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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I think we have a winner here with Sally.  I am not much into crying but damned, if she didn't have my eyes watering at the end of the show.  What an asshole Bill has turned into.  Talk about a split personality.  Go into your workout room/sex den and beat up the punching bag or something. This pent-up disappointment and frustration over Brooke is getting the better of him and yeah, his "Little Bill" is definitely feeling the drought.  That building is ugly and looks very 1970s.

We all know that we haven't seen the last of Sally and it obviously was a good thing that Thomas was there when she read the review. The writers set the table today for him to somehow offer his services as either lead designer or co-CEO to Sally.  I like Sally and Thomas together and yes, PF looks like he's enjoying the SL.  You can see it in his eyes. I have faith in our gal Sal! She got more than her great aunt's name and red hair.  I can't wait for all of the truth to surface and she marches right over to SP and chews out $Bill.

Gee ... what a NICE departure today from Steffy and Thomas fighting and Liam padding around at the end of his leash over at FC.  I even needed a break from Quinn and Ridge's sexual tension sparring.

I don't know a lot about high fashion. I worked for an in-house agency for a small group of department stores that carried some pretty heavy-weight names and we did trunk shows so I know some of how to put on a trunk show and I also like to look at fashion magazines and especially visit the Go Fug Yourself website (Fug Madness will be coming up soon!) Some of the stuff that is out there as "high fashion" is so off the charts (and not to mention expensive ) that Sally's clothes looked tame.  Maybe CupidStunt or others who know more will know if this is true but I read that young Japanese women buy those expensive high-fashion clothes to wear on the subways to work or out on the town. When they get to work they have to change into more sensible professional attire. They can afford to do so because they still live at home with their parents. I have no idea if that's true or not but it sure was an interesting explanation as to who actually buys that stuff.  I also know that the Kardashian Klan keeps Balmain in business!

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I'm a little confused about Bill.  So this Shifty guy, a loan shark, is going to call in his loan, Sally won't be able to pay, but he'll just walk away and say "That's ok, this one's on me, but don't ever expect a loan from me again" because he knows Bill will pay him back?  Yeah, I'm sure loan sharks love it when they get the reputation that they don't demand their money back.  Assuming he would agree to that, shouldn't that be enough for Bill to get his mirrored building?  Why does he have to ruin Spectra?  Why the hell would he care if Sally produces a fashion line in a different location?

Edited by ByTor
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3 hours ago, grisgris said:

What an asshole Bill has turned into. 

"Turned into"? Aside from the last month of begging for Brooke to hand him crumbs,  Bill has always been an asshole.

But yeah, this thing with Sally does have echoes of his anti-Hope campaign back during Steam 1.0. And while he wanted to bone Steffy with the cocktail weenie that passes for Waffles' cock could justify that as being the best thing for his son (and also Hope was nearly as insufferable as the current entitlement twins), Sally's only flaw is being related to the guy who went back on his word. His issue should be with CJ, not her.

As someone else pointed out, I won't be surprised if Katie gets mixed up in this, somehow just to give Bill the middle finger. She needs something to do besides gunning to be Mrs. Eric Forrester#5. $Bill got off far too easily regarding Brill 2.0. It'll be a good way to fix up the current office set* and maybe allow them to get an updated logo much like FC got a while back.

*Something that bugged me want when Sally and Co visited the warehouse and it looked exactly as Sally Sr. had it. I could've sworn Jackie Marone redesigned Sally's office once she moved in. Yeah, I know, Bell is "making it easy" for the n00bs btw still. I think having the lighter office with Spectra designs would've worked, too.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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7 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

WALDO, why is there such an issue of toxic waste in the LA area?  I am not doubting what you say, I'm just surprised.  I never saw LA as being an industrial area of the country.

As far as the Spectra fashion preview, I am not to judge.  I have never seen a "high" fashion show (on tv) that I have said to myself "I'd wear that".  

 There a really no major manufacturing going on in the LA area but there are quite a few research and development companies that also do manufacturing and final assembly.  

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Jesus Christ Bill, why don't you just lace Spectra's water coolers with cyanide, and for added measure, booby trap the exit doors with about 10 tons of dynamite. Heck, that way you can permanently rid yourself of Sally Spectra, and save yourself the cost of demolishing the building. 

Oh, but Show has a real gem in Courtney Hope. She was so good in those scenes; had me tearing up too grisgris. I know a lot of viewers feel the Spectra gang are over the top, but compared to the original group they are actually pretty tame. Sally 1.0 was bigger than life, was loud and brash, could be hard as nails and meaner than a snake, wasn't above breaking the law to get what she wanted, and devoured every scene she was in. Sally 2.0 is more along the lines of sassy with grit and a lot of spunk, and unless you consider cake fighting and wedding crashing breaking the law, she is keeping her shenanigans to a doable level. Sally and Thomas? Show most certainly needs to go there. And not just because PF and CH light up the screen, but because it will cause Fauxdilok's all kind of butt hurt. 

Darlita, I hate to admit it, but the name is growing on me, is also very good. Her predecessor was campy, ditzy and waaaayyy over the top. In the early days, Darla worked every available angle of the dingbat, and dressed the part with cleavage bearing blouses and thigh high skirts. But she was lovable and endearing at the same time. Our Darlita is not nearly as in your face; I consider her more whimsically wacky. I love her dry, monotone delivery, and how after she says something silly she just walks away instead of waiting for a reaction. And her and CH have a really good vibe going between them. 

Saul is just a little heart breaker. Outside of the fact the they did a bang up job getting someone who actually resembles the Original Saul, I think he is adorable with his big, sad eyes, long face and quiet little voice. There is much to be said about mild mannered guys too.

Shirley gives the group some grounding and an adult voice. What I love about PD is that she is willing to let the younguns take the scene. Many veterans don't like playing second fiddle to newcomers, but she seems willing and happy to do so. Shows a lot of professionalism and class. And she is a good actress to boot. 

I don't remember Jarrett ever being a nice guy, or having a heart, but I like that he isn't on board with Bill's actions, and hope he goes and tells Sally the truth. 

I think Katie will bail the Spectra's out after she hears what happened from Thomas. And I think the two of them talking about Katie getting involved will lead Thomas to the logical conclusion that his future is across town. 

I absolutely enjoyed every minute of this episode. I was on the edge of my seat. No Fauxdilok's. No Waffle Boy. Heaven.

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Recap for Thurs. 2/23/17:

An excited Sally is telling the Spectra gang that they pulled off the preview.

Sally: "I have each of you to thank for your hard work and dedication. I couldn't have done it without you." Shirley and Darlita are beaming, but Saul is more understated, saying that they did the best they could, given the circumstances. Darlita calls him a "Daryl Downer." 

Saul, a bit snarky, "Sue me for my realistic nature. Out of a hundred and ten guests, only one showed up." I just love doubting, serious Saul.

Sally, knowing you only need one if it's the right one, is confident that Jarrett's review could make or break them.  She thinks he was impressed and he didn't walk out on them or laugh at them. 

Sally: "His write-up is exactly what we need to kick start the company. Spectra is back."

But not for long if $ Bill has anything to say about it.

Speaking of, we cut to SP. Jarrett walks into Bill's office, clearly nervous, and asks Bill to hear him out. Bill thinks he already did that, but Jarrett, finding his courage, tells him he needs to be true to himself.

Jarrett: "Sally Spectra's talent is raw, but she is fresh and interesting. I saw potential." He echoes Sally's words, "Spectra is back."

Bill: "Get to the part where you trash the line."

Jarrett: "It is definitely not couture. I'm not sure what it is. It might not be everyone's taste but I'm sure there is a market for playful whimsy." Bill's face darkens on the words "playful whimsy."

Bill: "I knew this would happen....so I did your job for you." He tosses some papers Jarrett's way and you can see Jarrett isn't a bit surprised. "I wrote the review myself. I want it published." I am really, really finding it hard to like Bill anymore. He can be pissed about the deal falling through, but he can be pissed at CJ, not Sally, who is innocent in all of this. I was hoping Bill would see the potential of investing in SF and making them a true rival to FC, but no. He just has to have his fugly-ass building because right now, his ego is the only thing being stroked. But that's his fault. He could easily find another woman but he's still chasing Brooke and taking out his frustrations in that department on poor Sally.

Saul, a bit nervous and twitchy now, wants to know how long it takes to write a glowing review. And then Thomas walks in with a big bouquet of flowers. Sally sees him and sees the flowers and I know it's cliche, but the two of them light up like Christmas and the 4th of July all rolled into one. It's obvious the two of them really enjoy working together and I have to say, I've never seen PF look so happy and relaxed. It may be a wee bit premature for me to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I think we've got a lightening in a bottle pairing here, something we haven't seen in a very long time.


Thomas: "I wanted to brighten up your day and say I'm sorry for missing the preview." Sally thinks that he is sweet and something tells me that normally, Sally would have her guard up a bit, but not with this man. 

She introduces them to the gang. Saul doesn't look like he approves of Thomas. Jealousy, maybe? 

Thomas: "How did it go?" And you can tell he really does care. Saul grouches that it could have gone better.

Sally amused, asks, "Are you still glad you stopped by?" She welcomes him to her (misfit) world.

Thomas, looking around, "It looks a lot more fun than mine." Indeed. 

And no Fauxdiloks to browbeat him into kissing her ass. 

Thomas takes a look at the designs.

Sally warns, but with a teasing note, "Be nice."

Thomas, surprising her, "I think these have staying power." He examines the shiny metallic one, saying he tried to imagine it and calls it completely unique. Um, I'll give him that. 

Shirley, who knows how to read a room, suggests they give the two of them some privacy. You can see how happy she is for her granddaughter. The gang departs and they are left alone in Sally's office.

 Jarrett reads Bill's review and calls it "harsh."

Bill: "That's the point." Oh fuck off, Bill.

Jarrett, arguing, "This isn't true! Her designs were clearly put together quickly and it showed but they were NOT an abomination nor a joke."

Bill wants him to be true to the man who pays him and threatens that he can replace him. I would argue that point - a well-known fashion editor isn't so easily replaced, Bill. Particularly when one review from him can make or break you. You would think a man who is editor in chief of a magazine called Eye on Fashion would know that.

Jarrett admits he doesn't want to be replaced and I wish he'd find his backbone and tell him, go ahead and try. It's clear Bill wants to bury Sally and her crew.

Thomas thinks Sally has quite the crew and she gushes that she loves them. Thomas, clearly interested, wants to know everything about the preview. Sally tells him Jarrett said he would post his review first thing that morning, but so far, it's not up yet. Thomas is sure it will be up soon. Sally, a little nervous, says she hopes it's good, remarking "I have everything riding on it."

Bill is meeting with Shifty the loan shark now and basically orders him to stop loaning Sally any more money and that he'll take care of Sally's loan. Asshole.

Grams asks Darlita what she thinks of Thomas and Darlita's happy face says it all, but she stops fantasizing long enough to dub him "dreamy." It's an apt description of Thomas right now and the Tally pairing all the way around. Saul (so he IS jealous) whines "If you're into that sort of thing." Darlita, oblivious, keeps right on praising Thomas' good looks and "hunkiness."

Saul does call out Thomas as having an air of entitlement and he's not wrong there. Except I see none of that once Thomas is away from FC and Fauxdi's influence. Darlita, gushing, asks if they saw the way Thomas was looking at Sally. 

Saul: "It was unseemly to me."

Darlita, who is growing on me more and more, has the line of the day, "I wish he would unseem ME." LOL.

Shirley is anxious that nothing has been posted yet, but Darlita is still in full-on swoon mode, saying that Thomas looks at Sally like she's the best thing he's ever seen. Which is exactly right and why this pairing is pure magic.

Sally is getting a little antsy, wondering why the review isn't up by now. Thomas assures her that Jarrett is just choosing his words. Or having them chosen for him. Sally admits she isn't good at this kind of stuff.

Thomas, in the understatement of the year, "It's not a big deal." Sally just stares at him, flabbergasted at, yes, his entitlement.

Sally: "I guess one bad review for YOU is ok, but for us? It's between success and failure. I cannot fail."

Seeing her floundering touches Thomas and he wants her to sit down and breathe.

Thomas: "You can't put the responsibility of all of this on yourself."

Sally: "It IS on me....I have a crew that practically works for free because they believe I can do it. My great-aunt Sally created the place with her heart and soul. I won't let this be for nothing. These are my people. I have to take care."

You can see Thomas taking her measure, admiring her passion and very big heart.

Sally asks Darlita if she's heard anything yet but still nothing.

Sally sees Thomas watching her and tries to resist blushing: "You're giving me that look again."

Thomas: "I like you. You're a nutty woman who makes me laugh. You throw food at Steffy and crash weddings and end up with cake in your face..." They share smiles and then Thomas gets more serious. "At the same time, you chase your dreams...I'm glad I'm here."

Sally: "Why is that?"

Thomas: "Any minute, you'll get a review from Jarrett and I get a front-row seat."

The crew, especially Saul, are getting more than a little anxious and worried right about now.

Jarrett, with his tail between his legs, tells Bill the review will post any minute.

Bill is glad and snarks about giving Jarrett tissues. He is really being quite the little prick right now. He praises Jarrett for essentially being a good little boy who did Big Daddy's bidding. 

Sally is certain Thomas feels like he's entered an alternative universe (but a wonderful universe, I would add). She's sweating bullets for a review as if it's the end of the world.

Thomas: "I'm not judging you."

Sally: "You'll have a company all to yourself one day." Prophetic words, perhaps? 

Thomas: "You are so wrong about that. I'm so far down the line of succession." Uh oh, he's regressing into whiny Thomas again. "I honestly think my family forgets about me."

Sally: "Do you want to be CEO?" It's a honest question.

Thomas: "That isn't the point. I should be offered the chance." So maybe he doesn't really want it - he just wanted to be wanted, to be asked, to be considered. Interesting that Sally brings this realization out of him. "What's even more unacceptable is that my grandfather isn't even speaking for himself. He's parroting his wife...and..." He stops, embarrassed, with Sally looking on, listening. "I'm sorry. This is not about me. It's about YOU."

Sally, adding some levity to a decidedly darker moment, tells him she's not going to cut him any slack just because he brought her flowers. Thomas is certain she'll get everything she wants.

Jarrett gives a last-ditch plea for Bill to pull the review. But we all know how that's going to go. He tries to distract Jarrett by showing off his planned building. Again, it's ugly-as-fuck and even if it were the most beautiful building in the history of buildings, it will never justify what he's doing to Sally. 

Bill smiles like the Grinch who stole Christmas, telling Jarrett the review just posted. Jarrett has a look of "what have I done?" on his face. 

Thomas says he should probably go but you can tell he doesn't really want to leave and she doesn't want him to go.

Sally, trying to play it cool, "Thanks for stopping by." 

Thomas, showing more cards than perhaps he intended, even to himself, "I keep feeling pulled towards here." Towards her.

Darlita announces that the review is finally up and they all gather around Sally's desk as she prepares to read it aloud.


Sally begins to read: Sally Spectra former knock off queen of the 90’s now has a namesake. Occupying the same premise downtown, her great-niece has attempted the impossible. The following review will be the only review you will read. Out of a hundred people to be invited, I was the only one to show up. No glitz, no glam. Total barebones. Darlita rolls her eyes, saying who cares if he didn't like the building.

Sally keeps reading. Sally has a glint in her eye and shoot for the stars mind set. And here, she perks up and you can see the little bubble of hope hanging on.

This pitiful attempt at a preview showed that she played a joke on the fashion industry and no talent. Her creations are hideous. I want her to go back where she came from. This last-ditch effort is a wrecking ball.

Sally, horrified and hurt, asks how Jared could say all those horrible things.

Saul: "He's a jerk." A coward maybe but not a jerk. His boss on the other hand...is the biggest dick who ever dicked. Or actually, maybe the littlest.

Sally, fighting back tears, "I don't want any tears." Awww....

She tells them they all gave it their best shot and reasons that it was a good shot but it wasn’t meant to be.

Sally: "We need to know when to cut our losses and I'm...I'm pretty sure this is it. We're up to our knees in debt..." and her words are starting to snowball here as her hope bubble has all but dissolved. "It's serious debt and no way to pay it back."

Shirley, heartbroken for her granddaughter, for all of them, "I'm sure we can find a way..."

Sally shakes her head sadly. "I'm so sorry to all of you. You all came in with me...and I let you down." She's in tears now, her voice broken. "This was the best dream I ever had...but that's all it was. Spectra Fashions is dead."

She looks at Thomas, shattered, and he looks so sad for her and I hope he doesn't let her take this lying down. But this has gutted her. Nothing could have prepared her for this and knowing it's an untrue review, that she does have potential and a real future, is just heartbreaking. She breaks down and sobs.

I just want to gather up a bunch of socks and fill them with nickels and beat that motherfucker Bill senseless.

Edited by CountryGirl
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9 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I could've sworn Jackie Marone redesigned Sally's office once she moved in.

She did.  But it returned to its original Spectra splendor as if by magic.  Same thing happened when Brooke opened the short-lived Logan Designs in the same spot (remember she had a sauna/jacuzzi type of thing right off her office?).  That too returned magically to the glory that is Spectra.

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I suppose this will be unpopular around these parts, but I like what they're doing with Bill.  Bill came on the show an asshole and he always was an asshole, until he got ridiculously defanged.  This, IMO, is how Bill is supposed to be.

While I'm at it, I don't mind Thomas and his "passed over" mantra.  He sees how much respect his uncle Thorne gets (I don't count the time Thorne was offered some kind of promotion and he turned it down, that was cheap writing just to usher him off the show).

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53 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Thomas: "You are so wrong about that. I'm so far down the line of succession." Uh oh, he's regressing into whiny Thomas again. "I honestly think my family forgets about me."

Sally: "Do you want to be CEO?" It's a honest question.

Thomas: "That isn't the point. I should be offered the chance." So maybe he doesn't really want it - he just wanted to be wanted, to be asked, to be considered. Interesting that Sally brings this realization out of him. "What's even more unacceptable is that my grandfather isn't even speaking for himself. He's parroting his wife...and..." He stops, embarrassed, with Sally looking on, listening. "I'm sorry. This is not about me. It's about YOU."

Holy shit, Sally got a Forrester to stop making shit about themselves and she didn't even say a word to do it! I thought that was a rock so heavy even God couldn't move.

This Tally pairing has done wonders for Thomas' character, not just to put some light years between The Misunderstanding but for the general creepy vibe that's followed this character since the first SORAS from blowing up Rick's car to protect the sister he can't stand now, to everything regarding the Boinkberry debacle and that out of Logan-hating character crush on Brooke. Of all the legacy children not named Aly, Thomas has consistently gotten the worst writing that never stuck the landing. I wanted Tasha to happen more for Sasha to catch a break, but tbh I was really hard pressed to give any fucks about Thomas at the time. But even that aside, he and CH sizzle more than any pairing in recent memory and TPTB are taking a nice pace to fully realize this. No insta-marriages or rebounds here. Me likey ?

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Saul is just a little heart breaker. Outside of the fact the they did a bang up job getting someone who actually resembles the Original Saul, I think he is adorable with his big, sad eyes, long face and quiet little voice. There is much to be said about mild mannered guys too.

Indeed. There's already enough swinging dicks between Ridge the Entitlement Crown Prince, Bill the Stallion, Rick the perpetual manchild, Wyatt and Liam fighting over women and Steffy. Poor kid looks as insecure as Waffles acts, but there's hope for him yet.

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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

"Turned into"? Aside from the last month of begging for Brooke to hand him crumbs,  Bill has always been an asshole.


16 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I suppose this will be unpopular around these parts, but I like what they're doing with Bill.  Bill came on the show an asshole and he always was an asshole, until he got ridiculously defanged.  This, IMO, is how Bill is supposed to be.

When Bill's assholery is targeted in the right direction (The Forresters, The Logans, Liam and Wyatt when they're acting like asses), it can be glorious.

When it's targeted against Hope and upstart Sally it shows him to be the petty little man he can be.

But in the case of Sally I can fanwank that Bill's type of assholery can only make her stronger and tougher in the cutthroat world of business. I'd honestly be impressed they tweaked the story a bit where Sally doesn't hide behind Katie or Thomas and went directly to Bill to kick him in the teeth, drive him nuts, tell him it's war, and it becomes a game between them where Bill throws everything he can at Sally only for her to show the wily determination needed to succeed and he respects it and they become business frenemies. He may then decide to bankroll her himself because he believes she can be a real pain in the ass to the Forresters.

And about Sally, someone pointed out that the reason why she's easy to root for is that she's an underdog who has a goal and is going after it 110% and rallies when she's thrown a curve ball. You need aspirational characters who are relatable and you want to see get their dreams.

Sasha was like this. Nicole was like this until she reconciled with Maya in mere months of her arrival. Maya was actually the last real 'go get mine' character but she got hers and is now floundering because she has no new goals.

B&B hasn't had that in a while with the musical chair CEOs and triangles where pretty much all of the participants are rich kids crying over wanting the same toy.

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I just got a sick feeling.  I'm picturing Brooke leaving Ridge for Bill, after which Brooke finds out Bill did this to Sally.  A few "How could you???"s later & she's waffling back to Ridge. :(

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I suppose this will be unpopular around these parts, but I like what they're doing with Bill.  Bill came on the show an asshole and he always was an asshole, until he got ridiculously defanged.  This, IMO, is how Bill is supposed to be.

While I'm at it, I don't mind Thomas and his "passed over" mantra.  He sees how much respect his uncle Thorne gets (I don't count the time Thorne was offered some kind of promotion and he turned it down, that was cheap writing just to usher him off the show).

I don't think it's as unpopular as you think...I don't think the majority of us want to see Bill cuddling with kittens or anything. I like him with an edge - it's what has made him the successful business mogul he is and, yes, I'll say it, it makes him sexy. But I draw the line at petty and spiteful behavior. He's pissed at CJ for reneging on the deal? Fine. Take it out on HIM, but WTF has Sally ever done to him? Nothing. He just comes off as the big, bad bully his not-so-dear old dad was but even Bill Sr could surprise you from time to time and I doubt he would have stooped to going after a scrappy young lady the way Bill Jr has of late.

@TobinAlbers, I love the way you think and I hope that Bill's plan to lie and scheme and cheat Sally out of success backfires spectacularly and that he awakens the lady boss dragon in her that we've seen shades of already and that she takes him on and wins. I also agree I want HER to be leading the charge, not Thomas riding in on his big white Porsche to save the day and rescue the damsel in distress. 'cause Sally? Ain't no damsel and she might be down now, but she's not out, not by a long shot. 

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7 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

But I draw the line at petty and spiteful behavior. He's pissed at CJ for reneging on the deal? Fine. Take it out on HIM, but WTF has Sally ever done to him? Nothing. He just comes off as the big, bad bully his not-so-dear old dad was but even Bill Sr could surprise you from time to time and I doubt he would have stooped to going after a scrappy young lady the way Bill Jr has of late.

Not that I think it's a good character trait, but Bill is certainly no stranger to being a bully.  I'm not saying that I like him this way, I'm saying I like that that the writers are making him this way, because this is exactly who he is.

Edited by ByTor
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I really dislike this actor who plays CJ. He's so push that he almost comes off as abusive to me.  I wonder, though, if Sally's younger sister will be the one to use a Forrester male to steal designs. ETA: I was right. The sister is going to be a mole. Why couldn't she steal from someone else? Is Thomas going to want to date Sally after this?

Why would Ridge and Brooke want to get married in Australia, too? Are they going to have a double wedding, which I think is a very, very silly idea? It also would be a mean thing to do to Bill, who has to be there for Liam. It would serve Ridge right if Bill pulled one of those stop the wedding stunts. And given their age and multiple marriages, why do Ridge and Brooke need a destination wedding? 

And why must Quinn and Ridge constantly analyze their feelings for one another? It's hard to imagine that this will end well  Quinn is filled with jealousy re: Brooke and Ridge.

Why am I asking all of these questions and more important, why do I care?

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I may have missed something mentioned today, but I rewound to make sure I heard correctly when Thomas said "my brother & I are interviewing interns." Is RJ of an age where he has a say in who interns at Forrester? I thought he was in high school? I can't place another brother of Thomas', of course, until Douglas' paternity is possibly retconned, so someone smarter than me solve the mystery, please & thank you.

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Steffy changed her dress but in all actuality she should have changed her hideous hair style. Sally may dress like a clown but you look like a clown. It's easier for Sally to change her clothes than it's for you to change your sense of style. News flash Steffy, you don't need Sally to make you look foolish. You are quite capable of going that on your own. 

Ridge your ego is so out of control you actually thinking that Quinn kissed you and you were just being a gentleman to return it.  

Coco to the rescue?  Building up Steffy is just as disingenuous as the deconstruction  of Quinn. 

Edited by Waldo13
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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:


When Bill's assholery is targeted in the right direction (The Forresters, The Logans, Liam and Wyatt when they're acting like asses), it can be glorious.

When it's targeted against Hope and upstart Sally it shows him to be the petty little man he can be.

But in the case of Sally I can fanwank that Bill's type of assholery can only make her stronger and tougher in the cutthroat world of business. I'd honestly be impressed they tweaked the story a bit where Sally doesn't hide behind Katie or Thomas and went directly to Bill to kick him in the teeth, drive him nuts, tell him it's war, and it becomes a game between them where Bill throws everything he can at Sally only for her to show the wily determination needed to succeed and he respects it and they become business frenemies. He may then decide to bankroll her himself because he believes she can be a real pain in the ass to the Forresters.

And about Sally, someone pointed out that the reason why she's easy to root for is that she's an underdog who has a goal and is going after it 110% and rallies when she's thrown a curve ball. You need aspirational characters who are relatable and you want to see get their dreams.

Sasha was like this. Nicole was like this until she reconciled with Maya in mere months of her arrival. Maya was actually the last real 'go get mine' character but she got hers and is now floundering because she has no new goals.

B&B hasn't had that in a while with the musical chair CEOs and triangles where pretty much all of the participants are rich kids crying over wanting the same toy.

Quoted entirely for truth, because I agree we every word of this. Maya especially has been a disappointment given she had even fewer resources than Sally does and she's riding the hog nearly as hard as any of the entitlement babies.

I'm all for the Bill/Sally frenemies thing. Looking in between the scenes of him lusting for Steffy, back when he owned FC and she was just moving up from mail clerk to PR manager, there was quite a bit of guidance he gave her and (on the face of it at least) rooted for her over Hope because she was a ball buster. The difference with Sally being we actually see her put in more legwork than I have seen any Forrester since teenage Rick put in to deserve such accolades. 

1 hour ago, politichick said:

Why would Ridge and Brooke want to get married in Australia, too? Are they going to have a double wedding, which I think is a very, very silly idea?

Didn't they do that for Hope and Liam's Portofino wedding as well?

I don't care how many times Steffy and Fuckboy have been around the block, tacking on a double wedding just cuz they'd share roughly the same guest list is tacky as all hell. 

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

not Thomas riding in on his big white Porsche to save the day and rescue the damsel in distress.

Thomas riding on a big white Porsche (the wind blowing through his hair) vs $Bill the Stallion (with the wind blowing open his perpetually unbuttoned shirt) brings the giggles in imagery. 

37 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Ridge your ego is so out of control you actually thinking that Quinn kissed you and you were just being a gentleman to return it.

Bwah! Oh, Ridge.

24 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

there was quite a bit of guidance he gave her and (on the face of it at least) rooted for her over Hope because she was a ball buster.

Bill's actually been a great mentor as he's worked with Steffy, Katie, and Liam. His continuing that tradition with Sally would be interesting especially if it puts him at odds with Steffy.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Steffy changed her dress but in all actuality she should have changed her hydrous hair style. Sally may dress like a clown but you look like a clown. It's easier for Sally to change her clothes than it's for you to change your sense of style. News flash Steffy, you don't need Sally to make you look foolish. You are quite capable of going that on your own. 

I think they are styling Steffy with the harsh clothes, make up and hair to go with her escalating nastiness.  Steffy has always been a nasty piece of work but since Sally jr.  entered the picture Steffy is off the charts nasty, mean and cruel.  

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

You have to be in college to be an intern at FC? Must be a new rule.

College? What's that? ?

1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

I think they are styling Steffy with the harsh clothes, make up and hair to go with her escalating nastiness.  Steffy has always been a nasty piece of work but since Sally jr.  entered the picture Steffy is off the charts nasty, mean and cruel.  

I dunno, I thought Steffy maxed out her nastiness quotient after Ivy got fried like Puffy's blonde tips. Compared to the height of her "Logans are the Devil" phase, this is relatively tame. If anything, she's more like Amber von Tussle to Sally's Tracy Turnblad, laughing her off and taking her privilege for granted until someone who is out of the mold curbstomps her for the Miss Hairspray title.

And unlike with Hope and Ivy, her golden brass cooter won't help her get Thomas away from Sally and "win."

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Like if Forrester offered a legitimate internship there wouldn't be hundreds of applicants already vying for it. 

Quinn looked younger and fresher than Steffi today. 

I wish Aly was around. She'd have been a perfect fit at Spectra. 

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8 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:


When Bill's assholery is targeted in the right direction (The Forresters, The Logans, Liam and Wyatt when they're acting like asses), it can be glorious.

When it's targeted against Hope and upstart Sally it shows him to be the petty little man he can be.

But in the case of Sally I can fanwank that Bill's type of assholery can only make her stronger and tougher in the cutthroat world of business. I'd honestly be impressed they tweaked the story a bit where Sally doesn't hide behind Katie or Thomas and went directly to Bill to kick him in the teeth, drive him nuts, tell him it's war, and it becomes a game between them where Bill throws everything he can at Sally only for her to show the wily determination needed to succeed and he respects it and they become business frenemies. He may then decide to bankroll her himself because he believes she can be a real pain in the ass to the Forresters.

And about Sally, someone pointed out that the reason why she's easy to root for is that she's an underdog who has a goal and is going after it 110% and rallies when she's thrown a curve ball. You need aspirational characters who are relatable and you want to see get their dreams.

Sasha was like this. Nicole was like this until she reconciled with Maya in mere months of her arrival. Maya was actually the last real 'go get mine' character but she got hers and is now floundering because she has no new goals.

B&B hasn't had that in a while with the musical chair CEOs and triangles where pretty much all of the participants are rich kids crying over wanting the same toy.

I totally agree with you about Bill.   My biggest problem is that he always seems to go out of his way to bully young women who don't have a hope in hell of being able to fight back.  Bill has never gone after Ridge, a man he claims to hate more than anyone, the way he went after Hope, whose only crime was that Liam loved her more than he loved Fauxdiloks (and Bill didn't want to fuck her).  Even though I like Bill and Brooke together, I still find it hard to believe that Brooke would have anything to do with a man who tortured her daughter the way Bill tortured Hope.  Wait, what am I saying?  If Brooke wants a man, NOTHING will get in her way.

The fact that Bill is being so mean to her, (and Fauxdi hates her) makes me like Sally more than any of her 'wackiness'.

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Well ... it was like today's show was written by several writers. First, we had that powerfully played scene with Ridge and Quinn, then recycled "let's steal FC's designs," to that absolute vomit-inducing verbiage at the end with Slouchy whining about his abandonment issues. (Even TK looked irritated by having to play along with that drivel.)

I have to say that I'm going to be quite disappointed if the revival of Spectra goes the route of corporate espionage.  Sally's designs had merit, they just needed revision and with practice and some mentoring (and else!) from Thomas, she will be able to compete on her own two feet without ripping off the Forresters. I sort of saw where they had it be Shirley's idea to bring the "Sally cred" to the scheme being the Grande Dame's sister and all. Getting an assist from Thomas and Katie seemed to have a lot more potential for multiple characters and it was at least LEGAL!  I know that Coco is going to materialize as Slouchy's dream girl and we're off to the races! (NOT!)

RS was so riveting in her scene with Ridge. Her facial expressions and gestures just made the whole scene. This game of chess is being very skillfully played and I can't wait to see who gets "checkmate." I was pretty convinced that Ridge was trying to extricate himself from the situation and I thought she was too, when she said, "Go back to hating me." Now her skulking around in POD's turf and spying on Ridge and Brooke is starting to disturb me.

In another suspend your disbelief moment ... Steffy and Brooke having a relaxed and casual conversation. Brooke even laughed at the not-so-subtle barbs shot her way. On what planet would those two be planning to share center stage at the altar? I'm betting that it won't happen. And yes, how tacky to double-up because of duplication of guests. It's always the same 3-4 people, so what does it matter?

Back to Brooke.  She is too dense for words. When she was defending Bill to Slouchy about how "loyal, steadfast, dedicated (single-minded) he was," I thought that she was finally seeing the light and would dump Sludge. Then Slouchy had to ruin the moment by adding, "Just like Dad," to which Brooke dreamily agreed. Vomit! How many times has she declared that "This time, I'm more certain than ever about ..." This idiot deserves every iota of what's coming to her.

Why would Slouchy care where the wedding was being held? Isn't he going to be there? After all, this is all of his doing. He can't miss it. (I was confused by that exchange.) Also, why is he suddenly feeling abandonment and fear? (Maybe he's psychic ... dunno.) It just seemed like a lame excuse to get them into a group hug for Quinn to spy through POD.

Random thoughts ...

Loved the unwitting dig Thomas gave to Bill's writing when he implied that the review didn't sound "as intelligent" as Jarrett usually is.

When Slouchy informed Brooke that he was never getting married, I was so hoping that he was going to say that he was gay!

Steffy looked like she should have been serving a tray of beer and bourbon to a group of out-of-town businessmen at the local Sheraton lounge. I am pretty certain that her partial haircut or hairpiece are there to hide something. It's not a good look with or without the disguise.  Seriously, what CEO would dress like that at work? She was actually looking pretty decent there a few weeks ago in her cool jacket/trouser combos.

Brooke looked beautiful in her blue pants and blouse.

Quinn looked absolutely amazing today. That dress was killer and her makeup and jewelry. OMG! 

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23 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Even though I like Bill and Brooke together, I still find it hard to believe that Brooke would have anything to do with a man who tortured her daughter the way Bill tortured Hope. 

If Brooke had such integrity, Hope wouldn't exist to begin with.

22 hours ago, grisgris said:

In another suspend your disbelief moment ... Steffy and Brooke having a relaxed and casual conversation.

Maybe Steffy appreciates Brooke more now that Quinn is in the family. Whatever complains she had about the evil Logan blood, none of the three women are psychotic or rapists.

They did have a decent relationship for the first few months after JMW came on, and Brooke stood up to Ridge when she and Rick were together. Then Steffy decided to pitch in with Thomas to reunite their family with the stupid text scheme, Katie got named CEO, Hope's campaign got chosen over a lame retread of Steffy's previous one and the rest is history. 

That said, it would've been nice to see Brooke giving Steffy guidance on how to deal with underlings who think you do not deserve to be where you are (she doesn't, but I digress) or even some advice when Liam was honking like a long neck goose about Quinn. The show likes to pretend otherwise, but Brooke did help raise her and Thomas and poor, forgotten Phoebe when Taylor was presumed dead and I hated that TIIC blew all that up to promote the dumbass Logan versus Hamilton-Hayes rubbish.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Why Shirley, you naughty little lady! I guess like mother like daughter applies to sisters too? Sorry, but I absolutely do not want to see a knockoff SL. Original Sally wasn't a designer, and because of that she didn't understand how artists feel about their work. To them, it is like their child. They love it. They adore it because it came from inside of them and no one else. Sally was all business, and never really understood fashion or couture, and frankly, didn't care to. She wanted to be successful and to out do the Forresters. Sally 2.0 is a designer, maybe raw and in need of some refinement, but an artist all the same, and should understand how it would feel to have your work stolen and cheaply copied. Hopefully, that will compel her to keep telling Shirley no.

Thomas appears to be tiring of Steffy's petty glee over "Jarrett's" scathing review; actually, he seems to be tiring of Steffy's attitude about Sally in general. He keeps talking about following your dreams, and taking chances, and when he does his face just lights up and his eyes shine with thoughts of Sally. And that is one of the reasons I like this pairing so much. It isn't all about sex, or power, or advancement, it is about respect. I don't think I have ever seen Thomas respect anyone, except maybe Gaby. 

There have been so many awesome ideas from my fellow posters on how this could play out, and I really love the idea of Bill and Sally being frenemies. Bill is a jerk, and a bully, and a asshole, but he usually likes spunk. I think scenes with Bill and Sally would be off the rails hilarious, especially if she was putting him in his place. Throwing in with Sally would have the added benefit of sticking it to The Dressmaker, but I just don't see it happening. And now Shifty is going to call in his loan at the end of the day. We don't know how much that is, but apparently it is more than this group has, so this is why I think Katie will somehow get involved. Katie wouldn't have to be involved in the day to day operations, just be the backer and keep an eye on things. I would like to see Thomas mentor Sally as he stays employed at Forrester. Not giving her their designs, just his advice. Maybe they could engage in some hand porn like his dad and Caroline. But I wholeheartedly agree; I want to see Sally succeed the right way, no knockoffs, and on her own merits.

Quinn and Ridge? Dear Lord, I don't know what it is between them, but the shit sizzles. Rena Sofer's scenes with Thorsten are absolutely riveting. As horrible as it was, the only other couple that turned up my inner thermometer like this was Brooke and Deacon. I have no idea where Show is going here, and really don't even want to speculate because characters I love will/can be hurt. Where Deacon's sexy ass drove that white hot mess; Quinn's complexity and uniqueness is driving this one. For once in his life I truly believe Ridge Forrester is out of his element. Ridge may be the Original Waffle, but historically he has never strayed once he committed himself. He has crossed the line several times with Quinn, and is clearly fighting the urge to throw her down and have at it. He is in denial, and that denial is making him angry and short with Quinn, and making him hold onto Brooke as if she were a lifeline. All Ridge's talk about being engaged, and how he loves, and is committed to Brooke, and how he wants to reunite his family, is just himself trying to convince himself. Ridge loves Brooke, I know that, but I don't think he is in love with her. This version of Bridge has more to do with RJ and besting Bill, than it does of love. And at the end of the day, TK and KKL have no romantic chemistry at all, where RS and TK spark it up, not romantically, but in a whole different way.  I give props to both of these actors, for taking something some nasty and unpalatable, and making it so damn good.

So, the dumbing down of Brooke continues. Does Brooke have any personality anymore? She is like a kindergarten voiced little sprite, that flits from one scene to the next, and does nothing but stare, and squint, and cry. I am so tired of it. She doesn't have to be front and center, but for fucks sake, stop making her look so damn stupid! Brooke is many things, but she has never been stupid. And give her a friggin purpose besides propping Ridge or the Stallion. It is as if the minute Stephanie left this earth, someone stuck a pin in Brooke and deflated her. At this point I would like to see Deacon return and win Brooke over. What is the difference in reuniting one family over the other? Maybe Hope would like to see her parents together too? And it would add a whole new element to Q/R/E.    

Orrrrr............maybe the trip Down Under will yield bad returns for Brooke, and she decides that maybe it is her time again, and she goes over and introduces herself to Sally 2.0?                         

Edited by RuntheTable
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Also PF is probably well aware that if he wants to keep his job, he needs to sell his storyline as his last two leading ladies were sent packing. He may not want to be next. Unless his movie works out.

On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 10:47 AM, tessaray said:

The whole Thomas/Caroline/Ridge debacle wasn't his fault. It was never going to work with Caroline, no matter how cute that baby was. And I'm guessing that TIIC quashing Tasha wasn't about the actors either. I actually tuned back in for them (and Queric) in spite of my lingering anger over "the misunderstanding".  

Thomas in the middle of Steffy/Sally is a much more creative triangle. I'm sure it won't last long but have to give them credit for tweaking the format a little.  The manic Spectra stuff isn't my cup of tea but hopefully it calms down a little once all the stories and characters are fully launched.   


Since PF became a member of the cast, TIIC have had Thomas drifting between his unrequited, presumptuous career ambitions and his bad habit of looming over unavailable women. Other than his sort-lived hanging out with Sasha (a good-looking couple and PF stepped up his game with Felisha Cooper), his sudden fascination with the available Sally2 is a rarity for Thomas. He's still annoying, having been correctly passed over for promotion, and whining over his work being critiqued by Steffy, which has been raining anvils over a confrontation between Thomas and FC leadership.

On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 1:01 PM, KLovestoShop said:

Is the Spectra building the ONLY piece of property available in all of Southern California?  Could Bill be any bigger of a douche?

This is just the beginning and  a reminder that the only ethics that are important are $Bill Spencer's ethics ... And his appetite for mirrors ... all the better to admire his reflection.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I watched 3 episodes today and while I still hate Ridge anywhere near Quinn, I'm confused enough about what they're doing with them to not FF, at least right now. (Quinn in that wine colored dress looked amazing, btw.) 

I was surprised at how much I really, really hope Katie rescues Sally. I like HT a lot and want her to have a story that doesn't involve Brook/Ridge/Bill - okay, maybe sticking it to Bill would be a huge bonus - and working with Spectra would be just the thing.

And Saul is now my favorite of the new characters. Anyone who can work in a quote by  Emily Dickinson so naturally is okay by me.  

Edited by tessaray
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Like most of you, the only thing that makes me sit through Ridge/Quinn is wondering what the hell is next. For a show that recycles 90 percent of its plots, 97.8 percent of its dialogue and the same three or four heavily edited clips for any given couple, it's a novelty to see anything that breaks from the boilerplate production that is this show. RS and TK having genuine chemistry and respect that comes across in their scenes definitely help. I hate Kaye's way of phoning in stories he personally doesn't like, but when he's on, he comes with all cylinders blazing. Chalk this up as yet another plot I could in no way see Ronn Moss carrying.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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What might be novel is if they did pause Ridge/Quinn right now, let Ridge/Brook carry on as planned and then a few months (years would be better but you take what you can get) down the road, have some sort of crisis that pulls Ridge/Quinn together.  

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4 hours ago, coffee drinker said:

I liked the potential of $Bill and Steffy back when.  To realize she chose the schlub son over the daddy?  What a waste.  

It was more that Bill stayed with Katie after she had a heart attack (a real one, not a fake) and she settled for Waffle boy.

i wouldn't mind a revisit of Still, honestly.

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On February 25, 2017 at 8:23 AM, RuntheTable said:

Quinn and Ridge? Dear Lord, I don't know what it is between them, but the shit sizzles. Rena Sofer's scenes with Thorsten are absolutely riveting. As horrible as it was, the only other couple that turned up my inner thermometer like this was Brooke and Deacon. I have no idea where Show is going here, and really don't even want to speculate because characters I love will/can be hurt. Where Deacon's sexy ass drove that white hot mess; Quinn's complexity and uniqueness is driving this one. For once in his life I truly believe Ridge Forrester is out of his element. Ridge may be the Original Waffle, but historically he has never strayed once he committed himself. He has crossed the line several times with Quinn, and is clearly fighting the urge to throw her down and have at it. He is in denial, and that denial is making him angry and short with Quinn, and making him hold onto Brooke as if she were a lifeline. All Ridge's talk about being engaged, and how he loves, and is committed to Brooke, and how he wants to reunite his family, is just himself trying to convince himself. Ridge loves Brooke, I know that, but I don't think he is in love with her. This version of Bridge has more to do with RJ and besting Bill, than it does of love. And at the end of the day, TK and KKL have no romantic chemistry at all, where RS and TK spark it up, not romantically, but in a whole different way.  I give props to both of these actors, for taking something some nasty and unpalatable, and making it so damn good.


OMG. Brooke and Deacon were on fire. It was kind of scandalous! I also liked the chemistry between Ridge and Caroline.

Agree with everything you've said and like everyone here I have no idea where the hell this story is headed. Maybe they'll just fuck it out one time and be done?

I am very disturbed that we are going to be seeing more of Slouchy as he is the most annoying character to appear on my scene in a long time. Somebody needs to beat his bossy boots down. 

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10 hours ago, politichick said:

OMG. Brooke and Deacon were on fire. It was kind of scandalous!

Brooke and Deacon I think would've still been scandalous even if he hadn't married Bridget beforehand. Brooke Logan the FC CEO with a younger man who had been fighting her son for custody of little Eric. The Forresters could be leery of him running a con on Brooke and taking their fortune away from them. People could still be mad at her poor decision making, but it wouldn't have irredeemably ruin the character the way it did with her getting knocked up by her SIL after said SIL only married her daughter for revenge.

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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:


11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:
11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Brooke and Deacon I think would've still been scandalous even if he hadn't married Bridget beforehand. Brooke Logan the FC CEO with a younger man who had been fighting her son for custody of little Eric. The Forresters could be leery of him running a con on Brooke and taking their fortune away from them. People could still be mad at her poor decision making, but it wouldn't have irredeemably ruin the character the way it did with her getting knocked up by her SIL after said SIL only married her daughter for revenge.

I meant scandalous in that it felt kind of pornographic because the heat/connection was so real.

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14 hours ago, Coco Pops 67 said:

And why wouldn't any red blooded man pick Katie. I mean she's a ginger and she's absolutely bloody gorgeous. I wouldn't mind a night or two with Katie, I mean who wouldn't?

Someone who doesn't like a sourpuss with a head rounder than Charlie Brown's?

When was her hair red?

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14 hours ago, Coco Pops 67 said:

And why wouldn't any red blooded man pick Katie. I mean she's a ginger and she's absolutely bloody gorgeous. I wouldn't mind a night or two with Katie, I mean who wouldn't?

Katie is hot. But Steffy was better back then. She had an actual personality other than "whatever the opposite of Hope is" or the more recent "what Liam's little waffle wants."

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How do Sally Deux and Coco have the last name "Spectra"? I figured that was Sally's maiden name. Guess they legally changed their last name.

How stupid to ask the interns what their favorite fashion house was! Why the bleep was RJ interviewing interns?

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Bell really does repeat his storylines.

Nicole was Maya's sister. Coco is Sally's sister.

Zende was the son of the FC heir. RJ is a FC heir.

Maya was married to Rick, Zende's uncle.

Sally is canoodling with Thomas, RJ's brother.

Internship program brought both together.

Is Coco going to be carrying Thomas and Sally's baby in 2 years with RJ pissed off she isn't paying attention to him and he didn't hit it first?

Wait, we don't have a Sasha! Who will be the Sasha in the Roco 'romance'?

Bill needs to stop being a thirsty dumbass and start paying attention to Ivy's death glares at Quinn and start investigating the secret with Ivy taking one for the team to protect Quinn's secret and bed Bill as a distraction and one thing leads to another with Bivy being the only coupling coming back from Australia on hot and heavy terms.

C'mon show give me a reason to watch!

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33 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

How do Sally Deux and Coco have the last name "Spectra"? I figured that was Sally's maiden name. Guess they legally changed their last name.

Not necessarily, they're Shirley's granddaughters.  Shirley could have had a son, say Salvatore Spectra, and he had two daughters; Sally (named after his aunt) and Coco (named after Mme. Chanel).

And not every kid has his father's name, Bridget Moynihan's kid with Tom Brady is named John Moynihan.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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10 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Not necessarily, they're Shirley's granddaughters.  Shirley could have had a son, say Salvatore Spectra, and he had two daughters; Sally and Coco.

I think it's been said that Sally 2.0's mother is Shirley's daughter, so for (plot) reasons neither she nor Coco have their dad's last name.

Also a woman can give her child her last name even if she lists the father on the birth certificate. It may depend on state, but it does happen. Heck, Victoria over on Y&R gave her and Billy's daughter Katherine her last name to make her Katie Newman and not Abbott even though they knew he was the father AND even though they already share a son, Johnny, whose last name is Abbott. The kids have the same parents but different last names simply because Victoria wanted it that way.

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Just now, TobinAlbers said:

I think it's been said that Sally 2.0's mother is Shirley's daughter, so for (plot) reasons neither she nor Coco have their dad's last name.

I stand corrected.

1 minute ago, TobinAlbers said:

Also a woman can give her child her last name even if she lists the father on the birth certificate. It may depend on state, but it does happen.

It doesn't depend on the state, a woman could list the name Beau Rivage or Tawny Moore, giving the kid the dad's last name is a custom, not a legality.

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Just now, sugarbaker design said:


It doesn't depend on the state, a woman could list the name Beau Rivage or Tawny Moore, giving the kid the dad's last name is a custom, not a legality.

Yep, that's what I thought. All the state is usually concerned with is trying to avoid 'bastardizing' a child, but the name you give it is up to the parent(s)/guardians.

They already built in a new story avenue for Sally and Coco whenever they decide it-  the identities of their parents. I've already put in my theory about it being Bill, but they could also swerve to perhaps make Thorne Sally's father somehow in order to give him back a family. Coco's dad could be someone else entirely and Sally and Shirley are just keeping it a secret from her. Many ways to play it.

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Why is Slouchy conducting interviews in a place he doesn't work at? Why isn't he and Coco at school? So sick of that kid! Why did Eric leave Quinn to play referee. Nobody in that room likes her or would listen to her as far as he knows. Contrivance you say?

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3 hours ago, jenrising said:

Katie is hot. But Steffy was better back then. She had an actual personality other than "whatever the opposite of Hope is" or the more recent "what Liam's little waffle wants."

Heh. You know, I really don't remember Still being all that popular back at the time it aired. I know I certainly hated it...but part of that was because Katie was still tolerable and TIIC ramped that up fairly soon after she and Bill were married, making the classic B&B mistake of jumping into a triangle. Plus, we'd seen Steffy jump from Rick to seducing a very married Owen to going Bill all in one 12 month period and I'm fairly sure she was trying to drive a wedge between Hope and Oliver around this same time.

With that said, I'd take that over her massaging Waffles' fragile ego. I'd like for her to kick him to the curb and get a more confident man, like LDG. Or Saul.

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