anything resembling emotion .  And, speaking of makeup, the cat-eye look that's prevalent now does her no favors whatsoever.  Plus, I thought the "rule" was if you're wearing a bright red lip, the blush should be toned down considerably.  Don't even get me started on the stenciled-on Instagram brow look.

As for Bill's slattern-in-law, I'm not sure what the writers are going for here.  All I know is that my own father-in-law is one of the most gorgeous men I've ever met but I would never massage his thigh especially under the guise of "consoling" him.

THIS!  I stopped watching for awhile and kind of wish I had stayed stopped. She’s the worst, she looks like a damn vampire! Doesn’t to she have a company to run rather than go back and forth and back and forth to Bill and Liam’s office/home? Why is show trying to make her the central character? Unbearable. All of her, the face, the tears, the lips the cat eye, the clothes, the I am so tough attitude! Ugh! 

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It would be kind of funny if this whole story was really just a prop for Steffy.

I used to think the world was divided into pretty criers and ugly criers, but Steffy gave us something I can't even come up with a name for.

Smug face Justin is very punch-able.

Edited by Gudzilla
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There are days you wish had never happened. Days you wish you could erase away with a big ole Pink Pearl. Today was one of those days. 

Starting with the confusion I experienced when faced with the snooze button and the turn alarm off button, resulting in me over sleeping by nearly an hour. Oh well, no gym this morning! Tired and grouchy from staying up too late to watch football and oversleeping, I head to the shower. After letting my Furbabies in, I proceed to put on my makeup; just as I was beginning my mascara, a ruckus broke out in the kitchen as one of my rescue kitties got in Big Blockhead Fred's path. Oh dear! He won't hurt them, just wants to sniff them, but Sandy, the kitty in question, DOES NOT LIKE DOGS. Then my girl Quinn jumped into the fray, and it was an all out brawl that resulted in expensive Blue Buffalo food getting scattered everywhere, and the three gallon bowl of water we keep full getting spilled, and me falling over Fred; in an effort not to crush him, I put all my weight on my wrist which is now the size of a boiler pipe. Tack on another thirty-five minutes of lateness due to kitchen cleanup and kitty decompression, and I am out the door headed for work. 

Reset your password was the first thing I was greeted with. So I did. Oh dear. That set off a chain of computer events that had me saying things like the dad in a Christmas Story. They were just words that sounded really bad, they had no real meaning, just allowed me to vent without getting fired. Nearly two hours later I was all set to begin my late day. 

Lunch time on Friday is my one day a week for lunch out with friends. Oh dear. One of my friends forgot where they set their water glass and knocked it over. On me. Like I said, it was water, so I guess I was lucky it wasn't coffee. Or coke. Or beer. My pants were almost dry by quitting time. 

Come home (event free!) and settle in to watch Show. Oh dear. I kind of just remember a blur. I also remember thinking that this could not be happening. Show was supposed to take me away. Like Calgon. It most certainly wasn't supposed to work me back up to saying those words again.

But, but, but......Liam must have more copies right? I see what Bill is up to. Fucking rat! He is really going in for the kill. He isn't just gonna finish the trifecta of Spencer Boys to slip it to the Slattern. No, he is going to win back Liam's trust and his love, and after he has Liam back to the Ball Less One, and Liam begins confiding in him again, and starts talking about him and Steffy not being able to conceive, that is when Bill will strike. That is when he will bed Fauxdi and knock her up. 

That is really ugly and is just my take. And my take might be a bit jaded due to afore mentioned events. 

Yesterday Wyatt very deftly sidestepped Katie's very direct question about him being ok with Bill's actions. She asked him about it again today. I suspect this little item, and possibly Quinn's psychoness, will be the end of Watie. Then again, Bill might be the end of it. I admit I am perplexed with Wyatt's part in all of this. He supports Bill. He is sympathetic to, and worried about, Liam. He is fucking Katie and doesn't seem to want her to know his true feelings. For some reason I feel Wyatt is going to be a major player in this SL. 

After watching Show I felt I needed something to cool me down. I found one of my favorites in Halloween Wars, where bakers are challenged to make some type of spooky cake. Elvira was a guest judge. 

Just shoot me now. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I feel your pain, RuntheTable! I have that Halloween Wars marathon on, too! LOL! That's what I need to unwind after a tiring week.  I had computer issues at work, too but mine were related to that demon Windows 10/Firefox combination plus some ancient homegrown program I have to use. GRRRR!!!

Last night, my furbaby, Charlize, placidly let me trim her claws. She didn't like it, but she tolerates in and went and sat on one of my living room chairs and gave me the death stare for the rest of the evening. Later, I was in here at the computer and heard this horrible popping noise. I ran in to see Charlize clawing away at the top of the chair! Feline revenge! Those chairs are covered in a rough nubby fabric that is very enticing to sharpening kitty claws. So ... I was tired out too, from staying up too late last night watching football (Damn, those Raiders!) so I had to go out and put clear packing tape all over the backs of the chairs. They don't look that great but whatever ... nobody is gonna see it.

Kitties ... and of course, I caved today at PetSmart when I went in to buy a bag of food and came out with a small packet of her favorite Greenies, these in catnip flavor.

I'm a sucker ...

Just like I was for today's show. I kept thinking, "THIS??? After weeks and weeks of Bill snarling revenge, sparks of Still and Liam growing a spine and balls ... this is how it ended?" WTF?? This was just as disappointing as the abrupt end of Quidge.

My initial thought is that Bill is just playing Liam and yes, is plotting to move in for the kill way down the road after he's regained Liam's trust, etc. (This is right out of Sheila's playbook, BTW.)  I am going to be really pissed if he doesn't seduce Fauxdi and break her cold black heart (and knock her up) then dump her.

Then I thought we were going to get some type of insight "excuses" for Bill's behavior by having him delve into/reveal some kind of emotional/physical abuse doled on him by his own father. That was another red herring.

However, given the high level of emotion (and EXCELLENT performances by DD and SC) makes me think otherwise. You do not see Dollah Bill shed tears -- ever. If he wasn't being sincere, I think we would have seen the patented over-the-shoulder smirk/sneer, while Bill was embracing Liam.

So, I don't know. I do know that I am going to be really, really really pissed off if this whole debacle was just a vehicle to rebuild GarBridge and make Steffy come across as some type of Jimmy Carter-level of mediator/Superwoman. Puke! I would hope that enough damage has been done with Liam rescuing Sally, Liam blackmailing Bill, Liam dismissing/ignoring Steffy enough that they break up.

I also agree that it's time to give DB a front-burner SL, so maybe the whole show is going to now shift focus to Watie and Bill's and Quinn's reactions.  Also, there has not been closure yet on Queric's huge argument.

Also, November sweeps are coming up very soon with the introduction of NuThorne. Brooke's declaration yesterday that she wants/needs to spend some time alone gave me hope that GaBridge is not a foreseeable option.

And ditto with Katie. Why are people so close-mouthed? Liam, Brooke and Katie all had to act like mimes in order to get Sally and Wyatt to understand that Bill had the Spectra building torched. How difficult is it to say, "Bill. Did. It." So why can't Katie confide to her own sister about her love life? She sure gets all up in Brooke's grill about hers. You'd think that Katie would need/welcome Brooke's support in doing battle with Quinn. Brooke is no fan, so what is there to lose?

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First off, I thought the whole Bill-Liam stuff was a Brad Bell dream sequence. Then I realized they were ending the initial tape recording story for the real takedown of Liam. I still think Bill is going to use Steffi to hurt Liam. He will sleep with her and have Liam walk in on it or something like that. There is no way that Bill is going to be all hunky-dory with Liam even erased all of the evidence. That said, I was surprised how fast they resolved the recordings and that Liam was out foxed by Bill. I thought Liam was going to pull out a special recording in the office that a Bill didn’t know about. The look on Bill’s face would have been priceless. 

Also, I hate Justin.  

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6 hours ago, grisgris said:

So, I don't know. I do know that I am going to be really, really really pissed off if this whole debacle was just a vehicle to rebuild GarBridge and make Steffy come across as some type of Jimmy Carter-level of mediator/Superwoman. Puke! I would hope that enough damage has been done with Liam rescuing Sally, Liam blackmailing Bill, Liam dismissing/ignoring Steffy enough that they break up.



4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

First off, I thought the whole Bill-Liam stuff was a Brad Bell dream sequence. Then I realized they were ending the initial tape recording story for the real takedown of Liam. I still think Bill is going to use Steffi to hurt Liam. He will sleep with her and have Liam walk in on it or something like that. There is no way that Bill is going to be all hunky-dory with Liam even erased all of the evidence. That said, I was surprised how fast they resolved the recordings and that Liam was out foxed by Bill. I thought Liam was going to pull out a special recording in the office that a Bill didn’t know about. The look on Bill’s face would have been priceless. 

Also, I hate Justin.  

I'm hoping it's a dream.

Edited by SimplePleasures
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6 hours ago, SimplePleasures said:


I'm hoping it's a dream.

I guess it still could be. Have they ever ended a day nevemind a Friday cliffhanger on a dream? We’ll find out on Monday. Those dirty bastards. LOL!!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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I'm hoping it's a dream.

But whose dream is it?  Steffy's?  Bill's?  dare I say it, Liam's????  The Liam/$Bill blood feud is the only thing I'm watching for.  Which means I'm pretty much not watching.  My SO still DVR's and watches, I told him to let me know if anyone actually DOES anything, instead of endless auditory flash backs and repetitive conversations about possibly doing something.  I would LIKE to be engrossed in Queric's reconciliation...but the Sheila element is just too brain numbingly dumb to even watch drunk.  Will Sheila OWN that damn restaurant next week?  And what was up with the Holistic Portrait artist?  I'm stuck on that.  Was she a guest from a reality show?  Did she infuse the portrait with demonic powers? the damn thing is like Ghostbusters II.  But the masseur/ voyeur/ seducer...I just can't.  In 1979 when we were all younger and didn't know better, maybe... but this is like when my 4 year old tells me he's doing "nothing" when he's on TOP of the kitchen counters surrounded by spilled dish soap, hot wheels cars and more forks than I actually own. 

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17 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

see what Bill is up to. Fucking rat! He is really going in for the kill. He isn't just gonna finish the trifecta of Spencer Boys to slip it to the Slattern. No, he is going to win back Liam's trust and his love, and after he has Liam back to the Ball Less One, and Liam begins confiding in him again, and starts talking about him and Steffy not being able to conceive, that is when Bill will strike. That is when he will bed Fauxdi and knock her up. 

That is really ugly and is just my take. And my take might be a bit jaded due to afore mentioned events. 

Given this show's history, I wouldn't put it past Bell to draw yet another "misunderstanding" story out of his ass.

A HUGE fuck no on that. Steffy is a slattern, just like Brooke was selfish and inconsiderate in her relationships, but enough of using this trope as a "redemption" or cheap sympathy. Especially when Steffy would willingly bed $Bill anyway.

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I guess it still could be. Have they ever ended a day nevemind a Friday cliffhanger on a dream? We’ll find out on Monday. Those dirty bastards. LOL!!!!!

I think the Quinn bludgeoning Katie with the candlestick dream was a Friday cliffhanger but I could be mistaken.

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I think Bill is probably out for revenge.  Liam paid big money for the building and then gifted it to Sally.  That cannot be undone.  All the other things, like the employee benefits, can be undone.

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

I think Bill is probably out for revenge.  Liam paid big money for the building and then gifted it to Sally.  That cannot be undone.  All the other things, like the employee benefits, can be undone.

Operation Sleep with Steffi is on! LOL!!!

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On 10/20/2017 at 8:54 PM, grisgris said:

However, given the high level of emotion (and EXCELLENT performances by DD and SC) makes me think otherwise. You do not see Dollah Bill shed tears -- ever. If he wasn't being sincere, I think we would have seen the patented over-the-shoulder smirk/sneer, while Bill was embracing Liam.

I think Show has a sneaking suspicion of the goldmine they have with these two. I have been watching soaps for a long, long time, and it is rare that two male actors have the chemistry that DD and SC possess. I can't quite put my finger on what it is that make these two work, but feel it has something to do with Bill's dark badassness and Liam's quirky, wimpy dogoodness. I believe Bill's tears were completely legit; he does love Liam, but I also believe he hates everything that Liam stands for, but I think he hates most of all, the fact that Liam will not adopt Bill's vision of "family". Bill is the perfect example of a real Godfather; his belief that you support your family no matter what, and that you never, ever, rat them out is typical "family" mentality. Just like Michael Corleone ordered the death of his brother Fredo, I think Bill is going to go in for the kill, and his tears were real because he is planning to tear down the son he loves, but cannot support, and cannot allow to be part of the Spencer Clan. So for me, this is all part of the master plan to attack Liam from all angles, just as Bill believes Liam did to him; took his company and his wife. Bill has taken the company back from Liam, so that only leaves Steffy. He is going to rebuild Liam's trust too, just to make the knife that much sharper when he uses it. It is all very sad, but it is also awesomely great because it is fresh and new, and also has three strong actors; DD, SC and AS. There is the added bonus of really screwing with Steffy, who is long over due for some lessons on how it feels to be used and toyed with, and to have someone fucking with your life and happiness. Can anyone say Hope? Bill is definitely gonna go there and Fauxdi turning up pregnant will just be icing on the cake. Personally, I can't wait for the games to unfold. 


On 10/20/2017 at 8:54 PM, grisgris said:

Also, November sweeps are coming up very soon with the introduction of NuThorne.

I am excited about this too. Show needs some new, older male blood. At first I was thinking he would be coming on for Brooke, but now I am not so sure. I am wondering if he will be paired with Katie? I think Wyatt's feelings about Bill and his actions, paired with Quinn's disapproval, is going to come between K/W. And we don't even know how Bill will feel, or what he will threaten; given how fearful Wyatt is of Bill's wrath, I say he is going to tell Katie it's been fun, but see ya! Enter Thorne. My other thought is once Quinn and Eric implode for good, Katie will get her Silver Fox. I certainly hope not, because that just wouldn't be right. So Maybe Brooke will find her way back to Eric? I keep thinking about that conversation they had in Australia when they were on the beach, and they are the last two remaining core characters/actors. Brooke no longer wants drama in her life, and she is worn out from fucked up relationships. I imagine Eric will be feeling the same, and he is the one man who has never let Brooke down, and has always been there for her. I prefer them as friends, but his is the B&B, so who knows. 



I think the Quinn bludgeoning Katie with the candlestick dream was a Friday cliffhanger

Yes, it was.


On 10/20/2017 at 8:54 PM, grisgris said:

I feel your pain, RuntheTable!

Much better now grisgris, thank you! I watched the Astros knock the Yankees out of the playoffs last night, so it is all really, really, good! 


On 10/20/2017 at 8:54 PM, grisgris said:

I'm a sucker ...

Me too. Been in the rescue business ever since I was a little kid. Some of my earliest memories involve saving bugs that had landed in the swimming pool. And taking the fish my dad just caught and putting them in the bathtub. OH! And that time I turned over all the baskets of crabs my dad and uncles had spent the day catching out on the hot Chesapeake Bay. Crabs are initially blue and only turn red after steaming. Sorta like the color of my ass when my dad got through with me. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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On 10/20/2017 at 5:16 PM, Gudzilla said:

It would be kind of funny if this whole story was really just a prop for Steffy.

It appears the main action of this leg of the story was simply to break up Brill for the lamest of reasons. Bill's done worse to Brooke's own daughter and she still stayed with him.  You can also tell that Brooke isn't to be part of this story or it's aftermath because she said squat about Steffy lurking around Bill or taking her role as Spencer matriarch. Brooke pretty much abdicated. She's done with the Spencers for now. Even the Still affair won't have the awesomeness of her learning Steffy was the one he cheated with on her, the egg on her face that she's now the Katie, nor the confrontation between her and Bill or her and Steffy. Brooke should be able to throw on his face ' I forever altered my relationship with my baby sister because of you and this us how you repay me? Maybe I do deserve feeling this devastation and betrayal and heartbreak for all I did. But you still are the lowest of the low that you would do this to your own son as punishment and think it's okay'

Brooke should've been trying to bridge father and son, be unsettled how Steffy 'understood' Bill's position and was in fact in collusion with him to bring down Spectra. Brooke should've made it a condition of their reunion that Bill concede to Liam and let the past go which would build on his resentment against Liam that allowing his 'betrayal' to slide is part of what keeps Brooke with him. Suddenly Bill realizes he has resentment towards Brooke as she's trying to hem in the stallion instead of allowing him to roam free. Steffy is still supportive and is obviously still Liam's world but she was Bill's first and so Bill sets out to have his cake and eat it too and get back at Liam (and maybe Brooke too). I mean if we're going back to Still, let's have Bill return to his Logan hating ways and go after Brooke for breaking his heart and betraying him. 

And when/if Still happens it would really be something for Allison or Justin to be appalled by what Bill did even if they have no love for Liam, Bill just showed how dirty he'd do a person he claims to love. Cheating on Katie with her sister was low enough, targeting your son's wife for seduction AFTER you've won back your company and beaten him is something else. If you decimate your own flesh and blood you are effectively leaving no lasting legacy. Spencer Publications can one day easily be taken over by another company and that name Spencer wiped from existence. Katie would never want Bill anywhere near Will after this. Wyatt could be dumb enough to want to fill the void of #1 son but he now knows he can never step out of line. The irony could be that Steffy does end up pregnant and Bill thinks it's his but it's actually Liam's but because Bill has alienated all his kids, he vows to make this kid his true heir and raise it. He'd see it as a makeup do over to 'correct' what went wrong with Liam and as another way to 'punish' Liam.

At that point we might get a who shot Bill story as Liam, Sally, Steffy, Katie, Wyatt, and Brooke may all be gunning for him. In the end it'd end up being Alison or Justin. 

Edited by TobinAlbers
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On ‎10‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 11:50 AM, LittleIggy said:

Is Liam so stupid he would have only one hard copy of the recording AND store it in the office. Dios mio, man!


If they let Bill get away with this, especially the arson, like he gets away with everything else, I'm out.  If I wanted to see someone skate for all the evil they do, I wouldn't have stopped watching Y&R.

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Liam has been pretty stupid so this is not impossible to believe but it is disappointing. They have written Dolla  into a place where he kind of has to get away with it. He has no remorse or even a rudimentary understanding that what he did was wrong and doesn't appear to be thinking about anything but vengeance.  Losing Brooke seems to slide off him unless he is using it to manipulate Steffy.  It doesn't seem like they are going to write him off so of course he has to win or change. Changing is more unlikely. IMO. I will miss this version of Liam, tho.

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21 hours ago, apbr said:


If they let Bill get away with this, especially the arson, like he gets away with everything else, I'm out.  If I wanted to see someone skate for all the evil they do, I wouldn't have stopped watching Y&R.

Same here. I quit watching Y&R because of “Victor never loses.” I don’t like Bill getting away with this crime.

Edited by LittleIggy
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St. Steffi of the Fractured Family has come to the rescue! 

Liam, you are a chump and a fool.  I'm hoping this daddy-son lovefest is an act on both their parts.

Was Quinn wearing a camisole or did she change into lingerie for her afternoon nap?

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Ugh. Liam. LIAM! How this show has done you dirty.

So basically Liam having his moment of power was the catalyst to-

  • Break up Brill
  • Reheat Still
  • Put the fractures in Steam's foundation
  • Set up the 'connection' for Lally

Not about any character growth for Liam or exploration for Bill. Just a plot justification for the above to happen.

Now at least they did have a modicum of reasoning for all of this to happen although the reason for the Brill break-up was weak, but there were better ways to set all this up. The only consolation is SC and DD have some great scenes for their Emmy submission and DD got to do more than grunt like a horse.

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