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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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5 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

If there are two people on earth who should take a break from getting married, it's Liam and Fauxdiloks.  Even the late great Elizabeth Taylor would say 'gee, you two get married a lot' to this pathetic pair.  I know this is a soap opera (not just a soap opera but THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL) but someone could suggest that these two try to figure out just why they can't seem to make it work for more than a couple of months at a time. 

In their defense, they've only had two weddings and both went off without a hitch. I lost track of how many times Waffles tried to marry Princess Elsa just to get interrupted at the aisle. :p

But in all seriousness, it's ridiculous these two are still under thirty and now have four divorces between them. But the biggest reason they never worked before was the pesky detail of Steffy being his fallback girl. As someone mentioned earlier, she didn't ask where Waffles was headed, or more accurately *who* he was headed to. (Hint: Ivy was already in LA)

Given recent spoilers, I wouldn't discount his memory being jogged and Wyfy being endgame after all. Not that I'll enjoy Liam playing the victim and getting the last word in after his behavior this whole last year if it came to that, but the writing lately seems likes TIIC are setting up Wyatt to be the good guy by setting Puffy free without a fight.

And then, there's the random and increasing Hope name dropping lately that has me leery, to say the least.

2 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Are we going to see a Caroline/Wyatt hookup in the future?  

Only if it's revealed that Caroline was created with Dani's eggs instead of Karen's.

Which is something that Bradley Bell has proven many times that he's not against doing.

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I like the cousin vibe with Caroline and Liam, though I don't remember that many scenes with Wyatt. I suppose it would be marginally better than dating a sibling who's no longer a blood relative if they undid Caroline's bio-parent. 

I watched Thursday and Friday's episodes.  Well, I say watched - more like FF through 90% of it.  I don't like Quinn and Ridge bonding. Yes, the actors seem to work well together and Rena is almost making TK tolerable (which I haven't felt since early CaRidge) but I still don't like it. I have to FF most of it. 

The Eric/Sally flashbacks were fun though and surprisingly, so were the Steffy/Thomas scenes. Sibling rivalry at work is more entertaining than sibling rivalry in the romance department.   

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Of course Liam proposes because theses people can't be single for 24 hours. How many weddings has Liam had already?  There was at least half a dozen to Hope. May be he should quit asking.

I hope Eric disapproves of the Waffler marrying into his family.

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Katie is suddenly everyone's BFF and confidant; first Ivy and now Pam. I bet my bottom dollar that Katie had to go out and buy that dozen eggs; anything to get into the Forrester Mansion. You couldn't pay this Nosey Parker to keep a confidence. I'm not so sure Eric wanted the fact that he is considering Ridge as Steffy's co-CEO blabbed all over. And for heaven's sake, not to Pam, who is sure to tell Charlie, and anyone else within earshot. To compound that treachery, she then dials it up a notch by calling Brooke and dropping heavy innuendo about Ridge. Someone, at this point I would say Ridge, should put pencil to sketchpad and design a garment like this for Katie:


The look on Ridge's face pretty much said it all; he is pissed. But why? Because Katie caught him hard at work on his plan? And just when he was about to really win Quinn over? Or because he is clocking major wood for Quinn and wanted to take advantage of Eric's absence? Either way, I see him telling Katie just that; it is all a big plan to bring Quinn down, so she must not mention it to anyone. Which, of course, means she will be waiting at the gate for Eric so she can ride up to the house with him as she inadvertently and innocently tells him about the goins on. Then, she will ambush Brooke at the airport and do the same thing to her. Katie is a jealous shrew. She cannot stand to see anyone else happy. In so many ways she drove Bill away; with her histrionics, and paranoia, and need to control, and sweeping proclamations; whether she meant to or not, she pushed him right out the door and toward her sister, who is her polar opposite. But that doesn't mean she has the right to fuck with everyone else's happiness. Wasn't she saying how she had moved on and had started a new life? Wasn't there mention of volunteering and a gym and some other projects? And where is Will while she pops in and out of Eric's?

If Katie does spill the beans; it will be twice that she has seriously screwed with Ridge's life. I will be very interested to see his relationship with her then.

I am struggling to process those scenes with Ridge and Quinn. Everything about them was off key. I felt like I was watching a parody, or a "Bobby Ewing dies" type SL. Ridge is acting kinda demented. I mean seriously; toasting Quinn's portrait? Telling her he looks forward to seeing her in the flesh? There was way too much what the fuckery going on in this episode to even begin to cover in a post. I've re-watched those final scenes about six times. That goofy smile on Ridge's face is priceless. He reminds me of Scrooge on Christmas morning; all full of love and happiness, and showing up at your old nemesis's house and dancing the Do-Si-Do. Just too, too funny.

Am I supposed to be effected by another Liam/Steffy engagement? Feel all warm and fuzzy that Steffy is home again? Sorry, but they leave me cold. I don't find them romantic or cute or, most importantly, rootable. Their happiness always comes at someone else's expense, and then we get to watch them gloat and be guilty at the same time. It won't be long though, before Liam's need for control comes between them. And really what has changed? So you and Steffy are engaged; that doesn't change the fact that she is still CEO of FC's. It doesn't change the fact that she is still going to be working closely with Quinn. And Wyatt. Oh, I know, you and Bro are all good now. You got the girl and the getting is good, so what the fuck, you'll let Wyatt throw in the towel and you'll except it graciously. But I still think you will have a problem with Fauxdilok's (Ah, Countrygirl!) working with Wyatt, and his campaign to up her likes and shares, and the whole Sexy CEO thing. And you will be on her constantly about Quinn, because Quinn manipulated her into marrying Wyatt. Stupid ole Fauxdilok's, she's just so lost and vulnerable without her Waffle Boy around to protect and watch over her.

Edited by RuntheTable
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What's the status with Linsey Godfrey? Is she still the on contact? I see that they brought back Pierson Fode but what's the delay with Godfrey? They both gone for so long. I think Fode was making a movie but Godfrey was just written out and then she didn't even come back. Kind of odd. 

The Ridge cliffhanger was interesting on Friday. I'm still not sure who is playing whom anymore? Is it Ridge or Quinn? The scenes were kind of OTT that I thought it was a dream sequence but then Katie walked in. I'm curious to see how it plays out from there. I read that B&B is going on location to Australia and Kaye & Sofer are apart of that along with McCook & Lang. It's for the 30th Anniversary so I'm sure it will be a big story. Of course, it's Brad Bell so it will just all end up being about Liam & Steffy. Blah!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

What's the status with Linsey Godfrey? Is she still the on contact? I see that they brought back Pierson Fode but what's the delay with Godfrey? They both gone for so long. I think Fode was making a movie but Godfrey was just written out and then she didn't even come back. Kind of odd. 

She's off contract IIRC. 

On one hand, she is yet another talent let go because heaven forbid she get something besides being arm candy for one of the men on the show-hell, she was brought because Brooke was running interference between Amber and Rick (and because Brooke shares genes with Nosey Parker, she had no awareness or irony of playing Stephanie) and wanted to distract him with Caroline.

OTOH, who else would she be paired with? She's been with all the Forrester men and she's biologically related to all three Spencers.

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23 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

She's off contract IIRC. 

On one hand, she is yet another talent let go because heaven forbid she get something besides being arm candy for one of the men on the show-hell, she was brought because Brooke was running interference between Amber and Rick (and because Brooke shares genes with Nosey Parker, she had no awareness or irony of playing Stephanie) and wanted to distract him with Caroline.

OTOH, who else would she be paired with? She's been with all the Forrester men and she's biologically related to all three Spencers.

Wow! I totally missed that she was off contract. So the only "young" girl on contract is Wood, right? It's too bad they got rid of Aly. That actress and character had so much promise. Anyway, is Caroline ever coming back or she going to be off camera with the baby forever? Usually, when you are off contract at B&B you are hardly ever used since it's a half hour show. I thought Godfrey was cute & played goofy well but her her tic of showing her teeth when talking annoyed the heck out of me. LOL!!!

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19 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

OTOH, who else would she be paired with? She's been with all the Forrester men and she's biologically related to all three Spencers.

While I probably wouldn't have liked it, I always thought that Caroline would end up in another Raya story. Rick and Caroline working together would have made Maya crazy, whether or not they were involved romantically.  Most likely they would have gone there already if it hadn't been for the trans story. 

ETA:  I don't have anything against Raya as a (mostly) stable couple but TIIC don't know how to use actors who aren't in a triangle. And JY/KM should have more to do than pressure her little sister for more babies. 

Edited by tessaray
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If they insist on making Rick and Maya obsessed with "Babies! Babies! Babies!" maybe they can have them realize that, while their one (almost) genetic child is a blessing, there are so many children out there who need a loving family.  If the show wants to be topical, have them look into adopting an orphaned refugee child.  It would be more interesting to watch them go through the frustration and struggles of adoption than to watch them try to figure out ways to have more babies born of Nicole's eggs and/or uterus.  

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I, for one, am so glad to see that the writers have moved on from Rick and Maya. After they tried to convince Nicole to have another baby for them after that whole drama bullshit of the first baby, I'm glad to see them gone. How about they move far, far away never to be seen or spoken of again? I'm sure Brooke would be happy to see them out of her house, although come to think of it, they're never shown there anyway.

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Mind you, I don't misd seeing Raya onscreen everyday...but if TIIC are invested in keeping them around long- term, they've gotta start giving Maya something to do besides be Rick's doormat cheerleader. If not, cut bait, let Rick be a widower and use the salary to widen the gene pool a bit....maybe CJ and his now teenaged son or daughter mixes it up with RJ. Or a recast Rocco comes back into Nosey Parker's life.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

If they insist on making Rick and Maya obsessed with "Babies! Babies! Babies!" maybe they can have them realize that, while their one (almost) genetic child is a blessing, there are so many children out there who need a loving family.  If the show wants to be topical, have them look into adopting an orphaned refugee child.  It would be more interesting to watch them go through the frustration and struggles of adoption than to watch them try to figure out ways to have more babies born of Nicole's eggs and/or uterus.  

I wouldn't go so far as an orphaned refugee child because the are wealthy enough for a private adoption of an American child.  But this is LA where out of country adoptions seem to be more popular.  

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Recap for Fri. 1/27/17:

Quinn arrives home and hears someone making martinis - she assumes it's Eric, but nope, it's Rumple.

He tells her that just because Eric is on a business trip (helping out old lover, Lauren, in Genoa City) doesn't mean she doesn't get her after-work martini.

First of all, martinis were more Eric's thing (well, Eric's and Stephanie's). Second, fuck off Ridge and go find your own home.

They toast to safe travels for Eric and Ridge adds, "And to you keeping the fire burning while he's gone." And I'm sure he'll help Quinn with that. Gross.

Steffy is still hard at work at the office, if you consider her sitting there, ordering others to do this and that to be hard work. Rick is her target of the moment. He asks how Wyatt is doing, having heard the divorce went through.

Steffy: "He's, uh, he's doing well...considering." Considering he got rid of your rancid ass, I'd say he's doing very well indeed.

Rick: "Well, that's a tough situation. Two brothers." 

Steffy: "That worries me. (REALLY?) Their relationship is strained enough as it is. I hope this doesn't make it worse." Oh, you don't give a fig for their relationship and neither does Liam.

Wyatt shows up at Liam's. He thanks Liam for his messages. Liam is just glad Wyatt is here and they can talk. 

Wyatt, once again proving he's the bigger and better man, tells Liam: "Yeah. I just want you to know, I get now that ending my marriage was the only option. For Steffy, for you, for me. For everybody, really. I just, I want my brother back." He's not worth it, Wyatt, but awwwwwwwww.

Steffy tells Rick she hopes it's not some huge ordeal. Yes, God forbid anyone makes things difficult or awkward for you, Princess.

Rick is sure that Wyatt will adjust because he's a strong person. Unlike wimpy Waffles.

Wyatt tells Liam they've been at odds for so long and it's so "pointless." He talks about how much they could accomplish - together. 

Guess who just pooped up at the mansion. Again. 


Oops, I meant to say "popped." Oh well. Same difference.

Pam calls her a lifesaver for bringing over eggs and I cannot roll my eyes hard enough. Is Katie checking the cupboards and refrigerator now? She talks about how she's glad Katie snuck in through the back door so Quinn doesn't know she's here and that Pam is making lemon bars instead of a kale salad. Katie is, of course, well in support of anything Quinn doesn't like, including feeding a still-recovering Eric tons of sweets.

Katie, who has been dying to spill since she snuck in, asks Pam if she knows about Eric's plan, to make Ridge co-CEO?

Pam is all "Whaaaa?"

Katie tells her it was all Quinn's idea.

Quinn is sipping the martini, telling him it's drinkable but not as good as Eric makes them.

Ridge: "He's better at some things, I'm better at others." EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Quinn asks if the goofy smile on his face is because Eric already talked to him about it. No, sweetheart, that's not why he's smiling.

Ridge only answers that if he gets to be CEO again, it's all because of her.

Steffy gets ready to head out for the day. Rick encourages her to take a nice, long honeymoon (assuming she and Liam make it down the aisle again), telling her he wouldn't mind stepping in as CEO.

Just wait til both of them find out about the plan to make Ridge co-CEO (which really = Ridge = CEO).

Wyatt winces at his hurt finger and Liam tells him he knows how much it hurts. No, you don't, but let me get a hold of a laser...

He tells Liam the reason he wanted to get rid of the tatto - that he didn't want to make him and Steffy uncomfortable. 

He reflects back to when he found Liam after his Quinn-napping: "When I found you, I wanted to save you. Don't doubt that for a second. I wanted to bring you back to your life. What I didn't factor in is that I was bringing you right back to Steffy. And I just -- I loved her so much. I couldn't let go of her. But I can now. I can do that. It's time to be mature. Be a man. I'm gonna find a woman who doesn't know your name 'cause I am so tired of playing second fiddle to you. It's disgusting." Wyatt, you are already so much more of a man than Liam will ever be. But I can't disagree that he needs to find a woman who doesn't have a secret guilty pleasure craving for Waffles.

Liam, who can afford to be magnanimous now, tells him he deserves that.

Pam tells Katie she must have misunderstood but Katie reassures that's what Eric said. 

Pam, still aghast, "But they DESPISE each other?" She then giggles like the simpleton she is over her plans to make Ridge a cake to congratulate him. It's not a done deal yet.

Quinn tells Ridge if he ends up being co-CEO, he'll have Eric to thank, not her, and that Eric just wants a compromise (so everyone can go back to being one big happy family presumably).

She wants to know what he's going to say to Steffy and can't imagine she'll take the news well. My prediction - she will go ballistic.

Ridge, as characteristically myopic and obtuse as ever, assures Quinn Steffy will be fine.

Steffy arrives home and Liam tells her about Wyatt's visit and at least has the decency to admit Wyatt is handling things a lot better than he did. Ya think?

Liam: "It's like it gives me hope. For the first time in my life, I think I might have a real relationship with my brother. Finally."

Steffy: "I wanted that for you two. Poor Wyatt. I wish I could tell him the tattoo removal gets easier."

Liam: "I wish I could tell him getting over you gets easier." Gag.

Pam and Katie are discussing what might or might not be going on with respect to Ridge and Quinn (i.e. a change of heart).

Katie: "You don't think that he's starting to..." Oh, but aren't you just salivating at the prospect, you greedy little vulture...

Pam: "No!:

Katie: "No?"

Pam laughs, "No! Katie, he can't stand her! And I can't imagine that he ever will."

Ridge tells Quinn he thinks she really does want to reunite the family.

Ridge: "You know, this whole boycott... it was to protect my dad because I thought you were coming in here to destroy him. But it turns out I have nothing to worry about. Good. Thank you."

Quinn: "No, you don't have to thank me."

Ridge: "Yes, I do, my dad told me to thank you, so that's what I'm doing."

Quinn: "Oh! Oh, well, then he raised a very good boy." WTF?

Ridge: "Right? Really. Thanks." And he just grins this goofy-ass grin at her.

Steffy teases Liam that she was hoping for another appointment with the cute doctor. 

Liam: "Say what now?"

Steffy: "If I were single but I'm not. I'm with someone who makes me really happy, and he's handsome." You were with someone who was all of those things but while Liam is attractive in the physical sense, when has he ever made you happy? For more than 5 minutes?

Liam: "Love-of-your-life kind of thing?" Love of the moment kind of thing.

Liam then goes on to propose to her - how many times has he done this now - and I agree that the diamond in her ring looks a lot like the one he gave Hope once upon a time.

Liam asks her if she's sure, "Not too boring?"

Steffy: "Nothing boring about us. Never will be." You're about as exciting as watching paint dry, no matter how many parachute men you throw around or truffle fries you consume or decidedly non-hot bedroom scenes you cavort around in.

Katie is on the phone with Brooke and she has these little loaded comments all queued up: "You know, I-I'm really glad that you went to visit her. I think it's good for you. But you shouldn't stay away too long. You know, Ridge misses you. He can't wait for you to get back so he can marry you." Marrying Brooke is so, so, so far from Ridge's mind right now.

Quinn thinks it's strange that she's able to talk to Ridge like this.

Ridge: "Yeah. You know what's even stranger? Me looking up there and not getting physically ill. Watch this. (He looks at her portrait). There, no gag reflex." Okay, that was kind of funny.

Then there is some banter about Chicken Little of all things and decidedly more flirting.

Ridge: "I really thought you were gonna walk in here and destroy my family, destroy this company. But look at us -- we're still here, weeks in, and the sky hasn't fallen."

Quinn: "Hmm! No, it hasn't, Chicken Little." Chicken Little would be Liam.

Ridge: "Chicken Little? Unh-unh, more of a Cocky-Locky kind of guy." Cocky, for sure.

Quinn: "Mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh-mnh. Because you were the ringleader, which makes you, Ridge Forrester, Chicken Little."

Ridge: "Mm, which makes you what? The fox that eats everybody in the end?"

Quinn: "Is that how that fairy tale ends?"

Ridge: "Pretty sure they -- they don't kiss in the end, the chicken and the fox." Oh, you're just so subtle, Ridge.

Quinn: "God, you know, I don't like all of those kissy fairy tales anyway. Teaching little girls that a prince is gonna save you in the end -- it's ridiculous." Keep that POV, Quinn. And don't fall for this frog in hobo clothing.

Ridge: "It is ridiculous. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna call these guys, tell them no more princes saving the day. It's done." Oh well, we're all so relieved to hear that.

They toast to each other, with Quinn remarking, "Cheers to no longer feeling sick when you see me above the mantle."

Ridge tells he he can go one better, saying that "I actually now look forward to seeing you in the flesh


He tells her she's quite a lady and he's gonna be CEO because of her. Because she's keeping the secret over their little interlude in San Fran, which Ridge orchestrated. 

On that happy little note, he picks her up and swings her around just as Katie walks in (clearly spying). 

Katie: "Am I interrupting something?" Are you breathing, bitch?

I 100% believe this is still all part of Ridge's plan and he's just sitting back and seeing how far things will go and what he will get in the process.  But I don't think Katie walking in on them was part of his plan.

Edited by CountryGirl
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On 1/28/2017 at 7:33 AM, RuntheTable said:

Is that Thomas visiting the soon-to-be-demolished (or is it?) Spectra stomping grounds, running his hand over the fabric?

No - scratch that - it looks like a woman's silhouette in the doorway...

Edited by CountryGirl
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13 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I wouldn't go so far as an orphaned refugee child because the are wealthy enough for a private adoption of an American child.  But this is LA where out of country adoptions seem to be more popular.  

If the show were to go the orphaned refugee child route, it wouldn't be about them being able to afford one method or the other.  That is most certainly not the only consideration there.  

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16 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

 If not, cut bait, let Rick be a widower and use the salary to widen the gene pool a bit....maybe CJ and his now teenaged son or daughter mixes it up with RJ. Or a recast Rocco comes back into Nosey Parker's life.

Doubtful they'd kill off Maya who checks at least 3 boxes of diversity for CBS that they sorely need and love to point to when they're (rightfully) accused of not being diverse enough.  They already did a bait and switch of her being the next Erica Kane/B&B's female lead to being an offscreen mother who shows up periodically to pat Rick on the back that fans and soap critics aren't letting them forget. Killing her off to free up her husband for a new 'traditional' love interest would really bring the fury.  There was a crapstorm of criticism last year over the number of women, minorities, and gay/lesbian characters killed off of television shows for drama. CBS doesn't need nor want that headache. But I believe they'd be dumb enough to do it anyway.

Hopefully with the mention of Spectra, Thomas and Rick will team up to reopen it and Maya can ascend to be the Stephanie Forrester of the House of Spectra vs. Quinn at FC and a decent rivalry can finally get started.

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3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

After the near-decade of shade Thomas has thrown on Rick for having evil Logan blood, I look forward to him having to eat crow and suck it up to get Spectra off the ground again.

Eh, Rick throws the Marrone bad blood at Ridge and Thomas so I think they're tit for tat on that score. Now Thomas trying to blow Rick up and throwing his ass out a window? Rick could take issue with that IF he hadn't shot a gun at Ridge.

They're both crazy and homicidal. Why not unite their tendencies towards good?

Basically Rick and Thomas can hate each other but neither has a leg to stand on as far as being pissy with each other. They have a true common enemy and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Rick is a businessman in need of a designer, Thomas is a designer in need of a company.  Both have the anger and drive to succeed and best Ridge, Steffy, and Eric.

The question is who will fold first? Rick as soon as Eric shows him a hint of putting him back at Forrester or Thomas who wants to reconcile with Daddy and sis?

Bill bringing the money for this venture (or even Liam) could complete a nice trifecta of whiny needy men who need to prove themselves. It really could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship, LOL.

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I really would quit this show if I had to get days of Liam, Rick and Thomas all whining about ....well, everything. Ye gods.

I've seen the first season episodes where in spite of their money, the rich Forrester children at the time had goals and ambition and some sense of loyalty and moral compass  (besides Ridge, because....Ridge). And mind you, these were kids who'd spent their lives in relative comfort. Caroline I especially was sheltered and even she wanted more than to be the doormat trophy wife for Ridge.

Liam and Wyatt OTOH lived outside of that wealth bubble for much of their lives and the entitlement these two have shown on occasion is beyond the pale. And Rick and Thomas have spent way too much time boohooing about their families being broken up by Ridge and Brooke respectively. Go hire a therapist (NOT TAYLOR, OMG JUST NO), drown yourself in booze, women and/or whatever designer drug is hip with the LA Silver Spoon Society and be done with it.

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I am losing patience with this show. How many times do we have to see Liam and Steffy all goo goo eyes at each other and all of the dopey flashbacks? Move on! Does he work?? When does Steffy do all of her CEO duties?

i don't think Ridge and Quinn owe nosey pants Katie any explanations about anything. Just say--get out of my house! 

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Quinn needs to hire a security guard with instructions to fire on sight when Lemonhead shows her face. So much BS and retcons for Puffy and Waffles. They want us to believe her ugly ass wedding dresses inspired millions? GMAFB! Hope needs to come back and check this heffa.

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If there's anything I believe less than the power of Puffy and Waffles' destiny, it's that any of those monstrosities that passed for wedding dresses inspired anything other than endless snark for us. Especially that off-the-rack thing she picked up for the Aspen wedding. 


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Watching the first few minutes of the show now, and good grief. Katie has some damn nerve to jump in, butting her nose in at someone else's home that she wasn't invited to or welcomed at. Quinn has more class than Katie would have had....or did have when Steffy was sniffing around Bill.

Fuck her fake concern for Ridge, too.

Liam/Steffy: Zzzzz. At this point, this is the fourth time they've been engaged in five and a half years. Do you need the damn fanfare and the hoopla of a big ass proposal. Just go to City Hall tomorrow and get it done. Certainly Liam should be pushing this option.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Invading the Castle and questioning motives like the grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition is another STFU moment for Katie or shall I say Grizabella.  The truth was almost told, by Katie, that she wants to stick her talons into Eric. 

Seeing the engagement ring, once again, sort of reminded me of the wedding bands she had tattooed with Wyatt. How did I marry thee, let me count the ways.  I knew that Liam would have to compare himself to Wyatt but I thought it would be sexually and not personality or subliminally it was. Steffy did call Liam boring no doubt about it. 

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I was just pleasantly surprised that someone wrote in the bit about Liam asking what we've been wondering for the better part of five years. Why would *anyone* want to deal with his ass? 

Since someone on staff is acknowledging his dodgy dating past, I do hope Eric's skepticism doesn't pass over too quickly. He need not go full Stephanie but maybe after a brief apparently from Hope that doesn't end with Waffles pining away for her and Eric sees them being just friend...maybe then, ease up on him.

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59 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I was just pleasantly surprised that someone wrote in the bit about Liam asking what we've been wondering for the better part of five years. Why would *anyone* want to deal with his ass? 

Since someone on staff is acknowledging his dodgy dating past, I do hope Eric's skepticism doesn't pass over too quickly. He need not go full Stephanie but maybe after a brief apparently from Hope that doesn't end with Waffles pining away for her and Eric sees them being just friend...maybe then, ease up on him.

TIIC glossed over that pretty quickly with Liam and Steffy nattering inanely at each other about how terrific they are.

-- Aren't we wonderful? Aren't we fabulous? Couch sexxy times is the bestest super-fun! I'm not insecure, and that wasn't me running around flapping my arms trying to take flight to leave L.A. cuz' you didn't return my panicky texts. I'm not insecure with your past relationships when there are ski gondolas, light control panels and staircases available. Cha Cha Cha 4Evah, baby!


The future of B&B to chug Bromo-Seltzer by.


P.S. Eat shit and die , Katie. 

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This show just gets worse and worse. That bullshit with Ridge and Quinn. Katie poking her nose into Eric's business and barging into his house every day on some stupid pretext. What are these writers doing? Do they know they're driving their few viewers away with this crap?

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9 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

This show just gets worse and worse. That bullshit with Ridge and Quinn. Katie poking her nose into Eric's business and barging into his house every day on some stupid pretext. What are these writers doing? Do they know they're driving their few viewers away with this crap?

You took the words right outta my mouth, Gam2.

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6 hours ago, tricknasty said:

Quinn needs to hire a security guard with instructions to fire on sight when Lemonhead shows her face. So much BS and retcons for Puffy and Waffles. They want us to believe her ugly ass wedding dresses inspired millions? GMAFB! Hope needs to come back and check this heffa.


5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

If there's anything I believe less than the power of Puffy and Waffles' destiny, it's that any of those monstrosities that passed for wedding dresses inspired anything other than endless snark for us. Especially that off-the-rack thing she picked up for the Aspen wedding. 


Seriously!  I mean, they know we all remember those dresses, right?  Who do they think they're fooling here? 

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The inane filler convo about Steffy's fugly wedding getups didn't ring true at all.  First of all, there weren't any paparrazzi around in Aspen so how would photos of that wedding be in circulation?  It it was front cover news, then there would be the "minor details" as to why she threw that disaster together on the fly and why all the rush-rush and hush-hush on the mountaintop.  The black lace thingie for wedding #2 wasn't even a dress. It was a maternity catsuit.  It looked straight off the mannequin at Frederick's of Hollywood.

Those two are so boring.  Even by today's standards, I don't see a lot of humor in two 20-somethings planning their third wedding to each other.  Now I see what the convenient zip-up dress was designed for. Seriously, love scenes between Liam and Steffy are so flat. They have zero sexual chemistry

I give Quinn 100% permission to slap the taste out of Katie's snug mouth. What nerve! I do not care how long Katie has known Eric. She has no business to barge into Quinn's house and make questions, accusations and throw out innuendos.  What goes on in the privacy of Eric's home, not to mention at FC, are none of her business. I thought Ridge was headed somewhere when he started questioning Katie about her intentions with moving next door to Eric, etc. but she expertly deflected that by turning her intrusiveness around in to "concern" for Eric, and with quick thinking, throwing in Ridge as well.

I wish that Deacon would come back as part of our fantasy rival fashion team that's going to take over Spectra.  I want for him to show Steffy how boring Liam really is by sweeping her off her feet.  Liam, Wyatt, Bill, Ridge and Brooke would all spontaneously combust.

The diversity/splitting up Raya situation could still work. We're just coming at it from the wrong angle. How about Maya becoming bored with being a SAH Beverly Hills M, so she cheats on Rick with the Asian tattoo removal doctor. To add a twist, she decides she's tired of being a woman and the good doctor turns out to be gay. Nicole could then get together with Rick and they'd be a happy bio family with Lizzie.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

To add a twist, she decides she's tired of being a woman and the good doctor turns out to be gay.

To quote Victor Newman, you're playing a dangerous game there. ;)

Long story short, very few trans people tire or regret their transition, least of all those who have gotten to the point of surgery as Maya has, and I wouldn't trust B&B to do such a story justice if they did.

2 hours ago, grisgris said:

I thought Ridge was headed somewhere when he started questioning Katie about her intentions with moving next door to Eric, etc. but she expertly deflected that by turning her intrusiveness around in to "concern" for Eric, and with quick thinking, throwing in Ridge as well.

We'll, I'm glad someone said it.

First time I've sided with Ridge on anything since the original Ridge/Rick pissing matches of 2006-2009.

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I can't believe I am about to say it; I don't really know how to say it, but here goes; I hope Brooke comes home with a fresh faced Hope in tow. I don't care if it is KM or a recast, I want her to come to LA and start popping some balloons and raining the dirtiest, ugliest black rain on Liam and Steffy's parade. Liam has to be one of the neediest men in daytime. He got the girl, and he got her with his brother's good will and grace, and that is still not enough. No, now, he must here from the incredible one why she chose him over his brother. I don't know Liam, could it have anything to do with your behavior the past few months? Running amok, acting like a wild man, interfering in all aspects of Steffy's life? You infiltrated her marriage, you criticized her work choices, and you continually told her how she was just too fucking dumb to know she was being manipulated. You made it your mission to keep you mug in her face at all times and your voice in her head with the nonstop monologue about Quinn. But whatever! You two so deserve each other. I only ask one favor; go straight to the courthouse and get this done. Please, please, please, don't subject us to yet another ridiculous wedding ceremony. Did we have to sit through the first two to remind us how edgy Steffy is? Oh, that ornery rebel child! Yep, a real trendsetter. Quite the firebrand she is. 

This is what happens when you are a blabber mouth; you let things slip. Katie let three important things slip yesterday:

1. That she has been coming to see Eric and Quinn knew nothing about it. Then, not even having the grace to apologize for doing the exact thing Quinn has asked her repeatedly not to do. No, instead of being embarrassed and apologetic, Katie went on a tangent about Quinn's motives for suggesting Steffy as the CEO as if that was any of her business or concern. 

2. That she has a video of Quinn. Ridge doesn't know anything about that night or what Katie saw, or the fact that she was nefariously taping a private conversation. Most importantly though, is that Quinn heard it. 

3. She let her true intentions come out. Ridge read her like a little kid's book. Katie and her nasty, nasty self; wanting to be with a man old enough to be her great grandfather. A man who has children with your oldest sister and was also married to your other sister and dated your mother in college. Just gives me the sticky icks. 

Ridge's behavior has me baffled. Why didn't he sell Quinn out? He was actually defending her to Katie and was not commiserating with her on how evil Quinn is. That is gonna send all kinds of red flags up in Katie's head, and you can bet your bottom dollar that she will tell Brooke the minute she sees her. Or, she will call her and plant the seeds of doubt, which will be what brings Brooke home. Why would Ridge do this? He didn't know Quinn was listening. Is it that he just doesn't trust Katie enough to pull her into his confidence? After the Douglas mess maybe so. I have to say though, that I am loving how ambiguous they are playing Ridge. They really are keeping me on the fence with his motives. 

Oh no; Quinn has fallen into the fucking Forrester man trap; in love with Eric and in lust with Ridge. Whatever will she do? Previews kinda indicate she will be stalking Ridge. Well, maybe not stalking, but watching him and Brooke and her face looks upset. Jealous. Yes, I think she will be the cause of a massive Bridge collapse, and if she is, this viewer will be forever in her debt. No matter how I feel about Quinn and Ridge, it doesn't even come close to the burning anger and despair I have felt since Brooke turned her back on Bill. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Why would Ridge do this? He didn't know Quinn was listening. Is it that he just doesn't trust Katie enough to pull her into his confidence? After the Douglas mess maybe so.

That would be the best decision he's made in this whole debacle. He'd be better off trusting Rick than Katie.

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

No matter how I feel about Quinn and Ridge, it doesn't even come close to the burning anger and despair I have felt since Brooke turned her back on Bill. 

It's hard for me to give any fucks about Brooke when she has had over three decades'  worth of shit behavior to justify ever speaking to Ridge again. She should've told RJ to suck it up and Greasy to hit the road.

im no fan of Brill, but it's obvious which of the two put her first and doesn't have divided loyalties. Once custody was arranged, bam....he was right by Brooke's side.

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Recap for 1/30/17:

Katie, just angling for any little crumb she can get, "So...am I...interrupting...something?"

Quinn: "Katie, how many TIMES have I asked you to call ahead before stopping by?" I don't like what was going on in the living room before Nosey McGee came in, but I'm Team Quinn. This heifer knows what she's doing (ergo her little tete a tetes with Eric are concerned) and doesn't care.

Katie rationalizes that she didn't stop by, that Pam invited her over.

Quinn: "So you just rushed right over and saved the day." Of course, she did, Quinn. This is her M.O.

Katie, simpering, "I had exactly what she needed. I mean, how was I to know that you two were together in the house...alone..." How Quinn refrains from bitch-slapping her, I'll never know.

Quinn reminds her they weren't alone as Pam was right there in the kitchen and Katie snots that she didn't know that until she told her just now. 

Ridge defends his presence, stating he was there to talk to Eric and came over before he left. Trying to deflect, he tells Katie what should be shocking news, that Eric is considering making him co-CEO.

Much to his and Quinn's surprise, Katie tells them that she already knows. Quinn quickly realizes that there's only one person who could have told her that and calls her out on it but Katie side-steps and tries to turn the tables on them, telling them how shocked she was that Quinn suggested the change.

She can't understand why Quinn wants to do something nice for Ridge. Ridge says he can't believe it either and that's why he expressed his thanks and THAT'S what she walked in on. He is doing far too much explaining to Katie, which is red meat in her eyes.

Katie knows how badly Quinn wanted Steffy to be CEO and now she's changing course and Ridge is twirling her around and they're laughing in each other's arms. If it was anyone else, I'd be sitting on the couch next to them, questioning this fuckery, too, but since it's Katie, she can STFU and go home. She asks, "Why the sudden change of heart?"

So let me get this straight. Katie is in Quinn's home, uninvited (Pam does NOT count) and she's got the cajones to interrogate Quinn?


We go from this ridiculousness, which if not eye-rolling, is at least somewhat entertaining, to Liam and Steffy, at the beach house and trying to convince the other that their's is the MOST.EXCITING.AND.FUN.AND.CHA.CHA.CHA. (yes, she trots that little gem out) relationship ever. I'm not even going to waste my time recapping them. 

I mean, they have already been married TWICE with Steffy wearing the most fugtasticly, godawful getups of all time. I'd give the slight edge to the already aptly-named Fredericks of Hollywood outfit vs the straight off the TP roll for wedding #1. Who gives a rat's ass about wedding #3 - just go down to the courthouse and be done already because I don't care. 

But just in case we forgot what those other weddings were like, we get to see them. AGAIN.

They banter back and forth about their differences which equate to she's superficial and he's boring and I seriously can't with either of these two.

So back to the mansion it is with Katie and Quinn facing off and Ridge the proverbial deer in the headlights.

Quinn: "So, Katie...tell me. What is it that you THINK you know?"

Katie, warming to the obvious challenge, "Well, it's pretty obvious. The two of you, alone together. Your sudden change of heart. You wanted Steffy to be CEO of Forrester Creations because you thought it would bring Steffy and Wyatt together, and then when that didn't happen, you realized that you actually needed someone with some experience and a proven track record. I mean, it's a little self-serving. It makes you seem magnanimous, when we both know the truth." Again, Quinn is showing admirable restraint here. She's being called out in her own home by a hypocritical heifer who is running over to said home to spend time ALONE with Quinn's husband every chance she gets.

Quinn has had enough though: "You know what, I'm not about to stand here and be questioned by you in my own home. Excuse me. Ridge, would you mind showing Katie out?"  She starts for the stairs, then fires one last parting shot at Katie. "And don't come back again unless you're invited." Quinn exits but Katie isn't going to go gently into the good night.

Katie focuses on Ridge, questioning him about CEO.

He tells her that Eric hasn't made up his mind yet, but he's considering it. Unseen, Quinn is listening to every word from the balcony. 

Ridge tells Katie that he and Eric are working to repair their relationship and instead of being happy for them, Katie thinks this is an awfully big step and she knows it's all because of Quinn.

Ridge questions her here and Katie warns him to be careful. 

Katie: "I don't want you to fall for her, um...beguiling ways." Katie knows good and well she has no such ways. Maybe if she did, every man who's ever met her wouldn't have dumped her for someone better (or at least more interesting).

Liam and Steffy and their lame conversations about their love and where to get married THIS time and again, I don't care.

Ridge: "Quinn's beguiling ways?" He wants to know what that means (as if he needs it spelled out since he's either fallen for her or, as I suspect, knows this all too well and that's why he's stepped up his plan). 

She talks about how she has power over Eric.

Ridge, correctly, "I know you don't like her-"

Katie: "This has nothing to do with me, okay? This is about you. You're about to marry my sister. Again. You're putting your family back together. This is everything you've ever wanted, right?" First of all, of course, it has everything to do with you, heifer. Your eye is on the ultimate prize, Eric Forrester, nevermind that he's married both of your sisters. I think she thinks she will be the final Mrs. Eric Forrester matriarch and all that comes with it. As for Brooke, we all know she doesn't give two shits about her sister and will likely dance around her ugly little house on the hill with glee the second she learns Ridge's eyes have wandered yet again.

Katie then ups the ante, telling him that Quinn threatened her and Liam. She has the video to prove it. She urges him to think about Quinn's history and (again) to be careful. She actually tells him to keep his distance and that getting to close to Quinn is like "the kiss of death."

Much to her surprise, Ridge, having had enough, turns the tables and cross-examines her and her motives: "You're in my family's home, asking me questions. Now I get to ask you."

Katie: "Shoot. I'm an open book."

Ridge: "Really?"

Katie: "Mm-hmm." Liar, liar, panties on fire.

Ridge: "Even when it comes to your friendship with my dad?"

He questions her about Eric helping her get Will into the prep school, then her moving right next door. She deflects and is oh-so-smug as if to say, how dare you question anything I do? I'm St. Katie, the heir apparent to St. Taylor the Teflon.

Ridge calls out how close she and Eric have been getting.

She tells him they've always been close, like family (oh really?) and that she doesn't want him to get hurt.

Ridge says he doesn't want Eric to get hurt either. He's careful here...and it has the desired effect. Well, almost, and it gets Katie blabbing:

"That's exactly my point. That's why you've been pushing so hard against Quinn. You've been so suspicious of her ever since she got involved with your father. You don't trust her. For good reason. I don't trust her, either, for the same reasons. But Eric trusts her. He loves her unconditionally. He thinks she's a changed woman. He's opened his heart to her. I mean, I just don't think she knows how good she's got it. I mean, if I had a man like that in my life, I..." And she almost showed all of her cards...although I think Ridge's Spidey senses where Eric is concerned are tingling.

Ridge: "What, Katie?"

Katie: "Nothing. Be careful, Ridge.

Ridge: "You, too." She leaves. FINALLY.

So Liam wants to have yet ANOTHER conversation about Wyatt. God. It's like he can't go five minutes without getting reassurance from her. That's attractive.

He talks about how Wyatt's a good man and he's charming and exciting and edging and says all the right things and he's devoted to you and he has the distinct advantage of never being caught between you and another woman." And that right there would make me choose Wyatt - when you add in the rest, it's a no brainer.

Steffy: "I don't want edgy and exciting. I want...you." Boring as dry toast. Hilarious...

Steffy: "No, you you make me want to be better. I'm not so insecure that I need to be the only woman you ever loved. Because when you look at me, I just know I'm the center of your world." You're only secure because Hope is not in the picture. I'm with you @RuntheTable, bring back Hope. STAT.

Liam: "You are. And you always will be." Until Hope returns or someone else needs his special brand of Captain Save-a-Ho treatment.

To prove to themselves and us, the nauseated viewers, how decidedly non-boring they are, they engaged in paint-by-numbers sex. 


Liam insists wedding #3 will be their "final" wedding...the "wedding to last a lifetime."


Ridge is looking at Quinn's portrait. Quinn comes downstairs, having changed into a silky robe and teddy and I just...there are no words.

Ridge turns around and tells her he thought she was going to bed.

Not without you, lover, is what her eyes say,,,and EWWWW!

Quinn thought he would have left by now and he tells he he was just leaving. She then reveals she heard him talking to Katie. 

Ridge tells her that Katie left and so did Pam.

Quinn: "She said a lot of unflattering things about me. Hurtful things."

Ridge, shrugging that off, "Katie doesn't know you the way that I know you. Not that I'm an expert on everything Quinn... not yet."

Quinn: "But you'd like to be?"

Ridge: "Man, you're a complicated woman. But Katie was right about one thing -- you are beguiling. You're dangerous. Very dangerous. A man could lose his senses with you."

Quinn: "I think you should go." That's not what her eyes and practically heaving bosom are saying.

Ridge, walking towards her: "You're all alone in this house. You don't want me to go." Duh.

They reach for each other, kissing passionately, his hands all over her, including her ass (if this weren't this couple in this situation, I might have found that hot but I hate them, him especially, so...). He unties her robe...and then Quinn snaps out of her fantasy, watching Ridge as he leaves.

This show, man.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

So Liam wants to have yet ANOTHER conversation about Wyatt. God. It's like he can't go five minutes without getting reassurance from her. That's attractive.

I'm reminded of a friend of mine who back in high school had an especially insecure boyfriend that all but had it out for for close guy friend that she'd never dated. Granted, she was mostly with him to dispelled rumors of being a lesbian (which was warning sign number one) and her best friend who encouraged the relationship because she knew he wouldn't compete for her attention because she was for many reasons insanely jealous of anyone remotely close to her, including myself.

But for all the family and social issues that contributed to that mess, we were in high school. And my friend's BF didn't really have her...Steffy has been checked out of her marriage to Wyatt since Liam's rescue and Wyatt hasn't even fought the divorce AT ALL. All their interaction since she left have been at the office or at Eric's, usually when she's been called over to talk to Granddad, unlike all the times she's run to Waffles last year.

As I learned during my time in sales, you don't continue to pitch after you've closed the deal.

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15 hours ago, grisgris said:

The inane filler convo about Steffy's fugly wedding getups didn't ring true at all.  First of all, there weren't any paparrazzi around in Aspen so how would photos of that wedding be in circulation?  It it was front cover news, then there would be the "minor details" as to why she threw that disaster together on the fly and why all the rush-rush and hush-hush on the mountaintop.  The black lace thingie for wedding #2 wasn't even a dress. It was a maternity catsuit.  It looked straight off the mannequin at Frederick's of Hollywood.

Wadda ya' mean?

Number One:


Number Two:



And let us not forget her misbegotten beach wedding to Wyatt:



A parade of loathing.

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I was half-watching today after not watching yesterday at all, thanks for the recap, @CountryGirl, now I don't have to! Anyway, I was half-watching, & I swore that it was Phyllis Summers Romalotti Abbott Newman Newman Abbott & probably a few I missed, hitting on our young Thomas. She's not above dating in her son's age-bracket, you know. Anyway, when I actually paid attention, she even had all of Phyllis' mannerisms down as well. It was uncanny. Serious question, is she related to GT who plays Phyllis? Was all of that a coincidence? When she said her name was "Sally", & after the Sally mention & clips last week, I see Thomas' next story on the horizon. 

I've been in & out of our show for its' run, although I've been in since about Fall, 2011, but is there a younger character named directly after Sally Spectra that I didn't know about, or is Phyllis, Jr./Sally, Jr. new to everyone else, too?

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I've never heard of her. Both Sally's bio daughter and all-but-adopted daughter were killed off. Unless she had a daughter in her teens that we don't know of (ie, Bill Jr, Caroline II).

I'm just happy Spectra hasn't been forgotten.

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Spectra is very close, in name, to the James Bond film Spectre. So the question is who came first, the chicken or the egg?  James Bond has been around longer than B&B so my guess is that TPTB used Spectra to sound sinister for Spectre was a crime syndicate. Spectre means something that haunts or perturbs the mind.  

Zende and Thomas bitchbros.  The snoozer and the looser. Sorry I can't find a word that rimes with rapist.  Maybe, if they could get Liam and Rick, they could have a circle jerk. 

I know what Steffy is thinking about being Co-CEO; it will give me more time for Liam's couch to see my naked ass. 

Why wouldn't Sally know who Thomas was? I'm sure fashion houses take stock of other fashion houses' designers.  But I would not object to Thomas being seduced, by Sally, and taken to a place where he might have to "work" for a living.  

Zende and Nicole; young love.  It reminds of Chachi Loves Joanie.  How sweet. 

Edited by Waldo13
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46 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:


Zende and Nicole; young love.  It reminds of Chachi Loves Joanie.  How sweet. 

And the performances are on the same level of skill. Let's hope TPTB don't decide to make them singers, which I (scarily) recall was a s/l on JlovesC.

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A red headed Sally Spectra? Where did this young woman come from? Whatever, yay for some new blood in this show! Although I could go the rest of my life without seeing Thomas, the rapist, ever again. Will we ever hear of his baby, Douglass, again? Or Caroline? 

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Poor Reign Edwards keeps getting some busted ass weaves that just do not fucking blend well. I've done some of my own while stationed overseas (party for lack of money but mostly because I didn't like the women who knew how to do it on the ship....lol) and they all looked better that than. 1/10.

4 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Although I could go the rest of my life without seeing Thomas, the rapist, ever again. Will we ever hear of his baby, Douglass, again? Or Caroline? 

Agreed. Even before last year, the character was basically this show's creepier Devon Hamilton. 

And what was the point of making Douglas Thomas' kid if we will likely never see him raise the kid at all? Just....?? 

As I type this, I kinda wonder if someone in charge realized they would be better off reviving a separate Spectra rivalry than having another family war way back when Ivy and Wyatt were discussing the idea of starting a new fashion house. Because the reason the Spectras worked was because they were the new money outsiders who lacked the clout and status of the Forresters (and I'll have to dig tomorrow for those early Sally Sr. clips to show what I mean).

Wyatt wasn't exactly hard up for cash before meeting Bill and despite not being directly in the branch of Forresters who created FC, I don't think Ivy counts either. It would've just felt like something created as a temper tantrum against Steffy and Liam (who actually did work at not one, but TWO companies in 2015!) much like HTFT was always tainted by the fact that Nosy Parker went with Hope's half-baked idea out of spite against Steffy sniffing around Bill.I

If it didn't feel like the show had been turning a corner recently, it sure does now.

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12 hours ago, tricknasty said:

Wow. For the first time ever Puffy didn't have the worst hair in the room. Whoever slapped that weave on Nicole's head needs to be forced to wear it out in public as punishment. Rant over :/

My thoughts exactly although Puffy's was a close second.

Is Tyra Banks doing the hair on this show because horrible weaves, including beard weaves, are kind of her thing.

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Recap for Tues. 1/31/17:

Thomas and Zende are sitting at a bar. They commiserate over their relationship statuses (or lack thereof).

Zende insists he still wants a future with Nicole and they drink to that.

Thomas then grouses that while he was trying to sort out his personal life, Steffy was being appointed CEO. 

Steffy is in her office, proudly showing off her engagement ring to an impressed Nicole. Why they are not discussing their woes over their horrible weaves, I will never know. She tells Steffy it's good to see her so happy.

Steffy, smiling as much as one can with the animal perched on top of her head, feels like everything is coming together. That's what you think, sweetie.

Nicole fangirls: "Give yourself some credit, woman. You've worked hard to get here. Look at all that you've done. You're a huge impact on culture and fashion. (For what NOT to wear, maybe). You're running your family business. And you're engaged to the man that you're meant to be with."

Eric is back from Genoa City, reunited with Quinn on the living room sofa (but not like Liam and Steffy, thankfully) and of course, Ridge is back at the mansion, TOO, and isn't it cozy, the three of them together?

They discuss his trip and how he helped Lauren put the screws to Jack. Well, not exactly in those terms. He tells Quinn that Lauren can't wait to meet Quinn. Wonder if she knows they were old lovers and almost-marrieds? Oh who am I kidding? Of course, Quinn knows this.

Ridge: "But it was a good trip and your stamina is good, Dad?" What a weird question. 

Eric, deadpan, "Yeah, I'm still standing. And the flight home gave me time to think about what we were discussing before I left, the future of the CEO chair at Forrester."

We go back to the boring bar (well, the bar's not boring, but Lord have mercy, the twosome sitting at it right now are). They talk about Nicole and Zende's career aspirations and Thomas whines some more about being passed over for CEO and her being the heir apparent. Let me pour one out in sympathy for the rapist.

Nicole is telling Steffy how she deserves every blessing she has, including the ring on her finger. Steffy muses that even six months ago, she wouldn't have believed this possible and how proud and thankful she is that her grandfather put his faith in her and made her being CEO.

Ridge tells Eric it's an intriguing idea, him being CEO with his daughter. You can already see the wheels in his greasy head grinding away about how he can oust her altogether. Because the idea of Ridge sharing anything - ever - is truly laughable.

Eric reminds him that the idea came from Quinn and her desire to bring the family closer together. Ridge barely wastes a moment on that happy thought before asking Eric: "So what are we doing here? What is it? You made a decision? Are you making me an offer?" Damn, Ridge...simmer down.

Eric wants to make it clear that he is very pleased by Steffy's performance as CEO and Quinn chimes in with praise as well. You can see Ridge fighting hard to restrain from rolling his eyes.

Ridge grovels a little bit, sensing things are, indeed, going to go his way.

Ridge: "I never meant to hurt you." Really? I saw it as him going out of his way to hurt and betray and sabotage and be the ringleader in the campaign against Queric. A campaign he is still very much running.

Eric: "I was betrayed. I was disrespected. I thought I could no longer trust you, and I choose now not to think that way anymore."

Ridge: "I don't want that, either."

Eric: "It's time for us to move on. I loved it when you and I ran the company together, son. And you and your daughter running the company together as co-CEOs, you'll be unbeatable."

Ridge: "We won't let you down."

Eric: "No, I don't think you will." He already has, Eric. You just don't know it yet.

Ridge offers to tell Steffy so that he can help her understand how much he appreciates Eric supporting and forgiving him. He can't thank Eric enough but Eric reminds him that the person whom he should thank is Quinn.

Steffy tells Nicole she wishes everyone was happy for her but knows Thomas is having issues. 

Nicole: "Yeah, I'm sure he is. But working with you and watching you, I see how hard you work. You're accomplished. You deserve to run this company." 

Steffy: "I just don't want Thomas to feel like he's being overlooked." Too late for that.

Zende, who is clearly bored by his conversation with Thomas, which is saying something considering it's Zzzzende, listens to Thomas prattle on some more in his own I wuz wobbed speech. "But look at Steffy, right? This big social influencer. (Sarcasm heavy here). She's gonna be hot for six months and then gone. It's all gonna be gone. Me, on the other hand, I've been working hard for years. I've studied under my father." I buy Thomas as a designer - maybe - but as CEO? Hell no!

Zende listens to as much as he can stand then bolts. Can't say I blame him.

Thomas is sitting there, sad sack, and all that's missing is "There's a Tear in My Beer" playing in the background.

A voice (off-screen) tells him: "Cheer up, Bucko. You are way too handsome to be wearing a sourpuss like that."

He looks up to see a woman staring back at him, dressed in a lot of blue fur.


Note to Steffy - this is what fun looks like.

Ridge practically sprints into Steffy's office. He can't wait to tell her that Eric is back from his trip and he just saw him and he wants to make some changes at the executive level.

Steffy, wary, "What kind of changes?"

Ridge: "Good changes, I think. A good change, I hope. He wants me to be co-CEO. With you."

Steffy doesn't look happy to me - what do you think?


Nicole is working and Zende enters, snapping pictures of her. Nicole is somewhat guarded but still amused by him. He tells her he's capturing Forrester's hottest young executive and she reminds him she's not an exec yet. Well, just keep tongue-bathing Steffy and see where that takes you.

Zende tells he he couldn't stay out of town any longer; he missed her too much.

The mystery woman, I'll be cliche and call her Red for now, tries to cheer Thomas up. Wasted effort there but she's determined: "What a shame. A specimen like you moping into his drink. With a face like that, you should be lighting up a room. You know, maybe another drink will help? What's your poison?"

Thomas: "I'm good, thanks."

Red: "Too depressed to have a drink with a pretty girl. Wow, you are in bad shape."

Thomas: "Sorry. You're, uh, you're trying to be nice. I, uh, I see that." Dolt.

Red: "Yeah. Yeah, I am, and I don't do it very often, so..."

Thomas: "Well, I appreciate the effort. It's, uh, it's refreshing, but whatever you're gonna try and do is not gonna change my mood."

Red: "Challenge accepted. So, tell me, Bucko, what's got you down?"

Thomas: "Usual."

Red: "Money troubles?"

Thomas: "Nope."

Red: "Internet trolls hacked your sexy selfies."

Thomas: "No. It's family issues."

Red: "Oh, wow. Yeah. There's something I know about."

Thomas: "Oh, wow. It's more business."

Red, confused, "You said 'family.'"

Thomas: "Yeah, well, business is family."

Red: "Oh, yeah? What line of work?"

Thomas: "Fashion." Red looks intrigued.

Eric and Quinn discuss how Steffy might react to Ridge's news and Quinn is confident she'll be fine because like her, she wants to bring the family together. Eric actually thanks her for suggesting it and for reminding him of the power of forgiveness. OMG.

Steffy's response: "Granddad gave you my job?"

Ridge tells her that's not what he did, that she's still CEO. 

Steffy: "Co-CEO. With you." You know she's thinking that he's going to oust her or make it obvious she's co-CEO in name only.

Ridge is quick to reassure that they're going to be a team and that she's not being demoted and that she can handle it on her own. Well, apparently not. He reveals that it was Quinn's idea and Steffy is surprised, to say the least, about that little turn of events.

Ridge handwaves it away, indicating all is forgiven, and, sensing her misgivings, gives her the full-court press:

Ridge: "I know, Steffy. I know. I know this isn't easy, but we can do this. You know, your innovation, my insight. I'm still gonna be head designer of this company. We can take this place to new heights. I was running Forrester before you were born. And I have relationships, I've built relationships, a reputation. And Dad thinks that we could compliment each other. I agree with him. The fact that Dad is forgiving me, that he's trying to trust me again,  that's a big deal. And working with you the way that I used to work with Dad, that makes me really, really happy. I know you weren't expecting this. But here we are. What do you think?"

And while I am no Steffy fan, what is she supposed to say to that? Anything but yes, Daddy, this will be the most awesomest thing ever makes her come off as petty and spiteful.

Zende tells Nicole he's going to keep fighting for them. Somewhere, Sasha is rolling her eyes.

Ridge, who knows how to play women like a violin, his daughter included, nobly offers to tell Eric he won't take the co-CEO position if she's not in agreement.

Of course, Steffy capitulates, telling him she'd be honored to share her title with him.

Ridge (and me): "You would?"

Steffy: "Are you kidding? I heard all the stories about you and Granddad, how you guys challenged each other and inspired each other. I would love to work with you that way. Father-daughter running this company. Of course I'd want that." Who are you trying to convince, Steffy? Your dad or yourself?

In spite of herself, she is getting excited. They both are...then realize they need to tell Thomas...and Rick...and Thorne...and ugh...

Thomas and Red are chatting a bit and she's commenting on his tiny jacket. 

His phone rings. It's Ridge, summoning him to FC.

He tells Red he has to go and she remarks that it's a shame, they were just getting to know each other.

Red: "I'm Sally. What's your name, handsome?" 

He tells her and she asks what fashion house he works for.

Thomas: "Forrester Creations." He asks if she's heard of it.

Sally: "Who hasn't?"

Thomas tells her he appreciates her trying to cheer him up and that he didn't catch her last name.

Sally tells him it's not important and that it was nice to meet him and maybe she'll see him around some time. Oh, I bet she will.

Thomas, noncommittal, "Maybe."

Sally asks the bartender if she can close out her tab. He asks for the name on the card.

Sally: "Spectra. Sally Spectra." She smiles...as I sit here, liking what I'm seeing so far, so much so that I don't even care what retconn plot contrivance TPTB will come up with to explain Sally 2.0. 

Steffy is warming to sharing CEO with her father, but that doesn't extend to the desk, which he agrees she can have.

Steffy: "Thank you. This is really exciting. I did feel like you got passed over. I wasn't happy about that."

Ridge: "I never blamed you for it."

Steffy: "Well, I'm glad that you and Granddad were able to work it out."

Ridge: "Like you said before, we always challenged each other, but we figured it out. Doesn't mean you and me, we have to have that same kind of relationship."

Steffy: "No, that was that fire that made you guys such an amazing team."

Ridge: "Guess so. We had a passion for this place. But you and me, we share a vision. And we're gonna make this company great. I respect your abilities and i know you respect mine. And when I'm old and gray and full of sleep (and is this a nod to Patrick the Poet, quoting Yeats?) and I can't lift a pencil anymore, I will cheer you on from the sidelines, because I'm so incredibly proud of you and grateful that we get to do this together. We'll create our own legacy at Forrester Creations.

Steffy: "Co-CEOs."

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

And while I am no Steffy fan, what is she supposed to say to that? Anything but yes, Daddy, this will be the most awesomest thing ever makes her come off as petty and spiteful.

True. Good God did Ridge lay it on thick.

Heres a reminder of Ridge's reaction the last time he had to share a title with someone:

It's got that Polish dub over the English, but you can hear enough to get the gist. Steffy should be careful, lest she end up over the ledge next.

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