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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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4 hours ago, grisgris said:

P.S.: I don't mean to be crass, but did the girl who plays Nicole get implants? I was afraid that when she slung that backpack on, she was going to topple forward on her face. Whatever she did was too big for her frame and looks like another HTylo wannabee. Although this surgeon did a much better job.

Sometimes bigger is NOT better. She looks really strange with such a large bust on her tiny frame. Its all you can look at....[shudder] ...even in FF you can't miss them.

This show...

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Mon. 11/7/16:

Well, I always want to hug the writers, named Mr. Lazy and Ms. Cheap-as-Hell, because their use of montage after montage after montage?

Means I don't have to recap any of that shit, although it's always a delight to see the Waffles/Puffy reunion after his Quinn-napping where she gallumps like the heifer she is and almost knocks his pansy ass to the sand.

But enough with the cheesy, this love is forever songs - they had one for their little beach twirl and another one as they laze about on the couch and circle jerk each other with how awesome they are. Quit...the songs will last longer than their so-called "love."

Maya and Rick are busily chowing down on Chinese food and again, color me shocked that they are taking Nicole saying "No" so well. I give it about 24 hours after they've learned about Zende and Sasha joining the mile-high club to be back on the baby bandwagon. I mean, she won't have anything else to do.

I am still pissed at Sasha for said mile-high clubbing. I guess she likes being continually kicked like a puppy. 

In a totally random note, what the hell is this show's fascination with pale burgundy jeans. First, Puffy, now Zende - are they trading clothes now?

Nicole shows up at the airport and finds Sasha and Zende cuddled up under the covers on the Forrester jet. So they let just anyone come on board?

And yes, that was some seriously awful acting.

I just sat there and watched...and then laughed.

Edited by CountryGirl
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It looks like she got [saggy] implants, or she has terrible posture/needs a better bra. Considering she might be 110 pounds soaking wet, whatever she possibly had done doesn't look natural and is too big for her frame. Per her Instagram, there's a noticeable difference in that area. That was the single worst acting scene I've seen in many moons. It was painful. He looks like he borrowed Steffy's pants or some that belonged to her wardrobe. (Why do the Forresters have such lax security? You're probably a million or billion dollar family who is internationally known. Yet, their security across the board is some grade A trash because anybody can walk into their homes and on to the corporate jet. Who can just walk on to a tarmac and a private jet?)

Sasha will probably end up pregnant. *eye roll* I would much rather her and Wyatt or her and Carter cross paths. Anything would be better than the triangle of dullness on our screens again. In a nod to that epic ANTM scene with Tyra Banks, "I was rooting for you, Sasha! We were all rooting for you." And you let us down by joining the MHC with that lump of coal who spent his time in Hawaii going on and on about how St. Nicole was better than you, him, and the other x billion people in the world. *gag*

Puffles and her Waffle are gag worthy. Stop with the montages and flashbacks of how good it was. The only thing good was her pre-work face. Whitewashing their effed up history won't make people fall in love with them again. I had to chuckle when he emphasized MARRIAGES. Yes, plural. Why not just be in a polyamorous relationship with both brothers? Jumping from one d to his brother's is the same, and you claimed to love them both. Bam. There it is. Then she could have her sad, soggy waffle with a side of wuss, whiny, and way-too-little-self-esteem. Get these people off my screen.

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29 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

In a nod to that epic ANTM scene with Tyra Banks, "I was rooting for you, Sasha! We were all rooting for you." And you let us down by joining the MHC with that lump of coal who spent his time in Hawaii going on and on about how St. Nicole was better than you, him, and the other x billion people in the world. *gag*

Because it can't be said enough.

I hope we at least get Sasha's mother coming to town out of this . That should mean that Viv and Julius will be back in play and we get some nice adult Avant drama.

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Quinn's soul is dark?  Did Ridge actually say that?  From what I read, Stephanie's soul was probably darker than Quinn's. Actually, a jewelry pass is not a bad idea.  I said this in the Y&R forum about Hilary but I think that Ridge falls in to that same category which is calling Ridge a piece of fecal mater is actually giving him a complement.  

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This is why Ridge should NEVER be CEO of FC.  The Jewelry Pass idea is a brilliant marketing move that will make FC money.  Ridge can not put his ego aside and focus on the financial well being of the company because he is an "artist".  He is not looking out for the best interests of the company because he is not in charge and he hates Quinn.  He has proven over and over again that he is a failure when it comes to the running of the business end of the business.  Ridge my be a first class designer (and asshole) but he is a disaster as a businessman.  If he were an reasonable adult he would realize this and give up trying to run the business side of things and stick to what he does best, being a "dressmaker".  Rick is a great businessman and has a great deal of experience in the running of both FC and FC International.  FC was highly profitable during Rick's tenure as CEO.  If Ridge's ego weren't so huge he would allow himself to make amends to Rick and start treating him like an equal.  Ridge could be in charge of the creative side of FC while Rick ran the business side of FC.  They would be a great team and what better way to respect their father's legacy.  If they did this Eric would be able semi-retire in peace with the knowledge that his family has put aside their differences and come together for the good of the family and FC.  

That is what Ridge should be doing but will he?  No, because in Ridge's kindergartener brain FC is MINE, MINE, MINE , MINE.  He is such a douche.  

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I'd like it if Brooke could ever be let back at the helm of FC. Between BeLieF, Brooke's Bedroom, the first Men's Line and probably a couple other things I'm blanking on, there is no question that FC's golden age was under her leadership.

But I agree that Ridge should be designing and let Rick and Thorne do the business side of things.

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I don't agree that Ridge should be designing. I think he should be thrown out of this company once and for all. He's such a snotty, entitled, hateful snob who doesn't really care about his father's company. I could not believe how awful he was to Quinn, Wyatt and Ivy today. I'd have picked up something off of the desk and thrown it at him. Who the hell does he think he is?! You don't talk to people (especially women who are married to your father) like that!! I grew up in a family and married a man from the same kind of family in the South who know that men do NOT talk to women or anyone else like that. I hope he gets taken down HARD by Quinn who's being so accommodating to him on Eric's behalf. I don't care if Ridge (Stupid Name) has been a long time character on this show--he needs to go away to Paris and never return. And Brooke. OMG. First you tell Katie that you always needed a man in your life and then  you learned you didn't and were ok on your own. Then Bill comes in, then Ridge comes in to talk you out of whatever Bill had said to you. For Heaven's sake---stop this!!! Grow the F up and act like the 60 year old adult you actually are!

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43 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'd like it if Brooke could ever be let back at the helm of FC. Between BeLieF, Brooke's Bedroom, the first Men's Line and probably a couple other things I'm blanking on, there is no question that FC's golden age was under her leadership.

But I agree that Ridge should be designing and let Rick and Thorne do the business side of things.

Actually, Ridge-Pen should have never been allowed to come back to Forrester Creations in any capacity.  That's why I was befuddled that Eric seemed mystified that this pit viper he and Stephanie raised betrayed him.  Come again?  I'm sure if Eric counted on his fingers and all of his toes, he would lose track of the number of times Ridge betrayed him in business and personally.

Brooke desperately needs to be back at the helm.  Anything is better than watching her doing this ridiculous "pepper steak" dance with Bill, Ridge-Pen and Slouchy.

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On 11/7/2016 at 6:35 PM, Nanu160 said:

How do we fix this SHOW?

Female writers who actually "lean forward?"

I can't believe it's 2016 and we have a 50-something woman in arrested development when it comes to her love life.  Not to mention the number of women who have no pride or self-esteem whatsoever.

The GarBridge retread has "Please don't do this!" written all over it, but Bradley might as well be the EPA's Man of the Century because of all his recycling efforts. 

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I see Lemonhead was back today in full force.  My head was also swiveling at the "I used to need a man, but I don't, but I guess I do," then Katie got shuttled out as soon as Bill showed up. Please don't tell me Brooke has feelings for Ridge-Pen.  She deserves to have Bill kick her to the curb once and for all.  At this point, I'd rather see him get together with Steffy. While I wouldn't care for another major story with JMW in the lead, but it would be a more interesting quadrangle with Bill/Steffy/Wyatt/Liam. Maybe, maybe she would perform better if she was tag-teamed with a trio of relatively strong male actors.  I guess that pepper steak is the new lemon bars IRT Ridge. That's been going on for years now.  I remember RM Ridge complaining to Stephanie once that Taylor couldn't cook it very well.

I thought that Quinn had a great idea to showcase the jewelry line.  I don't see how it would be so difficult to pull together some simple long dark dresses. Why couldn't they retool the "Posse" (Pussy) dress and just make it longer and obviously in a different fabric? It's got the right kind of neckline and if FC was able to mass produce it on a dime for Hope's party, why not this time? The pattern must be available in the FC archives. That asshole was just bitter because he didn't come up with the idea himself.

Was I imagining things or was there some kind of chem testing going on today between TK and RS?

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4 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Actually, Ridge-Pen should have never been allowed to come back to Forrester Creations in any capacity.

Well, yeah...but I don't expect that to happen, so this is the way to do the least damage.

There's an election joke in there, but as I type this, Clinton is still forty points behind, and I am more worried about getting out of the lease I have before moving to Canada.

2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Ivy wasn't the "turncoat." She was never in Pig Pen and Puffy's cabal. She went to the wedding and has been loyal to her Uncle Eric. STFUR!

IKR? And why would he expect Ivy to support Steffy in ANYTHING?

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This is certainly shaping up to be one of Show's more snark worthy weeks. For openers, we got two full days of Nicole and Zende, and just to add some fuel to the fire, they threw in two days of Puffy and Waffles. 

So Nicole shocks all with her about face, only to run to the corporate jet and catch Sasha and Zende under the sheets. What did Zende want to explain? That maybe they didn't do the tango? Could there really be hope? Maybe they were just cuddling for comfort? I know I am reaching, but I can't get past my massive disappointment with Show throwing Sasha right back into the fray, and the sack, with Zende. And no doubt, Little Miss Martyr will run right back to Maya and say she has changed her mind again before ever finding out what really happened on the jet. This SL bugs on so many levels. Sasha is vibrant and beautiful, she smiles and laughs, and even though she has been treated like a mistake her whole life, she if full of joy and only wants to love. Nicole OTOH? Stone faced, distant, cold, and Daddy's Perennial Little Girl, who thinks she makes all the decisions all the time, and if you don't like it take a hike. Just don't go to Hawaii, or look at another girl. Infuriating little bitch. Even so, she gets all the breaks and the SLs. Having Sasha be the foil in Nicole and Zende only highlights what bad actors they are. Put this lady with someone who can match her. I know Ivy is in Wyatt's world, but let them be friends, and let Wyatt notice Sasha. I think they would be so cute together, and their personalities would complement each other too. And I so want Wyatt to have a lady who loves only him, and I think Sasha would be perfect for that role. It would also have the added benefit of aggravating Steffy. She probably fully expects Wyatt to mope about pining for her worthless ass, or, she probably expects he will chase after Ivy, cause you know, no one else would dare go there with that dangerous mom of his. 

Puffy and The Waffle? Dear Lord, my corneas feel scorched. Watching those two prance around Cliff House, reliving their "epic" love story, gifting us with montages of their days past and all their happy times, simply had me mesmerized. But not in a good way. I was mesmerized with disgust and revulsion. Liam, with his Hope amnesia, waxing on as if Steffy were the only girl he had ever been with prior to his Quinnapping. And the Puffy one? Watching that traitorous tramp cavort about with her lover while still legally married is gross and evil. I would love nothing more than to hold that harlot down and brand a big red letter "A" on her forehead. God knows there is enough room on that botox injected plain, and the whole wrinkle free thing is spectacular as the "A" would never not be fully visible. Oh, and brands cannot be removed like tattoos. 

What did I just watch with Bill and Brooke? Is he done with her? As much as it pains me to say it, I couldn't blame him if he was. Brooke finally had it in her grasp; the happiness she has always sought from a man who would put her first. But that damned Ridge destiny crap once again ruined it. And I am only partly blaming Ridge here. Yes, he is the one that barged in, but how many times has Brooke experienced this? I am sick to admit it, but if she was that in love with Bill; that committed to him, then she would have kicked Ridge's ass out fast. But she didn't. She should have been angry and disgusted with Ridge, but she wasn't and she isn't. When Bill posed his questions to her about having feelings for Ridge, she should have said "Yes, I do, and I always will. But it isn't romantic feelings." Unfortunately her silence was deafening, and I think may have been the final straw for Bill. And right on cue in walks the rumpled one to throw in his two cents, but what pissed me off was Brooke was receptive. He just invites himself over for "family" night and Brooke looked like she was happy about it. She is so gonna reconcile with Ridge; she is just like Jack Twist when he shouted "I don't know how to quit you!" Hmmmm.......that would leave Bill open for business. Maybe he will notice Sasha? That would be wild. And just imagine Papa A's eye's when he hears his mistake has wrangled herself up a Spencer, and not just any Spencer, but the big dog himself? 

Apparently Ridge has forgotten that Brooke took over FC's with no experience and became it's best CEO ever. He seems to have also forgotten that many of Brooke's ideas were poo pooed by him and his parents but those ideas became some of FC's biggest successes and most profitable ventures. His refusal to give merit to good ideas presented by others is a sure sign that he is not CEO material. I hope he never recovers that chair. 

Rena Sofer was rocking that red; she looked amazing. I love her happy demeanor in the face of Ridge's crude rudeness. All the same, I have been shying away from even considering it, refusing to even lay thought to it, but the anvils were falling today; they were so chem testing Ridge and Quinn. In fact, I think they have been for awhile. So, will Ridge's plan be to seduce Quinn to convince Eric that she isn't trustworthy? What will that do to his and Brooke's budding relationship? I have no doubt that when the dust settles, Brooke will somehow be the loser. Probably by giving her heart to that worthless fuck once again, then he pulls something with Quinn and she is broadsided by it. But Ridge will talk about FC's and Eric, and how he did it for all of them. 

I am very unsettled with Show right now. Very unsettled. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Tues. 11/8 recap

We open with Alison, who should know better, asking him if he's concerned about the "radio silence" from Brooke.

Bill is clearly in no mood for this and tells Alison Brooke will be his wife. I'm not so sure about that.

Lemonheads Katie shows up to gloat (so spare me the faux shock!!! that Brooke didn't marry Bill after all) and I'm only shocked it took her this long to show up.

I did have to agree with her on this line (about Brooke). "If Forrester Creations could bottle what you've got, they'd make millions." Yes, they would, honey.

Brooke, like the perennial doormat she is, tells Katie exactly what she wants to her: "I've been a horrible sister to you. The fact that you're standing here talking to me shows what an amazing person you are." 


I'm guessing the reason she took so long riding her broomstick over to FC was probably because she was busy practicing this snotty-ass speech:

Katie: And it appears that all is right with the world again. We are both in our proper places. I go to bed with a book and you go to bed with whomever you choose. I really don't have anything to complain about. I mean, I've got a beautiful, happy, healthy son and no drama in my life. Unlike you. It seems you have two men fighting over you again. Some things never change." First of all, you could go to bed with someone else, too, but who wants a whiny, insecure, basic as fuck bitch to curl up next to at night? And second of all, this confident, I choose me Kelly Taylor mantra? No one is buying it because we know you would give your slamming body to trade places with Brooke in a NY minute. She's such an asshole.

Speaking of anal sphincters, I see Ridge-Pen on his very best asshole behavior with Quinn, who looks hot as hell in a sassy red blouse.


I swear if you put Puffy next to her, they'd think she was the older of the two. 

Quinn presents some wonderful, well-thought-out ideas for the fashion show and I LOVE her idea for the jewelry pass. Accessories are just as important as the fashions, Ridge. Any bumpkin off the turnip truck knows that.

Ridge resorts to name-calling because he's that sad and pathetic. I did smirk at his calling her "Elphaba" though because I'm impressed he actually knows who Elphaba is. Although he can fuck right off with calling Ivy a "turncoat." Since when has he ever cared about her? That's right, never, so he doesn't get to play the cousin card and she's supporting her uncle while he tried to pull a coup.

Katie: "I guess this is why I've always wished I was more like you." Ding, ding, ding!!! "No, you always have this flurry of male activity surrounding you. You make men crazy." And you hate her for it.

Brooke: Well, I'm not sure that's really something to wish for. But since we're on this topic, I've always wanted to be more like you. Self-sufficient, independent. I've always needed a man in my life. It was hard for me to adjust to being alone. But I think I finally got it. I could be happy by myself." So clearly, Brooke has been reading the Katie Lemonheads propaganda. 

Katie: "And now you're back in the game. Two men want to marry you." Yes, Brooke's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard while your's curdles in their stomach.

Brooke: "Yeah. But the one I said yes to left me at the altar." Why do I get the feeling that she's going to hold that against Bill?

Bill interrupts the oh-so-lovely-and-loving sister conversation. Thank goodness, Bill!

He tells he's "still pretty pissed" about Ridge-pen interrupting (read: sabotaging) their wedding and rightfully so. He calls her out for leaving him at the altar first while she was upstairs with Ridge.

Brooke admits "I shouldn't have done that." Damn straight.

Bill, showing more and more that he's the better man, tells Brooke he doesn't want to rehash it, that it's behind them, and he wants to move forward. Imagine that, a mature, adult man. Brooke clearly doesn't know what to do with him.

Ridge is now taking pot-shots at Wyatt, who votes with his mother in favor of the jewelry pass. "So Oedipus agreed with his mommy. That's a shocker." STFU, Ridge, you had your head so far up your mommy's ass, I'm surprised your face isn't permanently dark brown.

He talks to Quinn alone.

She attempts (yet again) to make peace. A noble, but futile effort. "I know you hate my presence here. But maybe you can just hold your nose and try to get through it, because Eric will be back soon. I will see to that."

Ridge: "I know it doesn't look that way, but I'm trying, Quinn. I'm trying. Who are you trying to fool, Ridge? Trying to see what my dad sees in you. I get it. It's fantastic. But all of this means nothing because your soul is the darkest thing I have ever seen. Um no, sweet cheeks, that would be your burning in hell mommy's soul. And soon my dad's gonna realize that, and you're gonna become just another ridiculous chapter in his book of failed affairs. This isn't an affair - they are MARRIED. There's only one love of his life. I am never one who bought Stephanie was the great love of his life. Brooke could have been. Quinn just might be, but Stephanie? Nope. She's not here anymore. You can't replace her. Why would she want to? And I think somewhere in all that darkness, you know that. So come on. I can't design things for you. It's a waste of time for both of us. You're not gonna be here. And as far as you sitting in that chair, keeping it warm, I appreciate it. 'Cause I'll be back soon. I promise you." Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you, Ridge.

But just like you, RuntheTable, and others, oh...my...God...the anvils...they are so gonna go there. The twinkle in TK's eye that he pulls out when he's happy with a pairing (or potential pairing). It makes me ill just to think about it because he will ruin Brill and Queric in the process.

OMG, so Brooke is pissed that he called off the wedding. Brooke, I love you, always have, always will, but you are so, so, so in the WRONG here.

She makes matters worse by pausing for 50 million years when Bill pins her down and asks if she has feelings for Ridge. Say something, anything, say you'll always love him because of your history and your son, but you're not "in love" with him and haven't been in a very long time. Say that he's the only man for you, now and always. 

But no, she just fucking stands there while his carefully-sheltered heart breaks into a million pieces. And it won't be so easily mended, Brooke.

He leaves, while he still has some dignity left, and like the vulture he is, Ridge enters and proceeds to immediately validate her shitty-as-hell wavering where Bill is concerned. 

He is confident that Brooke will be marrying HIM inside of a month. Oh just go fuck yourself and the high horse you rode in on, Ridge.

As if that isn't enough, the asshole squatter wants to use her kitchen to make pepper steak. Who gives a rat's ass about pepper steak? 

Quinn practices her newly-crowned CEO fashion show speech on Wyatt and Ivy to rave reviews and she is just so cute to watch. They assure her the show is going to be fabulous. Not if Ridge-Pen has anything to say about it.

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I just had a horrible thought. Are they randomly floating Katie in Eric's orbit today because they plan on going THERE? Since we seem to agree they're chem-testing Quinn and Ridge, could they be doing the same with Eric and the only female Logan he hasn't already banged? I mean, what other storyline possibilities do they have in place for her? None. (Of course, decent writers would come up with a million better options -- but we're talking about THESE crap writers.)

I already felt sick to my stomach today and I just made it worse.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Katie: "I guess this is why I've always wished I was more like you." Ding, ding, ding!!! 

That's more self-awareness than Stephanie ever showed in 25 years.

My God. Brill and Bridge are two horrendous choices, but much like last night's election, one is very obviously a least bad choice.

That said, I would be on board with Sasha/Bill. It was hard to ignore Thomas' creepy past, Liam turns on a dime, making him no better than Zende, and Wyatt is still far into Steffy to be with anyone. 

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Just now, Anna Yolei said:

That said, I would be on board with Sasha/Bill. It was hard to ignore Thomas' creepy past, Liam turns on a dime, making him no better than Zende, and Wyatt is still far into Steffy to be with anyone. 

I briefly toyed with the idea of Bill/Sasha but that's a lot of set up they'd have to do to make them work. Steffy is a business woman who is 'take charge' which is why I see her working better with him.  I see him as a kick ass father in law if she were to hook up with Liam or Wyatt. Sasha seems like she'd make a great Spencer daughter in law.

With Wyatt or Liam, Sasha has enough in common to make a pair up interesting- all three have daddy issues where they can relate, Wyatt and Sasha have issues with their mothers that they can relate to, Liam and Sasha both came to LA on a mission (Liam looking for his dad; Sasha for a better life), Liam (when he was a Cooper and not a Spencer) and Sasha both had to take care of themselves and/or had others looking out for them, Wyatt and Sasha both have security issues of not feeling good enough and being unlucky in love. Also Wyatt and Liam are older (but not overly so) that the dynamic is the tried and true protective guy angle for the vulnerable but strong ingenue.  There's a lot more to play around with for her with those two (or even Thomas) than with Zende or Bill.

Honestly, I'd put Wyatt in a triangle with Steffy and Ivy, with Liam choosing himself after realizing Steffy wanted Wyatt all along and throwing himself into his work and somehow moving into Nicole, Sasha, and/or Katie's circle. Nicole is like a sister while Sasha is the love interest and Katie remains mother figure/kindly big sister.

Katie/Eric I think was so they could just have an exposition dump on how Katie is doing and begin to pivot her to a new storyline. Eric is the kindly father figure that she can benignly be open with. Ridge and Bill are up Brooke's butt so she can't talk to them. Donna was only on to look fab at Brooke's wedding. Wyatt or Liam would've been used only if they were thinking of testing/putting them together.

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Isn't Maya still lead model?  If so, than why isn't she getting ready for the fashion show?  Does that mean Sasha is now lead model. 

Nicole's breasts are growing again. The scene with her and Maya was as painful as a root canal but the last scene with Zende was even worse. You could actually fall asleep between each word she was saying.  Zende is no better.  Nicole has learned the best defense is an aggressive offense.  The high and mighty remains the high and mighty.  

What part of Quinn asking for Steffy's support, with the family, translate into Quinn wanting her to be her daughter-in-law.  

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What's weird is Nicole and Zende haven't been on the show that long, haven't been a couple actually together and happy all that long, and yet you can say they are unequivocally not right for each other.

Yes, they're young, but they are so obviously not on the same page about anything and don't know how to act in a relationship that they say they want to go the distance.

And really, Nicole is too young to have this much drama. Break from the Forresters and strike out on your own. Go to Bill and tell him that after what he did to Maya through her, that he owes you and wheedle a job out of him at Spencer Publications. Be frenemies with the Spencer brothers and call them out on their individual crap. Be the tech girl and start your own Sassy Black Girl Tech Blog that takes breaks new ground for Spencer and makes Bill some money which endears you to him. Then reveal you own the programming and rent it to him for milllions and make your own bank. Strike out on your own, girl, and FORGET Zzzzzzende.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Nicole has no talents, tech or otherwise. She's been a baby incubator and nothing else. She and Zzzzende need to go off together, to somewhere far away, and leave us all alone with their sad sack story. There's no way she could be a "tech girl". Blech.

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I nicknamed Chelsea of Y&R the human Tribble because of how she seemed to spend nearly her first three years on the show pregnant. But gah....somehow, she's only been knocked up once and it still bothers me more than Chelz's bullshit.

I think it's cuz she's so high and mighty about it while being as much of a sour puss as Katie, who has the thread thin excuse of her high school experience as the "ugly" duckling to explain her sour 'tude. Nicole was basically Hope to Maya and Sasha's collective Steffy if Steffy were disowned by Ridge as she all but claimed to be in the ToD 2.0 days.

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I thought that was pretty obvious today that something is going to start building with Eric and Katie.  First of all, why was she prancing around in the Lycra onesie? Yes. She looked incredible. I know she said she was headed to the gym, but even the frickin' KARDASHIANS throw on a hoodie and some yoga pants over their sports bras and shorts before heading out the door. Also, what was that remark about "If Quinn doesn't treat you right, I will," (or whatever she said.)

I'm so tired of these insta-romances and failed marriages/engagements with the same merry-go-round of people. We've barely had time to get used to Queric.  I so don't want to see Quinn and Ridge.

The show desperately needs some new characters, especially men to round things out.

I can't even with Zzzzende and Nicole. It hurts my eyes to watch that actor. It also must hurt his eyes to squint up like that when he's trying to emote. It's either that or flaring nostrils.

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54 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I'm so tired of these insta-romances and failed marriages/engagements with the same merry-go-round of people. We've barely had time to get used to Queric.  I so don't want to see Quinn and Ridge.

Hee. I like to think that Eric already getting his flirt on with someone else helps underscore that Ridge may be a Marone by blood but he learned his cheatin horn dog habits through imitation as Eric was a cheatin horn dog himself back in the day. 

The Marone Apple didn't fall far from the Forrester tree.

And just like Adam 'helped' Quinn be ready to receive Eric's unconditional love, Eric can say Quinn help him start feeling himself again after Stephanie's death to receive Katie's...well whatever she has to offer him. Eric has pulled the 'We had some good times, didn't we?' Break up speech himself. If he thinks Quinn is becoming too involved in Forrester for herself and not just for his sake, he could pull back and do a generous but firm uncoupling.

And then I'd happily do a Nelson Muntz 'Hah, Hah!' laugh. 

Meanwhile, Ridge would realize that Quinn does have Forrester's best interest at heart, see her in a whole new light and actually want to keep her on and they become a 'formidable' team. Gag.

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9 hours ago, grisgris said:

I thought that was pretty obvious today that something is going to start building with Eric and Katie.  First of all, why was she prancing around in the Lycra onesie? Yes. She looked incredible.

I thought that getup made her look like she gained about 20 pounds, and the severe ponytail made her face look ultra wide.

In other B&B news, Ridge is still filthy, smarmy, and arrogant; Steffy sucks; Rick & Maya suck; Zende and Nicole suck.  How can this show go from being so good to being so bad in under a month?

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16 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I thought that getup made her look like she gained about 20 pounds, and the severe ponytail made her face look ultra wide.

In other B&B news, Ridge is still filthy, smarmy, and arrogant; Steffy sucks; Rick & Maya suck; Zende and Nicole suck.  How can this show go from being so good to being so bad in under a month?

You know, Maria Bell wasn't a great fit for Y&R, but I think with Bradley at the helm, she could shake things up on this show. The fact that Show has been a family owned business has been a double edged sword....sure, we know what we're in store for, but Bradley is clearly in a rut and has been since SF and Ronn Moss left the show. i really did like that she at least tried to build new characters from the long forgotten legacy characters, even if she forever tainted Adam. I was just not a fan of her killing everyone off, but then B&B has never been very liberal with its body count by virtue of being a smaller cast. Some balance, if you will.

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So, Nicole is already pregnant with Zende's baby but, after the Sasha bang, she no longer wants anything to do with him, and, therefore, she'll lead him to think her soon-to-be-obvious pregnancy is the result of changing her mind about the surrogacy?

And Eric and Katie are about to be a thing, as are Quinn and Ridge.

And I will be out.

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What are Pam's and Charlie's purpose on B&B. They haven't been relevant since Aly died.  Can someone say Medieval Times.  Pam actually thinks her opinion matters. She's a friggin reception. Pam is nuttier than a Fruit Cake. Maybe that should be her go to instead of Lemon Bars.  Charlie and Pam = Dumber and Dumber.  

Rick and Maya, Nicole and Zende = who gives a flying fuck. Yes, Nicole, take the high road but technically you fucked Rick. 

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1 hour ago, Cool Breeze said:

So, Nicole is already pregnant with Zende's baby but, after the Sasha bang, she no longer wants anything to do with him, and, therefore, she'll lead him to think her soon-to-be-obvious pregnancy is the result of changing her mind about the surrogacy?

Please don't go there show. If there is one thing that grinds my gears is when a woman hides a pregnancy from a father simply because they broke up and she doesn't want him to want her 'simply because of the child.' Regardless of Zende's asshattery as a boyfriend, that doesn't mean he'd be a crap father. And the child deserves to know their father and have them in their life as long as the dad isn't hurtful towards the child.

My thinking was that Nicole and Zende would reconcile on New Year's Eve to start the New Year with a fresh start with Sasha finding out she's pregnant around the same time.

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At first Quinn and Eric story was a big WTF is Bell doing.  However, they soon became my favorite storyline.  The actors playing Quinn and Eric have loads of chemistry and won over viewers in record time. It would be soap opera writers malpractice to mess with this pairing.

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Why is Quinn trying to make jewelry the focus of the runway show at a fucking fashion house. I can understand trying to make it pop against the clothing, but nobody's coming to the show to look at her designs like that. This show is so ridiculous. They need a complete overhaul in the writers room.

Nicole is a sanctimonious cow. And why for the love of God do they not force her and Zzzzende to take acting lessons on the days they're not filming because they totally suck.

Maya and Rick really are becoming useless, aren't they? Does she even model anymore?

This show seriously sucks.

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44 minutes ago, politichick said:

Why is Quinn trying to make jewelry the focus of the runway show at a fucking fashion house. I can understand trying to make it pop against the clothing, but nobody's coming to the show to look at her designs like that. This show is so ridiculous. They need a complete overhaul in the writers room.

Nicole is a sanctimonious cow. And why for the love of God do they not force her and Zzzzende to take acting lessons on the days they're not filming because they totally suck.

Maya and Rick really are becoming useless, aren't they? Does she even model anymore?

This show seriously sucks.

I think the jewelry pass is a fantastic idea because it's another money making division for FC. I would attribute it to actresses walking the red carpet and the fashion police are interested in not only the dress designer but the jewelry designer. 

Acting lessons for Zende and Nicole is a great idea. Maybe CBS should start a fund me account.

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I'd be all for placing FC in the background of things. Just like there is little to no doctor stuff on General Hospital, TIIC could slowly shift the focus over to other industries that are coming up in Los Angeles. I didn't mind the Web series idea so much, which could've served as an excuse for FC to have a few of their lower end products for costumes (like the HTFT, California Dreaming and the jewelry pieces) while having the big designs for premieres and such.

As far as watching spoiled, entitled brats fight over a company that few of them put any work into is not entertaining in the least. I can't imagine any of these brats being worthy of taking the reins when Eric steps down for good...or eventually Ridge even, in the unlikely event that this show beats out Guiding Light's run. By then, little Phoebe Taylor Spencer and Hope Logan Jr. will be fighting over Waffles Episode III:Revenge of the Syrup. Hooray!

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So Pam, who talks to Stephanie, said everyone knows Quinn is nuts.  Living in the bizarro world much? 

What the hell is Steffy talking about that Quinn hasn't changed & she's still "manipulating" she & Wyatt?  She said, for unknown reasons, that she still wants Steffy as a daughter in law (really?  why?????), but I didn't hear any kind of ultimatum.  Also, "this could have been different if your mom was gone."  Lying piece of crap, she just wanted an excuse to go back to her waffle.

I'm surprised Katie's ugly gym outfit wasn't soaked from the tongue-bath Eric gave her. 

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So is Pam back off her meds again and is going to try to either scare (ha!) or kill Quinn off? That was a twist I didn't see coming at all.

OK. Maya was trying to take a little bit of responsibility for Nicole and Zende's troubles, but then Rick had to keep shutting that down.  However, he was right that they didn't make Zende fly to Hawaii with Sasha then initiate her into the mile-high club on the way home.

I could barely watch the show today because it was so boring. Zende has to be the worst actor to appear on the show. Nicole isn't much better.

I was hoping that Quinn would walk in on Eric and Katie sharing the hug of educational gratitude.

Steffy is just a one-note harpy.  I think that Quinn was talking in broader strokes about wishing that Steffy was her DIL.  I think (hope) that Quinn understands that the Puffed Chicken marriage is kaput and that the Waffle lies naked and alone on the plate without his poultry brethren to prop him up.  So then, what's this sudden WTF-ery from Steffy about "if only ... ?"

I'm loving that crimson top and black and white skirt that Quinn's been wearing.  I don't have any problems with having a jewelry pass.  Why not generate some extra revenue for the company?  Like Quinn said, it's just going to take only a couple of moments. SMH.

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44 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Steffy is just a one-note harpy.  I think that Quinn was talking in broader strokes about wishing that Steffy was her DIL.  I think (hope) that Quinn understands that the Puffed Chicken marriage is kaput and that the Waffle lies naked and alone on the plate without his poultry brethren to prop him up.  So then, what's this sudden WTF-ery from Steffy about "if only ... ?"

Quinn even said in yesterday's (or maybe Tuesday's) episode that Steffy is going to do what she's going to do regarding her marriage, so yeah, I do think she understands that the Puffed Chicken (LOL!!!!) marriage is over.  Either Steffy is smoking something or I am, I have no idea where the hell this "if only" nonsense came from.

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I think Steffy's "if only" crap is just to make sure she can blame someone else for her leaving Wyatt. She's all " Oh wah, it's not MY fault our marriage tanked...even though I walked out on you after a few weeks cuz Liam was back. It's not MEEEEE that broke our marriage...it's all your Mom's fault. Wah...poor meeeeeee..I wanted to stay with you but I couldn't cause of your Mom...and I really wanted Liam cause I knew your Mom was with him & I wanted my sweet waffles back. Poor MEEEEeeee."

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14 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

At first Quinn and Eric story was a big WTF is Bell doing.  However, they soon became my favorite storyline.  The actors playing Quinn and Eric have loads of chemistry and won over viewers in record time. It would be soap opera writers malpractice to mess with this pairing.

It's the only thing that the Crackhead writers/producers/ deciders have done right since...when?

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21 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

You know, Maria Bell wasn't a great fit for Y&R, but I think with Bradley at the helm, she could shake things up on this show. The fact that Show has been a family owned business has been a double edged sword....sure, we know what we're in store for, but Bradley is clearly in a rut and has been since SF and Ronn Moss left the show. i really did like that she at least tried to build new characters from the long forgotten legacy characters, even if she forever tainted Adam. I was just not a fan of her killing everyone off, but then B&B has never been very liberal with its body count by virtue of being a smaller cast. Some balance, if you will.

Who the hell is Adam on B&B? Also, show is FAMILY OWNED, which explains a lot about the Incestuous Nature of the Whole Damn Thing. For 30 years. Write what you know. P.S. Steffy, You're THE WORST

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Nanu, I was referring to Adam Newman and how Maria Bell brought that character on to Y&R as an example of her track record of bringing in new blood from forgotten branches of that shows family trees. I'd bet she'd do something similar here...or try, anyway. B&B doesn't really have many non-Forrester legacy families:

Spectras: most are dead. Aly was the last active link to that part of history, although CJ and Mark are floating around

Marone/Payne: won't get Jack Wagner back anytime soon and the writers stopped caring about his son the minute a Brick reunion was canceled.

Spencers: for all practical purposes, it bears no resemblance to the Spencer family of the 80s and may as well be called Spencer 2.0

Hamilton/Hayes: without Taylor around, there's little chance of her long forgotten brother Zachary coming back.

There was B&B's first teen scene in the 90s, but I've heard fans didn't take well to Jessica Forrester or the group of friends surrounding her.

i dunno.

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I tried, I really did, to recap the Wed (11/9) and Thurs (11/10) episodes but they were just so damned dumb so I'll have some very random thoughts instead.

I thought Puffy's Priscilla Presley Harper Valley PTA hair was the worst. I was wrong. The stick-straight, center part did her ZERO favors. Dare I say she had a tiny hint of something on her face when interacting with Wyatt. If nothing else, we know Wyatt was better in bed than Waffles. 

Maya/Rick being all sanctimonious about Zende/Sasha - as if they have any room to talk. 

Katie, in her ridiculous get-up, which was not flattering (and normally HT looks fab) and fawning over Eric...and he was fawning back??? WTF! Do not go there, TPTB. You have a beautiful thing with Queric. Don't eff it up. Speaking of Lemonheads, is there any real purpose for her on the show anymore? Because honestly, if she was never on my screen again, I could not care less.

Zende/Nicole - I am so over these two. Not that I was ever under them (TM Friends' Ross). I just hope Sasha doesn't wind up pregnant. She deserves better than to be tied to Zende (and you just know he'll treat their child about as well as Julius did Sasha, especially with Nicole and Maya standing by). 

I see Pam's crazy came out in full force (as if anyone thought she was "cured" of her batshitcraziness). I have no use for this character or Charlie for that matter. 

I am rooting for Quinn to rock it at the fashion show.

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So, I misunderstood yesterday after seeing just the last 10 minutes and didn't actually understand what a jewelry pass is. I agree that it's kind of a fun idea. 

I despise Nicole and she sure as fuck can't act, but I'm glad she's not forgiving Zende right away and she's right to call him weak. He should not have boinked Sasha and I'm mad at Sasha, too, for not valuing herself more.

I hope this show is not going to pair Eric and Katie. Why the hell can't they hire some new people? Why can't they hire some real writers, for goodness sake? I'm sick of this musical chairs with various family members. It's disgusting and I am no prude.

Pam and Charlie can go. She's useless and a nutcase and he's a clown. I wouldn't trust him to guard the NYT after it's been delivered to my front porch.

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