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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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5 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I'm also sick of the interchangeable portraits of the lady of the manor.  How about just having a family portrait there of several generations of Forresters and being done with it?  

He should take a page from Victor Newman and have a portrait of himself.

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35 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I'm wondering if three- time Daytime Emmy Award winner and currently reigning Best Actor Scott Clifton finally nudging TPTB to please give Liam something outside of the Wyatt rivalry and Steffy lapdog.  With Liam up against Bill and Bill going from 0 to 100 regarding questioning Liam's worthiness as a Spencer over a building, we get Liam in an arena that everyone has investment in - his relationship with Bill.

God, I hope so. Because Christ on a cracker, Liam Spencer is the most underdeveloped character for a guy who has been on the show long enough to be considered a core character by now. You all remember Liam would go weeks without a single spoken line as Hope, Steffy and their respective families would demand he pick one side or the other?

Way back months ago during the "Quinn Wobbed Us!" whinefest, someone even compared him to Sharon "my crazy is turned to 11" Newman for how little agency he seems to have. I'm hoping this story with $Bill will be a step in regaining those balls he lost after getting tangled with Steffy.

35 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

It's funny, over on Y&R Victor is trying to bring his mooch son Nick to heel as well. Never realized it but there are strong parallels between Victor/Nick/Adam and Bill/Liam/Wyatt. I'm sad that this makes Liam the Nick of this group.

God, now that *is* sad. Now there's an insult even I think Liam doesn't deserve, because he's at least got an IQ out of the single digit range. And his waffling aside, he's not an emotional abuser the way Nick has been to Sharon.

You know, as I type this, I realize Liam moving to Spectra would be all kinds of awesome to develop his character as his own person and not in relation to anyone else. Because even aside from the speed of his waffling that makes Ridge and Brooke look like Lauren and Michael or even Kim and Bob Hughes in comparison, I felt Liam spent far too long as a carnival prize for two vapid, spoiled brats to fight over and that once they both were gone, TIIC had nothing for him to do...hence why we got him mewling about WE WUZ WOBBED for the entire year of 2016. 

And now that he and Steffy have something resembling stability, the writers are lost presumably, as evident by how little of him we've seen since the wedding almost six months ago. Compare that to Ridge and Taylor and their four year marriage before Sheila shot Taylor. Brooke was in the background but I do remember both Taylor and Ridge having their own stories and the occasional conflict that didn't involve Brooke at all.

From his interviews, Clifton seems to have a genuine passion for the genre and isn't just there for a paycheck (not that I blame him if he were), so i hope they'd at least try to give him something resembling a decent story that isnt being Steffy's accessory. 

On a lighter note, I still love Darlita. Especially her line after Sally tells the group that CJ is concerned about Thomas being in LA, and she's like "OMG, does everyone love Thomas like that?" Easily the most intentionally funny line all season! ??

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I would love to see Liam move to Spectra - I've only been watching the show a few years, but the character seems like a nice guy whose balls are always in the hands of the women he's with.  He and Sally make a cute couple....

The Sheila storyline is so bad I could write it!  Of course she's going to get up out of bed and feel woozy!  Of course she will have to stay longer at the mansion.  Since I don't know much about James and his motivations, is it possible that Eric knows that James can see through Sheila's posturing and brought him in as reinforcement against Sheila?

Or am I giving Eric too much credit?

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Way to go, Eric. Bring in James, another guy Sheila can manipulate without breaking a sweat.

I know Nick Newman isn't much of a role model (and it's been about 3 years since I've watched Y&R), but Liam should follow his lead and tell his father to go eff himself. He needs to tell Thomas and Sally the truth.

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Rome Flynn is leaving (fired) by his own choice. I guess that's why there was that casting call for a young male. I actually think he was getting better but I'm curious what the replacement will be like. Model like Flynn or more rugged & rough around the edges & who can act?!

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1 hour ago, maisie said:

I would love to see Liam move to Spectra - I've only been watching the show a few years, but the character seems like a nice guy whose balls are always in the hands of the women he's with.  He and Sally make a cute couple....

I'd like for them just to be close friends tbh. Homeboy needs a break from dating anyone, and 2016 doesn't count as he was still moping behind Fauxdilocks. Now, if they go the way of Thorne and Brooke after being friends for a few years...sure. I just better not get Sally going insane over his ass when he wakes up in love with Steffy one morning.

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Liam should tell Sally what Bill/Carowhine are doing and support her emotionally/financially until Thomas comes back from LA with his son after suing Caro for custody. She's no fit mother for that little guy if she's willing to go along with this despicable lie. Find yourself, Liam, and your balls that you lost long ago. 

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??How can doctors give the proper diagnosis without tests under the guise of not wanting to have medical records and keep it out of the press.  Beside recording Shelia, Quinn should set up a nanny cam in Shelia's room.  

Sally smells a rat or should I say a Stallion. Something is rotten in the state of California.  

As much as that's the only run down building, in LA, Bill can buy, Spectra can't move to a better location.  If it's so important for CJ to sell, than why can't he take a few bucks from his new found millions to help Sally pay rent at a new location. I guess it's too logical for the TIIC to comprehend.  

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'd like for them just to be close friends tbh. Homeboy needs a break from dating anyone, and 2016 doesn't count as he was still moping behind Fauxdilocks. Now, if they go the way of Thorne and Brooke after being friends for a few years...sure. I just better not get Sally going insane over his ass when he wakes up in love with Steffy one morning.

Liam definitely needs to spend some time with a woman who has a functioning conscience and since they only seem to bring Ivy out for meetings, Sally is a good choice. The actors work well together so a slow build to romance would be fine, but this show doesn't seem to remember that couples can do that. 

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If Liam does end up developing a thing with Sally then Wyatt will soon be chasing after her too. 

Sheila sounded like Titus Andromedon when she did the dizzy spell spiel. He does it better. 

Steffi doesn't give a shit about Thomas being with a good woman or his family. She just can't stand anyone outshining her or excelling; so she wants to make Sally miserable. It really is that basic, like her style and personality. 

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5 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Steffi doesn't give a shit about Thomas being with a good woman or his family. She just can't stand anyone outshining her or excelling; so she wants to make Sally miserable. It really is that basic, like her style and personality. 

I feel like they're trying to make Fauxdi the new Stephanie, and it's just not working. Hell, even Original Recipe Stephanie had stopped working and was only saved in the end by SF's own talent.

Because Stephanie at her best had a cold, icy exterior that not even Ridge, the Most Important Man in Her Life(tm), could entirely penetrate, but in the very early days at least, you could feel at least some compassion for her. After all, here she was, this wealthy woman with the perfect house and perfect children but her husband barely wanted anything to do with her.

The very first scene she and Eric shared, they're filmed standing about six to eight feet apart as they're talking. Such telling filmography is not seen in soap operas today. It's not long before we discovered hers was a shotgun wedding, the first in a long line of messes Eric's wandering dick will get him into (why did he cheat on Beth, anyway?), but given the age they grew up in, it was required so we the audience could understand why Stephanie had become so bitter.

Stephanie Forrester II on the other hand...her "angst" has largely consisted on how evil the Logans are for existing, while she used her body to get the company from Bill and has been handed every position she's had from mailroom (hahaha! No seriously this is where she met Marcus!) to PR when Bill owned the company to the stocks she got from Taylor (of which she shared none with Thomas for reasons i can't recall right now) and now this exceedingly undeserved CEO position courtesy of one Fairy Stepmother trying to buy her acceptance, for all the good it did.

What a hard life she's had!

I'd say cry me a river, but the five rounds of botox makes tears impossible.

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14 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

If Liam does end up developing a thing with Sally then Wyatt will soon be chasing after her too. 

Sheila sounded like Titus Andromedon when she did the dizzy spell spiel. He does it better. 

Steffi doesn't give a shit about Thomas being with a good woman or his family. She just can't stand anyone outshining her or excelling; so she wants to make Sally miserable. It really is that basic, like her style and personality. 


8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I feel like they're trying to make Fauxdi the new Stephanie, and it's just not working. Hell, even Original Recipe Stephanie had stopped working and was only saved in the end by SF's own talent.

Because Stephanie at her best had a cold, icy exterior that not even Ridge, the Most Important Man in Her Life(tm), could entirely penetrate, but in the very early days at least, you could feel at least some compassion for her. After all, here she was, this wealthy woman with the perfect house and perfect children but her husband barely wanted anything to do with her.

The very first scene she and Eric shared, they're filmed standing about six to eight feet apart as they're talking. Such telling filmography is not seen in soap operas today. It's not long before we discovered hers was a shotgun wedding, the first in a long line of messes Eric's wandering dick will get him into (why did he cheat on Beth, anyway?), but given the age they grew up in, it was required so we the audience could understand why Stephanie had become so bitter.

Stephanie Forrester II on the other hand...her "angst" has largely consisted on how evil the Logans are for existing, while she used her body to get the company from Bill and has been handed every position she's had from mailroom (hahaha! No seriously this is where she met Marcus!) to PR when Bill owned the company to the stocks she got from Taylor (of which she shared none with Thomas for reasons i can't recall right now) and now this exceedingly undeserved CEO position courtesy of one Fairy Stepmother trying to buy her acceptance, for all the good it did.

What a hard life she's had!

I'd say cry me a river, but the five rounds of botox makes tears impossible.

This has been the issue I've had with this whole "I'm Every Woman" persona that TIIC have been trying to foist off on Stephanie Forrester II.  It's as if the writers are trying to gaslight the entire audience into seeing something that simply isn't there.  The lavish compliments complete with praise and worship for a sociopath with an actual body count.  The loose booty antics.  The self-absorption.  The superciliousness when the character has absolutely nothing to be smug about and has nothing that any sane person would want.  And, those are the good things.

Stuffy couldn't be Stephanie on even her best day.  Hell, she can't even be her mother.  As much as I disliked Taylor, the woman was professionally accomplished in her own right--at least before quackery took over and she became Dr. Hayes, Asinine Woman.  Even though Stephanie was icy cold, she had moments of humanity and generosity in the early years--before Bradley's pen turned her into a caricature of evil.  Under the late Bill Bell's pen, the character was more nuanced and typically didn't do her own dirty work.  She dressed beautifully and there was an understated elegance there that made it difficult for me to take my eyes off of her.  Back then, I could see how easily a starstruck Brooke could be taken in or how Sally thought it was her life's mission to gain Stephanie's respect.  On a superficial level, Stephanie was someone to be admired especially for her charitable work with the children's hospital.  Stuffy doesn't even have that going for her.  What is there exactly to admire about her?  That she manages to wear an outfit or two that looks good on her?  Or, maybe it's that her weave hasn't caught on fire.  That's quite a low bar to set.  But, just like her grandmother, there's a moral rot underneath fueled by insecurities, snobbery, hypocrisy and an unparalleled nastiness.  

No, do I get the femme fatale thing.  The character has few, if any, romantic rivals in her demographic.  Nor, does it help that the writers act as if the lovely Ivy is soiled toilet paper.  It was bad enough that the writers were trying to resurrect the Brooke/Taylor feud through Hope and Stuffy.  Now, we're supposed to buy that a 30-something woman who has yet to have a live child go through her loins is the matriarch of a wealthy family.  Maybe in that Barbie dream house world she lives in, that's the case.  However, Bill Bell showed--not just told--us through staging and filmography what the real story was.  His son is proof positive that talent isn't necessarily inherited.  Bradley typically tells his stories through "shock and awe" and trying to convince the audience through repetitive dialogue that they should disbelieve their lying eyes.

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21 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Stuffy doesn't even have that going for her.  

Yeah, Hope for the Future had it's issues, but at least Hope was following a Forrester tradition of giving back.

6 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I saw a bit of the show yesterday, enough to see that TPTB are chem-testing Liam and Sally and re-testing Bill/Steffy.

And I don't like what I saw at all...

I'll reserve judgement on Lally as I'd rather they be BFFs for at least 6 months before they inch to an attraction, but I've been ready for Still to play out for years. My only issue is that they pull this crap after finally putting Brill together. Give them a good 6 months of bliss before Brooke has to deal with another Stephanie Forrester interfering in her marriage.

But I kind of get why they backed off of it the last time - Batie was popular and it made sense to have Bill have a 'final' temptation but settle down (and also there was no one else for Katie at that time while Steffy could be paired with a number of men). I also think fans hated to see Bill step on on Katie like that with Steffy, but Brooke vs Steffy over Bill is a fight where you want to see Brooke cream Steffy and yet Steffy and Bill have legit chemistry and unfinished business.  And Liam and Bill's relationship would take a hell of a beating if Bill cuckolds him with Steffy. It'd all come full circle with how they began - Bill sending Liam to check on a sad panda Steffy after he broke up with her due to Brooke (and Donna) telling him to man up and stay with Katie. Maybe it would finally click that while he and Steffy had some good times, he was just a substitute for Bill and that Steffy was never really about him, but about 'winning' the 'good guy'. They'd never be compatible in the long run and their issues were a reflection of that. Then he can move on -either eventually to Sally or someone new or a recast Hope.

Although it'd be hilarious if in 2 years Steffy is Liam and Wyatt's step-mother with Wyatt dating/married to his former step-mother. Spencer family summits would/should be awkward as hell.

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7 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:


This has been the issue I've had with this whole "I'm Every Woman" persona that TIIC have been trying to foist off on Stephanie Forrester II.  It's as if the writers are trying to gaslight the entire audience into seeing something that simply isn't there.  The lavish compliments complete with praise and worship for a sociopath with an actual body count.  The loose booty antics.  The self-absorption.  The superciliousness when the character has absolutely nothing to be smug about and has nothing that any sane person would want.  And, those are the good things.

Stuffy couldn't be Stephanie on even her best day.  Hell, she can't even be her mother.  As much as I disliked Taylor, the woman was professionally accomplished in her own right--at least before quackery took over and she became Dr. Hayes, Asinine Woman.  Even though Stephanie was icy cold, she had moments of humanity and generosity in the early years--before Bradley's pen turned her into a caricature of evil.  Under the late Bill Bell's pen, the character was more nuanced and typically didn't do her own dirty work.  She dressed beautifully and there was an understated elegance there that made it difficult for me to take my eyes off of her.  Back then, I could see how easily a starstruck Brooke could be taken in or how Sally thought it was her life's mission to gain Stephanie's respect.  On a superficial level, Stephanie was someone to be admired especially for her charitable work with the children's hospital.  Stuffy doesn't even have that going for her.  What is there exactly to admire about her?  That she manages to wear an outfit or two that looks good on her?  Or, maybe it's that her weave hasn't caught on fire.  That's quite a low bar to set.  But, just like her grandmother, there's a moral rot underneath fueled by insecurities, snobbery, hypocrisy and an unparalleled nastiness.  

No, do I get the femme fatale thing.  The character has few, if any, romantic rivals in her demographic.  Nor, does it help that the writers act as if the lovely Ivy is soiled toilet paper.  It was bad enough that the writers were trying to resurrect the Brooke/Taylor feud through Hope and Stuffy.  Now, we're supposed to buy that a 30-something woman who has yet to have a live child go through her loins is the matriarch of a wealthy family.  Maybe in that Barbie dream house world she lives in, that's the case.  However, Bill Bell showed--not just told--us through staging and filmography what the real story was.  His son is proof positive that talent isn't necessarily inherited.  Bradley typically tells his stories through "shock and awe" and trying to convince the audience through repetitive dialogue that they should disbelieve their lying eyes.

You have Fauxdiloks down to a T.  There is NO there there with that creature.  When I think back to all the great soap heroines of the past, Fauxdi doesn't come close.  I agree that she's certainly not fit to lick her namesake's designer shoes.  THE Stephanie Forrester could be a crazy harpy and certainly descended into lunacy over the years but in the beginning she was MAGNIFICENT.  The one thing Stephanie had was CLASS and she wielded it like a sword over people too insecure to stand up to her.  The woman who trapped Eric Forrester into a shotgun marriage had no problem in calling Brooke 'the slut from the Valley' because she knew it would work.

On the other hand, Fauxdi has been trash from the very beginning.  Maybe it's the Marone blood in her.  I can't think of anything that Fauxdi has accomplished that she didn't get by either an accident of birth or using her pussy.  She was fucking her own uncle when she was in her teens.  And she was barely out of her teens when she was having an affair with a married man.  The fact that she and Bill never actually sealed the deal is not for want of trying.  The only thing that prevented it was that perennial cock-blocker, Taylor.

I couldn't help feeling that the scene between Fauxdi and $Bill was yet another chem test.  The truth is that Fauxdi is with the wrong Spencer man.  $Bill is her soulmate.  The only thing that's keeping her and Liam together is 'cha cha cha'.  That's what it's ALWAYS been.  Liam and Fauxdi don't know each other and I have a good feeling that they probably don't like each other that much.  The most honest words that Liam ever said to Steffy were when he found her in bed with his brother.  I don't understand how Show can pretend that never happened.  Oh wait, this show CONSTANTLY ignores moments like that.

My hope for Liam is that the time he spends with Sally makes him realize that he's living a lie.  That he's betrayed who he is as a human being for money and sex.  Liam Cooper would never go along with such a monstrous lie.  If there is anyone on earth who knows how destructive a lie like that can be, it's Liam.  I'm sure that in the depths of his soul, Liam knows how different his life would be if he hadn't been the victim of a similar conspiracy.  He would be with the woman he REALLY loved.  They might have little blonde babies (and rescue kitties) running around the house.

I think Liam is going to start to admire Sally.  He's going to see her for the woman she is, not the person his wife and his father (two people he doesn't really respect anyway) SAY she is.  He's going to see a woman that has made some really big mistakes but is willing to work hard and fight hard to make something of her self.  Sally hasn't been handed everything on a silver platter; she's a scrapper.  That's led her to do some things that were really messed up but the one thing she would never do is try and ruin someone's life.  Something that his father and his wife do for FUN.

I would give anything for Liam to return his sword necklace and tell $Bill that he (Liam) was disowning his father.  It would be perfect if it happened on the same day that $Bill found out that Brooke found out what was going on and that Wyatt told him he was fucking his ex-wife.  I'd love to see $Bill Spencer left with nothing but Skye to hang on to.

I can't be the only one that was praying that Sheila would trip and crack her skull open during one of her quick dashes back into bed?  Am I?  It's good to see Ian Buchanan again but it would be nice if he arrived to take Sheila far FAR away.

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I actually liked Still as well and thought Bill and Steffy were two of a kind and very well-suited for each other...but that was long before Brill whom I have enjoyed so much or at least I was before Bill became obsessed with a building.

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22 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:


I would give anything for Liam to return his sword necklace and tell $Bill that he (Liam) was disowning his father.  It would be perfect if it happened on the same day that $Bill found out that Brooke found out what was going on and that Wyatt told him he was fucking his ex-wife.  I'd love to see $Bill Spencer left with nothing but Skye to hang on to.

I can't be the only one that was praying that Sheila would trip and crack her skull open during one of her quick dashes back into bed?  Am I?  It's good to see Ian Buchanan again but it would be nice if he arrived to take Sheila far FAR away.

A part of me wondered if this is the underlying story the writers are trying to tell--Bill losing everything he supposedly holds dear including the love and respect of his sons and the woman he claims he waited an entire lifetime for.  His doucheries are just way too over the top this time around.  What's particularly disturbing for me is that Lame was honest with his own wife about what was going on, while Bill has yet to be honest with his.  Instead, he's having these private discussions with Miss Thing.  He's becoming so unpalatable that I suspect that the writers will have no issue trashing Brill because the audience at some point will no longer be able to root for them; it's not as if they haven't done this to Brooke before.  I don't know who it was, but someone here, I believe, mentioned how cool it would be if there was a scene where Citizen Bill murmurs, "Skye," before passing out in his office.  I even wondered if he would experience some karma and have a health crisis of his own.  Because of his lies, he will be like the little boy who cried wolf one time too many and no one will be there to support him.  It's already been established that he takes medication for high blood pressure.  His beloved wife, his sons, his ex-wife, niece, sister, sisters-in-law and stepchildren will happily wash their hands of Bill because they've frankly had enough.

I was also praying that Sheila's concussion would be a lot more serious and that the death angel met her during the night.  Ian Buchanan is a nice treat and the silver hair really suits him.

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Dr. Hayes, Asinine Woman.


1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

This has been the issue I've had with this whole "I'm Every Woman" persona that TIIC have been trying to foist off on Stephanie Forrester II.  It's as if the writers are trying to gaslight the entire audience into seeing something that simply isn't there.  The lavish compliments complete with praise and worship for a sociopath with an actual body count.  The loose booty antics.  The self-absorption.  The superciliousness when the character has absolutely nothing to be smug about and has nothing that any sane person would want.  And, those are the good things.

Exactly. I felt like they've been trying to gaslight us since about 2010 when Hope was SORASed and Steffy started banging on about Ridge abandoning their family for Brooke's which...no. If Brooke was ever the priority Steffy and pre-redemption Thomas made her out to be, none of the Taytots would exist.

1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Stuffy couldn't be Stephanie on even her best day.  Hell, she can't even be her mother.  As much as I disliked Taylor, the woman was professionally accomplished in her own right

And that's the other thing, along with the rest of that paragraph I won't quote for brevity  (but agree so hard!!) : Taylor and Brooke both were shown to be smart, successful women. I could understand why men would trip after themselves to be with either one of them, and we can all agree both of them could do so much better than Ridge.

Hell, even with Hope, whose HFTF campaign was gifted to her from an aunt with an axe to grind--as Tobin mentioned upthread as I was typing this post, even she used that line to give a message to young girls--that it's okay to wait for the right guy and you don't need sex to be valuable. Just a shame she didn't take that advice. As self absorbed as she could be, I remember moments throughout her five years on the show where she went out of her way to help others, namely reuniting Liam with Bill ironically.

37 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

I couldn't help feeling that the scene between Fauxdi and $Bill was yet another chem test.  The truth is that Fauxdi is with the wrong Spencer man.  $Bill is her soulmate.  The only thing that's keeping her and Liam together is 'cha cha cha'.  That's what it's ALWAYS been.  Liam and Fauxdi don't know each other and I have a good feeling that they probably don't like each other that much.  The most honest words that Liam ever said to Steffy were when he found her in bed with his brother. 

Yep. Why he ever left Ivy after admitting to her that he enjoyed the stability  he had with her is beyond me.

35 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:


I actually liked Still as well and thought Bill and Steffy were two of a kind and very well-suited for each other...but that was long before Brill whom I have enjoyed so much or at least I was before Bill became obsessed with a building.


You know, I'm kinda interested in a Still vs Brill matchup because it will be the first time in a looooooong time that there's been a love triangle that will have supporters on both sides rather than people hating both parties. ?

To be honest, I can't say which side I'd support on that. I want Brooke to be happy but Still were smoking!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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4 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

To be honest, I can't say which side I'd support on that. I want Brooke to be happy but Still were smoking!

Brooke vs Stephanie 2.0 : Finger snapping single tear down the cheek crier vs Faudilocks

Don Diamont would be grinning from ear to ear. Although in this triangle $Bill is the Ridge. Ha!

But yeah, I'm intrigued by a Brill vs Still showdown.

46 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

My hope for Liam is that the time he spends with Sally makes him realize that he's living a lie.  That he's betrayed who he is as a human being for money and sex.  Liam Cooper would never go along with such a monstrous lie.  If there is anyone on earth who knows how destructive a lie like that can be, it's Liam.  I'm sure that in the depths of his soul, Liam knows how different his life would be if he hadn't been the victim of a similar conspiracy.  He would be with the woman he REALLY loved.  They might have little blonde babies (and rescue kitties) running around the house.

I think Liam is going to start to admire Sally.  He's going to see her for the woman she is, not the person his wife and his father (two people he doesn't really respect anyway) SAY she is.  He's going to see a woman that has made some really big mistakes but is willing to work hard and fight hard to make something of her self.  Sally hasn't been handed everything on a silver platter; she's a scrapper.  That's led her to do some things that were really messed up but the one thing she would never do is try and ruin someone's life.  Something that his father and his wife do for FUN.

I would give anything for Liam to return his sword necklace and tell $Bill that he (Liam) was disowning his father.  It would be perfect if it happened on the same day that $Bill found out that Brooke found out what was going on and that Wyatt told him he was fucking his ex-wife.  I'd love to see $Bill Spencer left with nothing but Skye to hang on to.

Yes, to all of this.

Also Bill losing everything would be awesome as it's a rite of passage of all the big captains of industry on soaps that finally have things catch up to them - Palmer and Adam on AMC both lost everything to have to build it back up. Same with Edward Quartermaine on GH from time to time.  Bill would do well to have to struggle and find himself and see why family is important. Maybe it's time for the Spencer clan to break up to make up and come back stronger than ever.

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50 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

I actually liked Still as well and thought Bill and Steffy were two of a kind and very well-suited for each other...but that was long before Brill whom I have enjoyed so much or at least I was before Bill became obsessed with a building.

I just couldn't get into Still because it seemed to me that Stuffy had a daddy fixation.  She felt emotionally abandoned by Ridge and she transferred her affections to Bill even though he was one sexy motherfucker on his own.  Not to mention, Stuffy wanted him because he was the husband of one of the hated Logan women, whom she seemed obsessed with besting at every opportunity   

That's also the real reason I thought she latched onto Lame, whom she clung to after he saved her sorry life.  In addition, she had the added bonus of taking him from Hope, who was another one of those hated Logan women. What the hell was that about anyway?  It's been hilarious watching her enjoy her Crackerjack box prize while having to know on some level that she wasn't his first choice.

Admittedly, I tuned out quite a bit at that time because I couldn't stand Brooke becoming Ridge's Stepford wife.

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I'll admit that I missed a few shows because of CBS interruptions, so I'm asking, did someone drill into Eric's skull, scoop out his brain, and replace it with dog poo?  

Zzzzzende is really leaving?  Hope so.  Can he take Nicole with him?  

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6 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

I'll admit that I missed a few shows because of CBS interruptions, so I'm asking, did someone drill into Eric's skull, scoop out his brain, and replace it with dog poo?  

Dog poo...folger's crystals...cotton candy...take your pick.

Zzzzzende is really leaving?  Hope so.  Can he take Nicole with him?  

We should be so lucky. I'm guessing ZenZey will be recast. Yawn...

Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

That's also the real reason I thought she latched onto Lame, whom she clung to after he saved her sorry life.  In addition, she had the added bonus of taking him from Hope, who was another one of those hated Logan women. What the hell was that about anyway?  

Honestly, I think far too much of that was Taylor inflating both her and Thomas's importance in FC and transferring her insecurities about Brooke into her daughter especially.

Although, neither Taylor nor Steffy minded evil Logan blood when that blood was rushing to Rick's dick. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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21 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Honestly, I think far too much of that was Taylor inflating both her and Thomas's importance in FC and transferring her insecurities about Brooke into her daughter especially.

Although, neither Taylor nor Steffy minded evil Logan blood when that blood was rushing to Rick's dick. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I just couldn't get into Still because it seemed to me that Stuffy had a daddy fixation.  She felt emotionally abandoned by Ridge and she transferred her affections to Bill even though he was one sexy motherfucker on his own.  Not to mention, Stuffy wanted him because he was the husband of one of the hated Logan women, whom she seemed obsessed with besting at every opportunity   

That's also the real reason I thought she latched onto Lame, whom she clung to after he saved her sorry life.  In addition, she had the added bonus of taking him from Hope, who was another one of those hated Logan women. What the hell was that about anyway?  It's been hilarious watching her enjoy her Crackerjack box prize while having to know on some level that she wasn't his first choice.

Admittedly, I tuned out quite a bit at that time because I couldn't stand Brooke becoming Ridge's Stepford wife.

I'd say it was all of the above why Steffy went after Bill and then later after Liam. I especially saw the writing on the wall when Hope went over to Steffy's place after Bill dumped her to basically gloat and tell her off (which, sure she may have deserved) for her moral failings and basically pour gasoline on the fire.

Hope gave Steffy reason (not a good reason, but an understandable one) to go after Liam to 'punish' her and get a win against a Logan -any Logan- at that point. Steffy probably thought he'd be easy pickings and then she supposedly fell for him for real.  This is why while Liam waffled like an Eggo and kept both women on a string, both women allowed themselves to be kept on that string because they didn't want to lose to each other so I find them all pretty much at fault for the way that triangle played out. Liam was a trophy to them until shit got real with Steffy getting pregnant.

Still getting their full due examination -especially with Ridge on canvas- could be really fun.  And when Ridge wants to talk about it being improper both Steffy and Bill can bring up CaRidge to tell him to shove it.  Can you imagine Ridge anguishing to Brooke (or Quinn) 'I really messed up if Steffy thinks Bill is the man for her'. It's actually a story that has legs for at least a good year.

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58 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Honestly, I think far too much of that was Taylor inflating both her and Thomas's importance in FC and transferring her insecurities about Brooke into her daughter especially.

Although, neither Taylor nor Steffy minded evil Logan blood when that blood was rushing to Rick's dick. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


27 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:




A-MEN!  Glory hallelujah!  Whew!  Oh, glory!



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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Hope gave Steffy reason (not a good reason, but an understandable one) to go after Liam to 'punish' her and get a win against a Logan -any Logan- at that point. Steffy probably thought he'd be easy pickings and then she supposedly fell for him for real.  This is why while Liam waffled like an Eggo and kept both women on a string, both women allowed themselves to be kept on that string because they didn't want to lose to each other so I find them all pretty much at fault for the way that triangle played out. Liam was a trophy to them until shit got real with Steffy getting pregnant.

Exactly. Even with Hope having been gone long enough for me to remember her time with a more rosy tint, I don't buy that Liam--an idiot guy in his early to mid 20s who wanted to get laid--was in love with her any more than Ridge was ever in love with Brooke. Look at how all the shit played out between them with the manipulations and lies thrown at them and the way Tally is written with the same manipulator involved. Even with Caroline supposedly dying, it's been made clear that Thomas is only there out of support for his little boy. There's no there, there.

I never want a revisit of Lope, because they both deserve better. They can both apologize and acknowledge they weren't ready for the deep commitments they kept trying to put on one another, then move on to other people. I could go for Hope/Saul myself. Or Hope/Ivy as they discover they are better lovers to one another than Liam ever was to them. ?‍❤️‍?‍?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Still getting their full due examination -especially with Ridge on canvas- could be really fun.  And when Ridge wants to talk about it being improper both Steffy and Bill can bring up CaRidge to tell him to shove it.  Can you imagine Ridge anguishing to Brooke (or Quinn) 'I really messed up if Steffy thinks Bill is the man for her'. It's actually a story that has legs for at least a good year.

TBTP did a bit of this the last go-around IIRC. But back then, Ridge passed for a decent father, so I was rooting for him. Between CaRidge and this Quinn business, he doesn't have one single leg to stand on this time around, and I'd be hard-press to believe it would have anything to do with Steffy and everything to do with losing his own carnival prize to someone else.

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Our favorite waffle is back but this time he's waffling on whether or not to tell Sally the truth.  Get on with your syrupy goodness and tell Sally the truth. 

Shelia, Quinn is worse than you were?  ??.  Concussions by Quinn's hands?  Hey Eric, how about Shelia almost chocking Quinn to death. How about Quinn was just defending herself?  It's called self defense and Shelia was trespassing and in violation of a restraining order. Even Det Hot Dog could comprehend that; maybe not. 

Speaking of Shelia, can she be off my screen by next Friday?  Please!!

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Are there no other competent doctors in all of LA?   Eric has to bring in a moldy oldie pal of Sheila.  This goes to show the writers are completely lacking talent.  How many times will Bell bring back Sheila in ridiculous stories?  I will fully admit, I've hated every single time that Sheila has been reincarnated, regardless of the show.  Until her story is done, I'm not watching.  

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KB has a year-long contract, but I hope Bell reconsider axing her at the end of 13 weeks. 

Which would still be 13 weeks too many, because Sheila was not needed. At all. And no story needed her less than the Quidge/Eric plot. At this point, it won't even be satisfying if she did manage to kill off some of the dead weight on her way out. 

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On 8/17/2017 at 2:54 PM, CountryGirl said:

 Before James could reveal Sheila's past to Eric, Sheila and her lackey Mike kidnapped James and held him prisoner in Sheila's house. 

The house formerly belonged to Harry Houdini and had a secret room with a cage and chains which Sheila used to keep James prisoner.

On 8/17/2017 at 4:11 PM, TobinAlbers said:


It's funny, over on Y&R Victor is trying to bring his mooch son Nick to heel as well. Never realized it but there are strong parallels between Victor/Nick/Adam and Bill/Liam/Wyatt. I'm sad that this makes Liam the Nick of this group.

There are often parallels between stories on the two shows.

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Let me make sure that I understand this correctly. The guy who plays Zende (who can't act his way out of a paper bag) was tapped by both Oprah (I'll give this a small pass ...) AND Tyler Perry for a project???? WTF??? Did one of them just happen to be channel surfing one day and landed on the ONLY, I mean ONLY good scene Zende had with Julius? What is it? A movie, cable series?  Geez ... talk about landing on your feet.  SMH. Doesn't Oprah like to take on people and mentor them, kind of like she tried with Rachael Ray? Well, they have their work cut out for them.

I didn't care for Friday's show. I hate it when writers spin circumstances out of thin air. So Mary/Erica whatever the daughter's name is ... tipped Sheila off that James has/had a pill addiction? I know that Bell was planning on the shock element of stunt casting but it would have nice to have gotten a brief glimpse of James hurriedly popping a pill or something right before he entered the room to evaluate Sheila. Heck, if Carter and Taylor could practice unethically, why can't James? Also, Sheila can take a few seats, because I believe that if medical practitioners are treated for addiction AND follow a careful monitoring/follow-up program mandated by their state board, they can go back to practicing (maybe in a limited capacity.) I thought James said that he was in recovery. So STFU psycho!

I actually wouldn't mind seeing a Lally or Still pairing or both. While I like Tally, I'd root for Lally just to see Fauxdi's head explode. It's going to be bad enough when Watie is revealed. I didn't like Still at first because I just detest Steffy and I didn't like what they were doing to Katie (who I liked at the time.) Now I don't care. I'd hate to see Brooke on the losing end but frankly, she deserves better (and NOT Sludge) than playing second fiddle to a freakin' building!  I'd kind of like to see a totally villainous couple and that would be Still!

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My biggest concern for Lally is the inevitable break up and I have to sit through Sally going N. Sane over Waffles. The show's been zero for four for women *not* going batshit over this limp biscuit of a character.

But at least Steffy having a rival who won't be steamrolled in two seconds  (Ivy) or was the other side of the entitlement coin  (Hope) or is the only character who is possibly more self-destructive that she is (Quinn) will make the rest of it bearable. 

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I've really been enjoying the campy fun of the Sheila storyline. Friday's scenes with her and Eric and James were delightful. I had forgotten how much I adore Ian Buchanan. What wonderful facial expressions!

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Friday's show sucked monkey butt--to the tenth power.  Was that supposed to be Brad Bell's idea of a cliffhanger? Sheila smugly getting away with blackmailing someone else?  Really?

What was the purpose of bringing back James--another man whom Sheila is adept at manipulating?  Don't even get me started on the retcon that Mary communicated with Sheila during the entirety of her incarceration.  I call total B.S. on that one.  The last time that Mary saw Sheila in jail, Mary faced down her psychopathic mother and made it very clear that she was done with her.  That kiss that Sheila gave Mary at the end of that visit was chilling.  Now, we're supposed to believe that Mary would tell Sheila, of all people, that her father had become addicted to painkillers.  Again--bullshit.  I also call bullshit on the notion that James is sooooo frightened of losing his license to practice medicine that he would be cowed and manipulated by Sheila.  First of all, a small percentage of medical professionals abuse drugs.  A certain percentage are enrolled in programs that address alcohol abuse, as well as opioid addiction.  At the end of a treatment program spanning anywhere between several months to years, a large percentage of the medical practitioners returned to clinical practice.  Issues such as this are handled by each state's medical review board, which doctors are encouraged to contact for additional information about treatment options and ongoing monitoring.

Now, I was able to do some quick research into this issue with a few clicks of a mouse, as the information is readily available online.  This information is also available in several medical journals and other sources.  Am I to believe that Bradley & Co. couldn't devote a few moments to do that themselves?  But, as is typical, when Bradley becomes enamored with the shiny, not-so-new object (i.e Sheila), all common sense flies right out the window just to push forth his plot-driven swill.  How refreshing would it have been if James called Sheila's bluff and just simply let the chips fall where they may?  Instead, he's practically begging her?!  Why would he stand there and listen to her preaching about his conduct being criminal?

It scares me that this mess will probably drag out for months on end because everyone who gets sucked into Sheila's storyline will somehow come away even more diminished than they already were.  We've already seen it with Eric.  Now, it appears as if La Spencer will get sucked into Sheila's vortex also.  This, while her husband is stirring up all kinds of devilment so that his beloved "Sky" is built.  Isn't that the storyline that Brooke should be heavily invested in?

For several days, Sludge attempted to manipulate Brooke by mewling that Eric blamed her also for the Quidge fallout because she didn't tell Eric the truth.  During his rage, Eric did blame everyone in his immediate and extended family for playing him for the fool that he has proven himself to be.  Would it  have killed the writers to take a 5-second break from advancing Sheila's storyline to address this unspoken elephant in the room?  Friday was the first time Eric and Brooke were onscreen together.  Yet, there was no dialogue by either of them acknowledging why Brooke called off her wedding in Australia; why she rushed to Eric's suite and tried to inform him about something horrible that she witnessed; and why she chose to remain mum afterwards.  I would have even settled for some 30-second dialogue from Eric acknowledging that none of this was Brooke's fault and that he understood why she canceled her wedding to his worthless son and chose to keep quiet.

Which leads me to wondering how much more impactful Bill's increasingly ridiculous storyline would have been had Brooke been allowed to keep her very brief job as editor of Eye on Fashion and if it was she (instead of limp-noodle Lame) interviewing Sally.  But, once again, the writers want to chem test people so that they can shore up future triangles if the need arises.  I also had to give Sally the side eye when she dramatically announced to Lame that losing Thomas was like losing a part of herself or some such nonsense.  Huh?  And, I wish I could say that Lame deserves so much better than the narcissistic sociopath that he is married to.  No, he doesn't.  He is right where he needs to be--with a wife who barely batted an eyelash when her father-in-law all but threatened to disown his son if he didn't keep his mouth shut.  Whether this is because JMW's face barely moves anymore is beside the point.  This is all about Stuffy's own big picture:  punishing an acknowledged thief under the guise of wanting Thomas to play happy family with Carowhine and Dougie.

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22 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

My biggest concern for Lally is the inevitable break up and I have to sit through Sally going N. Sane over Waffles. The show's been zero for four for women *not* going batshit over this limp biscuit of a character.

But at least Steffy having a rival who won't be steamrolled in two seconds  (Ivy) or was the other side of the entitlement coin  (Hope) or is the only character who is possibly more self-destructive that she is (Quinn) will make the rest of it bearable. 

But this is where it can all be different for Liam in that Sally isn't a girl fighting for a prize, but looking for a partner and she's not going to put up with any crap of Liam not knowing what he wants. And also I think for Liam that his maturation/turning point is that when he's finally with the woman he's meant to be with, his head wouldn't be turned by Steffy crooking her finger or Hope's doe eyes. He'd wave from afar and keep right on rolling with the woman he's with.

But as much chem as Lally may have, I reaaally want them to just be friends for now.  If Tally and Steam are to implode, let it be for their own reasons and not outside attractions. Let Liam be a friend for Sally whose shoulder she can cry on but nothing more and Sally and Spectra be the rock Liam leans on as he picks himself up from his marriage and Bill's disowning insanity and channels his new ambition and energies towards helping become a success.

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Sheila already has her Renfield. Charlie, the head of Forrester security and village idiot of Bell Air. How many minions does this bitch need? 

Good point, if Liam and Sally have a thing beside Wyatt instantly developing a permaboner obsession with her, Steffi will find a way to harm her. You'll never convince me Sally, with her scrappiness and the portrayer's  rock hard natural body, wouldn't biddy biddy beat Puffy's ass. 

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2 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Liam and Sally have a thing beside Wyatt instantly developing a permaboner obsession with her,

Actually, I would love if/when Liam and Sally are both single, if Liam mentions this to his new BFF Sally and she doesn't believe Liam's theory that Wyatt goes after any woman Liam is with and they decide to test it by playing as if they are dating which in the course of role playing they actually do start falling for each other. Meanwhile Wyatt's gut wants to undermine Liam and Sally's relationship even as he's enjoying Ex-Stepmother with benefits with Katie and feels the impulse to go back to Steffy even though she's no longer with Liam.

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On 8/18/2017 at 1:59 PM, MulletorHater said:

I just couldn't get into Still because it seemed to me that Stuffy had a daddy fixation.  She felt emotionally abandoned by Ridge and she transferred her affections to Bill even though he was one sexy motherfucker on his own.  Not to mention, Stuffy wanted him because he was the husband of one of the hated Logan women, whom she seemed obsessed with besting at every opportunity   

I think, though, that DD would love it if the show got them together again.  I've noticed in pictures of cast events he seems to hang all over her.

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If the writers end up reshuffling couples, then I'd prefer Latie, Wally and Still. I think Liam would end up sucking the life out of vivacious Sally. I think Sally would feel more comfortable and confident with him and I think she and Quinn would actually hit it off. Liam seems better suited for Katie and they have good chemistry as we've already seen.

That bedroom scene with Katie and Wyatt gave my finger a workout pressing the ff button.  I was taken aback when Katie sauntered in wearing that black lingerie. She looked smokin' hot and that seemed to out of character for her.  ALL B&B love scenes must be choreographed by the same director.  B-O-R-I-N-G The only good love scenes of memory are Brooke and Deacon way back in the day and any Brooke and Ridge 1.0 scenes were pretty hot.  There were a few pretty sexy ones with Taylor and Ridge early on when they were first married.

So what's Brooke's dog in this fight? Is she trying to pay Sheila back for shooting her all those years ago?  Like Brooke said, she's no fan of Quinn, so why is she butting in all of a sudden? Eric may be/  a naive forgiving old fool, but he's an adult and it's his house. If he's not going to honor his own wife's wishes about having Sheila stay there, why would he follow Brooke's advice instead? Brooke needs to be tending to the fires closer to home right now. I like MulletorHater's excellent suggestion that Brooke go back to working for SP.  Somebody needs to be keeping Bill in check ... preferably not Steffy.

Could the possible end game be Beric and Quidge?

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I love that Brooke smells something decidedly stank and foul at Eric's house, however, is it too much to ask that the writers once again mine the show's rich history?  Yes, Brooke loves Eric and is protective of him.  However, it would have been great if she had a flashback to that shooting.  Brooke could have also remembered that Sheila and her sidekick, Sugar, kidnapped her, Nick and Ridge.  It would have also done Brooke well to remember Sheila incredibly claiming that if it wasn't for her that she (Brooke) wouldn't even have had Ridge, (i.e., being grateful that she "murdered" Taylor).  These women go way back to the time when they bonded over their mutual dislike of Stephanie, as well as Brooke elevating Sheila to be her liaison at the "new" Forrester Creations after she acquired 51% of the company.  They both know when the relationship went sour and why.  But, without that backstory, veteran and newer viewers can't help but wonder what Brooke's vested interest is in having Sheila tossed out of Eric's home in such a way where her butt would hit the sidewalk before her feet does.

And, how weak-kneed is James?  He had some time alone away from Sheila where he could have easily revealed to Eric and/or Brooke that he was being blackmailed and why.  I've watched enough Perry Mason reruns to know that there are two ways to disarm a blackmailer: (1) Reveal the truth, thus taking the blackmailer's power away; and (2) sending the blackmailer home to her maker.  Since all attempts to rid this world of Sheila seem doomed to fail, why couldn't James just simply speak up and speak out?  Given Brooke's struggles with alcohol, she certainly wouldn't have condemned James.  Neither would Eric for that matter.  But, once again, this storyline is going to be prolonged to justify the idiotic decision to bring KB back to a show that didn't need her.

Speaking of spineless men, Lame, if you aren't going to do anything any differently, just shut up about "the secret" once and for all.  I'm sick of hearing it regurgitated and I'm sick of all the hand-wringing by people who could easily do something about it but choose not to.  Stuffy--the descendants of the late Roy Rogers and Dale Evans have demanded that you quit playing and return Trigger's ponytail forthwith.  I just can't with this bimbo and her lack of self-awareness.  Hearing her gush about how well Bill's lie is working because Thomas is with Carowhine and Dougie at the zoo only reminded me of how well Bill's lies (including a faked medical condition) worked on her own behalf.  That neither Stuffy nor Lame had a moment of recognition amidst her happiness shouldn't surprise me.

Mark this date on your calendars: August 21, 2017 was the day that Stella, um, Katherine Elizabeth Logan Spencer got her groove back. After her laughable first bedroom scene with nu-Ridge--complete with dark silhouettes--who knew that Katie could be so spontaneous with a young tenderoni like Wyatt?  Girl, go on and get you some!  Although I'm not behind this pairing, I have to give credit where it is due. DB definitely brought it and the smile on HTom's face spoke volumes. My advice to Katie. Have fun with him, girl--but don't fall head over heels fall in love. Now, go and invite your sister-friends to that "Waiting to Exhale" party, have some sparkling cider, shake your rumps to the funk and have a good time.

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Katie, Katie, Katie.  

She came out in her lingerie, looking hotter than Georgia asphalt but couldn't keep help reverting to her nerdy, bashful, pimply-faced, forgotten-Logan self:  "Is it too much?"  "Oh, no."

Just be hot.  And then be cool.  Why are you talking about heartbreak already?  You had sex one time.  What's wrong with you?  Chill.

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I just can't with Katie and Wyatt.  There's just no chemistry and to me it's like watching a mother and son going at it.  Makes me want to barf.  

If my ex barged into my house, that would be the last time.  It's not like Katie is living in the house she shared with Bill, so he really has no right. Plus, Katie was dumb to give Bill a key.  

Edited by KLovestoShop
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Parachuting Brooke into Eric/Sheila/Quinn's story isn't going to turn that dog into a racehorse.  If Eric can stand in his living room, the room where Sheila shot both Taylor and Brooke and tell Brooke that poor Sheila needs care, then he's too fucking far gone to be helped.  Brooke knows Sheila's an evil psycho bitch and isn't fooled for a second but she can't fight Eric.  It's his house and his life. Quinn better pull out that power of attorney and take away Eric's ability to make any major financial decisions.  The only saving grace is that Sheila might be able to play Little Mary Sunshine for short periods of time, but she won't be able to keep up for the long haul. 

The one thing even more horrible than Fauxdiloks weave are her gold-plated talons.  Is this bitch a dragon?  All this talk about 'family' is total and complete bullshit.  Fauxdi doesn't give a fuck about Thomas or Dougie.  She just wants to stick it to Sally.  I'm so disappointed that Liam is refusing to face that fact.  He knows what it's like to be lied to and manipulated.  If he's such a do-gooder, he wouldn't stand by and let that happen to another person, even if it was some stranger off the street.

Katie can't even keep her neuroses under control when she's fucking.  I had to fast-forward THAT scene because it just gives me the creeps. 

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